The Americans (2013–2018): Season 1, Episode 8 - Mutually Assured Destruction - full transcript
A German assassin has been ordered to kill American scientists involved in the ABM program. After the mission is aborted, Phillip and Elizabeth must stop him and prevent a possible war, without having any idea of his identity.
Previously on The Americans...
I'm gonna go and see Martha.
I want to take her some jewelry.
Do you have anything?
I'm sure she'll love it.
When is the right time
to exfiltrate a source?
- Never.
- She has held up her end of the bargain.
You're worried
about her safety.
I'll think about it.
I need to ask you something.
Just promise
you'll say the truth.
Did something happen
between you and Irina?
Nothing happened.
There's only you.
It has always been you.
1, 9, 2, 7, 8...
7, 5, 3, 4, 2.
- You were right.
- About?
The Beemans--
trouble in paradise.
He told you?
Not in so many words.
He's not a gusher.
- No. He's a trickler.
- Yeah.
Information comes out
in dribs and drabs.
He should call a plumber.
To fix the leak.
- No?
- No.
- I missed you.
- At racquetball?
- Yeah, that's why I lost.
- Come on.
'Cause you were thinking
about me?
I couldn't stop
thinking about you.
I haven't double-faulted
so much in my life.
Trouble at work.
We have to stop an assassin.
- Whose?
- Ours.
The Centre hired a contractor
to start killing scientists
in the Americans'
antiballistic missile program.
The leadership
changed its mind,
and whatever system they were
using to recall him is not working.
- We have a name?
- No.
Do we have a description?
Do we know when
he's gonna hit the targets?
Do we know who the targets are?
He was given
the names of 14 scientists.
Oh, so all we have to do
is find a highly trained killer
we know nothing about
before he hits any one of
14 American scientists.
- But doesn't it sound fun?
- I'll call the sitter.
Oh, we're having dinner
with the Beemans on Wednesday.
You're supposed to
bring your meatloaf.
What are you supposed to bring?
My winning personality.
They need to straighten
things out at the Centre.
Ordering hits
and countermanding them.
There they are.
30 years of marriage,
and they're
still holding hands.
That's sweet.
Top-level scientist
working on a program
to save this country
from nuclear weapons.
And they don't have security.
Can you explain that?
- They feel safe here.
- Not for much longer.
Oh, no.
Car won't start.
That's right.
Get out of the car!
Get out of the car!
Well, if that doesn't get
the US government
to watch its scientists' backs,
I don't know what will.
He's not a former mob
accountant in witness protection.
Not a former Nazi
hiding from the Mossad.
As far as
the general public is concerned,
he's a scientist
specializing in
navigational systems
for communications satellites.
How many people
know that's not true?
You. Me. A few hundred people
in the US government.
The KGB?
Car bombs
haven't been their MO.
If they're starting
to blow people up
in the middle of Washington,
they're essentially
declaring war.
We've identified
every important scientist
in the antiballistic
missile program.
We're moving them
to secure locations.
Why stop there? Who knows
who else they'll go after.
Oh, sure,
let's protect everyone--
scientists, politicians,
our most important philosophers.
They'll keep us so busy
chasing our tails
we won't have any time
to chase them.
So, run Customs and Immigration,
last three weeks,
see who's going
in and out of the country.
Other than the usual flags,
we're looking for
anyone who pulled a visa
on less than two weeks' notice,
and anyone entering
for the first time.
They're using a false identity,
my guess is
it's gonna be a fresh one.
take the lead on surveillance,
get eyes on our top priorities.
Tell your wives not to wait up.
Oh, they don't see us
anyway, sir.
You wanted to be an FBI agent.
Why would they hire a contractor
and then change their mind?
Some people think it's worth
any risk to stop the Americans
from getting
a ballistic missile shield.
Others don't agree.
Who doesn't agree with that?
If we start killing scientists
on US soil,
who knows where it leads?
At best,
the secret war escalates.
At worst...
The contractor
is from West Germany.
There's a strong suspicion
he'll use this weapons contact
in Baltimore.
I know there's bad blood
between us.
But... believe it or not,
I feel a camaraderie with you.
A camaraderie?
You have a funny way
of showing that.
This isn't an easy life
we've chosen.
But there's no way to get
through it without the truth.
What "truth" exactly
are we talking about?
In New York,
Philip was with the woman
we assigned him to.
I can think of five different
reasons you'd poison our life.
Ask Philip, then.
I did.
You believe him?
If you start to think
of your marriage as real,
it doesn't work.
The men don't think of them
that way.
It was an arrangement.
Do you understand that?
I understand who you are.
I understand
what you just did to us.
Better to live in reality,
Better for you.
Better for us, too.
Even after this...
I trust you.
I know you'd throw yourself
on a fire for the Motherland.
I'm not so sure.
How long have you been there?
Not long.
Mmm, drinking me in?
Did, uh...
did grannie have anything
to say about the contractor?
Did you restrain yourself
from killing her?
I'm starting
to get over the urge.
Why's that?
She's just doing her job.
Like the rest of us.
That's it for Customs.
How many came through New York?
- What do we got, sir?
- The rest of the East Coast.
If that doesn't pan out,
we check the Midwest and Canada.
Couldn't we just nuke the
Russians and get this over with?
As soon as we get a full list
of international arrivals,
we might even be able to
make a few phone calls, Amador,
find out what hotels
anyone suspicious is staying at.
You're a responsible man,
aren't you, Beeman?
Well, my father always said so.
Except for the time
I wrecked his Bonneville.
It's an apartment
near Eastern Market--
a studio with
a back entrance off an alley.
It's time you and your source
started having your meetings
in a safe house.
It's not a car but, uh...
don't wreck it.
Can I help you?
Is your dad home, honey?
I know who you are,
what you do.
I know
you usually get references
before you talk to people.
But we need to discuss
a few matters.
Go up to your room, sweetheart.
I don't know
who you think I am.
I understand
you rely on confidentiality,
and I'm going to ask you
to violate that.
The alternative
is bringing people down on you
who will destroy your business.
You're making
a serious mistake, lady.
Someone came
to purchase explosives from you
in the last 72 hours.
I need to know everything you
know abo--
Lady, don't come into my house
and start ordering me around.
All right, just take it easy,
little girl, okay?
- Do I look like a little girl?
- Thank you.
- Aah!
- Don't you hurt her!
Easy, easy.
Nice henchman.
Okay, take it easy.
It's all right, Lana.
Lana? You want to go sit down,
watch some TV?
You'll be able to
see dad from there, hmm?
Everything's gonna be fine.
We better keep an eye on her.
We're not
going to hurt her or you.
We just need to know
what we need to know.
I talk about 'em,
they come back and make sure
I can't talk again.
This one won't.
We come from the same people.
We just need to find him.
He's about 6'4", light skin,
a little chubby.
Friendly guy, actually.
Always the friendly ones,
You want to see a picture?
Do you have a picture?
Got pictures of you, too.
Can't be too careful...
these days.
♪ Let me call you sometime ♪
I-I need to
ask you something, and--
- Well, can't we just...
- What?
It's been a tough time
at the office.
I don't want to talk
about work, Clark.
We always talk about work.
♪ I don't know
what's the matter ♪
I'm-- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
- No, no, no. No, no, no. No.
- Sorry.
I'm-- I'm sorry.
♪ I went to see my doctor ♪
♪ my troubles he couldn't tell ♪
♪ he said, "young man,
you might get better" ♪
I can't see a thing
without them,
and I need to see you.
Do you have any protection?
Uh, no. I-I-I didn't want to
presume this was--
From my last boyfriend.
He was a jerk.
then he didn't deserve you.
You deserve...
A prince.
I've been waiting
for you, Clark.
That was wonderful, Martha.
Oh, ditto.
It's nice
to feel close to someone.
It's been awhile.
I really needed this.
Me too, Clark.
I've been so stressed lately.
I've been thinking
about you a lot.
I just...
- What's wrong?
- Mm.
It's just work things.
And you are right.
We should
talk about other things.
No. You know what?
Go ahead.
That's what I'm here for.
Well, the department's
gotten very competitive.
Our new boss
was in the Marines.
So, if you don't deliver,
you are out.
That's awful.
I think I'm okay,
but I-I get worried sometimes.
And right now, with
this attempted assassination--
this scientist--
do you know about that?
Of course.
So none of the agencies
are working together
to share the information.
Each one wants to be a hero,
so nothing is getting solved.
And our boss is blaming us,
'cause we're oversight.
But it's like--
I'm sorry.
Do we have
any control over the divisions?
And now he's saying if we don't
come up with something,
he's gonna bring in a new team.
- He can't do that.
- He's done it before.
But the crazy thing is, Martha,
all of the information
is out there.
It just needs to
be put together.
And people like--
sorry, no offense--
your boss, who I actually think
is a good guy,
they're afraid of what
might happen to their careers
if they don't play
the same game everyone else is.
Well, is there
anything I can do to help?
Just getting it off my chest
has been a help.
That's sweet.
But you know I could get
anything that Agent Gaad has.
If you could solve this thing,
maybe you'd be the hero.
Maybe even get a promotion.
Show that Marine who's boss.
Yes, I like.
They thought we should have
a regular place to meet.
Somewhere secure.
Is that what you told them?
A place
to "debrief" your agent?
It's true.
It was their idea, actually.
The other day...
I was drunk
and... you were upset.
Whatever happened...
I am the one who kissed you,
I do.
Thank you for getting
a place for us to meet.
- It's safer for me.
- Good.
Things are tense at work.
Arkady is worried.
About what?
I don't know.
For two days now,
he's very serious.
Has there been
extra cable traffic
back and forth to Moscow?
Anything unusual
in the diplomatic pouches?
Not that I see.
Have arkady or anybody
been going out for meetings?
Not more than before.
You are worried.
Like Arkady.
Is something going on?
I don't think I should have
gotten you into this.
So now guilt?
I had a job to do, Nina.
Just think how you will feel
looking at me dead one day.
we can get you out, Nina.
I wasn't bullshitting
about that.
It takes some time,
and they have to feel
like they've gotten enough
to make it worth it.
I do everything for you.
I am trying my best.
That's not...
You're not here because...
I am here because
this is where I want to be.
Would you care for a drink?
You buying?
I am.
So, what's your thing?
My thing?
Oral? Anal?
I am much kinkier than that.
I'm really glad you guys
were able to make it.
And this is truly fantastic.
What is the secret?
Horseradish. Right?
Oh, you cook, Phil?
- He watches.
- Ah.
I can relate to that.
Well, it's got
a real nice kick to it.
- Good. - You don't usually
like things too spicy, Stan.
I don't.
But I guess I do.
You want some more
Brussels sprouts, Paige?
- No, thanks.
- How about you, Henry?
No thanks.
I already had some.
I bet you want some more of
those mashed potatoes, though.
- They're kind of cheesy.
- Henry.
No, I-I meant cheesy,
not cheesy.
No, it's fine.
Well, it's not fine
to be impolite.
I didn't mean to be rude.
I'm really sorry.
It's just that
you're so good at it.
Shut up!
- Is everyone ready for dessert?
- I think so.
why don't you help clear?
No, it's okay.
I got it.
- What do you think?
- I-I don't know.
I was just asking.
I didn't know if you--
- No, I'm done.
- Okay.
Oh, excuse me.
No, Stan, we have guests.
I have a thing going at work
I got to deal with.
Is everything okay?
I'm gonna help clear.
- Daddy?
- Thanks, honey.
Well, how many more files
did you guys get through?
Okay, well,
I'll be back in an hour, tops.
Want me to bring leftovers?
So, what's up?
I was thinking about...
when we first met.
Do you remember that?
Of course I remember.
I was surprised
how pretty you were.
I-I wasn't surprised.
I was relieved, I guess.
Grannie said
you slept with Irina.
I asked you--
I asked you not to lie to me.
And you told me to my face
that nothing happened.
I'm sorry.
I am so sorry.
I didn't know
what to say because--
because I didn't
want to lose you.
I love you.
Love? Hmm.
I made a terrible mistake--
a terrible mistake.
And so many things
have gone wrong for us.
Can we please just...
try and start over?
No. We can't.
We can do our jobs.
We can
fulfill our mission--
the reason we were brought
together and sent to America.
But we cannot do this.
We will never do this.
Please, honey, please.
Oh, my God.
That's it.
Come on, baby, yeah.
Wait, wait, wait.
Oh, God.
Let's keep it going
in the shower.
- You like that?
- Yeah!
Martha, just secure that,
and then you're done.
Thanks for taking
the split shift again.
Of course. It's a crisis.
- Oh! What?
- What?
You just--
you startled me.
I'm-- I'm sorry, baby.
I'm not your baby.
So don't call me that, okay?
It's just that, um...
you have been
looking very nice lately.
And I just
wanted to tell you that.
That's all.
Well, okay.
And I've missed you,
you know, since we broke up.
We didn't break up, Chris.
You're right.
Look, I'm just the way I am,
you know?
And you got to
just accept people, right?
Maybe, um...
we can get a drink sometime?
No, thank you.
"No, thank you"?
That's a very polite no.
Are sure you don't want to
make it an impolite "yes"?
I am.
You know,
you're a sweet guy, Chris.
And you're handsome.
Deep down.
Good night.
Good night.
Hi, Marth...
You wore it.
The table looks great.
Thank you.
♪ Someone,
someone's got me wrong ♪
♪ you thought that
your love was strong ♪
Are you okay?
That was, uh...
that was distracting me.
You're a very kind person,
That's all
suspicious foreign nationals
who've come through East Coast
Immigration in the past week,
correlated with
where they're staying here--
hotels, with relatives,
it's all there.
This is just what I needed,
That's great, honey.
I'm gonna count to five.
Please, señor!
You're not here to shoot me,
I suppose,
or else
I would already be shot.
So, who sent you?
The same people who sent you.
And what are you doing here?
Your orders have been revoked.
We're here
to make sure you comply.
I don't know you.
You were hired by the KGB.
They've changed their mind.
We don't want to kill someone
our own people hired.
But that's the other option.
Take a look on the back.
Directed charge.
Surprisingly quiet.
I like to think ahead.
Now, the two of you
are going to put your guns down
on the count of three.
Ohh! Ugh!
We can get past this.
It doesn't have to be like this.
It is like this.
We didn't take a vow
to be unhappy.
Before you worked
for Counterintelligence, Stan,
what did you do?
Different things.
Drugs? Robbers?
Some of that.
FBI. You are cops.
Policemen in your hearts.
Sometimes I wonder
if you understand spies.
I think
I understand pretty well.
What do you want with us?
One day, with Arkady,
and the others
at the Rezidentura--
do you want
to put them in jail?
That's how policeman thinks,
not how spies think.
We want everyone to stay.
Right where they are.
And bleed everything they know
out of them.
Today, Arkady called me
into his office.
Asked questions.
I thought, "this is the end.
They're going to send me to
Moscow for trials, execution."
Hmm. Instead,
it was for promotion.
I report to Arkady now.
Maybe I will see
the Directorate "S" files.
Find your illegals for you.
So, you'd go into those files
for us?
This is how it is.
Your boss will not let me out
if I do not.
You didn't have to
tell me that.
I cannot lie to everyone.
Too dangerous.
Milbank, you're late.
15 minutes. Big deal.
Shift starts
when the shift starts.
- My wife's gonna kill me.
- Sorry.
How's the scientist doing?
He spent the last
three hours explaining
the difference between
particles and waves to me.
You're in for a real treat.
Tell Billings I'm in the car.
Come on.
I got to call you back.
Leon Billings was inside, too.
He didn't survive, either.
They're gonna pay for this.
I swear to God, they'll pay.
I worked with Tom
six years in CID.
Three girls, great dad.
I want to know
what's gonna happen.
We've got planes and tanks.
Is someone gonna use them?
I think that's the whole point.
What's the point?
Nobody wants to use them.
Even if
we could prove it was KGB,
we wouldn't
start a war over this.
What are you saying, sir?
We act like nothing happened?
Let's wait till tomorrow.
This administration
is not going to let this happen.
This will--
This will not stand.
8, 9, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 6...
3, 5, 1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 9.
He got one of the scientists.
I don't know.
And three FBI agents.
God damn it.
The Centre wants to know
what happened.
What happened?
We got a shit mission
with lousy information,
and we still found him
and stopped him.
No, we didn't stop him
in time, Philip.
Do you know
where this goes now?
This is our worst failure
in 15 years.
Ours? Ours?
They hired a killer,
then changed their mind.
It's not them.
This is our job, Philip.
The Americans
will assume it's us.
It was our job to stop him!
Zhukov was right.
We can't do our jobs
if we're emotional.
What happened tonight
has nothing to do with emotion.
It did for me.
My head was somewhere else.
Philip, we have to stop this.
We were never married.
We had an arrangement,
and it worked.
I tried.
The first time we met,
I saw you were disappointed,
like now, in your eyes.
I could see you were
hoping for someone else.
That I would be...
someone else.
I swear,
if I could change things--
You can't. We can't.
It is what it is.
When we first came here
all those years ago,
we had to be married for this--
to fit in, for our cover.
But things are different now.
It's a very modern country.
People get separated
all the time.
You don't
want to be married to me?
I don't think the Centre
would even care.
- Good night, Martha.
- Sir.
Good night, Chief.
♪ I chose an eternity of this ♪
♪ like falling angels ♪
♪ the world disappeared ♪
♪ then everything falls apart ♪
♪ broken inside me ♪
♪ it falls apart ♪
♪ the walls and the ceiling
move in time ♪
♪ push a blade into my hands ♪
♪ slowly up the stairs ♪
♪ and into the room ♪
♪ is it always like this? ♪
♪ dancing in my pocket ♪
♪ worms eat my skin ♪
♪ she glows and grows
with arms outstretched ♪
♪ her legs around me ♪
♪ in the morning, I cried ♪
♪ laughing into the fire ♪
♪ is it always like this? ♪
♪ is it always like this? ♪
I'm gonna go and see Martha.
I want to take her some jewelry.
Do you have anything?
I'm sure she'll love it.
When is the right time
to exfiltrate a source?
- Never.
- She has held up her end of the bargain.
You're worried
about her safety.
I'll think about it.
I need to ask you something.
Just promise
you'll say the truth.
Did something happen
between you and Irina?
Nothing happened.
There's only you.
It has always been you.
1, 9, 2, 7, 8...
7, 5, 3, 4, 2.
- You were right.
- About?
The Beemans--
trouble in paradise.
He told you?
Not in so many words.
He's not a gusher.
- No. He's a trickler.
- Yeah.
Information comes out
in dribs and drabs.
He should call a plumber.
To fix the leak.
- No?
- No.
- I missed you.
- At racquetball?
- Yeah, that's why I lost.
- Come on.
'Cause you were thinking
about me?
I couldn't stop
thinking about you.
I haven't double-faulted
so much in my life.
Trouble at work.
We have to stop an assassin.
- Whose?
- Ours.
The Centre hired a contractor
to start killing scientists
in the Americans'
antiballistic missile program.
The leadership
changed its mind,
and whatever system they were
using to recall him is not working.
- We have a name?
- No.
Do we have a description?
Do we know when
he's gonna hit the targets?
Do we know who the targets are?
He was given
the names of 14 scientists.
Oh, so all we have to do
is find a highly trained killer
we know nothing about
before he hits any one of
14 American scientists.
- But doesn't it sound fun?
- I'll call the sitter.
Oh, we're having dinner
with the Beemans on Wednesday.
You're supposed to
bring your meatloaf.
What are you supposed to bring?
My winning personality.
They need to straighten
things out at the Centre.
Ordering hits
and countermanding them.
There they are.
30 years of marriage,
and they're
still holding hands.
That's sweet.
Top-level scientist
working on a program
to save this country
from nuclear weapons.
And they don't have security.
Can you explain that?
- They feel safe here.
- Not for much longer.
Oh, no.
Car won't start.
That's right.
Get out of the car!
Get out of the car!
Well, if that doesn't get
the US government
to watch its scientists' backs,
I don't know what will.
He's not a former mob
accountant in witness protection.
Not a former Nazi
hiding from the Mossad.
As far as
the general public is concerned,
he's a scientist
specializing in
navigational systems
for communications satellites.
How many people
know that's not true?
You. Me. A few hundred people
in the US government.
The KGB?
Car bombs
haven't been their MO.
If they're starting
to blow people up
in the middle of Washington,
they're essentially
declaring war.
We've identified
every important scientist
in the antiballistic
missile program.
We're moving them
to secure locations.
Why stop there? Who knows
who else they'll go after.
Oh, sure,
let's protect everyone--
scientists, politicians,
our most important philosophers.
They'll keep us so busy
chasing our tails
we won't have any time
to chase them.
So, run Customs and Immigration,
last three weeks,
see who's going
in and out of the country.
Other than the usual flags,
we're looking for
anyone who pulled a visa
on less than two weeks' notice,
and anyone entering
for the first time.
They're using a false identity,
my guess is
it's gonna be a fresh one.
take the lead on surveillance,
get eyes on our top priorities.
Tell your wives not to wait up.
Oh, they don't see us
anyway, sir.
You wanted to be an FBI agent.
Why would they hire a contractor
and then change their mind?
Some people think it's worth
any risk to stop the Americans
from getting
a ballistic missile shield.
Others don't agree.
Who doesn't agree with that?
If we start killing scientists
on US soil,
who knows where it leads?
At best,
the secret war escalates.
At worst...
The contractor
is from West Germany.
There's a strong suspicion
he'll use this weapons contact
in Baltimore.
I know there's bad blood
between us.
But... believe it or not,
I feel a camaraderie with you.
A camaraderie?
You have a funny way
of showing that.
This isn't an easy life
we've chosen.
But there's no way to get
through it without the truth.
What "truth" exactly
are we talking about?
In New York,
Philip was with the woman
we assigned him to.
I can think of five different
reasons you'd poison our life.
Ask Philip, then.
I did.
You believe him?
If you start to think
of your marriage as real,
it doesn't work.
The men don't think of them
that way.
It was an arrangement.
Do you understand that?
I understand who you are.
I understand
what you just did to us.
Better to live in reality,
Better for you.
Better for us, too.
Even after this...
I trust you.
I know you'd throw yourself
on a fire for the Motherland.
I'm not so sure.
How long have you been there?
Not long.
Mmm, drinking me in?
Did, uh...
did grannie have anything
to say about the contractor?
Did you restrain yourself
from killing her?
I'm starting
to get over the urge.
Why's that?
She's just doing her job.
Like the rest of us.
That's it for Customs.
How many came through New York?
- What do we got, sir?
- The rest of the East Coast.
If that doesn't pan out,
we check the Midwest and Canada.
Couldn't we just nuke the
Russians and get this over with?
As soon as we get a full list
of international arrivals,
we might even be able to
make a few phone calls, Amador,
find out what hotels
anyone suspicious is staying at.
You're a responsible man,
aren't you, Beeman?
Well, my father always said so.
Except for the time
I wrecked his Bonneville.
It's an apartment
near Eastern Market--
a studio with
a back entrance off an alley.
It's time you and your source
started having your meetings
in a safe house.
It's not a car but, uh...
don't wreck it.
Can I help you?
Is your dad home, honey?
I know who you are,
what you do.
I know
you usually get references
before you talk to people.
But we need to discuss
a few matters.
Go up to your room, sweetheart.
I don't know
who you think I am.
I understand
you rely on confidentiality,
and I'm going to ask you
to violate that.
The alternative
is bringing people down on you
who will destroy your business.
You're making
a serious mistake, lady.
Someone came
to purchase explosives from you
in the last 72 hours.
I need to know everything you
know abo--
Lady, don't come into my house
and start ordering me around.
All right, just take it easy,
little girl, okay?
- Do I look like a little girl?
- Thank you.
- Aah!
- Don't you hurt her!
Easy, easy.
Nice henchman.
Okay, take it easy.
It's all right, Lana.
Lana? You want to go sit down,
watch some TV?
You'll be able to
see dad from there, hmm?
Everything's gonna be fine.
We better keep an eye on her.
We're not
going to hurt her or you.
We just need to know
what we need to know.
I talk about 'em,
they come back and make sure
I can't talk again.
This one won't.
We come from the same people.
We just need to find him.
He's about 6'4", light skin,
a little chubby.
Friendly guy, actually.
Always the friendly ones,
You want to see a picture?
Do you have a picture?
Got pictures of you, too.
Can't be too careful...
these days.
♪ Let me call you sometime ♪
I-I need to
ask you something, and--
- Well, can't we just...
- What?
It's been a tough time
at the office.
I don't want to talk
about work, Clark.
We always talk about work.
♪ I don't know
what's the matter ♪
I'm-- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
- No, no, no. No, no, no. No.
- Sorry.
I'm-- I'm sorry.
♪ I went to see my doctor ♪
♪ my troubles he couldn't tell ♪
♪ he said, "young man,
you might get better" ♪
I can't see a thing
without them,
and I need to see you.
Do you have any protection?
Uh, no. I-I-I didn't want to
presume this was--
From my last boyfriend.
He was a jerk.
then he didn't deserve you.
You deserve...
A prince.
I've been waiting
for you, Clark.
That was wonderful, Martha.
Oh, ditto.
It's nice
to feel close to someone.
It's been awhile.
I really needed this.
Me too, Clark.
I've been so stressed lately.
I've been thinking
about you a lot.
I just...
- What's wrong?
- Mm.
It's just work things.
And you are right.
We should
talk about other things.
No. You know what?
Go ahead.
That's what I'm here for.
Well, the department's
gotten very competitive.
Our new boss
was in the Marines.
So, if you don't deliver,
you are out.
That's awful.
I think I'm okay,
but I-I get worried sometimes.
And right now, with
this attempted assassination--
this scientist--
do you know about that?
Of course.
So none of the agencies
are working together
to share the information.
Each one wants to be a hero,
so nothing is getting solved.
And our boss is blaming us,
'cause we're oversight.
But it's like--
I'm sorry.
Do we have
any control over the divisions?
And now he's saying if we don't
come up with something,
he's gonna bring in a new team.
- He can't do that.
- He's done it before.
But the crazy thing is, Martha,
all of the information
is out there.
It just needs to
be put together.
And people like--
sorry, no offense--
your boss, who I actually think
is a good guy,
they're afraid of what
might happen to their careers
if they don't play
the same game everyone else is.
Well, is there
anything I can do to help?
Just getting it off my chest
has been a help.
That's sweet.
But you know I could get
anything that Agent Gaad has.
If you could solve this thing,
maybe you'd be the hero.
Maybe even get a promotion.
Show that Marine who's boss.
Yes, I like.
They thought we should have
a regular place to meet.
Somewhere secure.
Is that what you told them?
A place
to "debrief" your agent?
It's true.
It was their idea, actually.
The other day...
I was drunk
and... you were upset.
Whatever happened...
I am the one who kissed you,
I do.
Thank you for getting
a place for us to meet.
- It's safer for me.
- Good.
Things are tense at work.
Arkady is worried.
About what?
I don't know.
For two days now,
he's very serious.
Has there been
extra cable traffic
back and forth to Moscow?
Anything unusual
in the diplomatic pouches?
Not that I see.
Have arkady or anybody
been going out for meetings?
Not more than before.
You are worried.
Like Arkady.
Is something going on?
I don't think I should have
gotten you into this.
So now guilt?
I had a job to do, Nina.
Just think how you will feel
looking at me dead one day.
we can get you out, Nina.
I wasn't bullshitting
about that.
It takes some time,
and they have to feel
like they've gotten enough
to make it worth it.
I do everything for you.
I am trying my best.
That's not...
You're not here because...
I am here because
this is where I want to be.
Would you care for a drink?
You buying?
I am.
So, what's your thing?
My thing?
Oral? Anal?
I am much kinkier than that.
I'm really glad you guys
were able to make it.
And this is truly fantastic.
What is the secret?
Horseradish. Right?
Oh, you cook, Phil?
- He watches.
- Ah.
I can relate to that.
Well, it's got
a real nice kick to it.
- Good. - You don't usually
like things too spicy, Stan.
I don't.
But I guess I do.
You want some more
Brussels sprouts, Paige?
- No, thanks.
- How about you, Henry?
No thanks.
I already had some.
I bet you want some more of
those mashed potatoes, though.
- They're kind of cheesy.
- Henry.
No, I-I meant cheesy,
not cheesy.
No, it's fine.
Well, it's not fine
to be impolite.
I didn't mean to be rude.
I'm really sorry.
It's just that
you're so good at it.
Shut up!
- Is everyone ready for dessert?
- I think so.
why don't you help clear?
No, it's okay.
I got it.
- What do you think?
- I-I don't know.
I was just asking.
I didn't know if you--
- No, I'm done.
- Okay.
Oh, excuse me.
No, Stan, we have guests.
I have a thing going at work
I got to deal with.
Is everything okay?
I'm gonna help clear.
- Daddy?
- Thanks, honey.
Well, how many more files
did you guys get through?
Okay, well,
I'll be back in an hour, tops.
Want me to bring leftovers?
So, what's up?
I was thinking about...
when we first met.
Do you remember that?
Of course I remember.
I was surprised
how pretty you were.
I-I wasn't surprised.
I was relieved, I guess.
Grannie said
you slept with Irina.
I asked you--
I asked you not to lie to me.
And you told me to my face
that nothing happened.
I'm sorry.
I am so sorry.
I didn't know
what to say because--
because I didn't
want to lose you.
I love you.
Love? Hmm.
I made a terrible mistake--
a terrible mistake.
And so many things
have gone wrong for us.
Can we please just...
try and start over?
No. We can't.
We can do our jobs.
We can
fulfill our mission--
the reason we were brought
together and sent to America.
But we cannot do this.
We will never do this.
Please, honey, please.
Oh, my God.
That's it.
Come on, baby, yeah.
Wait, wait, wait.
Oh, God.
Let's keep it going
in the shower.
- You like that?
- Yeah!
Martha, just secure that,
and then you're done.
Thanks for taking
the split shift again.
Of course. It's a crisis.
- Oh! What?
- What?
You just--
you startled me.
I'm-- I'm sorry, baby.
I'm not your baby.
So don't call me that, okay?
It's just that, um...
you have been
looking very nice lately.
And I just
wanted to tell you that.
That's all.
Well, okay.
And I've missed you,
you know, since we broke up.
We didn't break up, Chris.
You're right.
Look, I'm just the way I am,
you know?
And you got to
just accept people, right?
Maybe, um...
we can get a drink sometime?
No, thank you.
"No, thank you"?
That's a very polite no.
Are sure you don't want to
make it an impolite "yes"?
I am.
You know,
you're a sweet guy, Chris.
And you're handsome.
Deep down.
Good night.
Good night.
Hi, Marth...
You wore it.
The table looks great.
Thank you.
♪ Someone,
someone's got me wrong ♪
♪ you thought that
your love was strong ♪
Are you okay?
That was, uh...
that was distracting me.
You're a very kind person,
That's all
suspicious foreign nationals
who've come through East Coast
Immigration in the past week,
correlated with
where they're staying here--
hotels, with relatives,
it's all there.
This is just what I needed,
That's great, honey.
I'm gonna count to five.
Please, señor!
You're not here to shoot me,
I suppose,
or else
I would already be shot.
So, who sent you?
The same people who sent you.
And what are you doing here?
Your orders have been revoked.
We're here
to make sure you comply.
I don't know you.
You were hired by the KGB.
They've changed their mind.
We don't want to kill someone
our own people hired.
But that's the other option.
Take a look on the back.
Directed charge.
Surprisingly quiet.
I like to think ahead.
Now, the two of you
are going to put your guns down
on the count of three.
Ohh! Ugh!
We can get past this.
It doesn't have to be like this.
It is like this.
We didn't take a vow
to be unhappy.
Before you worked
for Counterintelligence, Stan,
what did you do?
Different things.
Drugs? Robbers?
Some of that.
FBI. You are cops.
Policemen in your hearts.
Sometimes I wonder
if you understand spies.
I think
I understand pretty well.
What do you want with us?
One day, with Arkady,
and the others
at the Rezidentura--
do you want
to put them in jail?
That's how policeman thinks,
not how spies think.
We want everyone to stay.
Right where they are.
And bleed everything they know
out of them.
Today, Arkady called me
into his office.
Asked questions.
I thought, "this is the end.
They're going to send me to
Moscow for trials, execution."
Hmm. Instead,
it was for promotion.
I report to Arkady now.
Maybe I will see
the Directorate "S" files.
Find your illegals for you.
So, you'd go into those files
for us?
This is how it is.
Your boss will not let me out
if I do not.
You didn't have to
tell me that.
I cannot lie to everyone.
Too dangerous.
Milbank, you're late.
15 minutes. Big deal.
Shift starts
when the shift starts.
- My wife's gonna kill me.
- Sorry.
How's the scientist doing?
He spent the last
three hours explaining
the difference between
particles and waves to me.
You're in for a real treat.
Tell Billings I'm in the car.
Come on.
I got to call you back.
Leon Billings was inside, too.
He didn't survive, either.
They're gonna pay for this.
I swear to God, they'll pay.
I worked with Tom
six years in CID.
Three girls, great dad.
I want to know
what's gonna happen.
We've got planes and tanks.
Is someone gonna use them?
I think that's the whole point.
What's the point?
Nobody wants to use them.
Even if
we could prove it was KGB,
we wouldn't
start a war over this.
What are you saying, sir?
We act like nothing happened?
Let's wait till tomorrow.
This administration
is not going to let this happen.
This will--
This will not stand.
8, 9, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 6...
3, 5, 1, 1, 3, 5, 8, 9.
He got one of the scientists.
I don't know.
And three FBI agents.
God damn it.
The Centre wants to know
what happened.
What happened?
We got a shit mission
with lousy information,
and we still found him
and stopped him.
No, we didn't stop him
in time, Philip.
Do you know
where this goes now?
This is our worst failure
in 15 years.
Ours? Ours?
They hired a killer,
then changed their mind.
It's not them.
This is our job, Philip.
The Americans
will assume it's us.
It was our job to stop him!
Zhukov was right.
We can't do our jobs
if we're emotional.
What happened tonight
has nothing to do with emotion.
It did for me.
My head was somewhere else.
Philip, we have to stop this.
We were never married.
We had an arrangement,
and it worked.
I tried.
The first time we met,
I saw you were disappointed,
like now, in your eyes.
I could see you were
hoping for someone else.
That I would be...
someone else.
I swear,
if I could change things--
You can't. We can't.
It is what it is.
When we first came here
all those years ago,
we had to be married for this--
to fit in, for our cover.
But things are different now.
It's a very modern country.
People get separated
all the time.
You don't
want to be married to me?
I don't think the Centre
would even care.
- Good night, Martha.
- Sir.
Good night, Chief.
♪ I chose an eternity of this ♪
♪ like falling angels ♪
♪ the world disappeared ♪
♪ then everything falls apart ♪
♪ broken inside me ♪
♪ it falls apart ♪
♪ the walls and the ceiling
move in time ♪
♪ push a blade into my hands ♪
♪ slowly up the stairs ♪
♪ and into the room ♪
♪ is it always like this? ♪
♪ dancing in my pocket ♪
♪ worms eat my skin ♪
♪ she glows and grows
with arms outstretched ♪
♪ her legs around me ♪
♪ in the morning, I cried ♪
♪ laughing into the fire ♪
♪ is it always like this? ♪
♪ is it always like this? ♪