The Americans (2013–2018): Season 5, Episode 5 - Lotus 1-2-3 - full transcript
Philip and Elizabeth receive surprising news about Henry -- and shattering news about a past operation. Stan might be falling in love, but Philip wonders if something darker is going on.
All new Wednesdays at 10:00.
Starts April 19 on FX.
FX presents The Americans.
Previously on "The Americans"...
That's my son.
Our son.
You missed the meeting.
Stay away from me.
The CIA is planning
on squeezing Burov in Moscow
with the tape I made.
You remember three years ago
when that KGB officer
was killed?
I shot him.
If the CIA uses the tape
I made to blackmail Burov,
I will go public.
Half our grain comes
from America and its allies.
If they're doing
something to it,
people will starve.
The lab has a contract
with a-a company
called Agricorp.
This is Benjamin Stobert
from the Rolodex.
We also think Deirdre Kemp
is a good bet.
You like him?
I have to sit there
with him while
he makes his jokes.
The guy's laughing
while he's trying to starve
an entire country.
This is the worst Va hospital,
I have ever seen.
You people have
to get computerized.
I work for the government.
We're like "the Flintstones."
There's a program
called lotus 1-2-3.
It would save you a lot of time.
M-maybe I could pitch that
to my boss,
if I knew what
I was talking about.
I can show you how it works.
So, 10 minutes prep,
and you pop it
in the oven for 35 minutes.
That's all?
That's all.
You know, I used to make
my own tomato sauce,
but now with
my schedule so crazy,
I just buy it out of a jar.
I not think pasha
will like eggplant so much.
Oh, don't tell him what it is.
I can't tell him nothing.
But I hear what you said.
I give him "space."
Now, he have too much space.
Me at home all day...
I go crazy.
I need job.
So, I have interview tomorrow.
Department of agriculture.
Alexei tell them about me.
That's great.
What's the job?
Uh, Russian language instructor
for specialists, uh,
who study agriculture
in Soviet union.
You are perfect for that.
Oh, I don't know.
My English not so good.
No, you are.
You're perfect for that.
You good?
Do you want to hear
about lotus 1-2-3?
I can show you some printouts.
Walked out of the supermarket,
left a half-full
shopping cart.
We got a couple more
we'll pitch this week.
All right.
Good job, guys.
Keep going.
"Good job"?
I told you...
It's gonna be hit-and-miss.
We'll see if you get a bite.
Well, none of these guys
look hungry.
You haven't worked outside
the Rezidentura before.
It's a different game trying
to get sideways into the KGB.
All right, let's say after
a couple of months of this
we get lucky
and one of these guys,
some trade rep,
is willing to work with us.
What are the odds that
he will give us anything
that makes it worth
all the trouble?
I don't know.
It's not
a high-percentage game.
This is what we do.
But we approach them,
their people have them so
terrified, the odds are...
Even if we just scare 'em,
we still win.
They report our approach,
like they're supposed to,
the KGB goes crazy,
they send people home,
they investigate forever...
Weakness of their system.
If nothing else, we keep
the KGB busy and irritated.
Well, we're certainly
busy and irritated.
That's a good joke.
He's polite and attentive...
Even if,
like most of the boys his age,
his mind wanders easily.
This semester, Henry has really
come into his own.
He's... he's prepared,
he's interested,
and he's demonstrated
a real aptitude
for challenging material.
I don't know how or why,
but something
has lit a fire under his butt.
That's... I mean...
Uh, great. Great.
Which is why I want
to move him into algebra 2.
Now, I know
it's a little unusual
in the middle
of the school year,
but we've got his attention now.
We don't want to lose it.
Unless you think
it's a bad idea.
Uh, no. That... yeah.
No no no, that... of course.
Yeah, that'd be...
I thought he spent all his time
playing games on the computer.
I know.
Henry... our Henry.
I'm good at math.
Evgheniya's applying for a job
as a language instructor
at the
department of agriculture.
Sounds like Alexei
put a word in for her.
If she gets a job teaching
Russian at the CIA...
There's a chance we could get
every officer they're training
for Moscow.
Perfect timing!
Me and the boys are gonna see
"romancing the stone."
Come with us.
Bring Paige...
We'll make it a party.
Uh, Paige can't come.
She already told me.
Well, you guys
are still invited.
We can grab a drink after.
Yeah, Matthew's staying
at Sandra's,
so we have to drop
him off after the movie.
You know,
I-i don't think so.
We... we've been
out all day.
Another time?
We'll hold you to that.
Uh, next weekend?
Next weekend
we're going fly fishing.
You fly fish?
I'm gonna teach him.
See ya.
Hi. Hey. Hey!
You hungry?
What say I order Chinese?
Sounds good to me.
So, your mother and I met
with Mr. Jeffries today.
He wants to move you
into algebra 2.
W... yeah.
We were pretty much bowled over.
We didn't know you were
so good at math.
Yeah, I like it.
Probably why you're
so good at it.
Anyway, we were
very pleasantly surprised.
You already said that.
No, I know.
I-i... I just mean...
It's not like I've seen
you doing a lot of studying.
I me...
I'm... I'm not saying...
I know what you're
not saying, dad.
Paige is the smart one,
she always works her ass off,
and she does everything right.
No. Henry...
It's okay. I get it.
And you had no idea
he was messing around?
I think it's easy not to see it.
You think she knew?
I don't know.
Yeah, probably.
You know, that was
the only time I ever...
Yeah, she probably knew
for a while.
I just kept lying to myself.
Well, I've been there.
Oh, you're so tight.
What is it?
Oh, j-just stuff from work
I can't really talk about.
Can't you just be...
I don't know... vague?
I guess I was
a little aggressive
about this thing with my boss.
I may have said
a little too much.
It'll work out.
Yeah, it will.
The house is dark and
the Jeep is still there.
They've been seeing
a lot of each other.
We've been giving the center
a lot of detailed reports
about Stan.
They know he's
recently divorced.
They know he's vulnerable.
They know he's a loner
that would go for her type.
You think we sent her?
I'm just saying...
That's crazy.
You think so?
Uh, this is Stacey McAllister.
I need to see doctor Walters.
Repeat that?
This is...
Stacey McAllister.
I need to see doctor Walters.
Call back tomorrow...
4:00 P.M.
Smells good.
Reserve judgment till after.
What are we having?
It's a... it's
a kind of meat soup.
Oh, that fatta.
It's Egyptian.
I, uh... I lived there
for a while.
Peace corps.
It's some... it's kind
of fancy peasant food.
Anything weird in it?
Are goat eyeballs weird?
No, it's just... uh, it's
garlic, white vinegar, rice.
Hmm. It's served on
special occasions...
Weddings, baby showers.
It's the main meal at
the eid Al-adha after fasting.
What do you think of the wine?
It's good. It's nice.
"Omar Khayyam."
Is that Egyptian?
I didn't know they made wine.
Well, not a lot anymore.
The climate's too hot.
There are still a few vineyards
along the Nile delta
near Alexandria.
See, back in the day when
the pharaohs ran the place,
the fancy people drank wine.
What'd the regular people drink?
Beer. Much cheaper.
You know, traces
of red wine were found
in king Tutankhamen's tomb,
if you can believe that.
I'm boring you?
You know a lot about
a lot of things.
I-I get interested, and I...
I don't know when to stop.
What about you?
Um... Okay.
I've never been to Egypt.
I don't know anything
about wine.
But I know what I like.
Hut, hut, hike!
Whoosh! Crowd goes wild.
You want to button hook this?
All right.
Hut, hut, hike!
Hut, hut, hike!
Button hook!
Pretty cool that Henry got moved
into an advanced math class.
Turns out he's
the brains in the family.
And I thought studying was
the key to success.
You and me both.
You know,
I had a crush on Matthew
when I first met him.
He had a lot of hair
and played guitar.
And now, he likes me back.
I think I was sort of hoping
that with all of the garbage
in my life that...
That he would make
me feel better.
Being with him only makes me
feel worse, though.
I don't know if it's because...
Matthew's not right for me or...
If I'm just...
I'm already so screwed up
Maybe I'm just...
I'm meant to be alone.
He used Irina's code?
For an emergency meeting
with Philip.
I've been tracking
every signal Philip gets
since Mischa disappeared.
So, he wants to see his father.
All right.
How did he get here?
I'm sure it wasn't
a walk in the park.
He's unstable.
Are we talking
about Mischa or Philip?
The boy.
He's already been in trouble for
speaking out against the war.
It's a complicated war, Claudia.
He fought in it.
He's not mentally ill.
His mother defected,
he got himself arrested,
and now he's come here to see
a father he's never met.
I doubt he's stable.
He's his son.
Who he's never seen.
He's too risky.
You don't trust Philip.
It's not about me.
He already has
entries in his file
that don't look good.
How do you think the people
at the center are going to feel
about a meeting between Philip
and his wayward son?
Shouldn't that be
Philip's decision to make?
And when he tells Philip
he was put in
a psychiatric institution
because he thinks the war
in Afghanistan is a joke...
What happens then?
You care about him.
We both do.
But he's...
Elizabeth on line three.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Is everything okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
Is... Everything okay
with you?
Y... yeah.
I miss you.
Me, too.
I've been, um... been having
these memories of my childhood.
Of... of what?
My father bringing home
food and clothing.
S-so good things?
I don't know.
Yeah, I guess.
Did he bring home other things?
I don't remember.
This es... is
Stacey McAllister.
There is an appointment
available tomorrow...
11:00 A.M.,
Bess Truman park.
Uh, say again?
11:00 A.M.,
Bess Truman park.
All right?
To old scars and new skin.
How long were you in for?
12 years. You?
Collateral damage?
Just me.
How 'bout you?
Stan's better with
the youngsters.
Well, Matthew's
been raised right.
Um, excuse me.
Can we have the check, please?
Um, wait...
O-one for the road?
Not for me... early
aerobics class tomorrow.
I forgot.
Um, I'll... I'll be right back.
Work's been...
He mentioned it.
He's a good guy.
He puts his whole heart
into everything.
Just can't win them all.
So, I shouldn't run for it?
Didn't think so.
As long as he doesn't root
against the kings,
he's in the clear.
All right.
Okay, see you tomorrow.
Thank you.
Good night, guys.
All right.
You want to get
something to eat?
No, thanks.
You want to go
to the mall or something?
Not really.
Are you tired of me?
We haven't been alone
in almost two weeks.
We've both been busy.
We live across the street
from each other, Paige.
Where is this coming from?
D-do you want
to break up with me?
I'm scared.
Of what?
I like you. A lot.
I've never had
a boyfriend before.
I don't know how to do that.
Yes, you do.
Hmm. Perfect.
I don't think
I've ever seen someone
make a s'more inside before.
But that's the whole reason
to have a fire place.
Oh, yeah. Voilà.
So, peace corps, Egypt,
cooking exotic foods,
science, sex...
Well, life's short.
What is it that you do, exactly?
Well, right now, I'm working
on saving the world.
Good luck with that.
You know, when I, uh...
When I was in the peace corps,
I traveled around
and saw children dying
because they didn't have
enough to eat
because half
their crops were lost
before they could be harvested.
But if there was a grain
that could resist
pests, drought, fungi,
the poorest people in the world
could feed themselves...
Even in third-world countries
or under
the worst dictatorships.
You see, famines cause wars.
You know, a single pest can
cause mass starvation.
You're a real idealist.
No, I'm...
I'm a realist.
We... we need
to develop crops
that can withstand
almost anything.
How are you gonna do that?
Well, we, uh... we take
the strongest wheat plants
from around the world,
we cross-breed them,
then we get the most
destructive pests we can find,
test the new plants,
and breed again.
And we're... we're making
a lot of progress,
and we're close to developing
the strongest strain of wheat
the world's ever known.
And you...
When you have it...
Well, I mean, I-i work for
a company, and they sell it.
But it would make food supplies
cheap and reliable
around the world everywhere...
In Africa, Asia,
places where people suffer
through cycles of famine.
I mean, it might
never happen again.
Old patterns between
parents and children
create barriers that keep us
from seeing what's really there.
And what is really there?
It's all around us.
But because we can't see it,
can't experience it,
it seems like
it must be very far away.
You can't experience the love
your parents have for you
or you for your children,
when old habits
and belief systems...
All the things
your mind is telling you
about who they are,
who you are...
Stand in the way.
I am not who
you were expecting, I know.
No Russian. Not here.
Do you speak English?
I will take you someplace
where we can talk.
You understand?
I want see father.
You come with me.
I will explain everything.
It's impossible.
It would put him
in terrible danger.
It is not safe for him.
But I come for him.
You understand?
I do.
It must be very hard,
but if you love him,
you must forget this.
You cannot see him.
Forget father?
Not here.
I will get you home.
You will be safe.
But you cannot see
your father here.
Maybe someday, but not here.
Where are they?
Paige is at a church thing.
At the food pantry?
Um, Henry's studying
at Chris' house.
Oh, a boy Chris or a girl Chris?
You got me.
We got it wrong.
Stobert isn't looking
to poison us or our food.
He wants to save people.
From what?
Pests, drought, whatever.
He wants to develop a wheat
that can grow anywhere.
He wants to feed the world.
So, the bugs in the lab
were there to test
the crops for resistance,
to make sure
they could survive anything.
He told you?
You believe him?
He wants to end hunger.
So, the guy in the lab,
the one we...
We didn't know.
I told Tuan, um...
Yeah, I got to get there.
Pasha says his mother
got the job.
When does she start?
Next week.
Will you guys be here
this weekend?
Pasha will come by.
It would be good for at least
one of you to be here.
Sorry, we can't.
You do very well by yourself.
I know, but it looks better.
You okay?
Yeah. I'm...
Yeah, I'm fine.
I mean, I've been better.
I'm fine.
Oh, hey.
Everybody's here.
I'm gonna head upstairs.
That guy in the lab...
That can't happen ever again.
We'll be more careful.
More careful?
This has been hard for me
for a long time.
You know that, right?
I do.
When we know this kind
of thing is coming up...
Maybe it can just be me.
No, no.
It's us, Elizabeth.
It's us.
The Americans.
All new Tuesdays at 10:00.
On FX.
Los Angeles, California, 1947.
It's going to rain...
So you're just...
Straight-up crazy.
All new Wednesdays at 10:00.
On FX.
I will have her respect.
If I have to kill
both of us to get it.
Just wait.
Bette and Joan.
All-new Sunday at 10:00 on FX.
- Hey, Donny?
- Donny, come in.
What the heck is that?
All new Wednesdays at 10:00.
Starts April 19 on FX.
FX presents The Americans.
Previously on "The Americans"...
That's my son.
Our son.
You missed the meeting.
Stay away from me.
The CIA is planning
on squeezing Burov in Moscow
with the tape I made.
You remember three years ago
when that KGB officer
was killed?
I shot him.
If the CIA uses the tape
I made to blackmail Burov,
I will go public.
Half our grain comes
from America and its allies.
If they're doing
something to it,
people will starve.
The lab has a contract
with a-a company
called Agricorp.
This is Benjamin Stobert
from the Rolodex.
We also think Deirdre Kemp
is a good bet.
You like him?
I have to sit there
with him while
he makes his jokes.
The guy's laughing
while he's trying to starve
an entire country.
This is the worst Va hospital,
I have ever seen.
You people have
to get computerized.
I work for the government.
We're like "the Flintstones."
There's a program
called lotus 1-2-3.
It would save you a lot of time.
M-maybe I could pitch that
to my boss,
if I knew what
I was talking about.
I can show you how it works.
So, 10 minutes prep,
and you pop it
in the oven for 35 minutes.
That's all?
That's all.
You know, I used to make
my own tomato sauce,
but now with
my schedule so crazy,
I just buy it out of a jar.
I not think pasha
will like eggplant so much.
Oh, don't tell him what it is.
I can't tell him nothing.
But I hear what you said.
I give him "space."
Now, he have too much space.
Me at home all day...
I go crazy.
I need job.
So, I have interview tomorrow.
Department of agriculture.
Alexei tell them about me.
That's great.
What's the job?
Uh, Russian language instructor
for specialists, uh,
who study agriculture
in Soviet union.
You are perfect for that.
Oh, I don't know.
My English not so good.
No, you are.
You're perfect for that.
You good?
Do you want to hear
about lotus 1-2-3?
I can show you some printouts.
Walked out of the supermarket,
left a half-full
shopping cart.
We got a couple more
we'll pitch this week.
All right.
Good job, guys.
Keep going.
"Good job"?
I told you...
It's gonna be hit-and-miss.
We'll see if you get a bite.
Well, none of these guys
look hungry.
You haven't worked outside
the Rezidentura before.
It's a different game trying
to get sideways into the KGB.
All right, let's say after
a couple of months of this
we get lucky
and one of these guys,
some trade rep,
is willing to work with us.
What are the odds that
he will give us anything
that makes it worth
all the trouble?
I don't know.
It's not
a high-percentage game.
This is what we do.
But we approach them,
their people have them so
terrified, the odds are...
Even if we just scare 'em,
we still win.
They report our approach,
like they're supposed to,
the KGB goes crazy,
they send people home,
they investigate forever...
Weakness of their system.
If nothing else, we keep
the KGB busy and irritated.
Well, we're certainly
busy and irritated.
That's a good joke.
He's polite and attentive...
Even if,
like most of the boys his age,
his mind wanders easily.
This semester, Henry has really
come into his own.
He's... he's prepared,
he's interested,
and he's demonstrated
a real aptitude
for challenging material.
I don't know how or why,
but something
has lit a fire under his butt.
That's... I mean...
Uh, great. Great.
Which is why I want
to move him into algebra 2.
Now, I know
it's a little unusual
in the middle
of the school year,
but we've got his attention now.
We don't want to lose it.
Unless you think
it's a bad idea.
Uh, no. That... yeah.
No no no, that... of course.
Yeah, that'd be...
I thought he spent all his time
playing games on the computer.
I know.
Henry... our Henry.
I'm good at math.
Evgheniya's applying for a job
as a language instructor
at the
department of agriculture.
Sounds like Alexei
put a word in for her.
If she gets a job teaching
Russian at the CIA...
There's a chance we could get
every officer they're training
for Moscow.
Perfect timing!
Me and the boys are gonna see
"romancing the stone."
Come with us.
Bring Paige...
We'll make it a party.
Uh, Paige can't come.
She already told me.
Well, you guys
are still invited.
We can grab a drink after.
Yeah, Matthew's staying
at Sandra's,
so we have to drop
him off after the movie.
You know,
I-i don't think so.
We... we've been
out all day.
Another time?
We'll hold you to that.
Uh, next weekend?
Next weekend
we're going fly fishing.
You fly fish?
I'm gonna teach him.
See ya.
Hi. Hey. Hey!
You hungry?
What say I order Chinese?
Sounds good to me.
So, your mother and I met
with Mr. Jeffries today.
He wants to move you
into algebra 2.
W... yeah.
We were pretty much bowled over.
We didn't know you were
so good at math.
Yeah, I like it.
Probably why you're
so good at it.
Anyway, we were
very pleasantly surprised.
You already said that.
No, I know.
I-i... I just mean...
It's not like I've seen
you doing a lot of studying.
I me...
I'm... I'm not saying...
I know what you're
not saying, dad.
Paige is the smart one,
she always works her ass off,
and she does everything right.
No. Henry...
It's okay. I get it.
And you had no idea
he was messing around?
I think it's easy not to see it.
You think she knew?
I don't know.
Yeah, probably.
You know, that was
the only time I ever...
Yeah, she probably knew
for a while.
I just kept lying to myself.
Well, I've been there.
Oh, you're so tight.
What is it?
Oh, j-just stuff from work
I can't really talk about.
Can't you just be...
I don't know... vague?
I guess I was
a little aggressive
about this thing with my boss.
I may have said
a little too much.
It'll work out.
Yeah, it will.
The house is dark and
the Jeep is still there.
They've been seeing
a lot of each other.
We've been giving the center
a lot of detailed reports
about Stan.
They know he's
recently divorced.
They know he's vulnerable.
They know he's a loner
that would go for her type.
You think we sent her?
I'm just saying...
That's crazy.
You think so?
Uh, this is Stacey McAllister.
I need to see doctor Walters.
Repeat that?
This is...
Stacey McAllister.
I need to see doctor Walters.
Call back tomorrow...
4:00 P.M.
Smells good.
Reserve judgment till after.
What are we having?
It's a... it's
a kind of meat soup.
Oh, that fatta.
It's Egyptian.
I, uh... I lived there
for a while.
Peace corps.
It's some... it's kind
of fancy peasant food.
Anything weird in it?
Are goat eyeballs weird?
No, it's just... uh, it's
garlic, white vinegar, rice.
Hmm. It's served on
special occasions...
Weddings, baby showers.
It's the main meal at
the eid Al-adha after fasting.
What do you think of the wine?
It's good. It's nice.
"Omar Khayyam."
Is that Egyptian?
I didn't know they made wine.
Well, not a lot anymore.
The climate's too hot.
There are still a few vineyards
along the Nile delta
near Alexandria.
See, back in the day when
the pharaohs ran the place,
the fancy people drank wine.
What'd the regular people drink?
Beer. Much cheaper.
You know, traces
of red wine were found
in king Tutankhamen's tomb,
if you can believe that.
I'm boring you?
You know a lot about
a lot of things.
I-I get interested, and I...
I don't know when to stop.
What about you?
Um... Okay.
I've never been to Egypt.
I don't know anything
about wine.
But I know what I like.
Hut, hut, hike!
Whoosh! Crowd goes wild.
You want to button hook this?
All right.
Hut, hut, hike!
Hut, hut, hike!
Button hook!
Pretty cool that Henry got moved
into an advanced math class.
Turns out he's
the brains in the family.
And I thought studying was
the key to success.
You and me both.
You know,
I had a crush on Matthew
when I first met him.
He had a lot of hair
and played guitar.
And now, he likes me back.
I think I was sort of hoping
that with all of the garbage
in my life that...
That he would make
me feel better.
Being with him only makes me
feel worse, though.
I don't know if it's because...
Matthew's not right for me or...
If I'm just...
I'm already so screwed up
Maybe I'm just...
I'm meant to be alone.
He used Irina's code?
For an emergency meeting
with Philip.
I've been tracking
every signal Philip gets
since Mischa disappeared.
So, he wants to see his father.
All right.
How did he get here?
I'm sure it wasn't
a walk in the park.
He's unstable.
Are we talking
about Mischa or Philip?
The boy.
He's already been in trouble for
speaking out against the war.
It's a complicated war, Claudia.
He fought in it.
He's not mentally ill.
His mother defected,
he got himself arrested,
and now he's come here to see
a father he's never met.
I doubt he's stable.
He's his son.
Who he's never seen.
He's too risky.
You don't trust Philip.
It's not about me.
He already has
entries in his file
that don't look good.
How do you think the people
at the center are going to feel
about a meeting between Philip
and his wayward son?
Shouldn't that be
Philip's decision to make?
And when he tells Philip
he was put in
a psychiatric institution
because he thinks the war
in Afghanistan is a joke...
What happens then?
You care about him.
We both do.
But he's...
Elizabeth on line three.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Is everything okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
Is... Everything okay
with you?
Y... yeah.
I miss you.
Me, too.
I've been, um... been having
these memories of my childhood.
Of... of what?
My father bringing home
food and clothing.
S-so good things?
I don't know.
Yeah, I guess.
Did he bring home other things?
I don't remember.
This es... is
Stacey McAllister.
There is an appointment
available tomorrow...
11:00 A.M.,
Bess Truman park.
Uh, say again?
11:00 A.M.,
Bess Truman park.
All right?
To old scars and new skin.
How long were you in for?
12 years. You?
Collateral damage?
Just me.
How 'bout you?
Stan's better with
the youngsters.
Well, Matthew's
been raised right.
Um, excuse me.
Can we have the check, please?
Um, wait...
O-one for the road?
Not for me... early
aerobics class tomorrow.
I forgot.
Um, I'll... I'll be right back.
Work's been...
He mentioned it.
He's a good guy.
He puts his whole heart
into everything.
Just can't win them all.
So, I shouldn't run for it?
Didn't think so.
As long as he doesn't root
against the kings,
he's in the clear.
All right.
Okay, see you tomorrow.
Thank you.
Good night, guys.
All right.
You want to get
something to eat?
No, thanks.
You want to go
to the mall or something?
Not really.
Are you tired of me?
We haven't been alone
in almost two weeks.
We've both been busy.
We live across the street
from each other, Paige.
Where is this coming from?
D-do you want
to break up with me?
I'm scared.
Of what?
I like you. A lot.
I've never had
a boyfriend before.
I don't know how to do that.
Yes, you do.
Hmm. Perfect.
I don't think
I've ever seen someone
make a s'more inside before.
But that's the whole reason
to have a fire place.
Oh, yeah. Voilà.
So, peace corps, Egypt,
cooking exotic foods,
science, sex...
Well, life's short.
What is it that you do, exactly?
Well, right now, I'm working
on saving the world.
Good luck with that.
You know, when I, uh...
When I was in the peace corps,
I traveled around
and saw children dying
because they didn't have
enough to eat
because half
their crops were lost
before they could be harvested.
But if there was a grain
that could resist
pests, drought, fungi,
the poorest people in the world
could feed themselves...
Even in third-world countries
or under
the worst dictatorships.
You see, famines cause wars.
You know, a single pest can
cause mass starvation.
You're a real idealist.
No, I'm...
I'm a realist.
We... we need
to develop crops
that can withstand
almost anything.
How are you gonna do that?
Well, we, uh... we take
the strongest wheat plants
from around the world,
we cross-breed them,
then we get the most
destructive pests we can find,
test the new plants,
and breed again.
And we're... we're making
a lot of progress,
and we're close to developing
the strongest strain of wheat
the world's ever known.
And you...
When you have it...
Well, I mean, I-i work for
a company, and they sell it.
But it would make food supplies
cheap and reliable
around the world everywhere...
In Africa, Asia,
places where people suffer
through cycles of famine.
I mean, it might
never happen again.
Old patterns between
parents and children
create barriers that keep us
from seeing what's really there.
And what is really there?
It's all around us.
But because we can't see it,
can't experience it,
it seems like
it must be very far away.
You can't experience the love
your parents have for you
or you for your children,
when old habits
and belief systems...
All the things
your mind is telling you
about who they are,
who you are...
Stand in the way.
I am not who
you were expecting, I know.
No Russian. Not here.
Do you speak English?
I will take you someplace
where we can talk.
You understand?
I want see father.
You come with me.
I will explain everything.
It's impossible.
It would put him
in terrible danger.
It is not safe for him.
But I come for him.
You understand?
I do.
It must be very hard,
but if you love him,
you must forget this.
You cannot see him.
Forget father?
Not here.
I will get you home.
You will be safe.
But you cannot see
your father here.
Maybe someday, but not here.
Where are they?
Paige is at a church thing.
At the food pantry?
Um, Henry's studying
at Chris' house.
Oh, a boy Chris or a girl Chris?
You got me.
We got it wrong.
Stobert isn't looking
to poison us or our food.
He wants to save people.
From what?
Pests, drought, whatever.
He wants to develop a wheat
that can grow anywhere.
He wants to feed the world.
So, the bugs in the lab
were there to test
the crops for resistance,
to make sure
they could survive anything.
He told you?
You believe him?
He wants to end hunger.
So, the guy in the lab,
the one we...
We didn't know.
I told Tuan, um...
Yeah, I got to get there.
Pasha says his mother
got the job.
When does she start?
Next week.
Will you guys be here
this weekend?
Pasha will come by.
It would be good for at least
one of you to be here.
Sorry, we can't.
You do very well by yourself.
I know, but it looks better.
You okay?
Yeah. I'm...
Yeah, I'm fine.
I mean, I've been better.
I'm fine.
Oh, hey.
Everybody's here.
I'm gonna head upstairs.
That guy in the lab...
That can't happen ever again.
We'll be more careful.
More careful?
This has been hard for me
for a long time.
You know that, right?
I do.
When we know this kind
of thing is coming up...
Maybe it can just be me.
No, no.
It's us, Elizabeth.
It's us.
The Americans.
All new Tuesdays at 10:00.
On FX.
Los Angeles, California, 1947.
It's going to rain...
So you're just...
Straight-up crazy.
All new Wednesdays at 10:00.
On FX.
I will have her respect.
If I have to kill
both of us to get it.
Just wait.
Bette and Joan.
All-new Sunday at 10:00 on FX.
- Hey, Donny?
- Donny, come in.
What the heck is that?