The Americans (2013–2018): Season 2, Episode 1 - Comrades - full transcript
Elizabeth comes back from her injury and straight into what should have been a routine mission - but it goes awry, leaving her and Philip in fear not only for themselves but for their whole network... and family. Paige's suspicions have only grown in her mother's absence. Meanwhile, Stan continues to fall for the Russian agent who has started to play him.
Previously on The Americans...
Amador: Directorate S
undercover agents
supposedly hiding
all over the US.
Super-secret identities--
no one has any idea
who they are.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Oh, hi. You came!
Just for a second,
to bring over brownies
and welcome you
to the neighborhood.
What do you do, Stan?
I'm an FBI agent.
Elizabeth: When we got here,
I was 22 years old.
Living in a strange house
in a strange country
with a strange man.
It never really happened
for us.
You're separating?
Gaad: It's time
you and your source
started having your meetings
in a safe house.
That is our own private cabana.
I appreciate
what you're trying to do.
It's not gonna fix anything.
Big day at
FBI Counterintelligence?
Martha: They were
in the secure vault all day.
Did you get a look inside
this time?
There's one move we could make.
We put a bug in Gaad's office.
Martha could do it.
No knock on your charms there,
but there's no way
she'll go for that.
I pronounce you man and wife.
I'm in love with you,
and I would do
anything for you.
- Mom.
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- Laundry.
You're doing laundry
in the middle of the night?
We know that we're looking for
- a Caucasian man and woman.
- It's a couple.
Take them!
[ Tires screeching ]
It's okay. Look at me.
Look at me!
- Her great-aunt?
- She fell down the stairs.
Elizabeth may stay up for
a while and take care of her.
[ Insects chirping ]
I wish they'd listen to me.
I'll be all right.
if you ever need me again...
[ Engine turns over ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Middle Eastern music plays ]
We let them have Kabul for now,
attack their supply routes
using small units,
- always moving fast.
- Right.
[ Southern accent ]
Well, I told the coordinating committee
what you asked for,
and the response
was very positive.
Of course, they need to clear
about 15 other committees
every time we go over
a million dollars.
Look, boys, we know
you're good in Herat.
The question is, how do we
help you out in Panjshir?
[ Speaking native language ]
[ Speaking native language ]
We have a route on the Rukha...
on the Saricha road.
[ Speaking native language ]
You get the weapons to us
from across the border,
we do the rest.
[ Speaking native language ]
We love America.
With your guidance
and with the help of Allah,
we will drive the godless
Soviets from Afghanistan.
And we are gonna be there
for you every step of the way.
Money, guns--
America is gonna get you
whatever you need, Salar.
[ Speaking native language ]
[ Speaking native language ]
It's good to have
the same enemy.
Yes, it is.
This blade is my gift to you.
I killed
a Russian soldier with it.
It was the first man
I ever killed.
It was hard,
but it has gotten easier.
We'll kill every heathen
come to humiliate us
on our own land.
[ Muffled gunshots ]
[ Glass shatters ]
You tell your brothers
back in Afghanistan
there is a message for them.
[ Muffled gunshot ]
America can't protect you,
Allah can't protect you,
and the KGB is everywhere.
[ Both grunting ]
[ Screams ]
[ Screams ]
You Russians have
no idea who you're--
It's okay.
[ Muffled gunshot ]
[ Engine turns over, revs ]
♪ just how you broke my heart,
oh, so many times ♪
[ Radio clicks off ]
[ Sighs ]
You ready?
[ Horn honks ]
[ Horn honks ]
Happy birthday, Henry!
Don't jump on your mother!
You're getting too big now.
I miss being jumped on.
You look older to me.
I am.
Does our house look the same?
Yeah. We painted
the living room black.
[ Laughs ] Stop it.
You did not.
Yeah, we did.
Happy birthday!
I'm just saying you have to eat
something substantial,
something like real food
before cake.
- Okay, okay.
- What do you want? Hot dog?
I'll have a hot dog, yeah.
One hot dog, please.
- Thanks.
- For the birthday boy.
Okay, here you go.
Well, maybe next year,
you know?
Hopefully you can afford it,
because this is
your 100% refund.
Wow. I really wasn't
expecting anything back.
Definitely not all of it.
Well, I'm just sorry
it took so long,
but the airline has
this whole voucher BS,
so it takes forever,
but that's no reason
to pay for a trip
you're not gonna go on.
[ Party horn blows ]
Thanks. I definitely owe you one.
It's great she's back, huh?
You have no idea.
It's good to see you guys
together again.
Just give it time.
I'm sure you'll get there.
Philip: It's 12 times more
powerful than your old one.
[ Hesitantly ]
It's great.
- Well, that didn't sound very convincing.
- No.
No, no, it is, it is.
Thank you.
- It's just not Intellivision.
- Hey!
Wait. What are you
talking about?
Henry keeps begging dad
for this video game.
Yeah, which rots your brain,
turns it into this.
- Hmph.
- And you wanted a new telescope.
I know.
Let's go set it up in my room.
Oh, you know what?
Uh, maybe tomorrow night?
Abby's gonna be here
in 15 minutes.
I'm gonna take your mom
out on a date.
It's my birthday.
- I know. - We're gonna do a whole
Henry weekend, sweetheart.
- Yeah.
- It will be really fun.
- Promise.
- We just need a little time.
Don't you want mom and dad
to go out on a date?
I missed her, too, pal.
I did.
Oh, gross.
Come on, Paige.
[ Both breathing heavily ]
- Air Force Security.
- Don't move.
Nice and slow, nice and slow,
nice and slow, now.
- What?!
- Get your clothes. - Move.
- Nice and slow. Easy, easy.
- Come on.
This way. Move, move.
Back it up.
Roy Oatway, Roy Oatway,
Air Force Security.
- Come on.
- Take a breath.
You're fine.
Calm down.
Roy, you're fine.
Look at me. Look at me.
Take 'em to lockup.
Nobody interrogate 'em
till we get back.
[ Breathes heavily ]
I haven't done anything.
Let me ask you a question, Roy.
When you were in high school,
in Topeka,
did two cheerleaders
ever ask you
to go at it with them
under the bleachers?
When you were at MIT,
did two gorgeous women
ever pick you up at a bar,
take you home,
and screw your brains out?
It's a question, Roy.
It's a real question.
What about when you were
chief budget officer
for Bendix Corporation,
antilock-brake technology?
How many babes
were you banging then, Roy?
Um... not a lot.
What do you think's
so different about tonight, Roy?
New cologne?
Or is it just since
you started working
for Lockheed?
Do you think it could
have some connection
to your security clearance
and the skunk works project
they're working on for the DOD?
I-I didn't tell them
You're lucky we got here.
Am I under arrest?
No, Roy, you're not
under arrest.
We're not here to arrest you.
We're here to protect you
and your company
and the interests
of the United States military,
but you're gonna have to be
more careful from now on.
So this is what we're gonna do.
We're gonna take apart,
we're gonna reconstruct
every step
of your security protocol,
starting right here, right now.
You are gonna be scrupulous
about your phone logs,
report every new suspicious
social encounter,
especially when
you're traveling.
And you're gonna switch out
the codes
on your office safe
and briefcase
to a rotating-number system
we give you
that's gonna change
every six weeks.
You're fine.
Put your clothes on.
Well, you'd never know it.
- John...
- Don't worry about it.
You're certainly never
gonna be replaced
by a syndicated show.
You are el numero one.
Now, haven't I always
said that?
Every time you want
something, yes.
- Ha!
- What do you want, Herb?
Just the use of that oh,
so persuasive voice of yours
for just 3 little
60-second spots.
Eh, forget it, pal.
I'm out of here.
The guy asked for you, John.
Well, I'm sorry, Herb.
Just tell him
the doctor is not for sale.
Almost forgot--
there's a talent fee--
- $35 a spot.
- Sold.
[ Henry screams ]
[ Laughs ]
What the hell?!
What are you doing?
I'm checking mom's laundry.
You're checking her laundry?
[ Sighs ] Doing it.
I'm doing mom's laundry
for her.
As a surprise.
Whatever. Weirdo...
[ Sighs ]
That's a long time to be away.
Well, I mean,
I was pretty torn up.
How are the kids doing?
Um, you know,
we talked every week.
They wondered why I wasn't
coming home on weekends,
but I just told them my aunt
was too sick, I couldn't leave.
Must have been strange
not seeing them.
It was hard,
but everyone's okay.
And you and Philip?
We're better.
- Good?
- Yeah.
When do you guys head back?
Uh, I pick up my guy's drop
on Saturday,
then the Air and Space Museum,
then drive late Sunday night
for school Monday.
Jared's a senior?
He's going to Carnegie Mellon
next year-- engineering.
Philip: Oh, wow.
I mean, the last time
we saw you guys,
you were worried he was
spending too much time
building model airplanes.
I guess he was
an engineer after all.
Mechanical, like his dad.
And Amelia?
- Oh, my God, no.
- Yes!
So most of
our mother/daughter time
is spent cooking
for the bake sales.
And then there's
boys, boys, boys.
Nothing much else to worry
about, these kids.
Nothing prepares you
for them growing up...
You guys are staying
in Alexandria, right?
You know, uh, we're taking
the kids to the rides
at the park on Saturday.
I'd love to get a look
at Paige and Henry.
Well, then,
we'll see you there.
We'll be there all day.
Listen, Claudia
sends her regards.
She's glad you're okay.
She told us about
what happened between you.
She's still here?
You know
those old war-horses.
They don't get pushed
around so easily.
[ Engine turns over ]
You okay?
At least you got to be here
for Henry's birthday.
Yeah. That worked out.
You okay?
I had a... thing
last night.
Finished up an operation
with some Afghans.
Went bad.
Henry, I don't think
mom and dad came home.
I don't care.
[ Gasps ]
Oh, my God.
Get back in your room, Henry.
[ Doors slam ]
Henry: So, he got the whole
apple in his mouth,
but it got stuck,
and Lewis and Jeremy
started tickling him,
and I got worried
he might choke.
I mean, you can
choke on an apple,
and he was laughing
really hard.
So I made them stop,
and we had to cut the apple
out of his mouth in pieces.
He said the next night,
his jaw really still hurt.
- I bet.
- Yeah.
Oh, Paige, we got to go.
Oh, uh, sweetheart,
hang on a second.
privacy and respect--
this is why
we have those rules.
I know.
Why would you open
a closed door?
'Cause I missed you, mom,
and I'm sorry.
Well, I missed you, too, honey.
And-- and things are gonna
get back to normal now.
- They are.
- Yeah.
But we have to be able to
trust each other, okay?
I know. I'm sorry.
It's okay.
It is okay.
Go get your things for school.
Thank you for doing my laundry.
Henry: Let's go, Paige.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Come on!
[ Sighs ]
What do you think?
Who knows what's going on
in that little head?
It will probably be a while
before she walks in on us again.
Based on what she saw
last night,
I'm surprised she even came
downstairs this morning.
[ Sighs ]
Do we even know
if this is the first time
she's checked on us?
Do you need to switch seats?
I'm okay.
Trails grow cold, Stan,
especially when the people
you're chasing are dead or gone.
I don't know.
Do you trust your source?
So... she died,
and he's been exfiltrated.
It's just been
a couple of months.
We have to wait
for the next break.
I've never been very good
at waiting, sir.
[ Buzzer ]
He's here again.
Said he wouldn't leave
until he talked to you.
I had them send him up.
You want me to have
security throw him out?
Uh... no.
I'll meet him by the elevators.
I'll be right back.
[ Beeping ]
[ Sighs ]
You promised me!
We had a deal!
It was signed!
- Shut up, shut up.
- I'm not gonna shut up!
I did my part.
I want my money.
The thing is, you didn't
do your part, Sandford.
Not one of your leads
panned out.
We got nothing from you.
I g-- I gave you
the illegal.
I gave you Colonel Rennhull.
I gave you everything.
Listen to me-- your illegal
with the Morticia Addams hair
and the hot skirts is a fantasy
you've been jerking off to
as far as we can tell.
- She doesn't exist.
- No, she's real!
And Colonel Rennhull
reported your approach
to Air Force Security
the following day.
He said a creepy guy
from the Pentagon
asked him if he'd be interested
in meeting with the KGB.
- That's bullshit.
- He described you to a T.
That's bullshit.
He was covering his tracks.
- He went for it!
- Well, maybe,
but you're a compulsive gambler
with a very dubious record
at DOD,
and he is clean as a whistle.
So read the agreement.
It's contingent on us getting
something for our money.
I gave you everything I had.
You people betrayed me.
[ Elevator bell dings ]
Don't come back here, Sandford,
unless it's to thank me for
keeping your ass out of lockup.
Every word I said to you
was the truth!
I believe him.
Military intelligence
doesn't agree.
Well, that's because
he's a scumbag traitor
whose personal life is a mess.
- But that doesn't mean--
- Let it go, Stan.
If the Colonel stays there
in his office
with his clearance,
it's gonna
come back on us... bad.
The Colonel is off-limits.
My rope is more than used up.
This is how it works when
they want you to do something,
but they can't ask you
to do it.
It goes wrong,
they start investigating you.
Soviet Foreign Minister
wasn't pleased
that one of his diplomats
got shot in the back
of the head.
Sir, his body was found
in a dumpster.
DC is a dangerous place.
The state keeps
asking questions,
I can't really give
any answers.
Someone might have to
take the fall for this.
Someone always takes the fall.
[ Telephone rings ]
Agent Gaad's office.
For now, be smart
with the Colonel.
The less attention
we attract, the better.
Yes, sir.
I don't suppose
that's ready, is it?
- Mm-hmm.
- It is?
Philip, you want to take
this home for the kids?
Uh, can you just wrap
two slices?
And then, uh, you and Barb
can split the rest.
Uh, my roommate is on a diet.
He'd kill me
if I bring home cake.
You had a good
couple of months.
Yeah, we did.
This is Stan here, right?
- This one?
- Yeah.
I thought we got him a refund.
No. I got him the voucher.
Traded it in for 40%.
We paid the difference.
- I figured in the long run--
- Good.
Agent Beeman,
what I'm showing you,
not a lot of people know about.
If word gets out--
You can trust me.
It's evidence.
I-I-I understand.
So, these guys
are pirating new stuff
out in the theaters now?
We already had
three raids on them.
Expecting another shipment
next week.
What's this one?
Uh, guys on motorcycles
after the world's destroyed.
Pretty good,
but if you want to make her cry,
show her this.
It'll bore you to tears,
but your wife will love it.
I have set myself
beyond the pale.
I am nothing.
I am hardly human anymore.
I am the French Lieutenant's...
You don't like it?
No. I think it's good.
You believe her?
- The woman?
- The actress.
Well, that's Meryl Streep.
What? You think
she's too what?
I think she's too much
of what a man thinks a woman is,
what he wants her to be.
Well, if she loves him,
does it make her a whore?
Was Anna Karenina a whore
because she gave her heart,
her life to Vronsky?
"Anna Karenina"--
you heard of this book?
Yeah, I heard of it.
I never had the pleasure.
Is that how you see me,
what I am to you?
A whore?
No, it's a movie, Nina.
I th-- I thought you'd like it.
You thought
it would make me cry.
No. I...
I thought it would move you.
[ Voice breaking ]
Well, you see I'm very moved.
- Are you happy now?
- Nina...
We have a new arrival
at the Rezidentura.
Oleg Igorevich Burov.
First-tour officer,
but in charge of Line X--
science and technology.
What do you think of him?
[ Speaks Russian ]
He's a bad mattress.
Too soft.
[ Chuckles ]
You think you can find out
his specific target?
I can listen,
maybe ask a few questions.
Be careful.
[ Creatures wailing, growling ]
[ Both scream ]
[ Laughs ]
Oh, my God.
[ Screams ]
[ Laughing ] Stop!
Oh, my God.
- Come on.
- Let's get, um--
[ All screaming ]
- [ Laughs ]
- Make him stop!
Go! Come on!
Woman: Go, Jared, go, Jared,
go, Jared, go, Jared.
- [ Grunts ]
- You're there!
- You're still winning!
- Go.
[ Laughs ]
Do you like this side?
I got, like, flowers.
- Oh!
- Do you like it?
- The butterfly.
- I love it, I love it.
I just had it done.
[ Bell ringing ]
[ Laughing ]
Hey, dad, you want this?
Oh, sure. It's gonna look
great in our bedroom.
Uh, can-- can we go back to
the hotel so I can go swimming?
We'll head back
in a little while.
Come on, guys,
I want to go on the bumper cars.
[ Sighs ]
Oleg Igorevich.
We need to take a drive.
- Drive?
- To the Colonel's house.
Colonel Rennhull.
Agent Gaad.
Agent Beeman.
Thank you both for coming.
Are you all right?
[ Sighs ] I guess.
He just showed up
and started screaming,
"I'm gonna kill you,
you ruined my life,"
something about $500,000.
He was crazy.
My wife's inside.
He just started coming at me.
You had the weapon on you?
I got it when I saw him
pull in the drive.
I mean, he's the guy.
He's the one who approached me
that I reported.
Yes, he is.
I really should get
back inside.
My wife is not good.
- Of course.
- You take care.
- Give me a minute, guys.
- Yes, sir.
You'd think one in the head
would have been enough.
Oh, my God, mom.
It's like she knows you.
Henry: Yeah.
Can she do me next?
I'll read your palm, Henry.
Short, dweeb-like.
I'll, uh, see you
at the balloon dart.
I'm just gonna grab some water.
My agent called the service.
The surveillance is tight,
and you can't do a dead drop.
I had to change things up.
I've got him coming here to do
a pass, and it can't be me.
I've been on him
for the last two days.
His tails might have seen me.
- When?
- About three minutes.
He's in gray pants,
gray blazer, green tie
with white pattern.
He's gonna be looking for a blue
hat and an 11-year-old boy.
We don't use our kids.
It's just a brush pass.
He's got two tails
on his surveillance team
about five feet behind him.
They won't look twice
at a father with his child,
but you alone
they might notice.
You need the cover.
We have to move.
Leanne will block for you.
After you get it, do 45 minutes
of clearing on your own,
then bring the package
to my hotel, room 1123.
I may have to run the kids
so wait for me
if I'm not back there.
His operational report
sounds bad.
I'm gonna need you guys' help
to take out his surveillance
team so I can get him out.
Take out?
We have our children here.
So do we.
Two minutes.
[ Cheering ]
- Henry!
- [ Laughs ]
Hey, you try.
You know what? Let's get
some ice cream for the girls.
All right.
I want the duck!
Hey, where'd you get the hat?
Like it?
Yeah. We should get
Capitals hats.
[ Balloon pops ]
You promised you were
gonna take me to get ice cream.
I am.
Neil's father's a lawyer.
He has season tickets.
You should make friends
with him.
You should make friends
with Neil.
[ Laughs ]
There you are.
Listen, last ride,
then back to the hotel, okay?
What the hell was that about?
I'll tell you on the way.
Let's go.
- I'll give the kids money for more rides.
- Great.
[ Elevator bell dings ]
[ Knock on door ]
[ Knocking continues ]
[ Elizabeth gasping ]
- Paige and Henry-- go.
- [ Gasps ]
[ Whistling ]
[ Screaming ] No, no!
No! Oh, my God!
[ Sobbing ]
Henry?! Henry?!
- Hen?
- What?
Wait. Where's Paige?
Um, she just took off.
Uh, okay.
Come with me.
Um, but, mom,
I wanted to ride again.
I know, I'm sorry.
It's time to go.
We just have to find
your sister.
[ Riders screaming ]
Hi, mom.
[ Gasps ]
Why didn't you stay
with your brother?
I just wanted to get
my face painted.
Guys! Come on.
It's getting late.
Let's go.
- Are you guys okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
Just-- just been
looking for you, that's all.
[ Cap clatters ]
[ Pills rattle ]
[ Dead bolt clicks ]
[ Window locks click ]
There's nothing
in the operational report,
just routine surveillance,
but there's an address
in Virginia
two hours south of the naval
base and these sketches.
Looks like a propeller,
machine tool, something.
Well, whatever it is,
Emmett and Leanne
were in a hell of a hurry
to get it.
I know.
I'll go--
I'll go signal now.
No, no. You, uh--
you rest up. I'll do it.
[ Sighs ]
I should have done it
without Henry,
even if I was more exposed.
You didn't have time to think.
You're supposed to be
with Martha tonight.
No, no.
I'm gonna make an excuse.
No. If the FBI
were part of this,
if they know about this,
we need to find out.
You need to go.
I'll stay up.
Who would do this?
You want the list?
[ Dog barking ]
Someone who knows us,
every single one of us,
someone who was on
to the operation,
in which case they may
or may not have caught us
at the end of it,
someone who had surveillance
on the operation
that we missed.
That's half the list.
You want me to finish it?
Not really.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
I know.
Somewhere along the line,
encounter yourself,
shake hands and say, "Hi,
where the hell have you been
all these years?!"
now that we're together...
- Stan?
- Hey.
What are you doing here?
Uh, I had to talk
to somebody in Arlington.
Wasn't worth driving
back to the office.
Where's Matthew?
Uh, he's having dinner
at Craig's.
I didn't know you'd be home.
I made plans to see a movie
with Trish and Marie.
It's okay.
I can heat up leftovers
before I go,
or there's French-bread pizza
in the freezer.
That's all right.
I'm... not really hungry.
Look like
you've never looked before.
Hear like
you've never heard before.
Feel like
you've never felt before!
Who is that?
Leo Buscaglia.
He's-- Well, they call him
the "Love Doctor."
He says you can change
the whole world with a hug.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Looks like he's trying to change
his world with a pledge drive.
It's for PBS, not him.
You know, he says that
the greatest hazard in life
is to risk nothing.
He says that love
is always open arms,
that if you close
your arms to love
that... you'll find you're left
just holding only yourself.
Anyway, that's what
he's famous for.
Do you want to come with us...
to the movies?
Uh... sure.
I knew it was ordained that
I should never marry an equal,
so... I married shame.
It is my shame
that has kept me alive,
my knowing that I am truly
not like other women,
why I shall never, like them,
have children, a husband,
and the pleasures of a home.
Sometimes I pity them.
I have a freedom
they cannot understand.
No insult,
no blame can touch me.
Philip: It's just hard--
this job, this life.
It gets to you in ways
you didn't think it would.
And it isn't easy for me
to talk about this,
but I sometimes wonder
if I'm cut out for this.
I don't know.
I can't get into it.
It was just, um--
it was a hard day.
It was a bad day.
It's okay, sweetie.
Just relax.
You're home now.
[ Sighs ]
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player
Amador: Directorate S
undercover agents
supposedly hiding
all over the US.
Super-secret identities--
no one has any idea
who they are.
[ Doorbell rings ]
Oh, hi. You came!
Just for a second,
to bring over brownies
and welcome you
to the neighborhood.
What do you do, Stan?
I'm an FBI agent.
Elizabeth: When we got here,
I was 22 years old.
Living in a strange house
in a strange country
with a strange man.
It never really happened
for us.
You're separating?
Gaad: It's time
you and your source
started having your meetings
in a safe house.
That is our own private cabana.
I appreciate
what you're trying to do.
It's not gonna fix anything.
Big day at
FBI Counterintelligence?
Martha: They were
in the secure vault all day.
Did you get a look inside
this time?
There's one move we could make.
We put a bug in Gaad's office.
Martha could do it.
No knock on your charms there,
but there's no way
she'll go for that.
I pronounce you man and wife.
I'm in love with you,
and I would do
anything for you.
- Mom.
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- Laundry.
You're doing laundry
in the middle of the night?
We know that we're looking for
- a Caucasian man and woman.
- It's a couple.
Take them!
[ Tires screeching ]
It's okay. Look at me.
Look at me!
- Her great-aunt?
- She fell down the stairs.
Elizabeth may stay up for
a while and take care of her.
[ Insects chirping ]
I wish they'd listen to me.
I'll be all right.
if you ever need me again...
[ Engine turns over ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Middle Eastern music plays ]
We let them have Kabul for now,
attack their supply routes
using small units,
- always moving fast.
- Right.
[ Southern accent ]
Well, I told the coordinating committee
what you asked for,
and the response
was very positive.
Of course, they need to clear
about 15 other committees
every time we go over
a million dollars.
Look, boys, we know
you're good in Herat.
The question is, how do we
help you out in Panjshir?
[ Speaking native language ]
[ Speaking native language ]
We have a route on the Rukha...
on the Saricha road.
[ Speaking native language ]
You get the weapons to us
from across the border,
we do the rest.
[ Speaking native language ]
We love America.
With your guidance
and with the help of Allah,
we will drive the godless
Soviets from Afghanistan.
And we are gonna be there
for you every step of the way.
Money, guns--
America is gonna get you
whatever you need, Salar.
[ Speaking native language ]
[ Speaking native language ]
It's good to have
the same enemy.
Yes, it is.
This blade is my gift to you.
I killed
a Russian soldier with it.
It was the first man
I ever killed.
It was hard,
but it has gotten easier.
We'll kill every heathen
come to humiliate us
on our own land.
[ Muffled gunshots ]
[ Glass shatters ]
You tell your brothers
back in Afghanistan
there is a message for them.
[ Muffled gunshot ]
America can't protect you,
Allah can't protect you,
and the KGB is everywhere.
[ Both grunting ]
[ Screams ]
[ Screams ]
You Russians have
no idea who you're--
It's okay.
[ Muffled gunshot ]
[ Engine turns over, revs ]
♪ just how you broke my heart,
oh, so many times ♪
[ Radio clicks off ]
[ Sighs ]
You ready?
[ Horn honks ]
[ Horn honks ]
Happy birthday, Henry!
Don't jump on your mother!
You're getting too big now.
I miss being jumped on.
You look older to me.
I am.
Does our house look the same?
Yeah. We painted
the living room black.
[ Laughs ] Stop it.
You did not.
Yeah, we did.
Happy birthday!
I'm just saying you have to eat
something substantial,
something like real food
before cake.
- Okay, okay.
- What do you want? Hot dog?
I'll have a hot dog, yeah.
One hot dog, please.
- Thanks.
- For the birthday boy.
Okay, here you go.
Well, maybe next year,
you know?
Hopefully you can afford it,
because this is
your 100% refund.
Wow. I really wasn't
expecting anything back.
Definitely not all of it.
Well, I'm just sorry
it took so long,
but the airline has
this whole voucher BS,
so it takes forever,
but that's no reason
to pay for a trip
you're not gonna go on.
[ Party horn blows ]
Thanks. I definitely owe you one.
It's great she's back, huh?
You have no idea.
It's good to see you guys
together again.
Just give it time.
I'm sure you'll get there.
Philip: It's 12 times more
powerful than your old one.
[ Hesitantly ]
It's great.
- Well, that didn't sound very convincing.
- No.
No, no, it is, it is.
Thank you.
- It's just not Intellivision.
- Hey!
Wait. What are you
talking about?
Henry keeps begging dad
for this video game.
Yeah, which rots your brain,
turns it into this.
- Hmph.
- And you wanted a new telescope.
I know.
Let's go set it up in my room.
Oh, you know what?
Uh, maybe tomorrow night?
Abby's gonna be here
in 15 minutes.
I'm gonna take your mom
out on a date.
It's my birthday.
- I know. - We're gonna do a whole
Henry weekend, sweetheart.
- Yeah.
- It will be really fun.
- Promise.
- We just need a little time.
Don't you want mom and dad
to go out on a date?
I missed her, too, pal.
I did.
Oh, gross.
Come on, Paige.
[ Both breathing heavily ]
- Air Force Security.
- Don't move.
Nice and slow, nice and slow,
nice and slow, now.
- What?!
- Get your clothes. - Move.
- Nice and slow. Easy, easy.
- Come on.
This way. Move, move.
Back it up.
Roy Oatway, Roy Oatway,
Air Force Security.
- Come on.
- Take a breath.
You're fine.
Calm down.
Roy, you're fine.
Look at me. Look at me.
Take 'em to lockup.
Nobody interrogate 'em
till we get back.
[ Breathes heavily ]
I haven't done anything.
Let me ask you a question, Roy.
When you were in high school,
in Topeka,
did two cheerleaders
ever ask you
to go at it with them
under the bleachers?
When you were at MIT,
did two gorgeous women
ever pick you up at a bar,
take you home,
and screw your brains out?
It's a question, Roy.
It's a real question.
What about when you were
chief budget officer
for Bendix Corporation,
antilock-brake technology?
How many babes
were you banging then, Roy?
Um... not a lot.
What do you think's
so different about tonight, Roy?
New cologne?
Or is it just since
you started working
for Lockheed?
Do you think it could
have some connection
to your security clearance
and the skunk works project
they're working on for the DOD?
I-I didn't tell them
You're lucky we got here.
Am I under arrest?
No, Roy, you're not
under arrest.
We're not here to arrest you.
We're here to protect you
and your company
and the interests
of the United States military,
but you're gonna have to be
more careful from now on.
So this is what we're gonna do.
We're gonna take apart,
we're gonna reconstruct
every step
of your security protocol,
starting right here, right now.
You are gonna be scrupulous
about your phone logs,
report every new suspicious
social encounter,
especially when
you're traveling.
And you're gonna switch out
the codes
on your office safe
and briefcase
to a rotating-number system
we give you
that's gonna change
every six weeks.
You're fine.
Put your clothes on.
Well, you'd never know it.
- John...
- Don't worry about it.
You're certainly never
gonna be replaced
by a syndicated show.
You are el numero one.
Now, haven't I always
said that?
Every time you want
something, yes.
- Ha!
- What do you want, Herb?
Just the use of that oh,
so persuasive voice of yours
for just 3 little
60-second spots.
Eh, forget it, pal.
I'm out of here.
The guy asked for you, John.
Well, I'm sorry, Herb.
Just tell him
the doctor is not for sale.
Almost forgot--
there's a talent fee--
- $35 a spot.
- Sold.
[ Henry screams ]
[ Laughs ]
What the hell?!
What are you doing?
I'm checking mom's laundry.
You're checking her laundry?
[ Sighs ] Doing it.
I'm doing mom's laundry
for her.
As a surprise.
Whatever. Weirdo...
[ Sighs ]
That's a long time to be away.
Well, I mean,
I was pretty torn up.
How are the kids doing?
Um, you know,
we talked every week.
They wondered why I wasn't
coming home on weekends,
but I just told them my aunt
was too sick, I couldn't leave.
Must have been strange
not seeing them.
It was hard,
but everyone's okay.
And you and Philip?
We're better.
- Good?
- Yeah.
When do you guys head back?
Uh, I pick up my guy's drop
on Saturday,
then the Air and Space Museum,
then drive late Sunday night
for school Monday.
Jared's a senior?
He's going to Carnegie Mellon
next year-- engineering.
Philip: Oh, wow.
I mean, the last time
we saw you guys,
you were worried he was
spending too much time
building model airplanes.
I guess he was
an engineer after all.
Mechanical, like his dad.
And Amelia?
- Oh, my God, no.
- Yes!
So most of
our mother/daughter time
is spent cooking
for the bake sales.
And then there's
boys, boys, boys.
Nothing much else to worry
about, these kids.
Nothing prepares you
for them growing up...
You guys are staying
in Alexandria, right?
You know, uh, we're taking
the kids to the rides
at the park on Saturday.
I'd love to get a look
at Paige and Henry.
Well, then,
we'll see you there.
We'll be there all day.
Listen, Claudia
sends her regards.
She's glad you're okay.
She told us about
what happened between you.
She's still here?
You know
those old war-horses.
They don't get pushed
around so easily.
[ Engine turns over ]
You okay?
At least you got to be here
for Henry's birthday.
Yeah. That worked out.
You okay?
I had a... thing
last night.
Finished up an operation
with some Afghans.
Went bad.
Henry, I don't think
mom and dad came home.
I don't care.
[ Gasps ]
Oh, my God.
Get back in your room, Henry.
[ Doors slam ]
Henry: So, he got the whole
apple in his mouth,
but it got stuck,
and Lewis and Jeremy
started tickling him,
and I got worried
he might choke.
I mean, you can
choke on an apple,
and he was laughing
really hard.
So I made them stop,
and we had to cut the apple
out of his mouth in pieces.
He said the next night,
his jaw really still hurt.
- I bet.
- Yeah.
Oh, Paige, we got to go.
Oh, uh, sweetheart,
hang on a second.
privacy and respect--
this is why
we have those rules.
I know.
Why would you open
a closed door?
'Cause I missed you, mom,
and I'm sorry.
Well, I missed you, too, honey.
And-- and things are gonna
get back to normal now.
- They are.
- Yeah.
But we have to be able to
trust each other, okay?
I know. I'm sorry.
It's okay.
It is okay.
Go get your things for school.
Thank you for doing my laundry.
Henry: Let's go, Paige.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Come on!
[ Sighs ]
What do you think?
Who knows what's going on
in that little head?
It will probably be a while
before she walks in on us again.
Based on what she saw
last night,
I'm surprised she even came
downstairs this morning.
[ Sighs ]
Do we even know
if this is the first time
she's checked on us?
Do you need to switch seats?
I'm okay.
Trails grow cold, Stan,
especially when the people
you're chasing are dead or gone.
I don't know.
Do you trust your source?
So... she died,
and he's been exfiltrated.
It's just been
a couple of months.
We have to wait
for the next break.
I've never been very good
at waiting, sir.
[ Buzzer ]
He's here again.
Said he wouldn't leave
until he talked to you.
I had them send him up.
You want me to have
security throw him out?
Uh... no.
I'll meet him by the elevators.
I'll be right back.
[ Beeping ]
[ Sighs ]
You promised me!
We had a deal!
It was signed!
- Shut up, shut up.
- I'm not gonna shut up!
I did my part.
I want my money.
The thing is, you didn't
do your part, Sandford.
Not one of your leads
panned out.
We got nothing from you.
I g-- I gave you
the illegal.
I gave you Colonel Rennhull.
I gave you everything.
Listen to me-- your illegal
with the Morticia Addams hair
and the hot skirts is a fantasy
you've been jerking off to
as far as we can tell.
- She doesn't exist.
- No, she's real!
And Colonel Rennhull
reported your approach
to Air Force Security
the following day.
He said a creepy guy
from the Pentagon
asked him if he'd be interested
in meeting with the KGB.
- That's bullshit.
- He described you to a T.
That's bullshit.
He was covering his tracks.
- He went for it!
- Well, maybe,
but you're a compulsive gambler
with a very dubious record
at DOD,
and he is clean as a whistle.
So read the agreement.
It's contingent on us getting
something for our money.
I gave you everything I had.
You people betrayed me.
[ Elevator bell dings ]
Don't come back here, Sandford,
unless it's to thank me for
keeping your ass out of lockup.
Every word I said to you
was the truth!
I believe him.
Military intelligence
doesn't agree.
Well, that's because
he's a scumbag traitor
whose personal life is a mess.
- But that doesn't mean--
- Let it go, Stan.
If the Colonel stays there
in his office
with his clearance,
it's gonna
come back on us... bad.
The Colonel is off-limits.
My rope is more than used up.
This is how it works when
they want you to do something,
but they can't ask you
to do it.
It goes wrong,
they start investigating you.
Soviet Foreign Minister
wasn't pleased
that one of his diplomats
got shot in the back
of the head.
Sir, his body was found
in a dumpster.
DC is a dangerous place.
The state keeps
asking questions,
I can't really give
any answers.
Someone might have to
take the fall for this.
Someone always takes the fall.
[ Telephone rings ]
Agent Gaad's office.
For now, be smart
with the Colonel.
The less attention
we attract, the better.
Yes, sir.
I don't suppose
that's ready, is it?
- Mm-hmm.
- It is?
Philip, you want to take
this home for the kids?
Uh, can you just wrap
two slices?
And then, uh, you and Barb
can split the rest.
Uh, my roommate is on a diet.
He'd kill me
if I bring home cake.
You had a good
couple of months.
Yeah, we did.
This is Stan here, right?
- This one?
- Yeah.
I thought we got him a refund.
No. I got him the voucher.
Traded it in for 40%.
We paid the difference.
- I figured in the long run--
- Good.
Agent Beeman,
what I'm showing you,
not a lot of people know about.
If word gets out--
You can trust me.
It's evidence.
I-I-I understand.
So, these guys
are pirating new stuff
out in the theaters now?
We already had
three raids on them.
Expecting another shipment
next week.
What's this one?
Uh, guys on motorcycles
after the world's destroyed.
Pretty good,
but if you want to make her cry,
show her this.
It'll bore you to tears,
but your wife will love it.
I have set myself
beyond the pale.
I am nothing.
I am hardly human anymore.
I am the French Lieutenant's...
You don't like it?
No. I think it's good.
You believe her?
- The woman?
- The actress.
Well, that's Meryl Streep.
What? You think
she's too what?
I think she's too much
of what a man thinks a woman is,
what he wants her to be.
Well, if she loves him,
does it make her a whore?
Was Anna Karenina a whore
because she gave her heart,
her life to Vronsky?
"Anna Karenina"--
you heard of this book?
Yeah, I heard of it.
I never had the pleasure.
Is that how you see me,
what I am to you?
A whore?
No, it's a movie, Nina.
I th-- I thought you'd like it.
You thought
it would make me cry.
No. I...
I thought it would move you.
[ Voice breaking ]
Well, you see I'm very moved.
- Are you happy now?
- Nina...
We have a new arrival
at the Rezidentura.
Oleg Igorevich Burov.
First-tour officer,
but in charge of Line X--
science and technology.
What do you think of him?
[ Speaks Russian ]
He's a bad mattress.
Too soft.
[ Chuckles ]
You think you can find out
his specific target?
I can listen,
maybe ask a few questions.
Be careful.
[ Creatures wailing, growling ]
[ Both scream ]
[ Laughs ]
Oh, my God.
[ Screams ]
[ Laughing ] Stop!
Oh, my God.
- Come on.
- Let's get, um--
[ All screaming ]
- [ Laughs ]
- Make him stop!
Go! Come on!
Woman: Go, Jared, go, Jared,
go, Jared, go, Jared.
- [ Grunts ]
- You're there!
- You're still winning!
- Go.
[ Laughs ]
Do you like this side?
I got, like, flowers.
- Oh!
- Do you like it?
- The butterfly.
- I love it, I love it.
I just had it done.
[ Bell ringing ]
[ Laughing ]
Hey, dad, you want this?
Oh, sure. It's gonna look
great in our bedroom.
Uh, can-- can we go back to
the hotel so I can go swimming?
We'll head back
in a little while.
Come on, guys,
I want to go on the bumper cars.
[ Sighs ]
Oleg Igorevich.
We need to take a drive.
- Drive?
- To the Colonel's house.
Colonel Rennhull.
Agent Gaad.
Agent Beeman.
Thank you both for coming.
Are you all right?
[ Sighs ] I guess.
He just showed up
and started screaming,
"I'm gonna kill you,
you ruined my life,"
something about $500,000.
He was crazy.
My wife's inside.
He just started coming at me.
You had the weapon on you?
I got it when I saw him
pull in the drive.
I mean, he's the guy.
He's the one who approached me
that I reported.
Yes, he is.
I really should get
back inside.
My wife is not good.
- Of course.
- You take care.
- Give me a minute, guys.
- Yes, sir.
You'd think one in the head
would have been enough.
Oh, my God, mom.
It's like she knows you.
Henry: Yeah.
Can she do me next?
I'll read your palm, Henry.
Short, dweeb-like.
I'll, uh, see you
at the balloon dart.
I'm just gonna grab some water.
My agent called the service.
The surveillance is tight,
and you can't do a dead drop.
I had to change things up.
I've got him coming here to do
a pass, and it can't be me.
I've been on him
for the last two days.
His tails might have seen me.
- When?
- About three minutes.
He's in gray pants,
gray blazer, green tie
with white pattern.
He's gonna be looking for a blue
hat and an 11-year-old boy.
We don't use our kids.
It's just a brush pass.
He's got two tails
on his surveillance team
about five feet behind him.
They won't look twice
at a father with his child,
but you alone
they might notice.
You need the cover.
We have to move.
Leanne will block for you.
After you get it, do 45 minutes
of clearing on your own,
then bring the package
to my hotel, room 1123.
I may have to run the kids
so wait for me
if I'm not back there.
His operational report
sounds bad.
I'm gonna need you guys' help
to take out his surveillance
team so I can get him out.
Take out?
We have our children here.
So do we.
Two minutes.
[ Cheering ]
- Henry!
- [ Laughs ]
Hey, you try.
You know what? Let's get
some ice cream for the girls.
All right.
I want the duck!
Hey, where'd you get the hat?
Like it?
Yeah. We should get
Capitals hats.
[ Balloon pops ]
You promised you were
gonna take me to get ice cream.
I am.
Neil's father's a lawyer.
He has season tickets.
You should make friends
with him.
You should make friends
with Neil.
[ Laughs ]
There you are.
Listen, last ride,
then back to the hotel, okay?
What the hell was that about?
I'll tell you on the way.
Let's go.
- I'll give the kids money for more rides.
- Great.
[ Elevator bell dings ]
[ Knock on door ]
[ Knocking continues ]
[ Elizabeth gasping ]
- Paige and Henry-- go.
- [ Gasps ]
[ Whistling ]
[ Screaming ] No, no!
No! Oh, my God!
[ Sobbing ]
Henry?! Henry?!
- Hen?
- What?
Wait. Where's Paige?
Um, she just took off.
Uh, okay.
Come with me.
Um, but, mom,
I wanted to ride again.
I know, I'm sorry.
It's time to go.
We just have to find
your sister.
[ Riders screaming ]
Hi, mom.
[ Gasps ]
Why didn't you stay
with your brother?
I just wanted to get
my face painted.
Guys! Come on.
It's getting late.
Let's go.
- Are you guys okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
Just-- just been
looking for you, that's all.
[ Cap clatters ]
[ Pills rattle ]
[ Dead bolt clicks ]
[ Window locks click ]
There's nothing
in the operational report,
just routine surveillance,
but there's an address
in Virginia
two hours south of the naval
base and these sketches.
Looks like a propeller,
machine tool, something.
Well, whatever it is,
Emmett and Leanne
were in a hell of a hurry
to get it.
I know.
I'll go--
I'll go signal now.
No, no. You, uh--
you rest up. I'll do it.
[ Sighs ]
I should have done it
without Henry,
even if I was more exposed.
You didn't have time to think.
You're supposed to be
with Martha tonight.
No, no.
I'm gonna make an excuse.
No. If the FBI
were part of this,
if they know about this,
we need to find out.
You need to go.
I'll stay up.
Who would do this?
You want the list?
[ Dog barking ]
Someone who knows us,
every single one of us,
someone who was on
to the operation,
in which case they may
or may not have caught us
at the end of it,
someone who had surveillance
on the operation
that we missed.
That's half the list.
You want me to finish it?
Not really.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
I know.
Somewhere along the line,
encounter yourself,
shake hands and say, "Hi,
where the hell have you been
all these years?!"
now that we're together...
- Stan?
- Hey.
What are you doing here?
Uh, I had to talk
to somebody in Arlington.
Wasn't worth driving
back to the office.
Where's Matthew?
Uh, he's having dinner
at Craig's.
I didn't know you'd be home.
I made plans to see a movie
with Trish and Marie.
It's okay.
I can heat up leftovers
before I go,
or there's French-bread pizza
in the freezer.
That's all right.
I'm... not really hungry.
Look like
you've never looked before.
Hear like
you've never heard before.
Feel like
you've never felt before!
Who is that?
Leo Buscaglia.
He's-- Well, they call him
the "Love Doctor."
He says you can change
the whole world with a hug.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Looks like he's trying to change
his world with a pledge drive.
It's for PBS, not him.
You know, he says that
the greatest hazard in life
is to risk nothing.
He says that love
is always open arms,
that if you close
your arms to love
that... you'll find you're left
just holding only yourself.
Anyway, that's what
he's famous for.
Do you want to come with us...
to the movies?
Uh... sure.
I knew it was ordained that
I should never marry an equal,
so... I married shame.
It is my shame
that has kept me alive,
my knowing that I am truly
not like other women,
why I shall never, like them,
have children, a husband,
and the pleasures of a home.
Sometimes I pity them.
I have a freedom
they cannot understand.
No insult,
no blame can touch me.
Philip: It's just hard--
this job, this life.
It gets to you in ways
you didn't think it would.
And it isn't easy for me
to talk about this,
but I sometimes wonder
if I'm cut out for this.
I don't know.
I can't get into it.
It was just, um--
it was a hard day.
It was a bad day.
It's okay, sweetie.
Just relax.
You're home now.
[ Sighs ]
Best watched using Open Subtitles MKV Player