The Americans (2013–2018): Season 5, Episode 6 - Crossbreed - full transcript
Phillip and Elizabeth are stunned by Gabriel with a sudden announcement and a crushing revelation about Philip's past; Stan and Aderholt lure a suspect into their web; Oleg and Ruslan lead their first target into an ambush.
Previously on
The Americans...
We need to talk
in private-- soon.
She's working for us.
You remember
three years ago,
when that KGB officer
was killed?
I shot him.
If the CIA uses the tape
I made to blackmail Burov,
I will go public.
So, I have
interview tomorrow.
That's great.
If she gets a job
teaching Russian at the CIA...
There's a chance
we could get
every officer
they're training
for Moscow.
His mother defected,
he got himself arrested,
and now he's come here to see
a father he's never met.
You don't trust Philip.
He already has
entries in his file
that don't look good.
He's his son.
I want see Father.
It would put him
in terrible danger.
You cannot see him.
But then, what was Morozov doing
at that greenhouse?
They're using strains of wheat
from all over the world,
and no one knows more
about Soviet wheat than Morozov.
And Stobert just wants to end
world hunger--
like Miss America.
So, the laboratory worker--
how's Philip taking it?
He'll be fine.
How's he taking it,
The same as me--
it's upsetting.
For me, too.
Well, if they've come up with
some kind of super wheat,
think what getting our hands
on it could mean to us.
No more shortages.
No more buying grain
from the West.
We could make it right.
In that greenhouse,
everything was dying
right in the middle.
There was
this strong, healthy wheat.
That's good.
We'll start there.
Why don't we get photographs
of the greenhouse?
Make sure
nothing has changed.
I'll get it
taken care of.
You two stay
with Stobert and Kemp.
I'm sorry
you're spread so thin.
it's part of the job,
I know.
But now...
Is something wrong
with me?
It's a long career.
And there is nothing wrong
with you-- ever.
This one will be easy.
Are you all right?
Oh, yes.
I'm just tired.
And old.
How's the harder math
You'll be running
the travel agency soon.
We'll be working
for you.
I'm not really interested in
the travel-agency business, Dad.
He's not interested
in the travel business.
I guess
he has bigger plans.
Like what?
I don't know.
Who knows?
Nothing wrong with
running your own business.
Gabriel asked me
how you took the news
about the guy
in the lab.
What'd you tell him?
I said you're fine.
Are you fine?
Are you?
I think about it.
They know you.
They're gonna need
to know--
I'll do my job.
I've always done it.
I know.
We can still do some good
with this.
He gave me something else
for when I get back from Topeka.
Should be short.
Some files
from a psychiatrist.
My father used to
bring home all this stuff.
We didn't have anything.
And now
we have everything.
It's so strange
I know.
Sorry to bother you,
Ms. Kovalenko.
We're with the Federal Bureau
of Investigation.
Which one's yours?
In the blue jacket.
That's a cute kid.
Thank you.
Might be a lot of opportunities
for him in America one day.
It's something we can talk
about, if you're interested.
Talking to you
is not safe.
You're not being watched.
You know it for sure?
We checked.
But you're right.
There are risks.
There are real, long-term things
we can offer you.
And your son, too.
It's very difficult.
I understand.
Why don't you think
about it?
This is a private line.
You can call anytime.
You're softer today.
What am I normally--
No, I just...
I felt
something different.
We're getting to know
each other.
I wouldn't go that far.
I feel like
there's a whole other you
I don't know at all.
I'm in fashion.
I'm not that deep.
I don't buy that
for a minute.
No, really,
I'm, like, barely thinking
about anything
right now.
Really? I am.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Because even though you're
in bed with a naked woman,
I bet you there is some part
of your brain
that's just thinking
about your super wheat,
or whatever it is.
Stick out your tongue.
Come on.
Ah, just what I thought.
Just what I thought.
Red tip.
Indicates heart heat.
You can
put that thing away now.
What are you talking about?
It's Chinese medicine.
It's thousands of years old.
I learned about it
in Nepal.
Red tongue tip
means emotional turmoil--
heart heat.
Blocks the, uh...
blocks the chi.
What do you do to relax?
Uh... not much,
as you can tell.
It's Tai Chi.
Come on.
Then I would have to
get out of bed.
Follow my movements.
You're doing great.
He's home.
They met him
at the airport.
They're going to give him
his old job back.
He'll be fine.
The look on his face
when he left.
Philip gets that look sometimes,
when he's troubled.
Is Philip troubled now?
Well, I don't think
he's particularly happy.
Has he ever been?
I've never lied to them
He's lied to you.
You did the right thing.
So, there are guards inside,
and we don't know
what kind
of countersurveillance
the CIA might have
on the building.
So, we go again
Friday this week,
Monday, Wednesday,
Friday next.
- No Thursdays, right?
- Right.
She doesn't work Thursdays
or weekends.
The important times for us
are when she goes to work
and when she leaves.
Anytime you get a picture
of her with someone,
we might be getting
one of her students.
If you pass by
and miss the shot,
don't circle back.
And don't shoot
out of a back window.
It is not worth
the risk.
this is Nancy Norton.
She's a Mary Kay
beauty consultant.
I see where your daughter
gets such beautiful skin.
Look at her, Mom.
She's 62.
Mary Kay cosmetics
and good genes
are the key
to my vibrant skin.
I like to say Mary Kay
can't change your genes--
not that you gals need any help
in that department--
but our rich, creamy foundation
will seal in moisture
and keep your skin
silky, smooth, and sassy.
I'm sorry, but now
is not such a good time.
Well, here's a sample
of a skin-care product
I've been using
for almost 15 years.
"Day Radiance."
If you take care
of your skin, dear,
your skin will
take care of you.
- Thank you, but like I said--
- I understand.
I could come back
another time
and host an in-home
beauty demonstration
for you
and some of your friends.
You get to keep
a ton of samples,
and the makeover is free.
I'm sorry, but no.
No problem.
Of course.
Call me
if you change your mind.
You want this?
Oh, no, thanks.
You weren't that nice
to her.
Well, we weren't
gonna buy anything.
Being nice would just be
a waste of her time.
Yeah, I-I guess so.
They're passing by this Friday,
and then they'll skip
the next one.
They'll do two Fridays
out of every three.
All right.
What else?
We'll see if Tuan can find out
whether her hours vary,
whether she brings her own lunch
or goes out.
that all sounds good.
I can't tell you
how thrilled the Centre is.
on the greenhouse?
Yes. We should have something
within the week.
All right.
Hold on.
I have to talk to you.
I'm going home.
Did something happen?
It's just time.
if-- if it's me--
I-I know
I've been hard to deal with.
No, it's not you.
I'm just ready to go home.
You don't need me anymore.
You have each other.
But, Philip,
as long as you're here,
the Centre is going to continue
to be concerned about you.
Once they start worrying
about somebody, they never stop.
And now, the lab.
And, to be honest,
I'm worried.
You've seen too much.
You've done too much.
I'll miss you terribly.
Please sign in.
So, what brings you here, Ms. Sinclair?
Well, a friend of mine--
had seen a psychiatrist
a couple of years ago,
and she was
having some... problems.
Issues, I-I guess
is what you say.
And she said it helped.
I'm... not really sure
what I'm supposed to say.
Whatever you feel like.
Well, a few months ago,
I... got mugged.
I was in a parking lot
at night,
and there were
these two men.
They were homeless,
one had a knife.
And... they took my purse,
I thought
they were going to--
But then someone came along,
and they ran away.
That's very frightening.
Yes, I'm very lucky,
and I know that.
I-I have been taking
these... karate classes.
Do you think
that's stupid?
Not at all.
I guess I just...
want to feel...
like I did before.
Like nothing happened.
Something big happened.
You went through
a trauma.
I don't know.
A lot of people think
that when something bad happens,
the best thing to do is just
keep going, keep it to yourself.
That doesn't work
so well.
Hi, Elizabeth.
How was your appointment?
He's, uh, got file cabinets
in his office with basic locks.
What'd you talk about?
This and that.
He ask you
about your dreams?
I thought that's what they like
to talk about.
Not this one.
I can't believe
he's leaving.
Do you know something about this
that I don't?
Like what?
He seems tired.
But I feel like there's
something he's not telling us.
I mean, if he were sick,
he would tell us, wouldn't he?
I guess so.
I've been thinking more
There... were these men
in Tobolsk
who didn't like us--
me or my brother.
I don't know.
Every time we saw them,
they'd just...
stare at us.
They were lowlifes.
They spent time in prison,
I think.
but we didn't do anything
to them.
The kids
who used to beat you up--
were they their children?
I don't know.
Maybe some of them.
I don't know.
It shouldn't bother me.
I barely remember it.
You should talk
to Gabriel.
If you want to know anything
about... your past.
Who knows what's in
our personnel files.
He would've read it all.
This may be your last chance
to talk to him.
When my mom said "stuffed
peppers," I was like, "Yuck!"
But then I found out it was
basically a cheeseburger inside.
Well, I'm glad
you brought them over.
Well, they were just sitting
in the fridge, so...
Yeah, no, I mean,
I'm glad you came over, Henry.
You haven't been around
that much lately.
Yeah, I've been working
my butt off at school.
Oh, yeah, I heard you got,
bumped up to an honors class
or something.
Yeah. My parents
still can't even believe it.
When the school called,
they were like, "Oh, wow.
Henry screwed up again.
What else is new?"
You were always a brainiac,
Just, nobody could tell
'cause you never did any work.
Hey, you know,
Paige hasn't been around
that much lately, either.
You have any idea what's
going on with her and Matthew?
No, I don't really talk to her
about that kind of stuff.
You still have
that hot science teacher?
Yeah, but I moved on
from her.
Another teacher?
That's never gonna work out,
No, some girl
in my class-- Chris.
She's really cool.
Your parents know
about her?
Nothing to know.
When are you leaving?
A week, at most.
Are you ill?
So, you're not keeping anything
from me?
It's time for me to go.
My father--
I want to ask you.
My mother...
never really talked about him,
but I'm having
these memories.
He was quiet-- very.
My mother didn't talk
about him...
She said they...
met at a movie at...
a workers' club.
They knew each other a month
before they got married.
And she said
he was a logger.
And that's all I know.
He used to
bring things home.
Was he a logger?
He worked
at a logging camp.
Was he a logger?
He was a guard.
- A guard?
- Yes.
What kind of camp
was it?
A penal camp.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't think
it was my place to tell you.
Did he ever kill anyone?
People who were
trying to escape?
I have no idea.
You saw his file.
I never saw records
like that.
Some guards were cruel.
Some were kind.
I didn't know your father.
Who'd he work for?
So that's why
you came for me.
We were always on the lookout
for talented people,
and you were talented.
The fact that you came
from a trustworthy family,
that was good.
Those were different times,
It's hard to explain.
Who knows
what your father did.
He had his job.
A lot of things happened.
You think
it was his fault?
He was nobody.
We were all nobodies.
It's been over
for a long time.
You busy?
Not really.
They assign you that
for social studies?
Pastor Tim gave it
to me.
So, what do you think?
I actually agree
with a lot of what he says.
You do?
Except he doesn't like
religion so much.
He says it's a drug
that keeps people in chains.
What do you think
about that?
I'm not sure.
But I know
that nothing in my life
made me feel as good
as getting baptized.
Did you ever read it?
when I was growing up.
What he writes about
the capitalist class structure
being a kind of slavery
and how revolution is necessary
to create and achieve
a workers' state
so that no one
is exploited...
I mean...
my whole country
came out of those ideas.
What's it like there?
Is everybody equal?
We have our problems.
But everybody
is in it together.
You haven't been there
in a long time.
That's what your dad says.
You should probably
keep this book on your shelf
with other books
of similar topics.
That way, anyone who's looking
won't pay any attention to it.
I could get you a few
that would fit.
Don't stay up too late.
I won't.
What's going on?
I spoke to Gabriel
about my father.
What'd he say?
He was a guard--
at a prison camp.
You know anything
about the camps?
I know they existed.
I'm not sure
why my mother didn't tell me.
Maybe she didn't like
what he did.
I didn't know anything.
My own parents--
I didn't know anything
about them at all.
♪ sat in the corner
of the Garden Grill ♪
♪ with the plastic flowers
on the windowsill ♪
♪ no more miracles,
loaves, and fishes ♪
♪ been so busy
with the washing of the dishes ♪
♪ reaction level's
much too high ♪
♪ I can do without the stimuli ♪
♪ I'm living way beyond
my ways and means ♪
♪ living in the zone
of the in-betweens ♪
♪ I can see the flashes
on the frozen ocean ♪
♪ static charge
of the cold emotion ♪
♪ watched on
by the distant eyes ♪
♪ watched on
by the silent, hidden spies ♪
♪ but still
the warmth flows through me ♪
♪ and I sense you know me well ♪
♪ no luck, no golden chances ♪
♪ but still
the warmth flows through me ♪
♪ and I sense you know me well ♪
♪ no luck, no golden chances ♪
♪ no mitigating circumstances
now ♪
♪ it's only common sense ♪
♪ there are no accidents
around here ♪
♪ I am willing ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ I'm ready ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ I believe ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ over me-e-e-e-e-e ♪
♪ over me-e-e-e ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ over me-e-e-e ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
The Americans...
We need to talk
in private-- soon.
She's working for us.
You remember
three years ago,
when that KGB officer
was killed?
I shot him.
If the CIA uses the tape
I made to blackmail Burov,
I will go public.
So, I have
interview tomorrow.
That's great.
If she gets a job
teaching Russian at the CIA...
There's a chance
we could get
every officer
they're training
for Moscow.
His mother defected,
he got himself arrested,
and now he's come here to see
a father he's never met.
You don't trust Philip.
He already has
entries in his file
that don't look good.
He's his son.
I want see Father.
It would put him
in terrible danger.
You cannot see him.
But then, what was Morozov doing
at that greenhouse?
They're using strains of wheat
from all over the world,
and no one knows more
about Soviet wheat than Morozov.
And Stobert just wants to end
world hunger--
like Miss America.
So, the laboratory worker--
how's Philip taking it?
He'll be fine.
How's he taking it,
The same as me--
it's upsetting.
For me, too.
Well, if they've come up with
some kind of super wheat,
think what getting our hands
on it could mean to us.
No more shortages.
No more buying grain
from the West.
We could make it right.
In that greenhouse,
everything was dying
right in the middle.
There was
this strong, healthy wheat.
That's good.
We'll start there.
Why don't we get photographs
of the greenhouse?
Make sure
nothing has changed.
I'll get it
taken care of.
You two stay
with Stobert and Kemp.
I'm sorry
you're spread so thin.
it's part of the job,
I know.
But now...
Is something wrong
with me?
It's a long career.
And there is nothing wrong
with you-- ever.
This one will be easy.
Are you all right?
Oh, yes.
I'm just tired.
And old.
How's the harder math
You'll be running
the travel agency soon.
We'll be working
for you.
I'm not really interested in
the travel-agency business, Dad.
He's not interested
in the travel business.
I guess
he has bigger plans.
Like what?
I don't know.
Who knows?
Nothing wrong with
running your own business.
Gabriel asked me
how you took the news
about the guy
in the lab.
What'd you tell him?
I said you're fine.
Are you fine?
Are you?
I think about it.
They know you.
They're gonna need
to know--
I'll do my job.
I've always done it.
I know.
We can still do some good
with this.
He gave me something else
for when I get back from Topeka.
Should be short.
Some files
from a psychiatrist.
My father used to
bring home all this stuff.
We didn't have anything.
And now
we have everything.
It's so strange
I know.
Sorry to bother you,
Ms. Kovalenko.
We're with the Federal Bureau
of Investigation.
Which one's yours?
In the blue jacket.
That's a cute kid.
Thank you.
Might be a lot of opportunities
for him in America one day.
It's something we can talk
about, if you're interested.
Talking to you
is not safe.
You're not being watched.
You know it for sure?
We checked.
But you're right.
There are risks.
There are real, long-term things
we can offer you.
And your son, too.
It's very difficult.
I understand.
Why don't you think
about it?
This is a private line.
You can call anytime.
You're softer today.
What am I normally--
No, I just...
I felt
something different.
We're getting to know
each other.
I wouldn't go that far.
I feel like
there's a whole other you
I don't know at all.
I'm in fashion.
I'm not that deep.
I don't buy that
for a minute.
No, really,
I'm, like, barely thinking
about anything
right now.
Really? I am.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Because even though you're
in bed with a naked woman,
I bet you there is some part
of your brain
that's just thinking
about your super wheat,
or whatever it is.
Stick out your tongue.
Come on.
Ah, just what I thought.
Just what I thought.
Red tip.
Indicates heart heat.
You can
put that thing away now.
What are you talking about?
It's Chinese medicine.
It's thousands of years old.
I learned about it
in Nepal.
Red tongue tip
means emotional turmoil--
heart heat.
Blocks the, uh...
blocks the chi.
What do you do to relax?
Uh... not much,
as you can tell.
It's Tai Chi.
Come on.
Then I would have to
get out of bed.
Follow my movements.
You're doing great.
He's home.
They met him
at the airport.
They're going to give him
his old job back.
He'll be fine.
The look on his face
when he left.
Philip gets that look sometimes,
when he's troubled.
Is Philip troubled now?
Well, I don't think
he's particularly happy.
Has he ever been?
I've never lied to them
He's lied to you.
You did the right thing.
So, there are guards inside,
and we don't know
what kind
of countersurveillance
the CIA might have
on the building.
So, we go again
Friday this week,
Monday, Wednesday,
Friday next.
- No Thursdays, right?
- Right.
She doesn't work Thursdays
or weekends.
The important times for us
are when she goes to work
and when she leaves.
Anytime you get a picture
of her with someone,
we might be getting
one of her students.
If you pass by
and miss the shot,
don't circle back.
And don't shoot
out of a back window.
It is not worth
the risk.
this is Nancy Norton.
She's a Mary Kay
beauty consultant.
I see where your daughter
gets such beautiful skin.
Look at her, Mom.
She's 62.
Mary Kay cosmetics
and good genes
are the key
to my vibrant skin.
I like to say Mary Kay
can't change your genes--
not that you gals need any help
in that department--
but our rich, creamy foundation
will seal in moisture
and keep your skin
silky, smooth, and sassy.
I'm sorry, but now
is not such a good time.
Well, here's a sample
of a skin-care product
I've been using
for almost 15 years.
"Day Radiance."
If you take care
of your skin, dear,
your skin will
take care of you.
- Thank you, but like I said--
- I understand.
I could come back
another time
and host an in-home
beauty demonstration
for you
and some of your friends.
You get to keep
a ton of samples,
and the makeover is free.
I'm sorry, but no.
No problem.
Of course.
Call me
if you change your mind.
You want this?
Oh, no, thanks.
You weren't that nice
to her.
Well, we weren't
gonna buy anything.
Being nice would just be
a waste of her time.
Yeah, I-I guess so.
They're passing by this Friday,
and then they'll skip
the next one.
They'll do two Fridays
out of every three.
All right.
What else?
We'll see if Tuan can find out
whether her hours vary,
whether she brings her own lunch
or goes out.
that all sounds good.
I can't tell you
how thrilled the Centre is.
on the greenhouse?
Yes. We should have something
within the week.
All right.
Hold on.
I have to talk to you.
I'm going home.
Did something happen?
It's just time.
if-- if it's me--
I-I know
I've been hard to deal with.
No, it's not you.
I'm just ready to go home.
You don't need me anymore.
You have each other.
But, Philip,
as long as you're here,
the Centre is going to continue
to be concerned about you.
Once they start worrying
about somebody, they never stop.
And now, the lab.
And, to be honest,
I'm worried.
You've seen too much.
You've done too much.
I'll miss you terribly.
Please sign in.
So, what brings you here, Ms. Sinclair?
Well, a friend of mine--
had seen a psychiatrist
a couple of years ago,
and she was
having some... problems.
Issues, I-I guess
is what you say.
And she said it helped.
I'm... not really sure
what I'm supposed to say.
Whatever you feel like.
Well, a few months ago,
I... got mugged.
I was in a parking lot
at night,
and there were
these two men.
They were homeless,
one had a knife.
And... they took my purse,
I thought
they were going to--
But then someone came along,
and they ran away.
That's very frightening.
Yes, I'm very lucky,
and I know that.
I-I have been taking
these... karate classes.
Do you think
that's stupid?
Not at all.
I guess I just...
want to feel...
like I did before.
Like nothing happened.
Something big happened.
You went through
a trauma.
I don't know.
A lot of people think
that when something bad happens,
the best thing to do is just
keep going, keep it to yourself.
That doesn't work
so well.
Hi, Elizabeth.
How was your appointment?
He's, uh, got file cabinets
in his office with basic locks.
What'd you talk about?
This and that.
He ask you
about your dreams?
I thought that's what they like
to talk about.
Not this one.
I can't believe
he's leaving.
Do you know something about this
that I don't?
Like what?
He seems tired.
But I feel like there's
something he's not telling us.
I mean, if he were sick,
he would tell us, wouldn't he?
I guess so.
I've been thinking more
There... were these men
in Tobolsk
who didn't like us--
me or my brother.
I don't know.
Every time we saw them,
they'd just...
stare at us.
They were lowlifes.
They spent time in prison,
I think.
but we didn't do anything
to them.
The kids
who used to beat you up--
were they their children?
I don't know.
Maybe some of them.
I don't know.
It shouldn't bother me.
I barely remember it.
You should talk
to Gabriel.
If you want to know anything
about... your past.
Who knows what's in
our personnel files.
He would've read it all.
This may be your last chance
to talk to him.
When my mom said "stuffed
peppers," I was like, "Yuck!"
But then I found out it was
basically a cheeseburger inside.
Well, I'm glad
you brought them over.
Well, they were just sitting
in the fridge, so...
Yeah, no, I mean,
I'm glad you came over, Henry.
You haven't been around
that much lately.
Yeah, I've been working
my butt off at school.
Oh, yeah, I heard you got,
bumped up to an honors class
or something.
Yeah. My parents
still can't even believe it.
When the school called,
they were like, "Oh, wow.
Henry screwed up again.
What else is new?"
You were always a brainiac,
Just, nobody could tell
'cause you never did any work.
Hey, you know,
Paige hasn't been around
that much lately, either.
You have any idea what's
going on with her and Matthew?
No, I don't really talk to her
about that kind of stuff.
You still have
that hot science teacher?
Yeah, but I moved on
from her.
Another teacher?
That's never gonna work out,
No, some girl
in my class-- Chris.
She's really cool.
Your parents know
about her?
Nothing to know.
When are you leaving?
A week, at most.
Are you ill?
So, you're not keeping anything
from me?
It's time for me to go.
My father--
I want to ask you.
My mother...
never really talked about him,
but I'm having
these memories.
He was quiet-- very.
My mother didn't talk
about him...
She said they...
met at a movie at...
a workers' club.
They knew each other a month
before they got married.
And she said
he was a logger.
And that's all I know.
He used to
bring things home.
Was he a logger?
He worked
at a logging camp.
Was he a logger?
He was a guard.
- A guard?
- Yes.
What kind of camp
was it?
A penal camp.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't think
it was my place to tell you.
Did he ever kill anyone?
People who were
trying to escape?
I have no idea.
You saw his file.
I never saw records
like that.
Some guards were cruel.
Some were kind.
I didn't know your father.
Who'd he work for?
So that's why
you came for me.
We were always on the lookout
for talented people,
and you were talented.
The fact that you came
from a trustworthy family,
that was good.
Those were different times,
It's hard to explain.
Who knows
what your father did.
He had his job.
A lot of things happened.
You think
it was his fault?
He was nobody.
We were all nobodies.
It's been over
for a long time.
You busy?
Not really.
They assign you that
for social studies?
Pastor Tim gave it
to me.
So, what do you think?
I actually agree
with a lot of what he says.
You do?
Except he doesn't like
religion so much.
He says it's a drug
that keeps people in chains.
What do you think
about that?
I'm not sure.
But I know
that nothing in my life
made me feel as good
as getting baptized.
Did you ever read it?
when I was growing up.
What he writes about
the capitalist class structure
being a kind of slavery
and how revolution is necessary
to create and achieve
a workers' state
so that no one
is exploited...
I mean...
my whole country
came out of those ideas.
What's it like there?
Is everybody equal?
We have our problems.
But everybody
is in it together.
You haven't been there
in a long time.
That's what your dad says.
You should probably
keep this book on your shelf
with other books
of similar topics.
That way, anyone who's looking
won't pay any attention to it.
I could get you a few
that would fit.
Don't stay up too late.
I won't.
What's going on?
I spoke to Gabriel
about my father.
What'd he say?
He was a guard--
at a prison camp.
You know anything
about the camps?
I know they existed.
I'm not sure
why my mother didn't tell me.
Maybe she didn't like
what he did.
I didn't know anything.
My own parents--
I didn't know anything
about them at all.
♪ sat in the corner
of the Garden Grill ♪
♪ with the plastic flowers
on the windowsill ♪
♪ no more miracles,
loaves, and fishes ♪
♪ been so busy
with the washing of the dishes ♪
♪ reaction level's
much too high ♪
♪ I can do without the stimuli ♪
♪ I'm living way beyond
my ways and means ♪
♪ living in the zone
of the in-betweens ♪
♪ I can see the flashes
on the frozen ocean ♪
♪ static charge
of the cold emotion ♪
♪ watched on
by the distant eyes ♪
♪ watched on
by the silent, hidden spies ♪
♪ but still
the warmth flows through me ♪
♪ and I sense you know me well ♪
♪ no luck, no golden chances ♪
♪ but still
the warmth flows through me ♪
♪ and I sense you know me well ♪
♪ no luck, no golden chances ♪
♪ no mitigating circumstances
now ♪
♪ it's only common sense ♪
♪ there are no accidents
around here ♪
♪ I am willing ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ I'm ready ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ yeah ♪
♪ I believe ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ over me-e-e-e-e-e ♪
♪ over me-e-e-e ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ over me-e-e-e ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪
♪ lay your hands on me ♪