The Americans (2013–2018): Season 5, Episode 2 - Pests - full transcript
Stan and Oleg wrestle with the harsh consequences of their complicated history, as Philip and Elizabeth face a new mission with devastating implications for their country.
This kid... I'm telling you,
he's not doing good.
Hates it here more than me.
His dad hates his homeland.
What did you do there?
I am a consultant to your
Department of Agriculture.
We think we know
what happened to William.
Somehow, he infected himself
with the virus he was carrying.
I'm afraid he has one last job.
Lassa fever is
a very undignified way to go.
It doesn't hurt.
Everything all right?
Hans cut his hand
on the, um... the...
We had to...
I'm very sorry.
You do understand
we had to have it.
I think William
would've liked us
getting the virus sample
off his body.
I'm getting signals
from the Centre every hour.
They're not their usual picture
of calm restraint.
Half our grain comes
from America and its allies.
If they're doing something
to it...
Contaminating shipments,
we don't know exactly what...
People will starve.
Going after people's food?
I thought there were things
they wouldn't do.
Well, they're doing the very
best they can to track Morozov.
Something's turned up.
He's making a trip to Illinois,
the Land of Lincoln.
- When?
- 29th.
To think
they once had a Lincoln.
Now a Reagan.
She's not there.
Do you think she's at Matthew's?
Without telling us?
Maybe there's a note.
If she's over there, what if
Stan had to call us, or...
If something happened, anything,
and we're not here
at this hour...
Let's look downstairs.
Paige, what are you doing
in there?
I don't know.
II couldn't sleep.
Sometimes I...
Oleg, um...
- Hey.
- Hey.
So, I saw her again.
The gym lady?
You ask her out this time?
What is wrong with you?
I mean, I talked to her.
We exchanged pleasantries.
That's something.
- But you got to declare, Stan.
- I know, I know.
It's just...
If you saw her,
you'd understand.
She asked me what I did.
Well, that...
That's good, right?
I told her, and she
looked at me strange.
Strange how?
I don't know, like it wasn't
what she was expecting,
what she's after.
You're an FBI agent, Stan.
Come on. Women love that stuff.
Maybe when we were chasing
Capone and Dillinger.
It's 1984, Philip.
Well, what does she do?
I don't know.
Hi, honey. Where's Henry?
- He's probably at the arcade.
- Yeah.
Want another lesson?
He's looking at Purdue,
University of Minnesota.
- Nothing closer?
- No.
But maybe with this Paige stuff,
he'll at least consider it.
- We'll see.
- Maybe.
Hey, so, listen, I wanted
to, talk to you about Paige.
- Yeah?
- You know, I love her,
and this thing with Matthew
is so great.
I don't want
to stick my nose anywhere.
It's okay. Go ahead.
I just noticed she seems...
I don't know.
S... Is she okay?
What do you mean?
I spend a lot of time
with her...
You know, dinners and Matthew
Maybe it's just teenage stuff,
but sometimes I just...
I get the feeling
that maybe everything's
not all right in Paige Land.
She's always been
that kind of kid, Stan...
Always takes things seriously.
And this is her first boyfriend.
Right. I get it.
I didn't mean to worry you.
No, no.
Relax your shoulders
and follow through.
Good. Feel the difference?
Yeah, it's better.
How are things going
with Matthew?
What's that mean?
Fine means fine.
I really like him. Why can't
you just let me like him?
I mean, when are you and Dad
gonna trust me?
- I'm not...
- Are you having sex?
I don't care if you have sex.
It's not about the sex.
It's confusing when you get
close to someone like that.
I don't think you'd ever
tell him straight out,
but you might end up saying
something or acting in a way
that would draw suspicion,
and we can't risk that, Paige.
So I just can't
ever have a boyfriend ever?
Just not Matthew.
Any other boy but him.
I have homework.
No, wait. Come on.
Let's finish this.
Come on. Get in position.
Relax your shoulders.
Hans hadn't talked to his
parents in a couple of years.
His sister is visiting from
South Africa in three weeks.
He was all excited about it.
I guess she'll just call and...
I tried to talk to Paige
about Matthew.
I mean,
I think I just made her mad.
Yeah, I know how that goes.
She tell you anything?
No. She's not talking.
When I was over at Stan's,
he asked me if she was okay.
He said everything doesn't
seem right in Paige Land.
How long's it gonna be
before she slips, Philip?
I don't know.
But she's over there
all the time.
And he's already
picking up on something.
Stan Beeman,
Alan Streiter from the CIA.
- How do you do?
- Pleasure.
It's good news.
So, Oleg Burov is back in Moscow
working at KGB headquarters.
We were all relieved
to see that he was okay.
This is obviously
a good opportunity for us.
We know you didn't get him
fully recruited,
but you got pretty far along.
Anything you can give us about
how you gained his confidence,
anything we can tell
our officers in Moscow
- in terms of approaching him?
- No, no.
You're misunderstanding him.
He was not half recruited.
It was just because he thought
the Soviet bioweapons program
was a threat to both countries.
Well, that's no problem.
We can talk to him
about how we're all
on the same side.
No, it was a onetime thing.
He was very clear about that.
Well, we always want to use
a more positive approach,
but if it's all we got,
we can go with the tape you made
of him admitting their
"defector" was actually KGB.
You got him committing treason.
I just don't think
you're listening.
Burov will sacrifice himself
before betraying his country.
He can't be turned.
How does he feel
about his parents?
Would he worry
about taking them down with him,
if things go bad for him?
You're going to get him killed.
You know that?
You want something to do?
Why don't you figure out
who killed Frank Gaad in Bangkok
and why
instead of going after a guy who
gave us the tip of the century
and then went home
to live his life?
Sir. Sir.
I'm going to ask for a meeting
with the Deputy A.G.
I want him to stop this thing.
You have a selfdestructive
streak, Agent Beeman.
I'm telling you because I went
behind my boss's back before...
And you didn't
feel good about it.
Thank you for informing me.
No, I'm telling you
in case you want to be there.
No, I do not want
to be at your meeting
with the Deputy A.G.,
Agent Beeman.
And for the record,
I advised you to leave it alone.
It looks like
an old bird's nest.
Big enough to block it?
Yeah, I think so.
You ever see the car
that watches the, Morozovs
drive by here?
There's two good ways
to the highway from there,
so they could, but...
They show up at our door
one day, you feel good?
I mean, I think everything we've
done will hold up, but, um,
we never know how deep a check
they might run.
If it doesn't hold?
If it's just me home,
you don't have to worry.
No, no, that's not what I mean.
I'm like one of them.
"You know what the communists
did to my country?"
Open the bag.
- Can I see?
- Yeah.
Robin's nest.
You know about birds?
A little.
The family I lived with in
the father was
a real nature guy.
Nice people?
How long were you with them?
Five years.
They were nice to me.
Never gave anything
to their other kids
they didn't give me, too.
The mom, she was always
worried about me.
But they were all
so proud of themselves
that they took in a boat person.
- Hey.
- What?
You just seemed
really spaced out.
- Something wrong?
- No.
I don't know. I'm... I'm kind of
in a fight with my mom.
About what?
Everything always
has to be her way.
Like what?
I don't know,
like my entire existence.
I know she just wants the best
for me and all, but...
I always got the sense
your mom wasn't like that.
She'd let you do what you want.
You could live your life.
Well, depends on the day.
My mom's great, but,
everything's about her.
I'm not even gonna be
living there in a few years.
I just... I need to be able
to make my own decisions.
You already do
make your own decisions, Paige.
Do you remember
when we first met?
Yeah, kind of.
- Kind of?
- Well, no, yeah.
You guys came over, right?
I had the biggest crush on you.
Well, I can't blame you.
Hey, you guys hungry?
I know a good burger joint
on the way back.
Thank you for agreeing
to see me, sir.
I'm always happy to make time
for you, Agent Beeman.
So, what's on your mind?
Oleg Burov.
I see.
Burov gave us information
that let us capture
William Crandall
and stop the Soviets
from stealing a deadly virus
from one of our labs.
He put himself at risk.
He trusted me.
I can't just stand by
while we destroy him.
I appreciate your concern,
Agent Beeman, and your passion.
We've disagreed about how to run
the Burov operation
in the past, but you were right.
The payoff was huge.
That said, regardless
of what you or I think
should or should not
have been done,
that's all
water under the bridge.
He's in Moscow now.
It's in the hands of the CIA.
I have no authority
over the CIA.
That's bullshit.
the CIA listens to your boss.
And if they don't,
his boss is the President.
Why is it so important
for you to protect Burov,
a KGB officer?
We have to play by the rules.
Burov already paid.
The Soviets
don't play by the rules.
You know that.
Burov is a decent man.
He did the right thing,
not for money
or because I twisted his arm,
but because he wanted to prevent
a lot of innocent people
from getting hurt.
I just don't know
what kind of organization we are
if we punish him for that.
I know it can't be easy
to lose control
of your operation like this.
I sympathize. I truly do.
But as I said,
it's out of my hands.
Come on, guys. You're over.
Is, everything all right?
Just this thing
going on at work.
Something you can talk about?
No, not really.
It's just sometimes, you know,
I wish I was in charge
of the whole goddamn FBI.
Hey, so, I took her out.
It was good.
- All right.
- Yeah.
- Great.
- Yeah.
Yeah, she's usually here
about now.
She drinks beer.
She loves sports.
She knows more about sports
than you, actually.
It was like being out
with a female version of you.
- Wow.
- No, you know what I mean.
It was easy. It was fun.
There she is.
Come here.
Hey, Stan.
How's it going?
Shit, sorry. I'm all sweaty.
I don't mind.
Hey, this is Philip.
Philip, Renee.
- Hi, Philip.
- Nice to meet you.
I had a great time
the other night.
So did I.
So, you want to, um...
- Yep.
- Great.
Saturday at 7:00?
Well, I, um... I got to shower
and get to work.
- Nice meeting you, Philip.
- You, too.
See ya.
All right.
So, does Morozov
know about bugs?
I don't know.
He's an agricultural expert.
Has he said anything
to you about bugs?
He knows about wheat
and what can kill it.
Maybe we should just
get rid of him.
I don't think we're gonna
figure this one out without him.
Don't look at me. Keep walking.
Stan Beeman sent me.
We need to talk
in private, soon.
Cheers, everyone.
Yeah, I was just thinking.
Are you serious?
I have no idea,
no idea this was possible.
Alexei wants you to think
we, um, starve in Russia.
No, no starve, no starve.
We eat,
but nobody eat like this.
Only maybe Tsars.
Or big shots in party.
But here it's...
You don't like something,
it's not a crime.
You order new food.
You want fish, eat fish.
You want steak, have steak.
Have two if you want.
Um, you come here often?
Back in Michigan,
we'd come once a week.
At least.
We travel a lot.
Our schedule
is always changing...
Different nights,
different days.
So it's hard to make time
for a real family dinner.
Everybody run,
run, run in America.
Busy, busy, busy.
Yes, it's good, it's good.
We go out to dinner. We, eat.
We talk.
We say whatever we want, right?
If I want to say I hate Russia,
I can say it.
- I hate Russia!
- Loesha.
If I said it in Soviet Union,
I would be put in jail.
You know how easy it is
to go to jail in Soviet Union?
I've heard.
My father,
he spent 15 years
in prison camp.
15 years. For what?
For murder? No.
For stealing? No.
Just for being alive.
That's what they put you
in prison for.
English, Pavlik. English.
I'm sorry.
It's... it's all right.
It's fine.
We understand.
So, what was he saying... Pasha?
That he'd rather die back home
than live here.
It's just
such a stupid thing to say.
My whole family died back home.
I was out with my grandma
when they bombed our village...
My parents, brother and sisters,
aunt and uncle, cousins.
These kids have no idea...
Family, more food than
they can eat, all these clothes.
I can get Pasha
to do anything I want.
He's weak.
You've done a good job with him.
Yesterday, I went to his house.
The car wasn't there.
- It was back today.
- Same spot?
I don't know
if there's a pattern.
I'm working on a schedule.
If they're skipping days,
they think the threat's low.
Maybe they watch him
for the first couple of months
after they move in.
I still don't like
showing up on their reports
when we go over there.
- Just a matter of time.
- That's what I told him.
You're not taking that home,
I think that's GruzinMcDickoff
or whatever.
Let me see the pictures.
Yeah, Gruzinski.
No kids, right?
Yeah. Wife's here.
Last job in Buenos Aires.
Our teams have this guy down
as probable nonintel.
Panin just went back in.
So, the CIA is planning
on squeezing Burov in Moscow
with the tape I made.
You have a problem with that?
It's not right.
And it's not gonna work.
I talked to the Deputy A.G.
about it.
Didn't get anywhere.
What'd he say?
He said he understood,
but it's the CIA.
They're gonna do
what they're gonna do.
Side of the job.
Big side.
So, how about
the girl from the gym?
You gonna ask her out again?
Already did.
Stan Beeman.
So, where to next?
I don't know.
Someplace nice, but not too nice
so there's room for growth.
What about one of those
Bread Oven places?
There's a new one
on Pennsylvania Avenue.
I took a date there last week.
They have
a seethrough grand piano.
What else you need to know?
I'm sick of treating her
like a goddamn kid.
Come in.
I was just, going to bed.
We just need
to talk to you for a minute.
Is it about Matthew?
I don't want to.
We need a minute.
We can't stop you
from seeing him,
but we can help you
manage things
so the relationship is safer.
Please, listen to me.
Believe me.
I am not, I would not ever,
ever tell him anything.
I promise. I swear.
How do you know, Paige?
Sex muddies things.
I'm not having sex.
Yeah, but you might.
And if you do, you're going to
feel and say things to Matthew
that you've never felt
or said to anyone before.
How are you gonna
handle things then?
You have to think about that.
I know you don't want
to hurt us,
but it can happen
without you even realizing.
You wouldn't even know
you've said it.
All right, all right,
I'll just...
I'll stop seeing him, okay?
Paige, listen, we're actually...
I'll just be alone
for the rest of my life.
Would that make you feel better?
Are you finished?
There's something
we can show you, a technique
to help you
keep your emotions in check,
to help you stay in control.
If you can learn this thing,
really master it,
you can keep seeing him
if that's what you want.
Do you want us to show you?
Before we start,
if you ever feel that you're
losing control with Matthew,
really losing control,
just tell him you need some time
to think.
Then you come find us, and we'll
figure out what to do together.
Sit down.
Now, if you're with him
and things start to get
uncomfortable or go bad,
you're feeling overwhelmed
or emotional or uncertain,
rub your thumb
and your forefinger together
and picture me and your father
to help remind yourself of who
you are and where you come from.
It's just a little thing,
but if you practice it,
it'll always be there for you.
That's good.
Captions by VITA...
he's not doing good.
Hates it here more than me.
His dad hates his homeland.
What did you do there?
I am a consultant to your
Department of Agriculture.
We think we know
what happened to William.
Somehow, he infected himself
with the virus he was carrying.
I'm afraid he has one last job.
Lassa fever is
a very undignified way to go.
It doesn't hurt.
Everything all right?
Hans cut his hand
on the, um... the...
We had to...
I'm very sorry.
You do understand
we had to have it.
I think William
would've liked us
getting the virus sample
off his body.
I'm getting signals
from the Centre every hour.
They're not their usual picture
of calm restraint.
Half our grain comes
from America and its allies.
If they're doing something
to it...
Contaminating shipments,
we don't know exactly what...
People will starve.
Going after people's food?
I thought there were things
they wouldn't do.
Well, they're doing the very
best they can to track Morozov.
Something's turned up.
He's making a trip to Illinois,
the Land of Lincoln.
- When?
- 29th.
To think
they once had a Lincoln.
Now a Reagan.
She's not there.
Do you think she's at Matthew's?
Without telling us?
Maybe there's a note.
If she's over there, what if
Stan had to call us, or...
If something happened, anything,
and we're not here
at this hour...
Let's look downstairs.
Paige, what are you doing
in there?
I don't know.
II couldn't sleep.
Sometimes I...
Oleg, um...
- Hey.
- Hey.
So, I saw her again.
The gym lady?
You ask her out this time?
What is wrong with you?
I mean, I talked to her.
We exchanged pleasantries.
That's something.
- But you got to declare, Stan.
- I know, I know.
It's just...
If you saw her,
you'd understand.
She asked me what I did.
Well, that...
That's good, right?
I told her, and she
looked at me strange.
Strange how?
I don't know, like it wasn't
what she was expecting,
what she's after.
You're an FBI agent, Stan.
Come on. Women love that stuff.
Maybe when we were chasing
Capone and Dillinger.
It's 1984, Philip.
Well, what does she do?
I don't know.
Hi, honey. Where's Henry?
- He's probably at the arcade.
- Yeah.
Want another lesson?
He's looking at Purdue,
University of Minnesota.
- Nothing closer?
- No.
But maybe with this Paige stuff,
he'll at least consider it.
- We'll see.
- Maybe.
Hey, so, listen, I wanted
to, talk to you about Paige.
- Yeah?
- You know, I love her,
and this thing with Matthew
is so great.
I don't want
to stick my nose anywhere.
It's okay. Go ahead.
I just noticed she seems...
I don't know.
S... Is she okay?
What do you mean?
I spend a lot of time
with her...
You know, dinners and Matthew
Maybe it's just teenage stuff,
but sometimes I just...
I get the feeling
that maybe everything's
not all right in Paige Land.
She's always been
that kind of kid, Stan...
Always takes things seriously.
And this is her first boyfriend.
Right. I get it.
I didn't mean to worry you.
No, no.
Relax your shoulders
and follow through.
Good. Feel the difference?
Yeah, it's better.
How are things going
with Matthew?
What's that mean?
Fine means fine.
I really like him. Why can't
you just let me like him?
I mean, when are you and Dad
gonna trust me?
- I'm not...
- Are you having sex?
I don't care if you have sex.
It's not about the sex.
It's confusing when you get
close to someone like that.
I don't think you'd ever
tell him straight out,
but you might end up saying
something or acting in a way
that would draw suspicion,
and we can't risk that, Paige.
So I just can't
ever have a boyfriend ever?
Just not Matthew.
Any other boy but him.
I have homework.
No, wait. Come on.
Let's finish this.
Come on. Get in position.
Relax your shoulders.
Hans hadn't talked to his
parents in a couple of years.
His sister is visiting from
South Africa in three weeks.
He was all excited about it.
I guess she'll just call and...
I tried to talk to Paige
about Matthew.
I mean,
I think I just made her mad.
Yeah, I know how that goes.
She tell you anything?
No. She's not talking.
When I was over at Stan's,
he asked me if she was okay.
He said everything doesn't
seem right in Paige Land.
How long's it gonna be
before she slips, Philip?
I don't know.
But she's over there
all the time.
And he's already
picking up on something.
Stan Beeman,
Alan Streiter from the CIA.
- How do you do?
- Pleasure.
It's good news.
So, Oleg Burov is back in Moscow
working at KGB headquarters.
We were all relieved
to see that he was okay.
This is obviously
a good opportunity for us.
We know you didn't get him
fully recruited,
but you got pretty far along.
Anything you can give us about
how you gained his confidence,
anything we can tell
our officers in Moscow
- in terms of approaching him?
- No, no.
You're misunderstanding him.
He was not half recruited.
It was just because he thought
the Soviet bioweapons program
was a threat to both countries.
Well, that's no problem.
We can talk to him
about how we're all
on the same side.
No, it was a onetime thing.
He was very clear about that.
Well, we always want to use
a more positive approach,
but if it's all we got,
we can go with the tape you made
of him admitting their
"defector" was actually KGB.
You got him committing treason.
I just don't think
you're listening.
Burov will sacrifice himself
before betraying his country.
He can't be turned.
How does he feel
about his parents?
Would he worry
about taking them down with him,
if things go bad for him?
You're going to get him killed.
You know that?
You want something to do?
Why don't you figure out
who killed Frank Gaad in Bangkok
and why
instead of going after a guy who
gave us the tip of the century
and then went home
to live his life?
Sir. Sir.
I'm going to ask for a meeting
with the Deputy A.G.
I want him to stop this thing.
You have a selfdestructive
streak, Agent Beeman.
I'm telling you because I went
behind my boss's back before...
And you didn't
feel good about it.
Thank you for informing me.
No, I'm telling you
in case you want to be there.
No, I do not want
to be at your meeting
with the Deputy A.G.,
Agent Beeman.
And for the record,
I advised you to leave it alone.
It looks like
an old bird's nest.
Big enough to block it?
Yeah, I think so.
You ever see the car
that watches the, Morozovs
drive by here?
There's two good ways
to the highway from there,
so they could, but...
They show up at our door
one day, you feel good?
I mean, I think everything we've
done will hold up, but, um,
we never know how deep a check
they might run.
If it doesn't hold?
If it's just me home,
you don't have to worry.
No, no, that's not what I mean.
I'm like one of them.
"You know what the communists
did to my country?"
Open the bag.
- Can I see?
- Yeah.
Robin's nest.
You know about birds?
A little.
The family I lived with in
the father was
a real nature guy.
Nice people?
How long were you with them?
Five years.
They were nice to me.
Never gave anything
to their other kids
they didn't give me, too.
The mom, she was always
worried about me.
But they were all
so proud of themselves
that they took in a boat person.
- Hey.
- What?
You just seemed
really spaced out.
- Something wrong?
- No.
I don't know. I'm... I'm kind of
in a fight with my mom.
About what?
Everything always
has to be her way.
Like what?
I don't know,
like my entire existence.
I know she just wants the best
for me and all, but...
I always got the sense
your mom wasn't like that.
She'd let you do what you want.
You could live your life.
Well, depends on the day.
My mom's great, but,
everything's about her.
I'm not even gonna be
living there in a few years.
I just... I need to be able
to make my own decisions.
You already do
make your own decisions, Paige.
Do you remember
when we first met?
Yeah, kind of.
- Kind of?
- Well, no, yeah.
You guys came over, right?
I had the biggest crush on you.
Well, I can't blame you.
Hey, you guys hungry?
I know a good burger joint
on the way back.
Thank you for agreeing
to see me, sir.
I'm always happy to make time
for you, Agent Beeman.
So, what's on your mind?
Oleg Burov.
I see.
Burov gave us information
that let us capture
William Crandall
and stop the Soviets
from stealing a deadly virus
from one of our labs.
He put himself at risk.
He trusted me.
I can't just stand by
while we destroy him.
I appreciate your concern,
Agent Beeman, and your passion.
We've disagreed about how to run
the Burov operation
in the past, but you were right.
The payoff was huge.
That said, regardless
of what you or I think
should or should not
have been done,
that's all
water under the bridge.
He's in Moscow now.
It's in the hands of the CIA.
I have no authority
over the CIA.
That's bullshit.
the CIA listens to your boss.
And if they don't,
his boss is the President.
Why is it so important
for you to protect Burov,
a KGB officer?
We have to play by the rules.
Burov already paid.
The Soviets
don't play by the rules.
You know that.
Burov is a decent man.
He did the right thing,
not for money
or because I twisted his arm,
but because he wanted to prevent
a lot of innocent people
from getting hurt.
I just don't know
what kind of organization we are
if we punish him for that.
I know it can't be easy
to lose control
of your operation like this.
I sympathize. I truly do.
But as I said,
it's out of my hands.
Come on, guys. You're over.
Is, everything all right?
Just this thing
going on at work.
Something you can talk about?
No, not really.
It's just sometimes, you know,
I wish I was in charge
of the whole goddamn FBI.
Hey, so, I took her out.
It was good.
- All right.
- Yeah.
- Great.
- Yeah.
Yeah, she's usually here
about now.
She drinks beer.
She loves sports.
She knows more about sports
than you, actually.
It was like being out
with a female version of you.
- Wow.
- No, you know what I mean.
It was easy. It was fun.
There she is.
Come here.
Hey, Stan.
How's it going?
Shit, sorry. I'm all sweaty.
I don't mind.
Hey, this is Philip.
Philip, Renee.
- Hi, Philip.
- Nice to meet you.
I had a great time
the other night.
So did I.
So, you want to, um...
- Yep.
- Great.
Saturday at 7:00?
Well, I, um... I got to shower
and get to work.
- Nice meeting you, Philip.
- You, too.
See ya.
All right.
So, does Morozov
know about bugs?
I don't know.
He's an agricultural expert.
Has he said anything
to you about bugs?
He knows about wheat
and what can kill it.
Maybe we should just
get rid of him.
I don't think we're gonna
figure this one out without him.
Don't look at me. Keep walking.
Stan Beeman sent me.
We need to talk
in private, soon.
Cheers, everyone.
Yeah, I was just thinking.
Are you serious?
I have no idea,
no idea this was possible.
Alexei wants you to think
we, um, starve in Russia.
No, no starve, no starve.
We eat,
but nobody eat like this.
Only maybe Tsars.
Or big shots in party.
But here it's...
You don't like something,
it's not a crime.
You order new food.
You want fish, eat fish.
You want steak, have steak.
Have two if you want.
Um, you come here often?
Back in Michigan,
we'd come once a week.
At least.
We travel a lot.
Our schedule
is always changing...
Different nights,
different days.
So it's hard to make time
for a real family dinner.
Everybody run,
run, run in America.
Busy, busy, busy.
Yes, it's good, it's good.
We go out to dinner. We, eat.
We talk.
We say whatever we want, right?
If I want to say I hate Russia,
I can say it.
- I hate Russia!
- Loesha.
If I said it in Soviet Union,
I would be put in jail.
You know how easy it is
to go to jail in Soviet Union?
I've heard.
My father,
he spent 15 years
in prison camp.
15 years. For what?
For murder? No.
For stealing? No.
Just for being alive.
That's what they put you
in prison for.
English, Pavlik. English.
I'm sorry.
It's... it's all right.
It's fine.
We understand.
So, what was he saying... Pasha?
That he'd rather die back home
than live here.
It's just
such a stupid thing to say.
My whole family died back home.
I was out with my grandma
when they bombed our village...
My parents, brother and sisters,
aunt and uncle, cousins.
These kids have no idea...
Family, more food than
they can eat, all these clothes.
I can get Pasha
to do anything I want.
He's weak.
You've done a good job with him.
Yesterday, I went to his house.
The car wasn't there.
- It was back today.
- Same spot?
I don't know
if there's a pattern.
I'm working on a schedule.
If they're skipping days,
they think the threat's low.
Maybe they watch him
for the first couple of months
after they move in.
I still don't like
showing up on their reports
when we go over there.
- Just a matter of time.
- That's what I told him.
You're not taking that home,
I think that's GruzinMcDickoff
or whatever.
Let me see the pictures.
Yeah, Gruzinski.
No kids, right?
Yeah. Wife's here.
Last job in Buenos Aires.
Our teams have this guy down
as probable nonintel.
Panin just went back in.
So, the CIA is planning
on squeezing Burov in Moscow
with the tape I made.
You have a problem with that?
It's not right.
And it's not gonna work.
I talked to the Deputy A.G.
about it.
Didn't get anywhere.
What'd he say?
He said he understood,
but it's the CIA.
They're gonna do
what they're gonna do.
Side of the job.
Big side.
So, how about
the girl from the gym?
You gonna ask her out again?
Already did.
Stan Beeman.
So, where to next?
I don't know.
Someplace nice, but not too nice
so there's room for growth.
What about one of those
Bread Oven places?
There's a new one
on Pennsylvania Avenue.
I took a date there last week.
They have
a seethrough grand piano.
What else you need to know?
I'm sick of treating her
like a goddamn kid.
Come in.
I was just, going to bed.
We just need
to talk to you for a minute.
Is it about Matthew?
I don't want to.
We need a minute.
We can't stop you
from seeing him,
but we can help you
manage things
so the relationship is safer.
Please, listen to me.
Believe me.
I am not, I would not ever,
ever tell him anything.
I promise. I swear.
How do you know, Paige?
Sex muddies things.
I'm not having sex.
Yeah, but you might.
And if you do, you're going to
feel and say things to Matthew
that you've never felt
or said to anyone before.
How are you gonna
handle things then?
You have to think about that.
I know you don't want
to hurt us,
but it can happen
without you even realizing.
You wouldn't even know
you've said it.
All right, all right,
I'll just...
I'll stop seeing him, okay?
Paige, listen, we're actually...
I'll just be alone
for the rest of my life.
Would that make you feel better?
Are you finished?
There's something
we can show you, a technique
to help you
keep your emotions in check,
to help you stay in control.
If you can learn this thing,
really master it,
you can keep seeing him
if that's what you want.
Do you want us to show you?
Before we start,
if you ever feel that you're
losing control with Matthew,
really losing control,
just tell him you need some time
to think.
Then you come find us, and we'll
figure out what to do together.
Sit down.
Now, if you're with him
and things start to get
uncomfortable or go bad,
you're feeling overwhelmed
or emotional or uncertain,
rub your thumb
and your forefinger together
and picture me and your father
to help remind yourself of who
you are and where you come from.
It's just a little thing,
but if you practice it,
it'll always be there for you.
That's good.
Captions by VITA...