Supernatural (2005–…): Season 4, Episode 9 - I Know What You Did Last Summer - full transcript

Sam, Dean, and Ruby discover the existence of a female prophet named Anna Milton, who can hear the voices of angels and thus figures into the plans of a demon named Alastair who wants to use her as a tool against the angels.

- who are you?
- Castiel. I'm an angel of the lord.

The symbol you saw -- it's called
"the rising of the witnesses."

It figures into an ancient prophecy.

What book is the prophecy from?


This is a sign, boys.

A sign of what?

The apocalypse.

Those seals are being brokenby lillith

I don't thinkI like you anymore.

Think of the seals as locks on a door.

Okay, the last one opens anD...

Lucifer walks free.

Tell me about those
months withouyour brother,

about all the things you and
this demon bitch do in the dark

Do you even know how far off
the reservation you've gone

how far from normal? From human?

Cas said that if i
don't stop you,he will.

the raising of samhain
is one of the 66 seals.

The breaking of the seal must
be prevented at all costs.

You were told not to use your abilities.

What was i supposed to do?

The only reason you're still alive,sam
winchester, is because you've been useful.

The second you become more trouble than
you're worth, then i will turn you to dust.

As for your brother, tell him that maybe
he should climb off that high horse of his.

Ask dean what he rembers from hell.


Do you know where you are?

You're at the connor beverly
behavioral medicine center.

Do you know why you're here?

Do you rember what you did?

You were hysterical.

It took four people to restrain you.

I was trying to warn them.

Warn who?


Forget it. It was stupid.

What were you trying to warn them about?

Look... I get it. You think i'm nuts.

If i were you, i'd think i was nuts.

But it's all true.

It's okay.

You can tell me.

I'm here to listen.

The end... Is coming.

The apocalypse.

The apocalypse. Like in the bible?

Kind of. I mean,same bottom line.

This demon,lillith, is trying to break
the 66 seals to free lucifer from hell.


Will bring the apocalypse.


Smoke 'em if you got 'em.



What were you doing?


Just listening.

So,you were saying that there
are,uh,66 of these seals in the world?

No. No.

There are about 600 possible seals,
and lilith only has to break 66 of them,

And no one knows which
66 she's gonna break.

I see.

That's why it's nearly
impossible to stop her.

And that's why the angels are losing.

That's why we're all gonna die.

Time for your meds,anna.


What's the matter, sweetie?

Your face -- what
happened to your face?

I know.

I'm downright kissable. Shh.

Supernatural Season04
Episode09 I Know What You Did Last Summer

Brian,come on,man, just one more.

Just -- just give me a
chance to win it back.

It's your cash.

Excuse me.

My brother's a little
sauced to be making bets.

He insisted.

Yeah,but you've already taken,
what,two bills off him? I'm just saying.

Hey,shut up,dean. I'm fine.

No,you're not fine. You're drunk!

Let's make it $500.



- 500
- Your break.

keep the money.

Keep the
money?What --

Well,you got a lot of nerve
showing up anywherenearme.

I just have some info,
and then i'm gone.

What is it?

I'm hearing a few whispers.

Ooh,great,demon whisperers
-- that's reliable.

Girl named anna milton escaped
from a locked ward yesterday.

The demons seem pretty
keen on finding her.

Apparently,some real heavy hitters
turned out for the easter-egg hunt.

Why? Who is she?

No idea.

But i'm thinking that she's important,
'cause the order is to capture her alive.

I just figured that whatever the deal is, you
might want to find this girl before the demons do.

Look,maybe weshould check it out.

Actually,we're working
a case,but thanks.

What case?

Uh,we've got leads, big leads.

Sounds dangerous.

Yeah,well,it sure ain't goosechasing
after some chick who,for all we know,

Doesn't even exist, just
because you say she's important.

I'm just delivering the news.

You can do whatever you want with it.

Far as i'm concerned,
i told you,i'm done.

Wait,wait,wait. This hospital
anna escaped from -- it got a name?

Can i get a copy of the
missing-persons report?

Great. Okay. Thanks.

Well,anna milton's definitely real.

Don't mean the case is real.

And this hospital's a three-day drive.

We've driven further for less,dean.

You got something to say, say it.

Oh,i'm saying
it -- this sucks.

You're not pissed we're
going after the girl.

You're pissed ruby threw us the tip.


'Cause as far as you're concerned,
the hell-bitch is practically family.

Yeah,boy,something major must've happened
while i downstairs, 'cause i come back, and --

And you're bff with a demon?

I told you,dean, she
helped me go after lilith.

Well,thanks for the
thumbnail -- real vivid.

You want to fill in a little detail?

Sure,dean, let's trade stories.

You first. How was hell?
Don't spare the details.

Six Months Earlier

Come on!

Where the hell are you?

I was wondering whether to come or not.

I mean,you shot one of my co-workers.

Don't take this the wrong way,sam,
but you don't look so hot,buddy.

I guess burying your brother
didn't agree with you.


Well,let's see that special
little knife of yours first.

No devil's traps,either.

I'm not here to play games.

Well,let me guess.

You want to make a deal.

And 'round and 'round
the winchesters go.

I'm sorry,sam. That's not gonna happen.

I don't want 10 years. I don't
want one year. I don't want candy!

I want to trade places with dean.


Just take me! It's a fair trade!


Why not? Lillith wants me dead. Just
let dean go, and she can have me.

Don't you understand,sam?

It's not about your soul.

Dean's in hell, right where we want him.

We've got everything
exactly the way we want it.

You want to kill me? Go ahead.

I've made peace with my lord.

Now,the orderly has no
recollection of anna's escape?

Apparently, she knocked him unconscious.

The blow caused some amnesia.

He doesn't even remember
coming into her room.

That's a hell of a right hook to knock
out a guy that's got 80 pounds on her.

We think she may have planned
this, waited behind the door.

Right. Uh,you mentioned
anna's illness was recent.

Two months ago, she was happy, well-adjusted,
journalism major, lots of friends --

Bright future.

So,what happened --
she just... Flipped?

Well,that's the tragedy
of schizophrenia.

Within weeks, anna was
overtaken by delusions.

What kind of delusions?

She thought demons were everywhere.


It's not uncommon for our patients
to believe that monsters are real.

Well,that --
that's just batty.

That's revelations.

Since when does the book of
revelations have jack-o'-lanterns?

It's a,uh,it's a
little-known translation.

Well,anna's father was a church deacon.

When she became ill, her paranoia
took on religious overtones.

She was convinced the devil was
about to rise up and end the world.

I hope you find her.

It's dangerous for her to
be out there alone right now.

Maybe they're not home.

Both cars in the driveway.

Mr. And mrs. Milton?

We're from the sheriff's department.

We just wanted to ask
you a couple of questions.


The demons beat us here.

Whatever the deal is
with this anna girl --

yeah,they want her.They're
not screwing around.

All right, so,i'm "girl,interrupted,"
and i know the score of the apocalypse,

Just busted out of the nut-box...

Possibly using superpowers, by the way.

Where do i go?

Hey,you got those sketches
from anna's notebook?

- Yeah.
- Let me see 'em.

Check this out.

She was drawing the
window of her church.

Over and over.

If you were religious,scared, and had demons
on your ass, where would you go to feel safe?



We're not gonna hurt you.

We're here to help.

My name is sam. This is my brother,dean.


Not sam winchester?


And you're dean. Thedean?

Well,yeah. Thedean,i guess.

It's really you.

Oh,my god.

The angels talk about you.

You were in hell, but castiel pulled you out,
and some of them think you can help save us.

And some of them don't like you at all.

They talk about you all the time lately.

I feel like i know you.

So,you talk to angels?

Oh,no. No,no way. Um,they
probably don't even know i exist.

I just kind of... Overhear them.


Yeah,they talk, and sometimes i just...

Hear them in my head.

Like... Right now?

Not right this second, but a lot.

And i can't shut them out,
there are so many of them.

So,they lock you up with a case of the
crazies when really you were just...

Tuning in to angel radio?

Yes. Thank you.

Anna,when did the voices
start? Do you rember?

I can tell you exactly
-- september 18th.

The day i got out of hell.

First words i heard, clear as a
bell -- "dean winchester is saved."

what do you think?

It's above my pay grade,man.

Well,at least now we know why
the demons want you so bad.

They get ahold of you, they can hear
everything the other side's cooking.


Hey,um,do you know --
are my parents okay?

I -- i didn't go
home. I was afraid.

- You got the girl. Good,let's go.
- Her face!

- It's okay. She's here to help.
- Yeah,don't be so sure.

- We have to hurry.
- Why?

Because a demon's coming --
big-timer. We can fight later,dean.

Well,that's pretty convenient -- showing up right
when we find the girl with some bigwig on your tail?

- I didn't bring him here. Youdid.
- What?

He followed you from the
girl's house. We got to gonow.


It's too late. He's here.


Okay. Stay in there. Don't move.

No,sam,you got to pull him right away.

Whoa,hold on a sec.

Now'snotthe time to bellyache
about sam going dark side.

He does his thing,he
exorcises that demon,or we die.

That tickles.

You don't have the
juice to take me on,sam.

Hello again,dean.

Come on,dean. Don't you recognize me?

Oh,i forgot -- i'm
wearing a pediatrician.

But we were so close... In hell.


You're gonna have to try a
whole lot harder than that,son.

Are you almost done?

I'm going as fast as i can.

Good,'cause you know i got a
dislocated shoulder over here.


I'll pop it back when i'm finished.

Give me that.

So,you lost the magic knife,huh?

Yeah,saving your ass.

Who the hell wasthat demon?

No one good.

We got to find anna.

Ruby's got her. I'm sure she's okay.

All right. Come on.

On three. 1...

You sure about ruby?

'Cause i think it's just as likely
she used us to find radio girl

and then brought that
demon in to kill us.

No,she took anna to keep her safe.

Yeah. Well,why hasn't she
called toell us where she is?

Because that demon is probably watching us right
now, waiting to follow us right back to anna again.

That's why he let us go.

You call this letting us go?

Yeah,i do.

Look,killing us would've
been no problem to that thing.

That's why,for now, we just got to lay
low and wait for ruby to contact us.

How's she gonna do that?

Why do you trust her so much?

I told you.

You got to do better than that.

Hey,and i'm not trying to pick a fight
here. I mean,i really want to understand.

But i need to know more. I
mean, i deserve to know more.

Because... She saved my life.


Thanks for keeping this warm for me,sam.


It's nice to be back.

Where i was,even for hell, it was nasty.

I guess i really pissed lilith off.

Imagine my relief when she gave me
one last chance to take it topside.

And all i had to do was
find you and kill you.

Fine. Go ahead! Do it.

Grab your keys. We got to go. Now!


you know what sounds good?

French fries.

I'm starving.

I just escaped hell. I deserve a treat.

You know, a "thank you" would be nice.

Who asked for your help?

You have no idea what i've been through.

When lilith gets pissed,
she gets creative.

You want to hear about the
corners of hell i've seen,sam?

No,i don't.

And the things i had to do
to convince her i was sorry?

That i could be trusted?

Well,this'll definitely get
you a fat christmas bonus.

Very funny.

I'm a fugitive... Foryou,sam.

I took all of this risk to get back to
you, so,yeah,i deserve a damn "thank you."

who asked you to save me?

I'm just trying to help.

Can you help me save dean?


Nothing i know of is
powerful enough to do that.

Then i have no use for you.

- What?
- Get out.


Whose body are you riding,ruby?

What do you care? You've
never asked me that before.

I'm asking now.

Some secretary.

- Let her go.
- Sam...

Or i send you right back to hell.

All right,pull it.

Who do i have to kill to get
some french fries around here?


This body is 100% socially conscious.

I recycle.

Al gore would be proud.

You grabbed a coma patient?

You didn't want me to take
a body with someone in it,

and i made sure that
the spirit was gone.

Apartment was empty. You happy?

Why are you here?

I can't bring dean back.

But i can get you something
else that you want.

And,uh... What's that?


You want me to use my psychic whatever.

Look,i know that
it spooks you --

skip the speech.I'm ready.

Let's go.

Slow down there,cowboy.

Just tell me what i have to do.

Look,lillith is one scary bitch.

When i was in the pit, there was talk.

She's cooking up something
big -- apocalyptic big.

So let's kill her.

You want to go in there
and half-ass it like before?

We have the time to get it
right. Let's get it right.


What do you want from me?

Well,a little patience...

And sobriety.

Promise me that...

And i will teach you everything i know.

So? What'd she teach you?

Well,the first thing i learned...

I'm a crappy student.

Not funny.

Just give it time,sam. It'll get better.

What? I need more practice?

I'm not talking about pulling demons.

I know losing
dean was --

i don't want to talk about it.

You know what?

Where do you get off slapping me with
that greeting-card, time-heals crap?

What the hell doyouknow?

I used to be human.

And i still remember what it
feels like to lose someone.

I'm sorry.


I can't.

Sam,you're not alone.

What are you doing?

Sam,it's okay!

No,that isanything but okay!

What's wrong?


Where do i start?

Is it because of the body?

Because i told you --
it's all me inside of here.

There is no one else.

And it's nice inside this body,sam.

Soft and warm.

What are you doing?

Isn't it 'cause you're really
scared to go there with a demon?

Because it's wrong and
it's bad and we shouldn't?



Too much information.

Hey,i told you i was coming clean.

Yeah,but now i feel dirty.

Okay,well,uh, brain-stabbing
imagery aside...

So far,all you've told me about is a
manipulative bitch who,uh,screwed you,

Played mind games with you, and did
everything in the book to get you to go bad.

Yeah,well, there's more to the story.

Just... Skip the nudity,please.

Pretty soon after... That, um...

I put together some signs... Omens.

Saying what?

Lith was in town.

And i wanted to strike her first.


You're not ready yet.

It's now or never.

No,we got towait until you get it right.

You haven't been too successful.

All right,i'll usethis.


You can't just fly in there reckless,sam.
We need you to take the bitch out.

Oh,i'll take her out all right.

You get one shot, andyou'reit.

You're the only one who can do it,sam.

So if she kills you first...


- You don't want to survive this.
- Come on.

It's a kamikaze attack.

You want to die fighting lilith.

That's stupid.

No,it's the truth, because if
you kill her and you survive this,

Then you have to go on
without your brother!

This isn't what dean would've wanted.

This isn't what he died for.

Get out of my way.


This is suicide!


Please,i want to go home.

Lillith sends her regrets.

She couldn't make it.

Take the girl and run!

Ruby,you're in so much trouble.

When we get you
down in the basement.

The things we're gonna do to you.


I'm okay.


Ruby came back for me.

Whatever you have to say, she saved me.

More than that, she got through to me.

What she said to me...

It's whatyou would've said.

If it wasn't for her,
i wouldn't be here.


Not now!

Sir,i've got clean towels.

Couldn't you just leave 'em at the door?

I'm at this address.

I'm sorry. What?

Go now.

Go through the bathroom window, don't
stop,don't take your car, don't pass go.

There are demons in the
hallway and in the parking lot.


Okay,yes,so i'm possessing this
maid for a hot minute. Sue me.

- What about
-- - coma girl?

Slowly rotting on the floor back at the
cabin with anna, so i've got to hurry back.

See you when you get there. Go!

- Glad you could make it.
- yeah,thanks.

Anna,are you okay?

Yeah. I think so.

Ruby's not like other demons.

She saved my life.

Yeah,i hear she does that.

I guess i...

- You know.
- What?

I guess i owe you for... Sam.

And just i want to you know?

Don't strain yourself.

Okay,then. Is the moment over?

Good,'cause that was awkward.

Hey,sam,you think it'd be
safe to make a quick call,

Just to tell my parents i'm okay?

They must be completely freaked.



Your parents...

What about them?

Look,i'm sorry.

No,they're not...

Anna,i'm sorry.

why is this happening to me

I don't know.

they're coming.

back room

where's the knife?

uh...about that

you're kidding.

Hey, don't look at me

thanks a lot.

Great. Just peachy.
Impeccable timing, guys, really

Please tell me you're here to help.

We've been having demon issues all day.

Well, I can see that.

You want to explain why
you have that stain in the room

We're here for anna

here for her like... here for her?

stop talking.

Give her to us

are you gonna help her?

no she has to die.