Survivors (1975–1977): Season 2, Episode 3 - Lights of London: Part 1 - full transcript

Ruth is tricked into traveling to a nearby settlement by 2 visitors who tell her Abby is sick, when she arrives she is informed she has been chosen by a hard pressed doctor to assist in ...

I don't think I can go on.

I know you can't. You need that girl.

- Supposing she won't come?
- She must be made to come.


Have you any choice?

- No.
- She is a doctor.

Once she is here, she'll understand.

Well, she mustn't be harmed.

If she is harmed, she wouldn't be
any use to us, would she?

So be it.



Who are you? Greg?

- Is this Whitecross?
- Yes. Yes, it is.

Are you well?
- Yes, we are very well. And you?

Yeah, we're fine.
And where are you from?

Derring farm, near Evesham.

And how many of you are there?
- Just the two of us.

No, I mean at the farm.

Oh! Not many. Twelve.
We've been there since the summer.

We tried to find you at the Grange place
but it was burnt down.

Yes, that's right.

We saw your notice there
saying that you'd come on here.

- You mean you were looking for us?
- Yes, that's right.

We were told how to get
to the Grange so that we could find you.

- Your name wouldn't be Greg, would it?
- Yes.

Ah! Then we have some regards
to give you, Greg,

from a lady called Abby Grant.

- What?
- No, please. Better to keep apart.

We're well, but others of us are not.

Yes, you're right. Well, where are they?

- Did she find Peter?
- Oh, yes. Yes, she did. He is with her.

She found him?

Never give up, Greg.

But where are they?

- They're at Derring.
- But they're ill.

- She said you had a doctor here. Ruth.
- Yes, that's right.

- Have you still got that doctor?
- Yes, she is here.

Well, what's wrong with them?

It sounds like a kind of toxemia.

Blood poisoning.
I won't know till I get there.

How long do they say
they've been at this place?

Well, since the summer.

Abby must have been on her way back.

No, there's something
about it I don't like.


I don't know.
Can't put my finger on it.

- Do you want to take a look?
- Oh, I'd like to see Abby again.

- Oh, yes!
- No.

They've probably got an epidemic.
Stay away.

It's a very good point.
They were being very careful.

- And what about Ruth?
- I don't have much choice, do I?

Well, I don't know.
I still don't like it.

I mean, why haven't we heard
of these people before?

Well, we'll get your exact route
from you as usual.

Can we have a route from you?
Which road are you taking?

Yes, most certainly.

The B4219 till it hits the A38,

then the A40 and the A44 to Evesham.

Just before Evesham,
there is a hill and a bridge.

You take a little track to the left,
and the third branch,

the middle branch of three,
and that's us.

It'll take you through the town
of Pershore, won't it?

Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

- Did you actually got through Pershore?
- Yes.

What about infection?

Oh, no. We skirted around it.
We didn't go through it.

No, of course not.

A little to the south.

Well, what about Abby?
Before she became ill.

Was she still her plumb little self?

- You're checking on us now.
- I think they are.

Abby is tall and slim.

She is younger than me.
She had her hair all cut short.

It's growing now.



Is there nothing you want?

Oh, no, thank you, no.
We got food and drink and a stove

and things like that.

We should be there before night.

- All right then, was it? The cart.
- Stay away from us, please.

The cart all right?

It's a good horse that, too.
My best one.

I am Ruth, the doctor...

Hey, no! No, don't go near him.

- Where are they?
- Who?

The people who are ill.

Abby is not here.

What's going on?

I'm afraid we had to practise
a little deception.

- Where's Abby?
- London.

Just the four lads here.
There's nothing wrong with them.


Look, we keep our distance
from people we meet.

From him, from your friends.

So as not to touch them
with what we bring from London.

But you're contaminated now,
being with us.

You can't go back to your friends.
You will kill them.

- Contaminated with what?
- We don't know.

We call it the London Sickness.

And you two have it?

We don't know.

What are the symptoms?

You feel very tired
and sort of paralysed with it.

Then you need treatment.

We're pushing our luck
coming out as far as this.

Yeah, but we've got a hospital in
London. We got doctors, X-rays, the lot.

And we wanna get back there.

All right, yes, there is
a lot of disease in London,

but we're all right there.
We're well looked after.

You've got a doctor, why do you need me?

Well, Abby sent for you.

She told us where you were,
she asked us to come and get you.

She wants you.
She said that you would come.

- You said she was ill.
- Yeah.

- And her son?
- Yes.

What's wrong with them?

Look, love,
you really don't have the choice.

- You have petrol?
- Yeah. Heaps.

They gave me 10 gallons
and a thousand cigarettes.

Well, for the lads, like. And matches.

- And make-up?
- Yeah. And a hospital.

- Soap?
- Yes. Soap, balm, we've got everything.

We've got electric light.

I think we should be off. It is urgent.

I'm not coming.

- Please.
- Abby must take her chance.

You have a doctor. My friends need me.

Not only them,
there are other settlements.

In London, they need you more.
You've got to come.

I haven't got to come
and you can't make me.

Please. You know we can,

but don't force us to.
It will be very unpleasant.

What about you? Are you going to standby
and let them do this?

Don't know what you're on about.

Us lot probably won't be far behind you
once we get the car going.

Things are great there
by the sound of it.

- What about my friends?
- Oh, that'll be taken care of, duckie.

He's... He's gonna send someone.

- I wonder.
- One of the lads. I'm sending him.

- Disinfect the cart.
- Yeah, all right.

- Use all I gave you.
- Okay. Don't worry.

We need you. A lot of people need you.

You must feel terrible.

Look, I'm sorry. Please don't be scared.

It's just that we couldn't very well
walk up to you in your settlement

and say, "Come to London, will you?"

No, you would have just said no.

- Would I?
- Well, wouldn't you?

That's why we pretended
we came from that place.

You said a lot of people. How many?

We've been told to say nothing
until you see for yourself.


- Oh, thank you.
- You must be frozen.

How long would it take us
to get to Derring farm?

Well, if you left early enough,

I suppose you can get
there and back in a day.

I'd love to see Abby again.

Well, I don't think it would be wise
just yet.

Not if there's sickness there.
You gotta think of Paul.

Oh, so have you.
Anyway, I don't mean now.

All the same,
I'd like to take a ride over there.


Don't worry about that smell.
It's London.

Funny thing about that smell,
in a few hours you won't even notice it.

Cigarette, please.

- Have one.
- No.

Go on, it helps!

- What are they for?
- Rats.

You better get your gear together now.

We're not gonna have a chance
once we get out.

- Rats, with those things?
- The noise helps to keep them off.

I can't get this thing any closer.

Look out!

From now on
we have to keep our eyes open.

They go in packs.

If you meet one of them on its own,
that means it's dying.

But it is just as dangerous.

Please come.

What are those fires?

To be scientific, they're started
by spontaneous combustion.

Heaps of bodies.

Or heaps of something. I don't know.


Who's there?

You won't get rid of me.

I'll get back. You'll see.

I'll get back.

Put your things on here.


We're going south now, under the river.

It's messy,
but the big danger is flooding.

Yeah. I never did like going
under the river.

Come on now.

That's our petrol supply coming in.

Hello, Benji.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- You all right?

- Hi there. You all right?
- Yes.

This way, please.

- More rats?
- Yes.

We go up this way now.

When we go out, stay in the light.

It keeps the rats away.

- Hello, Penny.
- Hi, George.

- Oh!
- Amul.

Just a minute.

Yeah, turn it off. They're in now.

Well, meet the new doctor.
This is George.

I'm glad you're here.

I'll just check
you didn't bring anything in with you.

Yeah. Okay.

- What's that?
- Oh, films.

We like family shows mostly.
Hey, what's on?

- Laurel and Hardy.
- Oh.

- See you.
- Yes.

- Come on.
- Now, look!

There's someone here
who will answer all your questions.

Come in!

- Hello, Manny.
- Penny, you're back.

- You made it.
- Yeah. Yeah, we're back.

Hello, Doctor.

Well, I'm sorry
they had to bring you like this.

Put your gear down and shake hands.
I'm Manny.

I know you're Ruth.

Look, come on, love, you're here.


- All right, Amul?
- All right, Manny. Thank you.

- Everybody is very grateful to you.
- That's all right.

- I'll clean up now. See you later.
- Okay, great.

- How was it?
- Well, not bad.

They risked their lives
to bring you here.

- Bring me where?
- Haven't you told her?

- No.
- Right, hang on.

Hello, Manny.

Yup! Yup! She is here. All in one piece.

Well, bit shell-shocked.

Yeah. Yeah, they had to.
You coming over?

Oh! I'm sorry.

No, no, no. No, that's all right.
I understand.

Yup. Yeah, that's okay. Okay, see you.

This is what you might call
my private exchange.

It doesn't go very far.
Just around the house.

The radio goes further.

Well, come on. Grub up in five minutes.


Oh, come on, love.

- How was the tunnel?
- How do I answer that?

- Well... Well, what I mean is...
- It was dry.

Good. If it had been wet,
you wouldn't have got through.

The river would have all slopped over.

We were waiting for that to happen.
Here, have a cigarette.

- Oh, thanks.
- You'd have to come around a long way.

Where's Abby?

Well, I wish I knew.

I thought she was a nice girl.
A bit bossy, but I liked her.

- You told me she was here.
- Well, she was, Ruth. Honestly.

She was standing
right where you are now.

I remember when she first come here.

- She was looking for her son, Peter.
- I was told she'd found him.

Well, I had to play that by ear,
didn't I?

All she cared about
was that boy of hers.

We tried to stop her leaving,
she wouldn't listen to reason.

Just off. Just like that.
I mean, I was very sorry.

She'd have been useful here.

- When did she go?
About a month ago.

She won't have lasted long.

- You abducted me.
- I'm sorry.

- We had no choice.
- I had my orders...

Get me out of here.


Please, Ruth,
don't think too badly of us.

Come on through. Come on.

Oh, come on, Ruth. Come on.

Well now, what have we got here?

Cor! Roast duck.
Well, I wonder where that came from.

Buckingham Palace Gardens
or the Serpentine?

Well, it'll make a change from pigeons.
And sprouts.


Come on, Ruth, please. Be my guest.

Hot water, Ruth, and soap.

I'll tell you what.

I'll play you a tape that Mac picked up
on his radio. Mac's our radio expert.

- You mean a broadcast from outside?
- Yeah.

Mac's been trying for a year. This is
the first time he's got anything.

Come and listen.

- Listen to this.
If you hear me,

come to Zamalek in Cairo.

Come to Zamalek in Cairo.

There are only 12 people here.

The people have food and fuel.

Come to Zamalek in Cairo.

- That's it.
- When was that broadcast?

About six weeks ago.

Mac tried to call them back but he
reckoned they didn't know about the set.

This guy called everyday for four days,
then nothing.

Here, Ruth.

Good girl.

- Why have you brought me here?
- Look, Manny...

All right, all right,
all right, all right!

I'm sorry.

That extra place was set for the doctor.

He was going to eat with us
and answer all your questions.

Now, he can't be here

because when I called him just now,
he got an emergency.

Take me to him.

- All right, love.
- Come on.

Nessie. Nessie, this is Ruth.

Come in, come in, Doctor.

I'm the matron, assistant surgeon,
anaesthetist and general factotum.

My name's Nessie.

We're not aseptic in here.
How do you do?

How do you do?

Yes that's his lordship there,
the doctor.

I'm very glad you're here.

Come and have a look at this.

- You didn't qualify?
- No. I did four and half years.

That's fair enough.

This man has what we call
the London Sickness.

The first cases were about
two months ago.

Rapid onset, slight fever.

When he's conscious, sharp-witted
and acute fatigue in all his muscles.

I don't know what it is.

It's years since I did any medicine,
proper medicine, I mean.

I was a health officer. But here we are.

Come and sit down, please.

I heard about you from Abby Grant.

My dear, I knew that
if I could just talk to you,

I could persuade you to help me.

So, I'm afraid I had you brought here.

I'm really sorry about it.

Please forgive me but I had to do.

Now, may I fill the background
in for you?

Yes, please.

Well, about a year ago,
when the plague struck us,

I seemed to be the only doctor
left in London.

- I met Manny. You've met him.
- Yes.

Well, he managed to keep
a couple of generators going

and built up an organisation.

With some help from the doctor.

Yes, Nessie, we were in it together.

Then Nessie came along
and propped us up.

- He's waking, Doctor.
- Ah! Come.

Hello, Mac. How are you?

This is Ruth, another doctor.

Say hello.

He knows what's going on. Don't you?

Are you the radio engineer?

- I heard a tape of yours.
- That's right.

Can we do a little test, Mac?
Can you blink five times?

Thanks, Mac.

We're going to get you well.
We need you.

God knows we need everyone.

- Would you mind explaining to me...
- How is your biochemistry?

What's weariness caused by?

- Lactic acid in the tissues.
- Not being properly degraded. Hmm.

- Have you come across this?
- No.

And it seems to be a peculiar to London.
The London Sickness.

Our main work here
is medicine, not surgery.

Except for emergency and orthopaedic.

We don't have a blood bank
but we do have radiography.

- How many?
- Londoners?

There were about a thousand.

Lot of them are ill with typhoid,
a dysentery sort of thing.

Then the number fell right down
to about 500.

Alarming but it's fairly stable now.

We have as many births as deaths.
Five hundred Londoners we are.

Manny must have told you that we forage.

Yes. I suppose
you can get just about anything.

Well, we've no blood or serum.
We have some fresh food and vegetables.

- A high sickness rate.
- How high?

Ten percent.
Fifty patients in various stages.

Cuts and scratches go septic.

There seems to be
a general poison in the atmosphere,

so we pump everybody
full of antibiotics.

- How is he?
- Going.

We don't know about the London Sickness.

Mac. Mac!

Poor fella.

I'll do the autopsy
but I shan't find anything.

I don't know what to look for.

- When did he get ill?
- Three days ago.

You see, Ruth, as a statistician,

I know that our 500 souls
have about 100 breeding pairs, right?


About 100 couples who can have children,

and that's the lower limit
for the human race.

If we sink below that,

we have a fair chance of extinction
in a few generations.

Like your settlements.
They won't survive, they're too small.

London is about the only place on Earth

where so many people would be
together still after the sickness.

Well, maybe Tokyo, New York,

- but we haven't from them.
- We heard from Cairo. Twelve.

If you want my opinion, I don't think
there's any chance of lasting out here.

That's from what I've seen.



He hasn't got the sickness.
He's just weary.

- He's all right.
- What?

Oh, sorry.

Will you do the surgery tonight, Doctor?

- Me?
- No, she won't.

Ruth has a decision to make.
We forced her to come here.

I'd like you to have a peaceful night,
Ruth, and consider it.

- Consider what?
- Oh, consider it right.

I'll do the rounds.

We've quite a bit of equipment here.
Two trained nurses and Nessie.

Some children who've done science
at O-Level.

We're trying to teach them.
We need to start a medical school.

I'll get someone to show you your room.

Sorry. Was I staring?

Did I say welcome?

Oh, yes.

Well, here you are, then.

They gave it a lick of paint for you

and I had a go at those curtains meself.

We'll have some supper
sent in for you in a minute.

Well, Ruth,
I hope you'll be comfortable.

Can you give me a few minutes
before supper?

Yeah, sure.


Anyone here?


You wait there, I'll come to you.

- Right, then.
- It's all right, I'm quite well.

That's as may be. Who are you?
What do you want?

My name is Greg.
I'm looking for a woman called Abby.

- Abby Grant.
- Who?

- This is Derring farm, isn't it?
- Yeah.

I'm looking for a woman and her son.
Abby and Peter. They're both ill.

No one like that here.

Well, there is a settlement here.

- What?
- Some people.

Just the four lads and me.

- Well, what about Ruth?
- Who?

Look, a man and a woman came from here
looking for a doctor.

Now, where are they? The man was Indian.

Oh, them.
Well, they didn't stop. They went on.

- Well, they went on where?
- London.

- What?
- In a car, Range Rover.

They borrowed my horse and cart.
Don't know why.

Said I got to disinfect it. Daft.

Well, did they leave a route?

Did they say which roads
they were taking?

Oh, you mean one of them maps.
Yeah, they gave us some.

You know, for when we go.

Do you want one?
They said to give them out.

- Could you get me one?
- Yeah.

Wait! Just a minute!
Ruth, the younger one,

didn't she leave a message
to get in touch with her friends?

- No.
- Nothing?

I cross my heart.

Could you get me one of those maps?

As quickly as you can.

This is Manny from the Centre.

I got a bit of sad news
about poor old Mac.

His troubles are over.

And we're gonna miss him at radio.

Still, an enormous good wish for us all

whatever we're doing today,
young and old.

That's all. Call you in an hour.

All right?

Just a minute.

Good morning, Doctor.
Did you sleep well?


- This is the Oval, isn't it?
- Yes, the Oval cricket ground.

- Were you a keen follower of cricket?
- No.

Well, I saw two matches here.

One was Surrey against Nottinghamshire
and the other was the last test match.

I wasn't a keen follower.
Some of them were.

Well, as you see,
we have here eggs, milk,

and we're going to have our own
vegetables and some corn I believe.

How do you keep the rats out?

Electric fence.
And we are very, very careful.

Is Dr Ruth anywhere?

That's you.

The doctor is here.

Could you come to
surgery as soon as convenient?


- Yes?
- Good morning.

- Where's the doctor?
- He's having a sleep.

He was up most of the night.
Well, have you come to a decision?

How can I come to a decision?

It's being forced on me the same as
coming here was forced on me.

I see.

While you're making up
your mind, Doctor,

will you be so kind as to
help in one or two cases?

If I can.

Good morning, everybody.
And how are we all this morning?

I've brought you a new doctor.
Doctor Ruth.

She's come to have a look at us.
So we'll have no more grumbles, will we?

Well, Kevin, my lad.
And how did you sleep?

Did you take your breakfast?
Sit up a wee bit.

Hello, what's your name?
- Maisie.

- What are you here for, then?
- I don't know.

- You've been having toothache.
- Have I?

It says here
they took out a tooth. Open.

- Back one. Was it a big one?
- Yeah.

- And you're taking your pills?
- Yup.

You think it was your big, black tooth
that gave you the tummy ache?


You don't have any fever.

- I think you can get up today and help.
- All right.

Hello everyone, this is Manny.

Just to say we're gonna have
a funeral for Mac this afternoon.

After the Doc's done his report.

Amul's gonna take over the radio.
He's been reading it up.

I'm going out now to have a look
at the coal situation at Battersea

because we're gonna run low soon.

I'll tell you tonight
if I've had any luck.



Hello, Doctor.

My name's Barbara.

- Hello, Barbara. How are you?
- Well, I need to be up and about.

Well, you mustn't rush things.
How's the cut?

It wasn't a cut, it was just a scrape.

One can't do anything here
when it goes bad.

- You still have some fever.
- I have to get back to work.

- Well, how long shall I be here?
- Until everything is behaving itself.

There's no point getting up before then.

May I explain, please?

I'm the planner for all these people.

I was in the civil service before,
so I know a bit about logistics.

I thought Manny did all the planning.

Well, he does the day-to-day
but I'm planning the big move.

- The big move?
- The one you're here for.

We can't do the move
without a doctor at either end.

- Oh, yes, of course.
- That's why I have to be working.

Well, moving 500 people
is a big logistical problem.

And the doctor wouldn't be content
with anything less than 500.

He says it's the minimum needed for
the human species to survive.


The only trouble is, I don't really know
enough about the other end.

- The other end?
- The Isle of Wight.

Oh yes, of course.

I don't know much clearance is involved

and what the fuel and power
situation is.

I mean, it's always been
at least a two year plan

to get the agriculture going
and the life support systems.

And, frankly, I don't see
how it can be done any quicker.

But at least I can make sure
that the lines of communication work.

And now that you're here,
he can send out an advance party.


I think we should go cross-country
from here on.

It will take longer.

It will take even longer
if one of those throws a shoe.

Anyway, we don't know
what we're gonna meet in London.

Might have to move in a hurry.

All right.
Now, which way do you want to go?

- Well, can you see any water there?
- What, running water?

Yeah, there's river Kennet.
We could water the horses there

and then follow it down
as far as Reading.

Yes. All right, good.
We'll have some grub at the river.

With any luck,
we'll be in London by nightfall.

There's someone behind us.

Watch it.

Come on, Wally.
You're in the wrong place.

- Move.
- Where to?

Come on, start walking.

- I can't live out here.
- Hard luck! Get moving.

You've been voted out, remember?
You should have behaved yourself.

You've been naughty.
Naughty boys get sent outside.

Now, go on. Get back to the rats.

Start walking.


- What a rotten day.
- No coal?

It's all under the river.
We can't get near it.

We'll just have to look for some other
dumps. Who's available? Do you know?

Oh, and get me Barbara.

Barbara's still in the ward.

I thought she was supposed to be
back on the job.

- Has she had a relapse?
- No.

I'll kill that Nessie.
She's kept Barbara off just to spite me.

Just because I went straight to the Doc.
She's power mad.

All right, where's Barbara?

I said, where's Barbara?

Good evening, Emmanuel. Had a good day?

Now, you listen to me,
you wizened old woman.

Wise old woman, please.

I thought Barbara was
supposed to be back on the job.

Was she?

You know the Doc agreed this morning.

Now which doctor do you mean?

Do you mean to tell me that Ruth
countermanded what the Doc said?

Oh, look, Nessie,
I got to have Barbara back on the job.

I've got to get that coal organised
or we'll all freeze to death.

And I've got to get it...
Hello, Barbara.

- Out of bed, Barbara, and dressed?
- I'm all right, really.

You mean you're discharging yourself.
That's strictly against the rules.

- I know.
- Dr Ruth said you need peace

and equilibrium to clear your tummy up.

I'm going down to the office.
Don't stop me.

Well, that's all right, then.

You all right?

- What do you mean?
- You're looking pale.

And were you limping when you came in?

Me? No.

You're not getting your evil hands
on me, Nessie. I'm fine.


Don't get up.

I just came to say Barbara
has discharged herself.

Oh. Oh, well, that will be all right.
I was just playing safe.

Yes, I know.

Maybe for the next week or two,
you could bring me into these decisions.

Yes, of course.

That is if you're staying.

Or are you just gradually slipping into
the job rather than making your mind up?

- It's the same thing.
- If you say so, Doctor.

I would like to know
because you're lying there

- and the Doctor's only mortal, you know.
- I'm sorry.

I mean, go if you want.

And spoil the big move?

You weren't supposed to know
about that. Who told you?

- Manny?
- No.

Why wasn't I supposed to know?

- The Doctor has his reasons.
- Yes.

Like not wanting me to know that
I'm earmarked for the advance party.

Whether you go or not
is entirely up to you.

You know very well
I can't get out of London on my own.

- Your friend Abby Grant did.
- How do you know?

Most of them come back sick
but she didn't.

That's probably because she's dead.

God! Look at that fire.
Don't they know coal's hard to come by.

- Oh, I'm sorry, Doc. I didn't see you.
- Oh.

Oh, I've slept for two hours.

- Good.
- I crept in here

and your warmth
and comfort were too much.

- I'll put the light out.
- No, no, no.

I wouldn't mind a cup of tea.

Nessie's doing the wards.
Ruth's on surgery.

- How is she? Ruth.
- Oh, give her time.

Her medicine's better than mine
but her surgery is a bit tentative.

Can't really afford to be
tentative in surgery.

Well, you don't get
too much of that, surgery.

Not yet.

Well, I'm glad
you persuaded her to stay.

You're looking more rested already.

- I haven't.
- What?

- Persuaded her to stay.
- Well, she's got to.

Can't force her to stay.

- You wanna bet?
- She's a doctor.

And as such she won't be any use to us

unless she's free
to make her own choice.

God, it better work after that.

Now, this is Hanwell.
Where are we? Where do we go?

It says follow line eastwards
to Ealing Broadway.

Through subway for tickets?

Through subway for tickets.

Greg! For God's sake!
