Survivor New Zealand (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Remorse runs rampant as one tribe second guesses a snap decision.

Previously on Survivor New Zealand, 16 castaways were dropped at a remote beach in Central America.

Welcome to Nukaragua and New Zealand's first ever Survivor.

Then split into two tribes.

Orange buffs, you're mogaton, which means purple buffs for your mosa.

Enjoy being part of the team guys, because one person from mogaton, one from hermosa,

will be voted out at the very first tribal council tonight.

Contestants were ready to play the game.

Any of you more than happy to be labelled the villain

and fight dirty right from the first challenge.

Tom's still digging.

Misses it right here.

Isabel, she has got this game down.

I cannot believe that I didn't react.

Just lost.

This is our home for the next however long, guys.

At mogaton, Tony took charge of building camp.

We'll just bring it all in here and then we'll see what we've got and figure out what we're going to build.

All right, go team.

While Shea took charge of building alliances.

As long as we know we are a strong three.

At hermosa, the tribe was divided.

We've got five young ones.

Yes, I am concerned.

But another target emerged.

We have to get D off, eh?

When it came time to vote, welcome to tribal council.

D tried to rewrite the past.

D, you came out of the blocks firing,

being more than happy to label yourself as the villain.

I did not put my hand up and say, boom, I'm the villain.

But the tribe's mind had already been made up.

It's time for you to go.

Going into mogaton's tribal, Hannah felt secure in her alliance.

You trust everyone?


But the girl code was broken.

I already regret this.

Hannah, the tribe has spoken.

Everyone thought the two eliminated contestants were gone for good.

Come on in, guys.

But day two's challenge delivered a bombshell.

Welcome to Redemption Island,

an island where all eliminated contestants are given a second chance.

Redemption Island offers an opportunity to duel your way back into this competition.

The battle was hard-fought.

Come on, Hannah.

Come on, Hannah.

Yep, yep, yep, yep.

Remember, this is do or die.

D falling behind.


Nice, Hannah. Good lead, good lead.


Hannah is through the door and lives to fight another day in this competition.

But D was first to be eliminated from Survivor New Zealand.

And Hannah proved herself tougher than her tribe first thought.

Hannah, one duel down.

Many more to go if you want to stay alive in this game.

15 remain.

Who will be eliminated this time and sent to Redemption Island to face Hannah?


I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed, really.

This morning, I was quite, like, down about it all and being like,

it's the end, I'm out, there's no more.

But after today's challenge, it was like an eye-opener that I could possibly come back,

but I can just keep doing what I did today.

So, my game plan from now is to not quit and to keep fighting.

It's not how many times you fall down, it's how many times you get back up.

So, I'm gonna keep getting back up until I have nothing left to give

and knock everyone out until you re-enter this game.


There are definitely a handful of people that are feeling guilty.

I've learned that you can't judge a book by its cover.

I'm really grateful for Hannah for re-teaching me the importance of that lesson.

I was pretty impressed with Hannah. She smashed that challenge.

Yeah, totally.


Proverbs out there.

After watching the challenge, I know for sure that we made the wrong decision.

It felt like a complete breach of the girl code. You know?

I screwed up.

I think it would be awesome if Hannah got back into the game.

I definitely should have upped my game to get Tom home rather than letting us all vote for Hannah.

It must be hard for her, though. She's being cheered on by the very people that voted her off.

I think she would definitely feel pretty bad.

Morally, it's the wrong thing to do, and she has to live with those consequences.

Hindsight, eh?

Hindsight, eh? Hindsight's the best teacher.


I made the mistake of judging a book by its cover insomuch that I looked at Hannah and thought,

no, she's definitely gonna slow us down. She's a big girl. She's oversized.

It's easy to look back and say it was wrong.

I was a trained soldier. I've been on operations, you know?

I shoot a man up front, no problem at all.

If he's one of the bad guys, I nail him straight away, so I can take it to the extreme.

But here's a lovely girl you blindsided last night.

They're pretty neat, eh?

She's been missing. She's been really missing.

After seeing Hannah Wynne being back at camp, the vibes are a bit weird.

I feel like Hannah going may have broken an alliance that I didn't see,

and maybe there's some new alliances forming.

I know that we're both gonna be targets, right to the end.

So I'm gonna promise you that I'm not gonna vote you right to the end, you know?

I like Tom because he's similar to, you know, someone I'd be friends with back home.

And so when you're thinking about a game which is 36 days long,

you kind of wanna surround yourself with people who are your friends.

But I think the main thing we can do is just fight for that immunity.

I feel like our names are being thrown around.

It'll be great to travel through this game with someone, someone you trust, someone you like,

you know, this kind of comrade who you know has your back.

I'd find it very, very difficult to vote out Tom, and I'd fight for him.




I look around camp, and there is pretty much no trees with any food on it that we'd actually be able to eat.

Not sure what we're gonna do for food.

Oh, look at that lizard just run around.

Yeah, oh, there's heaps in there.

Oh, look at those weird ones.

Oh, all over me.

Yeah, all over me.

Oh, this is the business.

Holy crap.

I think we've got a good system on how we're gonna ration the food that we have.

Trying to be as resourceful as we can at the moment, finding what's around.

Look at that.

We're hooking into some termites.

Yeah, they definitely pop in your mouth, and some of them tend to be a bit spicy,

and some taste a bit like charcoal, I guess.

But, yeah, they're not too bad.

I feel like that's enough termites for a day.

Bro, if it isn't the next immunity challenge.

You know, make a name, eh?

I reckon name.

I reckon name. And if we got to a merge of six,

we'd have a way higher chance of Barb keeping with us.

My last name is Sparrow.


I like to see myself as Captain Sparrow.

I've got my first mate over this side.

He's Lee.

We've also got the parrot.

That's Jack.

He's a bit of the joker of the tribe.

We've also got the two piratesses.

That's Shannon and Georgia.

And then we've got the two deckhands, Nate and Barbara.

And the question now is, who do we walk off the plank?

All right, mate.

I've just been talking to the rest of the guys, mate.

I've just been talking to the rest of the guys, mate.

Bring it on, bro.

You're the new leader, mate.

I'm not even.

I don't want to hear my shit anymore.

I'm not even, mate.

I am the social leader, definitely.

I feel like I'm pulling a few strings.

Maybe a lot of strings.

But we've got a strong four.

We've got you, got me, got Shane, and got Louie.

Little Louie.

He's dangerous, bro.

So I reckon he needs to go.

We have what we appear to be called a tight four.

Now, the idea of the tight four is it's four people,

regardless of how they get on or what they agree or disagree on,

that will not vote against each other.

But I'll have to have a talk to the other members in the alliance.

You've got to be careful.

I was just talking to O'Sullivan earlier on, eh?

And he told me about the tight four.

You, him, and Louie.

Yeah, is that the way it is?

We've got your back as long as you've got ours.

Yeah, yeah.

So we stick to that.

It's that simple.

I mean, yeah, well, you can say what you like.

Once you've got that tight four, you've got the numbers, that's it.

You're not going to vote for me, eh?

You understand?

No, I know what you mean.

We're not going to get away with something.

As long as we stick to that plan, eh?

Yeah, that's it.

That's it.

I think Shaina, she is loyal.

But things can change, as we all know.

I'm starting to feel really, really uncomfortable.

I realise that I just haven't been talking strategy with anyone.

Like, I feel like Tony, Lou, or Salah,

none of them have spoken strategy to me.

They haven't?


I'm not feeling that trust at all, particularly with Lou.

Doesn't look very productive, does it?


Oh, very productive.

I have no idea where I stand.

It's hard.

In terms of what it means for us in the long run,

it's about looking out for us first.

I just want trust.

That's the main thing that I'm after in this game.

I just want to be with people that I trust.

If you're with us, you're safe.

If you're on our side of the fence, we will look after you.

We will carry you right the way through.

Adi and I get along really well, and he trusts me, I trust him,

and we're just kind of figuring out where to from here.

If we lose tomorrow, the next person to probably go is going to be Tom.


And people really don't trust him, huh?

No, no one really trusts him at all.

So will you vote Tom out if it comes to it?

If it comes to it, I would vote Tom, and I would be with you guys.

Would that include the next tribal council?

I mean, I think Izzy is kind of that free vote to keep the tribe strong,

like, so we can keep fighting.


But if you guys agree to that, then I'll go with him.


All right, so I'm in, guys.

Are you?


Blinky, swear?

Blinky, lock, stamp.

That's legally binding in your tribe, right?


I don't know if I'm going to write down Tom's name,

but I told them that I'd vote out Tom if that's what it came to,

because at the end of the day, if I'm with the numbers,

then that ensures me another day,

which feels awful to be playing this, like, day at a time,

scrabbling as long as I'm with the masses, you know?

I want to be in control of my own game.

So, at this stage, I would be willing to vote out Tom

if that's what it came to.

I guess what I want to make sure is that it doesn't come down to that.

Can you tell us? Yeah.

Which one are we? Huh? Say stop.

Go right.

That way.


Right. You all right? Straight and left.

Straight and left. Yep. Stop.

This one feels flimsy. Yep.

At this point, I feel like we could make our shelter

maybe a little bit better.

If it is a huge downpour tonight, we are a little bit screwed,

so maybe we can hustle up something extra.

Oh, mate! Sweet!

OK. You ready to dismount? Yeah.

Go for it. Three, two, one.

I think I have a really good relationship with Lee.

We get along really well.

I really, really like him as a person.

I think he's really cool.

I feel like if we lost immunity tomorrow,

me and Mike were thinking Nate.

Yeah. I definitely agree.

The next person on the chopping block would have to be Nate.

He's kind of observing us at the moment,

and to be doing that so early on is not a good sign.

Go, Nate. Huh?

Go, Nate. Yeah. Yeah.

I don't trust Georgia, and I don't know why.

I just can't quite pin it.

That was a good one.

I think she has to go.

Oh, these songs of freedom, redemption songs.

Now watch me whip. No, no!

Watch me nae nae.

The mood on day three is pretty good.

Okay, people are starting to relax more now,

but survival priorities remain the same.

The plan is, cunning plan,

yeah, just bloody start from here, mate,

and just, yeah, just bloody zigzag it across.


Get the shelter as complete as we can with what we've got

and develop the camp itself.

Probably quick and easy to tie off on this end.

You know, keep everybody fed, keep the water supply coming,

all those sorts of things.

It doesn't change survival priorities, okay?

I'm going to come over this way,

and see where my finger's pointing,

go on the inside of here.

When Tony does give an order, it is quite direct,

and it's his way or the highway with stuff.

Slowly, just slowly.

Follow it through slowly.

It's starting to get up my nose,

but I'm sure that's the same for others.

I can vibe that.

Can you hold that there? Yep.

Can you just stoke that fire for me, please?

Thanks, man.

Train mile!

I was so excited to get my first train mile.

That was amazing,

to be walking back with my train mile.

Guys, we have train mile!


Immunity challenge invite.

Sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

Oh, bugger.

Today, we take one away,

which means you'll need a crutch.

Support will come in the form of a teammate.

You'll need to choose wisely,

or tribal council will be your fate.

I don't think my chances are great, to be fair.

I'm 20 years older than some of these people.

I need in particular to win the next immunity challenge

and make sure that I've got some more time.

Come on in, guys!

Time for your very first immunity challenge,

which is all about this, the immunity idol.

The immunity idol goes to the team

that wins today's challenge

and means their entire tribe is safe from elimination.

The losing tribe will head to tonight's tribal council,

where they'll have to vote out one of their own.

Tony, you've got what it takes?

We'll all give it our best shot, mate.

For today's challenge,

one person in each tribe will be the caller.

The six other members will be blindfolded.

From above, the caller will direct two pairs

of blindfolded tribe members to collect five items.

Those items will be delivered to the two blindfolded members

who will hoist them back up to the caller.

Finally, you need to fetch your flag.

The first tribe to get your flag up to the caller wins immunity.

You've got a minute to strategize.

Survivors ready?


This challenge is on.

Round the box, round the box, round the box,

round the box, down, down, down.

Umosa have got the first item.

Down, down, down, down, down.

Move to your right.

Move to your right.

Keep coming, keep coming.

Mogotong have got the first item.

To your right, to your right, to your right.

Oh, Arvi takes one for the team.

Up, up, up, up.

Okay, drop.

Okay, boys, up.

Keep going.

And down.

Go, go, go.

Pull, pull, pull.

Pull, pull, pull.

Up, up, up, up, up, up.

Faster, faster.

Up, up, up, up, up, up.

Go more, go more.

Umosa getting their first item up to the caller.

Go, go.

Mogotong with one item.

Down, down, down.

Down, down, down, down.

Okay, yeah, come back, come back.

Umosa with their second item.

Left, stop.

A lot of responsibility on Louisa,

the youngest person in this game.

Straight, straight.

Run, run, run.

Come back, go down.

Up, up, up, up, up, up.

No, no, no, no, no, stop.

Up, up, stop, stop.

Come on, guys, come on.

Come on, we've got this.

Put it in the middle, guys.

Okay, boys.

Up, up, up, up, up, up.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Okay, good, good.

One, two, three.

Go, go, go, go, go, go.

It's off, it's off.

Put it back down, put it back down, guys.

The hoist takes a lot of care, guys.

You've got to work together.

Umosa with two items.

Get out, get out.

Oh, no, no.

Mogotong struggling with their second item.

On you, Mato.

On you, Mato.

He's in.

Okay, stand by.

And one, and two.

Turn right, turn right, turn right, turn right.

Forward, forward.

No, no.

Forward, forward.

Mogotong with their second item being hoisted up.


Go, go, go, honey, go.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, down.

Okay, come back, come back, come back, come back, come back,

come back.

Keep going straight.


Those obstacles are hard.

Yeah, more to your left, more to your left.

There's a gap.

Keep going straight.

Keep coming.

Bench, bench, bench, bench.


Barb takes one.

Come on, guys.

Listen, faster.

You've got this.


Pick it up on the ground.

On the ground.

Run straight back.

Up, up, and down slowly.

Umosa about to hoist their third item.

Stop, stop, stop.

Put it down, Jack.

Okay, guys.

Yeah, that's it.

Turn and roll it over onto the play board.

Run, run, run, run, run.


Up, up, up, up.

Put it down on the ground.

No, forward.

Go, go.

Up, up.

Up, up, up, up, up.

Up, up, up, up, up.

Up, up, up, up, up.

Up, up, up, up, up.

Keep going.

And up.

And up.

Mogaton hoisting their third item.


Okay, boys.

I got it.

Umosa with three items.


Keep going.

More your side.

And up.

Go, go.

And they've got it.

It is three items each.

Yeah, that's the next box.

Next box.

Turn left.


Felt that one.

Turn right.


Other right.

Right, left.

Louisa confusing herself.

Turn around.

Turn around.


Now, three steps straight.



Turn right behind Georgia.

Right behind Georgia.

Right behind Georgia.

Right behind her.


Umosa, four items.

Mogaton, three.



One, two, three.


On the ground to your right.

Mogaton with their fourth item.

Keep it coming.

Come on.

Come on.

Straight ahead.

No, no.

Straight ahead.

Straight ahead.


Umosa with their fourth item coming back.





Some bumps and bruises here.

Umosa hoisting their fourth item.


Okay, stop.

Shannon, go.


Come on to your right.

Move to your left.

Put it on.

Put it on.

Tom with their fourth item back.

Really behind.



Go left.

Right side.



Go right.

Go right.



Shannon, left.


And stop.

Down low.



Go, Avi.


Mogoton with their fourth item.



Umosa are getting their fifth and final item back to hoist.

Okay, boys.

Once this is up, they'll only have their flag to go.
















Go, Meyer, up.


This person has their flag back to go.

This one is going down to the wire.

Straight forward.

Straight forward and go right a little.



Go left.

Go left.

Go forward.


Go right.

Mogotan, not far behind.

Faster, faster, faster, faster.


Go up, go.


Tommache, dig deep.

Remember, this is for immunity.

Go right.

Turn around.

I've got you.

Is that it?

Come on.

Mogaton have got their flag.

Mosa working with that flag.


I felt that, Michael.

Slow it down, slow it down.

Mosa have got that flag on the horse.

Stand back up.

But Mogaton are caught on their heels.

90 degrees.

Yeah, okay.

Yeah, okay, now stop there.

Okay, boys, here we go.


Mosa's flag going up.

One little stumble and Mogaton are back in this game.

Come on, straight!

Come on, guys!

Up, up, up!

Up, up, up, up!

Mosa wins immunity!







Oh, my God!




Oh, my God!











Guys, that was a really hard-fought challenge,

but there obviously can only be one winner,

and that is Mosa.


Who wants the idol?









Unfortunately, Mogaton,

you will be attending Tribal Council tonight,

where you will have to vote out one of your own

and send them to Redemption Island.

You've got the afternoon to figure out

who that's going to be.

Everyone back to camp.

It was just disappointing that we failed in our pulley

in getting the items to me.

There was a lack of communication between Sila and Tony,

and we did lose the challenge from that,

and I think it was really disappointing.



We really, really needed this win

to hang on to that Immunity Idol.

I mean, that is what the game is about,

is getting this Immunity Idol.

And we got it.

It was incredible!

Well that was wicked. That was awesome. We rocked it. Oh man smashed it. So this one is good for me

gives me a little more time in the game a couple more days to get into the garden and plant some

seeds. Who do you reckon they're gonna vote off? Isabel. I think Izzy too.

I thought you guys had it under control it was like wonky and I was like oh no like oh cool.

I was like I'm waiting for you matua what are we doing? And then you go pull pull pull.

Damn damn oh man. Today in the challenge Tony dropped the ball the communication

was just not there and it cost us a win. It was our trolley egg. Yeah we had a bit of a

bit of a breakdown in communication and things got quite confusing eh with the old blindfolds.

I can't say that anyone underperformed because I didn't see anything. From what I hear from what

I've been told Tony's pulling there was some faltering and that's where we kind of slipped

up and lost a bit of time. Tribal coming up. Just a couple hours eve I suppose. And then whoever

leaves here will join Hannah. It's all part of the game eh? Sucks. I can't believe we're going

to tribal council again. It's not what we need right now and uh yeah I'm not looking forward to

the scrambled conversations that we're going to have. So let's come to the tasty matua. What's

going on in your head in regards to your vote? Well the truth is that's Tom. Tom?

I reckon we need him. After the challenge today eh? I reckon we really do need him.

Because I could you know if it wasn't for him we would have really lost that.

Which leaves Izzy. I do agree with what you're saying. Tom is a strong player and he will get

us through the challenges. But the way I'm looking at it Tom is after me. I'll go with

what you say Matua. If you think we can do it without Tom then I'll put Tom's name down.

But in my head I think we need the strongest team. Yeah. I'm only sticking to what Tony wants

because I respect Tony. And it's just one of those values that I have and that's my heart

you know that was going to get me in trouble. And I won't be surprised if that's the case.

Would you how would you feel if we went Izzy first and if we lose the next one and then Tom?

And we stick to it. Do you want to have a think about it? Yeah yeah why don't we do that tiny

thing about it. Because I can see both ends. Yeah. They both make sense.

We just we need to win challenges. That's the priority because if we go to merge

like a few men a few men down and then the other tribe then it's kind of an easy win for them.

They can just knock us all out. After the challenge immediately people are kind of starting

to talk obviously. We've got tribal council in a few hours so it's natural people are peering off

whispers of you know going off and I'm a little the same because Tom's name is coming up. Tom

of all people. Which just seems crazy to me to kind of be cutting down these strong team members.

I mean would you guys really be that adverse? I don't think it would change that much for

getting ourselves ahead if we vote Tony out. And I feel like we'd be a really solid group

and I feel like Salah might be a bit upset and hurt but he'll understand and be fine and he

won't have to vote for Tony himself. We need to think about what is our most cohesive group

and that goes beyond physical although physical is really important.

So like things like communication and morale and like when are we performing at our best.

People were definitely kind of coming to terms with this idea already that Tom is a super strong

player who we need and that Tony is not necessarily you know the greatest for I don't know a cohesive

positive group. We need to be thinking right now what is worth it for us what's going to work for

us in three days when we have to face the rest of the game. I agree. I'm in an alliance with Tony

but I just have to play it the way I feel like it needs to be played.

I don't think everyone's scrambling because we don't have much time for tribal council and

nobody knows what they're doing. Who would you vote for?

For our own safety. Tony and Tom I would really love both of them to stay. Everyone else has got

different perspective as to who is really strong but to be honest I think we need both of them.

I don't want to be a part of losing a really great team member.

Tom wants Tony.

I am umming and ahhing between head and heart because in my head we need Tom. He's fast,

he's intelligent, but in my heart man I've got to stay true to Matoa.

Okay well if you're confident with your vote, you guys are confident with your votes,

then we'll consider this what it is.

I've really made commitments to Matoa, Tony,

Lionel, to let him know that his name could possibly be on the chopping block.

What happens Matoa if you get voted off?

Well you heard something.

I don't know eh, I just...

Well I took your word from day one mate and we all know when day one was.

I told you, I told you right from the get-go.

No. Do I trust Sawa?

Yes I do and I would be very, very disappointed and pissed off if it was actually him that was

putting my name up for the chop and if that was the case then that makes him very clever

and he's only playing me.

Let's just say risky so I'm left voting for someone else.

You know if they want to play those games I will be pissed off all right.

If you want to stand on my toes, I'll come back with vengeance.

So you tell them they want to vote for me, do it.

We are here to play a game but if you want to jump around willy-nilly,

you'll find you're standing on the wrong person's toes mate.

I'm not making a three-three, I'm just saying that's the way I see it.

I'll give you my word Matoa.

Yeah I trust you mate.

I've been given a subtle hint.

Some people are pointing the finger at me.

So if I don't do something, then what?

I get the chop, I've done nothing.

If I've got to lie, I'll be like everybody else on this island and I'll lie.

It's not on my nature to do it but my back's against the wall now and we're running out of time.

You're good mate?

Have you figured out who you're going to vote for tonight?

I'm really like below the shelf at the moment.

Okay, still thinking about it. I'm just letting you know, I will not vote for you.

I would think a good idea for you, Teck, would be to vote for Tom.

I'm just letting you know the dynamics of what people are thinking.

I hear that my name's being bandied about and that's fine but,

you know, I've been working hard since day one and I'm trying to do everything right

and I got a redemption and I'm going to come back here and I'll be pissed off.

You see me, I'll come back here with a vengeance, mate.


I want to find out who put my name down. I'm coming out.

I don't take lightly to threats and if that's the game he wants to play then so be it.

I don't care.

Just make sure you check your shoes, fellas.

You just don't know how strong these lines really are and the only test is tribal council.

If I'm in the tight four then I shouldn't have to worry because there's only seven people in the trot.

Yeah, I don't feel 100% safe tonight.

The girls could be just lying to me, you know, especially Shea.

She could say they're going to vote for Tony but then really

turn around on me and I could go to redemption island.

I'm not feeling good at all going into tribal council.

There's definitely talks of Tony having his name down.

The argument makes sense but I'm loyal to him and I've given him my word.

So this is tearing me apart.

I don't know what to do.

Bogatone, just day four and your second trip to tribal council.

What's it like being back?

We don't want to be here.

Tony, how much have you reflected on that loss this morning?

Quite a bit there, Matt. It was a very close loss.

There wasn't a lot in it.

So in my mind as a loss, it's not really a big deal because it shows how competitive we are.

Competitive level, pretty close.

I feel like the caller role required a lot of leadership.

Louisa, how well do you think you performed?

To tell you the truth, I actually think I did really well.

You know, I got the team there as quick as I could, as fast as I could and I really did my best.

You were the only one in the tribe that really saw what happened in that challenge.

Do you think anyone else dropped the ball?

We had a wee mistake which I think put us behind.

Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication between Sila and Tony about pulling.

I think that's where we lost our time and that's where it went wrong.

But it's a mistake to learn from and I think we all have.

Tony, you'll take the heat for that?

Yeah, I'll take the heat for that.

Two people on the hoisting though.



Yeah, we pretty much stuffed it up for the team, to be honest.

I was just panicking. I don't know what to do.

I just started pulling ahead and then, yeah, so I feel like I let the team down big time.


How much weight do you put on that challenge and that loss in making your decision tonight?


It's something that I consider, but I take in everything, everything in this game.

What other things are you considering?

Getting along with people. Can I trust them?

Do they help out?

Are they... there's so many things.

How hard is it making a decision to vote someone out

when you're probably getting along reasonably well after only four days?

Yeah, it's hard, Matt. It's really hard.

It's tearing me apart, eh, to be honest.

Sila, do you think you can play this game with honour to the end?

I don't know. You know, you'd like to say that you can.

From what I've seen of Sila's performance over the last few days,

I definitely think he's shown a lot of honour.

He's been true to what he believes in and the standards that he has,

and we all respect that.

And if his vote goes a different way to an alliance he has,

just so that he's following his heart, then we all understand that and we're fine with that.

Would anyone like to say anything before this tribe cast their vote tonight?


Thinking about moving the tribe forward

and just ensuring that we can keep winning challenges.

That's what I'm thinking about.

I want to keep this tribe as strong as possible.

Anyone else want to say anything?


I don't want to be a part of voting out someone close or special or anything like that.

We've got to keep strong friendships and trust.

OK, it's time to vote.

Izzy, you're up.

I'm really sorry, mate.

This is just what I need to do right now.

I'll go tell you the votes.

Once the votes are read, the decision is final.

The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, Tony.

Tony, two votes Tony.

Arvi, two votes Tony, one vote Arvi.

Tony, three votes Tony, one vote Arvi.

Tony, three votes Tony, one vote Arvi, two votes Tom.

Second person voted out of Mogaton, Tony.

You need to bring me a torch.

Tony, the tribe has spoken.

You all have a chance to re-enter this game.

Grab your torch, head to Redemption Island.

Good luck, guys.

I can see a lot of you have wrestled with tonight's decision.

You've just voted out a man who's been integral in setting up your camp.

Be interesting to see how you survive without him.

Grab your torches and head on back.

Next time on Survivor New Zealand.

Barb and Nate look to test the Gen Y alliance at Omosa.

So if you had to vote somebody out of that little group, who would you want to vote?

A fierce game of cat and mouse puts the tribes through their paces.

And Tony confronts his former tribe mates.

What they did was wrong.

I am pissed off because I've worked my butt off and I've been blatantly lied to.

And it's got to be members of the so-called alliance.

You're awesome, Tony.

I'm sorry.

Being a bit of an amateur philosopher, I've got to put that to the side

because now I'm going to Redemption Island.

I'm still in the game.

I'm not out of the game.