The Americans (2013–2018): Season 3, Episode 4 - Dimebag - full transcript

Philip faces a moral dilemma while developing an asset; Paige makes a surprising birthday wish.

Previously on The Americans...

Mr. Jennings.
What is it you want?

I want you to stay away
from my daughter.

You want her
to stop coming to church?

Philip: All this time,
going to church,

saying you're getting
closer to her.

You're assessing her.
You're developing her.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

She's my daughter.

Life gets pretty boring
when you stop drinking.

So, tell me about you.
What kind of work do you do?

Assembly line.
It's a company called Northrop.

Aderholt: Gaad tells me
you worked in Arkansas

with the white supremacists.

What did it take to fool them?

You tell them
what they want to hear.

The Afghan people
never wanted this Communism.

The rest of the world
must know this.

I risk my life to come here.

I need names-- people working
in the CIA's Afghan group.

Ted Paaswell,
Breland's right-hand man.

Kimberly: I'm much more
attracted to men.

Philip: Babysitter?

We have to see this.
We should get photos.

Philip: That's Isaac Breland.
The-- the girl, her father.

That's the head
of the CIA Afghan group.

Well, how about that.

[ Indistinct shouting ]


Is that him?

I'll do the talking.



Weed-- 1/4 ounce.


Last time, it was $25.

Inflation-- went up.



That was easy.

[ Shouting continues ]

Did it seem like she knew him?

It seemed like
she'd done it before.

She's young, Elizabeth.

I know.

W-we've never used
someone this young before.

I know.

[ Door closes in distance ]

Paige: Hello?

Up here, sweetie!

The CIA's a hard target.

Hey, honey.
How was Youth Group?

It was fine.

Where's Henry?

He's staying over at Doug's.

So, listen,
your birthday's coming up,

and we still haven't decided
what we're gonna do.

Oh. Um...


What do you mean, "Nothing"?
It's your birthday.

Why don't we take
some of your friends out

for a nice dinner?

I don't really want
to make a big thing of it.

We could have
some of your friends over here.


Do you know who you want?

Uh, Pastor Tim and his wife.



Good night.

[ Lock disengages ]

[ Door closes, lock clicks ]















I was going over
the files again of Martha's.

Nine people are getting
security clearances

for a new Northrop factory.

The Centre will want Lisa
in there sooner.


[ Indistinct talking on TV ]

I mean, does she not have
any friends?


That she wants Pastor Tim
and his wife for her birthday?

Look, she's just doing that
to bug us.

It's working.

Martha keeps talking
about foster kids.

You're kidding.

I wish I was.

Tell her no.

You don't know her.

I could show up one night,
there'd be a kid sitting there.

Who wears the pants
in that family?

Announcer: There's one person
nobody can resist,

and that's a baby.

So Love made Baby Soft

with the innocent scent
of a cuddly, clean baby

that grew up very sexy

in foaming bath, body lotion,
body powder, and body mist.

So innocent, it may well be
the sexiest fragrance around.

Love's Baby Soft.

Because innocence
is sexier than you think.

"Get away, or I'll kill you!

You hear me?
I will kill you!"

[ Sobs ]

What's he saying?


[ Sniffles ]

"I am so sorry."

[ Whimpers ]

Tori, open your eyes.

[ Inhales sharply ]

[ Sighs ]

That was very brave.

[ Chuckles ]


If I remember right,
you said you were here

because you're going through
a divorce.

Is that right?


Well, my wife wants to.

Okay, well, let's see
where you're at with it.

Why don't come on up front,
close your eyes,

and go into your space?

I don't think...

Oh, come on, Stan.
You're either here or you're not.

What about him?
He's here.

Well, this isn't about him.
This is about you, Stan.

So why don't you
come on up front?



Now I'd like you to imagine

that your wife
is standing in front of you.

I can't do that.

Just try.

Now close your eyes.

[ Clears throat ]

Okay. Tell me
what's she wearing.

Dress? Sweater?


Which one?


there's a gray, v-neck,
stripy one.

What about her hair?

Dirty blond.

What color are her eyes?


Which room are you in?



She's leaning against the sink.

And what's her name?


So, you're here with Sandra.

She's looking right at you.

"Stan, what do you want me
to know?

Why shouldn't we get divorced?

Stan, come on.

Tell me
what's on your mind."

I guess...

just, uh...

"Stan, come on.
Don't be an asshole.

- Tell me what you want to tell me."
- Don't call me an asshole, asshole!

This is bullshit!

That's what I want to tell you!
It's bullshit!

[ Sighs ]

Well, I guess you told him
what was on your mind.

He asked.

- Yeah.
- Stan.

Hey. You okay?


It's hard.
[ Chuckles ]

The first time
that I was called on,

I lied [Chuckles] and sat down.

Uh, a few of us are gonna go
get drinks on Friday.

Do you want to come?

Oh, I'm sorry.
No, I can't.


[ Chuckles ]

Here's my number
if you change your mind.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm Tori.

What, are you crazy?
You're single.

No. I'm not.

[ Scoffs ]

Man: That'll be a "No."

Oh, come on! We're 21!

Yeah, this is bullshit.

You know, my dad works for
the Better Business Bureau.

He'll shut you down.

- This club sucks.
- Nice try, ladies. Have a good night.

- I wouldn't go in there if I were you, guys.
- This isn't fair.

We came all this way
for nothing.

This sucks.

Couldn't get in, huh?


Well, I can't imagine
your fake IDs

are any worse
than my first one.

These aren't fake.


What are you,
like, the fake-ID expert?

Do you-- do you mind
if I see one?

'Cause I'm kind of curious

to see what they're making
these days.

[ Sighs ]

That is horrible.

They're real.

So, why come to Maryland
if you can drink in DC at 18?

You are 18, right?

Erica: Yeah.
We go to Georgetown.

Oh, well, if you want to get
into clubs like this,

you're gonna need
the real thing.

Wait. How do--
how do you do that?

I don't know.

Come on.
You're the fake-ID expert.

[ Sighs ]

I have a friend in the DMV.

He could probably get you
real licenses.

[ Chuckles ]
That would be awesome.


Uh, what do we have to do?

Just get
new pictures done. Here.

Call me when you get them.

You live in New York?

but I'm here all the time.

I'm sorry.
I don't even know your names.

Uh, Erica, Nicole,
and I'm-- I'm Kimberly.

- Nice to meet you, Kimberly.
- Hey.

Uh, what's your name?


[ Erica and Nicole laughing ]

[ Dog barking ]

Oh. Hi.

We don't want anything.

No, no.
I-I need Lisa.

Who are you?

- Who is it?
- Says she knows you.

- Lisa?
- Michelle?

- How do you know her?
- From the program.

Maurice, get out of the way,

Lisa, I messed up.
[ Chuckles ]

Maurice, get out of the way.
I'm her sponsor.

I have to help her.
That's the way it works.

Kidding me.

[ Barking continues ]


[ Siren wailing in distance ]




South Carolina.


Does, uh, does Paige
ever talk to you about church?

Not really.

What do you mean, "Not really"?

Not really.
Ask me another one.


Topeka is the capital.

Kans-- Kansas.

- Topeka.
- Wrong.

- What?!
- Oh, I'm kidding.

What, yes, she does

or, no, she doesn't talk
about church?

I don't know.
Why are you asking?

Yeah, why are you asking?

I'm sorry.
I didn't see you there.

No, I-I was just wondering,
um, what you think

Pastor Tim and his wife
will want for dinner.

Do th--
a-are they vegetarian?

I mean, I can grill up
some alfalfa sprouts.

They are not vegetarian.


- How about steak?
- Great.

- And cheesecake?
- Ew.

What's the matter
with cheesecake?

Eh, doesn't go so well
with alfalfa sprouts.

Chocolate cake-- mom's.


- [ Telephone ringing ]
- I'll get it.

North Dakota.


That's South Dakota.


Dad, it's for you.

I expect perfection
by the time I'm back.

Thanks, honey.


Hello, Mr. Jennings.

This is the National
Symphony Orchestra.

Your tickets to Debussy's
"Symphony in 'b' minor"

will be available
tomorrow afternoon

for pickup at the box office.

Great. Thank you.

Henry: - Capital of Arizona?
- [ Sighs ]



Oh, yeah.

Hey, you got a minute?


[ Sighs ]

Something doesn't feel right
to me about Zinaida.

I can't quite
put my finger on it.

It's just...
the way she talks.

The way she talks?

I know that doesn't sound

Look, she's gonna meet senators,
cabinet members.

They just called from
some "Special Projects" office

in the Pentagon.

She could meet the President.

You think she's gonna kill
the President?


I don't know.

But she is getting access.

She's gonna be
in a lot of meetings,

hear a lot of things.


If, by some wild chance,
there is something here,

we need to know.

But are you at the losing-sleep
phase over this, Stan?

You know, I don't sleep much
these days, anyway.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry I don't talk.

It's not your fault.

Have a lot I'm thinking about.

Like what?

My life...

How I managed to ruin it.

My husband-- he was
supposed to visit today.

I think they're punishing me.

You're married?

I have a husband.




You're pretty.

You should have at least one.

I'm tired.

[ Truck engine revs ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Backup signal beeping ]

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Sorry. Didn't know
anyone else was up.

Just looking for a glass
of water or some Aspirin.

[ Plastic rustles ]

You know, I'm sorry.
I, um...

It's just, Lisa's been...
really good to me,

and I didn't have
anywhere else to go.

There's a Holiday Inn on 53rd.

Lisa: Maurice?

- [ Door opens ]
- Michelle?

- [ Door closes ]
- Michelle, you okay?

I didn't know you were up.


Um, he just went out.

Listen. I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have come.

Oh, no.
Of course you should have.

Doesn't have anything
to do with you.

[ Sighs ]
You want some coffee?

No, thanks.

[ Coffee pouring ]


what happened last night?

[ Sighs ]
I don't know.

I just...

The separation is--
it's hard on the kids, you know.

Yeah, well, you come to me

before you go looking
for a bottle.

I tried.
You weren't at the meeting.

Yeah, I didn't feel well.

[ Sighs ]

Come on. I'm not dumb.
What's going on?

[ Scoffs ]

You know,
I can be here for you, too.

Maurice is a good man.
We had a good marriage.

[ Inhales deeply ]

He's out of work, is all.
It's hard.

How hard?

You drinking?


Not me.


He's the one who got me
into AA in the first place,

and now it's...

[ Sighs ]

It's like the wheels came off.

[ Sighs ]

Four months,
he's been out of work.

[ Voice breaking ] I had to
send the kids to my sister's.


[ Sobs ]

How bad is it?

He's a good man.

He is.

These are great.
You guys look 25.

How much is this gonna cost?

You think I want your money?

You know how much the beer
companies are paying me?

What do you do, exactly?


You want the real answer
or the bullshit answer?

Mm... give us
the bullshit answer.


[ Clicks tongue ]

I'm a lawyer.

Does that mean
you can't get high?

I did not say that.

the lawyer part?


Is it real or is it bullshit?

Both. I am a lawyer,
but I'm also a lobbyist.

[ Laughs ]

My dad says that you guys
are the scum of the Earth.


What do you lobby for?

We're trying to keep congress

from passing
a national drinking age.

What are you listening to?


Can I?


This is good.

Good taste, Kimberly.

It's "Kimmy."

That's what my friends call me.



[ Lock clicks ]

I betrayed my country.

This is why I am here.

Article 64
of the criminal code.

High treason
in the form of espionage.

I am--

I was in KGB.

It was my first posting.



I was very proud.

I was sending money home
to my family

from America-- secretly.

This is not allowed.
The Americans found out.

They said
they would tell my superiors.

[ Scoffs ]

I did-- I did stupid things
to try to save myself.

My boss...

this kind, old man...

I betrayed him.

He-- he could have
been executed.

How did they...

caught you?

I confessed.

But they gave me
another chance.

And I ruined that, too.

[ Engine revs ]

It's hard to believe, yes,
that someone wants to kill me.

After the things
you've been saying about them?

No. Not really.

I'm lucky you're with me,
Agent Beeman.

To get shot is not good day.

[ Sighs ]

I need to use bathroom.


Oh, sorry.

Excuse me.

- Hi.
- Hey.

How are the burgers here?


That's not
a ringing endorsement.

You want a ringing endorsement,

or you want to know
how the burgers are?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Cash register clicking ]

[ Cash register clicking ]

All right.

[ Sighs ]

Let's see.

Did you get
your favorite candy bar?


[ Laughing ]

Thank you, Agent Beeman.

[ Wrapper crinkling ]



What is "tuna melt"?

[ Imitates fanfare ]

What is it?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

What is it?

Open it.

[ Chuckles ]

You-- you don't have it,
do you?

No! How did you know
about this?

- [ Inhales deeply ]
- [ Chuckles ]

I thought you just listened
to country music.

Yeah, well, it was either this
or Willie Nelson.

- Thanks, dad.
- You're welcome.

I can't believe
you got me this.

Everyone's been talking
about it.

Hey, guys.

Hey. Dad just got me
the new Yaz album.


Um, I-I had a thought
about your birthday dinner.

What about taco night?
Wouldn't that be fun?

Paige and I already talked
about steaks,

so I got some nice ones
from Harveys.


Yeah. I mean,
whatever you want, Paige.

Thanks, mom.

Dad, all of my friends have been
talking about this in school.

Just wait till you hear it.

It's a really great album.
I promise.

But in Soviet Union,
there is always risk.

Do you mind?

You know what?
Enough politics.

I am tired for politics.

What about you, Agent Beeman?

You have family?


You're not much for detail,
Agent Beeman.


I'm separated from my wife.


We have a son.

Separated is divorced?


Many divorced in Soviet Union.

Second only to United States.

Well, I'm trying
to get her back.

How do you try?

[ Sighs ]

I'm going to a stupid
self-help group that she likes.

It is helping?

Elizabeth: So, Yaz?

Thought we were getting her
the necklace.

It's not a birthday present.

So you just bought her a record
for no reason?

What are you trying to say?


I thought we were going to talk
about a present together.

I just told you--
it is not a birthday present.

- Then what is it?
- Oh, give me a break.

What is going to church
and singing hymns?

Spending time with my daughter.

- Oh, that's what you call it?
- What do you want me to call it?

I like spending time with her.

Do I want certain things
for her?

Yeah. All parents do.

You know
what most parents want?

Good college,
good marriage, good job.

- Well, that's a fine list.
- Yeah.

Just because
you want to do nothing

does not make it right.

Oh, so you are doing something.

It is happening.
It is just happening, Philip.

And yes, I am.

I am doing it--
with or without you.

[ Yaz's "Don't Go" plays ]

♪ came in from the city,
walked into the door ♪

♪ I turned around
when I heard the sound ♪

♪ of footsteps on the floor ♪

♪ love, just like addiction ♪

- ♪ now I'm hooked on you ♪
- We're closed.

♪ I need some time
to get it right ♪

♪ your love's
gonna see me through ♪

♪ can't stop now,
don't you know ♪

♪ I ain't never
gonna let you go ♪

♪ don't go ♪

♪ oh, baby, make your mind up ♪

♪ give me what you got ♪

♪ fix me with your loving ♪

♪ shut the door
and turn the lock ♪

♪ hey, go get the doctor ♪

♪ doctor came too late ♪

♪ another night,
I feel all right ♪

♪ my love for you can't wait ♪

♪ can't stop now,
don't you know ♪

♪ I ain't never
gonna let you go ♪

♪ don't go ♪

♪ came in from the city,
walked into the door ♪

♪ I turned around
when I heard the sound ♪

♪ of footsteps on the floor ♪

♪ said, "He was a killer" ♪

♪ now I know it's true ♪

♪ I'm dead
when you walk out the door ♪

♪ hey, babe, I'm hooked on you ♪

[ Nina breathing raggedly ]

[ In Russian ]

[ Whimpers ]

[ Shouts in Russian ] - No!
- Nina.

- [ Shouts ]
- Nina!

- Nina.
- [ Inhales sharply ]

- [ Speaks Russian ]
- Shh. You're dreaming.

- [ Crying ]
- You're having a dream.

[ Gasps ]

[ Speaking Russian ]


It's me-- Evi.

[ Sobs ]

I should have stayed
in Mikhaylovka.

I should have stayed married.

I should have had children.

[ Sniffles ]

[ Whimpers ]

[ Sighs ]

It's okay.

It's okay.

Henry: Louis started it, and
then everyone started laughing.

I mean, have you seen her?

- Her legs go straight into her feet.
- No.

It's like
she doesn't have ankles.

That's why we call her
"Ankless Ek."


[ Doorbell rings ]

Paige: Got it!

[ Dishes clanking ]

Do not eat any of that bread.

Oh, uh, we don't all need
to answer the door.

Oh, why not?

Henry and I can hide
in the closet if you want.

[ Chuckles ]

You look great, honey.

[ Sighs ]

- Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.

[ Chuckles ]


Elizabeth: - Come on in.
Philip: - Hey, Alice.

Tim: - Nice to see you.
- Welcome.

Thank you, guys,
for doing this.

Tim: We were standing
in the center of campus,

holding our signs,
feeling we knew we were right.

Philip: You were. We never
should have been in that war.

Right, but the next day,
the school paper comes out,

and there's a picture of me

on the front page
holding my sign,

and it says, "I'm 20.
I won't kill, and I won't die."

But I look at that, and I think,
"What does that mean?"

If something horrible happens
right in front of me,

I won't kill or die?

You're a pacifist.

Yes, but are killing and dying
the same thing?

And didn't Jesus choose to die?

He could have gotten away.
He knew they were coming.

- When Peter tried to kill the guard.
- Exactly.

Jesus said,
"No. Let it happen.

I'm doing
my Father's will."


- This is nice.
- Yeah.

We're so glad
you guys could come tonight.

Well, if you cook steak
like that...

[ Laughter ]

This is exactly what I wanted
for my birthday.

- I'm so glad.
- Yeah.

Because I kind of wanted

to talk to you all
about something.

I've been thinking,

and what I really want this year
is to get baptized.

I didn't know
your church did that.

We do.

So, is this something...
that you've been discussing?

Well, Paige did come to me,

and I told her
it was a wonderful thing

but that we needed
to discuss it with you first.


It was my idea.

It's a beautiful ceremony.


What is it?

It's like an initiation.

- [ Chuckles ]
Paige: - You wash away your old self

and make yourself clean
for Jesus Christ.

Hi, Arthur.


This isn't your night.

Could you get Sandra?

Of course.

It's Stan.

Sandra: Oh. Okay.

Hey. What's up?

Uh, could you, uh...

Uh, yeah.
Just, uh, give me a second.

[ Clears throat ]

Is everything all right?

I had an affair.

And I know you know that,

but I never answered
when you asked.

And I'm just trying to be honest
with this EST stuff.


I was an asshole.

[ Exhales sharply ]

And I loved her.

I'm not saying that to hurt you.
I'm just trying to be honest.

It was through work.

And it was bad for work,

and it was bad for her,
and it was bad for you,

and I feel like shit about it.

But it's over.

And I j--

I'm sorry, Sandra.

I'm really, really sorry.

[ Water running ]

[ Door closes ]

It was a setup.

She set us up.

I know.

So while we fight
and we do nothing,

she set this whole thing up
so we couldn't say no.

She does what she does.

She's gonna
wash her old life away

and make herself clean
for Jesus Christ.

If you tell her now,
this will all blow up.

But at least
she'll know who she is.

[ Telephone ringing ]


Thank you.


[ Sighs ]

Kimberly wants to see me.


[ Chuckles ]

These are awesome.

So, let me
get this straight--

- You're a lawyer...
- Mm-hmm.

...a lobbyist...

and you make fake IDs.

N-no. I didn't do it.
My friend did.

Because yours were pathetic.

- [ Chuckles ]
- Nicole's brother made them.

Well, the kid
must be flunking art.

[ Laughs ]

I don't want to be insulting,

but your pot kind of sucks.

What are you talking about?

Well, sometimes they put
wood chips or oregano in it

when they're selling it
to kids.

I'm not a kid.

Yeah, no.
Yes, I know that.

I was just, uh...

Here. Let me do that,

Why don't you, uh,
why don't you fix the music?


[ Tape rewinding ]
I wanted you to hear the rest of the album.


So, your dad hates lobbyists.


He lives
in his own little biscuit.

[ Click ]

[ Yaz's "Only You" plays ]

This is my favorite song.

[ Chuckles ]

♪ looking from a window above,
it's like a story of love ♪

- It's so cold.
- Yeah.

♪ can you hear me? ♪

♪ came back only yesterday ♪

♪ I'm moving farther away ♪

♪ want you near me ♪

- ♪ all I needed was the love you gave ♪
- Come on.

Don't you want to dance?

[ Laughs ]
I'm too old.

- You're not old.
- I am.

♪ and all I ever knew ♪

What kind of music do you like?

Oh, you know, "Quadrophenia,"
"Dark Side Of The Moon."

Music from the cavemen era.

Shut up.
I know that stuff.

- Really?
- Yeah.

♪ when it's only a game ♪

♪ and I need you ♪

- ♪ listen to the words that you say ♪
- It's freezing.

Why don't you sit here?

♪ it's getting harder to stay ♪

♪ when I see you ♪

♪ all I needed
was the love you gave ♪

♪ all I needed for another day ♪

♪ and all I ever knew ♪

♪ only you ♪