The Americans (2013–2018): Season 2, Episode 8 - New Car - full transcript
Philip and Elizabeth both find themselves faced with painful turns in their various missions. Stan fights to gain access to an American military program that could give him the upper hand in his battle of wills with Oleg.
Previously on "The Americans"...
Where are you off to?
- Nowhere.
- Be home for dinner.
Larrick is a monster. He is responsible
for the deaths of
hundreds of my countrymen.
The operation and Larrick
are bigger than your wish for revenge.
We're taking the scientist.
Please don't send me back, please.
I'll put you on the Arpanet.
This you don't have in the Soviet Union.
The Arpanet? The scientist
mentioned that. What is it?
It has to do with computers.
What can you give me
in exchange for Nina's safety?
What is it you want?
The FBI surveillance
logs that pertain to me.
Nobody bothers me!
There's... there's still one
thing that's bothering me.
I mean, I'm so proud of the way
we got through the past couple weeks.
And everything is great.
But, um...
I really like everyone at work.
They're good people.
I don't feel right about helping
your office with them anymore.
I know it's how we met.
And I know it's gonna
happen with or without me.
But now that we're together...
I don't think I should be involved.
And I feel terrible that Agent Gad got
layered because of me.
that wasn't because of you.
Well, whatever he did,
your office knows about
it because of those tapes.
Martha, we've been over
this a million times.
You can't put me in a position
where I have to choose between
my responsibilities to our country and you.
Okay, other people have
important jobs and wives.
Doesn't always have to be a choice, Clark.
See how they changed the front?
- What are the seats like?
- I don't know.
Why aren't you in the driver's seat?
Too many speeding tickets.
I'll bet.
Rich Perkins, Chevrolet.
Phil Jennings... just looking.
Where you boys from?
Uh, here, Falls Church.
Well, it's a great area
to zip around in this.
Is this really gonna
pace the Indianapolis 500?
Hand on the Bible.
We're not in the Indianapolis 500.
And that is the beauty of the Z-28.
Chevy wants you to have the same experience
as the professional.
Why shouldn't you feel
all that speed and power and freedom?
Road and Track says it's
gonna be car of the year.
And it will.
But as your dad knows,
we can talk specs till
you're blue in the face,
but when you get down to it,
buying a car is about feel.
How does it make you feel?
What's this?
It's the Camaro Z-28.
Dad just bought it. Isn't it awesome?
At least it's not a plane.
Oh, come on, guys.
Martha's not so bad.
I don't know, sir.
Look, my first boss
said I should hire an ugly old lady
so I'd have to be 10 scotches deep
before I'd touch her.
He'd do an ugly old lady with 10 scotches.
An ugly old lady?
Ew. Maybe 10 scotches
and a bag over her head.
All right, men, Martha's a good girl.
Leave her alone.
So, that's what they actually said, but
I'm not sure it's enough to get
her back on Clark's side, so...
This is how I fixed it.
Oh, come on, guys. Martha's ugly.
I'd have to be 10 scotches deep
- before I'd touch her.
- Ew.
10 scotches and a bag over her head.
So, what do you think?
I'm gonna play it for her tomorrow morning.
That'll work.
What's wrong?
Is it the car?
I just...
I... I want you to be happy.
Come on, Elizabeth.
Don't you enjoy any of this?
This house, your clothes,
all those beautiful shoes.
It doesn't make you bad at what you do.
It just makes you a human being.
Don't you ever like it?
That's not why I'm here.
But don't you ever like it?
We have to live this way...
for our job, for our cover.
5 miles from here, there
are people who are living...
Do you like it?
You know how I grew up.
It's nicer here, yes.
It's easier.
It's not better.
Don't worry.
Aah! It's not deadly.
Um, I just wanted to
remind you about tomorrow.
My E.S.T. graduation tomorrow night.
- Right.
- We talked about it.
I... I know.
Okay, well, I'll be home late.
No problem. I'll take care of dinner.
It's me... forgot my keys.
Oh, my gosh, Clark.
What are you doing here?
I just found out I have
to fly to Atlanta tonight,
and I feel terrible because
it's one of our nights,
so I came right over 'cause I thought
maybe we could have breakfast together?
You are sweet.
I've got coffee on.
Do you want toast?
actually, you know, uh,
the meatloaf for tonight is ready.
I'll heat it up with eggs.
Actually, um, there is, uh,
something I do need to
talk to you about, Martha.
Ooh, ooh, I cut myself!
Oh, honey.
Ooh, hold this, hold this.
- Do you have a... do you have a band-aid?
- Uh, right in there.
Uh, hold it under the water.
Clark, I'm sorry that I was
hassling you the other night.
I know that your work is stressful...
And that you're doing your best.
Making all this extra effort...
I really appreciate it.
So, what did you want to tell me?
Well, you... just...
You do everything around here,
and I would like to start to pitch in...
by picking up groceries.
Oh, Clark.
Mwah, wow.
You know, my friends and I
used to play this in Gorky Park.
Had to wait in line for
hours just for one game.
Let me be perfectly clear.
If I do this for you
and then somehow your
people find out about her...
I will hold you responsible for that.
Do you understand?
You're doing a dangerous thing with her.
I won't make promises I can't keep.
Let me put it a different way.
You're doing a dangerous thing.
If you think you can
get what you want from me
and then hurt her or her family,
I will probably figure that out.
And then you'll feel a whole lot different.
It's hard to think in these circles.
To trust each other when, really, we can't.
We've fallen into something together.
Okay, I pushed us into that,
but I have no interest
in anyone getting hurt.
Not you, me, her,
some grandmother of hers.
Why would I?
Do you have it?
We're not in anything together.
However you want to look at it.
I didn't ask for this.
Notice we are at my house.
If your partner's out there with a rifle,
he doesn't have to worry.
We're always careful.
Apparently, your comrade doesn't think
I'm as important to the cause as you do.
She was gonna torture me and then kill me.
What did you do to her?
I didn't kill her.
That's what I did to her.
I need to be done with you people.
My freedom for her life. That's my offer.
That's not out of the question.
But I'm gonna need a few
things from you first.
You understand I mean done...
I did it.
You gave him the reports?
I told you.
I won't let anything happen to you.
You think this is the end of it?
It buys us time.
For what?
For him to turn me in later or...
And he doesn't get more when he asks again?
We're destroying ourselves.
It gets worse and worse, whatever we do.
Everything we do.
There's no end.
- We'll figure it out.
- How? Tell me how.
I'll find a way.
We'll get out of this. We will get out.
If someone at the FBI finds out
what you have done to protect me...
you will go to prison.
They won't find out.
What is it?
That you would do this...
for me.
I'll get you into the Martial Eagle Camp.
I'll report from Nicaragua
while I'm down there.
- Then I'm done.
- Right.
- For good.
- Yes.
There's a password for the
camp, a hand signal, as well.
- What are they?
- I don't know.
Well, then you and I have a problem.
They haven't been released yet.
When I get them, you'll have them.
But if you break your word...
So help me, I'll kill
every Soviet ambassador
in the Western hemisphere before I'm done.
We won't break our word.
You get us the signals.
You send us the reports from Nicaragua.
You will never see us again.
Manolo Garcia.
Shut up, Lucia!
Miguel Salgado.
Javier Murillo.
- Stop!
- My family!
Kill him! Kill him!
Do you want to get into the camp or not?
It's either her or me.
She's not gonna stop.
You choose.
I'll get you the signals
before I leave for Nicaragua.
Get that body out of my house.
So, I'm going after Oleg Burov,
head of S&T at the rezidentura.
They got the scientist Baklanov.
They must want whatever
project he's working on.
I'm getting close, but no matter what I do,
I cannot get the D.O.D.
code-word clearance
- to even look into it.
- Did Halliwell try to work it?
Yeah, his position is if D.O.D.
wants to get screwed by the KGB,
that's their prerogative.
Well, my current position is,
I don't know what the hell else to do.
Maybe we kill Burov.
Is that a joke?
Well, that would depend on
your sense of humor, sir.
Look, D.O.D.'s not gonna budge.
Only thing I can think of...
You should put in a request
straight to the Department of Justice
for code-word clearance on the project.
What do you think they'll say?
I have no idea.
But as far as I can see,
that's your only chance.
So mean.
It's not a word, Dougie.
Yeah, well, it should be.
I... I agree. It should
be. It should be a word.
I'm so sorry. I...
- Hey, Bob. Hey, Christy.
- Philip.
What's up?
Well, it seems Henry
broke into their house.
To play a video game.
I didn't call the police.
He didn't take anything.
What... what do you mean broke in?
I guess he knew where our
key was, let himself in.
That's crazy.
We know he's a good kid.
I... I can't believe this. I am so sorry.
Thank you for, um, dealing
with it so generously.
This will never happen again.
We... we will talk to him.
We know, we know. We just
wanted to let you know.
- Come on, honey.
- Good night.
Good night.
Good night, Christy.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's okay, it's okay.
Kids... do stuff.
He... look, he didn't take anything.
Larrick killed Lucia.
We will talk later.
She went after him.
He trained the police
that tortured her father.
Let's go get him.
We should've done this a long time ago.
- Philip...
- No, forget about the camp, forget about Nicaragua.
I was there!
I let him.
She didn't...
Understand what it is that we do.
If she... if she didn't
understand what comes first,
then she didn't understand anything!
It was for her goddamn country!
They shouldn't have sent her.
I'd... I'd... I'd... I'd
already worked it all out.
Philip, I... I'd worked
it all out with him.
O... okay. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
No, it's all about to break.
He was the head of MI-5,
and this guy's saying he spied
for the Soviets for years.
- They're gonna string him up.
- He's dead.
The guy who wrote the
story might get strung up.
- Why?
- 'Cause their official secrets acts
lets them classify almost everything.
I have a file here from the D.O.J.
That's me.
Look at this.
People are leaving classified
files on top of here, unsecured,
for it to take back down to records.
I've reported it twice.
Hangar in Virginia.
Two companies are competing
to make invisible planes.
Invisible planes?
To radar, yes.
This is extremely important.
Isn't everything?
Yes, but...
Something terrible happened.
A submarine...
Just say it.
A submarine went down... the Belomorsk.
We lost 160 men... a...
a catastrophic propeller
malfunction of some kind.
It spun out, ripped through the hull.
This was...
This was based on the plans we stole.
I stole.
We have a source in the American Navy
who now says the Americans
planted false plans
at hundreds of places across the country.
They knew we'd go after them.
We picked up one of the bad plans.
They... they put out plans...
For us to take that would sink a submarine?
Chairman Andropov is furious.
Everyone is...
beside themselves.
The center feels Martial
Eagle comes at a perfect time.
We can expose U.S. forces
secretly training Contra
commanders on American soil,
show the world American
hypocrisy, their bloodiness,
their willingness to topple
democratic governments,
and make sure those Contra
field commanders die.
What'd you do... sell one of the kids?
You okay?
Oh, y... yeah, yeah. I'm... I'm... tired.
- Busy, huh?
- Yeah, yeah.
Business is booming.
Well, glad to hear someone's is.
Work's not good?
It's too boring.
You'd have to buy me a lot of beers,
and I still wouldn't talk.
I'll take the beers, though.
Well, then, let's find a night.
Say hi to Elizabeth.
God damn it!
The Soviet Union outspends
us on defense by 50%,
an amount equal to 15%
of their gross national product.
During the campaign, I was
asked any number of times,
if I were faced with a
choice of balancing the budget
or restoring our national
defenses, what would I do?
Every time, I said, "restore our defenses,"
and every time, I was applauded.
Larrick sent the password
and the hand signal.
Good. Now we can kill him.
He's on a plane to Nicaragua.
So, let me be very clear.
We'll get him when he comes back.
We will press for further
cuts in federal spending.
What did Kate want?
We will protect the tax reductions...
T... the propeller plans
that we stole were fake.
Necessary for our national security.
The Americans planted them.
We sank our own submarine.
160 boys.
I have no intention of
leading the republican party
into next fall's election...
on a platform of higher
taxes and cut-rate defense.
Look at him.
He'll do anything. He doesn't care.
"we're the party that
refused to cut spending."
Kids, nuns, journalists...
He... he doesn't care.
"... and held a fire sale
on national security."
Let's give them all the
running room they want.
I'm signing it now and sending it over.
You'll have it in 15 minutes tops.
Yes, sir.
Mary, courier this to the West Wing.
You are the first FBI agent
who's ever asked to see me, Beeman.
We have layers of management
to keep this from happening.
I know that, sir.
They tried to manage me.
I believe the KGB has kidnapped a scientist
to work on some kind of project of theirs.
I need the code-word
clearance to look into it.
I know all about it, Agent Beeman.
I did, in fact, discuss
it with your supervisor,
Agent Halliwell.
The D.O.D. handles their own security
for their top-secret military projects.
Are they good at it? I have no idea.
Probably not, given all the
shit the Soviets have stolen
going back to the atom bomb,
but until the president puts the Pentagon
under the control of
the Justice department,
I can't do anything about it.
Can't you get me the code-word
clearance to get me into the project?
Can't the president?
You develop instincts, sir.
With all due respect, I can
feel this about to happen.
I can feel it happening now.
The head of the rezidentura's
science and technology department
is deeply involved in this.
I can stop him.
But the goddamn bureaucracy is killing us.
I am the goddamn bureaucracy.
That's why I'm here...
Laundry's only once a week.
Without Larrick, it's gonna be tough.
Well, it looks like the
best way onto the camp...
is septic.
It's good for the dogs.
Throws off the scent, the disinfectant.
Over there.
I said sit!
We're gonna take the gag off now.
If you scream or make any
trouble, we will kill you.
If you answer our questions and
tell us what we need to know,
you will be fine. Do you understand?
Nod if you understand.
It's gonna be okay, Lewis.
All you have to do is answer some quick,
easy questions, and then we'll let you go.
Nothing bad will happen.
Do you understand?
It is really important that you nod
so that we know you understand.
Which truck do you drive?
Which truck do you drive, Lewis?
Number nine.
Where are the keys?
Inside the truck.
Where inside the truck?
And when you go to the camp tomorrow
at Jefferson National Forest,
does the guard there ask
you any unusual questions?
Lewis, it is okay.
We're almost done, and then
you can go home, I promise.
Just look at me.
You can do it.
Lewis, just look at me.
There you go.
Anything unusual that
you and a guard discuss?
When you get back in,
when you drive onto the camp, what...
It's okay, Lewis.
Lewis, it is okay.
When you drive onto the camp,
where, uh, where do you park?
To the right, the... the
kitchen, the dumpster.
Great. Great.
Just one last question.
Who's your replacement if you can't go in?
It's okay. Lewis, it is okay.
You can tell me because
nothing will happen to him.
Nothing will happen to you, I promise,
but we can't finish until you answer.
P... please, Lewis, for both
your sakes, what's his name?
You can do it. I know you can do it.
Is that him? Is that his name?
Lewis, we have the names
of everyone you work with.
Is that him?
Is it Tom Braidic?
Nod or shake your head.
One last question.
Has Tom ever been to the camp?
I never missed a day.
I bet.
I bet. Good, great.
You did a great job.
We can tie him up and gag him.
What if he gets loose?
He won't.
What if a hiker comes by
and they call the police
- when we're in the camp?
- No one hikes around here.
What if?
Yeah, what if an old lady
sees him or some school kids?
A soldier, yes. This guy?
We have a rope and a blanket in the car.
We can pick him up when we're done.
All right, Henry.
Y... you don't have to tell me.
I... I know what you're gonna say.
It's not like I haven't been
thinking about it nonstop.
I have.
Makes me sick.
I feel like I'm gonna throw up, but...
I... I didn't take anything.
I wouldn't do that, and
I didn't hurt anybody.
I know the difference
between right and wrong.
You know that, right?
I don't know, Henry.
But I do! I... I do!
It just seemed like no one would even know.
And they weren't there.
You guys weren't here.
Once I did it, it seemed
so easy to keep doing it.
I... I know it was wrong, but...
I'm not gonna do it again.
I... I... I... I feel horrible.
But they think I'm some kind
of criminal, which I'm not!
I hate that they think
that, and I... hate them!
And I hate that you
think it. It's not true!
I'm not! I'm a good person, I swear!
You know that!
You know that!
I'm good. I... I am!
I'm a... I'm a good person!
I swear I'm good!
I'm a good person. I...
I... I swear I'm good.
I'm not gonna do it again.
I swear.
I'm good, I'm good.
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
Where are you off to?
- Nowhere.
- Be home for dinner.
Larrick is a monster. He is responsible
for the deaths of
hundreds of my countrymen.
The operation and Larrick
are bigger than your wish for revenge.
We're taking the scientist.
Please don't send me back, please.
I'll put you on the Arpanet.
This you don't have in the Soviet Union.
The Arpanet? The scientist
mentioned that. What is it?
It has to do with computers.
What can you give me
in exchange for Nina's safety?
What is it you want?
The FBI surveillance
logs that pertain to me.
Nobody bothers me!
There's... there's still one
thing that's bothering me.
I mean, I'm so proud of the way
we got through the past couple weeks.
And everything is great.
But, um...
I really like everyone at work.
They're good people.
I don't feel right about helping
your office with them anymore.
I know it's how we met.
And I know it's gonna
happen with or without me.
But now that we're together...
I don't think I should be involved.
And I feel terrible that Agent Gad got
layered because of me.
that wasn't because of you.
Well, whatever he did,
your office knows about
it because of those tapes.
Martha, we've been over
this a million times.
You can't put me in a position
where I have to choose between
my responsibilities to our country and you.
Okay, other people have
important jobs and wives.
Doesn't always have to be a choice, Clark.
See how they changed the front?
- What are the seats like?
- I don't know.
Why aren't you in the driver's seat?
Too many speeding tickets.
I'll bet.
Rich Perkins, Chevrolet.
Phil Jennings... just looking.
Where you boys from?
Uh, here, Falls Church.
Well, it's a great area
to zip around in this.
Is this really gonna
pace the Indianapolis 500?
Hand on the Bible.
We're not in the Indianapolis 500.
And that is the beauty of the Z-28.
Chevy wants you to have the same experience
as the professional.
Why shouldn't you feel
all that speed and power and freedom?
Road and Track says it's
gonna be car of the year.
And it will.
But as your dad knows,
we can talk specs till
you're blue in the face,
but when you get down to it,
buying a car is about feel.
How does it make you feel?
What's this?
It's the Camaro Z-28.
Dad just bought it. Isn't it awesome?
At least it's not a plane.
Oh, come on, guys.
Martha's not so bad.
I don't know, sir.
Look, my first boss
said I should hire an ugly old lady
so I'd have to be 10 scotches deep
before I'd touch her.
He'd do an ugly old lady with 10 scotches.
An ugly old lady?
Ew. Maybe 10 scotches
and a bag over her head.
All right, men, Martha's a good girl.
Leave her alone.
So, that's what they actually said, but
I'm not sure it's enough to get
her back on Clark's side, so...
This is how I fixed it.
Oh, come on, guys. Martha's ugly.
I'd have to be 10 scotches deep
- before I'd touch her.
- Ew.
10 scotches and a bag over her head.
So, what do you think?
I'm gonna play it for her tomorrow morning.
That'll work.
What's wrong?
Is it the car?
I just...
I... I want you to be happy.
Come on, Elizabeth.
Don't you enjoy any of this?
This house, your clothes,
all those beautiful shoes.
It doesn't make you bad at what you do.
It just makes you a human being.
Don't you ever like it?
That's not why I'm here.
But don't you ever like it?
We have to live this way...
for our job, for our cover.
5 miles from here, there
are people who are living...
Do you like it?
You know how I grew up.
It's nicer here, yes.
It's easier.
It's not better.
Don't worry.
Aah! It's not deadly.
Um, I just wanted to
remind you about tomorrow.
My E.S.T. graduation tomorrow night.
- Right.
- We talked about it.
I... I know.
Okay, well, I'll be home late.
No problem. I'll take care of dinner.
It's me... forgot my keys.
Oh, my gosh, Clark.
What are you doing here?
I just found out I have
to fly to Atlanta tonight,
and I feel terrible because
it's one of our nights,
so I came right over 'cause I thought
maybe we could have breakfast together?
You are sweet.
I've got coffee on.
Do you want toast?
actually, you know, uh,
the meatloaf for tonight is ready.
I'll heat it up with eggs.
Actually, um, there is, uh,
something I do need to
talk to you about, Martha.
Ooh, ooh, I cut myself!
Oh, honey.
Ooh, hold this, hold this.
- Do you have a... do you have a band-aid?
- Uh, right in there.
Uh, hold it under the water.
Clark, I'm sorry that I was
hassling you the other night.
I know that your work is stressful...
And that you're doing your best.
Making all this extra effort...
I really appreciate it.
So, what did you want to tell me?
Well, you... just...
You do everything around here,
and I would like to start to pitch in...
by picking up groceries.
Oh, Clark.
Mwah, wow.
You know, my friends and I
used to play this in Gorky Park.
Had to wait in line for
hours just for one game.
Let me be perfectly clear.
If I do this for you
and then somehow your
people find out about her...
I will hold you responsible for that.
Do you understand?
You're doing a dangerous thing with her.
I won't make promises I can't keep.
Let me put it a different way.
You're doing a dangerous thing.
If you think you can
get what you want from me
and then hurt her or her family,
I will probably figure that out.
And then you'll feel a whole lot different.
It's hard to think in these circles.
To trust each other when, really, we can't.
We've fallen into something together.
Okay, I pushed us into that,
but I have no interest
in anyone getting hurt.
Not you, me, her,
some grandmother of hers.
Why would I?
Do you have it?
We're not in anything together.
However you want to look at it.
I didn't ask for this.
Notice we are at my house.
If your partner's out there with a rifle,
he doesn't have to worry.
We're always careful.
Apparently, your comrade doesn't think
I'm as important to the cause as you do.
She was gonna torture me and then kill me.
What did you do to her?
I didn't kill her.
That's what I did to her.
I need to be done with you people.
My freedom for her life. That's my offer.
That's not out of the question.
But I'm gonna need a few
things from you first.
You understand I mean done...
I did it.
You gave him the reports?
I told you.
I won't let anything happen to you.
You think this is the end of it?
It buys us time.
For what?
For him to turn me in later or...
And he doesn't get more when he asks again?
We're destroying ourselves.
It gets worse and worse, whatever we do.
Everything we do.
There's no end.
- We'll figure it out.
- How? Tell me how.
I'll find a way.
We'll get out of this. We will get out.
If someone at the FBI finds out
what you have done to protect me...
you will go to prison.
They won't find out.
What is it?
That you would do this...
for me.
I'll get you into the Martial Eagle Camp.
I'll report from Nicaragua
while I'm down there.
- Then I'm done.
- Right.
- For good.
- Yes.
There's a password for the
camp, a hand signal, as well.
- What are they?
- I don't know.
Well, then you and I have a problem.
They haven't been released yet.
When I get them, you'll have them.
But if you break your word...
So help me, I'll kill
every Soviet ambassador
in the Western hemisphere before I'm done.
We won't break our word.
You get us the signals.
You send us the reports from Nicaragua.
You will never see us again.
Manolo Garcia.
Shut up, Lucia!
Miguel Salgado.
Javier Murillo.
- Stop!
- My family!
Kill him! Kill him!
Do you want to get into the camp or not?
It's either her or me.
She's not gonna stop.
You choose.
I'll get you the signals
before I leave for Nicaragua.
Get that body out of my house.
So, I'm going after Oleg Burov,
head of S&T at the rezidentura.
They got the scientist Baklanov.
They must want whatever
project he's working on.
I'm getting close, but no matter what I do,
I cannot get the D.O.D.
code-word clearance
- to even look into it.
- Did Halliwell try to work it?
Yeah, his position is if D.O.D.
wants to get screwed by the KGB,
that's their prerogative.
Well, my current position is,
I don't know what the hell else to do.
Maybe we kill Burov.
Is that a joke?
Well, that would depend on
your sense of humor, sir.
Look, D.O.D.'s not gonna budge.
Only thing I can think of...
You should put in a request
straight to the Department of Justice
for code-word clearance on the project.
What do you think they'll say?
I have no idea.
But as far as I can see,
that's your only chance.
So mean.
It's not a word, Dougie.
Yeah, well, it should be.
I... I agree. It should
be. It should be a word.
I'm so sorry. I...
- Hey, Bob. Hey, Christy.
- Philip.
What's up?
Well, it seems Henry
broke into their house.
To play a video game.
I didn't call the police.
He didn't take anything.
What... what do you mean broke in?
I guess he knew where our
key was, let himself in.
That's crazy.
We know he's a good kid.
I... I can't believe this. I am so sorry.
Thank you for, um, dealing
with it so generously.
This will never happen again.
We... we will talk to him.
We know, we know. We just
wanted to let you know.
- Come on, honey.
- Good night.
Good night.
Good night, Christy.
Hey, hey, hey.
It's okay, it's okay.
Kids... do stuff.
He... look, he didn't take anything.
Larrick killed Lucia.
We will talk later.
She went after him.
He trained the police
that tortured her father.
Let's go get him.
We should've done this a long time ago.
- Philip...
- No, forget about the camp, forget about Nicaragua.
I was there!
I let him.
She didn't...
Understand what it is that we do.
If she... if she didn't
understand what comes first,
then she didn't understand anything!
It was for her goddamn country!
They shouldn't have sent her.
I'd... I'd... I'd... I'd
already worked it all out.
Philip, I... I'd worked
it all out with him.
O... okay. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
No, it's all about to break.
He was the head of MI-5,
and this guy's saying he spied
for the Soviets for years.
- They're gonna string him up.
- He's dead.
The guy who wrote the
story might get strung up.
- Why?
- 'Cause their official secrets acts
lets them classify almost everything.
I have a file here from the D.O.J.
That's me.
Look at this.
People are leaving classified
files on top of here, unsecured,
for it to take back down to records.
I've reported it twice.
Hangar in Virginia.
Two companies are competing
to make invisible planes.
Invisible planes?
To radar, yes.
This is extremely important.
Isn't everything?
Yes, but...
Something terrible happened.
A submarine...
Just say it.
A submarine went down... the Belomorsk.
We lost 160 men... a...
a catastrophic propeller
malfunction of some kind.
It spun out, ripped through the hull.
This was...
This was based on the plans we stole.
I stole.
We have a source in the American Navy
who now says the Americans
planted false plans
at hundreds of places across the country.
They knew we'd go after them.
We picked up one of the bad plans.
They... they put out plans...
For us to take that would sink a submarine?
Chairman Andropov is furious.
Everyone is...
beside themselves.
The center feels Martial
Eagle comes at a perfect time.
We can expose U.S. forces
secretly training Contra
commanders on American soil,
show the world American
hypocrisy, their bloodiness,
their willingness to topple
democratic governments,
and make sure those Contra
field commanders die.
What'd you do... sell one of the kids?
You okay?
Oh, y... yeah, yeah. I'm... I'm... tired.
- Busy, huh?
- Yeah, yeah.
Business is booming.
Well, glad to hear someone's is.
Work's not good?
It's too boring.
You'd have to buy me a lot of beers,
and I still wouldn't talk.
I'll take the beers, though.
Well, then, let's find a night.
Say hi to Elizabeth.
God damn it!
The Soviet Union outspends
us on defense by 50%,
an amount equal to 15%
of their gross national product.
During the campaign, I was
asked any number of times,
if I were faced with a
choice of balancing the budget
or restoring our national
defenses, what would I do?
Every time, I said, "restore our defenses,"
and every time, I was applauded.
Larrick sent the password
and the hand signal.
Good. Now we can kill him.
He's on a plane to Nicaragua.
So, let me be very clear.
We'll get him when he comes back.
We will press for further
cuts in federal spending.
What did Kate want?
We will protect the tax reductions...
T... the propeller plans
that we stole were fake.
Necessary for our national security.
The Americans planted them.
We sank our own submarine.
160 boys.
I have no intention of
leading the republican party
into next fall's election...
on a platform of higher
taxes and cut-rate defense.
Look at him.
He'll do anything. He doesn't care.
"we're the party that
refused to cut spending."
Kids, nuns, journalists...
He... he doesn't care.
"... and held a fire sale
on national security."
Let's give them all the
running room they want.
I'm signing it now and sending it over.
You'll have it in 15 minutes tops.
Yes, sir.
Mary, courier this to the West Wing.
You are the first FBI agent
who's ever asked to see me, Beeman.
We have layers of management
to keep this from happening.
I know that, sir.
They tried to manage me.
I believe the KGB has kidnapped a scientist
to work on some kind of project of theirs.
I need the code-word
clearance to look into it.
I know all about it, Agent Beeman.
I did, in fact, discuss
it with your supervisor,
Agent Halliwell.
The D.O.D. handles their own security
for their top-secret military projects.
Are they good at it? I have no idea.
Probably not, given all the
shit the Soviets have stolen
going back to the atom bomb,
but until the president puts the Pentagon
under the control of
the Justice department,
I can't do anything about it.
Can't you get me the code-word
clearance to get me into the project?
Can't the president?
You develop instincts, sir.
With all due respect, I can
feel this about to happen.
I can feel it happening now.
The head of the rezidentura's
science and technology department
is deeply involved in this.
I can stop him.
But the goddamn bureaucracy is killing us.
I am the goddamn bureaucracy.
That's why I'm here...
Laundry's only once a week.
Without Larrick, it's gonna be tough.
Well, it looks like the
best way onto the camp...
is septic.
It's good for the dogs.
Throws off the scent, the disinfectant.
Over there.
I said sit!
We're gonna take the gag off now.
If you scream or make any
trouble, we will kill you.
If you answer our questions and
tell us what we need to know,
you will be fine. Do you understand?
Nod if you understand.
It's gonna be okay, Lewis.
All you have to do is answer some quick,
easy questions, and then we'll let you go.
Nothing bad will happen.
Do you understand?
It is really important that you nod
so that we know you understand.
Which truck do you drive?
Which truck do you drive, Lewis?
Number nine.
Where are the keys?
Inside the truck.
Where inside the truck?
And when you go to the camp tomorrow
at Jefferson National Forest,
does the guard there ask
you any unusual questions?
Lewis, it is okay.
We're almost done, and then
you can go home, I promise.
Just look at me.
You can do it.
Lewis, just look at me.
There you go.
Anything unusual that
you and a guard discuss?
When you get back in,
when you drive onto the camp, what...
It's okay, Lewis.
Lewis, it is okay.
When you drive onto the camp,
where, uh, where do you park?
To the right, the... the
kitchen, the dumpster.
Great. Great.
Just one last question.
Who's your replacement if you can't go in?
It's okay. Lewis, it is okay.
You can tell me because
nothing will happen to him.
Nothing will happen to you, I promise,
but we can't finish until you answer.
P... please, Lewis, for both
your sakes, what's his name?
You can do it. I know you can do it.
Is that him? Is that his name?
Lewis, we have the names
of everyone you work with.
Is that him?
Is it Tom Braidic?
Nod or shake your head.
One last question.
Has Tom ever been to the camp?
I never missed a day.
I bet.
I bet. Good, great.
You did a great job.
We can tie him up and gag him.
What if he gets loose?
He won't.
What if a hiker comes by
and they call the police
- when we're in the camp?
- No one hikes around here.
What if?
Yeah, what if an old lady
sees him or some school kids?
A soldier, yes. This guy?
We have a rope and a blanket in the car.
We can pick him up when we're done.
All right, Henry.
Y... you don't have to tell me.
I... I know what you're gonna say.
It's not like I haven't been
thinking about it nonstop.
I have.
Makes me sick.
I feel like I'm gonna throw up, but...
I... I didn't take anything.
I wouldn't do that, and
I didn't hurt anybody.
I know the difference
between right and wrong.
You know that, right?
I don't know, Henry.
But I do! I... I do!
It just seemed like no one would even know.
And they weren't there.
You guys weren't here.
Once I did it, it seemed
so easy to keep doing it.
I... I know it was wrong, but...
I'm not gonna do it again.
I... I... I... I feel horrible.
But they think I'm some kind
of criminal, which I'm not!
I hate that they think
that, and I... hate them!
And I hate that you
think it. It's not true!
I'm not! I'm a good person, I swear!
You know that!
You know that!
I'm good. I... I am!
I'm a... I'm a good person!
I swear I'm good!
I'm a good person. I...
I... I swear I'm good.
I'm not gonna do it again.
I swear.
I'm good, I'm good.
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