The Americans (2013–2018): Season 5, Episode 4 - What's the Matter with Kansas? - full transcript
Philip and Elizabeth have qualms about a new assignment, while a specter from Philip's past creates unforeseen dangers. At the FBI, Stan makes a shocking play that could throw his career into turmoil.
I'm gonna steal this picture
right out from under your nose,
and you know I can do it.
Are you threatening me?
Bette and Joan.
All-new, Sunday at 10:00 on FX.
FX presents the Americans.
Previously on "the Americans"...
You missed the meeting.
Please stay away from me.
The CIA is planning
on squeezing Burov in Moscow
with the tape I made.
It's not right.
A shipment of midges
was sent six weeks ago
to a business address
in Oklahoma.
What kind of bugs are these?
What do they do?
It's a wheat-eater.
Who do you work for?
The lab has a contract
with a-a company
called Agricorp.
What are they using them for?
W-we don't ask
those questions.
We just breed the bugs
they tell us.
You should have asked.
Please, I...
Stop, please!
How did they do?
Marilyn was fine.
Uh... Norm needed
a couple of deep breathes,
but they both did
what they had to do.
This is Benjamin Stobert
from the Rolodex.
We also think Deirdre Kemp
is a good bet.
She's Agricorp's vice president
of production and distribution.
They're both in Topeka,
and they're both single.
Is there any way they could
find someone else...
Going back and forth to
Topeka every week is just...
Well, maybe you don't go
at the same time, but y...
With the Morozovs
and pastor Tim and Paige,
Beeman, and Henry and Paige
going over there all the time...
I... it's a lot.
Is there something else
bothering you
that we should talk about?
Paige is taking a lot of time
right now, more than usual.
Of course.
I understand that.
We understand
how important this is.
Good. Then I know
you'll work it out.
You think we're gonna get fired?
It's not funny.
I know.
What was the name
of the tree guy who came
when the maple split?
Yeah, I'm gonna call him again.
That branch is gonna fall.
Did you talk to Henry?
Not yet.
He's in the bathroom.
There are no apple Jacks left.
So go to the store
and buy some apple Jacks.
But there was some.
Yeah, sorry.
You can have my toast.
So, do you know
why we got a message at work
that your math teacher
wants to talk to us?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
I don't know.
You think he just
called randomly?
I have no idea.
Don't be smart, Henry.
I... I'm not!
I don't know!
I've been doing well.
Some of the other kids
screw around, but I don't.
Maybe I laugh sometimes.
I'm calling him today.
You don't put enough jam
on this.
I would have finished that.
Then take it out of the trash
and finish it.
Here you are, sir.
Thank you.
Here you go.
And here you go.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Do you know
how to set the tension?
Tense, loose.
Loose. Thanks.
I, uh, usually ride
a... a regular bike,
but I'm in... I'm in
a town...
In town on business.
I'm sor...
Uh, are you a local?
- Yep.
- Okay, well I...
One... one... one more.
Um, ah, I'm gonna
be coming back a bunch,
and I-i know nothing
about, um, Topeka.
What... what should I do,
like, when I'm...
When I'm not working?
I spend time with my family.
Oh, you have kids?
No. My sister's family.
Nieces and nephews?
Yeah, I have, uh...
I have three nephews.
Love 'em to death,
but I'm always happy to leave.
But you must do something
besides see them.
I like my work.
What do you do?
Storage, materials handling,
and fixing inefficiencies.
Sounds like they can't
do anything without you.
They can't.
No wonder you have to exercise.
I'm Gus Alexander.
Deirdre Kemp.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Everything okay?
Did, uh... did you talk
to Henry's teacher?
The school secretary
said he wants us to come in.
Is he failing the class?
I have no idea.
All he ever does is
play computer games
and talk on the teleph...
Do you have any idea
who he's talking to?
How'd it go?
She has a real passion
for logistics.
What does that mean?
Is it promising?
Maybe, if I don't
die of boredom first.
That bad?
I go tomorrow.
Radanovic! Radanovic!
Oh! No! Oh!
Whoa! Wow!
What'd you do,
start an avalanche?
I guess so!
Thank you.
Do... do you know
what this stuff is?
It's carob.
No, no, I know,
but do you know
what it actually is?
Um, it's like a natural,
sweet chocolate-type thingy?
Is that the official term?
Well, in Latin,
it's called "thingus."
Try one.
No, I haven't paid.
Have you never been
in a health food store before?
Well, it's okay.
Try it.
Go on.
That actually is good.
I'm in from out of town,
and a friend told me
there was beautiful
hiking around here,
but that first I had
to make this... Gorp.
Well, where are you gonna hike?
I don't know.
I mean, I'm actually
leaving town tomorrow,
so I probably
don't even have time.
I'm coming back in a few days.
I have a work thing in the city.
Well, lucky for you,
you just ran into
the carob-gorp-eating-
hiking-expert of Topeka.
Yeah. Ben Stobert.
Brenda Neill.
It was all her.
Thank you.
To beer.
To beer.
In Soviet union,
we have woman on street.
You stand in line,
she pour a kvass into mug.
You drink, next person,
she pours,
uh, kvass into same mug,
they drink.
We all drink from same mug.
Actually, kvass is the only
thing I miss from Russia.
What... what is that?
Mm... Like Russian cola
made from bread.
I make some in my basement.
Tastes like piss.
I don't know what I do wrong.
How did you become a pilot?
I was, uh...
I was always into planes.
I used to have those
balsa-wood-rubber-band ones
when I was a kid.
And where we grew up,
there was a... an airfield.
It was small,
but there was a guy there
that let me work for him,
and, um, he taught me
how to fly props.
As kid?
I got my license when I was 16,
joined the air force
when I was 18.
In war?
Yeah, not fighters...
A-and then that's why,
uh, Tuan, right?
No, no, that was, um...
It was different.
We couldn't have kids.
He's a good boy.
So is pasha.
Him and his mother...
You think I did not
fly him around the world,
give him good clothes,
house, school, friends.
Teenagers are tough.
Evgheniya is not a teenager.
If... if I did not love my job,
I would shoot my brains out.
What is so great about your job?
They think I'm genius.
Everything they not know
about, uh, port, Russian,
Soviet port... about food,
everything to do with grain,
I know.
They can't believe
it take us months
to move what you guys move
in one day.
"This is who we fight?
You can't move wheat
from Odessa to Kharkiv."
And in Soviet union,
we have same great land,
same great climate,
but system is broke.
They still move food
by horse sometimes.
By the time it gets
to where it needs to be,
it's already rotten.
Scuttle bee discovers
a source of food.
He must communicate
the source's location
to the other bees
it does this through...
You didn't have to wait up.
Saved you some chicken.
I ate on the plane.
You okay?
Yeah, just tired.
I have a gift for you.
Guy sitting next to me
bought for me.
I made a big deal of telling him
I'd give it to my husband.
How's everything here?
Paige is babysitting
for Claire Louise
on Saturday night.
How was your guy?
I don't know.
Full of himself.
We're going hiking this weekend.
In the face?
Yeah. She still has
a little scar.
He said he didn't
see me before he swung,
but my brother
always was a sore loser.
- Renee played shortstop.
- Thing is, I was really close
to my brother and my dad.
I always sort of had to
be one of the guys.
I tried playing softball
but hated it.
Would have rather
played baseball,
but there wasn't
anything like that then.
So, you never played?
Nothing official,
just pick-up games
in our neighborhood.
Now I play in my company's
intramural league.
She won't let me
go to the games.
He gets too excited.
- Well, it's exciting.
- You do!
So... so,
where are you two from?
I had an uncle from Pittsburgh.
Oh, yeah?
What'd he do?
Scrap metal.
He had this big yard
out in Ross township.
I used to love visiting.
I'd climb all over the piles.
I found some
really good stuff, too...
Broken TVs, radios, hair dryers.
Any sign of him?
He's still getting his hair cut.
I was thinking...
About Burov.
In San Francisco, we had a guy.
Offered him a lot, but nothing.
We found out
he was having an affair.
He was a sensitive type,
couldn't handle his wife
finding out.
We just had to
drop that we knew.
That was enough. We had him.
Still gave him
everything we offered.
He ended up with
a boatload of cash.
And the family?
His family's still together.
He and his wife
are U.S. citizens with new names
and a split-level
in Tucson.
I think his son's a lawyer.
All's well that ends well.
We blackmailed
the shit out of him,
and everybody wound up happy.
Number's on the fridge.
We're around the corner,
so don't hesitate to call.
It's just dinner.
She'll wake around 9:00.
Give her a bottle, change her,
and then she'll
go back to sleep.
If she doesn't?
There she is!
Oh! I just
forgot one thing.
We really appreciate it, Paige.
Alice is a little nervous.
I get it.
So, you and your mom coming
to the food pantry Thursday?
She wouldn't miss it.
She likes us doing it together.
That's great.
She's really trying, Paige.
No, I mean it.
The... the things
I deal with with families...
I'm not saying
it's the same as yours.
No one's is the same as mine.
You'd be surprised
how many people feel that way.
This might help you
understand them a little bit.
I thought he hated religion.
Uh, h-he did.
But he was pretty great
on class and poverty.
Are these your notes?
It's from college.
"Labor is therefore
not voluntary but coerced."
It is therefore not
the satisfaction of a need.
"It is merely a means to satisfy
needs external to it."
All right, j...
Read the book.
All right.
We better go before
she changes her mind.
Hi, Deirdre.
It's Gus Alexander.
Uh, from the gym.
Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, I'm... I'm gonna be
in town for a few days.
Is there any chance, uh,
you'd be free for dinner?
Yeah. Oh, me too,
but you got to eat, right?
Oh. Oh, well, no.
I-I know all about a big...
A big presentation.
How about this... um,
I call you when I get in,
and I'll... I'll just,
um, hope for the best.
Okay, great. Yeah.
Okay. See you.
When I was a kid, we,
uh... we had a feeder out back,
and I... I'd just...
I'd just sit there and watch.
Hummingbirds, woodpeckers...
Woodpeckers are crazy.
Do you know where
they keep their tongues?
No. Where?
Their head?
Yeah, they have these really
long tongues to get the bugs.
That's why they're
banging their heads
against the trees all day...
To make holes for the tongue.
They have to store it
somewhere, right?
So it... it wraps around the top
of their head on the inside.
That's crazy.
I always imagine the moment
it comes out.
It must feel good, right?
I guess so!
Wait. Wait.
Too fast?
We... we can go slower.
I like you.
I like you, too.
Oh, you, uh...
You don't have
a boyfriend, do you?
No. No, I don't.
But I am a bad planner.
Um, I have work tonight.
I'll be back next week.
Can I see you then?
Let me think about it.
Yes, please.
Agent Beeman.
Sorry, I only have
a few minutes.
Uh, that's all I need.
You remember three years ago
when that KGB officer
was killed...
Vladimir Kosygin?
He was kidnapped
by a group of FBI agents
and then shot in cold blood.
For now, it doesn't really
matter who took Kosygin or why.
I shot him.
In the back of the head.
You killed him?
And... What?
You want to be
arrested, prosecuted?
What happens next,
that's up to you.
But if the CIA uses the tape
I made to blackmail Burov,
I will go public and confess.
The U.S. government
killing innocent people,
splashed across
the world's newspapers.
I swore an oath to uphold
the constitution, agent Beeman.
Unlike you, I haven't
forgotten what that means.
I'm guessing you'll keep quiet
like the rest of us.
And you will find
a way to make sure
the CIA leaves Oleg Burov alone.
How was school?
Hey, don't fill up.
I'm making lasagna.
Who's home?
Just me.
Dad's at work.
Henry is with Doug.
Doug? I haven't heard
that name in a while.
I know.
Suspicious, right?
I'm thinking girlfriend.
Well, he's always on the phone.
Have you heard anything?
Well, I know he talks
to a girl named Kira.
But I've also heard
You guys have been
traveling a lot.
It's what we were
talking to you about...
The, uh, grain thing.
We're, um, developing
some new sources,
and unfortunately, it takes
some travel to get to them.
You go separately, though.
Sometimes we need to get
to know different people.
So, who are you getting to know?
Um... A scientist...
Someone who knows
a lot about this stuff.
So, he doesn't know
who you really are?
So who do you say you are?
A salesperson.
What do you sell?
Women's clothing.
Do you use a different name?
What is it?
Brenda Neill.
Brenda Neill?
What's so funny about that name?
I don't know, it just...
It's weird.
I would be scared
of someone finding out.
Yeah, I guess a lot
of its just, um, confidence.
Listen... uh, when I was at
pastor Tim's babysitting...
I found his diary.
I just thought that if
I could find
that lawyer's name...
With the tape...
No, no, no. I know.
It's too dangerous.
They were out.
What if they came back?
I would have heard their car.
Paige, you can look different
after you've done
something like that.
You can sound different.
H-he just writes about
people from the church.
He uses their initials.
I could figure out
who most of them were.
Did he write anything about us?
Not that I saw.
Listen... I... I understand
what you were doing,
and it was smart,
and it was brave.
But, Paige,
if there is any slip,
if they sense anything from you,
Alice wouldn't
come to us next time.
She would go
straight to the FBI.
I'm sorry.
But I was there, not you.
Not park in the red zone.
Unattended vehicles will be
ticketed and towed.
Welcome to John F. Kennedy
international airport.
Going through his things.
If she even looked nervous...
How did you leave it?
I told her it was crazy
and dangerous
and she could never do it again.
Did she get it?
I hope so.
She just...
If there was something on him
with a parishioner...
No, no... I know,
but it's interesting, right?
I mean, who knows what goes on
with the good pastor?
What about Kansas?
It was fine.
I don't want to talk about it.
Because it's...
I don't know what to say.
He's... Nice.
He likes birds and hiking.
He's funny.
You like him?
I have to sit there with him
while he makes his jokes.
The guy's laughing
while he's trying to starve
an entire country.
Take an hour of his time.
Wow. Look at
Stan's yard.
Someone's been busy.
Clearly not in ours. Maybe
Henry can do some work today.
I forget your back is always
bad this time of year.
Only when there are leaves...
When did you wash this last?
Lose the shoulder pads
and cut back on the lipstick.
You're playing a recluse who hasn't seen
the sun for 20 years, for Christ's sake.
Poor Bette.
So dreadfully overweight.
Los Angeles, California, 1947.
Menu rumors cause confusion
at local nightclub.
- What are you doing here anyway?
- I heard they did a nice wedge salad.
We don't.
All new Wednesdays at 10:00.
Starts April 5 on FX.
Don't forget your pies.
right out from under your nose,
and you know I can do it.
Are you threatening me?
Bette and Joan.
All-new, Sunday at 10:00 on FX.
FX presents the Americans.
Previously on "the Americans"...
You missed the meeting.
Please stay away from me.
The CIA is planning
on squeezing Burov in Moscow
with the tape I made.
It's not right.
A shipment of midges
was sent six weeks ago
to a business address
in Oklahoma.
What kind of bugs are these?
What do they do?
It's a wheat-eater.
Who do you work for?
The lab has a contract
with a-a company
called Agricorp.
What are they using them for?
W-we don't ask
those questions.
We just breed the bugs
they tell us.
You should have asked.
Please, I...
Stop, please!
How did they do?
Marilyn was fine.
Uh... Norm needed
a couple of deep breathes,
but they both did
what they had to do.
This is Benjamin Stobert
from the Rolodex.
We also think Deirdre Kemp
is a good bet.
She's Agricorp's vice president
of production and distribution.
They're both in Topeka,
and they're both single.
Is there any way they could
find someone else...
Going back and forth to
Topeka every week is just...
Well, maybe you don't go
at the same time, but y...
With the Morozovs
and pastor Tim and Paige,
Beeman, and Henry and Paige
going over there all the time...
I... it's a lot.
Is there something else
bothering you
that we should talk about?
Paige is taking a lot of time
right now, more than usual.
Of course.
I understand that.
We understand
how important this is.
Good. Then I know
you'll work it out.
You think we're gonna get fired?
It's not funny.
I know.
What was the name
of the tree guy who came
when the maple split?
Yeah, I'm gonna call him again.
That branch is gonna fall.
Did you talk to Henry?
Not yet.
He's in the bathroom.
There are no apple Jacks left.
So go to the store
and buy some apple Jacks.
But there was some.
Yeah, sorry.
You can have my toast.
So, do you know
why we got a message at work
that your math teacher
wants to talk to us?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
I don't know.
You think he just
called randomly?
I have no idea.
Don't be smart, Henry.
I... I'm not!
I don't know!
I've been doing well.
Some of the other kids
screw around, but I don't.
Maybe I laugh sometimes.
I'm calling him today.
You don't put enough jam
on this.
I would have finished that.
Then take it out of the trash
and finish it.
Here you are, sir.
Thank you.
Here you go.
And here you go.
I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Do you know
how to set the tension?
Tense, loose.
Loose. Thanks.
I, uh, usually ride
a... a regular bike,
but I'm in... I'm in
a town...
In town on business.
I'm sor...
Uh, are you a local?
- Yep.
- Okay, well I...
One... one... one more.
Um, ah, I'm gonna
be coming back a bunch,
and I-i know nothing
about, um, Topeka.
What... what should I do,
like, when I'm...
When I'm not working?
I spend time with my family.
Oh, you have kids?
No. My sister's family.
Nieces and nephews?
Yeah, I have, uh...
I have three nephews.
Love 'em to death,
but I'm always happy to leave.
But you must do something
besides see them.
I like my work.
What do you do?
Storage, materials handling,
and fixing inefficiencies.
Sounds like they can't
do anything without you.
They can't.
No wonder you have to exercise.
I'm Gus Alexander.
Deirdre Kemp.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Everything okay?
Did, uh... did you talk
to Henry's teacher?
The school secretary
said he wants us to come in.
Is he failing the class?
I have no idea.
All he ever does is
play computer games
and talk on the teleph...
Do you have any idea
who he's talking to?
How'd it go?
She has a real passion
for logistics.
What does that mean?
Is it promising?
Maybe, if I don't
die of boredom first.
That bad?
I go tomorrow.
Radanovic! Radanovic!
Oh! No! Oh!
Whoa! Wow!
What'd you do,
start an avalanche?
I guess so!
Thank you.
Do... do you know
what this stuff is?
It's carob.
No, no, I know,
but do you know
what it actually is?
Um, it's like a natural,
sweet chocolate-type thingy?
Is that the official term?
Well, in Latin,
it's called "thingus."
Try one.
No, I haven't paid.
Have you never been
in a health food store before?
Well, it's okay.
Try it.
Go on.
That actually is good.
I'm in from out of town,
and a friend told me
there was beautiful
hiking around here,
but that first I had
to make this... Gorp.
Well, where are you gonna hike?
I don't know.
I mean, I'm actually
leaving town tomorrow,
so I probably
don't even have time.
I'm coming back in a few days.
I have a work thing in the city.
Well, lucky for you,
you just ran into
the carob-gorp-eating-
hiking-expert of Topeka.
Yeah. Ben Stobert.
Brenda Neill.
It was all her.
Thank you.
To beer.
To beer.
In Soviet union,
we have woman on street.
You stand in line,
she pour a kvass into mug.
You drink, next person,
she pours,
uh, kvass into same mug,
they drink.
We all drink from same mug.
Actually, kvass is the only
thing I miss from Russia.
What... what is that?
Mm... Like Russian cola
made from bread.
I make some in my basement.
Tastes like piss.
I don't know what I do wrong.
How did you become a pilot?
I was, uh...
I was always into planes.
I used to have those
balsa-wood-rubber-band ones
when I was a kid.
And where we grew up,
there was a... an airfield.
It was small,
but there was a guy there
that let me work for him,
and, um, he taught me
how to fly props.
As kid?
I got my license when I was 16,
joined the air force
when I was 18.
In war?
Yeah, not fighters...
A-and then that's why,
uh, Tuan, right?
No, no, that was, um...
It was different.
We couldn't have kids.
He's a good boy.
So is pasha.
Him and his mother...
You think I did not
fly him around the world,
give him good clothes,
house, school, friends.
Teenagers are tough.
Evgheniya is not a teenager.
If... if I did not love my job,
I would shoot my brains out.
What is so great about your job?
They think I'm genius.
Everything they not know
about, uh, port, Russian,
Soviet port... about food,
everything to do with grain,
I know.
They can't believe
it take us months
to move what you guys move
in one day.
"This is who we fight?
You can't move wheat
from Odessa to Kharkiv."
And in Soviet union,
we have same great land,
same great climate,
but system is broke.
They still move food
by horse sometimes.
By the time it gets
to where it needs to be,
it's already rotten.
Scuttle bee discovers
a source of food.
He must communicate
the source's location
to the other bees
it does this through...
You didn't have to wait up.
Saved you some chicken.
I ate on the plane.
You okay?
Yeah, just tired.
I have a gift for you.
Guy sitting next to me
bought for me.
I made a big deal of telling him
I'd give it to my husband.
How's everything here?
Paige is babysitting
for Claire Louise
on Saturday night.
How was your guy?
I don't know.
Full of himself.
We're going hiking this weekend.
In the face?
Yeah. She still has
a little scar.
He said he didn't
see me before he swung,
but my brother
always was a sore loser.
- Renee played shortstop.
- Thing is, I was really close
to my brother and my dad.
I always sort of had to
be one of the guys.
I tried playing softball
but hated it.
Would have rather
played baseball,
but there wasn't
anything like that then.
So, you never played?
Nothing official,
just pick-up games
in our neighborhood.
Now I play in my company's
intramural league.
She won't let me
go to the games.
He gets too excited.
- Well, it's exciting.
- You do!
So... so,
where are you two from?
I had an uncle from Pittsburgh.
Oh, yeah?
What'd he do?
Scrap metal.
He had this big yard
out in Ross township.
I used to love visiting.
I'd climb all over the piles.
I found some
really good stuff, too...
Broken TVs, radios, hair dryers.
Any sign of him?
He's still getting his hair cut.
I was thinking...
About Burov.
In San Francisco, we had a guy.
Offered him a lot, but nothing.
We found out
he was having an affair.
He was a sensitive type,
couldn't handle his wife
finding out.
We just had to
drop that we knew.
That was enough. We had him.
Still gave him
everything we offered.
He ended up with
a boatload of cash.
And the family?
His family's still together.
He and his wife
are U.S. citizens with new names
and a split-level
in Tucson.
I think his son's a lawyer.
All's well that ends well.
We blackmailed
the shit out of him,
and everybody wound up happy.
Number's on the fridge.
We're around the corner,
so don't hesitate to call.
It's just dinner.
She'll wake around 9:00.
Give her a bottle, change her,
and then she'll
go back to sleep.
If she doesn't?
There she is!
Oh! I just
forgot one thing.
We really appreciate it, Paige.
Alice is a little nervous.
I get it.
So, you and your mom coming
to the food pantry Thursday?
She wouldn't miss it.
She likes us doing it together.
That's great.
She's really trying, Paige.
No, I mean it.
The... the things
I deal with with families...
I'm not saying
it's the same as yours.
No one's is the same as mine.
You'd be surprised
how many people feel that way.
This might help you
understand them a little bit.
I thought he hated religion.
Uh, h-he did.
But he was pretty great
on class and poverty.
Are these your notes?
It's from college.
"Labor is therefore
not voluntary but coerced."
It is therefore not
the satisfaction of a need.
"It is merely a means to satisfy
needs external to it."
All right, j...
Read the book.
All right.
We better go before
she changes her mind.
Hi, Deirdre.
It's Gus Alexander.
Uh, from the gym.
Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, I'm... I'm gonna be
in town for a few days.
Is there any chance, uh,
you'd be free for dinner?
Yeah. Oh, me too,
but you got to eat, right?
Oh. Oh, well, no.
I-I know all about a big...
A big presentation.
How about this... um,
I call you when I get in,
and I'll... I'll just,
um, hope for the best.
Okay, great. Yeah.
Okay. See you.
When I was a kid, we,
uh... we had a feeder out back,
and I... I'd just...
I'd just sit there and watch.
Hummingbirds, woodpeckers...
Woodpeckers are crazy.
Do you know where
they keep their tongues?
No. Where?
Their head?
Yeah, they have these really
long tongues to get the bugs.
That's why they're
banging their heads
against the trees all day...
To make holes for the tongue.
They have to store it
somewhere, right?
So it... it wraps around the top
of their head on the inside.
That's crazy.
I always imagine the moment
it comes out.
It must feel good, right?
I guess so!
Wait. Wait.
Too fast?
We... we can go slower.
I like you.
I like you, too.
Oh, you, uh...
You don't have
a boyfriend, do you?
No. No, I don't.
But I am a bad planner.
Um, I have work tonight.
I'll be back next week.
Can I see you then?
Let me think about it.
Yes, please.
Agent Beeman.
Sorry, I only have
a few minutes.
Uh, that's all I need.
You remember three years ago
when that KGB officer
was killed...
Vladimir Kosygin?
He was kidnapped
by a group of FBI agents
and then shot in cold blood.
For now, it doesn't really
matter who took Kosygin or why.
I shot him.
In the back of the head.
You killed him?
And... What?
You want to be
arrested, prosecuted?
What happens next,
that's up to you.
But if the CIA uses the tape
I made to blackmail Burov,
I will go public and confess.
The U.S. government
killing innocent people,
splashed across
the world's newspapers.
I swore an oath to uphold
the constitution, agent Beeman.
Unlike you, I haven't
forgotten what that means.
I'm guessing you'll keep quiet
like the rest of us.
And you will find
a way to make sure
the CIA leaves Oleg Burov alone.
How was school?
Hey, don't fill up.
I'm making lasagna.
Who's home?
Just me.
Dad's at work.
Henry is with Doug.
Doug? I haven't heard
that name in a while.
I know.
Suspicious, right?
I'm thinking girlfriend.
Well, he's always on the phone.
Have you heard anything?
Well, I know he talks
to a girl named Kira.
But I've also heard
You guys have been
traveling a lot.
It's what we were
talking to you about...
The, uh, grain thing.
We're, um, developing
some new sources,
and unfortunately, it takes
some travel to get to them.
You go separately, though.
Sometimes we need to get
to know different people.
So, who are you getting to know?
Um... A scientist...
Someone who knows
a lot about this stuff.
So, he doesn't know
who you really are?
So who do you say you are?
A salesperson.
What do you sell?
Women's clothing.
Do you use a different name?
What is it?
Brenda Neill.
Brenda Neill?
What's so funny about that name?
I don't know, it just...
It's weird.
I would be scared
of someone finding out.
Yeah, I guess a lot
of its just, um, confidence.
Listen... uh, when I was at
pastor Tim's babysitting...
I found his diary.
I just thought that if
I could find
that lawyer's name...
With the tape...
No, no, no. I know.
It's too dangerous.
They were out.
What if they came back?
I would have heard their car.
Paige, you can look different
after you've done
something like that.
You can sound different.
H-he just writes about
people from the church.
He uses their initials.
I could figure out
who most of them were.
Did he write anything about us?
Not that I saw.
Listen... I... I understand
what you were doing,
and it was smart,
and it was brave.
But, Paige,
if there is any slip,
if they sense anything from you,
Alice wouldn't
come to us next time.
She would go
straight to the FBI.
I'm sorry.
But I was there, not you.
Not park in the red zone.
Unattended vehicles will be
ticketed and towed.
Welcome to John F. Kennedy
international airport.
Going through his things.
If she even looked nervous...
How did you leave it?
I told her it was crazy
and dangerous
and she could never do it again.
Did she get it?
I hope so.
She just...
If there was something on him
with a parishioner...
No, no... I know,
but it's interesting, right?
I mean, who knows what goes on
with the good pastor?
What about Kansas?
It was fine.
I don't want to talk about it.
Because it's...
I don't know what to say.
He's... Nice.
He likes birds and hiking.
He's funny.
You like him?
I have to sit there with him
while he makes his jokes.
The guy's laughing
while he's trying to starve
an entire country.
Take an hour of his time.
Wow. Look at
Stan's yard.
Someone's been busy.
Clearly not in ours. Maybe
Henry can do some work today.
I forget your back is always
bad this time of year.
Only when there are leaves...
When did you wash this last?
Lose the shoulder pads
and cut back on the lipstick.
You're playing a recluse who hasn't seen
the sun for 20 years, for Christ's sake.
Poor Bette.
So dreadfully overweight.
Los Angeles, California, 1947.
Menu rumors cause confusion
at local nightclub.
- What are you doing here anyway?
- I heard they did a nice wedge salad.
We don't.
All new Wednesdays at 10:00.
Starts April 5 on FX.
Don't forget your pies.