TURN: Washington's Spies (2014–2017): Season 2, Episode 10 - Gunpowder, Treason and Plot - full transcript

Simcoe and the Queens Rangers are forced to leave Setauket. Abe and Anna face a difficult decision about Major Hewlett. In Philadelphia, Arnold's courtship for Peggy becomes excessively persistent. Ben and Caleb head the attack at the Battle of Monmouth. Washington plays his cards close to his chest.

Previously on
Turn, Washington's Spies...

Let's be married straight away.

Who is the coward behind this?

The king.

He Just gave General Lee half the army.

Half the army? You sure?

Intelligent from Robert Townsend

It concerns a plot against
Washington himself.

We have to get this to Caleb right away.

I want you
to track Abraham Woodhull.

Follow him!

Their Spies!

♪ God save great George our king ♪

♪ Long live our noble king ♪

♪ God save our king... ♪

♪ all for me grog,
me jolly, jolly grog ♪

♪ All for me beer and tobacco ♪

♪ For we spent all our ting
with a lassie drinkin' gin ♪

♪ And across the western
ocean we must wander... ♪

♪ Happy and glorious ♪

♪ Long to reign over us ♪

♪ God save our king... ♪

♪ Where are me boots,
me noggin', noggin' boot ♪

♪ They're all sold for beer and tobacco ♪

♪ See the soles, they wear thin... ♪

- Ahem.
- Running off, Woodhull?

Uh, me? No, no.

You look like you're
dressed to leave, though.

How observant.

I've been summoned to cover
our army's embarkation

from Philadelphia to New York.

Oh, the retreat.

That's right. Well...

they'll do very well to have the
Queen's Rangers looking over them.

Travel safe.

Upon mustering my men this morning,

I find two are missing...
Maclnnis and Tanner.

- Have you seen them?
- Can't say I have, no.

Cannot say or will not say?

Hey, where'd you get that flask?

That's Maclnnis's.

Oh. What's it doing here
and where's my bloody flask?

To hell with yours! Where's
Maclnnis and Tanner?

They ain't showed today and
they didn't show yesterday.

I don't understand why you
think I should've seen them.

Because I sent them to follow you.

Why would you do that?

To look after your safety

since you seemed threatened
by Corporal Eastin.

Well, when they do show their sorry selves,

tell them to return my
property, the thievin' toyles!

Thank you very much, Captain, but I
wouldn't worry yourself for my safety.


Stand fast!

They have Maclnnis's flask!

I should never have allowed
Akinbode to leave for New York.

You idiots cannot keep yourselves in line.

Captain Simcoe!

Order your men to stand down their arms.

After you, sir.

Allowing two British forces
to bloody each other

wouldn't be good for
either of us, now would it?

Blood has already been spilled.

If you know what's good for
you, you'll leave this town.

You're in luck.

Major Andre has called us to New Jersey

on an assignment of actual importance.

But per his orders, I shall
return here when that's done.

♪ Hush, hush ♪

♪ There's snakes in the garden ♪

♪ Soul for sale ♪

♪ Blood on the rise ♪

♪ Hush, hush ♪

♪ Know there will come a day ♪

♪ As they're hiding in the cover of night ♪

- ♪ I can't wait anymore ♪
- ♪ Soul for sale ♪

♪ I can't wait anymore ♪

♪ Hush, hush. ♪


Not now, Major.

General, if you will take
but a moment to consider...

I don't have a moment, John.

We're already moving too slowly as it is

to entertain the notion
of moving any slower.

Unless you think it wise to be trapped

between the French fleet
and the Continental Army?

Of course not, sir.

I think it wise to destroy
Washington's army now

and cause the French to
reconsider their support.

You propose to leave our
rear guard undefended?

Lightly defended. 1,500 infantry.

Just enough to tempt the
enemy into open ground.

And once they take the bait, that's
when Cornwallis brings up his division.

If they take the bait.

Lee is heading their advance corps.

He will march half of Washington's army

into the jaws of a trap

and then preside over a disastrous retreat.

Their columns, their
spirits will be broken, sir.

Well, you're in quite the hurry

to end this, aren't you, John?

As I assume you are, sir.

Oh, I can't wait to get
back to London, true.

But it seems you can't wait to get
back to Philadelphia even more.

So, where do you suppose
this trap best be sprung?

Monmouth Courthouse.

The surrounding farmland will leave
Clinton's baggage train exposed.

We can pin his rearguard
between the treeline here

whilst the rest of our division
encircles them from the left.

He'll have the surprise of his life, sir.

I fear surprise will not be a factor.

Sir, our main body is so large

that any element of surprise
will surely be lost.

We don't need surprise.

For the first time in this bloody
conflict, we have the numbers...

nearly 6,000 to their 1,500.

How have you come by that number, sir?

Tallmadge, I would've hoped
that General Washington

would've impressed upon
you that the key to victory

lies in having the correct intelligence.

I learned these numbers
from my scouts, of course.

And have they told you where Cornwallis is?

If he counters our charge,
we may not be able...

By the time Clinton and Cornwallis
bring up their columns,

I'll have decimated their rear.

The regiments will be able to hold
the rest till Washington arrives.

Of course with our esteemed
commander camped back at Rocky Hill,

he's likely to miss the whole show.

Then perhaps we should wait
for the reinforcements...

Perhaps you should ready your dragoons.

They have the honor of leading the van.

You get to be tip of the spear, Major.

Yes, sir.

I think I've lost him.

Lost him forever.

- Oh.
- You found me.

No, I haven't, 'cause he's right there!

There he is. Yes, I've gotcha.

I've gotcha, Sprout. You've got
to get better at sneakin' around.

Gotta get better at sneakin'.

Klara DeJong said two Queen's Rangers

were shot dead by the major's men.

No, two rangers are missing.

No shots were fired.

I think Kiara's probably a bit confused.

It is confusing and frightening.

Look, the safest place
to stay out of trouble

is right here, isn't it?

With your papa. That's where it's safe.

Abraham, you...

I'd like to speak to Abraham
alone, please, if you would.

Of course.

Go with your mom. Go with
your mom. There you go.



We need to compile your
final report from New York.

My... my what?

I intend to send the entire history
of our operation in York City

to General Clinton's special
adjutant, a Major John Andre.

Andre backs Simcoe.

He's the only reason Simcoe was
saved from the court martial

that he so desperately deserves.

The task of the Queen's Rangers

is to root out hidden
conspirators in Long Island.

We know that the real spies,
the truly dangerous ones,

- are in New York.
- Yes... yes, sir.

If I can prove that to Andre,

then he will learn that Simcoe
does not need to remain here

and he will move the Queen's Rangers out.


but... but my mission was
a... it was a failure, sir.

That's not the point.

Perhaps Andre can find
something in your intelligence.

I need to show Andre that I am
more useful to him than Simcoe.

And you are my best hope of that.

Let's go.

Uh, Major.

Major, please, my... my
time in prison has, uh...

it's played tricks on my mind, all right?

I... I can't recall with any... accuracy

the details before I was detained.

I know what it is like to look back on days

that you would rather forget,

but if we don't act now, there
will be darker days to come.

Take the day to collect yourself,

but I will need your report tonight.


What did you say?

Tonight. Don't look back.

You've taken this as far as you can.

Have I?

This person Andre will see right through you

and you know it.

To prove you're not a liar,

you'll have to give up something true,

such as the person you were
really meeting with in New York.

I don't understand.

Which part?

Silence Hewlett.

Do you mean... you mean kill Hewlett?

I know, it seems impossible,
all right, but it's not.

All right, he still fancies you.

So you take him out tonight,

you take him down by the water,
I can get the drop on him.

- No.
- No, no, no, it'll work.

It's gonna work. We just make
it look like Simcoe ordered it

just like we did those other two Rangers.

No, Abe. No, I won't do this.

- I won't take part in this.
- All right, why, why?

Because it's murder and
it's done in cold blood.

What? So, then you... you're
not hearing me, all right?

Hewlett plans to pass on my name to Andre.

You remember him from New York?

Listen, when he hears the name
Woodhull again, when he hears Setauket,

where he already sent Robert Rogers to
look into the ambush that we planned...

There has to be another way.

Edmund is...

he's not...

- Wait, Edmund?
- Major Hewlett.

Yes, Major Hewlett of
His Majesty's Royal Army.

Have you forgotten who our enemy is?

Have you forgotten we're at war?

You've changed.

Ever since you got out of
prison you're different.

Yeah, prison will do that to you.

Are you gonna help me get this done...

or not?

All right.

You'd better run along
before he gets suspicious.

Ah, there you are.

Did you find your escort to be satisfactory?

They were well-armed.

- Is there a problem, General?
- Not at all, my dear.


Good day, Margaret.

Fantastic day.

Shall we give her the news?

Yes, well...

after happy discussion
with this fine gentleman,

I have given my blessing.

We shall be married straightaway.

Now, tell me, how do you feel?

I... I...

She is so elated,
she can hardly speak.

- Truly.
- Come.

When was this decided?

Just now. Here.

- A toast...
- Sir?

Major Wells to see you.

Not now, Francis.

He claims it's urgent, sir.


A word thrown hastily by an
officer who has never seen combat.

Excuse me for a moment. I must
administer a chastisement.

You gave your blessing?

Don't act so surprised.

I hope you're proud of the
position you put me in.

I don't like being threatened.

What do you mean? Father, what did he say?

It wasn't what he said so
much as what he insinuated.

A husband's duty is to
protect his wife and family.

And, as military governor,
he would see to it

that our family was protected

from the patriot mob who now rule this city.

I cannot marry that man.

But he told me that he'd already proposed

and you eagerly accepted.

No, I... I did not.

I will not.

Well, then tell him so.

I don't wish the son of an apothecary

into this family any more than you do.

- I can't tell him no.
- Why not?

Because it will insult him
and I will lose his friendship.


It's complicated, Father.

You... you couldn't understand.

Then help me understand.

Why do you require his friendship?

Oh, she just went to tell
her sisters the happy news.

- Ah.
- She's a very...

exuberant young lady, you'll come to find.

One of the many reasons why I love her.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.


Hi, Mama.

Hey, Abby.

It's all right, Mama. He brought me here.

All the way from Setauket.

"All right, Mama." Listen to you now.

He's getting big, eh?

What's that you wearin', Jordan?

They got you workin'
as some kind of soldier?

Queen's Ranger.

Don't dig ditches no more, but I do
dig graves for those who cross me.

And humble as ever.

I don't need to be. I got my freedom papers.

I don't look down for no one.

You see me lookin' down?

Major Andre pays me for my work.

We've both come a long
way since Selah Strong.

I didn't come here to argue.

Then why'd you come here?

To take you North.

Now, if we're free, we should go free.

Right now, today, all of us.

Where would we go?

You heard of Canada? I know the way.

You got your boy back. What
else you got to stay here for?


like you said, I got my boy back now.

I can't think about running.

Not yet.

You... you wanna think, think.

But know this... I'm gonna
come back to New York soon,

and when I do, be ready.


Thank you.

Hey, you take care of her, yeah?

After my arrest, they
probably moved quiet altogether, sir.

Well, are we finished, then?

If that's all you need, sir, yeah.

I think so.

Well, you mustn't blame yourself
for being an imperfect spy.

It's a dirty business, after all.

Major Andre should be very
interested in this intrigue nonetheless.

Um, how will you, uh...

how will you get all this to New York?

You mean how can I make sure that
Simcoe doesn't try to intercept it?

I'll send a trusted courier
to carry the letter,

likely Corporal Eastin.

He's made the trip several times now,

and I plan to encrypt the message...

...with this.

What's that, sir?

It's called a Cardan Grille,

named after the Renaissance
astrologer Gerolamo Cardano.

Cloaks a secret message
inside an ordinary one,

which only a matching grille can reveal.

It usually takes several drafts
to compose a proper mask letter.

It may be too dull for you
to watch, so don't mind me.

You've earned your rest.

Whatever your misgivings, Abraham,

know that you have done well.

Forgive me, but Thomas isn't well.

I think he may have a fever.

What? He was fine this morning.

I may be wrong. Will you
please come and look?

- Yeah.
- It's quite all right.

We're done here. I can finish up on my own.


Well, where is he?

Anna came to me and told me
what you intend on doing.

She already knows I'm
involved with the ring.

We can't let you do this, Abe.

- No.
- You do not have to kill Hewlett.

- Oh, I don't? I don't have to?
- No. No.

All right, then why don't you
tell me what I have to do?

You only have to kill his courier.

- What?
- Think about it.

Hewlett will likely send one courier

as he can't afford to spare
a whole detachment.

Eastin, yeah.

You get ahead of him on
the road, you ambush him,

make it look like Simcoe did it,

revenge for the men that he lost.

Mary, I came to you for help.

- You did the right thing.
- Wait, what about Andre?

Hewlett will just send another courier.

Please don't do this.

Why not? Eastin's a rat.

He's the one that tried to kill
my father under Simcoe's orders.

There is no one more deserving than Eastin.

What changed for you?

What happened to "Raid the armory,

storm the church, shoot Hewlett"?

Did you find some hidden love for the king?

Or is it just for Hewlett?

You forge a response.


The story will be that Eastin was
ambushed returning from New York.

You forge a letter from Andre
thanking him for his efforts,

but making it very clear
that he's not interested...

- No.
- in pursuing the matter any further.

Hewlett won't dare to challenge him.

Listen to me. Hewlett will be expecting
a message that is encrypted.

What do you mean?

Why are you doing this?


Why did you change sides?

I haven't changed sides, Abe.

I don't believe in your
cause, I believe in you.

And I'm done trying to change you.

Though I do think I can help
you be a little less sloppy.

Now, your father keeps
a pistol in the house.

I know where it is.

- It's going to be all right, I promise.
- I know it is.


Flank formation!

My God, they're ready for us.


Dress to the right.

- Sir, courier!


- Caleb, is that you?
- Hey, Ben, what's new?

Where in God's name have you been?

I thought you were stuck at
the bottom of New York Harbor.

Have I got a story for you.
Read this, hang on.

Forward march!

Where's Washington?

He's with the main company a day behind us.

Ben, he's in danger. It's an inside job.

Oh, God. I knew it.

What do you mean? I just
got it from Long Island.

It's a trap.

Lee's marching us straight into it.

Halt! Halt!


First company, make ready!



Take aim!


Prime and load!

And for this,

Lee receives a small fortune.

Well worth the price of ending this war.


Second company, make ready!

Take aim!


Present! Fire!

Battalion! Ready!


Captain Simcoe...

it appears Wayne's right is vulnerable.

- Tie them down.
- With pleasure, sir.

To the front! March!

Make ready!



Fall back!

Lee said fall back!

Fall back! Let's fall back!

Hold the line! Hold the line, men!

- Stand fast, men!
- Fall back to the trees!

- Hold the line!
- Hold the line!

Stand fast, men!

- Stand fast!
- Retreat!

General Lee, sir!

Generals Wayne, Scott, and Maxwell
are withdrawing through the orchard

and all our men are falling back at once.

Yes, I know. I ordered them.

But, sir, if we do not rally the men

and form a defensive line, we
will not be able to hold them.

Hold them? Hold them how?

Clinton has sprung a trap
and we are outnumbered.

Retreat is our only option.

Washington expects us to hold.

Colonel Bradford, if Major
Tallmadge does not clear the road,

he is to be hanged from
that tree as a deserter!

A deserter?

General Lee, I've had a
most disturbing report

from a young fifer traveling in the
wrong direction from the battle.

Sir, I... I thought you a day behind us.

Why are your men in retreat?

They... there has been some confusion, sir.

There remains some.

Why are your men in retreat?

Circumstances prevented a proper advance

and I did not think a major action

was in the best interest
of America at this time.

You did not think?!

You damned poltroon! You never tried them!

You should not have requested this command

if you did not intend to attack!

What the hell are you about, man?

I apologize, Your Excellency.

- To the rear, sir.
- Sir... sir...

I said to the rear!

Colonel Bradford, how far are their cavalry?

15 minutes, sir.

I want both these
detachments into the woods

to ambush the nearer of their columns.

Major, ride out to General
Wayne and General Scott.

Have them hold up the enemy

while I form a defensive
line with artillery.

Yes, sir.


♪ Home ♪

♪ Is the white wind... ♪


♪ Home ♪

♪ Is the love that I was born to feel ♪

♪ Set it right ♪

♪ Set it right, boys ♪

♪ They can rue the day ♪

♪ Set it right ♪

♪ Mama, take the wool
out of your eyes ♪

Dragoons, advance!

♪ Come and look what I did ♪

♪ Mama, take the wool
out of your eyes ♪

♪ Come and look what I did ♪

♪ Come and look what I did. ♪

Fourth company, retreat!


Wrong way!


I wish to apologize

for my ungracious exit the other day.

No, you were excited, as you should be.

And I'm excited for you, for us.

Yes, yes.

And it will only get better from here.

I've found us a mansion on Market Street,

a far nicer home than this.

We can have the wedding there next week.

I can't be married next week.

That did not come out the way I intended it.

Oh. And what did you intend?

All I meant to ask of you is
if we may delay our nuptials

until my sister Elizabeth...
my eldest sister Elizabeth...

can be married.

Ah, I see.

And when is her happy day planned?

Well, she is not engaged yet, so to speak.

Not engaged? Well, why not?

I've seen your sister. She is a fine woman.

Betsy's suitor was a royal officer who left

when the King's Army evacuated.

She doesn't know if or when he'll return.

It's been dreadfully trying for all of us...

So she is not engaged and has no suitor?

When do you suggest we delay
the wedding until? Christmas?

- I cannot say.
- A year from Christmas?!

Please don't shout.

Then give me a clear answer.

Do you wish to be married or not?

More than you can imagine.

Then why wait?

I, for one, am through with standing silent

waiting patiently for
what I deserve now, today.

Who said anything about waiting?

If you wish to marry into
a Philadelphia family,

you must adapt to Philadelphia customs.

We may have to wait for our wedding day.

But that doesn't mean we have to wait

for our wedding night.

I can't wait that long for you.

Of course, no one can
know about this but us.

Of course.

So, you see, the actual date...

No, of course. Whatever you think is best.

To, um...

To New York City.

Leave it.

A testament to my shattered ambitions...

and all I've let slip from my grasp.

As you wish, sir.

Why didn't you stop me, Abigail?


I should never have left
her in Philadelphia.

And now I've left her in the hands

of that great blue bear,

a wounded shell of vanity and lust.

She'll turn him, like she turned me.

Changed me.

I believe in Peggy more than anyone.

She won't give up until she delivers him...

and he delivers Washington.

To General Benedict Arnold.

May his treachery bring us victory,

and may victory bring me Peggy.


What's he talkin' about?

None of our business.

Now, remember, travel safe.

You know me, sir... I take the
safest and dullest route possible.

Have you seen your husband?

Yes. He took Thomas down to the water.

He wanted to teach him how to skip stones.

Ah. Have you seen my pistol,

the one I kept in the study?

Ask Aberdeen. She might
have moved it while dusting.

You can come out now.

Good boy.

And now, Grandpa's going to hide,

and then later we'll look for him.


You... you shot me.

You shot my father.

You've been a naughty boy, haven't you?


Ah, Bradford.

You survived.


Hey, where are you going?

Come back here!

Come face me, you stinking Judas!

Odd, you should use that word.


- The commander is engaged.
- Yes, of course.

But if you'd just please
tell him that I have

some urgent news I have to discuss...

The general wishes to see Major Tallmadge.

Major Tallmadge, General.

Well, congratulations, General.

You've claimed the first
victory of the year.

It was the army's victory,

and that only in the most
forgiving sense of the word.

We turned them, sir.

We saw their backs.

They won't soon forget
that, and neither will we.

A symbolic victory, then.

Your Excellency, there's
something I have to ask you.

How long did I know that General Lee

was in communication with the enemy?

Ever since you passed along the message

from 3-5-5 in Philadelphia.

- But, sir, you...
- Merely had to wait

for the proper time to deal with him,

and with the proper amount of discretion.

Like a public shaming?

Better he be court-martialed as a failure

than as a traitor.

There can be no security

without secrecy.

Indeed. I agree, sir.

The value of secrecy

is why I've come to you tonight.

I have news from Culper.

Thanks to your pardoning Hewlett,

Culper was freed and he
maintained his cover.

Now he can't go back to New York,

but that's no longer necessary,

as we have a new man in the city...

Robert Townsend.

We refer to him as "Sam Culper, Jr."

And he's already provided proof

of a conspiracy against you, sir.


Billy, would you call in
the Life Guard, please?

Sergeant Hickey, Sergeant McPherson.

Our new agent in New York

overheard a conspiracy plot

as it was being discussed openly

in the heart of enemy territory.

Now, he didn't catch the names
of all of the conspirators,

but we do have one of them
under guard, right now.

It's Lee's man... William Bradford.

- Where are you holding him?
- No, sir...

I can't allow you to leave
this tent, for your own safety.

Not until we identify the assassin.

So, by your leave, my counsel is
to have one of your Life Guard

quietly escort Bradford here.


I'll fetch him.

Now, according to "Culper, Jr.,"

the chief architects of the plot

are Royal Governor Tryon and David Matthews,

the acting mayor of New York.

They're privately funding
a cabal within our camp...

right now, right here... under your nose.

It's all there in the report, sir.

Sorry. I have to do this.

It will be the end of both of us if I don't.

Drop it.



they're secure.

Make sure.

Sergeant Hickey.

There are other charges they
can be brought up on, sir.

Counterfeiting, for one.

They can both be hanged
and no one will ever know

how close they came.

Thank you, Benjamin.

No, thank Brewster and Townsend.

And Woody...

I mean, Woodhull, sir.

So, 7-2-1,

do you trust the integrity
of the Culper ring, then?

With my life, sir, and yours.

As you said, secrecy is the key to security.

As long as the ring is secret,

it is secure.

Kept this safe, did ya?

I'll be taking it back
now, if you don't mind.

I'm sorry to deny you

success on your little
mission on the road today,

but, then, that's life, ain't it?

We're all denied everything
we don't take for ourselves.

I always knew there was
something wrong with ya.

Ever since John Andre

sent me to this backwater.

And now...

I'm sure he will live
to regret his decision,

because I have found

what he was looking for after all.

You and your plucky
young freedom fighters.

the tavern wench,

the smuggler, the cavalry lad...

and the farmer who can't catch a harvest.

all of Georgie's bastard children.

See, you're the thing

Andre wants most in the world.

And what I want most

is my revenge on him.

So let an old trapper

show you how to set a proper trap.