The Book of Boba Fett (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

I'm collecting on behalf
of the Tuskens of the Dune Sea.

The Kintan Striders
have already collected protection money

for the same territory you lay claim to.

Under Master Bib's watchful eye,

Mos Espa
was divided amongst three families.

He relied on the uneasy alliances
to preserve his tribute and title.

With apologies, sir...

No one respects you.

The streets have turned to chaos.

There is no work, Mighty Daimyo.

Then you will work for me.

You better fight as good as you talk dank.

Here is your prisoner.

I offer him back if you renounce
all claims to Jabba's legacy on Tatooine.

Release him.

Take it from an ex-bounty hunter,

don't work for scugholes.

It's not worth it.

Not today, old girl.

Still too many guards.

Let's get something to eat.

Here you go.


Aren't you a little old to be here?

She needs modification.

No walk-ins. Appointment only.

This woman is about to die.

You should've started with that.

It's done.

Aren't you gonna close her up?

And cover all that beautiful machinery?


What happened?

You were dying of a gut shot.

I saved your life.

What did you do to me?

I brought you to a mod-parlor
on the outskirts of Mos Eisley.

It was the best I could do
under the circumstances.

Take the black melon.

It will help you recover.

It takes some getting used to.

With time you start to crave it.

You are Master Assassin Fennec Shand
of the Mid Rim.

I take it I'm worth more alive, huh?

You are.

I'll pay double my bounty.

I don't want money.

Who are you?

I am Boba Fett.

Boba is dead.

I was...

left for dead on the sands of Tatooine.

Like you.

I was rescued by the Sand People.

They took me in,
treated me as one of their own.

I tried to help them.

Instead I got them massacred
by Nikto speed bikers.

Speed bikers defeated Tuskens?

That's highly unlikely.

I want you to help me.

Help me recover my Firespray gunship.

Where is it?

Jabba the Hutt's palace.

Bib Fortuna took over his territory.

And now he rules from that palace.

If the ship is yours,
why don't you just ask for it back?

Because I might not like the answer.

Without my armor, I'm less persuasive.

If I help you...

my debt is paid.

If that is what you wish.

Your ship's there all right.

Any idea how many guards?

I can't tell.

The gate opens, some come out, some go in.

Let's take a closer look.

It's time.

It's time to say farewell, my friend.

You served me well.

Yes, I know.

I know I'm gonna miss you, too, old girl.

Now go.

Find other banthas. Make baby banthas.


You're free to roam the Dune Sea.

Shouldn't you wait until we get
your ship back before you do that?


Either I get it or I die.

Soon you'll be free, too.

What's next for you?

I'm gonna find my armor.

Then I'm gonna kill that bloated pig
who double crossed me.

Take his throne.

You wanna head a Gotra?

Why not?

You're a hunter.

I'm tired of working for idiots
who are gonna get me killed.

The Tuskens took me in.

Made me part of their tribe.

I was ready to leave hunting behind.

People like us don't get to decide
when we're finished.


There she is.

There are too many guards.

Then we time their patrol and go in quiet.


What was that?

I don't know. More rats?

Go find it.

I will contact the rat catcher.

I don't think it was a rat.

Call secur...

No one sounded the alarm.

Let's get to the hangar.

We'll slip past the guards.



I'll watch the door.

Where'd you go?


Got ya.

Do you know who I am?

I am Boba Fett.

Quick little bugger.

Can we go now?

Let's go.

Good work.

Not bad yourself.

Let's go.


You go.

I'll handle them.

Make sure that thing can still fly.

Let's get out of here.

Damn it.

What the hell are you doing?

We need to get the gate open
but I can't see a thing!

I'm a little busy here!

Guns are jammed. I can't get a shot.

I've got it. Close the ramp.

I hope you know what you're doing.

Next time, we stick to the plan.

Next time?

How's the ship?

She's in good shape.

Just a little rusty.

There are good mechanics in Mos Eisley.

I'll do the maintenance myself.

There's an advantage
to people thinking you're dead.

Now your debt is paid.

Where would you like to be dropped?

Where are you headed?

I have a few scores to settle.

I'll go for the ride.


Hang on.

The Sarlacc Pit.

That's where I was trapped
all those years ago.

That's where I'll find my armor.

In there?

It's dissolved.

Not beskar.

Damn it. I can't see a thing.

Be careful.

Shoot it!

Come on.

Fire in the hole.

Next time don't touch my buttons.


All junk.

You're burning. It's not safe in there.


My armor's not down there.

It served its purpose.

It saved you from the acid.

What you need to find is a bacta tank.



Are you serious
about forming your own house?

How many times have you been hired
to do a job that was avoidable?

If they only took the time to think.

How much money could have been made?

How many lives could have been saved?

Then you and I would be out of work.

I'm tired of our kind dying
because of the idiocy of others.

We're smarter than them.

It's time we took our shot.



If I'm gonna start a house,
I need brains and muscle.

You have both.

It's tempting.

But I'm an independent contractor.

I'll do jobs for you.
But I value my freedom.

I can offer you something
no client ever has.

What's that?


I will cut you in on the success

and pledge my life to protect yours.

Living with the Tuskens has made you soft.


It's made me strong.

You can only get so far without a tribe.


Congratulations, Master Fett.

You are completely healed.

What about the scars on the inside?

Those take longer.

Anything from the Mayor's Majordomo?

Is he cooperating?

Oh, he's singing like a Yuzzum.

But still, no sign of the Mayor.

- My armor, quickly.
- Relax.

The Mods are combing the streets
of Mos Espa.

If he's here, they will find him.

I should still show my face in town.

You sure that's a good idea?

War could break out any day.

Power hates a vacuum.

I think you've made your point.

I remember your years in the Pit.

I've never seen a more impressive display
of martial prowess, and you were a legend.

And the name Krrsantan
drew crowds by the thousands.

Your knuckle dusters
are more feared than blasters.

You've met every challenge.

You've won every trophy.

Is it not beneath you to dismember
this unfortunate Trandoshan?

Thousands once cheered such a display.

But those days have passed.

In this more civilized place
in these more civilized times,

what was once celebrated
in the bloodlust of the arena

is now seen as horror and cruelty.

There, there. Isn't that better?

And you've nothing left to prove.

You are a champion.

You are above such pettiness.

Now, you have run up
quite a bar tab, Santo.

So, what say you release this customer

and let these fine folks
get back to their fun and in return,

I will wipe your debt off the books?

It was worth a shot.

Hit it, Max.

Hey, mate.

Looks like you could use a job.

Jabba the Hutt
once sat upon that throne.

His reign ended in a ball of fire
on the Dune Sea

and then Bib Fortuna took his place.

You were all once captains under the Hutt.

But you quickly left the family
when Fortuna claimed to be the heir.

He was a terrible leader
with no right to the throne.

Oh, you each tried to take his place,

but were thwarted by his guile
and treachery.

It took this man, Boba Fett,
to remove him.

You all accrued wealth and riches
under Jabba the Hutt.

You can again, if you listen to Boba Fett.

I may sit on that throne.

But I have no designs
on any of your territories.

I ask for no tribute or quarter,
and I expect to give none either.

I'm here to make a proposal
that's mutually beneficial.

As I'm sure you all know,

the Pyke Syndicate
are mustering troops in Mos Espa.

They have slowly absorbed our planet
as part of their spice trade.

They have bribed the Mayor

and are draining Tatooine of its wealth.

We make many credits
from the sale of spice in our territories.

And why do you deserve to be the Daimyo?

What prevents us all from killing you
and taking what we want?

Easy, boy.


Think he's a little hungry.

Please. Sit.

Why speak of conflict
when cooperation can make us all rich?

Master Garfalaquox asks
what it is that you are proposing.

I am proposing
that all the families of Mos Espa

join in a defensive alliance
until the Pyke Syndicate is vanquished.

They have only challenged your territory.

Why should we spill the blood of our ranks

for a feud waged between you
and the Pykes?


Then I will fight these battles alone.

I will vanquish these interlopers
who threaten our planet.

I will make the streets safe again.

So all in this room can prosper.

All I ask in return
is that you remain neutral

if the Pyke Syndicate approaches you
to betray me.

This will be acceptable.

Master Garfalaquox
finds this acceptable as well.

I abide.

Do you trust them?

I trust them to work
in their own self-interest.

My deal is a lot better than
what the Syndicate would offer.

They may be stubborn,
but they are not foolish enough

to see that the Pykes would eventually
take over the whole planet.

Either way, we must prepare for war.

How much treasure do we have in reserve?

I have plenty of credits.

What I'm short on is muscle.

Credits can buy muscle,
if you know where to look.