The Americans (2013–2018): Season 2, Episode 9 - Martial Eagle - full transcript

Philip and Elizabeth's long-planned mission turns ugly, impacting each of them in different ways. Stan digs in deeper at work as his personal life continues to unravel.

Previously on The Americans...

What is it that you do there
at the church?

We talk.

They get them
when they're children.

They indoctrinate them
with friendship and songs.

I really like
the people at work.

I don't feel right about helping
your office with them anymore.

Not sure it's enough to get her
back on Clark's side, so...

this is how I fixed it.

Oh, come on, guys.
Martha's ugly.

We can expose US forces
secretly training

Contra commanders
on American soil.

It looks like the best
way onto the camp is septic.

Which truck do you drive?

- Number nine.
- Where are the keys?

Inside the truck.

We can tie him up and gag him.

- What if he gets loose?
- He won't.

What if a hiker comes by
and they call the police

when we're in the camp?

No one hikes around here.

- Phillip.
- No.

Don't worry.

Shining city.

All right, Tom.

Step out of the truck
for me, please.


- Open up the back for me, please.
- Sure.

Heel, bud.


That smell is worse
than the shit it covers up.


Have a good night.

You too.

Good boy.

Ready! Ready!

We're SEALS. We're supposed to
know how to use a firearm.

If you had taught
him how to load that thing,

there wouldn't have been
an accidental discharge.

The guy nearly
blew my foot off.

It's like my 12-year-old sister
handling a gun.

No, my sister actually handles a
gun better than these Contras.

We'd all be dead...

Five minutes.

Shooters, you're gonna
get a magazine of 5 rounds

and a magazine of 20 rounds.

A magazine of 5 rounds
and a magazine of 20 rounds.

All ready on the firing line!

All ready on the firing line!

Shooters, make ready!


Cease fire! Cease fire!

Unload! It's all clear!

with a magazine of 20 rounds,

as you were,
and a magazine with 30 rounds!


Shooters, you may commence fire
when you see your target!



What are you doing here?

Uh, just, uh, checking
for drainage problems.

Out here?

Uh, you know what?

It's okay, 'cause, uh,
I'm with septic.

Hey, hey!
He's got a ca--

Quiet. Quiet. Quiet.




Is somebody out there?

Go. Go, go.

Give me your jacket.

Go, go.
Come here, come here.

Okay. Go.

You are being
read into the Have Blue Program.

This is a top-secret
US government project

by the Department Of Defense.

You must have
some pretty powerful friends

to get us here on a Sunday.

To get us here at all.

We're not supposed to be
talking about this to anyone.

Not even our wives.

They have people watching
our wives. You know that?

Making sure
we haven't blabbed to them.

Well, I'm the guy that's gonna
make sure that you don't.

Well, what do you know?

Not enough.

It sounds like science fiction,

but you make planes invisible.

Project Harvey.

Which is...?


We can bring our planes
and submarines

right into Soviet territory
without any detection.

The KGB kidnapped this man,
Anton Baklanov,

and took him back
to the Soviet Union.

Was he the key to Stealth?

We don't know that man.

But he wasn't the key to it.

No one person
has the key to anything.

Information is spread out

through multiple departments
and highly compartmented.

Classic definition of the left
hand not knowing the right.

Soviets would have to kidnap
a hell of a lot of people

to put it all together.

And get through
a hell of a lot of security.

The last meeting

where all of the different
groups actually met,

each of us had
two of our security guys

watching our every move.

What meeting was that?

What meeting was that?

He is probably
being tortured right now.

And once they realize he doesn't
have everything they need,

they will find out who does.

You said that they would
need to kidnap

a hell of a lot of people
to get to Stealth?

Well, that's exactly
what they'll do.

They got to him...

Circumvented dozens
of FBI agents looking for him

and sent him
out of the country.

You think
two DOD security guards

can protect you
or anybody else?

Think again.

Alexandria, Virginia --
two months ago.

Who was there?

Uh, reps
from Lockheed and Northrop.

They're competing
against each other

for the DOD contract.

Are we gonna start going
to church every Sunday now?

Today's a special service.

It's... Teenage Sunday.

Youth Day.

Youth Day.

So we're not going
every Sunday, then?

Oh! Dad!

I learned a new new trick.

Here -- pick a card.

Not today.


Here, pick a card.
Any card.

- Okay.
- Put it in anywhere.

Well, you can't do it
so that I can't see it.

Just a sec.

- Here, just --
- They're upside down.

No, they're not.

I can see it.
You're cheating.

It's not cheating.
It's called magic.

That's enough, Henry.

You know what?

We're gonna be late.

Yeah, let's go.

In John 10:10, Jesus tells
us, "I came so that everyone

would have life
and have it in its fullest."

So, since God planned for us

to have peace and happiness
in this life right now,

why are so many of us
hurting and angry inside?

It's because
we refuse to believe

in God's unconditional love
for us.

God created us in his image
for one reason only --

so that we could know him

and have a joy-filled life.

That's it.

There's no catch.
There's no hidden agenda.

The Lord sacrificed
his only son for us,

paying the penalty for our sins

so that we might know
true contentment.

Sounds too good to be true,
but it isn't.

God's provided the way.

We must make the choice.

Excuse me.

Hi, sweetheart.

You look so beautiful.

You must be Paige's parents.

Such an honor to meet you.

Your daughter has been
such a blessing to us.

She's a blessing to us, too.

Paige says you work in travel.


Well, we take a mission trip
every year. We should talk.

- Mm.
- Yeah, we -- yeah, we should.

We'd love it
if Paige could join us

on one of our trips --
see all the good

her generous donations
are doing.

We'll definitely talk
about that.


I was just about
to ruin your Sunday

and call you in to help me.

Well, Agent Gaad
beat you to it.

What do you need?

There was a meeting
between the DOD and Lockheed

in Alexandria, Virginia
on January 23rd.

There are surveillance reports

on everyone
who was at that meeting.

Anything relevant they have
from that date, I want.

Tell them it's for Stan Beeman,

and I have code-word clearance
for the project.

I'll get right on it

after I finish
helping Agent Gaad pack.

Thank you, Martha.

Hey, what's going on?

Getting ready
to answer questions

in front of the Committee.

They told me
to expect the call next week...

after I testify.

I feel responsible, sir.

You are responsible,
Agent Beeman.

So am I.

How can they come here,
kill my partner,

whoever they want,
and you wind up --

Well, it seems that
when you and I kill someone,

we leave evidence.

They don't.

They're better at it
than we are.


kidnapped by the KGB right here
in our capital city.

We have
his sworn testimony --

before he disappeared
into thin air.

That was all you had!

Who told you to do it?
The pastor? His wife?

- No one.
- Stop protecting them.

I'm not protecting anybody!

- Why do you think I can't make
my own decisions? - You know why?

Because it's a stupid decision
and you're not stupid, Paige.

You were saving that money
to go to Europe.

Well, it's going
to better use there.

What use? Do you know what
they're using that money for?

They're feeding refugees,
building houses.

You guys don't help anyone!

We help you.

W-we help you, and we helped you
save that money.

Please do not
roll your eyes at me.

You can show me some respect.

Paige, you started
lying to us...

I didn't lie.

Well, you certainly don't seem
to know the difference.

Do you?

- You lie to us. You lie.
- Dad! Stop! What are you doing?!

- You go behind our backs.
- Stop it!

Why?! Does this book
tell you to do that?!


Does it?!

You respect Jesus, but not us?!

Emergency signal from Fred.

What happened last night...

you didn't have a choice,

This is war.

You think they would've done
anything less to us?

Reagan --

I don't need the speech.

I know it's war.

This is easier for you.

You think it's easy for me,
what I do?

The FBI called me this morning.

They want to meet with me
tomorrow afternoon.

Well, could this be
a routine security check?

No one goes to DC
for a routine security check.

Do you know
if anyone else was called?

Everyone who was
at the meeting in Alexandria.

I could postpone the meeting,

find out what they asked
the other folks

before going in there.

No. No.
That would be suspicious.

All right.

I'll just go in, then.

Look, you don't
have to worry about me.

I'll be fine.


Emmett -- Emmett taught me
how to handle this situation.

- Yeah, he was one of the best.
- Yes, he was --

I miss him, too.

But we're working together now.

And you need to trust me.

You give me orders.
I'll follow them.

But you inherited me.

You didn't...
see something in me.

Fred, the Americans are getting
more ruthless by the day.

And those propeller plans
that you got for me,

the plans you and Emmett
worked to steal --

they were fake.


160 Soviet seamen died.

Oh, God.

They planted fake plans
all over the country

and then just waited
for us to take one.

I keep thinking
about all the planning it took.

And I wondered -- did they even
care how many people die?

This administration --

the stuff they get away with
makes me sick.


Think about what they did

when you go into that room

Or whenever you feel
the least bit intimidated,

just think about
all those... kids that died.


Go away.

Turn it off!

Get up.


Because I said so.

Clean the refrigerator.


You woke me up
to clean the refrigerator?


And after that, mop the floors

and fold the towels
in the basement.

I have school tomorrow.
Why are you doing this?

You want to be
a grown-up?

You want to spend money
the way you want?

Being a grown-up
means doing things

you don't want to do --
all the time.

It means working
when you are exhausted

and almost never getting
what you want when you want it.

Your father and I
never had a childhood.

Nothing came easy
for us -- ever.

You're so lucky, Paige.

Mop and bucket
are in the basement.

You know who I am?

I do.

Then we can forgo
the pleasantries.

This war has gotten
very personal for me.

And I need you
to listen carefully,

because it affects you, too.

I'm listening.

I'm in a lot of trouble

because your Soviet
Foreign Minister

won't accept that Vlad Kosygin

was the tragic victim
of a mugging gone wrong.

I could lose my job

or even go to jail
because of it.

If either of those things

I'll make sure
you go down with me.

Uh, nothing.
Thank you.

Before he disappeared,

Richard Patterson gave
a very detailed testimony

about his kidnapping and torture
by two KGB illegals.

The second my punishment
is handed down,

I'll release his classified
testimony to the press.

Now, think of
what that will mean for you

and your people
at the Rezidentura --

all those deportations.

Moscow will not be pleased
when they have to rebuild

their US operation
from scratch.

As we like to say in America,
"Heads will roll" --

your head being
at the top of the list.


you see, my problem
is now your problem.

I heard so much about you,
Mr. Gaad.

I hoped that one day,

we would have the chance
to meet face-to-face.

I just wish it was under
less trying circumstances.

Good day.

Are you okay?


You are here because the KGB
is targeting you, your family,

everyone and anyone
you care about.

They won't get anything
from me.

They are masters
at exploiting weakness.

We all have weaknesses.

We all do.

And they will find yours.

What do you need me to do?

We're gonna go
through your file

and go over
all the parts of your life

that make you
the most vulnerable to them --

emotionally, sexually.

No, no, no. I-I'm not at all
comfortable with this.

Well, it's not
my first choice, either,

but I'm going to need you
to tell me things --

secrets that you might not have
told anyone else.

Because that is
where their power lies --

in secrets.

If they can keep you
afraid and ashamed,

then they can keep you silent.

And if they can keep you silent,
they can control you.

Have you ever been
engaged to be married?


And how many close friends
would you say you have?

Few. Not many.

Could you be more specific?

Uh, two, I think.

Um, you never really know
enough about people, though.

So, are you --
are you gonna say

that because I'm a loner,
I'm more vulnerable?

Look, I'm not sure
how they will approach you,

but I am sure that they will.

All right.

But let me assure you,
Agent Beeman --

I would never
betray my country.

No one ever imagines they will.

Riggs and Dubrow --
What happened?

Official story --
truck flipped in training.

But nobody can know
about that base,

so who knows
what really happened?

Maybe some Contra went nuts.

Today was a shitty day,

with my shitty kids
and my shitty husband.

I love them. I do,
but damn, they get on my nerves.

I wanted to --

Everyone knows
what I want to do --

what I want to do
every second of every day.

I don't even have to say it.

But... then I remember
the last drink that got me here

2 years, 1 month, 10 days ago.

And I didn't, and...

I'm just grateful, I guess... have this place.

And that's all.

Um, the surveillance reports
that you requested --

Alexandria, Virginia,
the week of January 23rd.

There's a list of every person
at the meeting

and the names of all
of their security personnel.

Thank you, Martha.

I included the local police
reports from that area, as well,

as the DOD meeting was

on the same day
as that horrible murder.

There was a ton
of extra police around,

so maybe someone
saw something useful to you.

You mean that... couple
and their -- and their daughter?

That scared the hell out of me.

I thought it was
a Charles Manson thing,

but I think
they've ruled that out.

You know what?

Get me all the files
and physical evidence

to those murders also.

Sure thing.

You think they're related?

I think
I can't rule anything out.

I thought we were through
the hard times, you know?


I'd been sick
for about three months,

uh, and he was just so amazing.

He took such great care
of me and the kids,

and... this is gonna
sound weird.

Please. My life?
No judgment.

It-it's not
that I wanted him

to be sick
or anything like that,

but I... I wanted...
the opportunity to show him

that I could be there for him,
you know?

I haven't always been.

I've been going on and on.

You haven't.

This is what...
recovery is all about --

you know, opening up,
being honest.

So, tell me about you.

Uh, recovering drunk.

Wife, sister, mother.

Two kids --
boy, 10, girl, 8.

Uh... I don't know.

Life gets pretty boring
when you stop drinking.

What kind of work do you do?

Assembly line -- boring.

Come on. I told you.

Went on and on and on.

Well, okay, okay.

Uh, it is boring.

Um, but it's

'Cause you mostly do
government work.

It's a company called Northrop.


Hey, handsome.

What are you doing here?

I just, um...

I wanted to see you.

- I didn't want to go home.
- Clark.

Uh, yeah, I know, I know.


This is my home.

It is!

Rough day?


Were you --
were you saving this?

No, no. It's fine.

But you don't
usually drink, Clark.

What's wrong?

Martha, you know how much
I love you, don't you?

Of course.

But with this job...

I can't always be as...
honest as I would like.

Well, I know that.

Thing is, you don't know.

You don't know,
so stop saying that you know.


It's okay
that you have moods, Clark.

I'm not afraid
of the different sides of you.

I love all of you.

The world is
an ugly place, Martha.

And it is full of brutish,
cruel, nasty people.

I heard something on the
recording from Gaad's office.

Is he in more trouble?

He's probably
gonna lose his pension --

maybe even go to jail.

- You shouldn't feel sorry for him.
- Well, how can I not?

- Martha.
- This is tearing him apart.


Gaad is not your friend.

Oh, come on, guys.
Martha's ugly.

I'd have to be 10 scotches deep
before I touch her.

Ew. 10 scotches
and a bag over her head.


I know.

I know.

Do they always
talk about me that way?

Oh, my God.

I shouldn't have played it.

No, it's-it's better that I know...
who they really are.

Martha, I-I've never been any
good at seduction or romance.

But I love the way you look.

I love every part of you.

And if I could, I would
go in there, and I would...

I know you would, Clark.

But I have a job.

A very important job.

And things are a lot worse
than you know.



have you ever heard of Stealth?


It's a huge,
complex military project.

I don't understand it all,

but there are a lot of leaks

coming out -- we think --
of your office.

We've found it very difficult
to find a source.

What do you need?

I so appreciate that.
I really do.

- Let me help you, Clark.
- No, it's dangerous.

I'm not afraid.

Do I love you?

You know
you're everything to me.

And you to me.

You are.



Do you want me to use my mouth?

- No.
- What? What's wrong?

I've -- I'm...

I'm just too upset.

And I've had too much to drink.

I have to go.

Well, Clark,
you don't have to leave.

Yes, I do.

If you do engage
in a lot of foreplay

so that you are going to be
very moist inside the vagina

and if you are putting
your behind on a pillow

so that penetration is going to
be a little bit easier,

the more relaxed you are,

the less
it's going to be a problem.

What you also can do
is actually help him

insert the penis into
the vagina, because this way,

you have some control
over how fast you have to go...

Mind if I turn it off?

No. Go ahead.

I'll tell you what --

if the two of you
love each other --

You going somewhere?

Uh, my mom's.


Did you mention that?
I-I don't remember.

She's not feeling that well.

Aw, no. I'm sorry.

No, it's nothing serious.

I just haven't seen her
in a while,

so... I thought that...

My mom is not sick.

She's not sick.


Where you going?


With a man I met from EST.

What do you mean, "Away"?

Away. I don't know.
Uh, for a few days.

We've, um...

had this emotional connection
for some time,

and we just want to see if
there is something else there.

You're telling me
you're going to have an affair?


I might.

I don't know.
At least I'm being honest.

Go ahead. Tell me that
you're not having an affair.

I'm --

You know what kills me
about the whole thing?

Is that you didn't have any idea
anything was going on --

you, Mr. Counterintelligence Genius.

You just didn't see it?

So you either
didn't want to know

or you didn't care enough
to pay attention.

Who is he?

Oh, it doesn't matter, really.

- Who is he, Sandra? Who is he?
- It doesn't matter who he is.

What are you gonna do --
go arrest him?



Are you leaving me?

That would be easy for you,
wouldn't it?

You get to be the good guy,

and your kooky wife leaves you
for some guy she met at EST.

No, I'm not gonna
leave you, Stan,

but I'm not gonna sit around

and wait for you
to get the courage to leave me.

Mr. Jennings.

Can I help you?

As a matter of fact, Tim,
yes, you can.

Have a seat, please.

I won't be staying long.

What is it you want?

I want you to stay away
from my daughter.

You want her
to stop coming to church?

That's right.

That's between you and Paige.

Well, I... I think
you can help with that,

and I think
you will help with that.

I can't turn Paige away
from the church, Mr. Jennings.

It's a sanctuary.

I can't turn anyone away.

That's the
whole point of this place.

Is something wrong?

You took $600 from her.

I thought you knew about that.

We never would have accepted it

if we thought
you didn't approve.

I-I'll write you a check
right now if you want,


that's not why you're here.

No, it's not.

Are you really gonna beat me up,
Mr. Jennings?

For $600?

For your daughter?

I would do anything
for my daughter.

I would do anything
for my daughter.

The best thing
you can do for her

is find a way
to deal with your anger.

I'm not here
to be saved --

not by you, Tim...

or your god.

I see that you're in pain,
Mr. Jennings.

There is grace
and forgiveness for you.

For everyone.

Do you believe that?

I do.

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