The Big C (2010–2013): Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot - full transcript

Cathy doesn't want to be the one who is always responsible and in control, especially now that she has been diagnosed with a terminal case of melanoma. That's why she kicked Paul out of the house as she literally wants to be the one in their twosome who is seen as the person who freely spills wine on the sofa without caring, instead of that person always being Paul. That's why she's decided that she wants a pool built in their postage stamp sized yard, so that she can teach Adam how to do the banana split dive like she did when she was his age. That's why she feels that she can give Adam a taste of his own medicine by treating him as thoughtlessly as he seems to treats her, all in an effort to make a point. That's why she feels that she can be blunt instead of being politically correct to her student Andrea about the combination of her wisecracking and her weight. That's why she decides that she doesn't need to be cordial anymore to their crotchety neighbor, whose name she doesn't even know after living next to her for five years. And that's why she tries to reach out to Sean despite Sean abhorring everything about what he sees as Cathy's chosen bourgeois lifestyle. Regardless of these changes, Cathy isn't yet ready to tell anyone, let alone her family - Paul, Adam or Sean - that she is dying.

You want me to put a pool
in this yard?

Yes. Please.

Unless you're planning
on taking out

the fence over there
and asking the neighbors

to go in halfsies with you,
it's not going to fit.

I'm sorry.
I know it's small.

And you got this beautiful
shade tree right here.

You're gonna want to keep that.
I don't care about that.

Let me tell you
what you should do.

Let me bump out the deck,
all right?

And we'll put in a nice,
sunken hot tub, you know?

And maybe even we do a little,
uh, barbecue pit right here.

I think it'll be real nice.

It'll be an outdoor
living room.

Okay. That's fine.

Just do that.

How fast can you finish it?

Well, it's the first day
of summer,

so it's our busy season.
I'll pay extra.

Well, I still have
three jobs ahead of you.

I'll pay double.

I will have a crew out here
in the morning.

- Happy first day of summer.
- And to you.

So we'll do a hot tub.

♪ Everybody's cooler
with a pool ♪

♪ be cool with cool pools ♪

Is that your new lover?

Is that why I'm sleeping
on my sister's couch?

I'm going to bump out the deck
and put in a hot tub.

I thought we were saving
for new closet systems.

Catherine, I don't know
who you are anymore.

Why are you here?

I came to get the heating pad
you use for your cramps.

Feel that.
That's a big knot.

Yeah. Could you just rub it
for me for one second?

Just one?

Oh, God, that feels so good.

Oh, get in there.

Oh, honey, can we please
fix this?

I miss you so much.

And I'm so sorry
about what happened.

I'm sorry, Paul.
I have to go.

I have an appointment
with a dermatologist.

Can we just have dinner
or something?

Can we at the very least
figure out

what we're gonna tell
Adam tomorrow?

'Cause right now my story
is "adam, your mom's a meanie!"

Okay. Dinner.

We didn't have a lot of money
growing up,

but we did have a pool
in our backyard.

My brother and I,

we would spend all summer
in it making up dives.

My signature
was the banana split and dive.

Sounds fun.

Except when Sean
would hold me under the water

and fart on my face.

Oh, hello, breast.

How long
has that been happening?

Didn't even notice.

Well, screw you.

Anyway, in regards
to your question,

I don't think I want
to do that.

I... just... I've always
really loved my hair.

I cry every time I get it cut.

You won't necessarily lose
your hair.

My nose is another story.

If you told me
I was going to lose my nose...

What's that?

Some information
on alternative treatments

for melanoma.

Well, crap.
Thought it was a cure.

- How's your husband feel?
- I haven't told him yet.


I'm just kind of
a private person.

Except around you.

I can't seem
to shut up around you.

Here. These are some tips
on how to talk to loved ones.

A lot of people find it
very difficult.

- Are you married?
- No.

But I think I'd want to know.

I was going to tell him.

And then when I got home,

there were 15 men in my house
playing video games.

Paul was drunk
and peeing in the front yard.

I found myself saying

"I think I need to be alone
for a while."

Um, some support groups
you might be interested in.

I just got this image
of when you do get married.

You and your bride
standing at the altar

passing brochures back
and forth.

Tell someone, Cathy.

The first day of summer
in Minneapolis.

Don't make it our last.

'Scuse me, you guys got a minute
to help save the planet?

No? All right, when you get
that plastic home,

put it over your daughter's head
and suffocate her with it

'cause you're destroying
her future!

Did you go to business school

to learn to appeal
to people like that?

Uh, no. I went to shut
the fuck up technical institute.

I'll bet you were first
in your class.

- No, but I slept with her.
- Lovely. Get in the car.

Come back and pick me up
on a bike.

I've got something to tell you.

Go tell it on a mountain.

Get in the damn car, Sean!

Least you could do
is buy a hybrid.

Least you could do
is take a shower.

Excuse me, sir,
I'll take that for you.

Oh, okay.
Thank you.

- Gross.
- I know you are.

I would've bought you a meal.

We throw away a ton of food
in this country

every single day.

And not a figurative ton.
An actual ton.

Besides, I wouldn't want
to take food

out of the mouths of all those
tapeworms you're feeding.

Never comment
on a woman's meal.

So what did you want
to tell me?

You're an asshole.

I don't want this.

It's just some money
just to tuck away.

I do not want it.

Have we met?

You don't have to spend it.

Just in case you want
to get an apartment.

I feel like I'm on a train
in Europe,

and you're a little German man,
and I'm me,

and we're sitting
across from each other,

and we're talking

but neither of us really
understands the other one.

I understand that you love
shocking people

and you think living like this
is a good idea right now.

But just do me a favor
and take it.

Okay. I'll give it
to the salvation army.

No, you will not.

You will not give it
to the salvation army.

No. Stop it.

Oh, relax.
She's my sister.

You want me to have it as long
as I do what you want me to do.

I want you to spend it
on yourself.

I want you to be happy.

No, you want to be happy

and you think this'll do it
for you.

This isn't about me.
I'm freaking ecstatic.

I wish you knew
what that felt like.

What does that mean?
You don't think I'm happy?

No, no. I don't want
to be a judge,

'cause that's your thing.

But eight out of the ten times
I saw you last year

all you could talk about

was whether you're gonna buy
a couch from crate and barrel

or pottery farm.

- Barn.
- Like I care.

One was cheaper, but the other
one had a nicer fabric.

And ultimately you decided
to stick with the one

you already had
'cause it was a safe neutral

with a few good years
still left in it.

God, am I glad you worked
through that!

That doesn't mean
I'm not happy.

Oh, good. Then you are just
really fucking boring.

I wanted a new couch
because you spilled fruit punch

while you were bouncing
on the cushions.

Not bouncing.

I am craving the pasta.

But I love their chicken.

So I was thinking maybe you get
the pasta,

I get the chicken, we split.

- What 45-year-old man
dances on a couch sober?

Who said I was sober?

Now I have to reverse
the cushions.

I have to hide the stain.

I used to lie awake
at night upset

because even though
you couldn't see the stains

I knew they were there.

Well, that's why I told you
to go ahead

and pick out a new couch.

I don't want to be the one
to pick out the new couch.

I want to be the one
to spill the fruit punch.

But you're not the "spilling
the fruit punch" type.

Do you think I'm boring?

Just please tell me
what I have to do

to get back in the house.

You do.
You think I'm boring.

I do not.

Look, it's just the way that our
personalities break down.

I like to do certain things
that some people

might categorize as fun,

and you like to other things
that people might consider less

than an optimal good time.

Like what?

Like organize stuff,
and... and clean stuff,

and put things in containers.

I wanted to be the fun one.

I wanted the house
with the pool,

so I could teach Adam
the banana split and dive.

But you wanted to be closer
to your job

so you could Vespa to work.

And you said
it was a better idea

because so many people die
in pools.

People die everywhere.

I said it was a better idea
because you threw a tantrum

in front of the realtor.

I made my point
in an emotional way, sure.

You made your point
in a childish way.

Well, maybe I wouldn't act
like such a kid

if you didn't ask me
if I needed to pee

every time we leave the house.

So maybe I wouldn't treat you
like such a child

if every time I made you
a sandwich,

you didn't ask me to cut
the crusts off the bread.

Oh, sue me, I love
a crustless sandwich.

Well, I love onions.

I haven't had an onion
in 15 years

because you say
they're stinky poo-poo.

They are!

Come on, Cathy,
are you honestly telling me

that I'm sleeping
on my sister's couch

because you want to start
cooking with onions again?

Yes, Paul.
That's it.

I want onions
to be a major part of my life

in the next year.

Are you ready to order?

I'm just having desserts
and liquor.

- Your money or your life!
- Oh, my God!

- Get on the ground!
- Please don't hurt me!

- Hands behind your head!
- Don't hurt me! I have a child!

Hey, mom.
Did you miss me?

That's not funny!

It's kind of funny
from this side.

Why are you home?

Brent's parents just drove
really fast.

Some vacation.
They fought the entire time.

Where's dad?

He's... he's staying
at aunt Lisa's.


Sometimes adults just need
a little breathing space.

- Jesus. What did you do?
- What does that mean?

Don't say "Jesus."

Are you gonna get a divorce?

Honey, everything's
gonna be fine.

We're... we're building a deck
onto the house

with a hot tub
so you and your frie...

- I don't like hot tubs.
- You don't?

No. You said they're
like sitting

in a giant petri dish,

everybody's germs
crawling up in your butt hole.

Pretty sure I didn't say
butt hole.

You're tired. Go to bed.

No, Brian,
you're not understanding.

- I-I-I want... I want a pool.
Not a hot tub. A pool.

Okay, Brian,
let me call you back.

Dig a hole as deep and as wide
as you possibly can.

Cut down the shade tree.

Dig right up to the house

so that I can dive
into the pool from my porch.

Now, I'll pay you overtime.

But if you don't want the job,
I'll get somebody else.

It's no skin off my nose.
I have no loyalty to you.

We just met.

Hey, lady, if that's
what you want,

I will get a digger
out here this afternoon.


Get your digger out here.

Bigger your digger, the better.

Bring it back.

I'm sorry. I'm Cathy.

It's weird, I've lived
across the street from you

for five years.
I never got your name.

I apologize for that.

You know, there... there's
a dog park pretty close to here.

My son could...

Well, guess who's not going
to swim in my pool.

Are you gonna teach us
anything today?

Have I ever
taught you anything?


This is summer school,
so I guess the answer's obvious.

Anybody ever seen the patriot?

Its depiction
of the American revolution

is about 20% accurate at best.

But if you understood
this version as truth,

you'd still know more
about that time in history

than 99% of Americans.

And Mel Gibson is medium good.

You're late again, Andrea.

Yeah, but I figured
since you usually spend

the first ten minutes
of every class

trying to get to your point,

I didn't miss a whole lot.

"Class chapter one.
Oop. Sorry, chapter two.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry."

Come get your test.

You can't be fat and mean,

- What?
- You heard me.

If you're gonna dish it out,

you got to be able
to lick it up.

Fat people are jolly
for a reason.

Fat repels people,
but joy attracts them.

Now, I know everyone's laughing
at your cruel jokes,

but nobody's inviting you
to the prom.

So you can either be
fat and jolly

or a skinny bitch.

It's up to you.

Sit down.

We're watching a movie.

Starving my face off.

Help me cut.

I am making chili.
Your favorite.

- Not with onions in it.
- You've never even tried them.

We had sushi on vacation.
It was awesome.

I am a warrior.
This is my weapon.

I will teach you many things.

Hey! Careful with that.

Oh. Jeez!
I cut my finger off!

Oh. Here.

- I just, like, cut it off.
- Hold this very tight.

- Okay.
- Very tight.

Get into the car.
We will go to the hospital.


Ah. Aha!

Nah! Mm.


- That wasn't funny!
- Let's take a vote.

I'll discuss your punishment
with your dad.

Let me know how that goes.

Did you not flush the toilet?

It won't flush.

Well, did you try
and plunge it?

You plunge it.
I'm gonna go eat at Brent's.

- What's the problem?
- This your house?

No, I live
in the next town over.

I just like to walk around
in my robe.

Well, tighten your belt
'cause your boob's handing out.

You don't have permits
for this job.

I'm not bothering anyone.

One of your neighbors

Which one?

Oh, God. I am so sorry.

You can't just walk
into my house.

You have no idea what I can do.

- You're a pain in the ass.
- You're a fucking cunt.

Get out!

You have never said
hello to me.

You have never smiled
even a little bit.

And you sit out there
and you scowl

at everybody that walks by
your rundown house

that looks like shit

and smells like chicken
that you fried 23 years ago.

Then I do one small
construction project

and you have to go
behind my back.

And I really...
I wanted to teach my son

the banana split and dive,

because I don't have a lot
of time.

Summers in Minneapolis,
they are very short.

They are here
and then it's over.

It's just over.

And I cannot tell you
how mad that makes me.

I'm so sorry.

My husband built this house!

And he loved puttering around
in the yard.

I accused him
of loving that lawn

more than me once.

- Hmm. Let me guess...
- He died.

And all my friends are dead.

So I just sit out there and wait
until I can see them again.

Sorry I'm not in a better mood.

Well, if you think
you're going to be waiting

at least one more day,
do your neighbors a favor

and mow your fucking grass.

Please kiss my big onion mouth.


'Cause they're stinky,
aren't they?

They're stinky.

From now on,
it's all about you.

However long it takes...
forever... you.

Make our day. Leave a message.

Hi, Cathy, it's Dr. Miller.

Todd. Um, I'm just calling
to check in, see how you are.

I've been thinking
about you...A lot.

Anyway, call me.

Who's that?

I've been meaning to...

Talk to you about something.

Are you fucking kidding me?

So this is why you need
your space?

This is what you mean by fun?

A little doctor fun
on the side?

Well, you are not boring
anymore, Catherine.

I'll give you that.

How could you do this to me?

Well, eventually,
you're gonna have to tell him.

Maybe you can tell him for me.

I mean, after all,
you have more practice

giving out this kind of news.

Does it get easier?
Do you like it?

Does it give you a bit
of a God complex?

You're my first.


- Well, I-I-I mean I've been
in on other diagnoses

with other doctors,
you know, in my training.

- How old are you?
- 31.

Oh, holy shit. Shows you
how good my insurance is.

I get the new guy.

So as your first, how was I?

Well, the first thing
you said was "it's okay."

I think you were more worried
about me.

It's a bad habit of mine.

It takes 28 days
to break a habit, right?

I have that.

So how was I?

- Very professional
and matter-of-fact,

but detailed.

You dumbed it down enough
to be clear,

but not insulting.

And underneath it all,
you seemed sad.

And I appreciated that.

But after you left the room,

I heard you joking
with the nurse

about putting the donuts
too close to the urine sample

and is that what you were
supposed to wash it down with.

- You heard that?
- Made me doubt your sincerity.

Thin walls.
I'll remember that.

You'll remember more than that.

- You think?
- Of course.

You always remember your first.

- Are you smoking?
- Did you just do a cartwheel?

I want you to think
of every one of these you smoke

as taking six months
off of your life.

You know what,
I'd rather be skinny

and die young
than be fat forever.

What can I say?
Fat camp didn't work for me.

Yeah, well, there have
got to be other options.

The blood sugar diet.
The protein diet.

The starvation diet.

The pretending
I just don't care strategy.

You know what,
you would be mean too.

- You just need motivation.
- Oh, I'm healed!

Thanks, Mrs. jamison.
I should've come to you sooner.

I'll pay you 100 bucks
for every pound you lose.

Here. Here's a good faith...


We meet in the gym every Friday
at 2:00 for weigh-ins.

If you smell like a cigarette,
the deal is off.

This skinny bitch
will see you on Friday then.

My name's Marlene.
My dog's name is Thomas.

He doesn't like walking
'cause he's got a thing

on his toe,
but thanks for the offer.

Nice to meet you, Marlene.

Can I borrow your lawnmower?
Mine's dead.

Add it to the list.

Sure. I'll have my son
bring it over.


If you were ready to go,

did you ever think
about just going?

Think about it all the time,
but I just keep waking up.

You call me any time
day or night.

It doesn't matter.
You understand?

Call me when we're together.
Call me right now.

Call me right now.

It's a phone too.
I know.

I love you, buddy.



Oh, my God.

- Why aren't you laughing?
- No! No way! No way! You suck!

Some day,
I am going to be dead.

And as a courtesy to the world,

I don't want
to leave them the guy

who doesn't know how to get
his shit to flush.

And let me be clear,

your dad isn't living here
because I only wanted

to raise one kid
and I chose you.

And from now on,
I'm going to raise you so hard,

your head's gonna spin.

Come on.

Get off me.
What are you doing?

Sorry. It's not sushi.

The instructions
are in the name.


Where'd you get that?

- Dad gave it to me.
- I don't think so.

Mom. Give me my phone back.

Mom. Mom, come on.
Open the door.

This isn't cool.
Seriously. Come on.

Let me out.

This isn't cool!

Mom, this is...
this is not funny.

Seriously, let me out
right now.

Mom, come on.
Come on, seriously.

This isn't funny!

I brought you some chili.

- I want for nothing.
- It's leftovers.

I was gonna throw it away.

Take a picture.
It lasts longer.

You wearing a robe?

I never noticed
what a handsome guy you are.

No wonder my friend holly
had such a crush on you

in high school.

She'd come over to hang out.

I'd catch her in your room
staring at your clothes.

I never knew that.

It grossed me out
to think of you two together

so I told her you were gay.

Oh, well.

I guess she thinks she lost
her virginity to a gay guy then.

- No way.
- Way.

Oh, I'm gonna burn my couch
in the backyard on Friday

if you want to come over
for a bonfire.

Starting to get
your weird back, sis.

You have no idea.

♪ Mercy, mercy ♪

♪ I'll take you there ♪

And I could do chemo,

but I'd just be buying
a little more time

and it would mean
a lot of people

taking care of me

and it's just not my thing.

You know what makes me feel
better though,

if I'm being honest?

It makes me feel better

to think that we're all dying.

All of us.

And when you have a kid,

you expect that you'll die
before they do.

I mean, even though you try
not to think about it,

at least you hope to God
you do.

So if I think about it
that way...


I'm living the dream!

I'm here all year!

Performing at stage four.

Oh, come on. Come on.

You got to give it up for me
a little bit.

It's kind of funny.
Death comedy.

Ha ha.

I'm warning you
that this laughter

might turn into a sob
in a second.

Yeah. There it goes.

As long as I'm being raw
and vulnerable here,

I might as well tell you

that I'm feeling very much
in love with you right now.

It could just be gratitude.

You want to see my boobs?

No one else seems
to give a shit.

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ this little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ this little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪