The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson - full transcript

As always, through Ernst's narration and his diary we view life on the island though his eyes and realize that the Robinsons have been shipwrecked for approximately six months. The family ...



we have been shipwrecked,

I've been keeping a

daily journal of life

and our adventures on

our tropical island home.

The mysterious Emily Chan

continues to cling to the hope

that she will be rescued

by her fiance, Wong Sing.

Mother and father seem to be

coping well and rediscovering

life, as well as each other.

My sister, Christina,

has found a true friend

in the cabin boy, Billy.

I often wonder what our

family and friends back home

in Boston... which feels like

a million miles away... would

make of our life is castaways.

No doubt the notion of being

marooned in such a paradise

would be romantic.

We have all lost

our concept of time,

- but the days and weeks.
- Have passed quickly.

With our daily

routine of chores.

Trying, somehow, to survive

alone on a desert island,

against the forces of

mother nature, at times

brings great joy.

Other times, great danger.

BILLY: I bet 100 pounds, you

couldn't get [INAUDIBLE].


CHRISTINA: I could so!

I did yesterday.

- Christina, Billy,

Bruno and Mr. Beak have found

other ways of passing the time.

Go on.

Good boy.


Mr. Beak!

- Likewise, Emily.
- I did it!

I did it!


I got him on his back,

he just flew off.

100 pounds.

I did do it.

Just give me another chance.

Mr. Beak, come on!

Come back.


Elbow down.

- Joanna has become.

- Adept with a bow and arrow.
- Excellent, Joanna!

- however, offered no protection.

Against an unusual adventure...

Which began quite innocuously

when father made an

announcement one evening

over a makeshift dinner.


Yes, Joanna.

- None of you has learned.
- Very much since we've.

Been marooned on the island.

We learn something new

practically every day, father.

I think what your

father means, Ernst,

is that shooting arrows

and snaring rabbits isn't

going to take Joanna

and Christina very

far in polite Boston society.

Nor gain you a career, my son.

But we're not in Boston, mama.


- But we will be one.
- Day, Christina.

That's right.

So starting tomorrow,

back to school.



Well, I'll set you

and Joanna a daily task

in arithmetic and composition.

What about me?

Perhaps Emily will test

you on reading and writing?


I only have one book, mama,

and I've read it 100 times.

- Well, there's.
- Always the Bible.

The Bible?

That's very hard, papa.

It gets easier with practice.

But what about Billy?

Shouldn't he learn?

Of course.



I'm sure Emily would teach you

from Christina's story book.

But I haven't been

to school before.

You haven't?

Not at all?


- Well then it's high.
- Time you started, Billy.




BEN: I'm losing my mind,

Parsons, lying here listening

you whistle all night.

You ought to do a

bit of whistling, Ben.

Passes the time.

I don't want to pass the time.

- I want to get off.
- This island, I want.

To get back to civilization.

- When we've dealt.
- With Robinson.

That'll never happen.

Oh, yes.

If I didn't know you better...

What, Ben?


You think I'm a-feared of them?

Well I'm not.

He's got guns, and we ain't.

Then let's give up and go.


He killed my brother.

And you and me swore an oath.

Not to lie here and

listen to your whistling.

Right you are, Ben.

First thing in the

morning we'll go for them.


My word on it.


Are you keeping your

diary up to date, Ernst?

Yes, mother.

- When we get home, I.
- Shall write it up.

Tell the world of

our adventures.

Well I hope we have no more.

I've had enough adventures

to last me a lifetime.


Don't stay up too late.

Mother, do you know what day

it is the day after tomorrow?

Without a calendar...

It's my birthday.

Oh, Ernst.

It's funny how we lose

track of time, isn't it?

Anyways, night.


Don't take it

so hard, my dear.

How could I have forgotten

my own son's birthday?

Quite easily.

- If it weren't for.
- Ernst's journal,

We wouldn't know what

day the Sabbath is.

One day is so much

like another here.

Well, Ernst's birthday

is going to be different.

- If we were in Boston.
- Now, he'd have.

All his school friends around

to the house for a party.

Well that's one good reason

for not being in Boston.


I'm going to bake him a cake.

DAVID: Splendid.

So you will have to

grind me some more flour.

Right now?

It's going to be

a very special day.

ERNST (VOICEOVER): The day did,

indeed, prove to be special,

but not in quite the way

mother, or any of us,

could have ever imagined.

Good morning, Mr. Robinson.

I hope you don't

forget my birthday, mama.

- Perhaps Ernst can.
- Write everyone's.

Birthday down in his journal.

- Then that way, we.
- Won't forget anyone.

Yeah, of course.

Oh, dear.

I have forgotten the sugar.

Ernst, would you come and

fetch me some from the trunk?

- Oh.
- Very well.

We'll have to write Billy's

birthday down as well.


What is your birthday, Billy?

I don't know, miss Joanna.


But you must know.

Everyone knows your birthday.

I don't.

But surely your

mother must... oh.

- I forgot.
- Sorry, Billy.

It must be hard

being an orphan.


Now, while Ernst

is away, we must

- all remember to.
- Make him something.

Special for his birthday.


Use your imagination.

We can go looking

for things, Christina.

Mother, there's no sugar left.

Now how am I going

to sweeten the cake?

- What about honey?
- Would that do?

Well, yes it would.

Ernst, directly

after breakfast we'll

go find ourselves a beehive.

BEN: How long are

we going to be here?

As long as it takes.

We'll lie low near their

house and wait our chance.

What's this?

Uh, eh?

No, A.


Oh, Billy.


Sh, Bruno.

You have to be patient.

Bruno, are you

in school as well?

Can I come, sir?

No, I'm sorry, Billy.

- You have your lessons.
- Let's be off.




Keep up, lad.

Don't dawdle!

That's very good, Christina.

Now write that out

and do the next piece.

Now, Billy, let's

try them all again.

A, B?




- The parrot's more.
- Intelligent than you are.

Fetch me some mint tea.

At least you're capable of that.


Christina, and Bruno struggled

with their lessons, father,

Joanna, and I tried somehow

to make sense of an

ominous discovery... which

was far removed from a beehive.


What is it, Joanna?

What are there?

They look human.

Yes, but too

large to be human.

Who wants to learn

to read anyway?

You do!

I don't.

You want to improve

yourself, Billy.

I'm happy as I am.


Being a slave to Emily?

I'm not a slave!

Yes, you are!

She orders you

about all the time.

I am not a slave!

What are you doing here?

Bringing you tea.

Well why didn't you

knock before coming in?

I'm sorry.

Put it on the table.

Don't spill it!

Now look what you've done.

Get out and leave me in

peace, you stupid little boy.


- The bees seemed to.
- Be coming and going.

From around this tree, papa.



Well done, Joanna.

But how do we get that money

down without being stung?


- Well, that's the.
- Trick, isn't it?

- I've heard that if you.
- Light a fire under the hive,

- The smoke will make.
- The bees drowsy.

ERNST: Really?

Well, that's

the theory anyway.

Shall we put it to the test?

The perfect spot.


We'll make camp here.



You didn't think I was going

to rush in there, did you?

They got guns.


Well what are we going to do?

We wait.

When Robinson leaves, we pounce.

Go get something soft to lie on.

I'll get some eggs from

the chickens of theirs.

All right, then.

Let's stand well

back just in case

our little plan doesn't work.


Shut up, you stupid bird!

Oh, there you are.

What are you doing sitting here?


You're not a chicken, Billy.

I can sit where I like.

Oh, be like that.

I won't show you what I've got.

I don't care.

You would if you knew.

That thing?

It's worth a fortune.

Not here it ain't.

It's worthless.

You're just jealous, Billy

Cobb, because it's not yours.

I am not!

You can keep it!


Billy, come back!

You can have it!

Yes, Henrietta, Billy is

being silly, isn't he?



Got ya!

Get away, you pesky hen.

Emily, come inside.


When I turned around,

there he was slashing

his horrible hook at me.

It was horrible, mama.

What is it?

It's that man, Parsons.

Mama, I'm frightened.

Don't worry, my darling.

Your father will be here soon.

You two stay inside.


Delicious, huh?

A little bit different point

from going to the market.

That's right.


You little beauty.

You're my only real friend.

Nobody else likes me.

I don't want to

go back to Boston.

Billy, where is everyone?

David, thank God you're here.

What is it?

- That man Parsons.
- Has come back.

He almost caught Christina

in the chicken coop.

Is she all right?


She's just frightened,

that's all.

Joanna, you stay here.


- While father and I.

- Went to search the.
- Immediate area,

Few could have foreseen

that someone, or something,

was waiting and watching.

- And also had their.
- Eyes set firmly.

On the unsuspecting

Parsons... who

- is patiently waiting.
- For the return of.

His reluctant accomplice, Ben.

- (SPEAKING) Well, he.
- Doesn't seem to have.

Taken any chickens father.

I fear he's after bigger

game than chickens, Ernst.

Can we talk to him?

Reason with him or something?

Gladly, if he'd only listen.

- But I think he's.
- Way beyond that now.

About time.

Where you been?

Get away from me!

No one may go out alone,

or without a weapon.

We will have a guard on look

out, both day and night.

Chances are that Parsons

has gone away again,

but we can't be too careful.

I'll take first watch, father.

- Well thank you,
- Ernst, but I want you.

And I to take the night watch.

So you'd better get some rest.


Yes, Joanna?

What will we do

with the beehive?

Leave it is for the moment.

The bees seem

pretty angry, my dear.

Why don't we build a hive?

- That way we can have.
- Honey whenever we want.

- Well that's a very.
- Good suggestion, Ernst.

But right now our priority

is to keep a lookout

and protect ourselves.

Oh, it's you!

Who'd you expect?

What took you so long?

What's the matter with you?

- You look like you've.
- Seen old Nick himself.

Maybe I have, or

something as bad.


Horrible black creature,

like a big monkey.

- What?
- Where?

What happened

I stuck it with me spear.

Well, where did it go?

It's gone off.

To die, I reckon.

I stuck it right hard.

Are you sure?

What if it comes back?

It'll be dead, I told you.

BEN: Well perhaps we should go.


We're staying put.

Look at this.

BEN: What is it?

It looks like a black pearl.

It is.

Must be worth a fortune.

Well where did you find it?

Little Robinson

brat dropped it.

Nearly caught her as well.

- Didn't I tell you they.
- Had treasure in them.

Trunks of theirs?

So much treasure.

- They have this.
- Just to play with.

Treasure, Ben, beyond

wildest dreams.

And we're going to have it.

- We're going to kill Robinson.
- And get that treasure.

ERNST (VOICEOVER): We had no way

of knowing that Parsons and Ben

had set up their camp so

near the tree house come,

- though we kept up.
- Our guard and tried.

To return to life as an

normal... searching the horizon

for any sign of a sail.

The only sign we

noticed, however,

was mother becoming increasingly

tense and on edge as a result

of the recent events.

Oh, no.


Get away, you stupid bird!


Yes, Mrs. Robinson?

Just look at what your

stupid bird has done.

Now I'm going to have to

wash all this fruit again.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

Surely goodness and

mercy shall follow

me all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house

of the Lord forever.

That's very good, Christina.


Billy doesn't even

know his alphabet.

Christina, that was

very uncharitable.

- You go and apologize.
- To Billy at once.

Yes, papa.

I'm sorry, Billy.


I am.

Go away.

You're not supposed

to talk to slaves.

- Oh Billy, you're.
- Just being stupid!

- They'll probably.
- Stand guard all night.

After your last

attempt, Parsons.

Don't worry, our

time will come.

They'll relax their

guard sometime,

and when they do... good

night, David Robinson.


Will you be all right?

Of course.

- Bruno and I are a.
- Match for anything.

I believe you are.

I'll relieve you at midnight.

See you then.



Is that you?

It ain't my

fault I'm an orphan

and never knew me birthday.


What is it, Bruno?

Over there?

Nah, it's nothing.

Must have been a small animal.

Come on.


What's the matter?

There's that noise

again, Parsons.

- Perhaps we'd better.
- Light a fire.

Animals don't like fire.

And let Robinson

know we're here?


- There's something.
- Out there, Parsons.

Well if anything moves,

kill it like I did.


Is everything all right?


I'm glad I'm not out there.

That animal sounds very angry.

The fire will keep it away.

Go inside and sleep.

- I'll watch the.
- Rest of the night.


Goodnight, son.



What is it, Ernst?

Billy's gone.


He's not in his bed,

and his things have gone.

- He must be out.
- There in the forest.