The 100 (2014–…): Season 5, Episode 2 - Red Queen - full transcript

Octavia is forced to take guidance from an unlikely ally when the future of the bunker and all those inside it is jeopardized.

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "The 100"...

Something's coming,

a wave of radiation that'll
kill everything in its path.

She isn't coming.

What if I told you there
might be a fallout shelter

built to sustain thousands?

A final Conclave...
one champion per clan,

one death instead of thousands,

and whoever wins gets the bunker.

Skaikru will not take the bunker alone.

If we are Wonkru...


the delegates have assembled.

Dressing me up doesn't fool anyone.

My blood is red, and it always will be.

Symbols matter, Octavia, these symbols.

Trust me.

The more people connect you to them,

the easier it is for you to lead.


Look what I found.

I know Bellamy used to read you

the parts about ancient Rome.

Hmm. "I intend to speak of forms

changed into new entities."

Thank you.

We're sparring tomorrow.

- Promise?
- Mm-hmm.


Great. Here we go again.

Complain to your mother.


Have you made up your mind?

Changed my mind, you mean? No.

Gaia, people are getting restless.

It won't take much for old hatreds

to break into the open.

If you throw your
support behind Octavia...

I said no, Mother.

The Order of the Flame
will never support

a red-blooded Commander.

That red-blooded Commander

saved your life and everyone else's

in this bunker.

Your real Commanders
would've let you burn.

And on the Ark, he
would have been floated,

but surely here, we can
instill a justice system

where the punishment fits the crime.

So much for Wonkru.

Osleya is right.

There are no separate clans here.

You do well not to forget that.

All right.

Then what punishment does Osleya impose?

For stealing blankets? Give them back.

What's next?



Somebody's out there.

Here. Let me.

No. I can do it.

That's the most you've
said to me in a month.

It's Clarke. I know it is.


Abby, you know Clarke went back to space

- with the others.
- Thank you,

but I don't need you to
protect me from myself.

I'm not. I sent for you, didn't I?

I just want you to be prepared.

It's a Nightblood that
knows where we are.

Who else could it be?

Put your damn helmet on.

Careful. We haven't opened
this door since Praimfaya.

Let's do this.


Marcus, there's something wrong.

- It won't open.
- Move over.


- Abby, stop.
- No!

Clarke is up there!

- Abby, stop.
- Come on.

Abby, stop. Abby, stop.

It's sealed from above.

If the building's collapsed, then...

She's not getting in.

We're not getting out.



I take it you already know.

Everybody knows.

Why is she here?

She's not an engineer.

Kara runs the hydroponic farm

just like she did on the Ark.

You need to hear what she has to say.

Here are the blueprints. Go ahead.

I don't need the blueprints.

I studied them well enough

before taking this
bunker for our people.

You want to know if
there's another way out.

There isn't.

Well, this changes nothing.

We can't survive outside
for the next 5 years, anyway.

That means we have 5 years
to solve this problem.

What would it take to
cut around the hatch

or break through an outer wall?

You point me to a weak spot,

I'll get you a team
that can break through.

You're not listening.

Even if we could cut around
the hatch, which we can't,

I'm guessing that the
tower collapsed above us,

which means thousands of tons of rubble.

As far as the outer wall,
that's 12 inches of solid steel

surrounded by bedrock.

There are no vulnerabilities,

and we don't have the equipment
to exploit them if there were,

not in 5 years, not in a hundred.

There's a more pressing issue.

The hydrofarm's yield won't support us

beyond those 5 years.

Even if we replace the medicinal fields

with food producers and rotate them

for nutrient diversity,

will eventually lead to a mass die-off.

For the plants and for us.

Why are we just hearing of this now?

Before now, I could manage it.

When she allowed 1,200
people into this bunker,

it was based on 5-year calculations.

You're blaming me for this?

You forced your own people

out into that fire, and for what?

Get her out of here.

This bunker wasn't yours to give.


Jaha found it. It belonged to us.

You had no right.

That's enough.

What the hell is her problem?

Kara's father died in
the culling on the Ark,

and her husband, well, he didn't
make the cut for the bunker.

She's done the math.

She knows we'll have to consider

population reduction yet again.

Not a chance.

If we need an engineer again,

we will let you know.

We should increase the guard
presence on every floor.

I suggest assigning
them to their own clans.

I'll segregate meal times

and convene the delegates.

Let's just get back to the fact

that there are too many
people in this bunker.

- Let's not.
- I agree.

It's not a decision for today,

but, as much as I hate to say it,

Jaha's right.

Is not in charge here.

Neither are you or the delegates.

I am, and I didn't save us all

so we could just kill ourselves.

Octavia, this isn't a game.

Osleya has decided.

No offense, but your champion

hasn't been very interested in leading.

She's interested now.

What happens if we go to half rations?

Does that buy us more time?

Theoretically, yes, but
we're already at baseline.

It won't be long before
we start seeing cases

of adaptive thermogenesis,

starvation response.

Will we survive or not?

We'll survive. We'll
just wish we didn't.

Some of us already do.

Then we go to half rations.

Mind if I join you?

Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

I don't know what they're planning,

if it's gonna work.

Today's been difficult on us all.

We don't even know if it was Clarke.

What matters is not what we know,

but what we believe.

Your engineering mentor would disagree.

And my political mentor wouldn't,

but whatever you're fighting about,

she'll come around.

Lord knows you now have time.

Uncle Theo,

can I have seconds, please?

Here, Ethan. You can take mine.

Um, no. Thank you.

Look. Uncle Marcus
needs to eat, too, hmm,

and you need to get used to half rations

just like the rest of us, ok?

Good. Now come on.

I got a surprise for you in the room.

And I'm still glad you talked me out

of fighting Octavia for this place.

Chancellor Jaha, sir,
would you mind staying?

I have an idea for making the food last.

I just need a few minutes to explain.

In the morning, Kara.

If it's still a good idea,

we can talk about it then.

Not knowing we can get
out changes everything.

At least on the Ark, we had windows.

The Ark sucked, but we survived it,

and if we got each other,
we'll survive this, too.

See you after my shift?

- Yeah.
- Ok.

I'm really happy for you, Jackson.

Let's talk about you.

Marcus said you had another headache.

I thought they were supposed to stop

after the ice bath.

They will, but in the meantime,

I would really appreciate it

if you didn't discuss
my condition with Marcus.

He cares about you, Abby.

We both do, and I'm just...

She's having a seizure.

- Flip her on her side.
- Yep.

Let us in!

What is this?

Everybody stay calm.

We're safe here. They can't get to us.

What are you doing?

We're taking back what's ours.

Marcus, can you hear me?



What are we gonna do?

We're gonna live,

and although it may be unfair,

they're not.

Why are we restrained?

Because I don't kill my own people,

even the ones responsible
for the deaths of my father

and husband.

Abby had nothing to do with that.

Abby opened the door.

I wonder, would you have done that

if he was already safe inside?

Oh, Kara, please.

This won't bring your
husband or your father back.

No. It won't, but it will stop

the next culling of our people.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have the urge to
shoot you in the head,

and I don't want to do that.

What about our people who are on

the wrong side of this door?

They're not all here, are they?

We waited as long as we could to strike.

All we can do now is make sure the ones

that we couldn't save don't die in vain.

It's not gonna happen
quick. You know that, right?

Starvation is slow, Kara.

Those people out there, ours and theirs,

their bodies will metabolize

nonessential proteins first...

Fatty acids, glycerol, then muscle.

They'll lose their hair.

Their skin will flake and peel.

They'll bloat, and the first to die,

well, they're gonna be the lucky ones.

They won't have to fight the temptation

to eat their friends.

You're third-generation Farm Station.

You must have heard the
rumors about the blight.

It's why we started floating our dead.

Everything you just described would have

happened to us in 5 years.

You should never have opened that door.

These deaths are on you, too.

"Well," said the tree,
straightening herself up

as much as she could,

"an old stump is good
for sitting and resting.

Come, boy. Sit down.

Sit and rest," and the boy did,

and the tree was happy.

He's been asleep since
the boy built the boat.

I like that story.

Me, too.

It was my son's favorite.

I hate to bother you.

Got time to fix my wheel?

Um, let me take a look.

Skaikru, on your feet!

Hey, you!

Under the bed with Niylah. Hurry.

Move! Right now!

Hey, hey, hey, what's this?

Stand down now.

We secured the hallway.

Everyone's alive.

What's going on?

They were talking about
taking back the farm.

Yes. Skaikru sealed
the door and our fate.



This is not like stealing blankets.

They're scared, Indra, hungry.

Safe to say Skaikru's screwed.

Our other bunk rooms will
be the first place they look.

Go room to room.

Take everyone you can find

and bring them to the rotunda.

We can protect them there.

- Yeah.
- Not you.


Look. I need you to go
with Nathan, all right,

and I'll see you as soon as I...


I want to stay with you.

Look, look. Come here.

You'll be ok.

You should go with
them. You'll be safer.

Safety's overrated. I'm with you.

Let's go.


I'm guessing you need me to open

another unopenable door.

If you can't, we're all dead.

No one else comes through this door.

Do you understand?

Sha, wormana.

- Well?
- It's not good.

The rest of Skaikru is safe for now,

but the violence is spreading.

Boudalan now controls level E and F.

Ouskejon took medical.

The weak are holed up,
barring their doors,

but it's only a matter of
time before the strong attack,

looking for anything
to help them survive.

When hell breaks loose,
it breaks loose fast.

It isn't hell. It's who we are.

You're wrong, Gaia. We are Wonkru.

Words spoken easily by those
about to die in Praimfaya,

but without a true
Commander to unite us,

we are warring clans.

That is how it has always
been and will always be.

Enough. Hunger will make it worse.

If the people who took the farm
do not make their demands soon...

There won't be any demands.

They have everything
they need to survive

except for me.

Look here.

Because level C contains the farm...

Are you hurt?

Uh, just a scratch.

Because level C contains the farm

and the water recycler,

Cadogan built it to be
totally self-contained.

Even if the rest of the bunker fails,

level C remains operative.

Still waiting on the good news.

If I can reroute the electricity

from the generator on the level below,

I can use the metal
walls as giant conductors.

Enough of it should reach the door

and short out the locking mechanisms.

- Opening it?
- Yes.

I should've led with that.

Is level D clear?

No man's land, 5 different clans

looking for someone to
take their anger out on.

The second they see him, he's dead.

Then let's make sure they don't see him.

Niylah, can you make
him look like a Grounder?

You know I can.

Octavia, it's too dangerous.

Not as dangerous as doing nothing.

We split up.

You draw as many people
as you can from level D,

and I'll get Jaha to that generator.

What are you doing?

Something I should have done

46 days ago.

On me, they're not symbols.

They're targets.

We can do this.

Which way?

Last room on the right.

This is where we split up.

Get to the vault door.

I'll radio you once it's done.

Let's go.

There he is!

Go back.

There's too many.

I know this is hard,
but if we don't succeed,

that boy dies anyway.

No! No!


You said it was just a scratch.

We would have taken you to a doctor.

Both doctors are on the
wrong side of that door.

Now come on. I don't
have much time left.

Let's solve this 5-minute problem.

The hydrofarm should
be directly above us.

5-minute problem.

Even if we find a way
to take the farm back,

there's still too many
people in this bunker.

There always have been.

This is it.

I got you. I got...

Let me just have a minute.

What's next?

That's too much.

No more rationing.

We'll just share one, Eric.

Thank you.

Most of our people are OK with this.

I can't get anyone to fight back.

That's because they're scared.

Jackson, don't do anything stupid.

Nate's out there. I can't just...

Let's go.

No. Wait, wait.

I need my pills. They're in my bag.

Next time.

Imagine that,

wanting to save the person he loves.

You took away my choice, Marcus.

I'm not gonna apologize

for saving your life, Abby.

I made the right call.

You're a doctor.

I would've made the same decision,

even if I didn't love you.

Really? Then why were you willing

to float me on the Ark?

Hey, are you still with me?

All I need to do is
connect the final wires.

Then do it. Let's go.


I know you've never felt

like you were a part of our people,

and I don't fault you for that.

Living on the Ark must
have been so hard for you,

so I'm truly sorry about that, Octavia.

Do we need to talk about this right now?


Because, like it or
not, we are your people.

When you won the Conclave,
you saved us, too.

What the hell do you want from me, Jaha?

Connect the damn wires.

I said no.

Once we open that door,
the Grounders gathered

on the outside will pour in

and kill everyone on the inside,

guilty and innocent
alike, even the children.

I can't let that happen.

I won't.

Then we all die.

Go to the door.

Make the Grounders stand down,

and when I have your
word that only the guilty

will be punished, I'll send the surge.

They won't listen to me.

Make them listen.

You don't have to be
a Commander to command.

I am not a leader, Jaha.

I'm a fighter, warrior.

And a warrior needs a war, an enemy.


On the Ark, we made death the enemy.

That's how we survived,

and anyone who did anything to push us

closer to death was eliminated.

You hate me because
I floated your mother,

but when she broke the law,

she pushed us closer to death,

so she made herself the enemy.

So now...

you know what it takes to lead.

All right. I'll do it.

Just try not to die before it's done.

I couldn't bear to lose you.

I'd just gotten you back.

The world was ending
before our very eyes,

and I thought I could weather any storm

as long as you were by my side...

but you weren't by my side, were you...

because you decided that you didn't

deserve what we had, you didn't...

you didn't deserve to survive.

I didn't.

How could you ever think that I

would be able to carry you outside

and shut the door?

Abby, I'm sorry, but
I'm not that strong.

I would do the same
thing a thousand times.

Did you ever regret

opening the door to save me?


Have a seat, Dr. Jackson.

We have everything we
need... food, water,

supplies, music.

Would you play a little louder, please?

She's here.


Is it open? Is it done?

Not yet.

There's something I need to do.


I can open the door.

Then do it, Skairipa,
so we can rid ourselves

of your honorless
people once and for all.

You're right.

They are my people, but
so are you, all of you.

We will take back the farm for Wonkru,

and that includes the innocent people

on the other side of that door.

No. She needs to do this herself.

You are Wonkru, or you
are the enemy of Wonkru.


For Jaha.

You are Wonkru, or you
are the enemy of Wonkru.


You are Wonkru, or you
are the enemy of Wonkru.


You are Wonkru, or you
are the enemy of Wonkru.


You are Wonkru, or you
are the enemy of Wonkru.


It's over.

Open the door.

Let's move! Let's go!

Cooper, what is it? What's happening?

Cooper, don't. No. Wait. Don't!

It won't be that easy.

- Where is he?
- Over there!


It's not just blood. It's bile.

I think he perforated his liver.

I need something sharp.

I need to get in there now.


You can't fix me this time.


Thelonious, fight.

I think his fight is over.


Promise me that you'll
take care of Ethan.

You have my word.

I'll take care of the boy.

Just take me home, Marcus.

Take me to my wife.

Take me to Wells.

In peace, may you leave the shore.

In love, may you reach the next.

Safe passage on your travels...

until our final journey to the ground.

May we meet again.

May we meet again.

May we meet again.

Your people await justice.

Come. Let's clean you up before...

- No.
- Gaia...

If you dare say the spirits
of the Commanders object,

then I must remind
you that those spirits

have abandoned us.

I don't believe they have.

My mother is correct.

Our faith dictates that
only a true Commander

can unite the clans,
that without a Natblida,

we would be lost.

Then you won the Conclave.

You delivered us from Praimfaya.

Today you delivered us from starvation.

I now believe that you

will deliver us back to the ground.

Come. You'll need clean armor.

Leave it. Let them see her like this.

The blood of our enemies

is her armor.

On your knees with the others.

Hey, hey, what are you doing?

Watch it.

You can't do this!


I tried to stop it.
I tried, but nobody...

Shh, ssh. It's OK. I know.

Look. You're a healer, not a fighter.

That's why I love you.

There are too many
people in this bunker...

And if we don't do something about this,

none of us will survive to see the sun,

the sky, the ground, and
I won't let that happen.

Each of you have committed
crimes against Wonkru,

and the punishment for this...

is death.

This is nonsense!

Delphi doesn't deserve to be down there

for stealing blankets.

Skaikru stole food.

There is no Skaikru.

There is only Wonkru and
the enemies of Wonkru.

Would you like to join them?

But this isn't the Ark, and
this isn't the ground, either.

There is no blood must have blood.

In Rome, the gladiators
had the opportunity

to fight for their freedom...

On your feet.

And so will you.

Conclave rules.

Win the fight,

save your life.

Blodreina, what is our champion's fate?


Bring in the next combatants.