The Americans (2013–2018): Season 2, Episode 7 - Arpanet - full transcript
Philip uses his agent Charles Duluth to help him gain access to an early precursor to the Internet so that the KGB can bug American government communications. Nina faces the threat of a ...
...The Americans.
I'll give you things...
your government hasn't even dreamed of.
I'll put you on the ARPANET.
This you don't have in the Soviet Union.
Ripped By mstoll
No one else knows that you're running her.
Not yet.
- What is it you want?
- The F.B. I. Surveillance logs that pertain to me...
who follows me...
and when.
Oleg says he's in this for himself.
And I believe there's a good chance
that might be true.
But I need you to do something for me first.
I need you to take a polygraph.
I would never betray you.
You look like a spy...
in an old movie.
It's supposed to snow.
Weather isn't always accommodating. So?
You've got something for me?
Yes. Sorry.
The Centre has instructed me
to instruct you to bug the ARPANET.
The scientist mentioned that. What it is?
It's an advanced processing system
that has to do with computers.
It's all in here.
This is the bug.
Once you've attached it to the thing...
it takes 30 seconds to transfer.
- Transfer what?
- The information on the computer system.
A bug the size of a rat?
Yeah. It's a big bug.
Once the information's copied, detach it.
- And what will the rat tell us?
- I can't say.
You can't say because you don't know
or because you can't say?
- I don't know.
- Right.
Where the cheese is, most likely.
- Any other questions?
- I think you've answered them all.
Technology's not my strong suit.
Apparently not.
I'm sorry you have
to work with Captain Larrick.
He's dangerous and unpredictable...
and puts you and your family at risk.
- If it were up to me, I...
- It's not.
It's not up to you.
Good luck.
- Ready to go?
- Yep. All set.
We're gonna do it.
- Up.
- Al right, bud. Get in the car.
They're expecting me at the Rezidentura.
I have only a minute.
I'll take the test.
- What changed?
- Nothing.
Nothing changed. I love you.
And if you don't know that by now,
more is the pity.
You'll have your proof.
When you say.
Tonight then.
Christ, man! What the hell?
You're a fall-down drunk, Charles.
- You've lost your grip.
- Get off me!
Are you listening to me?
Am I getting through to you?
Yes! Please! No more!
My father was a journalist.
And yours?
He was a worker.
What did he do?
He was a miner. Coal.
- More coffee?
- Thank you.
- And you?
- No, thank you.
Where does he live? Your father.
He's dead.
How did he die?
One day he went to work.
He never came home.
His newspaper was shuttered.
There was no record of his arrest...
no body we could mourn or bury.
We knew his fate.
It was the same fate of so many who dared
to stand up against Somoza.
You saw Larrick?
Captain Larrick is well known to my service.
He was giving a talk
at the Heritage Foundation on my country...
and I wanted to hear what he had to say.
And what did he have to say?
That Nicaragua is the spear point...
for Soviet domination
in the Western Hemisphere.
- And did he see you?
- No.
You sure?
I was just a face among many, nothing more.
Larrick is extremely dangerous.
I'm sure.
Two contra field commanders...
will be at a training camp
in Virginia a week from today.
How will we get in?
Larrick will provide you
with identification and clearance.
The Special Navy Forces
being sent into Nicaragua...
are schooled in Spanish...
language and culture.
He'll get you through the gatehouse
as an instructor...
driving onto the base.
Chain-link fence surrounds the property.
It's electrified. The on/off switch is here.
At the appointed time, you will deactivate
the current. We'll cut through the fence.
Why not just go in the trunk of a car?
They inspect the cars coming in.
What about Larrick?
- What about him?
- Where will he be?
He will be here.
Your test will be in English.
- What is it for?
- To measure your breathing rate.
To record the sweating of your palms.
To calculate my blood pressure and pulse.
All linked to a sensor
that records the indicators of stress...
with an ink line on that cylinder of paper.
How do you feel?
Like a criminal about to be put to death.
That's the point...
to induce the anxiety and fear.
All the questions answered yes or no.
That man is the polygrapher.
He asks all the questions.
But I'll do it this time.
- Why?
- His English is not so good.
At some point during your interrogation...
he might suggest there is a problem.
What kind of problem?
An ambiguity with one of your answers.
It's a technique they use.
You will be asked if you know anything...
that might clear up the confusion.
- What should I say?
- Say no.
Shall we begin?
- Is your name Nina Sergeevna Krylova?
- Yes.
- Do you live and work at the Soviet embassy?
- Yes.
Do you trust me, Nina Sergeevna?
♪♪ Let's set it straight ♪♪
♪♪ Let's set it
straight ♪♪
♪♪ Got a right
to who I am ♪♪
The painters wanna know
whether you prefer eggshell or ivory...
on the wainscoting in the outer office.
What's the difference?
The color.
Larrick wants to meet.
To talk about the mission.
Could be a play.
He may not have murdered
Emmett and Leanne, but he wanted to.
Keep a tiger as a pet, it's still a tiger.
I'll take the meeting.
We'll do it in a public place.
No, I'll do it.
You're the better shot.
So, this, um... this article that
you're working on, Mr. Emery...
Yes. It's... It's about technology.
Well, you've certainly
come to the right place.
I'm sure that Charles has filled you in
on-on what we do here.
Don't have the wattage, Thane.
I thought it best to leave that to you.
Oh. Well, um...
I work on advanced
packet-switching data systems...
a single communications link...
that collects information into datagrams...
and then transmits them
onto an attached network...
um, sort of like a handshake...
that introduces distant computers...
to each other in virtual space.
Uh... Virtual space?
Uh, you're familiar with the post office?
- Sure.
- Yes.
Okay. So, let's say that you have a... a
friend in Japan named Hirohito.
And Hirohito lives in a tiny, remote
fishing village in Japan...
and he wants to send you a postcard.
But Hirohito only knows Japanese...
and, well, you don't read Japanese.
So he sends his postcard
to the Japanese post office...
which translates the postcard
into a universal post office language.
- A code.
- A code. Exactly.
And is the post office in Japan?
Uh, Japan, Johannesburg...
Bangkok, Rio...
anywhere and everywhere.
It's sort of like... like God, you know...
except without the, um, the big beard...
and the flowing white robes.
But unlike the Japanese post office...
which is, of course, in Japan...
God resides...
- In heaven.
- In heaven. Exactly.
And heaven, as we all know, is...
The PDP-10...
or, as we affectionately
refer to it as, the Beast...
can run multiple operating systems...
et cetera, et cetera,
et cetera... simultaneously.
- And that's where what happens?
- Creation.
Okay, but not quite.
Um, the information
generated by the Beast...
still needs to be disseminated.
Okay? Sort of like... like pollen in the wind.
And that happens, well, in another room.
Think of the Beast
as your disembodied brain.
The machine that services your brain...
that translates a postcard written in any
one of the 116 languages known to man...
into a universal code instantaneously...
that allows it to share its thoughts and
feelings across a vast network...
as large as potentially
the universe itself...
that keeps it communicative lives here...
the interface message processor.
We have our very own IMP.
It is, in a manner of speaking,
the interstate highway system...
through which all information flows.
- What kind of information?
- Anything and everything shared on the network.
- And who's on the network?
- Scientists and mathematicians...
universities, the military.
The military and scientific community
share the same network?
For now.
So, the IMP is like a traffic cop?
Traffic cop, facilitator, translator...
keeping information moving
with no snafus, no tie-ups...
on an endless ribbon of virtual highway.
Going where?
To the future.
Are you a K.G.B. Officer, Nina Sergeevna?
Have you been providing information
about Stan Beeman to the K.G. B?
Have you been truthful with me?
How are you doing?
I'm all right.
This... machine... is like a camera.
If you smile,
does the camera know if you are happy?
- No.
- No, it doesn't.
It can't read your thoughts.
It has no brain.
If you prefer,
think of it as an... as an insect, a wasp.
When a wasp lands on your arm,
you're afraid. No?
You hold your breath
and you wait for it to fly off...
and when it doesn't, what do you do?
You panic.
And when you panic, it stings you.
Perhaps it stings you
because it can smell your fear.
Or perhaps it stings...
because when you panicked,
you frightened it.
You're afraid and the wasp was afraid.
Chicken and egg, eh?
Do you know why the asp killed Cleopatra?
Because she moved. Do you understand?
I must not move.
Not inside, no.
Inside you must be still.
How do I do that?
You have to believe what you say.
You must commit to it, embrace it.
So in order for you to trick this machine,
this... this wasp...
I must lie to myself.
You have to lie to tell a greater truth.
Now, let's start again.
It's the end of science fiction,
or the beginning.
I don't know what the hell it is.
Playing with reality like it's Silly Putty.
I'm counting on you to get us
into that computer lab.
There's a keypad. I know where Rosenbloom
keeps the entry code.
I need you sober, Charles.
I'm dry as a witch's tit.
Don't worry.
I'm on the case. It's all under control.
Have you been providing information
about Stan Beeman to the K.G. B?
Oh, I can't do this. I can't.
Squeeze your anus.
Squeeze your anus
before you answer the question.
- Is this a joke?
- No.
Have you been providing information
about Stan Beeman to the K.G. B?
It works?
It works.
There's been a change of plans.
I'm not gonna be at the meet
with the contra brass.
Why not?
I'm leaving for Nicaragua.
- For how long?
- Hard to say.
Six months. Maybe longer.
What's the rush?
We're setting up a contra base
at the Selva Negra Cloud Forest.
What's there?
Monarchs. That's where they breed.
I'm sure the butterflies
will be happy to see you.
It's hard to reach.
Only 120 kilometers from Managua.
You're building a wildlife sanctuary?
We're gonna mine Managua Harbor.
We'll still need your help
getting onto the base.
Are you alone?
Why do you ask?
Can't be too careful nowadays.
It's hard to feel safe... anywhere.
I'm surprised you came alone.
It's a dance.
Question and answer.
Call and response.
It's what they do in Negro churches.
The preacher shouts out,
and, uh, the people respond.
- You know about Negro churches?
- I like their music.
Marvin Gaye,
Curtis Mayfield, Aretha.
Gospel, rhythm, blues... all the old stuff.
We need a new plan.
Larrick is leaving for Nicaragua.
- When?
- Soon.
But he'll help us gain access to the site.
- He won't be there?
- No.
Larrick needs to be there.
That's the point of the whole plan.
Hey. Do you know who he is...
what he's done?
Larrick is a monster.
He is responsible for the deaths of
hundreds of my countrymen.
He has to pay.
What are you saying?
I was going to kill him
when we got on the base.
- Larrick is a huge asset to our cause.
- An asset?
The operation and Larrick
are bigger than your wish for revenge.
It is not a wish.
It's a debt...
a debt I owe to those he killed.
Listen to me, Lucia.
I will only say this once.
Larrick is a monster, but he is our monster.
Whatever he's done is nothing to what he can
and will do for us and our cause.
Hey. What do you think of this baby?
- I like it.
- 386 horsepower...
four on the floor, direct overhead cams.
♪♪ I am driving
my life away ♪♪
♪♪ Looking for
a better way for me ♪♪
- Where are you off to?
- Nowhere.
Be home for dinner.
I will.
I saw Lucia. She's not too happy
about the change in plan.
Welcome to the club.
- She wants Larrick dead.
- Who doesn't?
She was gonna do it
as soon as he got us into the camp.
- That was never the plan.
- That was her plan.
Well, that would have gotten us killed.
She's young and impetuous.
- She'll get over it.
- I'm not so sure about that.
What do you mean?
She burns hot.
That sounds like someone I know.
I wasn't sure you'd come.
As you see, I'm here.
Would you like something to drink?
I'd like to get this over with.
I will ask you questions.
You will answer "yes" or "no. "
I understand.
- Is your name Nina Sergeevna Krylova?
- Yes.
Were you born in Vladivostok?
Do you work at the Rezidentura?
Are you a member of the K.G. B?
Have you ever betrayed your country?
Does anyone from the Rezidentura
know you're here?
Did you smuggle electronic equipment
out of the United States?
Does the Rezidentura know about this?
No. Yes.
Yes. No. I don't know if they know or not.
Let's continue.
May I have some water?
Did you betray your country?
Did you betray your country
for ideological or political reasons?
Were your reasons personal?
Do you know who murdered
F.B. I. Agent Chris Amador?
Do you know who murdered Vlad Kosygin?
Do you know why?
Have you deceived
your contact in the F.B. I?
Are you pretending
to be an F.B. I. Informant...
when, in fact,
you're spying for the Soviet Union?
Are you sure?
Appears to be some ambiguity...
in your answer to this question.
Is there anything that you can tell me...
that might clear up any confusion?
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
We're done.
You passed.
You passed.
Okay. No problem.
Good evening, Raymond.
Working the late shift, eh?
Might as well be.
New baby. Up all night.
- First one?
- First and last.
My wife... she don't wanna go back to work.
Likes staying home with the noodle.
I left my reading glasses...
in Professor Rosenbloom's
office earlier today.
I can't see a bloody thing without them.
Is it okay if I get them?
- Your name?
- Charles Duluth.
- With a Mr. Peter Emery?
- That's right.
I'll need to see some identification.
I'll hang on to this
till you return the key.
No problem. Thank you, Raymond.
You're welcome, sir.
The lab's not empty.
It's supposed to be empty.
- Okay, calm down.
- What do we do?
Calm down.
Stay here.
- Don't move.
- Okay.
I'm sorry.
I would have done the same
if I were you.
Would you?
We need to find a way to get you out.
And go where?
I don't want to leave.
I don't want to leave you.
And what about Oleg?
I can handle Oleg.
Oleg is a peanut. He only works for himself.
He has a powerful father in a high place...
but Arkady has contempt for him.
He wants the surveillance
reports we have on him.
Can you do that?
To keep you safe, yes.
I can get information
to undo the damage from the reports...
where he goes, how, when.
No, no, no.
I want to do what I can... for us.
Arkady's in the process
of getting approval from Moscow...
for me to be read into the Illegals Program.
If I get in, I can get anything.
I need to breathe air.
We are together now.
Forever, yes?
- What's the code?
- Uh...
- The numbers, Charles.
- I wrote it down.
The ink... I can't read it.
The numbers. What are the numbers?
6-3-2-4-6-1. Wait, wait, wait.
- Are you sure?
- I think so.
- You think?
- 6-2-3-4-6-1. I'm sure.
Another setback. Of course.
Jefe, that was amazing.
I haven't had
an adrenaline rush like that...
since I did the esteemed
Madam Senator from Missouri...
in the Capitol washroom during conference.
I see how you can develop a jones
for that sort of thing.
It's addictive.
I'm just saying... it was exhilarating.
You didn't look exhilarated.
First-time jitters.
I'll be better the next time.
Glad you enjoyed yourself.
- I'm just saying.
- Yeah, I get it.
Charles, I get it.
We did what we were supposed to do,
didn't we?
Yes, we did.
Then what?
I, um... I killed someone...
someone who happened to be
in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You did what you had to do.
For what? I mean, what was the point?
For some X's and O's on a virtual highway?
I don't even know what that means.
Do you know how many people I've killed?
I mean, looked into their eyes,
watched them die?
It's what you do.
And you do it so very well.
You said you'd stopped.
This is cranberry juice and soda water.
Try it.
No, really. Try it.
You're wrong.
About what exactly?
I'm not pathetic.
I have value to you, to the cause.
Try it.
I had a grand old time.
Call me... anytime.
- Can I get you something?
- Yeah, I'll have whatever he had.
The bathroom floors are heated...
and there's a Jacuzzi in the bathtub.
You want to take a decadent Jacuzzi with me
in our decadent bathtub?
I do.
Call and response?
Ripped By mstoll
I'll give you things...
your government hasn't even dreamed of.
I'll put you on the ARPANET.
This you don't have in the Soviet Union.
Ripped By mstoll
No one else knows that you're running her.
Not yet.
- What is it you want?
- The F.B. I. Surveillance logs that pertain to me...
who follows me...
and when.
Oleg says he's in this for himself.
And I believe there's a good chance
that might be true.
But I need you to do something for me first.
I need you to take a polygraph.
I would never betray you.
You look like a spy...
in an old movie.
It's supposed to snow.
Weather isn't always accommodating. So?
You've got something for me?
Yes. Sorry.
The Centre has instructed me
to instruct you to bug the ARPANET.
The scientist mentioned that. What it is?
It's an advanced processing system
that has to do with computers.
It's all in here.
This is the bug.
Once you've attached it to the thing...
it takes 30 seconds to transfer.
- Transfer what?
- The information on the computer system.
A bug the size of a rat?
Yeah. It's a big bug.
Once the information's copied, detach it.
- And what will the rat tell us?
- I can't say.
You can't say because you don't know
or because you can't say?
- I don't know.
- Right.
Where the cheese is, most likely.
- Any other questions?
- I think you've answered them all.
Technology's not my strong suit.
Apparently not.
I'm sorry you have
to work with Captain Larrick.
He's dangerous and unpredictable...
and puts you and your family at risk.
- If it were up to me, I...
- It's not.
It's not up to you.
Good luck.
- Ready to go?
- Yep. All set.
We're gonna do it.
- Up.
- Al right, bud. Get in the car.
They're expecting me at the Rezidentura.
I have only a minute.
I'll take the test.
- What changed?
- Nothing.
Nothing changed. I love you.
And if you don't know that by now,
more is the pity.
You'll have your proof.
When you say.
Tonight then.
Christ, man! What the hell?
You're a fall-down drunk, Charles.
- You've lost your grip.
- Get off me!
Are you listening to me?
Am I getting through to you?
Yes! Please! No more!
My father was a journalist.
And yours?
He was a worker.
What did he do?
He was a miner. Coal.
- More coffee?
- Thank you.
- And you?
- No, thank you.
Where does he live? Your father.
He's dead.
How did he die?
One day he went to work.
He never came home.
His newspaper was shuttered.
There was no record of his arrest...
no body we could mourn or bury.
We knew his fate.
It was the same fate of so many who dared
to stand up against Somoza.
You saw Larrick?
Captain Larrick is well known to my service.
He was giving a talk
at the Heritage Foundation on my country...
and I wanted to hear what he had to say.
And what did he have to say?
That Nicaragua is the spear point...
for Soviet domination
in the Western Hemisphere.
- And did he see you?
- No.
You sure?
I was just a face among many, nothing more.
Larrick is extremely dangerous.
I'm sure.
Two contra field commanders...
will be at a training camp
in Virginia a week from today.
How will we get in?
Larrick will provide you
with identification and clearance.
The Special Navy Forces
being sent into Nicaragua...
are schooled in Spanish...
language and culture.
He'll get you through the gatehouse
as an instructor...
driving onto the base.
Chain-link fence surrounds the property.
It's electrified. The on/off switch is here.
At the appointed time, you will deactivate
the current. We'll cut through the fence.
Why not just go in the trunk of a car?
They inspect the cars coming in.
What about Larrick?
- What about him?
- Where will he be?
He will be here.
Your test will be in English.
- What is it for?
- To measure your breathing rate.
To record the sweating of your palms.
To calculate my blood pressure and pulse.
All linked to a sensor
that records the indicators of stress...
with an ink line on that cylinder of paper.
How do you feel?
Like a criminal about to be put to death.
That's the point...
to induce the anxiety and fear.
All the questions answered yes or no.
That man is the polygrapher.
He asks all the questions.
But I'll do it this time.
- Why?
- His English is not so good.
At some point during your interrogation...
he might suggest there is a problem.
What kind of problem?
An ambiguity with one of your answers.
It's a technique they use.
You will be asked if you know anything...
that might clear up the confusion.
- What should I say?
- Say no.
Shall we begin?
- Is your name Nina Sergeevna Krylova?
- Yes.
- Do you live and work at the Soviet embassy?
- Yes.
Do you trust me, Nina Sergeevna?
♪♪ Let's set it straight ♪♪
♪♪ Let's set it
straight ♪♪
♪♪ Got a right
to who I am ♪♪
The painters wanna know
whether you prefer eggshell or ivory...
on the wainscoting in the outer office.
What's the difference?
The color.
Larrick wants to meet.
To talk about the mission.
Could be a play.
He may not have murdered
Emmett and Leanne, but he wanted to.
Keep a tiger as a pet, it's still a tiger.
I'll take the meeting.
We'll do it in a public place.
No, I'll do it.
You're the better shot.
So, this, um... this article that
you're working on, Mr. Emery...
Yes. It's... It's about technology.
Well, you've certainly
come to the right place.
I'm sure that Charles has filled you in
on-on what we do here.
Don't have the wattage, Thane.
I thought it best to leave that to you.
Oh. Well, um...
I work on advanced
packet-switching data systems...
a single communications link...
that collects information into datagrams...
and then transmits them
onto an attached network...
um, sort of like a handshake...
that introduces distant computers...
to each other in virtual space.
Uh... Virtual space?
Uh, you're familiar with the post office?
- Sure.
- Yes.
Okay. So, let's say that you have a... a
friend in Japan named Hirohito.
And Hirohito lives in a tiny, remote
fishing village in Japan...
and he wants to send you a postcard.
But Hirohito only knows Japanese...
and, well, you don't read Japanese.
So he sends his postcard
to the Japanese post office...
which translates the postcard
into a universal post office language.
- A code.
- A code. Exactly.
And is the post office in Japan?
Uh, Japan, Johannesburg...
Bangkok, Rio...
anywhere and everywhere.
It's sort of like... like God, you know...
except without the, um, the big beard...
and the flowing white robes.
But unlike the Japanese post office...
which is, of course, in Japan...
God resides...
- In heaven.
- In heaven. Exactly.
And heaven, as we all know, is...
The PDP-10...
or, as we affectionately
refer to it as, the Beast...
can run multiple operating systems...
et cetera, et cetera,
et cetera... simultaneously.
- And that's where what happens?
- Creation.
Okay, but not quite.
Um, the information
generated by the Beast...
still needs to be disseminated.
Okay? Sort of like... like pollen in the wind.
And that happens, well, in another room.
Think of the Beast
as your disembodied brain.
The machine that services your brain...
that translates a postcard written in any
one of the 116 languages known to man...
into a universal code instantaneously...
that allows it to share its thoughts and
feelings across a vast network...
as large as potentially
the universe itself...
that keeps it communicative lives here...
the interface message processor.
We have our very own IMP.
It is, in a manner of speaking,
the interstate highway system...
through which all information flows.
- What kind of information?
- Anything and everything shared on the network.
- And who's on the network?
- Scientists and mathematicians...
universities, the military.
The military and scientific community
share the same network?
For now.
So, the IMP is like a traffic cop?
Traffic cop, facilitator, translator...
keeping information moving
with no snafus, no tie-ups...
on an endless ribbon of virtual highway.
Going where?
To the future.
Are you a K.G.B. Officer, Nina Sergeevna?
Have you been providing information
about Stan Beeman to the K.G. B?
Have you been truthful with me?
How are you doing?
I'm all right.
This... machine... is like a camera.
If you smile,
does the camera know if you are happy?
- No.
- No, it doesn't.
It can't read your thoughts.
It has no brain.
If you prefer,
think of it as an... as an insect, a wasp.
When a wasp lands on your arm,
you're afraid. No?
You hold your breath
and you wait for it to fly off...
and when it doesn't, what do you do?
You panic.
And when you panic, it stings you.
Perhaps it stings you
because it can smell your fear.
Or perhaps it stings...
because when you panicked,
you frightened it.
You're afraid and the wasp was afraid.
Chicken and egg, eh?
Do you know why the asp killed Cleopatra?
Because she moved. Do you understand?
I must not move.
Not inside, no.
Inside you must be still.
How do I do that?
You have to believe what you say.
You must commit to it, embrace it.
So in order for you to trick this machine,
this... this wasp...
I must lie to myself.
You have to lie to tell a greater truth.
Now, let's start again.
It's the end of science fiction,
or the beginning.
I don't know what the hell it is.
Playing with reality like it's Silly Putty.
I'm counting on you to get us
into that computer lab.
There's a keypad. I know where Rosenbloom
keeps the entry code.
I need you sober, Charles.
I'm dry as a witch's tit.
Don't worry.
I'm on the case. It's all under control.
Have you been providing information
about Stan Beeman to the K.G. B?
Oh, I can't do this. I can't.
Squeeze your anus.
Squeeze your anus
before you answer the question.
- Is this a joke?
- No.
Have you been providing information
about Stan Beeman to the K.G. B?
It works?
It works.
There's been a change of plans.
I'm not gonna be at the meet
with the contra brass.
Why not?
I'm leaving for Nicaragua.
- For how long?
- Hard to say.
Six months. Maybe longer.
What's the rush?
We're setting up a contra base
at the Selva Negra Cloud Forest.
What's there?
Monarchs. That's where they breed.
I'm sure the butterflies
will be happy to see you.
It's hard to reach.
Only 120 kilometers from Managua.
You're building a wildlife sanctuary?
We're gonna mine Managua Harbor.
We'll still need your help
getting onto the base.
Are you alone?
Why do you ask?
Can't be too careful nowadays.
It's hard to feel safe... anywhere.
I'm surprised you came alone.
It's a dance.
Question and answer.
Call and response.
It's what they do in Negro churches.
The preacher shouts out,
and, uh, the people respond.
- You know about Negro churches?
- I like their music.
Marvin Gaye,
Curtis Mayfield, Aretha.
Gospel, rhythm, blues... all the old stuff.
We need a new plan.
Larrick is leaving for Nicaragua.
- When?
- Soon.
But he'll help us gain access to the site.
- He won't be there?
- No.
Larrick needs to be there.
That's the point of the whole plan.
Hey. Do you know who he is...
what he's done?
Larrick is a monster.
He is responsible for the deaths of
hundreds of my countrymen.
He has to pay.
What are you saying?
I was going to kill him
when we got on the base.
- Larrick is a huge asset to our cause.
- An asset?
The operation and Larrick
are bigger than your wish for revenge.
It is not a wish.
It's a debt...
a debt I owe to those he killed.
Listen to me, Lucia.
I will only say this once.
Larrick is a monster, but he is our monster.
Whatever he's done is nothing to what he can
and will do for us and our cause.
Hey. What do you think of this baby?
- I like it.
- 386 horsepower...
four on the floor, direct overhead cams.
♪♪ I am driving
my life away ♪♪
♪♪ Looking for
a better way for me ♪♪
- Where are you off to?
- Nowhere.
Be home for dinner.
I will.
I saw Lucia. She's not too happy
about the change in plan.
Welcome to the club.
- She wants Larrick dead.
- Who doesn't?
She was gonna do it
as soon as he got us into the camp.
- That was never the plan.
- That was her plan.
Well, that would have gotten us killed.
She's young and impetuous.
- She'll get over it.
- I'm not so sure about that.
What do you mean?
She burns hot.
That sounds like someone I know.
I wasn't sure you'd come.
As you see, I'm here.
Would you like something to drink?
I'd like to get this over with.
I will ask you questions.
You will answer "yes" or "no. "
I understand.
- Is your name Nina Sergeevna Krylova?
- Yes.
Were you born in Vladivostok?
Do you work at the Rezidentura?
Are you a member of the K.G. B?
Have you ever betrayed your country?
Does anyone from the Rezidentura
know you're here?
Did you smuggle electronic equipment
out of the United States?
Does the Rezidentura know about this?
No. Yes.
Yes. No. I don't know if they know or not.
Let's continue.
May I have some water?
Did you betray your country?
Did you betray your country
for ideological or political reasons?
Were your reasons personal?
Do you know who murdered
F.B. I. Agent Chris Amador?
Do you know who murdered Vlad Kosygin?
Do you know why?
Have you deceived
your contact in the F.B. I?
Are you pretending
to be an F.B. I. Informant...
when, in fact,
you're spying for the Soviet Union?
Are you sure?
Appears to be some ambiguity...
in your answer to this question.
Is there anything that you can tell me...
that might clear up any confusion?
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
We're done.
You passed.
You passed.
Okay. No problem.
Good evening, Raymond.
Working the late shift, eh?
Might as well be.
New baby. Up all night.
- First one?
- First and last.
My wife... she don't wanna go back to work.
Likes staying home with the noodle.
I left my reading glasses...
in Professor Rosenbloom's
office earlier today.
I can't see a bloody thing without them.
Is it okay if I get them?
- Your name?
- Charles Duluth.
- With a Mr. Peter Emery?
- That's right.
I'll need to see some identification.
I'll hang on to this
till you return the key.
No problem. Thank you, Raymond.
You're welcome, sir.
The lab's not empty.
It's supposed to be empty.
- Okay, calm down.
- What do we do?
Calm down.
Stay here.
- Don't move.
- Okay.
I'm sorry.
I would have done the same
if I were you.
Would you?
We need to find a way to get you out.
And go where?
I don't want to leave.
I don't want to leave you.
And what about Oleg?
I can handle Oleg.
Oleg is a peanut. He only works for himself.
He has a powerful father in a high place...
but Arkady has contempt for him.
He wants the surveillance
reports we have on him.
Can you do that?
To keep you safe, yes.
I can get information
to undo the damage from the reports...
where he goes, how, when.
No, no, no.
I want to do what I can... for us.
Arkady's in the process
of getting approval from Moscow...
for me to be read into the Illegals Program.
If I get in, I can get anything.
I need to breathe air.
We are together now.
Forever, yes?
- What's the code?
- Uh...
- The numbers, Charles.
- I wrote it down.
The ink... I can't read it.
The numbers. What are the numbers?
6-3-2-4-6-1. Wait, wait, wait.
- Are you sure?
- I think so.
- You think?
- 6-2-3-4-6-1. I'm sure.
Another setback. Of course.
Jefe, that was amazing.
I haven't had
an adrenaline rush like that...
since I did the esteemed
Madam Senator from Missouri...
in the Capitol washroom during conference.
I see how you can develop a jones
for that sort of thing.
It's addictive.
I'm just saying... it was exhilarating.
You didn't look exhilarated.
First-time jitters.
I'll be better the next time.
Glad you enjoyed yourself.
- I'm just saying.
- Yeah, I get it.
Charles, I get it.
We did what we were supposed to do,
didn't we?
Yes, we did.
Then what?
I, um... I killed someone...
someone who happened to be
in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You did what you had to do.
For what? I mean, what was the point?
For some X's and O's on a virtual highway?
I don't even know what that means.
Do you know how many people I've killed?
I mean, looked into their eyes,
watched them die?
It's what you do.
And you do it so very well.
You said you'd stopped.
This is cranberry juice and soda water.
Try it.
No, really. Try it.
You're wrong.
About what exactly?
I'm not pathetic.
I have value to you, to the cause.
Try it.
I had a grand old time.
Call me... anytime.
- Can I get you something?
- Yeah, I'll have whatever he had.
The bathroom floors are heated...
and there's a Jacuzzi in the bathtub.
You want to take a decadent Jacuzzi with me
in our decadent bathtub?
I do.
Call and response?
Ripped By mstoll