That Girl (1966–1971): Season 2, Episode 14 - It's a Mod, Mod World: Part 2 - full transcript

Ann is in Los Angeles with British fashion photographer Noel Prince on a fashion shoot. Although he trusts Ann, Donald gets every indication that Noel and Ann are carrying on behind his back, those indications including Noel being in Ann's hotel room at 6 o'clock in the morning when Donald calls, Donald hearing Noel's voice in the background serenading Ann when Donald calls late at night, and Donald seeing a newspaper report of Noel and an unnamed model - whose face is not shown in the photograph but who Donald is pretty sure is Ann - arrested for public mischief for carousing in a public lily pond. Donald's action to his suspicions may place his and Ann's relationship in jeopardy. If he and Ann do break-up over the incident, will Noel, who Donald knows is in love with Ann, swoop in and steal Ann away to London for good?

Once upon a time,

which as a matter of fact
happened to be only last week,

the famous English
photographer Noel Prince

came to New York City looking
for new faces to photograph.

He found one.

It told him...

Don't ever bother me
again, because if you do

I'm gonna turn your name over

to the New York
Police Department,

the Bureau of Immigration,
the FBI, and the CRO...

CIE... COL... CIA.

Thanks to her boyfriend,

the new face learned
that Noel Prince

was everything he said he was.

The new face properly
did an about-face.

What are you gonna do?

I'm going over to his
hotel and apologize.

That might not be too easy.

You bet it won't be too easy.

It's hard enough to apologize

when you know in
your heart you're right.

But when you know in your
heart you're wrong... that's tough.

The apology was accepted
to everyone's satisfaction.


not exactly to
everyone's satisfaction.

Thus, the eternal triangle.

You see, a triangle
is a three-sided figure,

each side having its own angle.

The problem is can the
first side of the triangle,

that's me, Don Hollinger,

enjoy life in New York...

while the second
side, Noel Prince,

flies away to Hollywood with
the third side of the triangle

to photograph her for a
magazine fashion layout?

By the way, and in case
you haven't already guessed,

that new face and the
third side of the triangle is...

that girl.





Ann! What is it?

What's the matter?

Noel, what's happened?

I'm late, Ann.

Late? It's 6:00 in the morning.

And I'm sorry about that, love.

I meant to wake you
at 5:00, but I overslept.

Come on. We got work to
be done. Work! Work! Work!

Just a minute. I'm
not dressed yet.

I'm standing here
in my nightgown.

That's all right, love. I
don't mind in the least.

Well, I do!

You'll be posing in a nightgown
for me sometime or other.

Posing in front of a camera
in a nightgown is one thing,

entertaining in a nightgown

at 6:00 in the
morning is another.

Ann, I'm gonna lose the light.

Lose it? You're
an hour ahead of it.

Sunrise. The morning
light, you little drone.

Let me in.

Just a minute. Just a minute.

That's a very fetching outfit...

but not quite fetching
enough, I'm afraid.

You could have at
least warned me, Noel.

What are you looking for?

Try this on, will you, love?

We'll shoot it first.

And please be quick about it.

We'll barely have time
for breakfast as it is.

I ordered eggs Benedict for two.

In here?

Oh, Noel, if we have
breakfast in here together,

what will the waiter think?

Well, I'd rather
imagine he'll think

we're both fond
of eggs Benedict.

On the other hand, if you go
on clutching that thing to you,

he'll come to a completely
different conclusion.

All right, love, I'll get it.


Oh, I'm sorry. I must
have the wrong room.

It's all right, love.
It's wrong room.

Uh... who were you calling?

I'm calling Miss Ann Marie.

Oh, you have the
right room. Who's this?

This is Don Hollinger.

How are you, Hollinger?
Noel Prince here.

I say, isn't it a bit early
in the day to be calling?

Isn't it a bit early
to be visiting?

Would you put Ann
on the phone, please.

Well, I'm not sure
she's dressed yet.

Dressed yet?

Dressed yet?

What are you talking
about, dressed yet?

Who is it, Noel?

It's that Hollinger chap, love.

She'll be right with you.

Well, thank you.

Thank you.

Hi, Donald.

Hello, Ann.

Oh, Donald, it's so
good to hear your voice.

Aren't you dressed yet?

Almost. How are you.

Almost? What do you mean almost?

And what's he doing in
your room at this hour?

Who? Noel?

Yeah... How many
men are in your room?

Only one.

Uh, two.

Breakfast is ready, love.

Which one is calling you "love",

and why are you
having breakfast?

Because it's 6:00 in the
morning and I'm starving.

And, Donald, don't pay any
attention to that "love" business.

That's just Noel's slang
Cockney expression.

Yeah, well, let me
tell you something.

He doesn't fool me with
that continental charm.

I know what he's got in mind.

You're all wrong, Donald.

So are you.

I am not wrong.

Listen, I may call a girl
"honey" now and then,

but that doesn't mean anything.

What girls do you call "honey"?

Ann, now don't start.

I'm not starting.
Now let's not fight.

We've only got 3 minutes.

I... I'm sorry, Ann.

It's just that I miss
you very much.

Well, that's a
terrific coincidence...

because I miss
you very much, too.

Hurry, love. Time's a-fleeting.

Donald, I guess we
have to say good-bye.

Uh, well... ahem... Bye, honey.




"Hello, love. Good-bye, love.

Time's a-fleeting, love."

Now if we were in
London, my little love,

after a full day's work,

I'd take you to some
charming little pub

and permit myself some
typical male indulgence

and tell you the long, sad,

but delightful story of
my life... while you relax.

Relax? What's that?

Modeling is not as easy
as you thought, right?

I've got aches and pains where
other people don't even have skin.

Oh, right! There's a
pub not far from here,

and it's almost genuine English.

Are you really gonna tell
me the story of your life?


I was born on a dark,
dreary Wednesday...

and Wednesday's
child is full of woe.

Have I got your sympathy so far?

I was born on the weekend,

and we're full of suspicion.

♪ Four calling birds ♪

♪ Three French hens,
two turtle doves ♪

♪ and a partridge
in a pear tree ♪

Very lovely! Very terrific.

Oh, but that's
only the beginning.

Do you know how many
verses there are to that song?

I've heard all the verses
I'm gonna hear for tonight.

If I don't get 6 hours sleep,

in the morning I
look like a prune.

You had a call.

I bet it was Donald.

Now it's really
good night, Noel.

Because if it was him, I want
to call him right back, okay?

Certainly. Good night, love.

Night. Thank you.

I'm so glad you called.

What are you doing
at the office this late?

Working and trying to reach you.

How's it going, honey?

Uhh! Miserable.

I've never been
so tired in my life.

I thought it was gonna be easy,

but that Noel never stops.

He just works you to death.

Oh, Donald, I really miss you.

I can't tell you how much
I miss you, too, honey.

♪ On our first day together,
my true love gave to me ♪

♪ One lovely evening ♪

♪ And a partridge
in a pear tree ♪

Who's singing?

I think it's Noel.

♪ On our second day together,
my true love gave to me ♪

♪ Two hours of giggling ♪

♪ One lovely evening ♪

It sounds like he's in
the same room with you.

Oh, Donald, don't be ridiculous.

He's in the next room.

Noel, will you please be quiet!

Honey... Honey, you're
hollering in my ear.

Oh, I'm sorry,
Donald. Just a minute.

♪ On our third day together,
my true love gave to me ♪

Noel! ♪ Three charming glances ♪

♪ Two hours of giggling,
one lovely evening ♪

Noel! ♪ And a
partridge in a pear tree ♪

Donald... Donald? Are you there?

Yes, I'm here.
What's going on there?

Oh, nothing.

It's just Noel singing
a bunch of crazy lyrics

to The Twelve Days of Christmas.

Twelve Days of what?


You know... ♪ A
partridge in a pear tree ♪

He was singing it to me
all the way back to the hotel.

Honey, how come you
have to work so late?

I mean, hasn't the guy ever
heard of the 40-hour week,

the eight-hour day?

What about your dinner?

Ann, look, your health...

Oh! Donald, we had dinner!

We had dinner at
this darling little pub.

It's in a section
of Santa Monica

that looks just like
a bit of England.

We, meaning you and Noel?

♪ On our fourth day together,
my true love gave to me ♪


♪ Four taps on the wall ♪

It wasn't like having
dinner at all, Donald.

It was like being on a tour.

Oh, I wish you
could have seen it.

It's really so charming.

Yeah, well, I don't
have to see it.

I get the picture pretty well.

Oh, Donald, you're being silly.

I am not being silly.

I... I said I am
not being silly.

Look, I thought you were
working so hard, you were so tired.

Well, I was... and I am.

It's just that we had
to eat and relax a little.

Oh, Donald, please,
let's not argue.

I am not arguing!

Well, you're angry with me.

Yes... Uh, no, no.
Not... not at you.

Listen, honey, I...

Look, why don't you call
me when you get a chance.

Okay, I will.

Good night, Donald.

Good night, sweetheart.

♪ Two hours of giggling ♪

♪ One lovely evening ♪

♪ And a partridge
in a pear tree ♪

Back a bit further, love.

A bit further.

You want me right
next to the edge?

Actually, in would be better,
don't you think, Grimsley?

In, sir?

In what?

The water, love.

With the fountains
in the background.

It's marvelous!
There's a good girl.


Back up a little more.

That's it. That's fine.

That's fine. Hold
it right there.


What's going on here?

All right, Officer,
I'll be right with you.

Now you stop that
and get out of there.

Be out in a couple
of minutes, Officer.

No, now! I said out, out, out!

If you don't get out of
there, you're under arrest.

Oh, yeah? Grimsley, shoot!

No, you don't...

I've got it, sir.


"Famous English
photographer and model arrested

while frolicking in lily pond."

The question is which
model was he frolicking with.

A 16x20 blowup and
every detail sharp and clear.


Okay, Homer, will you
blowup just this part right here?

Yes, sir.


Uh, look, blow it up
bigger right in here.

Even bigger. Yes, sir.

It's big. It's about
as big as it can get.


It's her.

I can tell by the tiny
scar on her elbow.

What's all this about?
What's it mean?

It means I'm
going to the airport.

Listen, if I get any
messages, I'll be in California.

It was a lovely evening, Noel.

What time tomorrow?

Oh. Uh, well, let's
see, say about...

We should be finishing up
pretty soon, shouldn't we?

I mean, it can't be much more.

There's just the
locations with you.

What are those?

Let's see, uh... Palm Springs?

Las Vegas?

San Francisco!


How long will that take?

Oh, any kind of luck,

we should be on our way
home by the end of next week.

Oh, good.

I'll be kind of happy to get away
from smoggy old Los Angeles

and back to sooty old New York.

You know, I'm going to miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too, Noel.

Good night.

Good night.

We're all finished
here. Good show.

Oh, thank you, sir.

I'll see you in London, then.

Bye-Bye. Good-bye, sir.

She loves me. She loves
me not. She loves me.

What are you doing?

I'm going back to
New York, alone,

on the very first plane,
train, bus, or boat I can get.

May I ask why?

I just can't stand trusting
people I can't trust.


Don't you "love" me.

I mean, Don't call me "love".


You tried to trick me.

I saw Grimsley leaving.

I heard you telling him
we were all finished.

Well, if we're all finished,

then why are we going to Palm
Springs, Las Vegas, and San Francisco?

I was trying to arrange to
have some time alone with you.

You could have at least
been honest about it.

All right, little one,
supposing I'd said to you,

"All right. The shooting's over.

Let's relax. Let's go to
Palm Springs, Las Vegas."

What would your
answer have been?

It would have been a totally
and completely honest one:

No. There you are. You see?

No, I don't see.

You have no right to
assume... I apologize.

I'm sorry.

Well, you certainly should be.

I should have been
honest and aboveboard.

I should have
said it straight out.

Yes, you should have.

I'm sorry.

Donald! What are you doing here?

I should have known when
I first laid eyes on this joker!


Ow! Ow!

All I wanna do is
get in my corner.

Donald, you just stop that!

You're not making any sense!

Sense? Look, I've
had just about enough

with his click-clicks and
his partridges and trees

and his... and his fountains!

Look, pal, not with
my gal you don't.

Not with my gal!

Donald, what are you implying?

Look, I am implying nothing
about you and you know it.

This is strictly
between him and me.

How can it be if you're
fighting about me?

Would you get out of the way?


Well, if this isn't the
most childish exhibition

I've ever seen.

I certainly hope
you two are satisfied.

There you are.

Thank you.

All right.

I detest soup.

You know, there's something
ridiculous about two men

being rendered
helpless by a small girl.

Well, don't underestimate
that small girl.

I assure you, I don't.

Just keep her away from
English photographers.

What does that mean?

Well, it means I've had it.

You're not actually
meaning you're giving her up.

After all this?

What would you expect me to do?

You're right. Absolutely right.

No other way to go. True.

Well, in that case...
In what case?

Oh, nothing. Just
thinking out loud.

Well, would you mind
thinking our loud all the way?

Sorry, old chap.

Forgot about that need of yours

to have everything spelled out.

Since you've practically
given me carte blanche,

I may as well ask her
to go to London with me.


What are you talking about?

Well, you said...

Look, never mind what I said.

Don, old man,

what difference does it make
what I said or what you said?

The only thing that counts
now is what she says.


The big step to the top
of the modeling world.

Do you know what
I'm really asking, Ann?

I'm sorry, Noel.

You mean you won't come with me?

Oh! I don't mean that.

I mean that.

Oh, that's all right.

Ann, listen,

I'm asking you to come
to London with me.

You make it sound
very tempting, Noel.

Listen, Ruth,

I just wondered if you
knew where Ann is.

She doesn't answer her phone.

You... You thought I knew what?

Ann and Noel just
left for the heliport?

Uh... yeah...
Well, thanks, Ruth.

No, no. Thanks. Yeah.

Are you sure you won't
change your mind, Ann?

I'd love to see London sometime,

but not this time, Noel.


What incredible timing.

There you are, Prince.

Easy, easy, Hollinger.

If you won't think of my jaw,

at least think of your shoulder.

Now, Donald...
You just be quiet.

She's not going
anywhere with you.

No, that's right, she's not

No, that's right, I'm not.

Then what are you doing here?

I'm saying good-bye.


I asked her to go. She turned
me down, so I'm leaving.

But that's not to
say I won't be back,

and I won't ask again when I do.

Well, the don't
hurry on my account.

You don't mind if I
kiss her good-bye.

No, no. Help yourself.

Good-bye, love.

I don't wanna hurt you.

I don't wanna
hurt myself, either.



It certainly was generous of you

to let him kiss me good-bye.

Well, I thought it
was a noble gesture

as long as it was good-bye.

Speaking of good-bye,

you haven't even said hello.


Oh, listen, I think
I should explain.

Explain what?

I mean why I came rushing
out to California like that.

I thought you were mad about it.

Not after I though about it.

Now, Mr. Knight
in Shining Armor,

will you please forget
about the explanations

and get down to the
really important things?

Like this?



Oh, Donald! It's from Noel.

Must be some of
the pictures we took.

Gee, I can't wait to
see them, can you?

Yeah, I'd like to see 'em.

Let me see.

It's sort of nice,
don't you think?


Honey, I hate to give
that guy any credit,

but these are sensational.

Look at this one.

Oh, look at this one.

This is the one in the
camera that I told you about.

Honey, you look beautiful.

This is at the studio
that day, remember?


And, uh... What are those?

Oh, it's nothing, Donald.

Wait a minute. What's to hide?

Something too risqué?

Don't be ridiculous.
Here, look at that one.

Honey, I don't
want to see that one.

I wanna see the ones
you don't want me to see.

They're not the ones that are
gonna be used in the layout,

so why bother?

Because you don't
want me to bother.

Now come on. I insist.

You're gonna wish you didn't.

Well, then that's my problem.

You won't have it any other way?

Absolutely not.

Would you mind if I had some
copies made for our friends?

Now just think how happy
this picture would make Jerry.

And Daddy.

Now Daddy would just
love to have this picture.

And Mother. Let's
see... There's Mother...

Uh... there's me.

I think I'll have a whole set.


Closed-Captioned By J.R.
Media Services, Inc. Burbank, Ca