Survivor (2000–…): Season 12, Episode 3 - Crazy Fights, Snake Dinners - full transcript
Torrential rains make life miserable, and bickering starts early.
>> JEFF PROBST: Previously on
>> No more torrential downpours,
Sir God!
>> PROBST: Shane was unraveling.
>> There's no reason for me to
be doing this.
>> Green sweats.
>> PROBST: In a schoolyard pick,
the four tribes became two--
La Mina and Casaya.
When Bruce was not chosen, he
was sent to Exile Island and an
unexpected twist was revealed.
You are the only
person guaranteed to be safe
at the next Tribal Council.
>> Yeah! Thank you!
>> PROBST: Well, go.
Boat's out there.
Then the two tribes competed for
fishing gear.
Survivors ready!
In a tough physical challenge,
Nick helped carry La Mina to
La Mina wins reward!
When the new Casaya tribe
reached their beach, Shane
wasted no time.
>> Let's just the four of us, go
to the four-- done!
Shane, Courtney, Danielle and
Aras formed an alliance of four.
>> The people that don't talk
and communicate, they're the
ones that get voted off.
>> PROBST: At La Mina...
>> You have my word.
>> PROBST: ...Austin and Nick
were torn between the older men
and the younger women.
>> We were thinking, if the four
of us stuck together, we would
have the numbers.
>> We are right in the middle of
a tug-of-war.
Somebody's gonna have to get
hurt out here.
>> PROBST: And Sally lost the
tribe's new spear.
>> I have some bad news: I lost
that spear.
>> PROBST: On Exile Island,
Bruce toughed it out.
(karate yell)
(thunder crashes)
>> This place is horrible, evil.
I would not wish this on my
worst enemy.
>> PROBST: At the immunity
challenge, Terry lead La Mina to
Terry-- pulling that anchor in!
La Mina wins immunity.
Back at Casaya, Shane made a
startling announcement.
>> Hey, what are you doing?
>> If somebody wants to quit,
let 'em quit!
>> PROBST: But at the last
minute, Aras managed to change
Shane's mind...
>> Just try it, okay?
>> Okay. All right.
>> PROBST: ...and the focus
shifted to Cirie and Melinda.
>> I don't care which one of you
goes, like whoever doesn't go
now, is going next.
>> PROBST: At Tribal Council,
Bruce returned from Exile Island
and listened in as Casaya's
emotions ran high.
>> I was done; I wanted out of
It's some kind of psychotic, bad
>> It bothers me when
somebody, even remotely, had the
thought to quit, and you have me
here trying my best to stay.
>> PROBST: Despite her pleas,
Melinda was the first person
voted out of the new Casaya
Melinda, the tribe has spoken.
Bruce, drop your buff, join your
new tribe, Casaya.
Fourteen are left.
Who will be voted out tonight?
Captioning sponsored by
(theme song playing)
>> Welcome, Bruce.
>> Bruce, welcome.
>> Oh, thank you.
>> At Tribal Council, we voted
off Melinda, and Bruce, who had
been sent to Exile Island came
back and was inserted into
Melinda's place in our tribe at
the end of Tribal Council.
>> Oh, it's close.
>> You don't need fire right
You want water or you want fire?
You want water.
>> Okay, you have a pot full of
water, or bottles filled with
old water...
When I arrived tonight, I saw
my new tribe, and I can see they
all had good hearts and fought
to get here, but they're all
tired and lack of water.
They didn't have fire.
They really needed all my skills
and knowledge.
>> We just thought we were
making a fire so we could boil
the water, and we're gonna
drink the water.
>> No, you don't need to.
>> What do you mean?
>> So this is what we're gonna
do: I need a...
I've been teaching high school,
34 years, karate 40 years, and
taught backpacking for 19.
I know how to deal with
different kinds of profiles of
people, and there are some...
six different profiles right
here, let me tell you.
We're going to filter water
through three T-shirts,
It's going to be 90% pure water.
>> Bruce is incredibly neurotic.
You know, anytime anyone brings
something up, Bruce has been
doing it for 25 years and is
certified and a teacher.
I mean, of course, it grates on
my nerves-- I just want him to
shut up.
But it's like I... you know, I
gotta just let him do his thing.
>> Bruce came through with this
filtering system that somehow we
all just believed.
I don't even know if it's
I mean, we just went for it.
>> Oh, listen to that beautiful
We missed a lot but that's okay.
>> So you really think...
I mean, I have to tell you, I've
also worked in wilderness and
I'm shocked and awed that this
method actually gets bacteria
out of the water.
>> It won't get all of it out,
>> Yeah, it won't.
>> Bruce told us about his
filtration method, which he said
makes the water 90% pure.
And he was drinking it, and he
was fine-- he survived.
So we're a lot more powerful
as a tribe with him in Melinda's
place than we were.
>> Okay. Now I watch out for
you, right?
>> Yes, Bruce.
>> The tribe reacted to me with
great joy.
They thought I was a gift from
They were just very ecstatic
that I was there.
This is the best bottle so far.
I know that I was the last man
Now I'm emerging as the top of
the tribe.
>> Hey, guys, are we doing
shells and everything?
>> Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> We've been eating very
Some stew made out of snails and
crab legs, but nothing much to
speak of.
>> So any gooey part's okay?
>> I'm eating all of it.
>> Is there water?
Here, here's water.
>> Oh, yeah.
I'm not doing snails.
>> We're just slowly going
Another day or two, I don't know
what kind of shape people are
going to be in around here.
Right now, I mean if we could
catch a few fish a day, even two
fish a day, we'd be a in a whole
other ballgame.
The equipment that we have
for fishing is very old-school,
very medieval, and the knowledge
on our part is as minimal as it
could be.
He's on. He's on...
He's on.
Aw, shoot!
>> Aw, no!
>> That damn spear that Sally
lost-- God, what we wouldn't
give to have that thing back.
How did you lose that spear?
>> Yee-ha!
Oh, he's a nice one.
There we are, boys.
It's fish.
It's a puffer thing.
It's kind of freaky.
That is a freaky, freaky thing.
Right around camp, the fish
population seems to consist of
nothing but poisonous puffer
fish, which we've caught in
So it's not like we're
not catching fish; we're just
catching the ones we can't eat.
To spend two or three hours out
there, when you could be doing
things around camp to help
everybody, and you, like, come
back empty-handed is getting
really old.
>> Yee-ha!
>> Oh, there he is.
Hey, that's a good little fat
>> Good job.
>> Oh, thanks.
>> Terry, the sole provider of
this tribe came up with Nemo--
that's right, I'm talking a fish
about yea big.
We have applauded that fish as
if he caught a 14-pound catfish.
We were so excited about that
damn thing, I don't even know
how to talk about it.
>> Come on, mama.
>> Oh, you can feel the meat in
>> Mmm.
There was a lot of meat on that
little guy, or maybe it just
felt like a lot because we
haven't had meat in so long.
If we can catch a couple more of
those every day, that would just
be unbelievable.
>> Potato on that.
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: La Mina, come on in.
Casaya, come on in.
La Mina, getting your first look
at the new Casaya.
Melinda voted out at the last
Tribal Council.
Bruce joined the tribe,
returning from Exile Island.
So, you guys physically look
>> I feel a hell of a lot
>> We've got Bruce with us...
>> Bruce is a savior.
>> PROBST: How is Bruce the
>> The first thing we noticed
was the, you know, the upbeat
You can't help but feel better
from being around him.
Plus, his knowledge took a lot
of the, uh, the actual effort
and expenditure of energy off of
us, because he was willing to
take the lead on everything.
>> PROBST: You guys ready to get
to today's challenge?
>> Yeah.
>> Let's get it on.
>> PROBST: It is for reward,
and here's how it works.
Three tribe members will be the
Each launcher will get two shots
per round, the other four tribe
members will stand on a balance
beam over the water.
On my "Go," one tribe member
will launch a ball; the other
four will try to catch it.
You can jump off the balance
beam to catch the ball, but if
you go in the water, you got to
come up with the ball in order
to score a point.
First tribe to five wins reward.
Want to know what you're playing
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: You're gonna want
this stuff.
Tarp, lanterns, some fuel,
couple of blankets, some
pillows, jerry cans for water,
and some rope.
That's for the winners.
>> Excellent.
>> PROBST: For the losers, one
tribe member will be sent to
Exile Island.
Big enough stakes?
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: All right, La Mina,
who's gonna be the three
>> Me, Dan and Ruth Marie.
>> PROBST: Misty, Dan, Ruth
Marie will be the launchers, the
other four will be on the perch.
Casaya, who's gonna be the three
>> Bob, Bruce and Cirie.
>> PROBST: Bob, Bruce and Cirie
will be the launchers, the other
four will be the catchers.
Let's get going.
First shooters...
>> All right, Bob.
>> PROBST: ...Bobby and Misty.
Ready... aim...
fire at will.
Terry scores for La Mina!
>> Nice one!
>> Come on, Bob.
That's good, Bobby, that's good,
Bobby, get it!
Aras, get...
>> PROBST: Oh, Aras gave it a
Misty and Bobby, taking their
second shots.
La Mina leads, one, zero.
Ready, aim, release.
Bobby in the air.
Aras makes a great catch for
>> (cheering)
>> PROBST: Terry can't handle
it, but Nick does.
>> (cheering)
>> PROBST: La Mina leads two,
That fell right into your lap.
A lot of luck for La Mina.
Nice work for Casaya.
Here we go, next two shooters.
Dan and Bruce.
Take your spots.
La Mina leads, two, one.
Ready, aim, and release.
>> Hit it!
>> PROBST: Bruce right on
target, Danielle with a great
catch for Casaya.
Terry comes up with the third
point for La Mina.
La Mina leads, three, two.
Bruce trying to catch Casaya up.
Dan looking to put them ahead.
Ready, aim, release.
Shane makes a leap and comes up
with it.
La Mina's ball sails long, and
we are tied, three, three.
Next shooters.
Cirie up for Casaya.
Ruth-Marie launching for La
>> Go, hot mama!
>> PROBST: Take your spots.
>> Back a few inches, back...
see back on Bruce, right
>> PROBST: Cirie getting some
help from Bobby.
>> There you go, right there.
>> PROBST: Ready, aim, release.
Ruth-Marie hits nothing.
>> Get it!
>> PROBST: Shane with another
nice catch for Casaya.
>> Yeah!
>> PROBST: Casaya is on a roll.
>> Great catch, Shane!
>> (cheering)
>> PROBST: Casaya now leads
four, three.
Ruth-Marie, Cirie, take your
Casaya could win it right here.
Ready, aim, release.
Both balls in the air.
Terry makes it.
Unbelievable catch!
Aras can't handle it.
We're tied four, four.
This next point could do it for
either tribe.
Nobody wants to go to Exile
For reward, here we go.
Misty and Bobby.
>> Come on, Bob.
>> PROBST: Ready, aim...
Misty is in the air, it's
blowing hard.
Terry has it!
Shane can't come up with it for
La Mina wins reward!
>> Yeah!
>> (cheering)
>> Great catch!
>> Woo!
>> Woo!
>> PROBST: Here's how it's going
to work: Casaya, one of your
tribe members is now going to
Exile Island.
They will return for the next
immunity challenge.
La Mina, as winners of this
challenge, this time you decide
who you want to send to Exile
>> We have to decide...?
>> We have to send Bruce.
>> Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: All right, La Mina,
who is it going to be?
Who are you sending to Exile
>> They made a very detrimental
move by telling us who brought
back the team morale over there.
Bruce, we're sending him back.
>> These guys are playing for
keeps, huh?
>> PROBST: So, Bruce, you will
return to Exile Island.
You'll come back to this game
for the next immunity challenge.
See you when you get back.
Casaya, I've got nothing else
for you.
Grab your stuff, head on out.
La Mina, reward is yours.
Get it and head on back to camp.
>> Sweet spoils, you guys.
>> That's right.
>> Oh, yeah.
>> Very happy for that, kid.
>> I know it's not food, but
this is so awesome!
>> The reward challenge, uh,
this afternoon was won by La
Mina, and what we got for it was
a tarp, which basically
reinforces the great shelter
we've got already.
We've got two huge canisters for
carrying water.
We got a couple of blankets, a
couple pillows and we got
kerosene, so we have constant
I'm really stoked for my team.
It was a total team effort.
It was great.
>> It's not too short, you can
get, and-and you know, you need
to extend over the sides a
little bit, too.
Yeah, there you go.
Fortunately, the shelter was
designed for a tarp, so it went
up and over pretty easily.
>> Nice.
>> We have a nice domed
interior, as opposed to a
slumping interior, so there's
lots of space inside.
Check it out.
>> Sweet!
>> Our tarp came just in time
for the big rain that just
started pouring down.
It was torrential.
I mean, it was coming down hard.
>> Yeah, have a moment for him.
>> That guy is so hurtin'.
The decision to send Bruce to
Exile Island was a tough one,
but he is an asset to that team,
and without Bruce, we think
they're not gonna be up on their
feet as they should be.
So, um, we made a tough call,
and, uh, I wouldn't want to be
>> Did you guys boil that water
>> It's on right now.
>> We lost the challenge, and
the other team chose Bruce to go
to Exile Island, which I thought
was one of the most evil things
I've ever seen people do.
It doesn't have that much grip.
I don't know if this is going
to work.
I mean, to lose the reward, and
then to deal with losing Bruce
in that way, it just put us all
on a downer, and it's like the
last thing we need right now.
>> That's your time-out stone.
>> It's mine for the rest of
the, please actually, could no
one else sit on my thinking
seat, please?
>> Why does it have to be yours?
>> Because I picked it!
You want this one, I'll go get
another one!
I want one!
This one!
>> Okay.
>> If you want this one, I'll go
get another one!
I just want mine!
This one!
>> I think the problems in our
tribe are inherent in the
I'm in an alliance with three
nutballs, I feel like, at this
>> It looks like it's going to
>> I know.
>> Can we just adjust it?
>> Well, I want to but I'm just
trying to figure it out.
Shane, what do you think?
>> I don't know, you got us
here, so I left it up to you.
You got us here.
>> I know, I asked for your help
so we could work together, but
it's all right.
>> With Courtney and Shane, it's
always something.
The funny thing is these are the
people that you guys decided to
align with, and now you hate
each other, so how stupid is
>> Can I do this?
>> Please, oh, I'd love it.
That would make me so happy.
Thanks, please.
I don't think it's strong
You do?
Go ahead, go ahead.
>> You're out of your mind, man.
You are crazy.
>> I'm just sharing an opinion.
Will you relax? I just...
I don't know what his problem
I'm, I'm not kidding.
This is, like, not even funny
right now.
I-I did nothing.
Did I just do anything wrong?
>> Don't worry about it.
>> I can't even say anything, of
advice or anything.
I just wanted his help.
I'm feeling really frustrated
right now.
I don't know, I feel like Shane
needs to, like, get his angst
out on something or someone, and
he's chosen me.
I'm really bummed about the
>> Just let him go.
>> Well, I don't like to be the
one that he's decided to pick
on, with his mood.
>> Courtney is a lunatic, and
I'm trapped with her because I
made a commitment on my son's
life that I would stay with her.
I just don't know how to get
right with her.
>> With you two and us two kind
of watching each other's backs,
I think we can go really far.
>> Yeah. I'd like to be with you
>> Cool, 'cause we like you.
>> Sounds like a plan I'd like
to work out myself.
>> Let's do it.
>> Sally has been really working
hard on trying to get Nick and
Austin to kind of pair with us,
'cause it seemed like there
might be a little bit of a
club going on around here.
Would you like your shoulders
>> Yeah.
>> Okay, just sit there.
I'm a natural flirt.
That's something I just enjoy
Some people are born with it.
I would flirt to help get ahead.
I didn't come out here to sit on
my rump.
I came out here to have a good
time and play the game.
>> Amazing, right this second.
>> I think Misty is such a smart
girl, and I think she comes
across in this just, like,
nice... "Like, I want to massage
But you know there's a little
extra something going into
Austin and Nick's massages.
>> Is there a teacher, Misty, or
is this just your natural,
evolved method?
>> It's my natural, evolved
Is it working?
>> I think it is.
>> Okay.
>> We work well together, 'cause
she has, like, that southern,
kind of flirty charm, and I'm
just, like, the pal, you know?
Like, "What's up, guys?
Let's hang out."
I think between the two of us,
we're doing okay.
>> Look, man, if we get into
this four strong into the merge,
we're already ahead.
Then can we pretend like we're
weak-- "Oh, weak ladies.
We just want to go as far as we
I mean, I don't think it's going
to come to that, 'cause they're
smart guys, but...
>> You're so cute.
I mean, you're, like, "Come on.
We're just little girls."
>> We're just little girls.
>> "We just want to get as far
as we can."
>> I am in a position that I
didn't necessarily want to be
I'm the one that everybody's
kind of come to, saying, "Hey,
we really trust you.
Um, we need you on our side."
It could be construed as very
dangerous to align yourself with
strong guys, especially when I
have two girls who seem to
really trust me and-and think
that I'm a really good guy.
>> How are we doing here?
>> Good job.
>> My goal is to keep working on
Austin and to keep, you know,
showing him that as much as
possible, Terry is a power
player, and he's going to have
a huge mark on his back, and it
might be wiser for those guys to
align themselves with us in case
they make it to the merge.
They're going to need us.
We'll see what happens.
>> PROBST: Come on in, guys!
We'll now bring in Bruce, once
again returning from Exile
>> Boy, Bruce!
>> Let's go.
>> Bring it back.
>> Nice to have you back...
>> PROBST: You guys ready to get
to today's challenge?
>> Yeah!
>> PROBST: First things first.
Dan, say good-bye.
Immunity, back up for grabs.
Today's challenge is going to be
a physical, head-to-head battle.
There are five circles in the
Buried within each circle is a
On my go, you'll race out to the
circle, dig and find the bag,
and then get back to your finish
That's where it's going to get
Both tribes will be battling for
the same bag.
To score, you got to have at
least one hand on the bag while
any part of your body touches
the finish mat.
First tribe to three wins
Losers, somebody going home.
The matchups will vary from
round to round.
Drop your gear.
We'll get started.
All right, here we go.
First round is two women taking
on two women.
It's going to be Cirie and
Danielle taking on Sally
and Misty.
For immunity, survivors ready?
>> Go, go, go!
Go, go, go!
>> PROBST: Got to find the bag
and get it back to your mat.
>> Good, Cirie. Stay there.
Be ready to knock 'em down.
>> Stay there, Cirie.
>> PROBST: It's getting physical
>> Danielle, push Misty down!
>> PROBST: Misty and Danielle
getting into it.
>> Keep her down, Danielle!
>> I see it.
>> Sit on her, Cirie.
Sit on... Cirie.
>> PROBST: Cirie sitting on
Sally now.
>> PROBST: They found the bag.
Danielle has it.
>> Cirie, go help!
>> PROBST: Cirie gets up and
lets Sally go.
Cirie takes Misty down.
>> Cirie!
>> PROBST: Cirie's got it.
Now it's Cirie and Sally.
>> There you are, Misty.
>> PROST: Misty doing her best
to take it from Cirie.
>> There you go, Misty!
>> PROBST: Nobody giving up.
Everybody fighting hard.
>> That's a cross right, Sally.
>> PROBST: Danielle trying to
get free of Sally.
Danielle shoves Sally down.
>> Help her out!
>> Come on, D., get it! Get it!
>> PROBST: It's a free-for-all
on the bag again.
(all talking at once)
Danielle has it.
Misty's down.
Cirie wants it!
(indistinct, overlapping
Cirie's got to touch the mat and
the bag!
Casaya scores first point!
>> Yes! Yes!
>> PROBST: Next round is two men
taking on two men.
Got Nick and Terry taking on
Bruce and Bobby.
Survivors ready?
Bruce tries to tackle Terry and
It doesn't work.
Bobby throws Terry out of the
Bruce working on Nick.
Very physical very quickly.
Terry and Bobby going at it.
>> Terry!
>> Get him, Bob!
>> Okay, Bobby, it's here.
>> PROBST: Nick has position.
>> Use that karate, Bruce!
>> Okay, Bobby, get up now!
>> Bobby, get up.
>> Come on, Bobby!
>> PROBST: Terry is not letting
Bobby move.
Nick has the bag, and he's free.
>> Get him, Bob!
Get him, Bob!
>> PROBST: Nick's got it!
(whooping and applause)
La Mina scores.
We're tied, one-one.
Next round is two men, one
For Casaya, it's Shane, Courtney
and Aras.
For La Mina-- Austin, Ruth Marie
and Dan.
Survivors ready?
>> Go, Aras!
>> Get him, Courtney!
>> PROBST: Shane tries to take
out Dan, but Dan fighting back.
Shane tosses Dan down hard.
>> Oh, Aras!
>> PROBST: Austin and Aras.
Aras has the bag quickly.
>> Go, Aras!
>> PROBST: Austin takes him
The bag was found fast.
Shane and Dan are out of it.
Ruth Marie getting in on it.
>> Shane, help...
>> PROBST: Aras trying to get it
to Shane.
>> Shane, help him. Shane!
>> PROBST: Shane has it.
It's Shane and Austin!
>> Come on, Shane!
Come on!
>> PROBST: Ruth Marie and
Courtney are out of it.
Aras and Dan are out of it.
>> Keep him there, Danny!
Come on!
>> One on one, Aus. Let's go!
>> PROBST: Shane, inch by inch,
getting closer.
>> You got it, Shane?
>> Come on, Aus! Come on, Aus!
>> Way to go, Shane!
>> PROBST: Now Austin pulling
Shane back toward the middle.
Could go either way.
>> PROBST: Austin scores for La
>> PROBST: Next round, two
women, one man.
Courtney, Cirie, Aras taking on
Sally, Misty and Nick.
We're playing to three.
La Mina leads two-one.
Survivors ready?
>> Take your time now.
Take your time.
>> Oh, they're relaxing.
You relax. Don't use energy.
>> PROBST: Different strategy
this time.
Everybody taking their time.
Everybody watching everybody.
>> Okay, Aras, come here.
>> PROBST: Cirie found the bag.
Nick's pulling it up now.
Aras pulling Nick out.
>> Run, Courtney!
>> PROBST: Courtney's got it if
she can get free.
>> Come on, Courtney!
Pull, Courtney! You got it!
>> PROBST: Nick will got give up
the bag.
>> Come on, Nick! Get up, buddy!
>> PROBST: Aras trying to steal
>> Come on, Aras!
>> Aras, fight!
>> Misty, take out Aras!
>> PROBST: Misty trying to take
out Aras, and she does.
(overlapping chatter)
>> Nick!
>> PROBST: All six in on this.
One big game of Twister.
>> Stop choking me!
>> PROBST: Misty, watch the
Don't make me call it.
No choking, guys!
Watch the kicking.
>> Cirie, pull Misty.
Push Misty back!
>> PROBST: Cirie tosses Misty
>> Aras, bring me the bag!
>> PROBST: Aras using some
little yoga move.
Aras has the bag!
>> Bring me the bag!
I told you to bring me the bag!
>> PROBST: Casaya scores.
We're tied, two-two.
We are tied.
This is the final round.
It's going to be one man and
one woman from each tribe.
It's going to be Bobby and
Danielle taking on Ruth Marie
and Terry for immunity.
This is it.
Survivors ready?
>> Go, Bob! Go, Bob, go!
>> Terry, keep your eye on Bob!
>> PROBST: Danielle picks up
Ruth Marie...
(indistinct shout)
>> PROBST: ...and drops her.
>> Oh!
(Terry grunts)
>> Bob, get Terry!
>> Throw him!
>> PROBST: Bobby trying to move
Terry out of the way.
>> Come on, Bobby!
>> PROBST: Bobby pulling the bag
Bobby's got it.
Terry almost had it free.
>> Danielle, grab the bag!
>> PROBST: Danielle with a hand
on the bag now.
>> Get it, Bob!
>> PROBST: Terry's got the bag.
Bobby trying to take him down.
Terry not going down.
Bobby grabs him!
(indistinct shouting)
Takes him back down again.
>> Which one?
>> PROBST: Terry hands off to
Ruth Marie.
>> Hey, Ruth Marie!
>> PROBST: She's got to outrace
Bobby, who is lagging behind.
Ruth Marie getting closer.
Bobby grabs her.
He's dragging her to his mat.
Bobby wins it for Casaya!
>> Bobby!
>> Oh, Bobby!
>> Yeah!
>> PROBST: Casaya-- safe from
Tribal Council.
Nobody going home.
La Mina, you'll get your first
visit as a tribe to Tribal
Council tonight.
Somebody going home.
You have the afternoon to
figure out who that's gonna be.
Head on out.
♪ ♪
>> That was... guys, we gave
it... we did everything we
>> Losing feels terrible, but
today's loss was hard.
It was hard because it was
physical, and we gave it
everything we had, and it was
They have so much more weight
than we do.
>> Yeah, that was tailor-made
for them.
>> It totally is a bummer.
My goal was to bring this tribe
intact to the merge, and now we
got to make a tough decision.
I'm bummed that we've got to
lose one of our tribe mates, but
the game moves on, and there's
always tomorrow.
>> Dan and I, as soon as we got
the two younger guys, we got on
them quickly and came up with
who we're going to have to vote
off tonight.
And the plan at Tribal Council
tonight is to vote off Misty.
She's an engineer.
She's smart as hell.
And she could cause some
>> I would look at it
personally and say Ruth Marie
or Dan.
I love Ruth Marie, but I just
think down the road, as far as
contribution, like Dan might
not be the fastest guy, but look
at him today, he did awesome.
And he's so brilliant.
He's so brilliant.
>> I can't vote for Dan.
>> Good, then that's easy.
>> Yeah.
>> If I take myself out of it
and I say who is going to,
like, who is going to
contribute the most in all
areas, Dan is high up on the
>> Yeah.
>> Ruth Marie is pretty weak
right now.
I mean, she's struggling.
Like, she's been struggling for
a couple days.
Right now, I think it would be
most advantageous to us as a
tribe, and also to myself, for
it to be Ruth Marie.
(Dan sighs)
>> You got thrown between a rock
and a hard place, didn't you?
>> Yep.
>> Yeah, it happens to me every
day, bro.
My two options I have,
personally-- and when I say
"personally" I'm linked to
Nick-- we could either go with
Sally and Misty, or we go with
Dan and Terry.
I have the makings right now to
get all the way to where I want
to be in this game because of
the way that I'm aligned.
>> PROBST: For those of you who
don't have torches, grab a
torch, approach the flame, dip
your torch in, and get fire.
This is part of the ritual at
Tribal Council because in this
game, fire represents your life.
As long as you have fire,
you're in the game.
When your fire is gone, so are
So, catch me up.
Terry, eight days out here,
compared to the experiences
you've had in life, where does
this rank in terms of tough?
>> It's definitely up there on
the physical side.
On the mental side, not there
yet, I'm sure it will be.
And I'm ready for what comes
down the road.
>> PROBST: How about you, Dan?
You hanging in there?
>> Oh, absolutely.
There's certainly deprivation
involved, and it's difficult to
go many, many days without
food, but the companionship is
For strangers to come together
and work together so well so
fast, that's impressive.
>> PROBST: Sally, how about the
first eight days for you?
>> The first eight days for me
have been everything I thought
they could be.
Other than the fact that I
didn't think I would come in
here and actually care about
these people as much as I could
in eight days.
>> PROBST: Austin, what's the
food situation?
>> The X factor, Terry caught a
fish yesterday that was no
bigger than this.
But, man, when you haven't had
any protein in days, that will
do wonders for you.
I am by no means a strong
fisherman, and all we can catch
are the puffer fish, which,
those things are poisonous.
So we just hadn't had any luck
Jeff, it sucks.
>> PROBST: Well, what are you
doing with the spear?
>> We had a little incident with
the spear.
We, uh... the spear hasn't been
much luck for us, let's just put
it that way.
>> PROBST: Misty, looking at
this tribe, it seems like,
based on today, guys that are in
pretty good shape.
>> Oh, yeah.
>> PROBST: Is there a pressure
from the women that, "We have
to live up to this"?
>> I think in any situation
when you've got a mixed group
like this, there's always a
pressure that we've got to step
up to the plate and play just
as well as the men are.
>> PROBST: Do you truly think
all seven people here are all
playing for this tribe?
>> I absolutely believe that,
100%, wholeheartedly.
And that's something I didn't
expect coming into this game.
I expected to have the little
sects of people, you know,
trying to pretend to pull
together and make a team out of
it, but we don't have that
issue, we really are a team.
>> PROBST: So, Terry, if you
really are this unified, how do
you make a vote tonight?
Are people coming here and
making individual votes and
we'll just see what happens?
>> Obviously, there's been some
It's all part of the game to
talk to different people on
what their feeling is, and we
all understand that someone has
to go tonight.
>> PROBST: Ruth Marie, you're
the only person in this tribe
that came into this tribe
without somebody.
Did you feel that initially?
>> I noticed that right away,
Jeff, yeah, um...
I'm definitely the odd man out.
And it's a... it's a vulnerable
seat to be in tonight.
>> PROBST: How about for you,
Are you basing your vote on
what you think?
You basing it on a group?
>> I'm basing my vote on
probably more... with a group
There's conversations in camp.
There's strategy being plotted.
So, yeah, I think tonight more
than individually, I'm going
with the group.
>> PROBST: Okay, there is one
more thing to deal with, the
hidden immunity idol.
Misty, you're the only person
from this tribe to go to Exile
If, after the vote, you have
the most votes, that is when
you would reveal whether or not
you found the idol.
Otherwise, it remains a mystery.
Okay, it is time to vote.
Austin, you're up.
>> This is just team play.
That's all.
>> Misty, you're a smart girl.
I wish it didn't have to be
this way.
>> I'm going with the strength
of the tribe and we think that
you're probably the least
strong member of the tribe
right now, and I'm very sorry.
>> PROBST: I'll go tally the
>> PROBST: Once the votes are
read, the decision is final.
The person voted out will be
asked to leave the Tribal
Council area immediately.
I'll read the votes.
First vote...
Ruth Marie.
One vote Misty, one vote Ruth
Ruth Marie.
Two votes Ruth, one vote Misty.
We're tied-- two votes Misty,
two votes Ruth Marie.
That's three votes Misty, two
votes Ruth Marie.
Third person voted out of
Survivor: Exile Island...
Misty, that's enough votes.
One question left: Did you find
the immunity idol?
>> No, I did not.
>> PROBST: You need to bring me
your torch.
Misty, the tribe has spoken.
It's time for you to go.
Well, based on what I
heard tonight, it does seem like
you're a very unified tribe.
But as the vote tonight shows,
even in the tightest of groups,
somebody is always on the
Grab your torches, head on back
to camp.
Good night.
Captioning sponsored by
Media Access Group at WGBH
>> PROBST: Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.
>> PROBST: Next time on
Survivor: La Mina is on the
verge of starvation.
>> Ten days in and we really
haven't had anything to eat.
>> I figure we got about three
more days before the entire
tribe can't get out of bed.
>> PROBST: And at Casaya...
>> What are you talking about?
>> We're not going to have this
>> PROBST: ...friction rattles
the alliance of four.
>> Everybody here won't tell
you, they're afraid to tell you
the truth.
>> Well, tonight was definitely
a shock to me.
I didn't expect it so soon,
that's for sure.
I was excited, and exuberant,
and I thought we had a great
thing going, so obviously I was
outplayed and out-strategized.
I had a good time out here.
I met some great, great people,
and I wish my tribe all the
I hope they go all the way.
>> No more torrential downpours,
Sir God!
>> PROBST: Shane was unraveling.
>> There's no reason for me to
be doing this.
>> Green sweats.
>> PROBST: In a schoolyard pick,
the four tribes became two--
La Mina and Casaya.
When Bruce was not chosen, he
was sent to Exile Island and an
unexpected twist was revealed.
You are the only
person guaranteed to be safe
at the next Tribal Council.
>> Yeah! Thank you!
>> PROBST: Well, go.
Boat's out there.
Then the two tribes competed for
fishing gear.
Survivors ready!
In a tough physical challenge,
Nick helped carry La Mina to
La Mina wins reward!
When the new Casaya tribe
reached their beach, Shane
wasted no time.
>> Let's just the four of us, go
to the four-- done!
Shane, Courtney, Danielle and
Aras formed an alliance of four.
>> The people that don't talk
and communicate, they're the
ones that get voted off.
>> PROBST: At La Mina...
>> You have my word.
>> PROBST: ...Austin and Nick
were torn between the older men
and the younger women.
>> We were thinking, if the four
of us stuck together, we would
have the numbers.
>> We are right in the middle of
a tug-of-war.
Somebody's gonna have to get
hurt out here.
>> PROBST: And Sally lost the
tribe's new spear.
>> I have some bad news: I lost
that spear.
>> PROBST: On Exile Island,
Bruce toughed it out.
(karate yell)
(thunder crashes)
>> This place is horrible, evil.
I would not wish this on my
worst enemy.
>> PROBST: At the immunity
challenge, Terry lead La Mina to
Terry-- pulling that anchor in!
La Mina wins immunity.
Back at Casaya, Shane made a
startling announcement.
>> Hey, what are you doing?
>> If somebody wants to quit,
let 'em quit!
>> PROBST: But at the last
minute, Aras managed to change
Shane's mind...
>> Just try it, okay?
>> Okay. All right.
>> PROBST: ...and the focus
shifted to Cirie and Melinda.
>> I don't care which one of you
goes, like whoever doesn't go
now, is going next.
>> PROBST: At Tribal Council,
Bruce returned from Exile Island
and listened in as Casaya's
emotions ran high.
>> I was done; I wanted out of
It's some kind of psychotic, bad
>> It bothers me when
somebody, even remotely, had the
thought to quit, and you have me
here trying my best to stay.
>> PROBST: Despite her pleas,
Melinda was the first person
voted out of the new Casaya
Melinda, the tribe has spoken.
Bruce, drop your buff, join your
new tribe, Casaya.
Fourteen are left.
Who will be voted out tonight?
Captioning sponsored by
(theme song playing)
>> Welcome, Bruce.
>> Bruce, welcome.
>> Oh, thank you.
>> At Tribal Council, we voted
off Melinda, and Bruce, who had
been sent to Exile Island came
back and was inserted into
Melinda's place in our tribe at
the end of Tribal Council.
>> Oh, it's close.
>> You don't need fire right
You want water or you want fire?
You want water.
>> Okay, you have a pot full of
water, or bottles filled with
old water...
When I arrived tonight, I saw
my new tribe, and I can see they
all had good hearts and fought
to get here, but they're all
tired and lack of water.
They didn't have fire.
They really needed all my skills
and knowledge.
>> We just thought we were
making a fire so we could boil
the water, and we're gonna
drink the water.
>> No, you don't need to.
>> What do you mean?
>> So this is what we're gonna
do: I need a...
I've been teaching high school,
34 years, karate 40 years, and
taught backpacking for 19.
I know how to deal with
different kinds of profiles of
people, and there are some...
six different profiles right
here, let me tell you.
We're going to filter water
through three T-shirts,
It's going to be 90% pure water.
>> Bruce is incredibly neurotic.
You know, anytime anyone brings
something up, Bruce has been
doing it for 25 years and is
certified and a teacher.
I mean, of course, it grates on
my nerves-- I just want him to
shut up.
But it's like I... you know, I
gotta just let him do his thing.
>> Bruce came through with this
filtering system that somehow we
all just believed.
I don't even know if it's
I mean, we just went for it.
>> Oh, listen to that beautiful
We missed a lot but that's okay.
>> So you really think...
I mean, I have to tell you, I've
also worked in wilderness and
I'm shocked and awed that this
method actually gets bacteria
out of the water.
>> It won't get all of it out,
>> Yeah, it won't.
>> Bruce told us about his
filtration method, which he said
makes the water 90% pure.
And he was drinking it, and he
was fine-- he survived.
So we're a lot more powerful
as a tribe with him in Melinda's
place than we were.
>> Okay. Now I watch out for
you, right?
>> Yes, Bruce.
>> The tribe reacted to me with
great joy.
They thought I was a gift from
They were just very ecstatic
that I was there.
This is the best bottle so far.
I know that I was the last man
Now I'm emerging as the top of
the tribe.
>> Hey, guys, are we doing
shells and everything?
>> Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> We've been eating very
Some stew made out of snails and
crab legs, but nothing much to
speak of.
>> So any gooey part's okay?
>> I'm eating all of it.
>> Is there water?
Here, here's water.
>> Oh, yeah.
I'm not doing snails.
>> We're just slowly going
Another day or two, I don't know
what kind of shape people are
going to be in around here.
Right now, I mean if we could
catch a few fish a day, even two
fish a day, we'd be a in a whole
other ballgame.
The equipment that we have
for fishing is very old-school,
very medieval, and the knowledge
on our part is as minimal as it
could be.
He's on. He's on...
He's on.
Aw, shoot!
>> Aw, no!
>> That damn spear that Sally
lost-- God, what we wouldn't
give to have that thing back.
How did you lose that spear?
>> Yee-ha!
Oh, he's a nice one.
There we are, boys.
It's fish.
It's a puffer thing.
It's kind of freaky.
That is a freaky, freaky thing.
Right around camp, the fish
population seems to consist of
nothing but poisonous puffer
fish, which we've caught in
So it's not like we're
not catching fish; we're just
catching the ones we can't eat.
To spend two or three hours out
there, when you could be doing
things around camp to help
everybody, and you, like, come
back empty-handed is getting
really old.
>> Yee-ha!
>> Oh, there he is.
Hey, that's a good little fat
>> Good job.
>> Oh, thanks.
>> Terry, the sole provider of
this tribe came up with Nemo--
that's right, I'm talking a fish
about yea big.
We have applauded that fish as
if he caught a 14-pound catfish.
We were so excited about that
damn thing, I don't even know
how to talk about it.
>> Come on, mama.
>> Oh, you can feel the meat in
>> Mmm.
There was a lot of meat on that
little guy, or maybe it just
felt like a lot because we
haven't had meat in so long.
If we can catch a couple more of
those every day, that would just
be unbelievable.
>> Potato on that.
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: La Mina, come on in.
Casaya, come on in.
La Mina, getting your first look
at the new Casaya.
Melinda voted out at the last
Tribal Council.
Bruce joined the tribe,
returning from Exile Island.
So, you guys physically look
>> I feel a hell of a lot
>> We've got Bruce with us...
>> Bruce is a savior.
>> PROBST: How is Bruce the
>> The first thing we noticed
was the, you know, the upbeat
You can't help but feel better
from being around him.
Plus, his knowledge took a lot
of the, uh, the actual effort
and expenditure of energy off of
us, because he was willing to
take the lead on everything.
>> PROBST: You guys ready to get
to today's challenge?
>> Yeah.
>> Let's get it on.
>> PROBST: It is for reward,
and here's how it works.
Three tribe members will be the
Each launcher will get two shots
per round, the other four tribe
members will stand on a balance
beam over the water.
On my "Go," one tribe member
will launch a ball; the other
four will try to catch it.
You can jump off the balance
beam to catch the ball, but if
you go in the water, you got to
come up with the ball in order
to score a point.
First tribe to five wins reward.
Want to know what you're playing
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: You're gonna want
this stuff.
Tarp, lanterns, some fuel,
couple of blankets, some
pillows, jerry cans for water,
and some rope.
That's for the winners.
>> Excellent.
>> PROBST: For the losers, one
tribe member will be sent to
Exile Island.
Big enough stakes?
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: All right, La Mina,
who's gonna be the three
>> Me, Dan and Ruth Marie.
>> PROBST: Misty, Dan, Ruth
Marie will be the launchers, the
other four will be on the perch.
Casaya, who's gonna be the three
>> Bob, Bruce and Cirie.
>> PROBST: Bob, Bruce and Cirie
will be the launchers, the other
four will be the catchers.
Let's get going.
First shooters...
>> All right, Bob.
>> PROBST: ...Bobby and Misty.
Ready... aim...
fire at will.
Terry scores for La Mina!
>> Nice one!
>> Come on, Bob.
That's good, Bobby, that's good,
Bobby, get it!
Aras, get...
>> PROBST: Oh, Aras gave it a
Misty and Bobby, taking their
second shots.
La Mina leads, one, zero.
Ready, aim, release.
Bobby in the air.
Aras makes a great catch for
>> (cheering)
>> PROBST: Terry can't handle
it, but Nick does.
>> (cheering)
>> PROBST: La Mina leads two,
That fell right into your lap.
A lot of luck for La Mina.
Nice work for Casaya.
Here we go, next two shooters.
Dan and Bruce.
Take your spots.
La Mina leads, two, one.
Ready, aim, and release.
>> Hit it!
>> PROBST: Bruce right on
target, Danielle with a great
catch for Casaya.
Terry comes up with the third
point for La Mina.
La Mina leads, three, two.
Bruce trying to catch Casaya up.
Dan looking to put them ahead.
Ready, aim, release.
Shane makes a leap and comes up
with it.
La Mina's ball sails long, and
we are tied, three, three.
Next shooters.
Cirie up for Casaya.
Ruth-Marie launching for La
>> Go, hot mama!
>> PROBST: Take your spots.
>> Back a few inches, back...
see back on Bruce, right
>> PROBST: Cirie getting some
help from Bobby.
>> There you go, right there.
>> PROBST: Ready, aim, release.
Ruth-Marie hits nothing.
>> Get it!
>> PROBST: Shane with another
nice catch for Casaya.
>> Yeah!
>> PROBST: Casaya is on a roll.
>> Great catch, Shane!
>> (cheering)
>> PROBST: Casaya now leads
four, three.
Ruth-Marie, Cirie, take your
Casaya could win it right here.
Ready, aim, release.
Both balls in the air.
Terry makes it.
Unbelievable catch!
Aras can't handle it.
We're tied four, four.
This next point could do it for
either tribe.
Nobody wants to go to Exile
For reward, here we go.
Misty and Bobby.
>> Come on, Bob.
>> PROBST: Ready, aim...
Misty is in the air, it's
blowing hard.
Terry has it!
Shane can't come up with it for
La Mina wins reward!
>> Yeah!
>> (cheering)
>> Great catch!
>> Woo!
>> Woo!
>> PROBST: Here's how it's going
to work: Casaya, one of your
tribe members is now going to
Exile Island.
They will return for the next
immunity challenge.
La Mina, as winners of this
challenge, this time you decide
who you want to send to Exile
>> We have to decide...?
>> We have to send Bruce.
>> Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
>> Yeah.
>> PROBST: All right, La Mina,
who is it going to be?
Who are you sending to Exile
>> They made a very detrimental
move by telling us who brought
back the team morale over there.
Bruce, we're sending him back.
>> These guys are playing for
keeps, huh?
>> PROBST: So, Bruce, you will
return to Exile Island.
You'll come back to this game
for the next immunity challenge.
See you when you get back.
Casaya, I've got nothing else
for you.
Grab your stuff, head on out.
La Mina, reward is yours.
Get it and head on back to camp.
>> Sweet spoils, you guys.
>> That's right.
>> Oh, yeah.
>> Very happy for that, kid.
>> I know it's not food, but
this is so awesome!
>> The reward challenge, uh,
this afternoon was won by La
Mina, and what we got for it was
a tarp, which basically
reinforces the great shelter
we've got already.
We've got two huge canisters for
carrying water.
We got a couple of blankets, a
couple pillows and we got
kerosene, so we have constant
I'm really stoked for my team.
It was a total team effort.
It was great.
>> It's not too short, you can
get, and-and you know, you need
to extend over the sides a
little bit, too.
Yeah, there you go.
Fortunately, the shelter was
designed for a tarp, so it went
up and over pretty easily.
>> Nice.
>> We have a nice domed
interior, as opposed to a
slumping interior, so there's
lots of space inside.
Check it out.
>> Sweet!
>> Our tarp came just in time
for the big rain that just
started pouring down.
It was torrential.
I mean, it was coming down hard.
>> Yeah, have a moment for him.
>> That guy is so hurtin'.
The decision to send Bruce to
Exile Island was a tough one,
but he is an asset to that team,
and without Bruce, we think
they're not gonna be up on their
feet as they should be.
So, um, we made a tough call,
and, uh, I wouldn't want to be
>> Did you guys boil that water
>> It's on right now.
>> We lost the challenge, and
the other team chose Bruce to go
to Exile Island, which I thought
was one of the most evil things
I've ever seen people do.
It doesn't have that much grip.
I don't know if this is going
to work.
I mean, to lose the reward, and
then to deal with losing Bruce
in that way, it just put us all
on a downer, and it's like the
last thing we need right now.
>> That's your time-out stone.
>> It's mine for the rest of
the, please actually, could no
one else sit on my thinking
seat, please?
>> Why does it have to be yours?
>> Because I picked it!
You want this one, I'll go get
another one!
I want one!
This one!
>> Okay.
>> If you want this one, I'll go
get another one!
I just want mine!
This one!
>> I think the problems in our
tribe are inherent in the
I'm in an alliance with three
nutballs, I feel like, at this
>> It looks like it's going to
>> I know.
>> Can we just adjust it?
>> Well, I want to but I'm just
trying to figure it out.
Shane, what do you think?
>> I don't know, you got us
here, so I left it up to you.
You got us here.
>> I know, I asked for your help
so we could work together, but
it's all right.
>> With Courtney and Shane, it's
always something.
The funny thing is these are the
people that you guys decided to
align with, and now you hate
each other, so how stupid is
>> Can I do this?
>> Please, oh, I'd love it.
That would make me so happy.
Thanks, please.
I don't think it's strong
You do?
Go ahead, go ahead.
>> You're out of your mind, man.
You are crazy.
>> I'm just sharing an opinion.
Will you relax? I just...
I don't know what his problem
I'm, I'm not kidding.
This is, like, not even funny
right now.
I-I did nothing.
Did I just do anything wrong?
>> Don't worry about it.
>> I can't even say anything, of
advice or anything.
I just wanted his help.
I'm feeling really frustrated
right now.
I don't know, I feel like Shane
needs to, like, get his angst
out on something or someone, and
he's chosen me.
I'm really bummed about the
>> Just let him go.
>> Well, I don't like to be the
one that he's decided to pick
on, with his mood.
>> Courtney is a lunatic, and
I'm trapped with her because I
made a commitment on my son's
life that I would stay with her.
I just don't know how to get
right with her.
>> With you two and us two kind
of watching each other's backs,
I think we can go really far.
>> Yeah. I'd like to be with you
>> Cool, 'cause we like you.
>> Sounds like a plan I'd like
to work out myself.
>> Let's do it.
>> Sally has been really working
hard on trying to get Nick and
Austin to kind of pair with us,
'cause it seemed like there
might be a little bit of a
club going on around here.
Would you like your shoulders
>> Yeah.
>> Okay, just sit there.
I'm a natural flirt.
That's something I just enjoy
Some people are born with it.
I would flirt to help get ahead.
I didn't come out here to sit on
my rump.
I came out here to have a good
time and play the game.
>> Amazing, right this second.
>> I think Misty is such a smart
girl, and I think she comes
across in this just, like,
nice... "Like, I want to massage
But you know there's a little
extra something going into
Austin and Nick's massages.
>> Is there a teacher, Misty, or
is this just your natural,
evolved method?
>> It's my natural, evolved
Is it working?
>> I think it is.
>> Okay.
>> We work well together, 'cause
she has, like, that southern,
kind of flirty charm, and I'm
just, like, the pal, you know?
Like, "What's up, guys?
Let's hang out."
I think between the two of us,
we're doing okay.
>> Look, man, if we get into
this four strong into the merge,
we're already ahead.
Then can we pretend like we're
weak-- "Oh, weak ladies.
We just want to go as far as we
I mean, I don't think it's going
to come to that, 'cause they're
smart guys, but...
>> You're so cute.
I mean, you're, like, "Come on.
We're just little girls."
>> We're just little girls.
>> "We just want to get as far
as we can."
>> I am in a position that I
didn't necessarily want to be
I'm the one that everybody's
kind of come to, saying, "Hey,
we really trust you.
Um, we need you on our side."
It could be construed as very
dangerous to align yourself with
strong guys, especially when I
have two girls who seem to
really trust me and-and think
that I'm a really good guy.
>> How are we doing here?
>> Good job.
>> My goal is to keep working on
Austin and to keep, you know,
showing him that as much as
possible, Terry is a power
player, and he's going to have
a huge mark on his back, and it
might be wiser for those guys to
align themselves with us in case
they make it to the merge.
They're going to need us.
We'll see what happens.
>> PROBST: Come on in, guys!
We'll now bring in Bruce, once
again returning from Exile
>> Boy, Bruce!
>> Let's go.
>> Bring it back.
>> Nice to have you back...
>> PROBST: You guys ready to get
to today's challenge?
>> Yeah!
>> PROBST: First things first.
Dan, say good-bye.
Immunity, back up for grabs.
Today's challenge is going to be
a physical, head-to-head battle.
There are five circles in the
Buried within each circle is a
On my go, you'll race out to the
circle, dig and find the bag,
and then get back to your finish
That's where it's going to get
Both tribes will be battling for
the same bag.
To score, you got to have at
least one hand on the bag while
any part of your body touches
the finish mat.
First tribe to three wins
Losers, somebody going home.
The matchups will vary from
round to round.
Drop your gear.
We'll get started.
All right, here we go.
First round is two women taking
on two women.
It's going to be Cirie and
Danielle taking on Sally
and Misty.
For immunity, survivors ready?
>> Go, go, go!
Go, go, go!
>> PROBST: Got to find the bag
and get it back to your mat.
>> Good, Cirie. Stay there.
Be ready to knock 'em down.
>> Stay there, Cirie.
>> PROBST: It's getting physical
>> Danielle, push Misty down!
>> PROBST: Misty and Danielle
getting into it.
>> Keep her down, Danielle!
>> I see it.
>> Sit on her, Cirie.
Sit on... Cirie.
>> PROBST: Cirie sitting on
Sally now.
>> PROBST: They found the bag.
Danielle has it.
>> Cirie, go help!
>> PROBST: Cirie gets up and
lets Sally go.
Cirie takes Misty down.
>> Cirie!
>> PROBST: Cirie's got it.
Now it's Cirie and Sally.
>> There you are, Misty.
>> PROST: Misty doing her best
to take it from Cirie.
>> There you go, Misty!
>> PROBST: Nobody giving up.
Everybody fighting hard.
>> That's a cross right, Sally.
>> PROBST: Danielle trying to
get free of Sally.
Danielle shoves Sally down.
>> Help her out!
>> Come on, D., get it! Get it!
>> PROBST: It's a free-for-all
on the bag again.
(all talking at once)
Danielle has it.
Misty's down.
Cirie wants it!
(indistinct, overlapping
Cirie's got to touch the mat and
the bag!
Casaya scores first point!
>> Yes! Yes!
>> PROBST: Next round is two men
taking on two men.
Got Nick and Terry taking on
Bruce and Bobby.
Survivors ready?
Bruce tries to tackle Terry and
It doesn't work.
Bobby throws Terry out of the
Bruce working on Nick.
Very physical very quickly.
Terry and Bobby going at it.
>> Terry!
>> Get him, Bob!
>> Okay, Bobby, it's here.
>> PROBST: Nick has position.
>> Use that karate, Bruce!
>> Okay, Bobby, get up now!
>> Bobby, get up.
>> Come on, Bobby!
>> PROBST: Terry is not letting
Bobby move.
Nick has the bag, and he's free.
>> Get him, Bob!
Get him, Bob!
>> PROBST: Nick's got it!
(whooping and applause)
La Mina scores.
We're tied, one-one.
Next round is two men, one
For Casaya, it's Shane, Courtney
and Aras.
For La Mina-- Austin, Ruth Marie
and Dan.
Survivors ready?
>> Go, Aras!
>> Get him, Courtney!
>> PROBST: Shane tries to take
out Dan, but Dan fighting back.
Shane tosses Dan down hard.
>> Oh, Aras!
>> PROBST: Austin and Aras.
Aras has the bag quickly.
>> Go, Aras!
>> PROBST: Austin takes him
The bag was found fast.
Shane and Dan are out of it.
Ruth Marie getting in on it.
>> Shane, help...
>> PROBST: Aras trying to get it
to Shane.
>> Shane, help him. Shane!
>> PROBST: Shane has it.
It's Shane and Austin!
>> Come on, Shane!
Come on!
>> PROBST: Ruth Marie and
Courtney are out of it.
Aras and Dan are out of it.
>> Keep him there, Danny!
Come on!
>> One on one, Aus. Let's go!
>> PROBST: Shane, inch by inch,
getting closer.
>> You got it, Shane?
>> Come on, Aus! Come on, Aus!
>> Way to go, Shane!
>> PROBST: Now Austin pulling
Shane back toward the middle.
Could go either way.
>> PROBST: Austin scores for La
>> PROBST: Next round, two
women, one man.
Courtney, Cirie, Aras taking on
Sally, Misty and Nick.
We're playing to three.
La Mina leads two-one.
Survivors ready?
>> Take your time now.
Take your time.
>> Oh, they're relaxing.
You relax. Don't use energy.
>> PROBST: Different strategy
this time.
Everybody taking their time.
Everybody watching everybody.
>> Okay, Aras, come here.
>> PROBST: Cirie found the bag.
Nick's pulling it up now.
Aras pulling Nick out.
>> Run, Courtney!
>> PROBST: Courtney's got it if
she can get free.
>> Come on, Courtney!
Pull, Courtney! You got it!
>> PROBST: Nick will got give up
the bag.
>> Come on, Nick! Get up, buddy!
>> PROBST: Aras trying to steal
>> Come on, Aras!
>> Aras, fight!
>> Misty, take out Aras!
>> PROBST: Misty trying to take
out Aras, and she does.
(overlapping chatter)
>> Nick!
>> PROBST: All six in on this.
One big game of Twister.
>> Stop choking me!
>> PROBST: Misty, watch the
Don't make me call it.
No choking, guys!
Watch the kicking.
>> Cirie, pull Misty.
Push Misty back!
>> PROBST: Cirie tosses Misty
>> Aras, bring me the bag!
>> PROBST: Aras using some
little yoga move.
Aras has the bag!
>> Bring me the bag!
I told you to bring me the bag!
>> PROBST: Casaya scores.
We're tied, two-two.
We are tied.
This is the final round.
It's going to be one man and
one woman from each tribe.
It's going to be Bobby and
Danielle taking on Ruth Marie
and Terry for immunity.
This is it.
Survivors ready?
>> Go, Bob! Go, Bob, go!
>> Terry, keep your eye on Bob!
>> PROBST: Danielle picks up
Ruth Marie...
(indistinct shout)
>> PROBST: ...and drops her.
>> Oh!
(Terry grunts)
>> Bob, get Terry!
>> Throw him!
>> PROBST: Bobby trying to move
Terry out of the way.
>> Come on, Bobby!
>> PROBST: Bobby pulling the bag
Bobby's got it.
Terry almost had it free.
>> Danielle, grab the bag!
>> PROBST: Danielle with a hand
on the bag now.
>> Get it, Bob!
>> PROBST: Terry's got the bag.
Bobby trying to take him down.
Terry not going down.
Bobby grabs him!
(indistinct shouting)
Takes him back down again.
>> Which one?
>> PROBST: Terry hands off to
Ruth Marie.
>> Hey, Ruth Marie!
>> PROBST: She's got to outrace
Bobby, who is lagging behind.
Ruth Marie getting closer.
Bobby grabs her.
He's dragging her to his mat.
Bobby wins it for Casaya!
>> Bobby!
>> Oh, Bobby!
>> Yeah!
>> PROBST: Casaya-- safe from
Tribal Council.
Nobody going home.
La Mina, you'll get your first
visit as a tribe to Tribal
Council tonight.
Somebody going home.
You have the afternoon to
figure out who that's gonna be.
Head on out.
♪ ♪
>> That was... guys, we gave
it... we did everything we
>> Losing feels terrible, but
today's loss was hard.
It was hard because it was
physical, and we gave it
everything we had, and it was
They have so much more weight
than we do.
>> Yeah, that was tailor-made
for them.
>> It totally is a bummer.
My goal was to bring this tribe
intact to the merge, and now we
got to make a tough decision.
I'm bummed that we've got to
lose one of our tribe mates, but
the game moves on, and there's
always tomorrow.
>> Dan and I, as soon as we got
the two younger guys, we got on
them quickly and came up with
who we're going to have to vote
off tonight.
And the plan at Tribal Council
tonight is to vote off Misty.
She's an engineer.
She's smart as hell.
And she could cause some
>> I would look at it
personally and say Ruth Marie
or Dan.
I love Ruth Marie, but I just
think down the road, as far as
contribution, like Dan might
not be the fastest guy, but look
at him today, he did awesome.
And he's so brilliant.
He's so brilliant.
>> I can't vote for Dan.
>> Good, then that's easy.
>> Yeah.
>> If I take myself out of it
and I say who is going to,
like, who is going to
contribute the most in all
areas, Dan is high up on the
>> Yeah.
>> Ruth Marie is pretty weak
right now.
I mean, she's struggling.
Like, she's been struggling for
a couple days.
Right now, I think it would be
most advantageous to us as a
tribe, and also to myself, for
it to be Ruth Marie.
(Dan sighs)
>> You got thrown between a rock
and a hard place, didn't you?
>> Yep.
>> Yeah, it happens to me every
day, bro.
My two options I have,
personally-- and when I say
"personally" I'm linked to
Nick-- we could either go with
Sally and Misty, or we go with
Dan and Terry.
I have the makings right now to
get all the way to where I want
to be in this game because of
the way that I'm aligned.
>> PROBST: For those of you who
don't have torches, grab a
torch, approach the flame, dip
your torch in, and get fire.
This is part of the ritual at
Tribal Council because in this
game, fire represents your life.
As long as you have fire,
you're in the game.
When your fire is gone, so are
So, catch me up.
Terry, eight days out here,
compared to the experiences
you've had in life, where does
this rank in terms of tough?
>> It's definitely up there on
the physical side.
On the mental side, not there
yet, I'm sure it will be.
And I'm ready for what comes
down the road.
>> PROBST: How about you, Dan?
You hanging in there?
>> Oh, absolutely.
There's certainly deprivation
involved, and it's difficult to
go many, many days without
food, but the companionship is
For strangers to come together
and work together so well so
fast, that's impressive.
>> PROBST: Sally, how about the
first eight days for you?
>> The first eight days for me
have been everything I thought
they could be.
Other than the fact that I
didn't think I would come in
here and actually care about
these people as much as I could
in eight days.
>> PROBST: Austin, what's the
food situation?
>> The X factor, Terry caught a
fish yesterday that was no
bigger than this.
But, man, when you haven't had
any protein in days, that will
do wonders for you.
I am by no means a strong
fisherman, and all we can catch
are the puffer fish, which,
those things are poisonous.
So we just hadn't had any luck
Jeff, it sucks.
>> PROBST: Well, what are you
doing with the spear?
>> We had a little incident with
the spear.
We, uh... the spear hasn't been
much luck for us, let's just put
it that way.
>> PROBST: Misty, looking at
this tribe, it seems like,
based on today, guys that are in
pretty good shape.
>> Oh, yeah.
>> PROBST: Is there a pressure
from the women that, "We have
to live up to this"?
>> I think in any situation
when you've got a mixed group
like this, there's always a
pressure that we've got to step
up to the plate and play just
as well as the men are.
>> PROBST: Do you truly think
all seven people here are all
playing for this tribe?
>> I absolutely believe that,
100%, wholeheartedly.
And that's something I didn't
expect coming into this game.
I expected to have the little
sects of people, you know,
trying to pretend to pull
together and make a team out of
it, but we don't have that
issue, we really are a team.
>> PROBST: So, Terry, if you
really are this unified, how do
you make a vote tonight?
Are people coming here and
making individual votes and
we'll just see what happens?
>> Obviously, there's been some
It's all part of the game to
talk to different people on
what their feeling is, and we
all understand that someone has
to go tonight.
>> PROBST: Ruth Marie, you're
the only person in this tribe
that came into this tribe
without somebody.
Did you feel that initially?
>> I noticed that right away,
Jeff, yeah, um...
I'm definitely the odd man out.
And it's a... it's a vulnerable
seat to be in tonight.
>> PROBST: How about for you,
Are you basing your vote on
what you think?
You basing it on a group?
>> I'm basing my vote on
probably more... with a group
There's conversations in camp.
There's strategy being plotted.
So, yeah, I think tonight more
than individually, I'm going
with the group.
>> PROBST: Okay, there is one
more thing to deal with, the
hidden immunity idol.
Misty, you're the only person
from this tribe to go to Exile
If, after the vote, you have
the most votes, that is when
you would reveal whether or not
you found the idol.
Otherwise, it remains a mystery.
Okay, it is time to vote.
Austin, you're up.
>> This is just team play.
That's all.
>> Misty, you're a smart girl.
I wish it didn't have to be
this way.
>> I'm going with the strength
of the tribe and we think that
you're probably the least
strong member of the tribe
right now, and I'm very sorry.
>> PROBST: I'll go tally the
>> PROBST: Once the votes are
read, the decision is final.
The person voted out will be
asked to leave the Tribal
Council area immediately.
I'll read the votes.
First vote...
Ruth Marie.
One vote Misty, one vote Ruth
Ruth Marie.
Two votes Ruth, one vote Misty.
We're tied-- two votes Misty,
two votes Ruth Marie.
That's three votes Misty, two
votes Ruth Marie.
Third person voted out of
Survivor: Exile Island...
Misty, that's enough votes.
One question left: Did you find
the immunity idol?
>> No, I did not.
>> PROBST: You need to bring me
your torch.
Misty, the tribe has spoken.
It's time for you to go.
Well, based on what I
heard tonight, it does seem like
you're a very unified tribe.
But as the vote tonight shows,
even in the tightest of groups,
somebody is always on the
Grab your torches, head on back
to camp.
Good night.
Captioning sponsored by
Media Access Group at WGBH
>> PROBST: Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.
>> PROBST: Next time on
Survivor: La Mina is on the
verge of starvation.
>> Ten days in and we really
haven't had anything to eat.
>> I figure we got about three
more days before the entire
tribe can't get out of bed.
>> PROBST: And at Casaya...
>> What are you talking about?
>> We're not going to have this
>> PROBST: ...friction rattles
the alliance of four.
>> Everybody here won't tell
you, they're afraid to tell you
the truth.
>> Well, tonight was definitely
a shock to me.
I didn't expect it so soon,
that's for sure.
I was excited, and exuberant,
and I thought we had a great
thing going, so obviously I was
outplayed and out-strategized.
I had a good time out here.
I met some great, great people,
and I wish my tribe all the
I hope they go all the way.