Survivor (2000–…): Season 7, Episode 12 - Would You Be My Brutus Today? - full transcript
Faltering alliances leave everyone vulnerable at tribal council.
>> JEFF PROBST: Previously
on Survivor:
>> Where's that snake mother ...
>> PROBST: Tempers flared
after Rupert was voted out.
>> Every time a plan went down,
you put it together.
>> PROBST: And Christa was
blamed for throwing out the
>> We can't sabotage the tribe.
>> I didn't do it.
>> PROBST: But Sandra was the
true culprit.
>> They're not going to enjoy
Rupert's fish-- screw that.
>> PROBST: At the reward
challenge, the castaways were
surprised by the arrival
of their loved ones.
( sobbing )
>> Come here.
>> PROBST: But Jon was told
by his best friend that his
grandmother had died.
The tribe let Jon win the reward
so he could spend time
with his best friend.
As part of the reward,
the rest of the tribe was
exiled to a deserted island,
giving Jon and his friend
exclusive use of the Balboa
camp, where they celebrated
the success of a devious lie.
>> That was a brilliant
performance, sir.
>> He was like, "If you come
down here, tell me my grandma
>> The fake dead grandmother
could easily go down
as the dirtiest thing
ever to be done in this game.
>> PROBST: When the tribe
returned, Jon went right to
work, strategizing with Burton.
>> I just want it to be the two
of us in the final two.
>> PROBST: But Sandra and
Tijuana were secretly listening
>> It was better for her to hear
it with her own ears coming out
of their mouths than for me
to put things in her head
and for her to have doubts.
>> PROBST: At the immunity
challenge, the survivor's
vocabulary skills were tested.
Darrah wins immunity.
Nice job.
Before Tribal Council,
Jon pleaded with his two enemies
in a desperate attempt
to save Burton's skin.
>> Jon, you just don't know
how much we distrust you.
>> I swear on my grandmother.
That's a big freakin' deal.
>> PROBST: The plea worked,
and at Tribal Council, it was
Tijuana who was voted out.
The tribe has spoken.
Six are left.
Who will be voted out tonight?
Captioning sponsored by
(theme song playing)
♪ ♪
>> You think Jon would lie?
♪ ♪
>> You think Jon would lie?
>> I'm-I'm starting to think so.
I think he laid it on us good,
and we didn't look at the
bigger, bigger picture, and,
um, now we're screwed.
>> Tribal Council was very
interesting, based upon a
last-minute decision
to get rid of T.
Jon made an agreement that he
would take Sandra and I to the
top four, along with Burton.
>> I'll just see what I can do.
>> I don't know whether or not
to believe him, because...
I can't believe him ever.
>> Burton's totally cool,
so last thing I want
for you guys is doubt.
Christa made me swear on my
grandmother's grave that I would
carry Christa and Sandra
to the final four.
And I-I believe I used
the phrase before:
Promises are like
wicker furniture and fat women:
easily broken by Jonny Fairplay.
I've rolled the dice a lot
in this game.
>> Don't go rolling it on me.
>> Look, I'm happy now.
Don't make me unhappy.
Let's just ride this thing out
to final four; we'll be fine.
>> All right.
I really hope he's telling us
the truth.
Probably not.
I don't know.
I think that Sandra and I
have a better chance
of getting ahead
with four women than Burton,
Jon, myself and Sandra.
>> Are you ready?
>> Yeah.
We don't have to bring
a thousand woods, right?
Just one, quick, dry wood run.
Me and Christa,
we've been tight since, like,
day number two or three.
But without Darrah right now,
I can't move another step.
I can't take another step
without knowing where Darrah
stands right now.
She voted for Burton last night.
She shouldn't have a problem
voting for him
either tomorrow or the next day.
The deal we made yesterday
to save Burton's skin
was that you or Lill
would go first,
but it didn't matter to us
who went when, right?
>> Mm-hmm.
>> Now, I want the guys to go.
>> Yeah, yeah.
>> You understand what I'm
>> Yeah. Uh-huh.
>> You think that'll work?
>> Yeah.
Sandra's already talked to me
this morning.
I mean, I'm sure there'll be a
bunch of different ones coming
up to me, trying to sway votes
and stuff.
So, I'm just going to play it,
you know, let them come up to
me and see what's going on.
And then, I'll decide what I
need to do after that.
>> I still think that Burton
is a bigger threat than Jon.
>> I do, too.
>> Then, we'll get Jon on the
next shot because Jon is just
like a girl.
>> Right.
>> Wait till you see
what's in the bag.
>> Oh, my goodness.
>> Oh, Big Daddy.
>> Should we save some for
>> Yeah, I'm cool with whatever.
>> We got mail.
>> Come read it over here.
>> "It's nice to be pampered.
For you, it's been a while.
Refresh yourself inside and out.
We're talking life and style.
This luxurious reward,
you'll really want to get.
But if you move too slowly,
all you'll get is wet."
>> Whenever I hear "wet" and
"water," that's awful for me.
>> PROBST: Come on in, guys!
31 days.
>> Thank you.
>> Thank you.
>> PROBST: For today's reward
challenge, you will compete in
teams of three, which we will
randomly draw in a moment.
Here's how it works:
You're going to compete
in a water obstacle course.
First tribe member starts
on the first platform
where you must cross
a balance beam.
You'll then dive in and untie
two paddles from two separate
wooden crates.
You'll then swim
to a second platform,
join your second tribe member.
You'll dive back into the water
and release three underwater
floating barrels.
Together, the two of you will
then swim to a third platform.
You'll untie a third paddle,
join your third tribe member,
and all three of you
will swim to shore.
You'll then get in your boat and
paddle back to the start.
First tribe to get back
to the start in their boat
with all three tribe members
wins reward.
Want to know what
you're playing for?
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: Well, after 31 days,
you deserve a little TLC.
So, today's reward is an
overnight spa.
You'll be flown to a remote
resort island.
You can then enjoy a massage.
For dinner, you'll order
whatever you want
and you'll awaken to a
There is a swimming pool.
So, for the winning tribe:
your swimsuits.
>> Oh!
>> PROBST: The first clothes
you've seen from those suitcases
you left behind 31 days ago.
Worth playing for?
>> Yes.
>> Hell, yeah.
>> PROBST: All right.
There are three silver coins
and three gold coins.
They are numbered
"one," "two" and "three."
"One" refers to the first
"two" to the second position;
and "three" to the third
Open up.
Let's see our tribes.
>> One?
Oh, Lord.
>> PROBST: Sandra, you are in
the first position.
You're going to be swimming
the most.
>> Oh, my God!
>> PROBST: Christa, you are
with Sandra at second position.
Burton, you're the tail.
You will be swimming the least.
For you, Darrah, it's all on
Then Lill and Jon.
Head on out to your spots.
For a great reward,
Survivors ready?
Sandra took a chinner
on the first platform.
Darrah with just a bit
of a lead, starting to work
on her first paddle.
Sandra at work
on her first paddle.
Darrah swimming toward her
second paddle.
Sandra has her first paddle.
Darrah has the second paddle.
She's got to get up
on the platform.
Darrah and Lill
onto the second stage.
Sandra still working
on her second paddle.
Darrah and Lill heading
for the barrels.
>> Slide above the end!
Push it!
>> PROBST: Got to release three
barrels, Darrah.
Darrah has her first barrel.
Lill working on that third
Let's go, Sandra.
Get that knot off.
You guys are not that far
Darrah has her second barrel.
Sandra still having trouble
with her second paddle.
Darrah has her third barrel.
Lill working on
that third paddle.
They've got the third paddle.
Lill, Darrah and Jon in the
water on the third stage.
>> Undo it! Undo it!
Quick! Quick!
>> PROBST: Sandra has the
second paddle.
Christa helps her up.
Get in the water.
Take the paddles.
You've got it.
I'll get you the second
you get here.
>> Come on, girls.
>> PROBST: Jon, Lill and Darrah
really having a hard time
with their boat.
Christa has the first barrel up.
Christa has the second barrel
up, making up a lot of ground
Christa has her third barrel.
Lill, Darrah and Jon starting
their paddle back to the finish.
Stage two is done.
Burton's now in this.
Swimming back to shore,
going for the boat.
It's going to be
too little, too late.
( yells )
It's over.
Lill, Darrah, Jon.
Overnight spa reward.
Bring your boat in.
You guys will be taken to a
plane, dinner, anything
you want off the menu,
breakfast tomorrow,
good night's sleep,
air conditioning.
>> This could be the best reward
in the history of the game.
>> This is awesome.
>> After Jon, D, and I won the
award, we got on a boat,
took a tour of the island,
and got put on a plane.
>> ( Lill gasps )
Look at this!
>> Oh, I cannot wait to get in
that bathtub.
>> Food, here we come.
>> Let's party!
>> It was amazing to see our
home from above.
There's our island, guys.
>> Yep, there's our island.
>> It sure is.
>> I wish it was me.
>> ( Jon speaks inaudibly )
>> It is so gorgeous.
It was a breathtaking view.
It was something
that I'm not going to forget
for a long time.
>> We've only seen
the Pearl Islands via our boat.
Words can't describe
how big this place is.
I mean, there's just ocean,
ocean, ocean, ocean,
and the biggest islands
you've ever seen
and the smallest islands
you've ever seen.
There was just so many of them
>> That was fabulous.
( cheerful scream )
>> Oh, wow.
>> Oh, my gosh!
Look at this!
>> We had no idea how cool
the hotel would be.
And when we got here, it's,
uh... this is absolute paradise.
>> Oh, my God!
>> The room is huge.
There was a big living room,
a huge bedroom,
a big bathroom, mirrors.
>> Whoo!
>> ( screams )
>> Wow.
>> Oh, my gosh...
>> It's not me!
>> Look at my eyebrows.
>> That first look at myself
in a mirror was so shocking.
Oh, my gosh!
>> I have lost so much weight.
>> I hadn't seen myself for...
30-some days.
>> Shower.
>> Shower!
>> Oh, this feels so good.
>> We might tell D she's, uh...
she's top three, just to keep
her from jumping.
>> I won't say a word.
>> This was, bar none, the
greatest reward we could be
given at this stage of the game.
It gave me a chance, personally,
to talk with D and Lill
without, uh, worrying about, uh,
Sandra and Christa overhearing,
and gave me a chance to, uh,
heal up some of my, uh, war
wounds from the first, uh,
30-plus days.
>> Oh, baby.
The masseuse put cucumbers
over my eyes.
I guess they do something
for the skin.
I think I needed a whole
cucumber to do anything for my
my skin.
>> Oh, this is the best.
The Pearl Islands are paradise.
However, it sucks with the bugs.
It sucks with some of the
It sucks with the food.
>> Oh!
>> Here, this is paradise and
that's an awesome feeling.
>> Oh, my gosh, this lady is
>> I feel sorry for Burton
>> Hope this doesn't have
to be a clean fillet,
'cause I am shredding
this thing.
>> Did Jon talk to you
about everything?
You're not going
to screw us over?
>> No, I haven't.
I haven't even talked
to him about anything.
Jon said, if we saved you,
that Darrah and Lill would go.
>> Okay! I, I haven't
even talked to Jon.
He just said...
>> Jon told us the wrong thing.
He said that we'd be in
the final four;
it would be two and two--
you and him and Sandra and I.
>> I'm in... I'm in a bit
of an odd position right now,
in that I am alone in the camp
with Sandra and Christa.
And I haven't talked to Jon
fully about this, so I don't
know what to tell them.
I mean, I've lied to them
I guess I could continue to lie.
But at the same time,
I don't want to piss them off,
because they're going
to be on the jury
and I want to be the one
they vote for.
We all came together
and we both saved each other.
Well, if Christa wasn't on
the chopping block,
it'd be one thing.
You didn't make that
voting decision to save me.
>> Burton has never been one
to talk to me and Christa
clearly about anything.
But let it be known
that if it wasn't for me
and Christa,
Burton would not be here today.
You would think that
that would count for something.
And then here he is saying
that he, he can't promise us
third and fourth.
That's a bunch of baloney.
The first chance I get
to send him home,
he's going home.
>> It's just hard to tell.
I can't tell when
people lie anymore.
Like, people can tell
when I'm lying.
I'm looking at them just like...
>> Well, the thing
is around here is, like...
just, everyone's lying
to everyone.
The only time you know
where someone stands
is when they vote
at Tribal Council.
The conversation that Sandra
and I had with Burton
was a real eye-opener for me.
It was, uh... I saw the light
>> I mean, no matter how strong
your best friend is out here,
at the end of the day,
it's not as strong as
a million dollars.
>> At this point, it's every man
for themselves, I see it.
We're not here
to make best friends.
We're not here to do anything
like that.
We're here to play a game
and get as far as we can.
>> Ooh!
Oh, we got pajamas.
>> No way.
( Lill squeals ):
Oh, you're kidding!
>> Oh, they're silk.
>> Oh, my God.
>> On our bed was silky pajamas.
We put them on, pranced around,
showed them off.
This is so exciting.
>> This is so wonderful.
>> I think we have a table
for three.
>> When we got to dinner,
I was starving.
And I, I...
It was so nice to be able
to open a menu up
and to be able to read.
I did remember how to read
after all this time.
My mouth is watering.
>> Chicken fingers
will definitely be
a good appetizer.
>> What about the clam?
>> Lill, you really want
to do clam
after 31 days of eating
nothing but seafood?
I'll order for you guys.
For dinner, she would like
the filet mignon.
>> I love a man that takes over.
>> Me, too.
>> How would you like
that prepared?
>> Um, medium rare.
>> Medium rare.
>> Jon ordered all the food
for all of us.
I enjoyed that.
You know, I, I like when a guy
takes the initiative.
Rock and roll, man.
Rock and roll.
I'm a great date.
I have a pretty extensive
fine food knowledge,
and I was able to show that off.
( Lill gasps )
>> Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my...
What's that?
>> That's bruschetta.
>> You're a whole lot more
smarter than me.
>> There's a few more sides
to Jonny Fairplay
than these girls
had any clue about.
And as Lill said, I'm much more
than just a pretty face.
I have noticed Sandra and
Christa will never give me a
>> Out in the water...
>> Yeah.
>> ...they said to me,
"We're going to kick out Jon
"and we're going to kick out,
um, Burton.
>> Are you with us?"
When we were eating,
we talked a lot about what's
been going on behind the scenes.
I know that Jon had to promise
Christa and Sandra a lot
in order for them
to back us up to get rid of T.
I had to promise on my
grandmother to them.
Oh, no, no, no, no!
Don't do that.
I had to.
She's looking down here at you.
I know.
She'll forgive me.
I had so much fun in explaining
to, uh, D and Lill that,
uh, Christa made me swear
on my grandmother's grave.
And I told Lill that it upset
me so much to have to do that.
And I was like, "One of her
last wishes was that,
that I win."
( laughing )
( laughing )
Lill is very antsy
and there was lots of strategy
that we needed to go over, uh,
for the last stage of the game.
There's a lot of people
worried about you, Lill.
>> Why?
>> Because.
Who whispered this
morning that like...
>> Lill is the queen of sitting
around the camp going...
>> I am not!
>> Yes, you are.
I am not!
>> You hurt my feelings...
>> Lill, I'm going to keep
hurting your feelings
unless you start
telling the truth.
>> I'm going to bed.
>> Lill, that's not helping
>> I'm going to bed.
You hurt my feelings.
>> Lill, you're...
you're doing more damage
than anything.
>> Lill, get in here.
We got stuff to talk about.
>> Jon talks down to me
like I'm some idiot.
Lill, it's the truth.
Make me sound
like a big-mouth.
It is not the truth.
He wants to show
that he's in charge and...
you know, I've seen that before.
And I'm thinking
that may be his way
of separating himself from me.
( thunder crashing )
>> So, I was thinking
about Darrah.
I tell you, after that
that challenge, I fear her
most in something like that,
'cause I think she has
a good chance of winning.
>> Yep. Watch your step on here.
>> This morning, Christa and I
went out looking for mussels
to eat.
And she brought up a strategy,
again, what I was thinking.
But she is willing
to make concessions,
and she's looking, um,
to get farther in the game.
So, it's a good thing to know.
Well, let me ask you this...
Without having talked to Jon,
I have no idea what's going on.
>> But...
>> But... would you vote Sandra
out next if that was the case?
>> I would go along with it,
if that's what you guys
wanted me to do
and get rid of her first.
But from a strategic
and just seeing how Darrah
is most likely
to win immunity...
I mean, I know that it's
probably not going to be
something super physical,
but Darrah was a cheerleader
and she can hang in
for long periods of time,
you know?
>> Nothing Christa said this
morning really surprised me.
I had a feeling she would
stab Sandra in the back if she
needed to.
She does really want Darrah
to go first.
All the options are still open,
but it might not be bad
to have Christa in the top four.
Because if Jon did do
something funny,
um, I'm pretty sure I could beat
Christa at Tribal Council.
I think she's rubbed a lot
of people the wrong way.
I would like to see you
in the top four.
I really want to go
to the top four.
And I will do what I can
to get you there.
So, you...
you got my word on that.
>> I think that Burton
understands that this is a game,
and we're all trying
to get ahead.
Me stabbing Sandra in the back
and getting rid of her...
isn't anything personal.
It's nothing about that.
It's about getting farther ahead
and doing the right thing
to win this game.
>> Good morning.
>> This morning,
we awoke to a big, fresh pot
of coffee and, uh, bacon, eggs,
the most amazing banana nut
bread on the planet,
fresh O.J, fresh fruit.
Great way to start the day
and yet another advantage
that we have over the others
going into the final.
>> I see Survivor as a big game
of human chess.
I felt that I could feed off
Darrah's greed and basically
say, "Hey, look, you know,
there's no way anyone
can beat Lill in a jury."
And she agreed.
I was like, you know, "So,
"without, uh, without anyone
knowing, how about me and
you Final Two?"
And she did
the math in her head,
and she was, like,
"I think you're exactly right."
>> Okay.
I won't say anything else
about it.
>> It's going to be me and...
and Jon in the Final Two.
I mean, Jon, you know,
he's a snake.
He lies, but...
he also tells the truth, too.
And, I don't...
I know he's not sitting here
lying to me about
going to the Final Two.
>> I want to know everything.
Start from when
the boat left...
>> When Jon, Lill and Darrah
returned from the reward,
I was happy to see them,
because I was glad
the reward was over for them.
I'm still jealous.
But I wanted to hear everything.
I want to hear everything
from the beginning to the end.
>> All right, so, let me...
We'll start at the beginning.
Big bed,
enough for three people,
shower, commode, toothbrush,
>> (screams)
>> I wanted to kind of
play it down a little bit,
but he told them
every detail there was.
And I thought, "Well, okay.
It's not me telling it
and bragging on it."
Filet mignon, cheeseburger,
another filet mignon.
>> Bastard!
>> We ate for four hours.
( Jon laughing )
>> Get out.
>> Jon, please tell me
you're at least hung over.
Well, they're taking
it pretty good.
>> But, um...
>> All a front.
All a front.
>> So, what did you
guys talk about?
>> Everything's set.
I told Lill
"top three" wh-when Darrah
was in the shower.
I told D,
"There's no way we can beat Lill
or, uh, Burton in a jury."
I was, like,
"So, it's me and you."
She goes, "I was thinking
the exact same thing."
>> After talking to Jon, it
sounds like he did a great job,
basically promising
Lill and Darrah, um, enough
so that they should never break
this alliance.
I'm not worried about D,
and I'm not worried about Lill.
>> Well, then, who's next?
>> Huh?
>> Who's next?
>> Christa's next.
>> So, you're going
to blindside Christa?
>> Yeah.
>> Okay.
>> Is that cool with you?
>> Yeah, I mean...
Why are you flip-flopping
on Christa?
No, no.
I'm not flip-flopping.
>> You can't be nice
on any of these screwing-over
people, you know?
Like, we both have
to be equally as evil.
>> Yeah. Dude, we're both...
>> Okay.
>> My strategy at this point in
the game is to work with Jon.
Jon's the bad cop,
I'm the good cop.
As we kick these people
out of the game,
if it all works as planned,
they will be mad at Jon
and not me.
Assuming nothing changes,
you and I are guaranteed top
>> I know.
>> So, neither of us will
>> That's... it's a guarantee.
>> Oh, man...
>> That's... it's a guarantee.
>> Oh, man...
I just want to sleep.
( mutters )
This game runs my life
24 hours a day.
>> I know it does.
>> I've had two dreams
since I've been here
that weren't related
to the game.
>> Are you still,
you know, I'm asking...
Are you still thinking
that we're the Final Two?
>> I'm really not thinking.
I... don't want to think
that far in advance.
Okay, you're telling me now that
you've had second thoughts.
That's not true.
I think
two Tribal Councils in advance.
>> Last night, I couldn't sleep.
And I got up
and went to the fire.
I asked him, "So, are you still
comfortable with this...
you and I at the end?"
And he said, "Let's just do
one at a time."
>> I can't help but feeling
you're having second thoughts.
( muttering indistinctly )
>> Yeah, but Lill,
that's in your head.
I'm not having thoughts.
>> Okay. All right.
I just want
to be prepared
that I know where I stand.
I am not going to screw you
over, okay?
>> Okay.
What I have told Lill
is that I will never lie
to her in this game.
I told her I'd take her as far
as I could.
And I do have
an allegiance with her, and I do
have an alliance with her.
But I have never promised her
top two.
>> Well, I have a feeling
I'd better make immunity, then.
>> It ticks me a little bit.
Matter of fact, it pisses me off
a little bit, but...
what can I do about it?
Um... the only thing
that would save me is to
win immunity at the end.
Then that may even justify me
to turn my back on him.
>> PROBST: Come on in, guys!
to turn my back on him.
>> PROBST: Come on in, guys!
All right, let's get to today's
immunity challenge.
Darrah, give it up.
Nice to have it on, isn't it?
>> Yeah, it feels good.
>> Immunity back up for grabs.
For today's immunity challenge,
you will fire traditional
pirate muskets.
They've been modified
to shoot flares.
You'll be shooting at targets.
You each have three targets.
First person
to hit all three targets
wins immunity.
Everybody else, vulnerable
at tonight's Tribal Council.
Take your spots.
Wait for my "Go."
First three:
Christa, Lill and Sandra.
Christa, you're up first.
Ever shot a gun before?
>> Never shot a gun
in my entire life.
>> PROBST: Let me...
let me give you a hand.
Yeah, put this hand...
under here, right
under here, like you're...
There you go.
And you're gonna
pull this back, and
then you're gonna
fire the trigger.
>> PROBST: Look at that.
First time she shoots a gun,
hits her target.
One target down for Christa.
>> Nice shot.
>> PROBST: Lill.
Little low.
Little low.
Step back.
Next three, step in.
Jon, Darrah
and Burton.
Jon... looking
for your first target.
Just a little to the left.
>> ( sighs )
>> PROBST: All right, Darrah,
show them how it's done.
I know you want immunity again.
Darrah connects.
On the board with her first
Nice shooting.
Nails his first target
on his first hit.
End of the first round...
Christa has one hit,
Burton has one hit,
Darrah has one hit.
Next three, up.
Everybody rotate one position
to your right.
Sandra, looking
for your first hit.
Takes her aim.
Fires a little low.
Christa, looking for
your second target.
Look at that.
Christa nails another target.
Two for two.
Lill takes her aim.
Lill just low again.
Step back.
Next three, up.
Burton, hit your target
on your first shot.
Burton with his second shot,
looking for a second target
to stay tight with Christa.
And he just misses, just low.
Jon, looking for his first hit.
Jon low.
All right, Darrah.
Looking for your second hit.
And she does.
Good shot.
Darrah on the board
with two targets.
Step back.
Next three, up.
Here's where we're at:
Christa on the board
with two hits,
Darrah with two hits,
Burton with one.
Christa, looking for her
third and final target.
>> Damn, I was happy for you.
>> Wow. Hit the wood.
That was close.
>> PROBST: Hit the wood.
Close, but no cigar.
Lill connects.
Lill on the board.
Sandra with her first hit,
on the board with one.
Here's where we're at:
Christa on the board
with two hits,
Darrah with two hits,
Lill, Sandra, Burton
each with one.
Darrah, looking for her third
and final target.
If she hits it,
she'll win immunity.
And she hits it.
Whoo! Darrah has hit
all three targets.
Darrah wins immunity
for the second time.
Get up here.
Once again,
the smallest girl
out here is the safest.
The other five of you,
somebody going home.
Head back to your camp.
I'll see you guys
at the Tribal Council.
>> Congratulations, Darrah.
>> Deadeye Darrah.
>> I almost won immunity.
I almost, almost always
win immunity,
but that's never good enough.
I feel absolutely vulnerable.
You know,
right when you think something,
uh, things go completely...
>> We turned the tables once,
I'm sure we can
turn the tables again.
It's going to be
the women, watch.
I'm going to go home.
I feel like
I'm going to go home now.
You got saved once.
You're about to get saved again.
>> We want Burton gone, because
he's the strongest one
out here.
Although he hasn't
won these immunities,
but that doesn't mean anything.
he's stronger than we are,
and to put it all on an equal
playing field, we want
all the females together
till the end.
Would you be willing
to vote him off tonight?
>> Burton?
>> Yes or no?
>> No.
>> No? You're going
with who, with Lill?
>> Yeah, I'm voting for Lill.
So, Lill is it tonight?
>> I just want to make sure
everybody was on
the same sheet of music.
>> I think he's already
telling her right now.
>> Really?
I feel bad.
>> There's a word
in the English language,
uh, called "naive" and, uh,
some people are that,
and, obviously, those people
are playing this game.
>> I'm being told that
it's still Christa
that will be leaving tonight,
but that doesn't mean
that I can't, you know, organize
my stuff, pack my shells.
Never take anything for granted.
>> They're not going
to give up Lill.
That's bull...
>> It would throw everything
They're not giving up Lill.
Jon is a snake.
Jon will never be anything
other than a snake,
but the fact is
that Christa keeps telling me,
"Sandra, I honestly believe him.
"He swore on his grandmother.
Therefore, he can't be lying."
If I were you, I'd be
looking out for myself.
You need to look
out for you.
You and me.
Well, and this is how
we're going to stay alive.
This is how we're
going to stay alive.
>> Trust is nothing at this
point in the game.
It's cutthroat.
Everybody wants
to get to the end.
Everybody wants to go
one more place.
Lying is the way
to go out here.
Everybody has done it,
and everybody has done it well.
>> PROBST: Now, bring in the
and everybody has done it well.
>> PROBST: Now, bring in the
members of our jury--
and T, voted out
at the last Tribal Council.
33 days you've been out here.
Tonight, I want you to catch me
up on where this tribe is at
as we head into the six days.
Jon, at this point in the game,
would you describe the game
as "friendly," "mean,"
>> I would best describe
this point in time in the game
as the most hope-filled,
in which you have
to hope that the people
that you're aligning
yourself with are telling you
the truth.
Hope that you can outlast them,
hope that you're carrying
the right person to the end.
Burton, do you think this game
somehow gives you a license
to lie and betray and cheat?
>> It's, it's part of the game.
You've got to deceive people.
You have to make them think
one thing and do another.
I mean, it's just like any
competitive game.
You're trying to fake
out the other team,
and you're trying to get
farther at their expense.
>> PROBST: Christa, have you
lied in this game?
>> Uh...
I think I've lied a few times.
Um, definitely, I've kind
of tried to have this
philosophy from day one
not to lie to anybody
or at least just,
if I don't have to say
anything at all, you know,
I don't have to say it.
>> PROBST: Sandra,
who would you hate
to go up against
in the Final Two?
Lill. Why?
Everybody loves Lill.
She, um...
>> Aw...
>> I mean, like, to go
up against Lill
would be suicidal, and, uh,
she's the only one
here that I...
I feel like that about.
Lill, does it worry
you a little bit
that you're the oldest
Survivor out here,
you represent the Boy Scout,
and everybody loves you, in a
game in which
you want to put yourself against
somebody that people don't like?
It worries, it worries me
that the jury would
base their decision on somebody
that is nice.
Um, there's more to it than
nice; there's strategy there,
not just something...
someone that is nice.
>> PROBST: Christa, why not you
>> Um,I think I've rubbed some
people the wrong way...
a lot of people the wrong way,
and that might be
one reason that I
might stick around tonight
and not be voted off.
>> PROBST: So, back
to the likability factor,
it might help you tonight that a
couple of people don't like you.
Everything is completely
unpredictable all the time,
you know?
There's no trust here.
It's all about hope, you know?
Jon, do you trust your
relationships in this game--
right now?
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: Sandra, you trust
your alliances?
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: Christa, how about
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: Lill?
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: Burton?
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: Darrah?
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: So, we just sat here
tonight and talked about
lying and betrayal and deceit,
but you all trust
your relationships.
This is going to be interesting.
Darrah, you're wearing immunity.
Want to give it up?
>> No.
>> PROBST: She's keeping it.
Darrah's the only person
you can't vote for.
You all trust each other.
You have no idea what
the vote's gonna be.
So let's find out.
Jon, it is time to vote.
You're up.
>> Whether you like it or don't
like it, learn to love it,
because it's the best thing
going today.
>> Hopefully, everybody else
is doing the same thing
and voting for you.
>> You always
treated me with kindness.
Um, this is totally strategic,
because I'd hate
to go up against you.
You're too much
of a kind person
and I know they'd just
hand you the money and I can't
and I can't have that happen.
>> PROBST: I'll go tally the
Once the votes are read,
Once the votes are read,
the decision is final.
The person voted out
will be asked
to leave the Tribal Council
area immediately.
I'll read the votes.
First vote...
One vote Lill,
one vote Christa.
That's two votes Lill,
one vote Christa.
Three votes Christa,
two votes Lill.
11th person
voted out of the tribe.
You need to bring me your torch.
Christa, the tribe has spoken.
You guys told me you trusted
Christa, the tribe has spoken.
You guys told me you trusted
your relationships, and yet,
on the heels of Rupert and T.,
a third surprising vote
with only six days left and five
very clearly skilled liars
still in it.
Should be a fun finish.
You guys can get your torches.
Head back to camp.
Captioning sponsored by
Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH
from our next episode.
>> PROBST: Next time on
The guys are feeling cocky.
>> I don't think they could
come up with a decent strategy
if they had to.
We definitely have
an intellectual advantage.
>> PROBST: The girls are getting
fed up.
>> The sooner we get rid of
these jackasses, the better.
>> PROBST: And it all comes to
a head.
>> I swear on my grandmother.
I swear, I swear, I swear.
Now, do you guys have a plan
or not?
>> I wasn't quite expecting
to get voted off tonight.
It's really surprising to see
how everybody out here
fooled me
at every moment
of this entire game,
but I've made
really great friends.
Sandra and Rupert, both of them
have kept me happy
this whole entire time.
It's been
an adventure of a lifetime.
on Survivor:
>> Where's that snake mother ...
>> PROBST: Tempers flared
after Rupert was voted out.
>> Every time a plan went down,
you put it together.
>> PROBST: And Christa was
blamed for throwing out the
>> We can't sabotage the tribe.
>> I didn't do it.
>> PROBST: But Sandra was the
true culprit.
>> They're not going to enjoy
Rupert's fish-- screw that.
>> PROBST: At the reward
challenge, the castaways were
surprised by the arrival
of their loved ones.
( sobbing )
>> Come here.
>> PROBST: But Jon was told
by his best friend that his
grandmother had died.
The tribe let Jon win the reward
so he could spend time
with his best friend.
As part of the reward,
the rest of the tribe was
exiled to a deserted island,
giving Jon and his friend
exclusive use of the Balboa
camp, where they celebrated
the success of a devious lie.
>> That was a brilliant
performance, sir.
>> He was like, "If you come
down here, tell me my grandma
>> The fake dead grandmother
could easily go down
as the dirtiest thing
ever to be done in this game.
>> PROBST: When the tribe
returned, Jon went right to
work, strategizing with Burton.
>> I just want it to be the two
of us in the final two.
>> PROBST: But Sandra and
Tijuana were secretly listening
>> It was better for her to hear
it with her own ears coming out
of their mouths than for me
to put things in her head
and for her to have doubts.
>> PROBST: At the immunity
challenge, the survivor's
vocabulary skills were tested.
Darrah wins immunity.
Nice job.
Before Tribal Council,
Jon pleaded with his two enemies
in a desperate attempt
to save Burton's skin.
>> Jon, you just don't know
how much we distrust you.
>> I swear on my grandmother.
That's a big freakin' deal.
>> PROBST: The plea worked,
and at Tribal Council, it was
Tijuana who was voted out.
The tribe has spoken.
Six are left.
Who will be voted out tonight?
Captioning sponsored by
(theme song playing)
♪ ♪
>> You think Jon would lie?
♪ ♪
>> You think Jon would lie?
>> I'm-I'm starting to think so.
I think he laid it on us good,
and we didn't look at the
bigger, bigger picture, and,
um, now we're screwed.
>> Tribal Council was very
interesting, based upon a
last-minute decision
to get rid of T.
Jon made an agreement that he
would take Sandra and I to the
top four, along with Burton.
>> I'll just see what I can do.
>> I don't know whether or not
to believe him, because...
I can't believe him ever.
>> Burton's totally cool,
so last thing I want
for you guys is doubt.
Christa made me swear on my
grandmother's grave that I would
carry Christa and Sandra
to the final four.
And I-I believe I used
the phrase before:
Promises are like
wicker furniture and fat women:
easily broken by Jonny Fairplay.
I've rolled the dice a lot
in this game.
>> Don't go rolling it on me.
>> Look, I'm happy now.
Don't make me unhappy.
Let's just ride this thing out
to final four; we'll be fine.
>> All right.
I really hope he's telling us
the truth.
Probably not.
I don't know.
I think that Sandra and I
have a better chance
of getting ahead
with four women than Burton,
Jon, myself and Sandra.
>> Are you ready?
>> Yeah.
We don't have to bring
a thousand woods, right?
Just one, quick, dry wood run.
Me and Christa,
we've been tight since, like,
day number two or three.
But without Darrah right now,
I can't move another step.
I can't take another step
without knowing where Darrah
stands right now.
She voted for Burton last night.
She shouldn't have a problem
voting for him
either tomorrow or the next day.
The deal we made yesterday
to save Burton's skin
was that you or Lill
would go first,
but it didn't matter to us
who went when, right?
>> Mm-hmm.
>> Now, I want the guys to go.
>> Yeah, yeah.
>> You understand what I'm
>> Yeah. Uh-huh.
>> You think that'll work?
>> Yeah.
Sandra's already talked to me
this morning.
I mean, I'm sure there'll be a
bunch of different ones coming
up to me, trying to sway votes
and stuff.
So, I'm just going to play it,
you know, let them come up to
me and see what's going on.
And then, I'll decide what I
need to do after that.
>> I still think that Burton
is a bigger threat than Jon.
>> I do, too.
>> Then, we'll get Jon on the
next shot because Jon is just
like a girl.
>> Right.
>> Wait till you see
what's in the bag.
>> Oh, my goodness.
>> Oh, Big Daddy.
>> Should we save some for
>> Yeah, I'm cool with whatever.
>> We got mail.
>> Come read it over here.
>> "It's nice to be pampered.
For you, it's been a while.
Refresh yourself inside and out.
We're talking life and style.
This luxurious reward,
you'll really want to get.
But if you move too slowly,
all you'll get is wet."
>> Whenever I hear "wet" and
"water," that's awful for me.
>> PROBST: Come on in, guys!
31 days.
>> Thank you.
>> Thank you.
>> PROBST: For today's reward
challenge, you will compete in
teams of three, which we will
randomly draw in a moment.
Here's how it works:
You're going to compete
in a water obstacle course.
First tribe member starts
on the first platform
where you must cross
a balance beam.
You'll then dive in and untie
two paddles from two separate
wooden crates.
You'll then swim
to a second platform,
join your second tribe member.
You'll dive back into the water
and release three underwater
floating barrels.
Together, the two of you will
then swim to a third platform.
You'll untie a third paddle,
join your third tribe member,
and all three of you
will swim to shore.
You'll then get in your boat and
paddle back to the start.
First tribe to get back
to the start in their boat
with all three tribe members
wins reward.
Want to know what
you're playing for?
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: Well, after 31 days,
you deserve a little TLC.
So, today's reward is an
overnight spa.
You'll be flown to a remote
resort island.
You can then enjoy a massage.
For dinner, you'll order
whatever you want
and you'll awaken to a
There is a swimming pool.
So, for the winning tribe:
your swimsuits.
>> Oh!
>> PROBST: The first clothes
you've seen from those suitcases
you left behind 31 days ago.
Worth playing for?
>> Yes.
>> Hell, yeah.
>> PROBST: All right.
There are three silver coins
and three gold coins.
They are numbered
"one," "two" and "three."
"One" refers to the first
"two" to the second position;
and "three" to the third
Open up.
Let's see our tribes.
>> One?
Oh, Lord.
>> PROBST: Sandra, you are in
the first position.
You're going to be swimming
the most.
>> Oh, my God!
>> PROBST: Christa, you are
with Sandra at second position.
Burton, you're the tail.
You will be swimming the least.
For you, Darrah, it's all on
Then Lill and Jon.
Head on out to your spots.
For a great reward,
Survivors ready?
Sandra took a chinner
on the first platform.
Darrah with just a bit
of a lead, starting to work
on her first paddle.
Sandra at work
on her first paddle.
Darrah swimming toward her
second paddle.
Sandra has her first paddle.
Darrah has the second paddle.
She's got to get up
on the platform.
Darrah and Lill
onto the second stage.
Sandra still working
on her second paddle.
Darrah and Lill heading
for the barrels.
>> Slide above the end!
Push it!
>> PROBST: Got to release three
barrels, Darrah.
Darrah has her first barrel.
Lill working on that third
Let's go, Sandra.
Get that knot off.
You guys are not that far
Darrah has her second barrel.
Sandra still having trouble
with her second paddle.
Darrah has her third barrel.
Lill working on
that third paddle.
They've got the third paddle.
Lill, Darrah and Jon in the
water on the third stage.
>> Undo it! Undo it!
Quick! Quick!
>> PROBST: Sandra has the
second paddle.
Christa helps her up.
Get in the water.
Take the paddles.
You've got it.
I'll get you the second
you get here.
>> Come on, girls.
>> PROBST: Jon, Lill and Darrah
really having a hard time
with their boat.
Christa has the first barrel up.
Christa has the second barrel
up, making up a lot of ground
Christa has her third barrel.
Lill, Darrah and Jon starting
their paddle back to the finish.
Stage two is done.
Burton's now in this.
Swimming back to shore,
going for the boat.
It's going to be
too little, too late.
( yells )
It's over.
Lill, Darrah, Jon.
Overnight spa reward.
Bring your boat in.
You guys will be taken to a
plane, dinner, anything
you want off the menu,
breakfast tomorrow,
good night's sleep,
air conditioning.
>> This could be the best reward
in the history of the game.
>> This is awesome.
>> After Jon, D, and I won the
award, we got on a boat,
took a tour of the island,
and got put on a plane.
>> ( Lill gasps )
Look at this!
>> Oh, I cannot wait to get in
that bathtub.
>> Food, here we come.
>> Let's party!
>> It was amazing to see our
home from above.
There's our island, guys.
>> Yep, there's our island.
>> It sure is.
>> I wish it was me.
>> ( Jon speaks inaudibly )
>> It is so gorgeous.
It was a breathtaking view.
It was something
that I'm not going to forget
for a long time.
>> We've only seen
the Pearl Islands via our boat.
Words can't describe
how big this place is.
I mean, there's just ocean,
ocean, ocean, ocean,
and the biggest islands
you've ever seen
and the smallest islands
you've ever seen.
There was just so many of them
>> That was fabulous.
( cheerful scream )
>> Oh, wow.
>> Oh, my gosh!
Look at this!
>> We had no idea how cool
the hotel would be.
And when we got here, it's,
uh... this is absolute paradise.
>> Oh, my God!
>> The room is huge.
There was a big living room,
a huge bedroom,
a big bathroom, mirrors.
>> Whoo!
>> ( screams )
>> Wow.
>> Oh, my gosh...
>> It's not me!
>> Look at my eyebrows.
>> That first look at myself
in a mirror was so shocking.
Oh, my gosh!
>> I have lost so much weight.
>> I hadn't seen myself for...
30-some days.
>> Shower.
>> Shower!
>> Oh, this feels so good.
>> We might tell D she's, uh...
she's top three, just to keep
her from jumping.
>> I won't say a word.
>> This was, bar none, the
greatest reward we could be
given at this stage of the game.
It gave me a chance, personally,
to talk with D and Lill
without, uh, worrying about, uh,
Sandra and Christa overhearing,
and gave me a chance to, uh,
heal up some of my, uh, war
wounds from the first, uh,
30-plus days.
>> Oh, baby.
The masseuse put cucumbers
over my eyes.
I guess they do something
for the skin.
I think I needed a whole
cucumber to do anything for my
my skin.
>> Oh, this is the best.
The Pearl Islands are paradise.
However, it sucks with the bugs.
It sucks with some of the
It sucks with the food.
>> Oh!
>> Here, this is paradise and
that's an awesome feeling.
>> Oh, my gosh, this lady is
>> I feel sorry for Burton
>> Hope this doesn't have
to be a clean fillet,
'cause I am shredding
this thing.
>> Did Jon talk to you
about everything?
You're not going
to screw us over?
>> No, I haven't.
I haven't even talked
to him about anything.
Jon said, if we saved you,
that Darrah and Lill would go.
>> Okay! I, I haven't
even talked to Jon.
He just said...
>> Jon told us the wrong thing.
He said that we'd be in
the final four;
it would be two and two--
you and him and Sandra and I.
>> I'm in... I'm in a bit
of an odd position right now,
in that I am alone in the camp
with Sandra and Christa.
And I haven't talked to Jon
fully about this, so I don't
know what to tell them.
I mean, I've lied to them
I guess I could continue to lie.
But at the same time,
I don't want to piss them off,
because they're going
to be on the jury
and I want to be the one
they vote for.
We all came together
and we both saved each other.
Well, if Christa wasn't on
the chopping block,
it'd be one thing.
You didn't make that
voting decision to save me.
>> Burton has never been one
to talk to me and Christa
clearly about anything.
But let it be known
that if it wasn't for me
and Christa,
Burton would not be here today.
You would think that
that would count for something.
And then here he is saying
that he, he can't promise us
third and fourth.
That's a bunch of baloney.
The first chance I get
to send him home,
he's going home.
>> It's just hard to tell.
I can't tell when
people lie anymore.
Like, people can tell
when I'm lying.
I'm looking at them just like...
>> Well, the thing
is around here is, like...
just, everyone's lying
to everyone.
The only time you know
where someone stands
is when they vote
at Tribal Council.
The conversation that Sandra
and I had with Burton
was a real eye-opener for me.
It was, uh... I saw the light
>> I mean, no matter how strong
your best friend is out here,
at the end of the day,
it's not as strong as
a million dollars.
>> At this point, it's every man
for themselves, I see it.
We're not here
to make best friends.
We're not here to do anything
like that.
We're here to play a game
and get as far as we can.
>> Ooh!
Oh, we got pajamas.
>> No way.
( Lill squeals ):
Oh, you're kidding!
>> Oh, they're silk.
>> Oh, my God.
>> On our bed was silky pajamas.
We put them on, pranced around,
showed them off.
This is so exciting.
>> This is so wonderful.
>> I think we have a table
for three.
>> When we got to dinner,
I was starving.
And I, I...
It was so nice to be able
to open a menu up
and to be able to read.
I did remember how to read
after all this time.
My mouth is watering.
>> Chicken fingers
will definitely be
a good appetizer.
>> What about the clam?
>> Lill, you really want
to do clam
after 31 days of eating
nothing but seafood?
I'll order for you guys.
For dinner, she would like
the filet mignon.
>> I love a man that takes over.
>> Me, too.
>> How would you like
that prepared?
>> Um, medium rare.
>> Medium rare.
>> Jon ordered all the food
for all of us.
I enjoyed that.
You know, I, I like when a guy
takes the initiative.
Rock and roll, man.
Rock and roll.
I'm a great date.
I have a pretty extensive
fine food knowledge,
and I was able to show that off.
( Lill gasps )
>> Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my...
What's that?
>> That's bruschetta.
>> You're a whole lot more
smarter than me.
>> There's a few more sides
to Jonny Fairplay
than these girls
had any clue about.
And as Lill said, I'm much more
than just a pretty face.
I have noticed Sandra and
Christa will never give me a
>> Out in the water...
>> Yeah.
>> ...they said to me,
"We're going to kick out Jon
"and we're going to kick out,
um, Burton.
>> Are you with us?"
When we were eating,
we talked a lot about what's
been going on behind the scenes.
I know that Jon had to promise
Christa and Sandra a lot
in order for them
to back us up to get rid of T.
I had to promise on my
grandmother to them.
Oh, no, no, no, no!
Don't do that.
I had to.
She's looking down here at you.
I know.
She'll forgive me.
I had so much fun in explaining
to, uh, D and Lill that,
uh, Christa made me swear
on my grandmother's grave.
And I told Lill that it upset
me so much to have to do that.
And I was like, "One of her
last wishes was that,
that I win."
( laughing )
( laughing )
Lill is very antsy
and there was lots of strategy
that we needed to go over, uh,
for the last stage of the game.
There's a lot of people
worried about you, Lill.
>> Why?
>> Because.
Who whispered this
morning that like...
>> Lill is the queen of sitting
around the camp going...
>> I am not!
>> Yes, you are.
I am not!
>> You hurt my feelings...
>> Lill, I'm going to keep
hurting your feelings
unless you start
telling the truth.
>> I'm going to bed.
>> Lill, that's not helping
>> I'm going to bed.
You hurt my feelings.
>> Lill, you're...
you're doing more damage
than anything.
>> Lill, get in here.
We got stuff to talk about.
>> Jon talks down to me
like I'm some idiot.
Lill, it's the truth.
Make me sound
like a big-mouth.
It is not the truth.
He wants to show
that he's in charge and...
you know, I've seen that before.
And I'm thinking
that may be his way
of separating himself from me.
( thunder crashing )
>> So, I was thinking
about Darrah.
I tell you, after that
that challenge, I fear her
most in something like that,
'cause I think she has
a good chance of winning.
>> Yep. Watch your step on here.
>> This morning, Christa and I
went out looking for mussels
to eat.
And she brought up a strategy,
again, what I was thinking.
But she is willing
to make concessions,
and she's looking, um,
to get farther in the game.
So, it's a good thing to know.
Well, let me ask you this...
Without having talked to Jon,
I have no idea what's going on.
>> But...
>> But... would you vote Sandra
out next if that was the case?
>> I would go along with it,
if that's what you guys
wanted me to do
and get rid of her first.
But from a strategic
and just seeing how Darrah
is most likely
to win immunity...
I mean, I know that it's
probably not going to be
something super physical,
but Darrah was a cheerleader
and she can hang in
for long periods of time,
you know?
>> Nothing Christa said this
morning really surprised me.
I had a feeling she would
stab Sandra in the back if she
needed to.
She does really want Darrah
to go first.
All the options are still open,
but it might not be bad
to have Christa in the top four.
Because if Jon did do
something funny,
um, I'm pretty sure I could beat
Christa at Tribal Council.
I think she's rubbed a lot
of people the wrong way.
I would like to see you
in the top four.
I really want to go
to the top four.
And I will do what I can
to get you there.
So, you...
you got my word on that.
>> I think that Burton
understands that this is a game,
and we're all trying
to get ahead.
Me stabbing Sandra in the back
and getting rid of her...
isn't anything personal.
It's nothing about that.
It's about getting farther ahead
and doing the right thing
to win this game.
>> Good morning.
>> This morning,
we awoke to a big, fresh pot
of coffee and, uh, bacon, eggs,
the most amazing banana nut
bread on the planet,
fresh O.J, fresh fruit.
Great way to start the day
and yet another advantage
that we have over the others
going into the final.
>> I see Survivor as a big game
of human chess.
I felt that I could feed off
Darrah's greed and basically
say, "Hey, look, you know,
there's no way anyone
can beat Lill in a jury."
And she agreed.
I was like, you know, "So,
"without, uh, without anyone
knowing, how about me and
you Final Two?"
And she did
the math in her head,
and she was, like,
"I think you're exactly right."
>> Okay.
I won't say anything else
about it.
>> It's going to be me and...
and Jon in the Final Two.
I mean, Jon, you know,
he's a snake.
He lies, but...
he also tells the truth, too.
And, I don't...
I know he's not sitting here
lying to me about
going to the Final Two.
>> I want to know everything.
Start from when
the boat left...
>> When Jon, Lill and Darrah
returned from the reward,
I was happy to see them,
because I was glad
the reward was over for them.
I'm still jealous.
But I wanted to hear everything.
I want to hear everything
from the beginning to the end.
>> All right, so, let me...
We'll start at the beginning.
Big bed,
enough for three people,
shower, commode, toothbrush,
>> (screams)
>> I wanted to kind of
play it down a little bit,
but he told them
every detail there was.
And I thought, "Well, okay.
It's not me telling it
and bragging on it."
Filet mignon, cheeseburger,
another filet mignon.
>> Bastard!
>> We ate for four hours.
( Jon laughing )
>> Get out.
>> Jon, please tell me
you're at least hung over.
Well, they're taking
it pretty good.
>> But, um...
>> All a front.
All a front.
>> So, what did you
guys talk about?
>> Everything's set.
I told Lill
"top three" wh-when Darrah
was in the shower.
I told D,
"There's no way we can beat Lill
or, uh, Burton in a jury."
I was, like,
"So, it's me and you."
She goes, "I was thinking
the exact same thing."
>> After talking to Jon, it
sounds like he did a great job,
basically promising
Lill and Darrah, um, enough
so that they should never break
this alliance.
I'm not worried about D,
and I'm not worried about Lill.
>> Well, then, who's next?
>> Huh?
>> Who's next?
>> Christa's next.
>> So, you're going
to blindside Christa?
>> Yeah.
>> Okay.
>> Is that cool with you?
>> Yeah, I mean...
Why are you flip-flopping
on Christa?
No, no.
I'm not flip-flopping.
>> You can't be nice
on any of these screwing-over
people, you know?
Like, we both have
to be equally as evil.
>> Yeah. Dude, we're both...
>> Okay.
>> My strategy at this point in
the game is to work with Jon.
Jon's the bad cop,
I'm the good cop.
As we kick these people
out of the game,
if it all works as planned,
they will be mad at Jon
and not me.
Assuming nothing changes,
you and I are guaranteed top
>> I know.
>> So, neither of us will
>> That's... it's a guarantee.
>> Oh, man...
>> That's... it's a guarantee.
>> Oh, man...
I just want to sleep.
( mutters )
This game runs my life
24 hours a day.
>> I know it does.
>> I've had two dreams
since I've been here
that weren't related
to the game.
>> Are you still,
you know, I'm asking...
Are you still thinking
that we're the Final Two?
>> I'm really not thinking.
I... don't want to think
that far in advance.
Okay, you're telling me now that
you've had second thoughts.
That's not true.
I think
two Tribal Councils in advance.
>> Last night, I couldn't sleep.
And I got up
and went to the fire.
I asked him, "So, are you still
comfortable with this...
you and I at the end?"
And he said, "Let's just do
one at a time."
>> I can't help but feeling
you're having second thoughts.
( muttering indistinctly )
>> Yeah, but Lill,
that's in your head.
I'm not having thoughts.
>> Okay. All right.
I just want
to be prepared
that I know where I stand.
I am not going to screw you
over, okay?
>> Okay.
What I have told Lill
is that I will never lie
to her in this game.
I told her I'd take her as far
as I could.
And I do have
an allegiance with her, and I do
have an alliance with her.
But I have never promised her
top two.
>> Well, I have a feeling
I'd better make immunity, then.
>> It ticks me a little bit.
Matter of fact, it pisses me off
a little bit, but...
what can I do about it?
Um... the only thing
that would save me is to
win immunity at the end.
Then that may even justify me
to turn my back on him.
>> PROBST: Come on in, guys!
to turn my back on him.
>> PROBST: Come on in, guys!
All right, let's get to today's
immunity challenge.
Darrah, give it up.
Nice to have it on, isn't it?
>> Yeah, it feels good.
>> Immunity back up for grabs.
For today's immunity challenge,
you will fire traditional
pirate muskets.
They've been modified
to shoot flares.
You'll be shooting at targets.
You each have three targets.
First person
to hit all three targets
wins immunity.
Everybody else, vulnerable
at tonight's Tribal Council.
Take your spots.
Wait for my "Go."
First three:
Christa, Lill and Sandra.
Christa, you're up first.
Ever shot a gun before?
>> Never shot a gun
in my entire life.
>> PROBST: Let me...
let me give you a hand.
Yeah, put this hand...
under here, right
under here, like you're...
There you go.
And you're gonna
pull this back, and
then you're gonna
fire the trigger.
>> PROBST: Look at that.
First time she shoots a gun,
hits her target.
One target down for Christa.
>> Nice shot.
>> PROBST: Lill.
Little low.
Little low.
Step back.
Next three, step in.
Jon, Darrah
and Burton.
Jon... looking
for your first target.
Just a little to the left.
>> ( sighs )
>> PROBST: All right, Darrah,
show them how it's done.
I know you want immunity again.
Darrah connects.
On the board with her first
Nice shooting.
Nails his first target
on his first hit.
End of the first round...
Christa has one hit,
Burton has one hit,
Darrah has one hit.
Next three, up.
Everybody rotate one position
to your right.
Sandra, looking
for your first hit.
Takes her aim.
Fires a little low.
Christa, looking for
your second target.
Look at that.
Christa nails another target.
Two for two.
Lill takes her aim.
Lill just low again.
Step back.
Next three, up.
Burton, hit your target
on your first shot.
Burton with his second shot,
looking for a second target
to stay tight with Christa.
And he just misses, just low.
Jon, looking for his first hit.
Jon low.
All right, Darrah.
Looking for your second hit.
And she does.
Good shot.
Darrah on the board
with two targets.
Step back.
Next three, up.
Here's where we're at:
Christa on the board
with two hits,
Darrah with two hits,
Burton with one.
Christa, looking for her
third and final target.
>> Damn, I was happy for you.
>> Wow. Hit the wood.
That was close.
>> PROBST: Hit the wood.
Close, but no cigar.
Lill connects.
Lill on the board.
Sandra with her first hit,
on the board with one.
Here's where we're at:
Christa on the board
with two hits,
Darrah with two hits,
Lill, Sandra, Burton
each with one.
Darrah, looking for her third
and final target.
If she hits it,
she'll win immunity.
And she hits it.
Whoo! Darrah has hit
all three targets.
Darrah wins immunity
for the second time.
Get up here.
Once again,
the smallest girl
out here is the safest.
The other five of you,
somebody going home.
Head back to your camp.
I'll see you guys
at the Tribal Council.
>> Congratulations, Darrah.
>> Deadeye Darrah.
>> I almost won immunity.
I almost, almost always
win immunity,
but that's never good enough.
I feel absolutely vulnerable.
You know,
right when you think something,
uh, things go completely...
>> We turned the tables once,
I'm sure we can
turn the tables again.
It's going to be
the women, watch.
I'm going to go home.
I feel like
I'm going to go home now.
You got saved once.
You're about to get saved again.
>> We want Burton gone, because
he's the strongest one
out here.
Although he hasn't
won these immunities,
but that doesn't mean anything.
he's stronger than we are,
and to put it all on an equal
playing field, we want
all the females together
till the end.
Would you be willing
to vote him off tonight?
>> Burton?
>> Yes or no?
>> No.
>> No? You're going
with who, with Lill?
>> Yeah, I'm voting for Lill.
So, Lill is it tonight?
>> I just want to make sure
everybody was on
the same sheet of music.
>> I think he's already
telling her right now.
>> Really?
I feel bad.
>> There's a word
in the English language,
uh, called "naive" and, uh,
some people are that,
and, obviously, those people
are playing this game.
>> I'm being told that
it's still Christa
that will be leaving tonight,
but that doesn't mean
that I can't, you know, organize
my stuff, pack my shells.
Never take anything for granted.
>> They're not going
to give up Lill.
That's bull...
>> It would throw everything
They're not giving up Lill.
Jon is a snake.
Jon will never be anything
other than a snake,
but the fact is
that Christa keeps telling me,
"Sandra, I honestly believe him.
"He swore on his grandmother.
Therefore, he can't be lying."
If I were you, I'd be
looking out for myself.
You need to look
out for you.
You and me.
Well, and this is how
we're going to stay alive.
This is how we're
going to stay alive.
>> Trust is nothing at this
point in the game.
It's cutthroat.
Everybody wants
to get to the end.
Everybody wants to go
one more place.
Lying is the way
to go out here.
Everybody has done it,
and everybody has done it well.
>> PROBST: Now, bring in the
and everybody has done it well.
>> PROBST: Now, bring in the
members of our jury--
and T, voted out
at the last Tribal Council.
33 days you've been out here.
Tonight, I want you to catch me
up on where this tribe is at
as we head into the six days.
Jon, at this point in the game,
would you describe the game
as "friendly," "mean,"
>> I would best describe
this point in time in the game
as the most hope-filled,
in which you have
to hope that the people
that you're aligning
yourself with are telling you
the truth.
Hope that you can outlast them,
hope that you're carrying
the right person to the end.
Burton, do you think this game
somehow gives you a license
to lie and betray and cheat?
>> It's, it's part of the game.
You've got to deceive people.
You have to make them think
one thing and do another.
I mean, it's just like any
competitive game.
You're trying to fake
out the other team,
and you're trying to get
farther at their expense.
>> PROBST: Christa, have you
lied in this game?
>> Uh...
I think I've lied a few times.
Um, definitely, I've kind
of tried to have this
philosophy from day one
not to lie to anybody
or at least just,
if I don't have to say
anything at all, you know,
I don't have to say it.
>> PROBST: Sandra,
who would you hate
to go up against
in the Final Two?
Lill. Why?
Everybody loves Lill.
She, um...
>> Aw...
>> I mean, like, to go
up against Lill
would be suicidal, and, uh,
she's the only one
here that I...
I feel like that about.
Lill, does it worry
you a little bit
that you're the oldest
Survivor out here,
you represent the Boy Scout,
and everybody loves you, in a
game in which
you want to put yourself against
somebody that people don't like?
It worries, it worries me
that the jury would
base their decision on somebody
that is nice.
Um, there's more to it than
nice; there's strategy there,
not just something...
someone that is nice.
>> PROBST: Christa, why not you
>> Um,I think I've rubbed some
people the wrong way...
a lot of people the wrong way,
and that might be
one reason that I
might stick around tonight
and not be voted off.
>> PROBST: So, back
to the likability factor,
it might help you tonight that a
couple of people don't like you.
Everything is completely
unpredictable all the time,
you know?
There's no trust here.
It's all about hope, you know?
Jon, do you trust your
relationships in this game--
right now?
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: Sandra, you trust
your alliances?
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: Christa, how about
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: Lill?
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: Burton?
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: Darrah?
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: So, we just sat here
tonight and talked about
lying and betrayal and deceit,
but you all trust
your relationships.
This is going to be interesting.
Darrah, you're wearing immunity.
Want to give it up?
>> No.
>> PROBST: She's keeping it.
Darrah's the only person
you can't vote for.
You all trust each other.
You have no idea what
the vote's gonna be.
So let's find out.
Jon, it is time to vote.
You're up.
>> Whether you like it or don't
like it, learn to love it,
because it's the best thing
going today.
>> Hopefully, everybody else
is doing the same thing
and voting for you.
>> You always
treated me with kindness.
Um, this is totally strategic,
because I'd hate
to go up against you.
You're too much
of a kind person
and I know they'd just
hand you the money and I can't
and I can't have that happen.
>> PROBST: I'll go tally the
Once the votes are read,
Once the votes are read,
the decision is final.
The person voted out
will be asked
to leave the Tribal Council
area immediately.
I'll read the votes.
First vote...
One vote Lill,
one vote Christa.
That's two votes Lill,
one vote Christa.
Three votes Christa,
two votes Lill.
11th person
voted out of the tribe.
You need to bring me your torch.
Christa, the tribe has spoken.
You guys told me you trusted
Christa, the tribe has spoken.
You guys told me you trusted
your relationships, and yet,
on the heels of Rupert and T.,
a third surprising vote
with only six days left and five
very clearly skilled liars
still in it.
Should be a fun finish.
You guys can get your torches.
Head back to camp.
Captioning sponsored by
Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH
from our next episode.
>> PROBST: Next time on
The guys are feeling cocky.
>> I don't think they could
come up with a decent strategy
if they had to.
We definitely have
an intellectual advantage.
>> PROBST: The girls are getting
fed up.
>> The sooner we get rid of
these jackasses, the better.
>> PROBST: And it all comes to
a head.
>> I swear on my grandmother.
I swear, I swear, I swear.
Now, do you guys have a plan
or not?
>> I wasn't quite expecting
to get voted off tonight.
It's really surprising to see
how everybody out here
fooled me
at every moment
of this entire game,
but I've made
really great friends.
Sandra and Rupert, both of them
have kept me happy
this whole entire time.
It's been
an adventure of a lifetime.