The Americans (2013–2018): Season 3, Episode 13 - March 8, 1983 - full transcript

Elizabeth and Paige take a trip that lands them in treacherous territory.

Phillip: Previously on
The Americans...

Stan: I think your defector
might be a Russian spy.

My government
can make a trade-- for Nina.




Are you in
the Witness Protection program?

Did you kill somebody?
Are we aliens? What?!

We work for our country...

The Soviet Union.

Philip: The FBI found
the bug in Gaad's pen.

Did anyone ask you to tamper
in any way with this pen?

You were in there
for three hours.

He's very thorough.

Martha: Agent Taffet
wants to talk to me again.

What am I gonna do, Clark?

[ Woman speaking Russian ]

My mother...
She's dying.

I want to arrange a trip

for Elizabeth to see her mother
one last time.

We think you should go with me.

It would be the only chance
you'll have

to meet your grandmother.

I wish it were possible,
but we both know that it isn't.

[ Airplane engine roars ]

[ Woman speaks indistinctly over PA ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Have a fun time

missing a whole week of school
without me.

I'm gonna get you, like,
the best present.

How about a trip to Europe?
That's-- that's a good present.

Well, I'm sure

next time mom and dad
have business out of the country

and they get
a free extra ticket,

it'll go to you.

you and me.

Come on.
I want to go to Europe.

We're gonna be stuck
in West Germany.

Maybe dad could take you
to France or England.

I could take you
to the Tower Of London.

Why would I want
to see some tower?

Because it's where
they used to keep prisoners

chopping their heads off.

Okay, cool.

I'm sorry
I never got to meet her.

You wouldn't have liked her.


Okay, you better go.

Okay, bye.

- Hustle up.
- Paige, let's go.

Fly safe.


[ Man speaks indistinctly over PA ]

Yousaf: Whatever you did
must have worked.

I heard the CIA canceled
the meeting with the Mujahideen

and the Senate
Armed Services Committee.

So, Annelise
finally pays off for you.

The weapons
stay out of your enemy's hands.

Was it worth it?

I don't think like that.

I know a lot of young men who
won't be blown out of the sky

because of what I did--

what Annelise did.

What we did.

A lot of young men who...

[ Sighs ]

Yousaf, I feel like shit
all the time.

[ Indistinct conversation
in Russian ]




[ Indistinct conversation
in Russian ]





Yours, yours,
yours if you want it.

You want it?


Uh, I'd like
those two plants, too.

[ Sighs ]

What-- you want them?

I mean, you haven't
watered a plant in your life.

Well, they're thriving.

They didn't get that way
on their own.

I bought plant food.

[ Gulps ]


Uh, you take the palm,
and I'll take the arrowhead.

Uh, I'd also really love
the rocking chair.

- Oh, I kind of wanted--
- My dad gave that to us.

I know, but...

I remember you
nursing Matthew in that.

How about I get it on weekends?

I'm kidding.

You take it.


[ Chuckles ]

[ Clears throat ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

No one ever looks
at photo albums

when there's time--

Only if someone dies or...


That Matthew was
a good-looking kid.

I can make copies of those
so we can both have a set.

It's expensive.

I know, but...

we both want them, right?


You can have this.

I would... like that
and the Degas print.

[ Car horns honking ] _

Can we talk here, mom?

Yeah. Just quietly.

Does your mother
know I'm coming?

I'm not sure.

What's she like?



She had to be.

She's not like the grandmothers
you're used to.

Some of my friends have
some pretty tough grandmothers.

Not like my mother.

Are we going tomorrow?

Still not sure.
It could be a couple of days.

There's a lot they have to do.

Let's cross over here.

[ Motorcycle engine revs ]

Is there something wrong?


You're acting weird.

I'm just checking something.
Look straight ahead.

What's going on?

I'm seeing
if anyone's following us.

Why would someone
be following us?

They're not.

I just-- for a second,
I thought I saw something,

but we're fine.

Who would be following us?

[ Sighs ]

People from West Germany.

But they're not.
They're not.

I just like to be careful.

Do you have to be careful
all the time?

If I'm working, yeah.

[ Horn honks ]

And you're working now?

Not really.

It's... like a habit,
I guess.

Look, they're already there,

and no one blinked
at her passport.

All The Centre has to do
is pick them up at the hotel

and take them
across the border.

As far as you know,
nobody caught the passport.

This isn't
how we do things, Philip.

There's a chain of command.

I told you

I was gonna take care
of my wife and my family.

This is her last chance
to see her mother,

Paige's only chance
to meet her grandmother.

I'm sure The Centre
can understand that.

I know they certainly wanted her
connected to her roots.

You can't blackmail
the Organization this way.

You're acting like a child.

You can say
what you want to say.

I'm just getting done
what I need to get done.

You can't see
10 feet in front of you.

I've done nothing
but try to take care of you,

and because you're not getting
what you want,

you think I'm the enemy.

And when Elizabeth
doesn't see everything

exactly the way you see it,

you think there's
something wrong with her.

You know who there's
something wrong with?

Grow up.

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

An order came in
from The Centre.

No assassinations
without the approval

of all departments at The Centre
and the local rezidents.

She got a message to them.

It can't be a coincidence.

She's working for us.

Do you really see this working?

What do you think
it's like for Nina

where she is right now?

[ Sighs ]

I don't think about the prison.

If they send her
to the labor camp...


A lot of the time,
people spend 20 years there,

then after they're released,

they just stay
in shit little, local villages

until they die.

Can you imagine
what she'd think

if someone told her
the two of us were sitting here,

doing what we're doing
to try to get her out?

[ Sighs ]

I think she knows
I'm trying to help her.

I think she'd like
to put a bullet in my head.

[ Chair squeaks ]

[ Indistinct conversation
in Russian ]

[ Muttering ]

[ Scribbling ]





It's not like that.

[ Sighs ]

You should get some rest.

Can't this wait
till tomorrow morning?


I-I don't quite understand it

but it's exciting.

All I really have left
is my brain.

And this--
it's, um...

[ Sighs ]

It's a challenge.

I'm not one of the martyrs,

And if I live, then maybe...

Who knows?
Maybe one day, I'll see--

[ Sighs ]

They only have my body.

You understand?

[ Chair squeaks ]

[ Sighs ]

What's going on?

You remember
when we got the news

that Nina was convicted?

You told me these operations
sometimes go this way.

I couldn't live with that.

That is Oleg Burov admitting

that Zinaida Preobrazhenskaya
is a spy working for the KGB.

Who's he say it to?



You've been talking to Burov
without my knowing about it?

I guess I couldn't get out of

the "losing sleep over it" phase
with Zinaida, sir.

And I found out Burov had...

kind of a thing for Nina.

And how did you find that out?

Well... I...

think you know
that things... got...

more complicated
than they should have

with me and Nina.

Burov found out,
tried to use it against me.


A couple of months
before they arrested her.

So, this has been
going on for--

I knew I could get him
this way, sir.

I just needed time.

And I got him.

And with that,
we can arrest Zinaida

and trade her for Nina.

Do you give a shit
about the Bureau, Stan?

Did you put the bug
in my office?

No, sir.

Did you have
anything to do with it?

No, sir, of course not.

"Of course not"?

I wouldn't be here.

I got Oleg Burov for treason,

the head of Science and
Technology at the Rezidentura.

I-I may be able
to turn him, sir.

Let me do this.

Why would I be stupid enough
to trust you again, Stan?

I don't know if
I'd trust me again, either, sir,

but I got this asshole on tape.

That's proof.

If this is
the end of my career,

it's the end of my career.

But Nina was our agent.

We owe our agents
anything we can do to help them

if they get caught.

That's how it works.


Don't give me a speech

on how we're supposed to
treat our agents.

[ Door opens ]

That's right-- you were both
having the same problem.

When you try to separate sex
from intimacy and honesty,

it always goes wrong.

Thank you, Randi.


So, two nights ago,

I decided I was
going to confront my husband

about how dissatisfied I was
with our sex life.

But instead of being supportive,
he got really mad at me.

He started yelling.

I start yelling back,
which we always do.

We have these terrible fights.

But this time,
it's just about sex.

And suddenly, out of nowhere,
he says,

"Just let me
go down on you."

He'd never said
anything like that before to me.

I immediately got so...

turned on.

I was just ready--

ready to be responsible
and accountable

for all my own sexual desires.

I was ready
for him to go down on me.

Uh, excuse me.

Uh, Philip!

- Hi.
- Hey.

So, I was-- I was a little
surprised to see you here.

Yeah, me too.

I mean--

I know what you mean.


I actually came with, um, Stan

- the first time.
- Mm-hmm.

Um, so, I-I guess--

You weren't expecting to,
and you got something out of it.

- Right.
- That's great.

I guess.

[ Chuckles ]


Look, you know, I'm--
I'm kind of here... privately,

so I-I--

Yeah. I get it.


So, maybe I'll see you
next time.


[ Sighs ]

[ Rhythmic knock on door ]

[ Knock repeats ]

[ Lock disengages ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Voice breaking ]


[ Breathing heavily ]









[ Sniffles ]



It's important
in the Soviet Union.

We've heard about that.

[ Motor shuts off ]

[ Speaks indistinctly ]

Come with us, please.

[ Car door closes ]

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Voice breaking ]

What are you doing?

I'm praying.

For your mother.

[ Sniffles ]

Take a seat.

I spent an hour and a half
with the Director.

I told him
what you've been doing.

He asked if we should
open an investigation.

I said yes.

I also recommended that
you be dismissed immediately.

He's across the street

with the Deputy Attorney General
right now.

I'll have final word
on what to do

in a couple of hours.

Until then,
you wait at your desk.

What about Zinaida?

We arrested her.

They're not trading her
for Nina.

There's a CIA asset

that was arrested a year ago
in the Soviet Union.

They want him more.

It's a day of big
disappointments for all of us.


Are you awake?

What is it, honey?

I don't get how she could
let you leave like that--

say goodbye forever.

Would you let me do that?

[ Sighs ]

You would never have to do
anything like that.


[ Footsteps approach ]

[ Lock rattles, disengages ]

[ Keys jingle ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Walkman thuds ]

[ Sniffs ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Muffled screaming ]

[ Screaming stops ]

[ Philip sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Keys clack ]

[ Sniffs ]

[ Keys clacking ]


[ Telephone rings ]

Agent Beeman,
can I see you in the vault?

[ Sighs ]

I remember you burst into
my office last year

because you felt
like the red tape

was stopping you
from doing your job,

and now I understand you've been
running your own operation

with Oleg Burov
at the Rezidentura.

I know Agent Gaad is not happy,

but from where I stand,

that's two times you've
gotten close to people there.

I'm sure you understand

that the people who run
our government agencies

are just bureaucrats.

The President understands
that's how government works.

It's all red tape.

There's not gonna be an
investigation into what you did.

The only thing that matters

is the work
you are going to be doing--

with Burov.

If you have trouble
with the bureaucrats here,

you come to me.

I'm gonna tell them
the same thing.

I won't let them
stand in your way.

We need to get
Nina Sergeevna released

so I can use that
as a lever with Burov.

That, we can't do.

You'll find another way.

[ Door opens ]

[ Knock on door ]

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Door opens ]

Frank, let's take a minute.

Sure. Come on in.

we've talked about here

has been making me trust my gut

in ways
I never thought I could.

Where is your gut, Lance?

- [ Chuckles ]
- Point to it.

I know I've dishonored my word
and my marriage vows,

but... being here
in this room

with people
who aren't judging me

just makes me realize--
in my gut--

my body belongs to me.

Your body talks, too--
not just your mind.

You're so stuck in your mind,

but what you're just learning

is that these feelings
in your gut

are just as important--

more important
than all the shit in your head.

Thank you, Lance.

[ Applause ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Chuckles, clears throat ]



Intense tonight.

[ Chuckles ]

"Intense"-- good word.

It's amazing, though, seeing
so many people opening up.

Do you... talk about this stuff
to your boyfriend?

A-about you being here?


I mean, we thought about
coming together,

but he did this seminar
two years ago, and...

- Yeah. Yeah.
- [ Chuckles ]

It's hard, in a couple.

He and I...
[ Sighs ]

Maybe we should've come together.
[ Chuckles ]

But even in a relationship
that's fairly new,

you run into things.

You have to really work at it.


Oh, God. Don't-- Please don't
tell Stan any of this.

- I wouldn't want him thinking that...
- Oh.

...there was anything with
me and Arthur that wasn't--

Stan shouldn't
have anything in his head

that would get his hopes up
about us.

Of course. I won't.

Believe me,
he doesn't even know I'm here.

[ Chuckling ]

Why are you here?

[ Smacks lips ]

I don't know.

[ Chuckles ]

No, it's...

Last time I was here...

[ Sighs ]

I guess I just liked
something about it.

Werner says everyone comes here

thinking that they're there
for someone else,

but they're really here
for themselves.

But why the
graduate sex seminar?


I don't know.

I mean, everything is fine
with Elizabeth.

But I-I--
I just feel like I...

[ Sighs ]

No, yeah, I-I get it.

I mean, the sex part's
not really about the s-sex,

as they've been saying, but....

it's about everything.

Learning how to be open...

Really knowing yourself.
Someone really knowing you.



I'm not sure...

anyone in my life
has ever really known me.

What about you? Has anyone
ever really known you?


Does she know you're here?

[ Chuckles ]

I kind of waited
till she was out of town.

I understand.

It's hard.


[ Sighs ]

You know,
this is maybe--

this is gonna sound
a little crazy, but--

And don't take this
the wrong way-- but...

[ Sighs ]

What if, as long as
we're in this seminar together,

what if you and I
agreed to just...

tell each other everything?

No secrets.


like an experiment.

I don't really know
if I can do that.

[ Chuckles ]
I don't know if I could do that, either.

[ Laughs ]

But it would be
a good thing to have.

It would be scary, maybe,
but good.

I'll think about it.



[ Knock on door ]

[ Nina speaking Russian ]
















[ Horn blares ]

Woman: Unattended parking is not
permitted on Departure level.

Elizabeth: Whew.

Violators will be ticketed.

It's weird.

- What?
- I don't know.

Just being there
and being here now.


It is weird.

Let's get a cab.

I don't know...
if I can do this, mom.

I don't think I can do it.


Go home and-- and lie to Henry
about everything.

All my friends,
everyone in my life.


To lie for the rest of my life.

That's not who I am.

Everybody lies, Paige.

It's... a part of life.

But we're telling each other
the truth now.

That's what's important.

You're gonna get through this.

We will. I promise.


Come on.

[ Keys jingle ]

[ Tape rewinds,
answering machine beeps ]

Hey, guys. It's Stan.

Just wanted to let you know
Henry's over here.

We're playing, uh,
this football game.

So just come pick him up

or call,
and I'll send him over.

Okay. Bye.

[ Beep ]

BBC reporter: Ambassador Troyanovsky
stated that Moscow hoped for success

in the United Nations' efforts
to end the Afghan conflict

so that the Soviet Union

might withdraw
its 105,000 troops there.

Though the Soviets

were not included
in the UN-sponsored talks

between Afghanistan,
Pakistan, and Iran,

they wished them the best
in a peaceful negotiation.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

Philip: Hey!

Hey, welcome back.

Paige: Hi, dad.

Hi, honey.

I missed you guys.
How was the trip?

Uh, I think I have jet lag.

- [ Chuckles ]
- Big traveler.



Oh, uh, h-he, uh...
he's at Stan's.

They're playing
some football game.

Do you want some food?




I-I think
I really need to go to sleep.

Sure. Good idea.

So, how did Paige do?


Really good.

I think, um...

I think it was good for her.

[ Indistinct talking on TV ]

[ Sighs ]

How-- how was it
with your mother?

I'm glad I went.

Thank you.

Reporter: ...combating
various proposals in Europe

for nuclear arms reductions.

[ Sniffling ]

I, um...

I took care
of that Martha thing today.

I mean, we'll see,

but maybe they'll shut down
the investigation.


Did you tell Martha
about it first?

Uh, no.

She's absorbing everything...
right now,

so when she finds out
he's dead, she'll, um...

she'll come to me
and she'll tell me

how much she needs to know
about it.

I think she should hear it
from you first.

A woman like that,
with this on her conscience...

I don't think
you're seeing things clearly.

Maybe not.

[ Sniffles ]

[ Crying ]

[ Sniffles ]

[ Sniffles ]

Hi. Alice?

It's Paige.

Can I talk to Pastor Tim?

[ Reporter talking
indistinctly ]

This guy today,
his apartment--

He had all this kid stuff--

you know,
stuff Henry plays with.

It was hard.

It was hard, Elizabeth.


[ Voice breaking ]
No, I'm not.

I've been having
a really hard time,

and I'm hurting a lot.

[ Crying ]
I don't know what to do.

I almost feel like...

when I do this stuff...

if I don't--

I just feel like...

from now on,
I need to be able...

to know...
what I'm doing better

s-so I...

What do you mean?

[ Sighs ]

[ Sniffles ]

I've tried praying,
and it doesn't help.

Can you please...

[ Breathes shakily ]

...please help me?

[ Sighs ]
I guess I just feel like...

[ Sighs ]

Wallace: The President launched
a new offensive

against the nuclear freeze

Addressing a convention
of Evangelicals,

onward Christian soldiers...

Hold on.
W-we should listen to this.

...against the arms freeze
from their pulpits.

President Reagan:
Simpleminded appeasement

or wishful thinking
about our adversaries is folly.

It means
the betrayal of our past,

the squandering of our freedom.

I can't take it.

They're just-- they're liars.

They're liars, and they're
trying to turn me into one.

Wallace: Mr. Reagan cast
the US confrontation

with the Soviet Union
in moral terms,

using some of the sharpest
language of his presidency

to condemn Soviet leaders.

In your discussions of
the nuclear freeze proposals,

I urge you to beware
the temptation of pride,

the temptation of blithely declaring
yourselves above it all...

- Yes!
- ...and label both sides equally at fault.

They're-- they're not
who they say they are.

They're not... Americans. ignore
the facts of history

and the aggressive impulses
of an evil empire,

to simply call the arms race
a giant misunderstanding,

and thereby remove yourself
from the struggle

between right and wrong
and good and evil.

I'm-- I'm not
supposed to say it.

Y-you can't tell anyone.


They're... Russians.

...while they preach
the supremacy of the state,

declare its omnipotence
over individual man

and predict
its eventual domination

of all peoples on the Earth.

They are the focus of evil
in the modern world.

[ Applause ]