Teen Wolf (2011–2017): Season 6, Episode 11 - Said the Spider to the Fly - full transcript

As Scott readies Beacon Hills for this imminent departure, a mysterious presence breaks out of Eichen House.

Previously on Teen Wolf...

Somebody's gonna remember me.

I'll tear you in half right now.

Somehow I don't think
we're gonna hug this out.

I didn't say it back.

You don't have to.

I can't believe we're not
in high school anymore.

Everything's changed.

Hey! Nice work, Diaz.

Nolan, you stay in there.
You can take him.

Nice work. That's the
best shot of pre-season.

Thanks, Coach.

Assistant Coach.
What exactly are you doing?

You're giving them hope.

When did I ever give you hope?


Nothing motivates more
than withering criticism.

Speaking of, um, losers,
where's your, uh,

where's your little protege?


"Um"? Is...
Is "um" a location?

Is "um" behind me?

He'll be here. Okay?

He's the backbone of this team.

He's stepped it up
in every way possible.

A born leader who can handle

anything that you throw at him.

I can't handle this.

Yes, you can.
And you've handled

so much worse than this.

You're practically
the Alpha now.

I'm nothing without her.

Liam, can you help me
with this, please?

Hayden left me.
She moved,

to protect her sister.

And it's not like she
dumped you or anything.

Why is your arm so heavy?

Okay, Scott says
Coach is losing it.

Scott's leaving, too.

Going to college
is not leaving, okay?

It's called growing up.

And we're all gonna be going to
different colleges eventually.

I thought we were
both applying to UCLA.

What, you guys are going
to the same college?

That is not the point.

What is the point?

The point is that
summer's almost over,

we're about to be seniors,

this is about to be the best
year of our entire lives,

and you're still captain
of the lacrosse team.

So come on. We got to...

I swear to God, McCall,

if you don't get Dunbar
out here in three,

this'll be your last day
as assistant coach.

This is my last day
as assistant coach.

I can still dock your pay.

I'm a volunteer.
You want my whistle?

Who gave you a whistle?

Coach is making Diaz captain.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

Now, that's how you
play lacrosse, McCall!

Who is that kid?
He's spectacular.

That's just Liam.

Well, how the hell am I
supposed to tell them apart?

They're all wearing
the same thing.

They've got numbers
on their jerseys, Coach.

Liam, your eyes.

McCall, what the hell was that?

That wasn't a foul.
That's called winning.

Everyone back.


Nolan, hey, step back, man.
Are you okay?

What are you doing?

You think it's a,
a wolf-wolf or...

I think it's just a wolf.


Wolves or werewolves?

They said wolves.

Not interested.
You go.

Liam was asking for help
from the werecoyote,

not the banshee.
Why me?

Because you're
the former animal.

Nobody understands mysterious
animal situations like you do.

I'm done with mysterious
animal situations.

I want mysterious men.
French ones.

Your flight's delayed.

No, no, it's rerouted.
There's a difference.

Delayed is what happens
when your flight is rerouted.

So you have
plenty of time to help.

And there's a storm system shutting
down Charles de Gaulle Airport.

It's a minor shower.

Liam's got everything covered.

They were just dead wolves.

Doesn't sound
supernatural to me.

Whatever happened to those wolves
was definitely supernatural.

Well, I wouldn't say definitely.

It could've been
a parasitic infection.

I mean, we get dogs
that come into the clinic

that have botflies
coming out of their skin.

Can that happen to people? Yeah.

Yeah, they crawl under the skin,

lay some eggs, and
eventually they...


So, you wanna talk about it?

I thought we were
talking about it.

No, that's not what
I'm talking about.

Oh. That.


Yeah. You.

Your fangs, your eyes,
the growl.

Sounds like we're
gonna talk about this.

You just gotta
remember your mantra.

What three things
cannot long be hidden?

I haven't had to use that in...

What three things
cannot long be hidden?

The sun, the moon, the truth.


The sun...

The moon...

The truth.


You don't have
a suitcase, do you?

I got duct tape.

Look, all I'm telling you is
what I saw, and I know what I...

I'm telling you what you
saw isn't possible.

This patient's been here
since the facility opened.

Didn't this place open in 1912?


Come on.

Take a closer look
at our friend.

You see this?

He's been covered in
pyroclastic rock for decades.

It's hardened volcanic ash.

Maybe, uh, I should lower
this a notch or two.

Latin? You wanna
take Latin?

I like Latin.

Liam, who told you
to take Latin?

Look, everyone says
it's an easy A,

and my GPA sucks.

Well, I applaud you
wanting to raise your GPA,

especially while
applying to colleges.

But easy is not the path
you should be taking.

It... It's been a really
hard year for me.

You want to talk
about your girlfriend,

guidance hours are posted.

Let's talk about your schedule.

How does Spanish sound?



As I said, I'm here
to guide you.

Not push, not prod.

You think AP Calculus is
a little out of my league?

Look, I understand
the need to keep up,

to be recognized or noticed.

Everybody feels invisible sometimes.
I don't.

The one thing
I never feel is invisible.

I meant metaphorically.

Literally, too.

I'm here. Right here.
You can see me, right?

Yes, I can see you, Corey.

I've seen a lot of things
at this school,

even when other people
have their eyes closed.

Are you seeing
anything right now?


I'm seeing Creative Writing.

Have you thought about that?

Perfect, Mr. Hewitt.

You've given this
a lot of thought.

I give everything
a lot of thought.

And yet, you've never come into my
office and shared any of those thoughts.

You think I should?

I just want you to know that
I'm here for you guys.

I know I haven't been in the
position all that long, but...

I also know that students
at this school have seen

and been through things that

don't exactly come
with easy explanation.

I'll keep that in mind.

I take this
very seriously, Mason.

Anything we talk about in here

stays between you and me.

It won't go any further.

Are we still talking about

registering for classes?

I'm talking about anything

you need to talk about.

I think I'm good.


Of course you are.


something tells me
you need to do

more than just talk
about class schedule.

Uh, it can wait.

You're here now.

There's still a lot
of people waiting.

Was it the wolf
on the lacrosse field?

Was it the other stuff

we spoke about over the summer?

We can talk about what
happened in the library,

if you want.

The animal attack.

Don't say that.

Everybody says
"animal attack." But...

Everybody knows that,
that was no animal.

But last night, it was a wolf.

Some kind of wolf.

Some kind.

What other kind of wolves
are there, Nolan?

What kind of wolves
have you seen?

There's this book, North
American Cryptozoology,

and they have this entire
chapter on spiders.

And they even have
a section on scarabs, too.

What's a scarab?

Oh, you don't wanna know.

What happened to all the books?

Uh, maybe someone's
writing a paper

on mythology and superstition.

Or, like, a hundred papers.

Why does this keep
happening to our school?

It looks like we're gonna need

a book on rats, too.

You know, it's not
as irrational as you think.

There's actually an
evolutionary advantage

of having an innate
fear of spiders, snakes,

and rats.

How do you know
they came from here?

Well, they came
clawing through the vents,

and those pipes
lead directly down here.

What is that?

It's a rat king.

What's this?

A list, of every supernatural
in Beacon Hills.

Starting with
the high schoolers.

Hmm. No, thanks.


You know stuff.

That means you have to do stuff.

I have an obligation to educate,

not eliminate all
the problems of Beacon Hills.

I have to run a school,

and you have to
go enroll in one.

You know the saying,

"If you see something,
say something."

Please stop.

Honey, I care about
you and your friends.

But mostly, I care about you.

And you're going to be safe
3,000 miles away,

so we don't have
to deal with this.

I've got work to do.

Mom. It's not our
problem anymore.

Eight hundred thousand volts
sounds pretty dangerous.

Just use it on me.

I'll be okay, I promise.

Mmm. You have to hold
the button down.

I'm going to be fine, Scott.

And if something happens,
I will call Liam.

What if he's not around?

You think that this thing
is gonna protect me?

I'm a nurse.

A stun baton isn't my thing.

You have a thing?
Sort of.

If something does happen and people
get hurt, I've got it covered.

Where did you get all this from?

Scott, you have
orientation tomorrow.

Classes to schedule.

Cats and dogs
to heal at UC Davis.

Worry about that.


I held the button.
You held the button.

Didn't I? Yeah.

You've got two minutes.

What do you think happened?

Rats freaked out,

crawled all over each other,

got their tails knotted up.

Tore each other apart
trying to break free.

You read up on rat king?

What's a rat king?

Oh! I'm good.
Thank you.

Yep. I'm, I'm good
just over here.

Can you smell it?
It's fear.

Yeah, it's the same as the
ones in the math classroom.

Why were there rats
in a classroom?

Uh, they ran in during second
period, uh, about 50 of them.

Your two minutes are up.

Where are you going?

Paris. This isn't
my problem.

So you think this is a problem?

Maybe. Probably.
But you've got it covered,

and I've got a plane to catch.

I thought it was delayed?


Available units,
we've got a report of

a 11-80 at Wabash...

Highway Patrol,
this is Deputy Parrish,

Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department.
Already on scene.

I'm looking at a 10-plus vehicle pile-up.
Multiple injuries.

Copy that, Beacon Hills.

Medical is en route.

Laceration, room 4A.

Excuse me, sir.
If you wanna be treated,

you have to sign in first.

No, you hit me,

Well, you cut me off!

You don't know how to drive!
What are you talking...

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Move away, both of you,

right now, or you will be
the last to get treated.

You heard her.

What's going on?

Parrish. Good, I need
another set of hands.

Can you please keep these
two lovely gentlemen

from killing each other
for the second time tonight?


Ms. McCall?


Oh, my gosh.
You two brought me dinner?

That's really nice.

It's not dinner.

It's not dinner?

It's definitely not dinner.

We were hoping you could
take a look at it for us.

Well, I was hoping that someone
was going to bring me dinner.

Now is not the time
for a rat autopsy,

so get this and
yourselves out of here.

No, but we really...

No. Out.

Okay. All right.

You started it.
Back off...

Hey, now, that's called assault!

Can I get security over here?

Oh, really? Assault?
Assault? Yeah.

Sir, you need to calm down...

What the... What...

He's the one who started it!

The sun, the moon, the truth.

The sun, the moon...

The sun...

The truth.

The sun, the moon,

the truth.

Scott? You ready?


You let it out.

It was supposed to ride
with the Hunt forever.

Hey, what'd you do
with that rat?

I lost it in the fight.

Melissa's gonna kill us.

I don't think we can
ever go back there again.

Yeah. That might work for
you, but what about me?

- It could be a problem.
- Yeah.

What are you?

You know what I am.

I'm the same as you.

Okay, then what are
you here for?

What are you protecting?

Or is it something
you're hunting?

Something that got away?

Something you let out.

It must be stopped.

Is he talking to you?

I hope not.

Get behind me.

Wait, that's a...


Run! Wait, I'm not leaving you!

No, he's
a Hellhound! Run!

If the Wild Hunt couldn't
keep you, nothing can.


No. No, it's not you.

It won't stay hidden.

It must be stopped.

Nothing else matters.

The sun.

The moon.

The truth.


What the...

Oh, come on.


We can't leave.

I got you.

Okay. Okay.
Okay. Okay.

It should be healing
faster than this.

It's Hellfire. I mean, all things
considered, you're doing great.

Well, great isn't supposed
to look like this.

You fought a Hellhound
on your own, without Scott.

I don't know when
I'll get used to that.

Wounds heal.

People move.

Things change.


But it still hurts, though.

Oui, oui!

No! No, no,
no, no, no, no.

It's just rats.
Rats and wolves,

and maybe a little bug problem.

We need you.
And I need Paris.

Paris has been around for 2,000 years.
It's not going anywhere.


Liam and Mason called.

Yeah. They've
got it covered.

We can't make you stay,
and I don't wanna try.

But we were hoping that
maybe you would want to.

Well, I don't.


What are we supposed to do?

Find a Hellhound.

We opened a door
to another world.

And something came out with us.

Now we need
the Hellhound to stop it.

So we put it back. We've
put things back before.

Why are you two looking
at each other like

there's something you know
that I don't know?

It might not be that simple.

We saved Stiles,
we brought everyone back,

but that's not the way
it's supposed to happen.

There is always a price to pay.

We learned that
from the Nemeton.

What kind of price?
A big price?


You let it out.

Okay. We should move
pretty quickly.

Do we even know what we let out?

This Hellhound might be
the only one who does.

I thought you couldn't
kill a Hellhound.


Then it's true.

Then what's true?

What else did you hear?

The sound of people who've never lifted
a hand against another human being.

Something was killing them?

They were killing each other.

In case anyone forgot...

Yeah, I just said "forgot".

We almost lost him last time.

If this turns out to be something
big, and we don't call him...

He would kill us.

Or maybe we should go back to the
woods tonight and find the killer.


You guys didn't hear his voice.

He sounded really
excited to be there.

Uh, just play
the voice-mail.

Hey, Scott.
So, I'm here.

I'm in Quantico, Virginia,
at the FBI.

I'm at the freaking FBI.
It's real. I'm really here.

Uh, I kind of told Lydia that I miss her
and I can't wait to get home, but...

Listen, Scott, whatever
you're doing right now,

just make sure you're still
getting out of Beacon Hills.

I mean, maybe you think
you can't leave, you know,

like, the whole thing falls
apart if you're not there.

Which I get, but you have to.

I know you're supposed
to drive out tonight,

so if you don't call me back, just
promise me you're actually going.

Just get in the jeep and go.

You'll find three words
on the official FBI seal,

"Loyalty, courage,

These are the qualities
we expect of all our interns,

the qualities we demand of you
during your 6 months with us.

Loyalty, courage, integrity.

You'll join actual Federal Agents
as we investigate everything

from white-collar crime
to terrorism...

International and domestic?


yes, exactly.

We're also part of task forces to
catch kidnappers, murderers...

Serial killers?

Yes, even serial killers.

Sorry, I'll raise
my hand, you know.

I'm sorry. Keep going.

One recent manhunt had our
Crisis Response Team

chasing down a bizarrely
feral unsub

in the wilderness
of North Carolina.

Is there a problem, uh,

young man?

No. Sorry, uh...

Just got a little excited.
No problem.

Little question, though, that guy up
there, what's, uh, he wanted for?


Is, uh...

Sorry. Just what kind of,
uh, murder, exactly?

Mass murder.