Survivor (2000–…): Season 14, Episode 15 - Survivor: Fiji - The Reunion - full transcript
The 19 Survivors reunite for the first time since returning from Fiji.
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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
>> I'm gonna officially change
the name to Earl Island.
Earl's Island in Fiji.
My plan was always, have your
friends close...
>> Yo!
>> PROBST: Orange team wins
>> ...and your enemies closer.
Can't take that chance.
The game is really beginning,
and everything is going to have
to go through me.
Well, well, well, we are in
I'm pretty proud of myself.
This is one of the highest
peaks of my life because I've
challenged myself so much in
this game, and I made it all
the way through.
I mean, it's a cool experience,
the experience of a lifetime.
(cheers and applause)
>> PROBST: Well, he never once
had his name written down until
it mattered, day 39, when he
received every single vote from
the jury.
Not bad for a guy who never won
an individual immunity
challenge, didn't even know he
was coming on the show until
two days prior to flying to
Earl, congratulations.
(cheering and applause)
You literally-- you know, we, we
cast this show for months and
months, and literally at the
last minute we found you.
I remember calling you on a
You were on a plane on Monday.
Do you remember that call?
>> I remember it clearly 'cause
I didn't know what I was
getting myself into, but I got
it figured it out soon as I got
onto the island.
>> PROBST: Was it, was it sort
of learning on the job for you
'cause you...?
>> On-the-job training.
>> PROBST: You weren't really
even really a fan of Survivor.
>> I hadn't even seen the show.
I was, I had, I hadn't seen that
much of the show.
I mean, I had heard about it and
I'd watched, like, the first
season, but, you know, I'm a
pretty busy guy; I don't watch
a lot of TV, but I became a big
>> PROBST: I bet.
>> I'm the biggest fan.
>> PROBST: Yeah. You got a
million reasons to enjoy the
show now.
Well, obviously, alliances in
your case were key, but it-it
seemed like your relationship
with Yau was really the hub of
everything that happened.
When did that relationship form?
How early into the game?
>> Uh, I think we formed that
alliance, um, day one. Um...
Yau and I just talked and we
clicked and I noticed he was
the professor of the, of the
Gilligan's Island, and I ran
with that.
I just knew he was a keeper.
He was a good guy, and we just,
I don't know, we just bonded,
and so I, I like Yau.
>> PROBST: And did you have an
agreement that went to a certain
point in the game, like down to
final four?
>> Yau and I were to go all the
way to the end together, and as,
the closer we got to, you know,
strat..., strategy changes.
And I told everyone, and we all
agreed, like, you know, top
five, top four, every man for
himself 'cause that's the only
way to be fair.
>> PROBST: Yau, what was it
about Earl that made you trust
>> Well, it-it wasn't until we
were stuck in Ravu in those
horrible conditions that I
began to notice that of all the,
my tribemates there, I think
Earl turned out to have the work
I appreciated that.
He worked very hard, and he was
the one who actually, you know,
came much closer to me than
anybody else.
I was a old guy, and I felt a
little bit out of place and...
I really felt quite out of
place, actually, and Earl was
the one who always come to me
and talk to me and we did a lot
of things together, and just--
he was very hard-working and so
was I, and so I grew an
attachment to him.
>> PROBST: And, Earl, what is
the status of the friendship
Is it truly, as you said in the
show, gonna be lifelong?
>> Yau and I will be friends
for life.
(cheering and applause)
>> PROBST: For you, Earl, was
there one key moment?
Do you think there was a
strategic move that-that helped
you win this game?
>> The, the key moment was when
I actually, unfortunately, had
to write down Yau's name because
he was my biggest competitor,
and it's about, you know, your
best chances at winning.
So that was the, the key moment.
>> PROBST: And so for that to
happen, it really takes one step
backwards then to go to Dreamz,
not deciding to give him
>> I was shocked.
I was definitely shocked. Um...
I was already strategizing in
my mind to possibly be going
against Yau, and what I would
say, what I would do, so, when
Dreamz, you know, reneged on
that deal, though, I was... wow,
I just won a million dollars.
I was like...
>> PROBST: So you really knew.
>> Well, I mean, it was just,
it became just basic thinking.
I would say, okay, as many
people... you know, everyone
interprets the game differently.
>> PROBST: So you knew.
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: You were looking at
the jury thinking, "I got their
vote and their vote."
>> The jury would be mad, yes.
>> PROBST: So the question is...
'Cause you said in the show the
reason you got rid of Yau is
"I wouldn't beat you."
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: So, let's say Dreamz
keeps his word.
Yau-Man is now in the final
From the people on the jury,
how many votes does Yau-Man get
if he's there?
>> Ten.
>> PROBST: One, two, three,
four, five, six...
That is enough.
So you made a very wise
decision, and, Dreamz, you're...
in... inadvertently...
>> Huh?
>> PROBST: You cost, you, you
affected three lives here.
You cost yourself a million
You cost Yau-Man a million
>> Yeah!
>> PROBST: And you gave Earl a
>> Thank you.
>> I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy. What can I say?
>> I appreciate that.
>> I'm a good guy.
What can I say, you know?
Three lives.
Three lives are better than one.
>> PROBST: All right, we're
gonna to take a quick break and
We are gonna come back and
talk to Dreamz, who obviously
had a very big impact on this
show, and we will hear all
about that, and try to get to
the bottom of all the decisions
he's made and get to the truth.
Live Reunion Show right after
(cheering and applause)
>> Survivors ready?
>> Don't help me.
>> PROBST: Oh!
>> Learn to...
>> PROBST: Turn around. Stop!
>> Hold to that rail!
You're doing awesome.
Follow that rail!
>> Back as a child, I was
pretty much homeless because my
mama started doing drugs and
my brothers and sisters and I
decided all we've got is each
other and ourselves.
So it lets me know that my
fight is just beginning.
>> Yoo-hoo! Go, Dreamz, go!
>> Go! Go, baby!
>> There's two people we can
afford to lose now-- I ain't
pointing no fingers-- there's
Cassandra and Lisi, right?
They let me go on a, a shaquila,
shalinga, uh, shquarrio...
>> PROBST: Soliloquy?
>> I'm going to help my family
when I get back.
(cheering and applause)
>> PROBST: We are back to the
Survivor: Fiji Live Reunion
Dreamz, first of all, before I
get to the questions I have for
you, is it...
>> Don't worry about it.
I already got the answers.
No, go ahead.
>> PROBST: Is it... Is it
possible to give perspective,
because you grew up in such a
different way than, than
certainly I did, and I think
most of us here tonight.
Is it, is it possible for you to
give us perspective on how that
changes you, coming into this
game and how you see this game?
You know what I'm saying?
You have such a different
perspective when you enter this
>> I think, I think it helped
out a lot.
I think it helped out a whole
bunch 'cause I, I never had a
thought in my mind of stopping
because of the conditions.
The conditions didn't really
affect me.
I was more affected by falling
into humanity, out of humanity,
like trying to make real
friends, like in life, and
then playing the game so I
couldn't separate that.
I couldn't... like it's... that
the only part that kept messing
me up, so it really did have a
big effect.
>> PROBST: So, I wondered out
there, especially in the
beginning, if you were gonna
be socially overwhelmed because
you hadn't maybe been in this,
in this kind of social situation
as often as some other people
who work in industry or, Earl,
who works in advertising, were
you at any point in this game
thinking, "I'm not sure how to
act?" or did you have a plan the
second you got there?
>> I planned the sec..., I
planned before I got there, um,
and the people that didn't, I'm,
I don't know where they ended up
at, but I planned it before I
even got there, but when I got
there and met the people, then
the plans had to change.
The plans have to change
accordingly who is there and
who's not, but the first day I
got there, I talked to Earl, and
I said, "Earl, man, we got to
make it to at least the final."
We, we actually had a final
But then Earl went to Exile
Island and we split up, and I
was like, "Man, if he still
remember me...
Me and Cassandra stuck together.
We was part of the final five.
The, the last three was part of
the final five, but, uh, the
other two got eliminated before
we got to the final five, so...
>> PROBST: So you're saying that
from day one, every decision you
made you knew what you were
You were playing the game.
You weren't learning or trying
to figure it out.
>> No, I, and I didn't... that's
not what I said. No, no...
This is what I said...
See, 'cause what I...
>> PROBST: Okay, well, forget
what you said. New question.
>> Okay, give me a new question.
>> PROBST: Were, were you in
charge of everything?
That's the question everybody
has, Dreamz.
>> No.
>> PROBST: Is were you making it
up or were you, did you know
what you were doing?
>> I was never in charge of
any... if you can see, I never
was in charge of anything, so
I would have to-- you know what
I mean-- just slither my way
through, but my decisions I made
were so unpredictable because if
I see that somebody's plan is
always going through, and we
offer a million dollars, and
only one person is getting the
million dollars, if your plan is
going through, that means my
plan isn't going through.
>> PROBST: Okay, here's my
Did you know exactly what you
were doing from day one?
>> PROBST: I mean, I don't get
what you're saying.
>> Dreamz, you know
exactly what I'm saying.
This, by the way, this is what
it was like for 39 days.
(cheering and applause)
Let me ask... Cassandra,
was Dreamz flying by the seat
of his pants or was Dreamz
playing the part of a guy
flying by the seat of his pants?
>> Dreamz was playing the part
of a guy flying by the seat of
his pants.
>> PROBST: Really?
>> He knew exactly... he
was very... he thought it out.
We communicated every... every
So he was a smart guy.
I trusted him because we
communicated very well.
And he knew what people were
thinking and how they would
react to different situations
and scenarios.
So he would run them through
his head and then he would come
back and he'd say, "Okay, this
is what I think is going to
happen and it's gonna work like
And the thing that amazed me
most about Dreamz was his
ability to really get back in
the good grace of people after
having made some difficult
>> PROBST: All right, well,
I've got, I've got a couple
more questions about the truck
then, but before we do that,
there are a lot of questions
around this truck negotiation
and Dreamz's decision not to
live up to his word, but just
to remind you the chain of
events, here's a quick recap.
(cheering and applause)
>> Dreamz, how badly do you need
that car?
>> You know how bad I need a
car, Yau-Man.
>> Here's the deal, when there
are four of us left, if you and
I happen to be winners both, if
you win the immunity for that
round, you will give it to me.
>> I promise to God.
>> PROBST: You can't enforce it.
It's his word.
>> It's his word.
>> I'll give you my word, Yau.
I will give Yau-Man the
immunity necklace because I
appreciate what he did for me,
and I wouldn't want my son to
not be a man of his word.
>> PROBST: All right, Dreamz,
you have the immunity necklace.
What are you going to do with
>> I'm going to keep it.
>> PROBST: 15th person voted out
and the ninth member of our
>> (booing)
>> Take him out!
Take him out!
>> PROBST: So... Dreamz, here's
the question: you were... you
were all over the map in terms
of the show.
At one point, you know, you say
"I swear to God.
I want my son to see me live up
to my word."
Later in the show you say to
Cassandra and Earl, you say,
"But if I do go back on my
word, better vote Yau-Man out.
Otherwise it's one of you two."
So clearly, you had ideas.
Here's the question, here's the
chance to be completely candid:
when you made that deal with
Yau-Man out there in the hot
sun, you wanted that truck, did
you intend to keep your word or
were you playing Yau-Man from
the get-go?
>> Well, from the...
>> PROBST: It's a a yes or no.
It's one or the other.
>> I got to explain it.
>> PROBST: Okay.
>> When we gave me the truck,
I figured, hey, we broke down
the consequences and everything
so I tried to get rid of
Yau-Man, you know what I'm
But it didn't work.
So I admit I... when it didn't
work I was like, dag, I ain't
got no choice but to renege.
>> PROBST: Okay, wait, see,
Dreamz, this is why you lasted
so long, because... this is why
Alex and Mookie and those guys
were going, ah, trust him?
I don't know.
I don't know if he knows...
This is what I'm going to ask
and I got to know.
Because the whole end of the
season centered around this
question for me.
When you say, "Yes, Yau-Man, I
live up to my word.
I swear to God.
On my son's life,"
were you playing us and
everybody, Dreamz?
Or when you made that deal, were
you going to keep it, or were
you thinking, I don't know.
I'll deal with it later?
>> I never... it was never an
intentional deal to keep.
I knew coming here I knew I was
playing a game, and I knew
that this game was lies.
As you see, I never told the
So I never wanted to start
telling the truth.
>> PROBST: So you, just to be
clear, you never intended to
keep it.
>> I never intended to keep it.
I mean, come on, we all
friends, right?
>> PROBST: Okay, now...
And did you have any second
thoughts about maybe I should
give the truck back or is this,
hey, he made the deal, I kept
it, and I went my own?
>> You asked him... the more
time we spent together, me and
Yau, I started talking to him--
we talked about family and
stuff and then we grew friends,
like really good friends, so as
more time grew my good thoughts
started kicking in, and I wanted
to give him the truck, I wanted
to actually do that because,
Yau, he was Yau, super Yau, you
know, Yau.
But then I kicked back into
game mode and I did it.
I did the right thing.
>> PROBST: Well, I will say this
for you Dreamz, your-your
charm gets you a long way
because you're able to set up
many deals and go back on them
and yet still, still be a
likable guy, having talked to
you as much as I have.
So somehow you pulled that off.
Earl, question for you about
Dreamz, and I know you're
going to be honest.
When-when Yau-Man is talking
to you thinking-- asking you,
do you think he's going to keep
his word, and you and Cassandra
said, "Oh, yeah, he's going to
keep his word," did you really
think he was going to keep his
word or were you thinking might
as well let Yau think he's going
to keep his word because
that only helps me if he
>> I totally thought Dreamz
would keep his word.
>> PROBST: You did?
>> I thought he would.
>> PROBST: And, Dreamz, the
obvious question is you tell
your son, hey it's a game.
You say whatever you want.
It's outplay, outwit, outlast,
>> Right.
>> PROBST: Okay.
All right, well, the man who
>> Wait.
>> PROBST: Yes?
>> Ask Cassandra that question
you just asked Earl.
>> PROBST: Cassandra, did
>> I told her.
>> PROBST: ...did you think...?
Oh, well, you told her.
>> Yeah, of course.
>> But it was after Yau-Man.
>> PROBST: All right, enough of
that, I'm moving on.
>> You told me later.
>> PROBST: This is why Tribal
Councils last like two and a
half hours.
Well, the man who suffered the
most from the betrayal of Dreamz
was Yau-Man, clearly one of this
season's most popular players.
Take a look.
>> Old people are usually the
first ones to get booted off, so
I am definitely trying to prove
>> PROBST: Yau-Man pulling Evel
Going way back, and it works!
>> Look at that muscle!
This is my million dollars.
I'm about to jump out of my
skin here.
My credo in life is love many,
trust few, do wrong to none.
(cheering and applause)
>> PROBST: Yau-Man, obviously,
got a lot of fans here.
For the moment, sticking with
the truck negotiation, did
This was a million-dollar
It as got closer, did you...
you believe... you must have
believed Dreamz was going to
keep his word?
>> Yes, I did, all the way
Until the very, very last
minute before you asked him,
that's only when I start to
have a little inkling, maybe...
for him to take so long to say
yes or no, I-I had my fear
that he may at that time change.
>> PROBST: You spent a lot of
time with Dreamz.
What's your take on him?
Were you disappointed
or impressed?
>> I was actually quite
impressed with him.
I think he's... basically he's a
very smart guy, but, you know,
he's so totally undisciplined in
his thinking.
He has flashes of genius, but
he doesn't know what to do with
He doesn't put it together.
So things come out of his head
that go, wow, he knows what's
And other times it's... he
doesn't put it together.
That can be trained.
I hope you get some education,
so it can go any way you want
>> PROBST: That's actually quite
a compliment.
>> It really is.
I like, that coming from Yau
being the smartest man in the
>> PROBST: You're really
saying that you believe
Dreamz... the thing you said at
the end was he could do anything
he wanted?
>> He can do anything he wants.
He just needs to get himself
together and get some
discipline in thinking.
>> PROBST: So, Yau-Man, here's
the thing that really confused
me about you.
You play this game
strategically for 36, 37 days,
38 days-- whatever it was--
and then at the last moment,
you're sitting there, and you
do nothing to try to persuade
Dreamz to live up to his word.
>> Well, that's my stubborn
streak that... when I am
convinced... I had difficulty
convincing myself that I was
wrong about Dreamz.
I convinced myself that he will
live up to his... deal.
After I had done that, for me
to at the end say, no, I was
wrong, I find that... you know,
that's my failing, that I
couldn't tell myself I was
Better make a new deal with him.
So because of that
>> PROBST: So your gut was
telling you I need to do
something, but your pride was
keeping you...?
>> And my pride and my just
I'm right about him.
I cannot be wrong about him.
And well, I was wrong, so....
(audience groaning)
>> PROBST: What's been the
reaction on the streets?
Obviously, here tonight, you
know, the audience, watching
the show as it as played back,
loved you.
Are people coming up to you on
the streets?
>> Yes, quite often.
I've been recognized, and
they've been coming up to me
and ask for autographs and so
It's a new feeling.
>> PROBST: Is it a good feeling?
>> It's a good feeling.
At first when I hear people
calling my name, Yau-Man, on
the street, I take a double
take because it's not a common
name, so...
...when someone calls me, I look
over and say, I should know that
person because he knows my name.
And I go... I feel embarrassed.
I don't remember his name.
But I realize, oh, they know my
name from the show.
>> PROBST: All right, well,
up next, love him or hate him--
Rocky was certainly one of
this season's most colorful
(cheering and applause)
We'll talk to him and one guy he
did not get along with, Anthony.
That's next.
Now taking to us break, our very
own Survivor composers, Russ
Landau and David Vanacore.
(playing funky melody)
>> PROBST: Welcome back to the
Survivor-- our live Fiji
reunion show.
Well, every season on
Survivor, there's one guy
that we hope will be sort of a
go-to guy, that will give us
something no matter what the
Without question, this season
that guy was Rocky.
>> I'm going crazy, bro.
For some reason, Anthony, you
just consistently irritate the
(bleep) out of me.
You're a man.
At least the way I was raised,
I got to act like one.
All I can do it try to get
people fired up.
I can lead by example.
I want to take my T-shirt and
hang myself from a palm tree.
Bring it, bro.
I'm sick of this guy.
Let's go, Jeff.
Let's play the game.
So why don't we just call Jeff
up right now on the Jeff phone
and go, "Hey, Jeff, we're ready
to vote somebody off today."
>> PROBST: You know, I say...
you know, we look for a go-to
guy, and it's really true, and
it doesn't take anything away
from anyone else one way or the
other, but Rocky always
You always had something to say
and you didn't hesitate to say
What's reaction when people see
Because you're... on the show
you're abrasive and kind of a
wild card.
Do they come up to you?
>> Yeah, they come up, you know,
take a picture or something.
You know, say hello, and see I'm
not the angry maniac all the
I had a sandwich that day,
and things are going all right,
you know what I mean?
Or they pass on me in the
Or they pass.
>> PROBST: When you describe the
show to people, what do you say?
Like, how do you describe this
>> It was pretty rough.
And I got to meet Jeff Probst,
and it was all in all it was a
good time-- no.
>> PROBST: Well, one guy that
you didn't have a good time
with is conveniently sitting
right to your right.
>> Wow, that's so weird how
that happened, huh?
>> PROBST: Yeah.
Anthony clearly didn't get
along with Rocky in general, and
sort of had a tough go of it
your whole time out there.
Take a look, Anthony, at this.
>> I'm a nerd.
I know this.
I'm a nerd, I'm a geek, I'm a
a dweeb, whatever the hell you
want to call it.
I have been for forever.
I'm obviously the weakest person
on the tribe.
And I got my work cut out for
Old Cookie's been left by the
fire, to tend the fire and make
the water, while the boys go
out fishing.
Cinderella-- a black, male
I tried to own my space early
on, and you know what, I got...
I got knocked back.
>> You can't give up, bro.
You can't give up.
>> Who says I gave up?
>> If you get knocked back, you
stand back up and you take
another knock in the mouth.
You act like a little girl
sometimes, okay?
You're effeminate.
Toughen up.
>> This is why I don't say
This is why I don't say
>> Keep going, man.
Fight for what's yours.
Take the skirt off a little bit.
Let's go.
I was starving.
What do you want?
>> JEFF: And you know-- and I
don't want to start another
argument between you two guys--
but at times-- and I said this
to you, Anthony-- I felt that in
his own twisted way, Rocky was
actually trying to nudge you
to fight back a little more.
When you watch that, had to
watch it again, was-- did you
see anything different or was
it just hard to watch it again?
>> It's hard to watch it again,
but, really, I, I looked at
it and... you know.
It's... Yeah. (laughs)
What it was, what it was for
me, watching it the second time
around is, you know, this guy is
hungry, he's crazy, you know?
When he gets hungry and
thirsty, and for me not to
fight back, it was, it was part
of my strategy.
Like, I didn't, I didn't want to
be confrontational.
But Rocky wanted me to be
confrontational, you know, so...
>> JEFF: Are you any different
as a result of this experience?
>> Um, you know, I know that I
can put up with a lot more than
I ever thought I ever could.
Which is fine 'cause I work
with lawyers, so, you know...
>> JEFF: Oh, yeah, Alex, you
were, you were in full lawyer
mode at final Tribal.
>> No, I had to do it, Jeff.
>> JEFF: Can you repeat said
question, please.
Stop, stop, stop!
I got a question for you, in a
nutshell, why did you guys
trust Dreamz, going back to
Because he was betraying
everybody, and I kept wondering
when we'd come to Tribal and
you and Mookie and Edgardo
would still be together.
What was the reason?
>> You know, you, you, at
that moment, you develop a
personal relationship with
somebody, and you have to, like,
go, with your gut.
You take a chance on everybody,
Everybody you trust, you only
trust so far, but Dreamz is our
best bet, given the situation.
It's just your best bet, you
You just do what you have to do.
It was Dreamz or Lisi.
Lisi, you know, wanted to maybe
go home.
>> JEFF: Lisi.
>> That's what it was.
>> JEFF: The question for you
from me is, is that you?
Because you were funny, mean,
sad, happy.
Is that Lisi we saw out there
Do you kind of live your life
with your emotions on your
>> Well, I mean, yeah.
You have to.
What are you supposed to do?
I can't do that.
That's so, that's too much work.
I'm too lazy for that covering-
up madness.
I gotta do it that way.
(laughs) Whoo-hoo!
Rock and roll, baby, rock and
>> JEFF: I should give you a
You were a go-to woman as well.
You gave us a lot out there.
>> Rocky! Rocky, you and me,
>> JEFF: Boo, you took a lot of
knocks out there.
And by the way, for anybody that
saw the episode in which his
knee popped, I give you my word,
that's not any sound effect at
And we all know who were out
How is your knee, by the way?
>> I have a torn ACL, Jeff.
>> JEFF: Oh, you do?
>> Yeah.
>> JEFF: Wow. So you gonna
get it fixed?
>> I don't know, maybe I'll
take some of this money and get
it fixed, but probably not.
>> JEFF: So you just wedged it
back into place out there.
>> No, I don't know what
I was in pain, and was, like,
(gasps), straightened it out.
And I don't think I'd heard it.
Everyone else heard it.
I just felt pain.
>> JEFF: Oh, we heard it.
>> I saw it on the show.
I was, like, "Ooh."
>> JEFF: Michelle, if it weren't
for you, Ravu would still be
trying to make fire.
You did something virtually
nobody has done on our show.
(cheering and applause)
And as one of the youngest
people to ever be on this show,
what, what does this do for
Because if you're an older
person, this could just be a
fun adventure.
When you're young, does it form
any lasting impression or
influence your life?
>> Well, I mean, I think it
proves that it doesn't matter
how old are you.
It just matters if you have the
right attitude and you know
what your goal is.
>> JEFF: And what was your goal
coming in?
>> Um, to win a million dollars,
but after a couple of twists
and turns maybe, um, that didn't
quite work out for me.
But, um, we'll see.
>> JEFF: Edgardo, you got
You know, all of a sudden, you
were out of this, yeah, out
of this game.
Yeah, everything always points
back to Dreamz, doesn't it?
>> Yeah. (laughter)
>> JEFF: Funny how that goes.
But you said something really
interesting in the last episode
that this actually gave you a
new appreciation for family
back home which isn't something
I would have guessed you would
say from the time I spent with
>> It's that you realize, I mean
you're there by yourself, and
you don't have any, I mean, you
can't trust anybody.
And I got really blindsided
so at that time I felt homesick.
I was, like, I really wanted to
see my family, so, so that's why
I said that.
>> JEFF: Does it really, though,
does it remind you that there
are people in your life you can
trust and everybody else..?
>> It does, it does.
I mean, you're there by
yourself, I mean, 39 days, but
it felt longer than the 39 days,
so I was thinking about my
family a lot.
>> JEFF: All right, well,
up next, I think it's fair to
say that Survivor takes a
Oh! Nice comment.
I got it.
Takes a bigger physical and
mental toll than anybody can
And up next we're going to talk
to Gary about being evacuated.
Plus, which of these survivors
do you think actually gained
20 pounds in preparation for the
First, here's a little reminder
of how tough this season was.
>> Being the biggest group of
losers that Survivor has ever
seen, sucks.
I'm skinnier than the homeless
people right now.
Are you serious?
They're getting more nutrition
in their diet.
>> Water! (laughing)
>> It's crazy!
We're starving here, bro!
(cheering and applause)
>> JEFF: Welcome back to
Survivor: Fiji Reunion show.
Tonight's finale was our 200th
episode of Survivor, and I'm
still asked by people, are the
survivors really starving?
Are they really sleeping on
Are they really eating
In other words, how real is
Who better to speak to that
than Gary, a guy who had been in
Vietnam and had to be evacuated
because of, it was literally
thousands of fire ant bites.
>> The fire ants got to me
the worst, yeah.
It just, it was, it's a tough
There's no way around it.
I mean, it, you know, sometimes
it's, the question's always
asked, "Is it life-changing?"
Well, I don't really want my
life to change because my life
is really good.
But it did physically change me,
which I kinda had to load up
on the guns to show you this.
>> JEFF: All right, show us
>> This right here.
>> JEFF: Wow, nice.
Permanently etched on the arm!
>> It physically changed me.
>> JEFF: Mookie, you probably
had it as tough as anybody.
You never got the good beach,
you had the immunity idol, then
your buddy used it, betrayed
and all that.
What was the worst part for you?
>> The worst part was probably
just going to Tribal Council.
Every single Tribal Council.
I think almost ever single
Tribal Council sitting there in
the heat, always wondering if
I'm going to be the next person
to go.
And, you know, thanks to Dreamz,
you know, I eventually had
that... I got voted off!
>> JEFF: Stacy, you know,
Mookie talks about the
emotional part of going to
Tribal and worrying.
We had a challenge where you
took a lot of personal hits,
where people said, you know in
other words, they didn't
necessarily like you as much.
Same question as with Anthony.
When you see that back on the
show, is it harder to watch
or are you able to get some
perspective when you see it?
>> No, I got grounded from that
whole challenge.
I think that it changed me and
my perspective on myself and
other people, so...
>> JEFF: So it turned into a
>> Yeah.
>> JEFF: Wow, that's a great
way to, uh, to take that.
>> It could have gotten me down
but I didn't let it because I'm
not like that so, you know...
>> JEFF: Liliana, you are the
person who gained 20 pounds
before we came on the show in
preparation for being out there
a long time, which didn't
necessarily happen.
What, what prompted you to
gain 20?
I mean, that's a big decision,
20 pounds.
>> Well, you know, I probably
exaggerated a little bit.
And I did call my mother and
tell her to put, get cooking and
create tacos for me.
But, um, I didn't want, I
didn't want to be medevac'd out
from for, you know, being
malnutritioned or anything
so I wanted reserves, so that's
why I gained weight.
And I was definitely thinking,
"I'm going to win this game so
I'm going to stick it out."
I'm gonna be there, and...
I got, I had to lose weight
after that.
>> JEFF: Rita, a couple of
quick questions for the people
I haven't talked to because
we're running out of time.
How proud are your kids of you
for being out there?
>> Oh, my goodness.
You want to ask them?
I think and I hope that they're
very proud because they are the
main reason that I did this.
And as I said, you know, "Stick
to your dream.
Don't give up."
I never gave up.
I had to be voted off.
>> JEFF: Sylvia, quick plug for
you, because as the bossy
architect, you actually have a
nice thing that's just happened.
Give us that quick update.
>> Right. Well, a project that
we designed, it's a beautiful
house in Utah, has been selected
to be on a brand-new show in
It's called Extreme Building,
and it's going to be showing
early next year.
>> JEFF: Congratulations.
>> Thank you.
>> JEFF: Erica, quickly, how
frustrating to not get to play
this game very long?
>> Oh, it was very frustrating.
I mean, that was the main
reason I was here because I
thought I was physically able
to do it.
>> JEFF: You were, you were
As were you, Jessica.
Did you make any friends with
only three days out there?
>> I did because after I got
voted out, I ended up with
amazing people and bonded for
life. Yes, yes.
>> JEFF: Good, all right.
Well, thank you, guys.
All right, when we come back,
we're gonna give you a sneak
peek of our next location.
It's the Survivor: Fiji live
reunion show here on CBS.
(cheering and applause)
(cheering and applause)
>> JEFF: Well, as this season
comes to a close, we are
packing our bags and heading
out for our 15th season.
Take a look.
This fall, Survivor leaves
the tropical island setting for
something completely different.
This is China, where the modern
world meshes with 5,000 years of
colorful history.
This is the first time a major
American television program
will shoot an entire series on
location in the heart of China.
The adventure will play out in
the shadows of a sacred
mountain on the shores of a
remote lake in a land known for
tigers, giant pandas, snow
leopards and ancient tradition.
A new group of castaways will
battle each other and the
elements to outwit, outplay,
and outlast.
Survivor is going to China.
(cheering and applause)
Tomorrow morning on The Early
Show on CBS, Earl will receive
his check for $1 million.
You can own a piece of
Survivor: Fiji by bidding on
one-of-kind memorabilia to
benefit the Elisabeth Glaser
Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
The Web site's on the screen
And if you have what it takes
to be on our show, go to
Earl has the final word.
A message to his mom.
She can't hear you, but go
ahead and say it.
>> For my mother, for a happy
Mother's Day to you,
and the greatest gift I can
give you, I'm giving you half
the money.
>> JEFF: We'll see you in China.
Earl just gave away half his
Good night.
Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH
>> I'm gonna officially change
the name to Earl Island.
Earl's Island in Fiji.
My plan was always, have your
friends close...
>> Yo!
>> PROBST: Orange team wins
>> ...and your enemies closer.
Can't take that chance.
The game is really beginning,
and everything is going to have
to go through me.
Well, well, well, we are in
I'm pretty proud of myself.
This is one of the highest
peaks of my life because I've
challenged myself so much in
this game, and I made it all
the way through.
I mean, it's a cool experience,
the experience of a lifetime.
(cheers and applause)
>> PROBST: Well, he never once
had his name written down until
it mattered, day 39, when he
received every single vote from
the jury.
Not bad for a guy who never won
an individual immunity
challenge, didn't even know he
was coming on the show until
two days prior to flying to
Earl, congratulations.
(cheering and applause)
You literally-- you know, we, we
cast this show for months and
months, and literally at the
last minute we found you.
I remember calling you on a
You were on a plane on Monday.
Do you remember that call?
>> I remember it clearly 'cause
I didn't know what I was
getting myself into, but I got
it figured it out soon as I got
onto the island.
>> PROBST: Was it, was it sort
of learning on the job for you
'cause you...?
>> On-the-job training.
>> PROBST: You weren't really
even really a fan of Survivor.
>> I hadn't even seen the show.
I was, I had, I hadn't seen that
much of the show.
I mean, I had heard about it and
I'd watched, like, the first
season, but, you know, I'm a
pretty busy guy; I don't watch
a lot of TV, but I became a big
>> PROBST: I bet.
>> I'm the biggest fan.
>> PROBST: Yeah. You got a
million reasons to enjoy the
show now.
Well, obviously, alliances in
your case were key, but it-it
seemed like your relationship
with Yau was really the hub of
everything that happened.
When did that relationship form?
How early into the game?
>> Uh, I think we formed that
alliance, um, day one. Um...
Yau and I just talked and we
clicked and I noticed he was
the professor of the, of the
Gilligan's Island, and I ran
with that.
I just knew he was a keeper.
He was a good guy, and we just,
I don't know, we just bonded,
and so I, I like Yau.
>> PROBST: And did you have an
agreement that went to a certain
point in the game, like down to
final four?
>> Yau and I were to go all the
way to the end together, and as,
the closer we got to, you know,
strat..., strategy changes.
And I told everyone, and we all
agreed, like, you know, top
five, top four, every man for
himself 'cause that's the only
way to be fair.
>> PROBST: Yau, what was it
about Earl that made you trust
>> Well, it-it wasn't until we
were stuck in Ravu in those
horrible conditions that I
began to notice that of all the,
my tribemates there, I think
Earl turned out to have the work
I appreciated that.
He worked very hard, and he was
the one who actually, you know,
came much closer to me than
anybody else.
I was a old guy, and I felt a
little bit out of place and...
I really felt quite out of
place, actually, and Earl was
the one who always come to me
and talk to me and we did a lot
of things together, and just--
he was very hard-working and so
was I, and so I grew an
attachment to him.
>> PROBST: And, Earl, what is
the status of the friendship
Is it truly, as you said in the
show, gonna be lifelong?
>> Yau and I will be friends
for life.
(cheering and applause)
>> PROBST: For you, Earl, was
there one key moment?
Do you think there was a
strategic move that-that helped
you win this game?
>> The, the key moment was when
I actually, unfortunately, had
to write down Yau's name because
he was my biggest competitor,
and it's about, you know, your
best chances at winning.
So that was the, the key moment.
>> PROBST: And so for that to
happen, it really takes one step
backwards then to go to Dreamz,
not deciding to give him
>> I was shocked.
I was definitely shocked. Um...
I was already strategizing in
my mind to possibly be going
against Yau, and what I would
say, what I would do, so, when
Dreamz, you know, reneged on
that deal, though, I was... wow,
I just won a million dollars.
I was like...
>> PROBST: So you really knew.
>> Well, I mean, it was just,
it became just basic thinking.
I would say, okay, as many
people... you know, everyone
interprets the game differently.
>> PROBST: So you knew.
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: You were looking at
the jury thinking, "I got their
vote and their vote."
>> The jury would be mad, yes.
>> PROBST: So the question is...
'Cause you said in the show the
reason you got rid of Yau is
"I wouldn't beat you."
>> Yes.
>> PROBST: So, let's say Dreamz
keeps his word.
Yau-Man is now in the final
From the people on the jury,
how many votes does Yau-Man get
if he's there?
>> Ten.
>> PROBST: One, two, three,
four, five, six...
That is enough.
So you made a very wise
decision, and, Dreamz, you're...
in... inadvertently...
>> Huh?
>> PROBST: You cost, you, you
affected three lives here.
You cost yourself a million
You cost Yau-Man a million
>> Yeah!
>> PROBST: And you gave Earl a
>> Thank you.
>> I'm a good guy.
I'm a good guy. What can I say?
>> I appreciate that.
>> I'm a good guy.
What can I say, you know?
Three lives.
Three lives are better than one.
>> PROBST: All right, we're
gonna to take a quick break and
We are gonna come back and
talk to Dreamz, who obviously
had a very big impact on this
show, and we will hear all
about that, and try to get to
the bottom of all the decisions
he's made and get to the truth.
Live Reunion Show right after
(cheering and applause)
>> Survivors ready?
>> Don't help me.
>> PROBST: Oh!
>> Learn to...
>> PROBST: Turn around. Stop!
>> Hold to that rail!
You're doing awesome.
Follow that rail!
>> Back as a child, I was
pretty much homeless because my
mama started doing drugs and
my brothers and sisters and I
decided all we've got is each
other and ourselves.
So it lets me know that my
fight is just beginning.
>> Yoo-hoo! Go, Dreamz, go!
>> Go! Go, baby!
>> There's two people we can
afford to lose now-- I ain't
pointing no fingers-- there's
Cassandra and Lisi, right?
They let me go on a, a shaquila,
shalinga, uh, shquarrio...
>> PROBST: Soliloquy?
>> I'm going to help my family
when I get back.
(cheering and applause)
>> PROBST: We are back to the
Survivor: Fiji Live Reunion
Dreamz, first of all, before I
get to the questions I have for
you, is it...
>> Don't worry about it.
I already got the answers.
No, go ahead.
>> PROBST: Is it... Is it
possible to give perspective,
because you grew up in such a
different way than, than
certainly I did, and I think
most of us here tonight.
Is it, is it possible for you to
give us perspective on how that
changes you, coming into this
game and how you see this game?
You know what I'm saying?
You have such a different
perspective when you enter this
>> I think, I think it helped
out a lot.
I think it helped out a whole
bunch 'cause I, I never had a
thought in my mind of stopping
because of the conditions.
The conditions didn't really
affect me.
I was more affected by falling
into humanity, out of humanity,
like trying to make real
friends, like in life, and
then playing the game so I
couldn't separate that.
I couldn't... like it's... that
the only part that kept messing
me up, so it really did have a
big effect.
>> PROBST: So, I wondered out
there, especially in the
beginning, if you were gonna
be socially overwhelmed because
you hadn't maybe been in this,
in this kind of social situation
as often as some other people
who work in industry or, Earl,
who works in advertising, were
you at any point in this game
thinking, "I'm not sure how to
act?" or did you have a plan the
second you got there?
>> I planned the sec..., I
planned before I got there, um,
and the people that didn't, I'm,
I don't know where they ended up
at, but I planned it before I
even got there, but when I got
there and met the people, then
the plans had to change.
The plans have to change
accordingly who is there and
who's not, but the first day I
got there, I talked to Earl, and
I said, "Earl, man, we got to
make it to at least the final."
We, we actually had a final
But then Earl went to Exile
Island and we split up, and I
was like, "Man, if he still
remember me...
Me and Cassandra stuck together.
We was part of the final five.
The, the last three was part of
the final five, but, uh, the
other two got eliminated before
we got to the final five, so...
>> PROBST: So you're saying that
from day one, every decision you
made you knew what you were
You were playing the game.
You weren't learning or trying
to figure it out.
>> No, I, and I didn't... that's
not what I said. No, no...
This is what I said...
See, 'cause what I...
>> PROBST: Okay, well, forget
what you said. New question.
>> Okay, give me a new question.
>> PROBST: Were, were you in
charge of everything?
That's the question everybody
has, Dreamz.
>> No.
>> PROBST: Is were you making it
up or were you, did you know
what you were doing?
>> I was never in charge of
any... if you can see, I never
was in charge of anything, so
I would have to-- you know what
I mean-- just slither my way
through, but my decisions I made
were so unpredictable because if
I see that somebody's plan is
always going through, and we
offer a million dollars, and
only one person is getting the
million dollars, if your plan is
going through, that means my
plan isn't going through.
>> PROBST: Okay, here's my
Did you know exactly what you
were doing from day one?
>> PROBST: I mean, I don't get
what you're saying.
>> Dreamz, you know
exactly what I'm saying.
This, by the way, this is what
it was like for 39 days.
(cheering and applause)
Let me ask... Cassandra,
was Dreamz flying by the seat
of his pants or was Dreamz
playing the part of a guy
flying by the seat of his pants?
>> Dreamz was playing the part
of a guy flying by the seat of
his pants.
>> PROBST: Really?
>> He knew exactly... he
was very... he thought it out.
We communicated every... every
So he was a smart guy.
I trusted him because we
communicated very well.
And he knew what people were
thinking and how they would
react to different situations
and scenarios.
So he would run them through
his head and then he would come
back and he'd say, "Okay, this
is what I think is going to
happen and it's gonna work like
And the thing that amazed me
most about Dreamz was his
ability to really get back in
the good grace of people after
having made some difficult
>> PROBST: All right, well,
I've got, I've got a couple
more questions about the truck
then, but before we do that,
there are a lot of questions
around this truck negotiation
and Dreamz's decision not to
live up to his word, but just
to remind you the chain of
events, here's a quick recap.
(cheering and applause)
>> Dreamz, how badly do you need
that car?
>> You know how bad I need a
car, Yau-Man.
>> Here's the deal, when there
are four of us left, if you and
I happen to be winners both, if
you win the immunity for that
round, you will give it to me.
>> I promise to God.
>> PROBST: You can't enforce it.
It's his word.
>> It's his word.
>> I'll give you my word, Yau.
I will give Yau-Man the
immunity necklace because I
appreciate what he did for me,
and I wouldn't want my son to
not be a man of his word.
>> PROBST: All right, Dreamz,
you have the immunity necklace.
What are you going to do with
>> I'm going to keep it.
>> PROBST: 15th person voted out
and the ninth member of our
>> (booing)
>> Take him out!
Take him out!
>> PROBST: So... Dreamz, here's
the question: you were... you
were all over the map in terms
of the show.
At one point, you know, you say
"I swear to God.
I want my son to see me live up
to my word."
Later in the show you say to
Cassandra and Earl, you say,
"But if I do go back on my
word, better vote Yau-Man out.
Otherwise it's one of you two."
So clearly, you had ideas.
Here's the question, here's the
chance to be completely candid:
when you made that deal with
Yau-Man out there in the hot
sun, you wanted that truck, did
you intend to keep your word or
were you playing Yau-Man from
the get-go?
>> Well, from the...
>> PROBST: It's a a yes or no.
It's one or the other.
>> I got to explain it.
>> PROBST: Okay.
>> When we gave me the truck,
I figured, hey, we broke down
the consequences and everything
so I tried to get rid of
Yau-Man, you know what I'm
But it didn't work.
So I admit I... when it didn't
work I was like, dag, I ain't
got no choice but to renege.
>> PROBST: Okay, wait, see,
Dreamz, this is why you lasted
so long, because... this is why
Alex and Mookie and those guys
were going, ah, trust him?
I don't know.
I don't know if he knows...
This is what I'm going to ask
and I got to know.
Because the whole end of the
season centered around this
question for me.
When you say, "Yes, Yau-Man, I
live up to my word.
I swear to God.
On my son's life,"
were you playing us and
everybody, Dreamz?
Or when you made that deal, were
you going to keep it, or were
you thinking, I don't know.
I'll deal with it later?
>> I never... it was never an
intentional deal to keep.
I knew coming here I knew I was
playing a game, and I knew
that this game was lies.
As you see, I never told the
So I never wanted to start
telling the truth.
>> PROBST: So you, just to be
clear, you never intended to
keep it.
>> I never intended to keep it.
I mean, come on, we all
friends, right?
>> PROBST: Okay, now...
And did you have any second
thoughts about maybe I should
give the truck back or is this,
hey, he made the deal, I kept
it, and I went my own?
>> You asked him... the more
time we spent together, me and
Yau, I started talking to him--
we talked about family and
stuff and then we grew friends,
like really good friends, so as
more time grew my good thoughts
started kicking in, and I wanted
to give him the truck, I wanted
to actually do that because,
Yau, he was Yau, super Yau, you
know, Yau.
But then I kicked back into
game mode and I did it.
I did the right thing.
>> PROBST: Well, I will say this
for you Dreamz, your-your
charm gets you a long way
because you're able to set up
many deals and go back on them
and yet still, still be a
likable guy, having talked to
you as much as I have.
So somehow you pulled that off.
Earl, question for you about
Dreamz, and I know you're
going to be honest.
When-when Yau-Man is talking
to you thinking-- asking you,
do you think he's going to keep
his word, and you and Cassandra
said, "Oh, yeah, he's going to
keep his word," did you really
think he was going to keep his
word or were you thinking might
as well let Yau think he's going
to keep his word because
that only helps me if he
>> I totally thought Dreamz
would keep his word.
>> PROBST: You did?
>> I thought he would.
>> PROBST: And, Dreamz, the
obvious question is you tell
your son, hey it's a game.
You say whatever you want.
It's outplay, outwit, outlast,
>> Right.
>> PROBST: Okay.
All right, well, the man who
>> Wait.
>> PROBST: Yes?
>> Ask Cassandra that question
you just asked Earl.
>> PROBST: Cassandra, did
>> I told her.
>> PROBST: ...did you think...?
Oh, well, you told her.
>> Yeah, of course.
>> But it was after Yau-Man.
>> PROBST: All right, enough of
that, I'm moving on.
>> You told me later.
>> PROBST: This is why Tribal
Councils last like two and a
half hours.
Well, the man who suffered the
most from the betrayal of Dreamz
was Yau-Man, clearly one of this
season's most popular players.
Take a look.
>> Old people are usually the
first ones to get booted off, so
I am definitely trying to prove
>> PROBST: Yau-Man pulling Evel
Going way back, and it works!
>> Look at that muscle!
This is my million dollars.
I'm about to jump out of my
skin here.
My credo in life is love many,
trust few, do wrong to none.
(cheering and applause)
>> PROBST: Yau-Man, obviously,
got a lot of fans here.
For the moment, sticking with
the truck negotiation, did
This was a million-dollar
It as got closer, did you...
you believe... you must have
believed Dreamz was going to
keep his word?
>> Yes, I did, all the way
Until the very, very last
minute before you asked him,
that's only when I start to
have a little inkling, maybe...
for him to take so long to say
yes or no, I-I had my fear
that he may at that time change.
>> PROBST: You spent a lot of
time with Dreamz.
What's your take on him?
Were you disappointed
or impressed?
>> I was actually quite
impressed with him.
I think he's... basically he's a
very smart guy, but, you know,
he's so totally undisciplined in
his thinking.
He has flashes of genius, but
he doesn't know what to do with
He doesn't put it together.
So things come out of his head
that go, wow, he knows what's
And other times it's... he
doesn't put it together.
That can be trained.
I hope you get some education,
so it can go any way you want
>> PROBST: That's actually quite
a compliment.
>> It really is.
I like, that coming from Yau
being the smartest man in the
>> PROBST: You're really
saying that you believe
Dreamz... the thing you said at
the end was he could do anything
he wanted?
>> He can do anything he wants.
He just needs to get himself
together and get some
discipline in thinking.
>> PROBST: So, Yau-Man, here's
the thing that really confused
me about you.
You play this game
strategically for 36, 37 days,
38 days-- whatever it was--
and then at the last moment,
you're sitting there, and you
do nothing to try to persuade
Dreamz to live up to his word.
>> Well, that's my stubborn
streak that... when I am
convinced... I had difficulty
convincing myself that I was
wrong about Dreamz.
I convinced myself that he will
live up to his... deal.
After I had done that, for me
to at the end say, no, I was
wrong, I find that... you know,
that's my failing, that I
couldn't tell myself I was
Better make a new deal with him.
So because of that
>> PROBST: So your gut was
telling you I need to do
something, but your pride was
keeping you...?
>> And my pride and my just
I'm right about him.
I cannot be wrong about him.
And well, I was wrong, so....
(audience groaning)
>> PROBST: What's been the
reaction on the streets?
Obviously, here tonight, you
know, the audience, watching
the show as it as played back,
loved you.
Are people coming up to you on
the streets?
>> Yes, quite often.
I've been recognized, and
they've been coming up to me
and ask for autographs and so
It's a new feeling.
>> PROBST: Is it a good feeling?
>> It's a good feeling.
At first when I hear people
calling my name, Yau-Man, on
the street, I take a double
take because it's not a common
name, so...
...when someone calls me, I look
over and say, I should know that
person because he knows my name.
And I go... I feel embarrassed.
I don't remember his name.
But I realize, oh, they know my
name from the show.
>> PROBST: All right, well,
up next, love him or hate him--
Rocky was certainly one of
this season's most colorful
(cheering and applause)
We'll talk to him and one guy he
did not get along with, Anthony.
That's next.
Now taking to us break, our very
own Survivor composers, Russ
Landau and David Vanacore.
(playing funky melody)
>> PROBST: Welcome back to the
Survivor-- our live Fiji
reunion show.
Well, every season on
Survivor, there's one guy
that we hope will be sort of a
go-to guy, that will give us
something no matter what the
Without question, this season
that guy was Rocky.
>> I'm going crazy, bro.
For some reason, Anthony, you
just consistently irritate the
(bleep) out of me.
You're a man.
At least the way I was raised,
I got to act like one.
All I can do it try to get
people fired up.
I can lead by example.
I want to take my T-shirt and
hang myself from a palm tree.
Bring it, bro.
I'm sick of this guy.
Let's go, Jeff.
Let's play the game.
So why don't we just call Jeff
up right now on the Jeff phone
and go, "Hey, Jeff, we're ready
to vote somebody off today."
>> PROBST: You know, I say...
you know, we look for a go-to
guy, and it's really true, and
it doesn't take anything away
from anyone else one way or the
other, but Rocky always
You always had something to say
and you didn't hesitate to say
What's reaction when people see
Because you're... on the show
you're abrasive and kind of a
wild card.
Do they come up to you?
>> Yeah, they come up, you know,
take a picture or something.
You know, say hello, and see I'm
not the angry maniac all the
I had a sandwich that day,
and things are going all right,
you know what I mean?
Or they pass on me in the
Or they pass.
>> PROBST: When you describe the
show to people, what do you say?
Like, how do you describe this
>> It was pretty rough.
And I got to meet Jeff Probst,
and it was all in all it was a
good time-- no.
>> PROBST: Well, one guy that
you didn't have a good time
with is conveniently sitting
right to your right.
>> Wow, that's so weird how
that happened, huh?
>> PROBST: Yeah.
Anthony clearly didn't get
along with Rocky in general, and
sort of had a tough go of it
your whole time out there.
Take a look, Anthony, at this.
>> I'm a nerd.
I know this.
I'm a nerd, I'm a geek, I'm a
a dweeb, whatever the hell you
want to call it.
I have been for forever.
I'm obviously the weakest person
on the tribe.
And I got my work cut out for
Old Cookie's been left by the
fire, to tend the fire and make
the water, while the boys go
out fishing.
Cinderella-- a black, male
I tried to own my space early
on, and you know what, I got...
I got knocked back.
>> You can't give up, bro.
You can't give up.
>> Who says I gave up?
>> If you get knocked back, you
stand back up and you take
another knock in the mouth.
You act like a little girl
sometimes, okay?
You're effeminate.
Toughen up.
>> This is why I don't say
This is why I don't say
>> Keep going, man.
Fight for what's yours.
Take the skirt off a little bit.
Let's go.
I was starving.
What do you want?
>> JEFF: And you know-- and I
don't want to start another
argument between you two guys--
but at times-- and I said this
to you, Anthony-- I felt that in
his own twisted way, Rocky was
actually trying to nudge you
to fight back a little more.
When you watch that, had to
watch it again, was-- did you
see anything different or was
it just hard to watch it again?
>> It's hard to watch it again,
but, really, I, I looked at
it and... you know.
It's... Yeah. (laughs)
What it was, what it was for
me, watching it the second time
around is, you know, this guy is
hungry, he's crazy, you know?
When he gets hungry and
thirsty, and for me not to
fight back, it was, it was part
of my strategy.
Like, I didn't, I didn't want to
be confrontational.
But Rocky wanted me to be
confrontational, you know, so...
>> JEFF: Are you any different
as a result of this experience?
>> Um, you know, I know that I
can put up with a lot more than
I ever thought I ever could.
Which is fine 'cause I work
with lawyers, so, you know...
>> JEFF: Oh, yeah, Alex, you
were, you were in full lawyer
mode at final Tribal.
>> No, I had to do it, Jeff.
>> JEFF: Can you repeat said
question, please.
Stop, stop, stop!
I got a question for you, in a
nutshell, why did you guys
trust Dreamz, going back to
Because he was betraying
everybody, and I kept wondering
when we'd come to Tribal and
you and Mookie and Edgardo
would still be together.
What was the reason?
>> You know, you, you, at
that moment, you develop a
personal relationship with
somebody, and you have to, like,
go, with your gut.
You take a chance on everybody,
Everybody you trust, you only
trust so far, but Dreamz is our
best bet, given the situation.
It's just your best bet, you
You just do what you have to do.
It was Dreamz or Lisi.
Lisi, you know, wanted to maybe
go home.
>> JEFF: Lisi.
>> That's what it was.
>> JEFF: The question for you
from me is, is that you?
Because you were funny, mean,
sad, happy.
Is that Lisi we saw out there
Do you kind of live your life
with your emotions on your
>> Well, I mean, yeah.
You have to.
What are you supposed to do?
I can't do that.
That's so, that's too much work.
I'm too lazy for that covering-
up madness.
I gotta do it that way.
(laughs) Whoo-hoo!
Rock and roll, baby, rock and
>> JEFF: I should give you a
You were a go-to woman as well.
You gave us a lot out there.
>> Rocky! Rocky, you and me,
>> JEFF: Boo, you took a lot of
knocks out there.
And by the way, for anybody that
saw the episode in which his
knee popped, I give you my word,
that's not any sound effect at
And we all know who were out
How is your knee, by the way?
>> I have a torn ACL, Jeff.
>> JEFF: Oh, you do?
>> Yeah.
>> JEFF: Wow. So you gonna
get it fixed?
>> I don't know, maybe I'll
take some of this money and get
it fixed, but probably not.
>> JEFF: So you just wedged it
back into place out there.
>> No, I don't know what
I was in pain, and was, like,
(gasps), straightened it out.
And I don't think I'd heard it.
Everyone else heard it.
I just felt pain.
>> JEFF: Oh, we heard it.
>> I saw it on the show.
I was, like, "Ooh."
>> JEFF: Michelle, if it weren't
for you, Ravu would still be
trying to make fire.
You did something virtually
nobody has done on our show.
(cheering and applause)
And as one of the youngest
people to ever be on this show,
what, what does this do for
Because if you're an older
person, this could just be a
fun adventure.
When you're young, does it form
any lasting impression or
influence your life?
>> Well, I mean, I think it
proves that it doesn't matter
how old are you.
It just matters if you have the
right attitude and you know
what your goal is.
>> JEFF: And what was your goal
coming in?
>> Um, to win a million dollars,
but after a couple of twists
and turns maybe, um, that didn't
quite work out for me.
But, um, we'll see.
>> JEFF: Edgardo, you got
You know, all of a sudden, you
were out of this, yeah, out
of this game.
Yeah, everything always points
back to Dreamz, doesn't it?
>> Yeah. (laughter)
>> JEFF: Funny how that goes.
But you said something really
interesting in the last episode
that this actually gave you a
new appreciation for family
back home which isn't something
I would have guessed you would
say from the time I spent with
>> It's that you realize, I mean
you're there by yourself, and
you don't have any, I mean, you
can't trust anybody.
And I got really blindsided
so at that time I felt homesick.
I was, like, I really wanted to
see my family, so, so that's why
I said that.
>> JEFF: Does it really, though,
does it remind you that there
are people in your life you can
trust and everybody else..?
>> It does, it does.
I mean, you're there by
yourself, I mean, 39 days, but
it felt longer than the 39 days,
so I was thinking about my
family a lot.
>> JEFF: All right, well,
up next, I think it's fair to
say that Survivor takes a
Oh! Nice comment.
I got it.
Takes a bigger physical and
mental toll than anybody can
And up next we're going to talk
to Gary about being evacuated.
Plus, which of these survivors
do you think actually gained
20 pounds in preparation for the
First, here's a little reminder
of how tough this season was.
>> Being the biggest group of
losers that Survivor has ever
seen, sucks.
I'm skinnier than the homeless
people right now.
Are you serious?
They're getting more nutrition
in their diet.
>> Water! (laughing)
>> It's crazy!
We're starving here, bro!
(cheering and applause)
>> JEFF: Welcome back to
Survivor: Fiji Reunion show.
Tonight's finale was our 200th
episode of Survivor, and I'm
still asked by people, are the
survivors really starving?
Are they really sleeping on
Are they really eating
In other words, how real is
Who better to speak to that
than Gary, a guy who had been in
Vietnam and had to be evacuated
because of, it was literally
thousands of fire ant bites.
>> The fire ants got to me
the worst, yeah.
It just, it was, it's a tough
There's no way around it.
I mean, it, you know, sometimes
it's, the question's always
asked, "Is it life-changing?"
Well, I don't really want my
life to change because my life
is really good.
But it did physically change me,
which I kinda had to load up
on the guns to show you this.
>> JEFF: All right, show us
>> This right here.
>> JEFF: Wow, nice.
Permanently etched on the arm!
>> It physically changed me.
>> JEFF: Mookie, you probably
had it as tough as anybody.
You never got the good beach,
you had the immunity idol, then
your buddy used it, betrayed
and all that.
What was the worst part for you?
>> The worst part was probably
just going to Tribal Council.
Every single Tribal Council.
I think almost ever single
Tribal Council sitting there in
the heat, always wondering if
I'm going to be the next person
to go.
And, you know, thanks to Dreamz,
you know, I eventually had
that... I got voted off!
>> JEFF: Stacy, you know,
Mookie talks about the
emotional part of going to
Tribal and worrying.
We had a challenge where you
took a lot of personal hits,
where people said, you know in
other words, they didn't
necessarily like you as much.
Same question as with Anthony.
When you see that back on the
show, is it harder to watch
or are you able to get some
perspective when you see it?
>> No, I got grounded from that
whole challenge.
I think that it changed me and
my perspective on myself and
other people, so...
>> JEFF: So it turned into a
>> Yeah.
>> JEFF: Wow, that's a great
way to, uh, to take that.
>> It could have gotten me down
but I didn't let it because I'm
not like that so, you know...
>> JEFF: Liliana, you are the
person who gained 20 pounds
before we came on the show in
preparation for being out there
a long time, which didn't
necessarily happen.
What, what prompted you to
gain 20?
I mean, that's a big decision,
20 pounds.
>> Well, you know, I probably
exaggerated a little bit.
And I did call my mother and
tell her to put, get cooking and
create tacos for me.
But, um, I didn't want, I
didn't want to be medevac'd out
from for, you know, being
malnutritioned or anything
so I wanted reserves, so that's
why I gained weight.
And I was definitely thinking,
"I'm going to win this game so
I'm going to stick it out."
I'm gonna be there, and...
I got, I had to lose weight
after that.
>> JEFF: Rita, a couple of
quick questions for the people
I haven't talked to because
we're running out of time.
How proud are your kids of you
for being out there?
>> Oh, my goodness.
You want to ask them?
I think and I hope that they're
very proud because they are the
main reason that I did this.
And as I said, you know, "Stick
to your dream.
Don't give up."
I never gave up.
I had to be voted off.
>> JEFF: Sylvia, quick plug for
you, because as the bossy
architect, you actually have a
nice thing that's just happened.
Give us that quick update.
>> Right. Well, a project that
we designed, it's a beautiful
house in Utah, has been selected
to be on a brand-new show in
It's called Extreme Building,
and it's going to be showing
early next year.
>> JEFF: Congratulations.
>> Thank you.
>> JEFF: Erica, quickly, how
frustrating to not get to play
this game very long?
>> Oh, it was very frustrating.
I mean, that was the main
reason I was here because I
thought I was physically able
to do it.
>> JEFF: You were, you were
As were you, Jessica.
Did you make any friends with
only three days out there?
>> I did because after I got
voted out, I ended up with
amazing people and bonded for
life. Yes, yes.
>> JEFF: Good, all right.
Well, thank you, guys.
All right, when we come back,
we're gonna give you a sneak
peek of our next location.
It's the Survivor: Fiji live
reunion show here on CBS.
(cheering and applause)
(cheering and applause)
>> JEFF: Well, as this season
comes to a close, we are
packing our bags and heading
out for our 15th season.
Take a look.
This fall, Survivor leaves
the tropical island setting for
something completely different.
This is China, where the modern
world meshes with 5,000 years of
colorful history.
This is the first time a major
American television program
will shoot an entire series on
location in the heart of China.
The adventure will play out in
the shadows of a sacred
mountain on the shores of a
remote lake in a land known for
tigers, giant pandas, snow
leopards and ancient tradition.
A new group of castaways will
battle each other and the
elements to outwit, outplay,
and outlast.
Survivor is going to China.
(cheering and applause)
Tomorrow morning on The Early
Show on CBS, Earl will receive
his check for $1 million.
You can own a piece of
Survivor: Fiji by bidding on
one-of-kind memorabilia to
benefit the Elisabeth Glaser
Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
The Web site's on the screen
And if you have what it takes
to be on our show, go to
Earl has the final word.
A message to his mom.
She can't hear you, but go
ahead and say it.
>> For my mother, for a happy
Mother's Day to you,
and the greatest gift I can
give you, I'm giving you half
the money.
>> JEFF: We'll see you in China.
Earl just gave away half his
Good night.
Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH