Sweet Home (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Tasked to carry out dangerous missions, Hyun-su heads back to retrieve Han Du-sik. Sang-wook stops at nothing to finish what he started.



Are you okay?

Come here. It's dangerous.


Are you going to kill him?

He's finally playing nice.

Wait over there.

Are you Lee Eun-yu?

How do you know my name?

They're all gone because of you.

They're not harmful.

Hold on--

Stop it.

Not her.

Let's go back.


Monsters will be coming after the noise.

Get inside and set off the alarm.

Yes, sir.

What about her?

Escort her.

To the isolation area.

Yes, sir.

Let's go, ma'am.

Yong-seok disappeared with the radio,
so we can't contact the stadium.

The explosion was pretty loud.

A mine must have gone off
by the outer wall.

Can you tell just by the sound?

That's the only thing
that could make such a loud noise.

Sir, Staff Sergeant Lee Dong-jun here.

Talk to me.

Monsters are on the move
within the range of the scanner.

Where to?

Heading toward the stadium, sir.


How long to the stadium?

At least 15 minutes.


Turn it around.

We're going as far
from the stadium as we can.

Are we running away?

Get ready.

It won't pump gas without electricity.

Doesn't matter. We're not here to fuel up.


Yes, sir.

Time to put your skills to use.


Where are the monsters?

I think they're swarming in already.


Let's move!


Jin-ho, get ready.

What are you waiting for?

Is the trigger not ready?

I think the monsters
are disrupting the signal.

Stop here.

-Should we back up?
-No, open the roof.

How long do we have to keep doing this?

We're going to die saving the camp.

Could you just shut up and shoot, sir?

Kim is getting more and more reckless.

Turn off the engine.

Lift the emergency.

What will we do now?

What do you mean?

We used up all the C4 we got today.

How are we going to
blow up the monsters now?

As long as the stadium is safe.

I mean, sure.

But what if the shelter is fine
and we wasted it?

We'll see when we get back.

I'm sorry for all the trouble.

Don't worry about it.

About Jun-il…

I'll look for him.

You'll meet him soon.

Sir, isn't that Oh Jun-il?

I'm sorry about earlier.

About what?

I acted out on my own.

I was reckless even after
the landmine was defused.

Why did you do it?

You could've died.

I didn't want to…

regret it later.

I know what it feels like…

to hesitate…

and regret not doing anything.


Am I dismissed?


What caused the explosion?

There was a runner among the workers.

We were trying to defuse
a landmine they stepped on.

Who supervised the wall restoration?

Private Park Chan-yeong, sir.

It was me.

That's enough.

-At least no one got hurt.
-What about the runner?

Have they been removed?

Park Chan-yeong.

They showed symptoms of monsterization,

so we put them in isolation.


I insisted on it, sir.


You said you'd protect
both the stadium and our men.

I trusted you all along,

but look where that got us.

Over half of our men
died over the past year!

You protect this place, sir.

I'll protect my men from now on.

Great work, everyone.

You may go.


Have you seen Staff Sergeant Choi?

What are you talking about?

There was an incident.

He's getting back late.

And we found the one
who missed the roll call.


No one's here. Get out.

Why are you so angry?

You can get shot for barging in here.

It's fine.

I'm going to heaven anyway.

And hell wouldn't be
much different from this place.

Have you been drinking?

Yes. I had some alcohol.

That's great.

I have a tasty little snack
that'd go nicely with it.

What is it?

An interesting story.

I'm not interested in your stories.

I'm a man of science.

Apparently, it was a cleanup operation.

Remember when the missiles
blew away the main stadium?

That wasn't a mistake.

The higher-ups had planned it out.

With the monsterization epidemic
getting out of control,

I heard that they just decided

to wipe everyone out.

Why does that even matter now?

I know it matters to you, doctor.

I'm not trying to get all serious.

As I said, it's just an interesting story.

It's not.

They didn't kill them all.

They tried to wipe
everybody out but failed.

Isn't that why you guys are alive?

And you're living a great life here
thanks to it, aren't you?

I didn't come here to live.

Do you want to hear
a really interesting story?

Tell me.

I'm all ears.

I don't know if you can handle it.


Why are you being so secretive?

You have a lot of time on your hands.
I'm sure you'll figure it out.

I mean…

Come on, doc.

I won't ask for it for free.

I won these from gambling earlier.

Get out.

It's time for bed.


Why is the floor so slippery?

You'll fall and break your head.


I need to go to my mom.

That kid…

The kid told me to.

I need to go to my mom.

Let's see what we have here.

Come on, boss.

Keep a lookout.

You better not pocket anything.

What the hell was that?



Why won't you play along?


You suck the fun out of everything.

Holy crap!


Spam? No way.


Let's go. You can eat when we get back.

Just one bite.

We should take this too.

We're all out.

Is he still unconscious?


Go ahead and check his eyes.

Are his eyes out of focus?


Check if he has any scars.

Search every nook and cranny.

If he has an open wound,
give him a shot of antibiotics.

What's this?

He has a wound on his arm,
but it looks strange.

Come on, man.

What the hell?

You look worse than he does.

I'm fine.

What's this?

This isn't a burn or a bruise.

Any chronic conditions?

I'm not sure.

Doesn't he have family?


So his mom is the one who's been isolated.

Let's talk somewhere else.

Why? He'll find out anyway.

But still…

I don't think he'll die, so don't worry.

-I'll keep him here

just in case.

Don't just stand there. Get back to work.

Standing here won't heal him.


Can monsters choose who to attack?

Type Greens can.

But they can't tell humans apart.

It just seems that way
because they aren't aggressive.

What if it only attacked

one out of two people?

Did you see something

or are you just asking out of curiosity?

-Does that change the answer?

is a mental illness.

Well, technically, they're different.

But in a general sense,
they're not so different.

It gets you engulfed by your own desires

and traps you in the world
that your mind created.

It's a special type of mental illness

that leads to physical metamorphosis.


do you think these blind creatures
have love and friendship left in them?


Whatever it was that you saw,

I'm sure it was a coincidence.

Okay. Please take good care of him.

Private Park.

Next time you see it, let me know.

The monster that you saw.

Could it have been
trying to protect the person?

Anyway, that odd monster
that chooses its targets.

Even better if you capture it.

Who knows?

It may help us solve
the mystery of monsterization.

I must be mistaken.

A monster protecting humans?

Say you're sorry.

Say you're sorry!

What do you mean?

I told you to come back.

I told you it was dangerous out there.

I told you to come back!

And what happened to your face?

Who did this to you?

Was it a monster?

It's nothing.

Do you see this?

I couldn't wipe off the dye in time
because I was so worried

and now my hair's gone to shit.

How am I supposed to go on

if something happens to you?


What do you mean? You'll be just fine.

Never mind.

I'll talk to you again
when my hair's the right color.

And put some medicine on your face.

May I help you?


The symptomatic lady.

Please kick her out immediately.

What's the rush?

You must have
more urgent matters to attend to.

Do you think everything's fine

because she's the first one
we've had in a month

out of hundreds of people here?

People won't think that way.

They always imagine the worst.

Monsterization isn't contagious?

Well, you're wrong.

It spreads through fear and anxiety.

So nip it in the bud.

That's your job.


could be that bud,

including you and me.

What are you trying to say?

The "worst" that the people imagine.

Do you think it's the monsters

or the fact that they might turn into one?

For as long as we've guarded this place,

no one has been killed by a monster
that emerged from the inside.

But many have left of their own volition.

I'm not being compassionate
toward the symptomatic.

I'm trying to give hope to the survivors.

I want to show them

that they can make their own choices
even if they turn.

What good is hope in a world like this?

We need something to hang onto.

I'm sure you have one too.

A silver lining
that no one else knows about.

If things go south…

you will have to
take responsibility for it.

Will do.

Have a seat.

How do I never have any visitors?

How is that my fault?

Your brooding face
is driving business to the ground.

Business was never good.

Maybe I should find a new line of work.

Or should I find a new employee?

You have to earn your drugs.

Don't gloat.

This won't cure me.

It's the best you can get around here.

At least take these antibiotics regularly.

I can't be bothered to hire someone new.

Father Peter.

We have a testimony meeting today, right?


I heard these meetings
could even cure someone with symptoms.

-That's right.
-This lady suggested that we come.

You're right on time.

Have you lost your mind?

Let go! Damn it.

I was saving this
for the day I ask him out.


You must be comfortable here.

-Look at this drawing.
-Give it back.

-Isn't that Father Peter?

Yeah, it is.

Long hair, black clothes
with the white thing around his neck…

It's him for sure.

Hold on.

Are you into him?


Hey, where are we going?

I should still be thankful.

If it weren't for this place,

I would have died trembling out there.

I have a floor to lie down on

and a roof to keep me from the rain.

I even have my child with me.

It'd be wrong to ask for more.

What a load of shit.


Give me that.


You said we had to be honest here.

You call that honesty? She's full of it.

If you keep bottling everything up
and only saying nice things,

you'll just end up like Jun-il's mom.

Why don't you start us off then?

You'll become a monster
if you keep bottling it up.

So let it out.

Think about everyone
who's been to these meetings.

They're all still human.

Do you get it?

I want to go next.

I haven't said this to anyone.

But I'm happy these days.

All I have to do is eat.

And then I go to sleep.

No one is better or worse off than others.

Let's end the testimony meeting here.

I want to confess too.
I think I like you, Father.


I do like you.

You can't just blurt it out.

I hope you'll be happy together.

What a sight, jeez.

Aren't you coming?

Don't listen to that crap.

-It's not the Father's fault.
-Let's go.


Can I ask you a favor?

Sure, what is it?

It's about Jun-il's mom.

Would you mind paying her a visit?

You can leave the premises
with permission.

That might cost you a bit.

I see.

But I'll just call it pro bono.

Come in.

I'll go search
for Staff Sergeant Choi at sunrise.

You think that's what Yong-seok wants?

How do you feel
about being a soldier here?

Are you saying
he left of his own volition?

We can't be certain he didn't.

That doesn't change anything.

I'll go find him.

-I won't allow it.

We can't put everyone at risk
for his sake.

You went through so much trouble
for a symptomatic individual.

But you're so quick
to abandon your subordinate.


I'm trying to protect you guys.

I don't trust those words anymore.

What is the Platoon to you?

These men risk their lives
to go out there.

The honor and dignity of the Platoon?

What good is that when we're all dead?

That's why I can't let you go.

You want to go find Yong-seok?

Is everyone on board?

I'm asking if the whole Platoon
wants to go look for him.

How many men have died

due to your recklessness?

Sergeant Kim.

I hope you'll be

different from me.

You've become a coward, sir.

Is this even edible?

You don't have to eat it, sir.

This is the best we can get.

This is what I get for risking my life?

I only enlisted
so I could get regular meals.

This is a letdown.

Hey, Jin-ho.

No signal yet?

No, sir.

Maybe it's because we're underground.

Should I take it upstairs?

I installed a repeater,
so the signal should come through.

You enjoying that?

How can you eat right now?

Yong-seok deserted us.

Watch your damn mouth.

Marines have dignity.

I'm not disagreeing with you, sir.

But you were always pulling pranks on him.

Have you seen Yong-seok these days?

He always had
this gloomy look on his face.

He was bound to run away.

Even so, Yong-seok…

wouldn't do that.

He knows how dangerous it is out there.

Maybe Yong-seok
was going through monsterization.

And he didn't want to--

You piece of shit.

I told you to watch your mouth.

Did you just hit me?

You think you're tough?

-You wanna go, man to man?
-Back off, sir.

Stay out of it, you motherfucker.

That's enough.

Don't take it any further.


You stole my brother's baseball,
didn't you?

Why would I steal his
when there are balls everywhere?

That torn baseball.

My brother wants it.

So hand it over.

This is mine.

Nothing here is yours.

-Says who?
-My dad.


I heard your sister's a bitch.

Then you're a bitch's brother.

So you don't have the right
to own anything.

He's a monster. A thieving monster.

Stop it!

Stop it!


-Get off him.
-Let go!

Get off him.

Get out of here, both of you.


You better watch out.

Let go!

What was that?

What are you, a thug?

Would you rather I let them
have their way like you do?

-Kim Yeong-su.
-They say it's your own fault

if you get beaten or stolen from.

That's the world we live in.

You should just kill everyone too.

Don't let them have their way.

-Kim Yeong-su.
-That's what I'm going to do.

When you hurt others…

it all comes back to you.

Really? Is that so?

-So why am I in pain?

I was good just like Dad told me to be.

Why did everyone around me die
when I didn't do anything wrong?

Why am I the only one left?

I don't trust grown-ups anymore.

So you should live however you want.

I'll do the same.

What the hell?

Oh Jun-il.

What did you…

Where did he go?

Are you sure?

Didn't you hear her?

She said she was.

Have you lost your mind?

We can't be too cautious.

He's got a nosebleed, for crying out loud.

God damn it.

What did you do?



Are you satisfied?

You didn't have to take it so far.

You crazy little brat.


Mom, I'm home.

I went outside and…

Mom, where…


Where's my mom?

She turned into a monster.


She had a nosebleed
and turned into a monster!

Will she not die then?

No, she will.

People will kill her.

What brings you
all the way out here, Father?

I thought I'd do my part for once.

If you have a confession to make,
go ahead.

I thought I was really going to die

when I saw you coming.

Technically, you aren't dying.

It's harder for you to die now.

It's much easier to die as a human.

You're right.

I don't have anything to confess,

but I just wanted to ask.

I can't give you an answer.
I'll just listen.

What grave sin
could I have committed to deserve this?

Everyone commits sins.

You just got unlucky.

How can God be so cruel until the end?

I never even wanted much in life.

So why is he pushing me
into the corner like this?

Ask when you see him.

Ask him why he let all of this happen.

I'd like to know as well.

I actually asked the monster
the same question.

I said,

"Monster, please give me an answer."

What did it say?

I mean, I couldn't hear anything.

The monster didn't talk.

Everyone else says
the monsters talk to them,

so why doesn't mine speak to me?

Both God and the monster
just want to torture me!

The one that really tortures us…

isn't God or a monster.

It's the person closest to us.

That person is your God and monster.

For you, it was your son.

He was your God

and your monster.

But I still…

I still wanted to be with him.


I want to go see Mom.

Didn't you get caught
sneaking out in the morning?

Can't you see I'm on night watch
because of you?

I'm warning you. Get lost.

Let me see my mom.

I want to go out!

-Why won't this open?


-You little…
-Stop it.

Stop it.

-I want to go.

I hate this.

What do you mean?

Your barbaric ways

of resorting to violence all the time.

He's my patient.

Didn't you know?

How would I?

Ignorance is not a crime,
so I'll let it slide this time.

But next time, go easy on him.

He might be more valuable than you.

Let go.

Let go.

-I want to go out.
-Come here. Are you okay?

-Come here. Let's go.

-Your mom isn't there. Follow me.
-Where's Mom?

Let's go this way.

Are you feeling okay?

Are you hearing things at all?

What happened outside? Who did you meet?

Did you touch anything
or get bitten by anything?

Never mind, it's not contagious.

-What happened out there?

Mom is a monster?


I have to go to Mom.

-Hey, keep it together.
-I need to go to her.

-What? Mom?
-Where's Mom?

Mom? So you want to go to your mom.

I'll take you to her.


But before I do, we have to talk.

About what?

How did you get this?

Don't you remember?

A kid.


There was a kid…

where there were flowers

and trees.

It was a girl.

She pushed.

Can you say that again?

-A kid and flowers?
-I don't know.

I have to go to Mom now.


Remember it.

What's the point now?

Chief Ji.

Life is a funny thing.

I'm finally all better
now that I'm a monster.


I got my teeth back.

About what I told you earlier.

Have you made up your mind?


I'm leaving tomorrow.

Wise choice.

I'll help you when you leave tomorrow.



Will you let me see Jun-il?


TOTAL: 432, DEAD: 31, ALIVE: 401


TOTAL: 60, DEAD: 32, ALIVE: 28


You're still up.

I couldn't sleep.

So? What's up?

It's about Yong-seok.

He's been seeing someone.

And she's quite ill.

Yong-seok said he'll make sure…

that she lives.

I think he went to a hospital…

or a pharmacy.

Who's the woman?

Why are you getting in the way?

Just doing what I gotta do.

I tend to get misunderstood pretty often.

If you die here,
people are going to point fingers at me.

Don't stop me.

Then don't bother me
and die somewhere I can't see you.

You should eat before you die.


Do Sang-jin.

Everyone dies
when they get involved with you.

So stop getting people to tail me.

Will I die soon as well?

I thought you'd know.

I might not come back for a while.

You said you'd make up
for killing my husband.

I never said I killed him.

That doesn't matter anymore.

I used to want to kill you.

But I can only decide

whether to take revenge or forgive you

if you play innocent
or beg for forgiveness.

But you did neither.

So have you decided now?


I'm going to wait

for the moment…

you turn into a monster.

I can't forgive you
because I want to kill you.

But I can't kill you

because I don't want to be
a murderer like you.

I'll kill you with my own hands

when you turn into a monster.

So don't die out there.

I'd be very disappointed.

You must be on patrol duty.

Thank you for your service.

Why did Jun-il act like that earlier?

Is he okay?

It was nothing.

Well, that's a relief.

I saw him

following Lee Eun-yu in the morning.

Along with Do Sang-jin and An Dong-gi.

The three of them.

Are you sure?

I swear on his name.

But I don't see the other two.

This is all I have today.

I gave the can to someone else.

Going out again?

Are you stalking me?

You must enjoy the thrill.

Are you talking about yourself?

I see you got your ass beaten again.

Would you look at your face
before you start talking?

Mind your own business.

Stop acting on your own.

You're putting yourself
and this whole place in danger.

Guess what?

These cats are risking their lives
to come and eat this.

Even cats know
that you need to risk your life

to get what you want.

I've seen that red ribbon before.

Don't be curious and stop stalking me.

You might end up dying.

Is that why you killed

Do Sang-jin and An Dong-gi?

You want to know how they died?

It was that person again, right?

The person you're looking for.

Or is it a monster?

On the night of the incident,

Chief Ji's husband died, but you survived.

Monsters choosing their targets?

That's impossible.


that red ribbon that you have…

What the hell are you talking about?

That monster is protecting you, right?

And you're looking for it.


You're that kid from before.

Have you met him yet?

Who the hell are you?

How do you know me?

Did he tell you?


where is he right now?

You want to know?

Why don't you come with me then?

Data number 23.

The blood extracted from Oh Jun-il

was very similar to that of a monster,

but he hasn't displayed
any kind of symptoms.

Despite having the possibility
of monsterization,

he has no symptoms.

He was only outside for a few hours.

I have to find out what happened
within those few hours.


I am planning to expose the subject
to a valid stimulant that may evoke

his monsterization.

Oh Jun-il.

Oh Jun-il.

It's time to go see your mom.

Stand back.

She's not alone.

I'm not going to shoot.

I'll just take the kid.

She was alive.

Subtitle translation by: Jea-heon Chung