The Americans (2013–2018): Season 3, Episode 12 - I Am Abassin Zadran - full transcript
Martha hosts an unexpected guest; Philip and Elizabeth must work a formidable Mujahideen commander.
Previously on The Americans...
My mother...
She's dying.
I want to arrange a trip
for Elizabeth to see her mother
one last time.
She had a real spirit,
like yours.
How can I believe
anything you say?
We want a piece of whatever
it is you got going on
with your friend
the consultant.
I'm sure he would love to know
what's going on
at Northrop, too.
ISI is sending someone
important to meet the CIA.
10 days ago,
the CIA asked us to give them
the names of
the Mujahideen commanders
with the best language skills.
They fly 3 of them here
on the 18th.
Yeah, yeah.
I just think that
GW isn't as strong a school.
Try the basement.
If it's not there, I put it in the--
...on weekdays, sir.
The idiot had his TV
turned up, and I didn't--
Yeah, I'm trying to get through
to housekeeping.
This is housekeeping.
I need more pillows
in room 629.
Check the top of the closet.
Thank you.
Hey, dad.
cables, jack, plug...
Where's your sister?
...accessories are also
in stock for your convenience.
She left a note in the kitchen.
Guest speaker at the church.
She's staying the night
at Pastor Tim's afterwards.
- Says who?
- Says her.
Is there a number?
♪ whatever you want
at Delmont ♪
♪ whatever
you want at Delmont ♪
The war is over.
MASH is finally going home.
It's a machine.
Hi, Tim, Alice.
This is Philip Jennings.
We just got Paige's note.
Could you have her call us?
We should go over there.
- I'll go.
- No. We should both go.
We don't know what
we're dealing with.
We're just gonna pick up Paige.
Lights out at 10:00, Henry.
Tune in on Monday
at 8:30 PM
for the 2 1/2-hour
television finale...
If you'll call me
a taxi, I'll be on my way.
...only on Channel 5.
What time is it?
Where the hell are they?
I don't know. How long does
a church lecture go?
You're asking me?
Probably turned into
some potluck,
poster-making, sing-along.
Don't jump all over her.
- What?
- You know what I mean.
No, maybe I don't.
You wanna teach me how
to handle my own daughter?
- Hi.
- Hey.
Hey, guys. Everything okay?
Yeah. We just didn't know Paige
was coming over tonight, so...
- I left a note.
- Uh, you did,
- but you should've--
- It's the middle of the week, Paige.
Well, I did all my homework.
That's not the point.
You can't just run off.
Uh, I'm sorry. We had no idea.
Well, I'm sorry, but I have
all my stuff for school.
I'm staying.
No, you're not, Paige.
Paige, come on. They're right.
We thought they knew.
They didn't.
I'll get your bag.
Ah, I'm really sorry, guys.
Uh, thank you
for sending over those rates
for the trip to Kenya.
I just-- I saw 'em today.
- It's very reasonable.
- Yeah, there's a couple of carriers
offering good deals to Africa
right now.
- Good.
- Here you go.
Well, again, um, sorry for
the misunderstanding.
Good night.
Good night.
Hold it.
That was not okay.
Going to a lecture?
- You think this is a game?
- No.
You can't run off like that.
We need to be able to trust you.
Did you say anything
to Pastor Tim?
What do you think?
You asked for the truth,
and with that
comes responsibility.
Do you understand that?
You need to tell us
you understand.
So, what? I can't see
Pastor Tim anymore?
No, no one is saying that.
You need to act as if
everything is perfectly normal.
- But it's not.
- Paige.
I didn't tell him.
Can I get by?
You have to go
to Martha's tonight, right?
Is that a parking spot?
I keep thinking I wanna paint--
blue or something bolder.
But then you have to live
with it.
And the smell--
it lingers, you know.
Much longer than they say.
Hmm, it's a nice place.
Thank you.
It's home.
Look, I'm sorry to drop by
Just... so hard to talk
around the office these days.
Tell me about it.
I saw you today staring
into your coffee mug
for a minute, straight.
You know I talk to it
and I beg it to wake me up.
You just seemed a little
distracted to me, Martha.
I wanted to make sure
you're okay.
Me? I'm fine.
Uh... it's just hectic,
with Agent Taffet there.
Agent Gaad's schedule is...
We all know it's the secretaries
that make the place run.
That's nice. Thank you.
You don't always get
the credit you deserve.
I read that.
That's a good book.
What are you, uh...
doing here, Stan?
I hear the gossip at work
about your marriage...
- No, no, no. - And, you know,
you should talk to somebody.
- But I'm not the right person.
- No, I just...
I just wanted you to know
with things at work,
if there's anything
on your mind,
you can always come to me.
I appreciate that,
Agent Beeman.
You know, I have
an early morning,
and it's getting late.
Yeah. Okay.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yes, you will.
Good night.
Good night.
What are you doing here?
What happened?
Hans waved me off.
I met him after.
He said he saw a guy
get out of a car
with government plates
going to
her apartment building.
Has she called?
Two messages so far.
Hans did good.
What now?
I don't know.
Miss Hanson?
I'm a friend of your husband.
Clark knows
you must be worried.
Is he all right?
Nice and easy. Yeah?
And just remember
that the lens is right there,
They won't think it's strange
to see a woman carrying
a purse onto the plant floor?
I take it every time
I leave the office.
Every girl does.
Take a lot of shots.
Better to have too many
than too few.
What's her excuse
for being there?
I'm going to see
the materials engineer
- about the machine settings
on his new plans. - That's right.
And they're not gonna
search your purse?
Baby, don't worry.
The guards only care
about my badge.
Mm. And they want every angle,
so they said an easy way
to do that
is to spot the engineer early.
Start one way
around the fuselage
and come back the other way
if you can.
You know, it's just if you can.
- Okay.
- And also...
Take this.
What is that?
It's a sedative. Keep you calm.
She's not taking that.
It's 5 milligrams. Trust me.
It's helpful.
I'll meet you after
where we said.
You're gonna be great,
just like you practiced.
I'm so sorry about last night.
I tried calling you five times.
Yes, I know, I know.
What am I doing here, Clark?
- And who was that man?
- He-- he's a friend.
I couldn't be certain
your apartment was safe.
I-I came last night,
but I saw someone go
into your apartment building,
and he was driving a car
with government plates.
It was Agent Beeman.
What did he want?
He said that he was
worried about me, but...
Why? What'd he say?
He said it's tense
in the office
and we can't talk,
and if I have anything
on my mind,
that I should go to him.
What am I gonna do, Clark?
Okay, Martha, listen.
I don't know quite how
to say this.
But we might have to go...
away someplace new.
- Clark, I--
- It's gonna-- it's gonna be okay.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- I can't just--
Just-- just-- just trust me.
They don't know.
If they did, it would be
a very different visit.
They would be bugging
your phone,
surveilling you 24 hours a day,
and they wouldn't have
tipped you
by sending Agent Beeman.
I-- Martha, I will figure
this out.
I will figure this out.
I promise.
No, no fire.
It doesn't make sense.
- Hey, Stan.
- Uh, I'm late for a meeting.
All right, maybe find me later?
About what, exactly?
I've got a few more questions
about Nina.
You got the transcripts?
What is with you?
I don't know, Stan.
There was something
going on with you and Nina.
That much is clear to me.
What are you accusing me of?
Did you plant the bug?
And you are not
as smart as you look.
You read all those files.
Let's say the woman I shot
didn't actually die.
Maybe she's the one
who beat the shit
out of you and Gaad.
Maybe she even killed
my partner, Chris Amador.
Our office is a target
of the illegals.
The best, most dangerous
officers the KGB has.
Now they got
to somebody inside,
and it wasn't me.
Work on that.
Can't you go
in there and say something?
Are you kidding?
She did her job.
This wasn't the arrangement.
I'm dealing with
this side of things now.
Got a problem with that?
I do.
Suit yourself.
That's my camera.
How about I take
the film out, expose it,
give it back to you?
Tell Lisa I'll talk
to her soon, in person.
Was her sense that Stan
was really concerned for her
or that he was investigating?
She couldn't tell.
She was upset, terrified.
What do you think?
I think Stan's a nice guy,
but he's not showing up
at his secretary's apartment
out of the goodness
of his heart.
Unless he's looking
for something else.
With Martha?
Who are these people?
Is this Roger, who we went
to Seaworld with?
Is he really our cousin?
So that's a lie.
Paige, there are going
to be things that--
Aunt Helen, who you
stayed with-- I met her.
I went to her house.
Was she really sick?
Is she my aunt?
Who is she?
Is she a Russian?
Can you please
keep your voice down?
- Why?
- Because Henry is just down the hall.
Okay, so Roger's not
really our cousin,
Helen's not my aunt,
but Henry is my brother.
Would you calm down
for a minute? We--
- You guys are my parents.
- Paige, please, we--
But everything else
is just a lie, right?
Everything is a lie!
Please don't touch me.
Don't touch me.
Hi, mom. How are you guys?
Is dad getting on the other--
Hi, daddy.
Oh, nothing. Um, I just wanted
to hear your voices.
No, no. Same old, you know.
The glamorous FBI.
He's great.
No, not right now.
Work, work, work.
You know how he is.
Nothing's wrong, mom.
It's just--
it's hard sometimes.
I know.
Oh, God. I have...
21 days saved up, but, uh,
I don't wanna leave right now.
I know you are.
I'm fine.
Let's talk about something else.
Um, what are you guys gonna do
for your anniversary?
There is no Aunt Helen.
Your mom wasn't... well,
and she needed time to recover,
to get better.
It's not all a lie, Paige.
This is you in the hospital
the night Henry was born.
Your mom said I had
to bring you over that night,
even though it was late.
Couldn't wait
till the next day.
And this is
when we went camping
in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
You were 7.
Shared a tent with Henry.
He was afraid
a bear was gonna eat him.
I didn't know that.
He made me promise not to tell.
You should go
and take her with you.
I don't know.
She doesn't think
she has any family,
and she does.
Look, if you don't take her,
I will.
Excuse me.
Hi. I'm here
for Abassin Zadran.
It's late.
Yeah, I gotta talk to him
about tomorrow's meeting.
- Wait here.
- Sure.
I got someone here
who needs clearance,
picking up Zadran.
Okay, check it out.
It'll be a minute.
I have an officer here
for Abassin Zadran.
Need approval to release him.
Hold the line.
You have approval
to release Abassin Zadran
to the officer
with the ID number 24765.
Got it.
He's good.
This is Laura Gering
of the CIA.
Good evening.
Is it okay if we drive
someplace more private?
The senators on the committee
are worried.
They don't think they can trust
the Mujahideen
with portable
anti-aircraft weapons.
That is why we are here--
to convince them.
That was the hope.
How well do you know
the men you traveled with?
Not well, but we want
the same thing.
They're both from the same
village. Did you know that?
We believe
they have instructions
to go into tomorrow's meeting
and sabotage your chances
of acquiring the weapons
you need.
- That is not possible.
- No?
Abdul Qader's sons
were fighting in Sayghani.
They were captured by Soviets.
He's loyal to his family,
not Afghanistan.
He and Momand have been
delivering information
to a Soviet general
named Yashkin.
Why do you think there's
been no fighting
in Haji Satar or Rahim?
You think that's coincidence?
We went to the chairman
of the committee and told him.
He said we brought them
all this way.
The committee's gonna
listen to them.
Your friends only have to act
like they have goals
other than winning this war,
allies other than us,
and that would be it.
Why is there no war here...
in America?
My country is always at war.
And for what?
Afghanistan has nothing.
No planes, no helicopters,
no medicine.
Nothing of our own.
All we want is to live
on the land of our fathers
in peace.
We understand.
You're right.
I don't know these men.
My men are in the mountains.
My men are honorable.
They want to fight and die
as martyrs.
Do you know that a martyr
may be laid in his grave
just as he dies?
His body and clothes
soaked in blood?
Even a prophet must be cleaned
before burial,
but not a martyr.
So great is his honor.
But a traitor...
There is a way
for tomorrow to work out.
If you were to go
to the meeting alone...
Tell me.
What does your intelligence
say about me?
That you are loyal,
that there are no Mujahideen
as brave as yours.
I am Abassin Zadran.
I am the one who cuts
the throats of the Communists.
I have killed many people
with my knife.
I have cut them open
and watched them die,
some of them boys,
no older than my nephew.
I found them swimming,
their guns on the riverbank,
laughing, singing,
after dropping bombs
on our villages,
desecrating our women,
killing our babies.
They're cowards.
If there were 200 infidels
standing on the road,
I would gut every one of them
like a goat.
14 types of omelets,
20 kinds of hamburgers.
How does one choose?
The paradox of being American.
Hmm. Isn't this
a Greek diner?
The risk we run now
is things with Paige
will move too slowly.
Philip will continue
to block progress.
Well, I can't help wondering
if Philip is right.
It's their daughter.
I'm thinking, Claudia.
I can think out loud
with you after 30 years.
Think out loud all you like.
It's a free country.
Or haven't you heard?
I'm just not certain
it's the right thing.
For Paige?
No, for Philip and Elizabeth.
She was much better with him
before this all came out.
- What can I get you?
- I'll have tea.
Okay, we have, uh, chamomile,
Earl Grey--
Just tea. Hot tea.
- The same.
- All right, thanks.
Starting to wish
you didn't come back?
It was very dull in Sergach.
What happened at The Centre
when they heard it was the boy
who killed his family?
I'd never seen anything
quite like it in 40 years.
They fired the head
of the American Department,
who left in shame.
Everyone was in mourning.
Thought they might shut down
Directorate S.
And yet with all that...
they still
want to try it again?
They think you can do it.
I need to speak
with my friends.
Brad! Brad!
Drop it. Now.
"Got plans?
"My husband wants
to see this movie,
'The King Of Comedy.'"
"What's that?"
"Some Jerry Lewis movie."
"Oh, man."
Come in.
♪ the warmth of your hand
and a cold gray sky ♪
♪ it fades to a distance ♪
I'm going to see my mother
before she dies...
in Russia.
♪ this means nothing to me ♪
I talked it over with dad.
We think you should go with me.
It would be the only chance
you'll have
to meet your grandmother.
But it's your choice.
♪ this means nothing to me ♪
♪ this means nothing to me ♪
♪ oh, Vienna ♪
I'm sorry, Clark.
I, uh...
Martha, where are you going?
To my parents'.
I need a break.
We need a break.
- Martha--
- No, um...
I can't take it.
at work knows that I'm lying.
- No, no, they don't.
- When I come home, you're not...
Martha, I know how hard
this is.
I know, but I am trying.
I know you are.
But it's not enough.
I'm sorry, Clark,
but it's--
it's not enough.
They're not gonna let up
until they find the person
that put that pen there.
I-I am working on it,
and I will figure it out.
I promise.
I am with you.
Martha, I-I-I love you.
I love you. You...
I'm your husband.
Whatever kind of arrangement
you want is fine. Um...
I let you in here.
It's fine.
I just...
When my mother asks,
I don't even know what to say.
And it's not just that.
I can't be here with you
like this.
I was 18 when I left,
and I always told my mother
to turn my room
into a sewing room, you know?
But she wouldn't do it.
She just wouldn't do it.
My mother...
She's dying.
I want to arrange a trip
for Elizabeth to see her mother
one last time.
She had a real spirit,
like yours.
How can I believe
anything you say?
We want a piece of whatever
it is you got going on
with your friend
the consultant.
I'm sure he would love to know
what's going on
at Northrop, too.
ISI is sending someone
important to meet the CIA.
10 days ago,
the CIA asked us to give them
the names of
the Mujahideen commanders
with the best language skills.
They fly 3 of them here
on the 18th.
Yeah, yeah.
I just think that
GW isn't as strong a school.
Try the basement.
If it's not there, I put it in the--
...on weekdays, sir.
The idiot had his TV
turned up, and I didn't--
Yeah, I'm trying to get through
to housekeeping.
This is housekeeping.
I need more pillows
in room 629.
Check the top of the closet.
Thank you.
Hey, dad.
cables, jack, plug...
Where's your sister?
...accessories are also
in stock for your convenience.
She left a note in the kitchen.
Guest speaker at the church.
She's staying the night
at Pastor Tim's afterwards.
- Says who?
- Says her.
Is there a number?
♪ whatever you want
at Delmont ♪
♪ whatever
you want at Delmont ♪
The war is over.
MASH is finally going home.
It's a machine.
Hi, Tim, Alice.
This is Philip Jennings.
We just got Paige's note.
Could you have her call us?
We should go over there.
- I'll go.
- No. We should both go.
We don't know what
we're dealing with.
We're just gonna pick up Paige.
Lights out at 10:00, Henry.
Tune in on Monday
at 8:30 PM
for the 2 1/2-hour
television finale...
If you'll call me
a taxi, I'll be on my way.
...only on Channel 5.
What time is it?
Where the hell are they?
I don't know. How long does
a church lecture go?
You're asking me?
Probably turned into
some potluck,
poster-making, sing-along.
Don't jump all over her.
- What?
- You know what I mean.
No, maybe I don't.
You wanna teach me how
to handle my own daughter?
- Hi.
- Hey.
Hey, guys. Everything okay?
Yeah. We just didn't know Paige
was coming over tonight, so...
- I left a note.
- Uh, you did,
- but you should've--
- It's the middle of the week, Paige.
Well, I did all my homework.
That's not the point.
You can't just run off.
Uh, I'm sorry. We had no idea.
Well, I'm sorry, but I have
all my stuff for school.
I'm staying.
No, you're not, Paige.
Paige, come on. They're right.
We thought they knew.
They didn't.
I'll get your bag.
Ah, I'm really sorry, guys.
Uh, thank you
for sending over those rates
for the trip to Kenya.
I just-- I saw 'em today.
- It's very reasonable.
- Yeah, there's a couple of carriers
offering good deals to Africa
right now.
- Good.
- Here you go.
Well, again, um, sorry for
the misunderstanding.
Good night.
Good night.
Hold it.
That was not okay.
Going to a lecture?
- You think this is a game?
- No.
You can't run off like that.
We need to be able to trust you.
Did you say anything
to Pastor Tim?
What do you think?
You asked for the truth,
and with that
comes responsibility.
Do you understand that?
You need to tell us
you understand.
So, what? I can't see
Pastor Tim anymore?
No, no one is saying that.
You need to act as if
everything is perfectly normal.
- But it's not.
- Paige.
I didn't tell him.
Can I get by?
You have to go
to Martha's tonight, right?
Is that a parking spot?
I keep thinking I wanna paint--
blue or something bolder.
But then you have to live
with it.
And the smell--
it lingers, you know.
Much longer than they say.
Hmm, it's a nice place.
Thank you.
It's home.
Look, I'm sorry to drop by
Just... so hard to talk
around the office these days.
Tell me about it.
I saw you today staring
into your coffee mug
for a minute, straight.
You know I talk to it
and I beg it to wake me up.
You just seemed a little
distracted to me, Martha.
I wanted to make sure
you're okay.
Me? I'm fine.
Uh... it's just hectic,
with Agent Taffet there.
Agent Gaad's schedule is...
We all know it's the secretaries
that make the place run.
That's nice. Thank you.
You don't always get
the credit you deserve.
I read that.
That's a good book.
What are you, uh...
doing here, Stan?
I hear the gossip at work
about your marriage...
- No, no, no. - And, you know,
you should talk to somebody.
- But I'm not the right person.
- No, I just...
I just wanted you to know
with things at work,
if there's anything
on your mind,
you can always come to me.
I appreciate that,
Agent Beeman.
You know, I have
an early morning,
and it's getting late.
Yeah. Okay.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Yes, you will.
Good night.
Good night.
What are you doing here?
What happened?
Hans waved me off.
I met him after.
He said he saw a guy
get out of a car
with government plates
going to
her apartment building.
Has she called?
Two messages so far.
Hans did good.
What now?
I don't know.
Miss Hanson?
I'm a friend of your husband.
Clark knows
you must be worried.
Is he all right?
Nice and easy. Yeah?
And just remember
that the lens is right there,
They won't think it's strange
to see a woman carrying
a purse onto the plant floor?
I take it every time
I leave the office.
Every girl does.
Take a lot of shots.
Better to have too many
than too few.
What's her excuse
for being there?
I'm going to see
the materials engineer
- about the machine settings
on his new plans. - That's right.
And they're not gonna
search your purse?
Baby, don't worry.
The guards only care
about my badge.
Mm. And they want every angle,
so they said an easy way
to do that
is to spot the engineer early.
Start one way
around the fuselage
and come back the other way
if you can.
You know, it's just if you can.
- Okay.
- And also...
Take this.
What is that?
It's a sedative. Keep you calm.
She's not taking that.
It's 5 milligrams. Trust me.
It's helpful.
I'll meet you after
where we said.
You're gonna be great,
just like you practiced.
I'm so sorry about last night.
I tried calling you five times.
Yes, I know, I know.
What am I doing here, Clark?
- And who was that man?
- He-- he's a friend.
I couldn't be certain
your apartment was safe.
I-I came last night,
but I saw someone go
into your apartment building,
and he was driving a car
with government plates.
It was Agent Beeman.
What did he want?
He said that he was
worried about me, but...
Why? What'd he say?
He said it's tense
in the office
and we can't talk,
and if I have anything
on my mind,
that I should go to him.
What am I gonna do, Clark?
Okay, Martha, listen.
I don't know quite how
to say this.
But we might have to go...
away someplace new.
- Clark, I--
- It's gonna-- it's gonna be okay.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- I can't just--
Just-- just-- just trust me.
They don't know.
If they did, it would be
a very different visit.
They would be bugging
your phone,
surveilling you 24 hours a day,
and they wouldn't have
tipped you
by sending Agent Beeman.
I-- Martha, I will figure
this out.
I will figure this out.
I promise.
No, no fire.
It doesn't make sense.
- Hey, Stan.
- Uh, I'm late for a meeting.
All right, maybe find me later?
About what, exactly?
I've got a few more questions
about Nina.
You got the transcripts?
What is with you?
I don't know, Stan.
There was something
going on with you and Nina.
That much is clear to me.
What are you accusing me of?
Did you plant the bug?
And you are not
as smart as you look.
You read all those files.
Let's say the woman I shot
didn't actually die.
Maybe she's the one
who beat the shit
out of you and Gaad.
Maybe she even killed
my partner, Chris Amador.
Our office is a target
of the illegals.
The best, most dangerous
officers the KGB has.
Now they got
to somebody inside,
and it wasn't me.
Work on that.
Can't you go
in there and say something?
Are you kidding?
She did her job.
This wasn't the arrangement.
I'm dealing with
this side of things now.
Got a problem with that?
I do.
Suit yourself.
That's my camera.
How about I take
the film out, expose it,
give it back to you?
Tell Lisa I'll talk
to her soon, in person.
Was her sense that Stan
was really concerned for her
or that he was investigating?
She couldn't tell.
She was upset, terrified.
What do you think?
I think Stan's a nice guy,
but he's not showing up
at his secretary's apartment
out of the goodness
of his heart.
Unless he's looking
for something else.
With Martha?
Who are these people?
Is this Roger, who we went
to Seaworld with?
Is he really our cousin?
So that's a lie.
Paige, there are going
to be things that--
Aunt Helen, who you
stayed with-- I met her.
I went to her house.
Was she really sick?
Is she my aunt?
Who is she?
Is she a Russian?
Can you please
keep your voice down?
- Why?
- Because Henry is just down the hall.
Okay, so Roger's not
really our cousin,
Helen's not my aunt,
but Henry is my brother.
Would you calm down
for a minute? We--
- You guys are my parents.
- Paige, please, we--
But everything else
is just a lie, right?
Everything is a lie!
Please don't touch me.
Don't touch me.
Hi, mom. How are you guys?
Is dad getting on the other--
Hi, daddy.
Oh, nothing. Um, I just wanted
to hear your voices.
No, no. Same old, you know.
The glamorous FBI.
He's great.
No, not right now.
Work, work, work.
You know how he is.
Nothing's wrong, mom.
It's just--
it's hard sometimes.
I know.
Oh, God. I have...
21 days saved up, but, uh,
I don't wanna leave right now.
I know you are.
I'm fine.
Let's talk about something else.
Um, what are you guys gonna do
for your anniversary?
There is no Aunt Helen.
Your mom wasn't... well,
and she needed time to recover,
to get better.
It's not all a lie, Paige.
This is you in the hospital
the night Henry was born.
Your mom said I had
to bring you over that night,
even though it was late.
Couldn't wait
till the next day.
And this is
when we went camping
in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
You were 7.
Shared a tent with Henry.
He was afraid
a bear was gonna eat him.
I didn't know that.
He made me promise not to tell.
You should go
and take her with you.
I don't know.
She doesn't think
she has any family,
and she does.
Look, if you don't take her,
I will.
Excuse me.
Hi. I'm here
for Abassin Zadran.
It's late.
Yeah, I gotta talk to him
about tomorrow's meeting.
- Wait here.
- Sure.
I got someone here
who needs clearance,
picking up Zadran.
Okay, check it out.
It'll be a minute.
I have an officer here
for Abassin Zadran.
Need approval to release him.
Hold the line.
You have approval
to release Abassin Zadran
to the officer
with the ID number 24765.
Got it.
He's good.
This is Laura Gering
of the CIA.
Good evening.
Is it okay if we drive
someplace more private?
The senators on the committee
are worried.
They don't think they can trust
the Mujahideen
with portable
anti-aircraft weapons.
That is why we are here--
to convince them.
That was the hope.
How well do you know
the men you traveled with?
Not well, but we want
the same thing.
They're both from the same
village. Did you know that?
We believe
they have instructions
to go into tomorrow's meeting
and sabotage your chances
of acquiring the weapons
you need.
- That is not possible.
- No?
Abdul Qader's sons
were fighting in Sayghani.
They were captured by Soviets.
He's loyal to his family,
not Afghanistan.
He and Momand have been
delivering information
to a Soviet general
named Yashkin.
Why do you think there's
been no fighting
in Haji Satar or Rahim?
You think that's coincidence?
We went to the chairman
of the committee and told him.
He said we brought them
all this way.
The committee's gonna
listen to them.
Your friends only have to act
like they have goals
other than winning this war,
allies other than us,
and that would be it.
Why is there no war here...
in America?
My country is always at war.
And for what?
Afghanistan has nothing.
No planes, no helicopters,
no medicine.
Nothing of our own.
All we want is to live
on the land of our fathers
in peace.
We understand.
You're right.
I don't know these men.
My men are in the mountains.
My men are honorable.
They want to fight and die
as martyrs.
Do you know that a martyr
may be laid in his grave
just as he dies?
His body and clothes
soaked in blood?
Even a prophet must be cleaned
before burial,
but not a martyr.
So great is his honor.
But a traitor...
There is a way
for tomorrow to work out.
If you were to go
to the meeting alone...
Tell me.
What does your intelligence
say about me?
That you are loyal,
that there are no Mujahideen
as brave as yours.
I am Abassin Zadran.
I am the one who cuts
the throats of the Communists.
I have killed many people
with my knife.
I have cut them open
and watched them die,
some of them boys,
no older than my nephew.
I found them swimming,
their guns on the riverbank,
laughing, singing,
after dropping bombs
on our villages,
desecrating our women,
killing our babies.
They're cowards.
If there were 200 infidels
standing on the road,
I would gut every one of them
like a goat.
14 types of omelets,
20 kinds of hamburgers.
How does one choose?
The paradox of being American.
Hmm. Isn't this
a Greek diner?
The risk we run now
is things with Paige
will move too slowly.
Philip will continue
to block progress.
Well, I can't help wondering
if Philip is right.
It's their daughter.
I'm thinking, Claudia.
I can think out loud
with you after 30 years.
Think out loud all you like.
It's a free country.
Or haven't you heard?
I'm just not certain
it's the right thing.
For Paige?
No, for Philip and Elizabeth.
She was much better with him
before this all came out.
- What can I get you?
- I'll have tea.
Okay, we have, uh, chamomile,
Earl Grey--
Just tea. Hot tea.
- The same.
- All right, thanks.
Starting to wish
you didn't come back?
It was very dull in Sergach.
What happened at The Centre
when they heard it was the boy
who killed his family?
I'd never seen anything
quite like it in 40 years.
They fired the head
of the American Department,
who left in shame.
Everyone was in mourning.
Thought they might shut down
Directorate S.
And yet with all that...
they still
want to try it again?
They think you can do it.
I need to speak
with my friends.
Brad! Brad!
Drop it. Now.
"Got plans?
"My husband wants
to see this movie,
'The King Of Comedy.'"
"What's that?"
"Some Jerry Lewis movie."
"Oh, man."
Come in.
♪ the warmth of your hand
and a cold gray sky ♪
♪ it fades to a distance ♪
I'm going to see my mother
before she dies...
in Russia.
♪ this means nothing to me ♪
I talked it over with dad.
We think you should go with me.
It would be the only chance
you'll have
to meet your grandmother.
But it's your choice.
♪ this means nothing to me ♪
♪ this means nothing to me ♪
♪ oh, Vienna ♪
I'm sorry, Clark.
I, uh...
Martha, where are you going?
To my parents'.
I need a break.
We need a break.
- Martha--
- No, um...
I can't take it.
at work knows that I'm lying.
- No, no, they don't.
- When I come home, you're not...
Martha, I know how hard
this is.
I know, but I am trying.
I know you are.
But it's not enough.
I'm sorry, Clark,
but it's--
it's not enough.
They're not gonna let up
until they find the person
that put that pen there.
I-I am working on it,
and I will figure it out.
I promise.
I am with you.
Martha, I-I-I love you.
I love you. You...
I'm your husband.
Whatever kind of arrangement
you want is fine. Um...
I let you in here.
It's fine.
I just...
When my mother asks,
I don't even know what to say.
And it's not just that.
I can't be here with you
like this.
I was 18 when I left,
and I always told my mother
to turn my room
into a sewing room, you know?
But she wouldn't do it.
She just wouldn't do it.