The Americans (2013–2018): Season 5, Episode 1 - Amber Waves - full transcript
After witnessing Elizabeth kill two men, Paige trades in church for training sessions with mom. First, self defense. Second could tear the family apart. The beginning of the end for Paige and Matthew looms.
Previously on
The Americans...
We captured Irina
in Brazil.
I know you spoke to her
about two years ago.
That's my son.
Our son.
Oleg: If your people know that
certain things are happening,
that treaties are being broken,
maybe they'll stop.
Stan: He gave me enough pieces
to put something together--
probably an agent in place,
working on biological weapons.
With William under arrest,
you're in immediate danger.
I think it's time.
But, of course,
it's your decision.
It's... dangerous,
what you and Dad do.
Paige: You guys said
you were done lying to me.
You don't need to know
You just killed a man
in front of me.
I might as well know everything.
You should go get Paige.
Okay, let's go, sweetie.
- Bye.
- See ya.
I don't want you
to see him.
That's ridiculous.
You have no idea.
No idea.
[ School bell rings ]
[ Devo's "That's Good" playing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
♪ everybody, it's a good thing ♪
♪ everybody wants a good thing ♪
♪ everybody ♪
Woman: - Next.
- ♪ ain't it true that ♪
Woman #2: - Here you go.
- ♪ everybody's lookin' ♪
- Thanks.
- ♪ for the same thing ♪
♪ ain't it true,
there's just no doubt ♪
♪ there's some things
that you can do without ♪
♪ and that's good ♪
♪ ain't it true
as the sun that shines ♪
♪ you got yours
and you got mine ♪
♪ and that's good ♪
Hey, man.
Pavel, right?
Yes. Pasha.
Pasha or Pavel?
♪ a good thing, too ♪
Friends call "Pasha."
I'm Tuan.
So, are you new?
Two months.
I just started.
It's rough.
From where?
Soviet Union.
Yeah, I got that.
Where in the Soviet Union?
How's the English coming?
Okay understand.
Speak, not so good.
Yeah, it's hard.
I remember.
♪ everybody wants
a good thing, too ♪
Come on.
♪ now let's have
a great big hand ♪
♪ for everybody
who can understand ♪
You want a banana?
♪ it's going great
till you get stung ♪
- Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad.
- Hi, honey.
- Who's your friend?
- This is Pasha.
Hi, Pasha. I'm...
Mr. Eckert.
♪ it's a good thing ♪
♪ ain't it true,
it's a monumental good thing ♪
[ Choir singing "America
the Beautiful" in Russian ]
[ Song ends ]
[ Telephones ringing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Hey, Stan.
Oleg Burov got on a plane
to Moscow last night.
- Alone?
- Yeah. No minders.
So... nothing's wrong.
Or they're calling him back,
and they're going to arrest him
when he lands.
They'd have to put a hell
of a lot of pieces together
to tie William Crandall
to Oleg talking to you,
especially this fast.
Likely they're just
turning over staff
since the Rezident
got PNG'ed.
There's that.
He took a big risk
for his conscience.
That's his choice.
Now, next time you think
you want to take somebody out,
- Hey.
- ...get yourself a good squad.
- Get yourself a team.
- [ Chuckles ]
Good episode?
- It's stupid.
- [ Chuckles ]
The kids at school like it.
I have to keep up.
[ TV muted ]
I was over at Pasha's
again yesterday.
The same car was out there,
a block and a half
east of the house.
Not hiding.
Still just the driver.
- Same driver?
- Couldn't see.
This kid-- I'm telling you,
he's not doing good.
Hates it here
more than me.
His English sucks. He can barely
talk to anyone at school.
Anyway, I can get you in there
pretty easy.
Next time I'm over, just drop
in front of the parents
we're both new
in the neighborhood.
Yeah, that sounds right. But
you don't have to push it, okay?
- We have time with this one.
- Yeah.
I think I have
a pretty good feel for them.
They're so grateful
someone's talking to their kid,
especially his mom.
She babies him--
always hovering,
which the dad hates.
This dad is a real
piece of shit.
Hates his homeland,
where he comes from.
Don't know how you people
let a guy like that get out.
Should've put a bullet
in his head a long time ago.
Anybody been over?
Everything's good.
Where you guys flying to
this week?
Uh, you choose.
- Paris.
- Ugh, I'm sick of Paris.
So he goes to Paris,
you go to Bombay.
- Sounds good.
- Yeah.
[ Commercial playing on TV ]
[ Car horn honks ] _
[ Thunder rumbles ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Clock ticking ]
[ Thunder rumbling ]
Elizabeth: Hello?
- Hi.
Philip: - Hi.
What's that?
for lunch tomorrow.
Now Stan's buying you lunch?
He's eaten like 100,000 meals
over here.
I don't think he minds my taking
a few slices of leftover pizza.
He ever give you
any vegetables?
- On the pizza.
- [ Chuckles ]
You want some dessert?
- No, I'm stuffed.
- We're gonna watch the Olympics.
- You want to watch with us?
- Yeah.
No, thanks.
[ Indistinct conversations
in Russian ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Indistinct conversations
in Russian continue ]
[ Dog panting ]
[ Buzzing ]
[ Speaks Russian ]
[ Buzzing ]
[ Speaks Russian ]
[ Buzzing ]
- [ Doorbell rings ]
- Really, I-I-I would never
ask out a stewardess
that-- that works for me.
No. We were actually fixed up
by my cousin...
- Yeah.
- ...who knew Brad in the Air Force.
- Yeah.
- So, you...
And I thought this life of his
was so glamorous--
- all the travel, and...
- I warned her.
Now I'm on the road
four nights a week,
and I have to wear
these tight, tight uniforms,
- and I can't gain any weight.
- And she has to work
- for jerks like me.
- With. We don't technically
- work for the pilots.
- Well...
Can I have some more stew,
please? It's really good.
Leave him alone.
English, English, English.
Good thing you don't work
for Aeroflot.
- Mm.
- Oh.
The planes are dirty,
the passengers are unhappy,
and planes crash.
Well, just like
the whole country--
dirty, unhappy,
and crashing.
- Loesha, mm?
- What? It's the truth.
You want food,
you stand in line.
Do you see any lines
for food here? No.
You go to store,
they have so much of everything.
It's a beautiful sight.
You choose.
You would not believe
what you see in Soviet Union.
- That bad?
- [ Chuckles ]
We share apartment
with three families.
- Mm.
- We share toilet, bathroom.
You want phone, you pay bribe.
You wait for three years.
Phone breaks,
you-- you bribe.
Heat breaks,
you-- you bribe.
[ Speaking Russian ]
What did you do there?
Same like here.
I am a consultant to your
Department of Agriculture.
- Ah.
- And I tell them everything
about the broken system
in the Soviet Union.
[ Doorbell rings ]
- Hey.
- Hi.
Matthew's getting out
of the shower.
He should be down in a sec.
Is Henry coming?
- In a minute.
- Oh.
Where's he been lately?
Just, uh, busy with school.
I don't want to embarrass you
or anything, but I just--
I just wanted to say,
it was tough for Matthew
when he started spending
more time here,
and you guys made it
a lot easier, so...
Maybe your parents
should move in.
We can be one big,
happy family.
Maybe they can move in,
and I can move out.
Oh, are they being
a pain in the ass?
Well, you know
how parents are.
- I've heard.
- [ Laughs ]
- Hey.
- Hi.
Uh, dinner should be ready
in five minutes.
- Your hair's wet.
- I know.
- [ Chuckles ]
- I like it.
[ Door opens ]
- Hey.
- Come on in.
Hey, why don't you guys
set the table?
- Okay. - Yeah.
- Great.
I'm sorry.
He talk, he-- he--
Gets excited?
- Yes.
- Men all like to talk.
Oh, he champion.
[ Both laugh ]
How do you like it here?
But, um,
at home, not bad,
like Alexei say.
It's not easy
being in a new place.
I was really worried
about Tuan--
uprooting him
in the middle of a school year
and bringing him
someplace new,
with us working so much.
At least you're home
if Pasha needs you.
Yeah, but I want work.
You no like your work?
Oh, I don't know.
I do like it sometimes, I guess.
I don't mean to complain.
I get to read a lot on long
flights, which is kind of nice.
Ah, I like read.
I want to get job
in library,
but, ugh,
English, no good.
Your English is good.
[ Sighs ]
Pasha, too,
no good English.
Tuan good boy.
- Mm.
- First friend, Pasha.
Mm. Well, he'll get good
practice, talking to Tuan.
Tuan, um, uh, speak, um,
English before?
He spoke Vietnamese.
When we adopted him,
he didn't speak any English.
Uh, how old-- how old is--
He was 10.
So it takes time.
Pasha will learn.
I hope.
Not happy.
don't want go to America
like father.
It's hard
to see them like that.
I know.
Tuan really struggled
in the beginning, too,
but you just
have to be patient.
He'll figure it out.
You will, too.
We're studying
tomorrow afternoon.
I'll make it at his place.
How do you do the lights?
Well, right now, I assume that
someone sees you both leaving,
so I just
turn off the lights.
On other nights,
I'll stagger them.
I'll do the living room
and kitchen
an hour
before I go to bed,
then your bedroom lights
after that.
See you Tuesday.
Okay. Bye.
[ Engine starts ]
[ Sarcastically ]
Can't wait to have dinner
with that family again.
Sorry he had to wait in line
to eat.
He's old enough to remember
having nothing
to wait in line for.
My mother used to make a soup
from a few onions,
nothing else.
It was really just
hot water.
After the war, my mother always
said she wasn't hungry.
I knew...
but I ate everything.
She was so thin.
We'll get another chance
to go home.
Wasn't the right time.
What's the right time?
[ Door opens ]
What are you reading?
Was that your dinner?
No. Stan made
fettuccine Alfredo.
Still no vegetables, but I think
he's on the right track.
- Henry's in his room.
- Okay.
Were you working?
- Yes.
- Anything important?
Was, uh, --
Was Matthew there?
You know where.
I mean, it's his house.
Were you alone with him?
[ Sighs ]
We just--
We just talked.
About what?
How much we hate gym class,
Michael Jackson, church.
And then I came home, made
cookies, and I did my homework.
I wish
this were simple, Paige.
I wish... you could have a nice
boyfriend across the street
- and just the usual problems.
- Me, too.
There are
other boys, Paige.
I don't-- I don't want
to talk about it, okay?
I've got bigger problems.
I can't sleep at night.
I have nightmares.
I keep seeing that guy
and that knife in his neck.
- Honey...
- Are you--
Do you think about it?
It will get better.
I promise.
I don't want it to get better.
You don't want me
to see Matthew,
I'm too scared to go
to the food pantry alone,
and none of it is supposed to--
[ Doorbell rings ]
Bad timing?
Perfect timing.
[ Chuckles ]
Don't forget the lights.
Vegetables, Stan--
They're good for you.
- Night.
- Night.
- Vegetables?
- Ugh.
Little kids,
little problems.
- Big kids--
- I know.
Sandra used to say--
You remember Sandra, don't you?
She used to say, "The problem
with putting your foot down
is, you just pick it up."
- She was a smart woman.
- Yes, she was.
Hey, this thing with...
Matthew and Paige,
it's a good thing.
[ Sighs ]
How much of a "thing"
is it?
Well, Matthew's happy.
Paige is a great kid--
not like some of the others.
- There are others?
- I just meant kids.
I met someone.
- A woman?
- Yeah.
- Where?
- At the gym.
I was lifting, and she was
riding an exercise bike
in a purple leotard,
which she wore very well.
- You go up to her?
- No.
But I think
she either smiled at me
or she caught me looking at her
and was grossed out.
- You couldn't tell?
- Not really.
But when she passed me
at the water cooler,
- I handed her a cup of water.
- Oh, the old water-cup move.
- Yep.
- Yeah.
So, when you say
you "met someone"...
uh, did you ask her out?
No. No, I should probably
find out what her name is first.
- You didn't get her name.
- No. It happened so fast.
My brain was
all over the place.
But I'm going to the gym
every day now.
I'm gonna be in the best shape
of my life.
Stan was
in a chipper mood.
He likes
some woman at the gym.
[ Chuckles ]
He thinks Paige and Matthew
is a good thing.
- Why?
- Matthew's happy.
Stan's gonna be heartbroken
when it doesn't work out.
[ Sighs ]
It's gonna get worse,
with the two of them.
She won't listen to me.
I'll talk to her.
Claudia: They got him
out of the hospital,
got him a job
at a good factory.
Apparently, they got word
he hadn't been coming to work.
They went to find him.
He was gone.
They think
he's coming here?
It's one possibility--
to find his father.
When William was caught,
I told him to get out--
that they should go home.
On your own,
or you had permission
from the Centre?
They're still here.
Nothing scares those two.
scares those two.
[ Knock on door ]
- Hey.
- Hey.
I want to help you
with your nightmares.
- Mom!
- Come on.
Mom, stop!
- What the hell?
- First thing--
You can't be afraid to be hit,
and you can't be afraid to hit,
You don't want to get hurt?
You have to be willing to do
anything to protect yourself.
Put your hand up.
Make a fist.
Thumb here, always.
That's good.
[ Knock on door ]
Got it yet?
New safehouse address.
I showed Paige
some basic self-defense.
She's fast.
Did you talk to her
about Matthew yet?
Not yet.
I will.
We think we know
what happened to William.
They arrested him.
Somehow, he infected himself
with the virus he was carrying,
probably so
they couldn't interrogate him.
They took him to their
bio-containment facility
at Fort Detrick,
and we assume he died there.
Lassa fever--
How bad is it to--
We doubted him.
And then he killed himself
for us.
I saw him back home, married,
with some little kids
running circles all around him.
I really wanted
to get him that.
He's a hero.
Maybe he'll get a stamp.
Well, I'm afraid
he has one last job.
This is called Area "B."
It's in the back
of Fort Detrick.
Their next pass
is in 20 minutes.
What are they driving?
Jeeps. Camouflage.
[ Engine starts ]
[ Animal barks, howls ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Both grunting ]
[ Clank ]
[ Clank ]
[ Both cough ]
[ Coughing ]
It's okay. It's fine.
- It doesn't hurt.
- Good.
You go up.
We'll finish here.
[ Silenced gunshot ]
[ Both panting ]
The Americans...
We captured Irina
in Brazil.
I know you spoke to her
about two years ago.
That's my son.
Our son.
Oleg: If your people know that
certain things are happening,
that treaties are being broken,
maybe they'll stop.
Stan: He gave me enough pieces
to put something together--
probably an agent in place,
working on biological weapons.
With William under arrest,
you're in immediate danger.
I think it's time.
But, of course,
it's your decision.
It's... dangerous,
what you and Dad do.
Paige: You guys said
you were done lying to me.
You don't need to know
You just killed a man
in front of me.
I might as well know everything.
You should go get Paige.
Okay, let's go, sweetie.
- Bye.
- See ya.
I don't want you
to see him.
That's ridiculous.
You have no idea.
No idea.
[ School bell rings ]
[ Devo's "That's Good" playing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
♪ everybody, it's a good thing ♪
♪ everybody wants a good thing ♪
♪ everybody ♪
Woman: - Next.
- ♪ ain't it true that ♪
Woman #2: - Here you go.
- ♪ everybody's lookin' ♪
- Thanks.
- ♪ for the same thing ♪
♪ ain't it true,
there's just no doubt ♪
♪ there's some things
that you can do without ♪
♪ and that's good ♪
♪ ain't it true
as the sun that shines ♪
♪ you got yours
and you got mine ♪
♪ and that's good ♪
Hey, man.
Pavel, right?
Yes. Pasha.
Pasha or Pavel?
♪ a good thing, too ♪
Friends call "Pasha."
I'm Tuan.
So, are you new?
Two months.
I just started.
It's rough.
From where?
Soviet Union.
Yeah, I got that.
Where in the Soviet Union?
How's the English coming?
Okay understand.
Speak, not so good.
Yeah, it's hard.
I remember.
♪ everybody wants
a good thing, too ♪
Come on.
♪ now let's have
a great big hand ♪
♪ for everybody
who can understand ♪
You want a banana?
♪ it's going great
till you get stung ♪
- Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad.
- Hi, honey.
- Who's your friend?
- This is Pasha.
Hi, Pasha. I'm...
Mr. Eckert.
♪ it's a good thing ♪
♪ ain't it true,
it's a monumental good thing ♪
[ Choir singing "America
the Beautiful" in Russian ]
[ Song ends ]
[ Telephones ringing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Hey, Stan.
Oleg Burov got on a plane
to Moscow last night.
- Alone?
- Yeah. No minders.
So... nothing's wrong.
Or they're calling him back,
and they're going to arrest him
when he lands.
They'd have to put a hell
of a lot of pieces together
to tie William Crandall
to Oleg talking to you,
especially this fast.
Likely they're just
turning over staff
since the Rezident
got PNG'ed.
There's that.
He took a big risk
for his conscience.
That's his choice.
Now, next time you think
you want to take somebody out,
- Hey.
- ...get yourself a good squad.
- Get yourself a team.
- [ Chuckles ]
Good episode?
- It's stupid.
- [ Chuckles ]
The kids at school like it.
I have to keep up.
[ TV muted ]
I was over at Pasha's
again yesterday.
The same car was out there,
a block and a half
east of the house.
Not hiding.
Still just the driver.
- Same driver?
- Couldn't see.
This kid-- I'm telling you,
he's not doing good.
Hates it here
more than me.
His English sucks. He can barely
talk to anyone at school.
Anyway, I can get you in there
pretty easy.
Next time I'm over, just drop
in front of the parents
we're both new
in the neighborhood.
Yeah, that sounds right. But
you don't have to push it, okay?
- We have time with this one.
- Yeah.
I think I have
a pretty good feel for them.
They're so grateful
someone's talking to their kid,
especially his mom.
She babies him--
always hovering,
which the dad hates.
This dad is a real
piece of shit.
Hates his homeland,
where he comes from.
Don't know how you people
let a guy like that get out.
Should've put a bullet
in his head a long time ago.
Anybody been over?
Everything's good.
Where you guys flying to
this week?
Uh, you choose.
- Paris.
- Ugh, I'm sick of Paris.
So he goes to Paris,
you go to Bombay.
- Sounds good.
- Yeah.
[ Commercial playing on TV ]
[ Car horn honks ] _
[ Thunder rumbles ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Clock ticking ]
[ Thunder rumbling ]
Elizabeth: Hello?
- Hi.
Philip: - Hi.
What's that?
for lunch tomorrow.
Now Stan's buying you lunch?
He's eaten like 100,000 meals
over here.
I don't think he minds my taking
a few slices of leftover pizza.
He ever give you
any vegetables?
- On the pizza.
- [ Chuckles ]
You want some dessert?
- No, I'm stuffed.
- We're gonna watch the Olympics.
- You want to watch with us?
- Yeah.
No, thanks.
[ Indistinct conversations
in Russian ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Indistinct conversations
in Russian continue ]
[ Dog panting ]
[ Buzzing ]
[ Speaks Russian ]
[ Buzzing ]
[ Speaks Russian ]
[ Buzzing ]
- [ Doorbell rings ]
- Really, I-I-I would never
ask out a stewardess
that-- that works for me.
No. We were actually fixed up
by my cousin...
- Yeah.
- ...who knew Brad in the Air Force.
- Yeah.
- So, you...
And I thought this life of his
was so glamorous--
- all the travel, and...
- I warned her.
Now I'm on the road
four nights a week,
and I have to wear
these tight, tight uniforms,
- and I can't gain any weight.
- And she has to work
- for jerks like me.
- With. We don't technically
- work for the pilots.
- Well...
Can I have some more stew,
please? It's really good.
Leave him alone.
English, English, English.
Good thing you don't work
for Aeroflot.
- Mm.
- Oh.
The planes are dirty,
the passengers are unhappy,
and planes crash.
Well, just like
the whole country--
dirty, unhappy,
and crashing.
- Loesha, mm?
- What? It's the truth.
You want food,
you stand in line.
Do you see any lines
for food here? No.
You go to store,
they have so much of everything.
It's a beautiful sight.
You choose.
You would not believe
what you see in Soviet Union.
- That bad?
- [ Chuckles ]
We share apartment
with three families.
- Mm.
- We share toilet, bathroom.
You want phone, you pay bribe.
You wait for three years.
Phone breaks,
you-- you bribe.
Heat breaks,
you-- you bribe.
[ Speaking Russian ]
What did you do there?
Same like here.
I am a consultant to your
Department of Agriculture.
- Ah.
- And I tell them everything
about the broken system
in the Soviet Union.
[ Doorbell rings ]
- Hey.
- Hi.
Matthew's getting out
of the shower.
He should be down in a sec.
Is Henry coming?
- In a minute.
- Oh.
Where's he been lately?
Just, uh, busy with school.
I don't want to embarrass you
or anything, but I just--
I just wanted to say,
it was tough for Matthew
when he started spending
more time here,
and you guys made it
a lot easier, so...
Maybe your parents
should move in.
We can be one big,
happy family.
Maybe they can move in,
and I can move out.
Oh, are they being
a pain in the ass?
Well, you know
how parents are.
- I've heard.
- [ Laughs ]
- Hey.
- Hi.
Uh, dinner should be ready
in five minutes.
- Your hair's wet.
- I know.
- [ Chuckles ]
- I like it.
[ Door opens ]
- Hey.
- Come on in.
Hey, why don't you guys
set the table?
- Okay. - Yeah.
- Great.
I'm sorry.
He talk, he-- he--
Gets excited?
- Yes.
- Men all like to talk.
Oh, he champion.
[ Both laugh ]
How do you like it here?
But, um,
at home, not bad,
like Alexei say.
It's not easy
being in a new place.
I was really worried
about Tuan--
uprooting him
in the middle of a school year
and bringing him
someplace new,
with us working so much.
At least you're home
if Pasha needs you.
Yeah, but I want work.
You no like your work?
Oh, I don't know.
I do like it sometimes, I guess.
I don't mean to complain.
I get to read a lot on long
flights, which is kind of nice.
Ah, I like read.
I want to get job
in library,
but, ugh,
English, no good.
Your English is good.
[ Sighs ]
Pasha, too,
no good English.
Tuan good boy.
- Mm.
- First friend, Pasha.
Mm. Well, he'll get good
practice, talking to Tuan.
Tuan, um, uh, speak, um,
English before?
He spoke Vietnamese.
When we adopted him,
he didn't speak any English.
Uh, how old-- how old is--
He was 10.
So it takes time.
Pasha will learn.
I hope.
Not happy.
don't want go to America
like father.
It's hard
to see them like that.
I know.
Tuan really struggled
in the beginning, too,
but you just
have to be patient.
He'll figure it out.
You will, too.
We're studying
tomorrow afternoon.
I'll make it at his place.
How do you do the lights?
Well, right now, I assume that
someone sees you both leaving,
so I just
turn off the lights.
On other nights,
I'll stagger them.
I'll do the living room
and kitchen
an hour
before I go to bed,
then your bedroom lights
after that.
See you Tuesday.
Okay. Bye.
[ Engine starts ]
[ Sarcastically ]
Can't wait to have dinner
with that family again.
Sorry he had to wait in line
to eat.
He's old enough to remember
having nothing
to wait in line for.
My mother used to make a soup
from a few onions,
nothing else.
It was really just
hot water.
After the war, my mother always
said she wasn't hungry.
I knew...
but I ate everything.
She was so thin.
We'll get another chance
to go home.
Wasn't the right time.
What's the right time?
[ Door opens ]
What are you reading?
Was that your dinner?
No. Stan made
fettuccine Alfredo.
Still no vegetables, but I think
he's on the right track.
- Henry's in his room.
- Okay.
Were you working?
- Yes.
- Anything important?
Was, uh, --
Was Matthew there?
You know where.
I mean, it's his house.
Were you alone with him?
[ Sighs ]
We just--
We just talked.
About what?
How much we hate gym class,
Michael Jackson, church.
And then I came home, made
cookies, and I did my homework.
I wish
this were simple, Paige.
I wish... you could have a nice
boyfriend across the street
- and just the usual problems.
- Me, too.
There are
other boys, Paige.
I don't-- I don't want
to talk about it, okay?
I've got bigger problems.
I can't sleep at night.
I have nightmares.
I keep seeing that guy
and that knife in his neck.
- Honey...
- Are you--
Do you think about it?
It will get better.
I promise.
I don't want it to get better.
You don't want me
to see Matthew,
I'm too scared to go
to the food pantry alone,
and none of it is supposed to--
[ Doorbell rings ]
Bad timing?
Perfect timing.
[ Chuckles ]
Don't forget the lights.
Vegetables, Stan--
They're good for you.
- Night.
- Night.
- Vegetables?
- Ugh.
Little kids,
little problems.
- Big kids--
- I know.
Sandra used to say--
You remember Sandra, don't you?
She used to say, "The problem
with putting your foot down
is, you just pick it up."
- She was a smart woman.
- Yes, she was.
Hey, this thing with...
Matthew and Paige,
it's a good thing.
[ Sighs ]
How much of a "thing"
is it?
Well, Matthew's happy.
Paige is a great kid--
not like some of the others.
- There are others?
- I just meant kids.
I met someone.
- A woman?
- Yeah.
- Where?
- At the gym.
I was lifting, and she was
riding an exercise bike
in a purple leotard,
which she wore very well.
- You go up to her?
- No.
But I think
she either smiled at me
or she caught me looking at her
and was grossed out.
- You couldn't tell?
- Not really.
But when she passed me
at the water cooler,
- I handed her a cup of water.
- Oh, the old water-cup move.
- Yep.
- Yeah.
So, when you say
you "met someone"...
uh, did you ask her out?
No. No, I should probably
find out what her name is first.
- You didn't get her name.
- No. It happened so fast.
My brain was
all over the place.
But I'm going to the gym
every day now.
I'm gonna be in the best shape
of my life.
Stan was
in a chipper mood.
He likes
some woman at the gym.
[ Chuckles ]
He thinks Paige and Matthew
is a good thing.
- Why?
- Matthew's happy.
Stan's gonna be heartbroken
when it doesn't work out.
[ Sighs ]
It's gonna get worse,
with the two of them.
She won't listen to me.
I'll talk to her.
Claudia: They got him
out of the hospital,
got him a job
at a good factory.
Apparently, they got word
he hadn't been coming to work.
They went to find him.
He was gone.
They think
he's coming here?
It's one possibility--
to find his father.
When William was caught,
I told him to get out--
that they should go home.
On your own,
or you had permission
from the Centre?
They're still here.
Nothing scares those two.
scares those two.
[ Knock on door ]
- Hey.
- Hey.
I want to help you
with your nightmares.
- Mom!
- Come on.
Mom, stop!
- What the hell?
- First thing--
You can't be afraid to be hit,
and you can't be afraid to hit,
You don't want to get hurt?
You have to be willing to do
anything to protect yourself.
Put your hand up.
Make a fist.
Thumb here, always.
That's good.
[ Knock on door ]
Got it yet?
New safehouse address.
I showed Paige
some basic self-defense.
She's fast.
Did you talk to her
about Matthew yet?
Not yet.
I will.
We think we know
what happened to William.
They arrested him.
Somehow, he infected himself
with the virus he was carrying,
probably so
they couldn't interrogate him.
They took him to their
bio-containment facility
at Fort Detrick,
and we assume he died there.
Lassa fever--
How bad is it to--
We doubted him.
And then he killed himself
for us.
I saw him back home, married,
with some little kids
running circles all around him.
I really wanted
to get him that.
He's a hero.
Maybe he'll get a stamp.
Well, I'm afraid
he has one last job.
This is called Area "B."
It's in the back
of Fort Detrick.
Their next pass
is in 20 minutes.
What are they driving?
Jeeps. Camouflage.
[ Engine starts ]
[ Animal barks, howls ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Both grunting ]
[ Clank ]
[ Clank ]
[ Both cough ]
[ Coughing ]
It's okay. It's fine.
- It doesn't hurt.
- Good.
You go up.
We'll finish here.
[ Silenced gunshot ]
[ Both panting ]