Supernatural (2005–…): Season 4, Episode 19 - Jump the Shark - full transcript

Sam and Dean are contacted by one Adam Milligan who claims to be John Winchester's son. The boys immediately suspect a demon trap and go to investigate. Adam turns out to legitimately be ...

Previously on Supernatural

You left.
Ai plecat.

Your brother and me...
We needed you.
Eu si fratele tãu...
aveam nevoie de tine.

You walked away, Sam.
Ai plecat, Sam.
Ai plecat!

You walked away!
Ai plecat, Sam.
Ai plecat!

You're the one who said
"don't come back," dad.
Tu esti cel care mi-a spus
sã nu mã mai întorc, tatã.

You're the one
who closed that door, not me!
N-am fugit eu!
Tu m-ai alungat!

Sammy, I just couldn't accept
the fact that you and me...
Sammy... n-am putut accepta
faptul cã noi doi...

We're just different.
suntem diferiti.

We're not different.
Not anymore.
Nu suntem diferiti.
Nu mai suntem, adicã.

Ruby, it's been weeks.
I need it.
Au trecut sãptãmâni întregi, Ruby.
Am nevoie.

Do you even know how far
off the reservation you've gone?
stii cât de rãu te-ai dus cu pluta?

How far from normal,
from human
Cât de departe esti de normalitate,
de umanitate?

Your brother is headed down,
a dangerous road Dean.
Fratele tãu a ales un drum
extrem de periculos, Dean.

It's already gone too far, Sam.
Ai fost deja atras, Sam.

If I didn't know you,
Dacã nu te-as cunoaste...
as fi tentat sã te "vânez".

Dacã nu te-as cunoaste...
as fi tentat sã te "vânez".

I would want to hunt you.
Dacã nu te-as cunoaste...
as fi tentat sã te "vânez".



No! Go away!
Nu! Pleacã!




Oh, my god.

Doamne sfinte...

Oh, my god.

Gata... am scãpat...

It's okay, it's okay.
Doamne, Dumnezeule...


No! No! No!.

No! ahh.

No! No! God.
Doamne sfinte...


Supernatural Season 4 Episode 19
"Jump the shark"
Supernatural - S.4, ep. 19
"Jump The Shark"

Supernatural - S.4, ep. 19
"Jump The Shark"

Sync:¹âÏË ÏºÃ× mzinfo
Supernatural - S.4, ep. 19
"Jump The Shark"

Sync:¹âÏË ÏºÃ× mzinfo

Sync:¹âÏË ÏsÃ× mzinfo

Sync:¹âÏË ÏsÃ× mzinfo


Traducerea si adaptarea: baltzatu

Traducerea si adaptarea: baltzatu

Hai noroc!
Cum ai dormit?

How'd you sleep?
Hai noroc!
Cum ai dormit?

How do you think?
Tu cum crezi c-am dormit?

I'm starving.
Let's get breakfast.
Mor de foame!
Hai sã mâncãm ceva.

Where? We're like
two hours from anything.
Unde? Suntem la douã ore distantã
de asezãrile omenesti.

But I'm hungry now.
Da' mie mi-e foame acum...

There's probably still a sandwich
in the back-seat still.
Cred cã mai avem un sandvis
pe bancheta din spate.


It's Tuna.
E cu ton, mãi!

Isn't that dad's phone?
Ãla nu-i telefonul tatei?


Uh... Is this John?

He can't come to the phone.
Can I help you?
Nu poate vorbi.
Pot sã vã ajut cu ceva?

No, no, no, I really... I need
to talk to John.
Nu. Trebuie neapãrat
sã vorbesc cu John.

This is, Adam Milligan, he know's me.

This is, Adam Milligan, he know's me.
Spuneti-i cã-l cautã Adam Milligan.
stie cine sunt.

Well, sorry to be the one
to break this to you, pal,
Îmi pare rãu cã trebuie sã-ti spun, amice,
dar John a murit, cu doi ani în urmã.

But John died
more than two years ago.
Îmi pare rãu cã trebuie sã-ti spun, amice,
dar John a murit, cu doi ani în urmã.

Who is this?
Cine spuneai cã esti?

I'm his son.
Sunt fiul lui.

Dean, look, best I can tell,
Adam Milligan is real. Um,

Uite ce e, Dean... din ce date am,
Adam Milligan existã cu adevãrat.

born september 29, 1990,
to Kate Milligan.
S-a nãscut pe 29 septembrie 1990,
pe mama sa o cheamã Kate Milligan...

No father listed
on the birth certificate.
pe certificatul de nastere
scrie "tatã necunoscut".

He's an eagle scout, graduated
from high school with honors,
E cercetas, a absolvit liceul
cu media zece,

And currently goes to
the university of Wisconsin...
si e student
la Universitatea din Wisconsin...

Biology Major, Pre-Med.

Biology Major, Pre-Med.
A absolvit biologia si urmeazã
cursurile preliminare pentru Medicinã.

You listening?
Ai ascultat ce-am spus, Dean?

This is a trap.
E o capcanã.

Dean, I'm telling you...
the kid checks out.
Serios vorbind, Dean...
tipul pare pe bune.

Great, so he's an actual person
on the planet earth.
Beton! E fiintã umanã,
e pe planeta Pãmânt...

Sucks he's got a demon in him.
Pãcat c-are un demon în el.

- Hi, welcome to Cousin Oliver's.
- Thanks.
- Bunã! Bine-ati venit la "Cousin Oliver".
- Multumesc.

- Can I...
- We're actually waiting on somebody.
- Permiteti sã...
- De fapt, asteptãm pe cineva.

Thank you.

What are you...
Ce naiba...

- Holy water?
- Yep.
- Apã sfintitã?
- Exact.

One sip of Jesus juice, this evil bitch
is gonna be in a world of hurt.
Dup-o gurã de "suc al lui Isus",
blestemãtia o sã sufere la culme.

And what if
he's not possessed?
- Dacã nu-i posedat?
- În cazul ãsta, e "schimbãtor".

Then he is
a shape-shifter.
- Dacã nu-i posedat?
- În cazul ãsta, e "schimbãtor".

Hence the silver.
De unde si tacâmurile de argint...

Look, either way,
Indiferent ce-o fi... o sã sângereze.
Sã-l foloseascã pe tata drept momealã?!

Indiferent ce-o fi... o sã sângereze.
Sã-l foloseascã pe tata drept momealã?!

this thing is gonna bleed.
I mean, using dad as bait?
Indiferent ce-o fi... o sã sângereze.
Sã-l foloseascã pe tata drept momealã?!

That's the last mistake
of its short, pitiful life.
E ultima gresealã din viata sa
scurtã si jalnicã.


- What?
- Dean...
- Ce-ai, mãi?
- Dean...

listen... There's an entry
in dad's journal From january of 1990
Ascultã... în jurnalul tatei, am gãsit
niste notite din ianuarie 1990,

Saying he's headed to Minnesota
to check out a case.
în care spunea cã merge în Minnesota,
sã verifice un caz.

That's, roughly, oh, about nine months
before the kid was born.

That's, roughly, oh, about nine months
before the kid was born.
Cam cu nouã luni înainte de a se naste
pustiul ãsta, mai precis.

- Coincidence
- Coincidence

- Coincidence
- Coincidence
- Coincidentã.
- Coincidentã...

Next two pages of the journal,

Next two pages of the journal,
Urmãtoarele douã pagini
din jurnal...

torn out.
au fost rupte.

you're not actually, buying this, are you.
Doar nu crezi cã-i adevãrat!

Look man, I don't want to believe it
either, I'm just saying, it's possible.

Look man, I don't want to believe it
either, I'm just saying, it's possible.
Frãtie... nici eu nu vreau sã cred!
Numai cã... e posibil.

I mean, dad would be gone
for weeks at a time,

I mean, dad would be gone
for weeks at a time,
Tata pleca de-acasã
sãptãmâni întregi,

And he wasn't, exactly a monk.

And he wasn't, exactly a monk.
si nu era cãlugãr, sã stii.

I mean,
a hunter rolls into town,
Ia gândeste-te...
"vânãtorul" vine în oras,

Uh, kills a monster,
saves the girl...

Uh, kills a monster,
saves the girl...
omoarã un monstru,
salveazã o fatã...

sometimes the girl's grateful.
Uneori, fata îl "rãsplãteste".

Well, now I'm thinking
about dad sex. Stop talking.

Well, now I'm thinking
about dad sex. Stop talking.
Bun... acum mã gândesc la tata
fãcând sex... taci odatã!

Maybe he slipped one
past the goalie.

Maybe he slipped one
past the goalie.
Poate cã, de data asta,
a reusit sã fenteze "portarul".

Poate cã, de data asta,
a reusit sã fenteze "portarul".


Terminã, frãtie!

Terminã, frãtie!

Esti Adam?

You Sam?
Tu esti Sam?

Yeah. Uh, this is Dean.

Yeah. Uh, this is Dean.
Da. El e Dean.


So um...
Asadar... did you know my dad?
de unde-l cunosteati
pe tata?

Uh, we worked together.

Uh, we worked together.
Am lucrat împreunã.

- How did he die?
- On the job.
- Cum a murit?
- În timpul serviciului.

- He was a mechanic, right?
- A car fell on him.
- Era mecanic, nu?
- A cãzut o masinã pe el.

Hey, Adam.
How are you doing?
Salut, Adam.
Ce mai faci?

Oh, I'll take that.
I'm very thirsty.

Oh, I'll take that.
I'm very thirsty.
Dã-mi-l mie.
Mi-e sete de mor!

The usual, Adam?
- Ca de obicei, Adam?
- Da. Multumesc, Denise.

- Ca de obicei, Adam?
- Da. Multumesc, Denise.

Uh, yeah.
Thanks, Denise.
- Ca de obicei, Adam?
- Da. Multumesc, Denise.

So, uh...
Ia spune...

when's the last time
you... you saw John?
Când l-ai vãzut ultima oarã pe John?

I don't even know.
It's... a couple of years.

I don't even know.
It's... a couple of years.
Nu-mi amintesc exact.
Cu câtiva ani în urmã.

W-Why did you decide
to call him now?

W-Why did you decide
to call him now?
Cum de te-ai hotãrât sã-l suni?

I didn't know
who else to call.

I didn't know
who else to call.
N-am stiut la cine sã apelez.
E singura mea rudã.

He's the only family
I got.
N-am stiut la cine sã apelez.
E singura mea rudã.

My mom's missing.
Mama a dispãrut.

Really? I'm sorry.
Uh, for how long?

Really? I'm sorry.
Uh, for how long?
Serios? Îmi pare rãu.
De cât timp?

It's tragic... really.

It's tragic... really.
E tragic... pe bune.

But if you're John's kid,
How come we've never heard of you?

But if you're John's kid,
How come we've never heard of you?
Dar, dacã esti copilul lui John,
cum se face cã n-am auzit de tine?

'Cause John and me
didn't really know each other.

'Cause John and me
didn't really know each other.
Pentru cã nu ne cunosteam
prea bine.

Not until a few years ago, anyway.

Not until a few years ago, anyway.
Cel putin pânã în urmã
cu câtiva ani...

- What do you mean?
- My mom never talked about him.

- What do you mean?
- My mom never talked about him.
- Cum adicã?
- Mama nu vorbea niciodatã de el.

- I knew some stuff.
- What kind of stuff?

- I knew some stuff.
- What kind of stuff?
- stiam câteva chestii...
- Ce fel de chestii?

My mom's a nurse, and dad came into
the E.R. Pretty torn up.
Mama e asistentã medicalã, iar tata
a ajuns la Urgente, practic sfâsiat.

Hunting accident or something.

Hunting accident or something.
A suferit un accident
de vânãtoare sau asa ceva.

And I knew his name...
John Winchester.
stiam cã-l cheamã
John Winchester.

That's about it.
We're not exactly a nuclear family.
Asta-i cam tot.
Nu suntem chiar o familie model.

Yeah, well,
who is these days?

Yeah, well,
who is these days?
Mai existã asa ceva
în zilele noastre, oare?

So, when did you, uh,
when did you finally meet him?

So, when did you, uh,
when did you finally meet him?
Când l-ai întâlnit prima oarã?

When I was 12.
Când am împlinit 12 ani.

My mom had
one of his old numbers, and...
Mama avea un numãr de telefon
de-al lui, si...

and after I begged her...
God, 24/7...
dupã ce m-am milogit de ea
vreme de-o sãptãmânã...

She finally called him.

She finally called him.
pânã la urmã, l-a sunat.

God, when John heard
he had a son, he raced to town.
Doamne! Când a auzit John cã are un fiu,
a venit într-un suflet încoace.

I mean, he dropped everything.
He drove all night.

I mean, he dropped everything.
He drove all night.
A lãsat totul baltã,
a condus fãrã sã opreascã...

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.
- Poftim.
- Multumesc.

Well, that's heart-warming.
Ce frumos...

- You mind?
- No, please... Dig in.
- Vã supãrati dacã...
- Nicio problemã. Bagã mare.

He would swing by, once a year or so,
Trecea pe-aici cam o datã pe an.

You know, called when he could.
But still...
Suna când putea si el...
cu toate astea...

he taught me poker and pool and
m-a învãtat sã joc poker,
biliard, si...

even bought me my first beer
when I was 15.

even bought me my first beer
when I was 15.
Chiar mi-a fãcut cinste cu o bere
când am împlinit 15 ani.

And, uh...
În plus... m-a învãtat
si sã conduc. Tata...

he showed me
how to drive, dad...
În plus... m-a învãtat
si sã conduc. Tata...

he had this, beautiful '67 Impala.
Avea o minunãtie de Impala,
model 1967.

Oh, this is crap.
You know what... you're lying.

Oh, this is crap.
You know what... you're lying.
Terminã cu porcãriile!

- No, I'm not.
- Uh, yeah, you are.

- No, I'm not.
- Uh, yeah, you are.
- Nu mint.
- Ba minti.

I'm sorry, but who the hell
are you to call me a liar?

I'm sorry, but who the hell
are you to call me a liar?
Scuze, dar cine naiba vã credeti
de mã faceti mincinos?

We're John Winchester's sons,
that's who.

We're John Winchester's sons,
that's who.
Suntem fiii lui John Winchester!
Aia suntem.

We! are his sons.

We! are his sons.
Suntem fiii lui.

- I've got brothers?
- No, you don't have brothers.
- Am doi frati?
- Nu, n-ai frati.

Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter
Or what kind of game you're playing here.

Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter
Or what kind of game you're playing here.
Uite ce e, frãtie... nu stiu dacã esti
"vânãtor" si nici nu stiu ce naiba vrei.

Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter
Or what kind of game you're playing here.

Look, man, I don't know if you're a hunter
Or what kind of game you're playing here.
N-am vânat niciodatã în viata mea!

N-am vânat niciodatã în viata mea!

I have never been hunting
in my life.
N-am vânat niciodatã în viata mea!

Whatever, I'm out of here.
Come on, Sam.

Whatever, I'm out of here.
Come on, Sam.
Mã rog... eu m-am cãrat.
Sã mergem, Sam.

I can prove it.
Pot sã vã demonstrez.

He took you
to a baseball game?
- Te-a dus la un meci de baseball?
- Da, când am împlinit 14 ani.

when I turned 14.
- Te-a dus la un meci de baseball?
- Da, când am împlinit 14 ani.

Dad was around
for a few of my birthdays.
Tata a reusit sã vinã
la câteva onomastici ale mele.

September 29, 2004.
29 septembrie 2004.

One word...
Un singur cuvânt... "Minnesota".

He took you
to a freakin' baseball game?
Te-a dus la un nenorocit
de meci de baseball?!


Why? What'd dad do with you
on your birthday?
De ce-ntrebi? Pe tine
unde te ducea tatãl tãu de ziua ta?


Adam, you said you called dad
because your mom was missing.
Adam... spuneai cã l-ai sunat pe tata
pentru cã mama ta a dispãrut.

- Yeah.
- How long has she been gone?

- Yeah.
- How long has she been gone?

- Yeah.
- How long has she been gone?
- De cât timp a dispãrut?
- De trei zile.

- De cât timp a dispãrut?
- De trei zile.

Three days.
- De cât timp a dispãrut?
- De trei zile.

Who was the last person
to see her?
Cine e ultimul care-a vãzut-o?

Mr. Abbinanti,
our neighbor.
Dl. Abbinanti,
vecinul nostru.

He saw her come home
Tuesday night,
A vãzut-o venind acasã
marti seara,

But she never showed up
to work on Wednesday.

But she never showed up
to work on Wednesday.
dar nu s-a dus la servici
miercuri dimineatã.

- Did you call the police?
- Mom's supervisor at the hospital did.
- Ai sunat la politie?
- A sunat seful ei de la spital.

And then I drove down here
as fast as I could.
Am venit încoace
cât de repede am putut.

I should have been here.
Ar fi trebuit sã fiu aici.

What'd the, uh,
what'd the cops say?
Ce-au spus politistii?

That they, uh,
they searched the house.
Cã au... au cercetat casa,
dar n-au gãsit nimic.

Cã au... au cercetat casa,
dar n-au gãsit nimic.

They didn't find anything.
Cã au... au cercetat casa,
dar n-au gãsit nimic.

She wouldn't leave
without telling anybody.
Mama n-ar fi plecat
fãrã sã spunã nimic nimãnui.

It's like she just dropped off
the face of the earth, you know?
Parc-ar fi dispãrut
de pe fata pãmântului...

The, uh, nightstand was knocked over.
Was there anything else?
Noptiera a fost rãsturnatã.
Ce altceva?

Oh, not really. The sheriff said
there's no sign of a break-In.
Nimic. seriful spune cã nu existã
urme de intrare prin efractie.

What... you think
the cops missed something?
Ce, ai impresia
cã politistilor le-a scãpat ceva?

E posibil.
Ei nu-s asa atenti ca mine.

E posibil.
Ei nu-s asa atenti ca mine.

They don't have my eyes.
E posibil.
Ei nu-s asa atenti ca mine.

You're a mechanic.
Esti mecanic...

Yeah, that's right.

Dean, what else
can you tell me about dad?
Ce poti sã-mi mai spui
despre tata, Dean?

You knew him.
- Doar l-ai cunoscut...
- Da, dar nu la fel de bine ca tine.

- Doar l-ai cunoscut...
- Da, dar nu la fel de bine ca tine.

Not as well as you.
- Doar l-ai cunoscut...
- Da, dar nu la fel de bine ca tine.

Trust me, kid...
Crede-mã, pustiule...

You don't want to know.
nu vrei sã stii.

Give us a minute.
Scuzã-ne o clipã.

You talk to the cops?
Ai vorbit cu politistii?

Yeah, like Adam said,
no leads on his mom.
Da. Asa cum spunea si Adam,
n-au niciun indiciu despre disparitie.

- Shocker there.
- But I did find this, Um...
- Ce surprizã...
- Am gãsit, totusi, ceva.

Uite... în 1990, în Windom
au fost profanate 17 morminte.

In 1990, there were
17 grave robberies in Windom.
Uite... în 1990, în Windom
au fost profanate 17 morminte.

You think that's why
dad came through here?
Crezi cã de asta
a venit tata aici?

I'd say so.
Check it out.
Asa cred.
Fii atent la pozã.

All right, so he was
hunting something. What?
Bun... "vâna" ceva.
Ce anume?

No idea, those are the pages
torn out of the journal.
Habar n-am. Probabil a scris
pe paginile care lipsesc din jurnal.

But last month, the corpse snatching,
started up again.
Luna trecutã însã,
profanãrile au început din nou.

Uh... three bodies from the local cemetery.
Din cimitirul din localitate
au dispãrut trei cadavre.

So whatever he was after,
Creatura dupã care-a venit aici...

he didn't kill it, It's back.
n-a omorât-o si s-a întors.

And... what... It's stepped up
its game to fresh meat? I mean,
si, dintr-odatã, a trecut
de la mortãciuni la carne proaspãtã?

Kate's missing and, uh...
Kate a dispãrut, si...

so is a local bartender...
a guy named, Joe Barton.
la fel s-a întâmplat si cu Joe Barton,
un barman din oras.

Hey, does your mom
know, Joe Barton?
Auzi... mama ta îl cunostea cumva
pe Joe Barton?

Uh, I don't think so.
Nu cred... de ce-ntrebi?

- What is it?
- Watch out.
- Ce-ai vãzut?
- Dã-te putin.

Give me a hand
with the mattress.
Ajutã-mã sã ridic salteaua.

Every time.
De fiecare datã iau bãtaie...

Why didn't I, bring paper?
De ce n-am ales "hârtia", oare?

Who the hell are you?
Cine naiba sunteti?

Adam, hey.
Take it easy.
Linisteste-te, Adam.

No, don't tell me
to take it easy, okay?
Nu-mi spune tu mie
sã mã linistesc!

My house is a crime scene,
my mom's probably dead, And you two...
Casa mea s-a transformat în locul faptei,
mama probabil e moartã, iar voi doi...

Well, you tell me to call the cops,
But you got to bail before they show?
Îmi spuneti sã chem politia,
dar dispãreti înainte de a veni ei?

So, who are you really?
Cine sunteti, de fapt?

Cops didn't know where to look
for my mom, Dean, but you did.
Politistii n-au stiut unde s-o caute
pe mama, Dean... tu, însã, ai stiut.

and I heard you talking earlier...
Something about grave robberies.
V-am auzit mai devreme cum vorbeati
despre... profanãrile de morminte.

You're not mechanics.
Nu sunteti mecanici.

I just want to know
what's going on.
Vreau sã stiu ce se-ntâmplã...
nimic mai mult.

Vã rog...

We're hunters.
Suntem "vânãtori".

- Sammy!
- He deserves to know, Dean.

- Sammy!
- He deserves to know, Dean.
- Sammy!
- Meritã sã stie, Dean.

What do you mean, "Hunters"?
Cum adicã "vânãtori"?

Okay, so...
Vreti sã spuneti cã...

basically, You're saying
that every movie monster,
Chiar vreti sã cred
cã toti monstrii din filme

Every nightmare that
I've ever had... that's all real?

Every nightmare that
I've ever had... that's all real?
si toate cosmarurile pe care
le-am avut în viata mea chiar existã?!

Godzilla's, just a movie.
"Godzilla" e inventatã,
sã stii.

We hunt them.
Îi "vânãm".

So did dad.
La fel fãcea si tata.


Okay? That's it?
"Bine"? Asta-i tot
ce-ai de spus?

What am I supposed to say?
Da' ce-ar trebui sã spun?

That we're liars,
that we're crazy.
Cã suntem niste mincinosi,
cã suntem nebuni...

Nobody just says, "okay."
Nimeni nu spune doar "bine"!

You're my brothers.
Sunteti fratii mei.

You're telling me
the truth, right?
Îmi spuneti adevãrul, nu?

- Yeah.
- Then I believe you.
- Da.
- În cazul ãsta, vã cred.

Now, what took my mom?
- Ia spuneti, cine-a rãpit-o pe mama?
- Nu suntem siguri.

- Ia spuneti, cine-a rãpit-o pe mama?
- Nu suntem siguri.

We're not sure.
- Ia spuneti, cine-a rãpit-o pe mama?
- Nu suntem siguri.

Something's in town stealing
bodies... living and dead...
Ceva din orasul ãsta furã corpuri...
si vii, si moarte...

But we don't know what.
dar nu stim ce e.

There's a long list of freaks
that fit the bill.
Multe creaturi
pot fi vinovate de asta.

You think maybe
she might still be alive?
Credeti cã mai e în viatã?


How can I help?
Cu ce pot sã vã ajut?

You can't.
Nu poti.

This thing killed my mom.
If you're hunting it, I want in.
Creatura asta mi-a ucis mama.
Dac-o "vânati", vreau sã vã ajut.

- No.
- Dean, look, maybe...
- Nu.
- Dean... poate cã...

- No.
- Dean, look, maybe...

Maybe what?
Ce "poate"?

He lost his mother, maybe we can
understand what that feels like.
si-a pierdut mama.
stim si noi cum e.

Why do you think dad never
told us about this kid, Sam?
De ce crezi cã tata nu ne-a spus nimic
despre pustiul ãsta, Sam?

Huh? Why do you think
he ripped out the pages?
- De ce crezi c-a rupt paginile alea?
- Pentru cã...

- De ce crezi c-a rupt paginile alea?
- Pentru cã...

- Because...
- Because he was protecting him!
- De ce crezi c-a rupt paginile alea?
- Pentru cã...

- Because...
- Because he was protecting him!

- Because...
- Because he was protecting him!
Pentru cã-l apãra!

Dad's dead, Dean.
- Tata a murit, Dean.
- Nu conteazã!

That doesn't matter!
- Tata a murit, Dean.
- Nu conteazã!

He didn't want Adam
to have our lives, okay?
N-a vrut ca Adam
sã trãiascã la fel ca noi, întelegi?

And we're gonna
respect his wishes.
O sã-i respectãm dorinta.

- Do I get a say in this? - No
- No!
Am si eu drept de vot
în problema asta?

- Do I get a say in this? - No
- No!

- Do I get a say in this? - No
- No!
- Nu!
- Nu!

- Nu!
- Nu!

- Baby-sit the kid
- Where are you going?
Stai cu copilul.

- Baby-sit the kid
- Where are you going?

- Baby-sit the kid
- Where are you going?
- Unde pleci?
- Sã mã plimb!

- Unde pleci?
- Sã mã plimb!

I'm going out!
- Unde pleci?
- Sã mã plimb!

Is he always like that?
Asa face mereu?

Welcome to the family.
Bine-ai venit în familie...

Uite ce e...

I'm gonna teach you
a few things.
o sã te-nvãt câteva chestii.

Uh, Dean said...
- Dar Dean a spus cã...
- stiu ce-a spus Dean.

- Dar Dean a spus cã...
- stiu ce-a spus Dean.

I know what Dean said.
- Dar Dean a spus cã...
- stiu ce-a spus Dean.

And I know what it's like,
to want revenge.
stiu, însã, si ce-nseamnã
sã vrei sã te rãzbuni.

This tomb was built in 1926.
Cavoul a fost construit în 1926.

Four generations of the Millsap
family were interred here.
Patru generatii din familia Millsap
se odihnesc aici.

They don't build 'em
like this anymore.
În zilele noastre
nu se mai face asa ceva...

Tell me, agent Nugent,
Ia spuneti, Dle. agent Nugent...

have you thought about, where you
might like to spend eternity?

have you thought about, where you
might like to spend eternity?
V-ati hotãrât unde doriti
sã vã petreceti eternitatea?

All the damn time.
Numai la tâmpenia asta
mã gândesc...

So, three bodies went missing.
Any idea who did it?
Au dispãrut trei cadavre...
aveti idee cine le-a luat?

Sick, deranged hooligans.
Niste huligani,
niste dementi.

This isn't blood.
What is this?
Ãsta nu e sânge.
stiti cumva ce e?

No, it's embalming fluid.

Whoever committed this crime
didn't just take the corpses.
Oricine ar fi comis aceste crime,
nu doar a furat cadavrele...

They opened them up.
le-a spintecat.

First beer's on the house for cops,
Fed's too.
Politistii si agentii federali
nu plãtesc prima bere.

- Am I that Obvious?
- I know all the local badges.
- Chiar asa de evident e cã-s agent?
- Cunosc toti politistii din oras.

and youv'e got that... law
and order vibe.
Dvs. parc-ati fi coborât
direct din serialul "Lege si ordine".

So, what's the FBI,
doing in Windom?
Ce cautã un agent federal
în Windom?

Looking into the Disappearance,
of, Joe Barton.
Cercetez disparitia lui Joe Barton.

I assume you knew him?
- Sã înteleg cã-l cunoasteti?
- Putin...

- Sã înteleg cã-l cunoasteti?
- Putin...

A little.
- Sã înteleg cã-l cunoasteti?
- Putin...

I'm his wife, Lisa.
Sunt Lisa, sotia sa.

Well, Lisa, what can you tell me
about his Disappearance.
În cazul ãsta... ce poti sã-mi spui
despre disparitia lui Joe, Lisa?

Same thing, I told the sheriff,
Acelasi lucru pe care i l-am spus
si serifului.

he stayed late friday before
last to do inventory...
Vineri seara a rãmas singur în bar,
sã facã inventarul...

Never came home.
si n-a mai ajuns acasã.

And the police?
- Politistii ce-au spus?
- Nimic.

- Politistii ce-au spus?
- Nimic.

- Politistii ce-au spus?
- Nimic.

Truth is, I was scared
they stopped looking.
Adevãrul e cã mã temeam
c-au renuntat sã-l mai caute.

But now you're here.
Acum, cã te-am vãzut...

Joe was a cop?
Joe a fost politist?

Deputy... for a little while.
Ajutor de serif...
pentru putin timp, însã.

That was a long time ago.
si cu mult timp în urmã.

He didn't happen to work
the, uh...
Nu cumva a lucrat la cazul...

the grave-robbery case, back in '90?

the grave-robbery case, back in '90?
la cazul cu profanãrile
de morminte din 1990?

He did, yeah.

He did, yeah.
Da, a lucrat.

Joe, was the one
who found those bodies.

Joe, was the one
who found those bodies.
Joe a fost cel care a gãsit
corpurile neînsufletite.

He got an award
for that.

He got an award
for that.
A fost premiat pentru asta.

That was
an interesting case.
Cazul a fost foarte interesant.

He ever tell you
how he did it?
ti-a povestit vreodatã
cum le-a gãsit?

Most of the time,
he said, good solid police work.
În marea majoritate a cazurilor,
spunea cã a fost un politist bun.

But after a few beers,
he'd admit, he had a little help.
Dupã ce bea câteva beri, însã,
recunostea cã a fost ajutat.

From who?
- Cine l-a ajutat?
- "Un specialist"... atât spunea.

A Specialist,
that's all he'd say.
- Cine l-a ajutat?
- "Un specialist"... atât spunea.

Cops ever find the guy
that stole the bodies?
Politistii l-au gãsit
pe cel care furase cadavrele?



But when I asked Joe about it,
he'd say not to worry.
Când l-am întrebat pe Joe despre asta,
mi-a spus sã nu-mi fac griji,

That "we took care
of what done it."

That "we took care
of what done it."
pentru cã "fãptasul a fost pedepsit
pe mãsura faptelor".


how did dad really die?
Cum a murit tata, de fapt?

L-a omorât un demon.

You hunted it down?
L-ati "vânat"?

Got revenge?
V-ati rãzbunat?

Dean, killed it.
Dean l-a omorât.

So it's over for you.
Asadar, pentru voi
s-a terminat.

It's never over.
Asa ceva nu se terminã niciodatã.

- What the...
- Shh.
- Ce mã-sa...
- Liniste!

Stay here.
Stai aici.

It's in the vents.
E în sistemul de aerisire.


where's your car?
- Unde ti-e masina?
- Acolo.

Over here.
- Unde ti-e masina?
- Acolo.

- Cheile!
- Uite-le.

- Cheile!
- Uite-le.

- Cheile!
- Uite-le.


Dean, help!
Dean! Ajutor!

I winged it.
Did you see anything?
Am atins-o.
Ati vãzut ceva?

I didn't get
a good look.
N-am apucat s-o vãd bine.

What the hell
is this thing?
Ce naiba e creatura asta?

Wh... sh...
Should we go after it?

Wh... sh...
Should we go after it?
N-ar trebui
sã mergem dupã ea?

No, no.

No, no.
Nu. În labirintul ãla?
Creatura a dispãrut de mult.

In that maze?
That thing's long gone.
Nu. În labirintul ãla?
Creatura a dispãrut de mult.

All right, so, we don't know what it is,
But we do know who it's going after.

All right, so, we don't know what it is,
But we do know who it's going after.
Bun... n-om sti noi ce e,
dar stim pe cine urmãreste...

- Joe Barton, Adam's mom.
- and Adam.
- Joe Barton, mama lui Adam...
- si Adam.

It was under his truck,
just waiting for him.
Era sub camioneta lui,

It set a trap,
and I walked right into it.

It set a trap,
and I walked right into it.
A întins o capcanã,
iar eu am cãzut ca prostu' în ea.

Doesn't matter. You're right,
there's a pattern.

Doesn't matter. You're right,
there's a pattern.
Nu conteazã. Ai dreptate...
am gãsit sablonul.

Joe Barton was a cop.

Joe Barton was a cop.
Joe Barton a fost politist.

I'm pretty sure he helped out dad.
So we've got him,

I'm pretty sure he helped out dad.
So we've got him,
Sunt convins cã l-a ajutat pe tata.
Sã recapitulãm: el...

dad's girl...
prietena tatei...

and his son.
si fiul sãu.

All the people
dad knew in town.

All the people
dad knew in town.
Toti oamenii din oras
pe care-i cunostea tata.

At least we know
why it's back.

At least we know
why it's back.
Mãcar stim de ce s-a întors.

It want's revenge.
Vrea sã se rãzbune.

Grab your stuff,
we'll hit the road.
Ia-ti boarfele.
Ne cãrãm de-aici.

We shouldn't leave.
N-ar trebui sã plecãm.

Yeah, let's stay here,
the kid's mom got ganked.
Da' chiar! Hai sã rãmânem aici,
unde i s-a luat gâtu' mamei pustiului!

- Good one.
- I'm serious.

- Good one.
- I'm serious.
- Bunã asta.
- Vorbesc serios.

No, Sam, we're gonna take the kid,
We're gonna drop him off at Bobby's,

No, Sam, we're gonna take the kid,
We're gonna drop him off at Bobby's,
Nu, Sam. O sã-l luãm pe pusti,
o sã-l ducem la Bobby,

and you and me are gonna come back here
and finish what dad started.

and you and me are gonna come back here
and finish what dad started.
si-apoi o sã ne-ntoarcem aici,
sã terminãm ce-a început tata.

Cum? N-avem indicii,
n-avem martori...

We got no leads,
no witnesses.
Cum? N-avem indicii,
n-avem martori...

We do have
what this thing wants.
Cu toate astea, avem
ceea ce-si doreste creatura.

You want to use the kid
as bait?
Vrei sã-l folosesti pe pusti ca momealã?!
De-asta vrei sã rãmânem aici?

That's why
you want to stay here?
Vrei sã-l folosesti pe pusti ca momealã?!
De-asta vrei sã rãmânem aici?

Maybe this thing will come back,
we could train Adam...

Maybe this thing will come back,
we could train Adam...
Creatura se va întoarce, probabil.
L-am putea antrena pe Adam...

Get him ready.
l-am putea pregãti.

He could die, Sam.

He could die, Sam.
- Ar putea muri, Sam.
- Am putea muri cu totii, Dean.

We could all die, Dean.
- Ar putea muri, Sam.
- Am putea muri cu totii, Dean.

Even if we do kill this thing, there are
tons of other freaks that want revenge,

Even if we do kill this thing, there are
tons of other freaks that want revenge,
Chiar dacã o omorâm, existã milioane
de creaturi care vor sã se rãzbune.

on dad, on us.

on dad, on us.
Pe tata, pe noi...

What if they find the kid
instead and he's not ready?
Dacã-l iau pe pusti în locul nostru,
iar el nu-i pregãtit sã se apere?

I'll do it.
O s-o fac.

Whatever it takes,
I'll do it.
Indiferent de consecinte,
o s-o fac.

I want to do it.

I want to do it.
Vreau s-o fac.

- Whoa.
- It's easy.
- Mãiculitã!
- E simplu.

- Whoa.
- It's easy.

- Whoa.
- It's easy.
E simplu. Simte reculul
si sincronizeazã cu apãsatul pe trãgaci.

Just feel the re-coil
and time the trigger pulls.
E simplu. Simte reculul
si sincronizeazã cu apãsatul pe trãgaci.

Three taps.

Three taps.
Trei focuri.

- Yeah?
- Go ahead.
- Serios?
- Bagã mare.

Beginner's luck,
- Norocul începãtorului...
- Nu, frate. Esti talentat.

Nah, man.
You're a natural.
- Norocul începãtorului...
- Nu, frate. Esti talentat.

- Good shooting.
- Thanks.
- Bine tintit.
- Multam.

So, then we lit it on fire.
Apoi... le dãm foc.

With a home-made

With a home-made
- Cu un aruncãtor de flãcãri artizanal?
- Da. Sunt usor de fãcut.

they're easy to build.
- Cu un aruncãtor de flãcãri artizanal?
- Da. Sunt usor de fãcut.

I'll show you.
O sã-ti arãt.

This is some job
you got, man.
Misto meserie v-ati ales, frate.

Being a hunter
isn't a job, Adam.
"Vânãtoarea" de monstri
nu-i o meserie, Adam.

It's life.
E un mod de viatã.

You're pre-Med.
you got a girlfriend, friends?
stiu cã vrei sã intri la Medicinã.
Ai prietenã, prieteni?

Not anymore you don't.
De-acum încolo, nu mai ai.

If you're really gonna do this,
Dacã vrei sã faci asta, nu mai poti avea
asemenea legãturi... cu nimeni, niciodatã.

Dacã vrei sã faci asta, nu mai poti avea
asemenea legãturi... cu nimeni, niciodatã.

You can't have those kinds
of connections... ever.
Dacã vrei sã faci asta, nu mai poti avea
asemenea legãturi... cu nimeni, niciodatã.

They're weaknesses.
Sunt puncte slabe.

They're weaknesses.

You'll just put those people
in danger... get them killed.
O sã le pui viata în pericol
acelor oameni... or sã moarã din cauza ta.

That's the price we pay.
Ãsta e pretul
pe care-l plãtim.

You cut 'em out,
and you don't look back.
Le dai papucii
si nu te mai gândesti la ei.

There's only one thing
you can count on...

There's only one thing
you can count on...
Pe un singur lucru
te poti baza...

Pe un singur lucru
te poti baza...

Pe familie.



Can I talk to you?
Pot sã discut ceva cu tine?

What the hell
was that?
Ce naiba te-a apucat?


"Hunting is life.
You can't have connections."
"Vânãtoarea e un mod de viatã.
Nu trebuie sã te-mprietenesti cu nimeni".

Dad gave you that
exact same speech, remember?
Exact asta ti-a spus tie tata!
Îti amintesti?

It was just before
you ditched us for Stanford.
Exact înainte de a ne-ntoarce spatele
si-a o tãia la Stanford.

You hated dad for saying that stuff,
And now you're quoting him?
Îl urai pe tata pentru ce ti-a spus.
Acum te-apuci sã-l citezi?!

Yeah, well...
turns out dad was right.
Ei bine... pânã la urmã,
tata a avut dreptate.

- Since when?
- Since always.
- De când asta?
- Dintotdeauna.

Dean, when I look at Adam,
you know what I see?
stii ce vãd când mã uit
la Adam, Dean?

- A normal kid.
- No, Meat.

- A normal kid.
- No, Meat.
- Un pusti obisnuit.
- Nu. Carne de tun.

Because to the demons and monsters
out there, that's all he is.

Because to the demons and monsters
out there, that's all he is.
Din cauza demonilor si monstrilor
care bântuie, exact asta e.

I hated dad for a long time,
I did.

I hated dad for a long time,
I did.
L-am urât mult timp pe tata.
Serios vorbesc.

But now I think I understand.
Acum, însã, cred cã-nteleg.

So we didn't have a dog
and a white picket fence.
N-am avut parte de-un câine
sau de-o casã în suburbii...

So what?
Dad did right by us.

So what?
Dad did right by us.
si ce dacã?
Tata ne-a crescut asa cum trebuia.

He taught us
how to protect ourselves.

He taught us
how to protect ourselves.
Ne-a învãtat
sã ne apãrãm.

Adam deserves the same.
Adam meritã acelasi lucru.

- Listen to yourself, man.
- You think I'm wrong?

- Listen to yourself, man.
- You think I'm wrong?
- Tu auzi ce spui, frãtioare?
- Crezi cã gresesc?

I think, it's too late for us.
Cred cã, pentru noi,
e prea târziu.

This is our life.
This is who we are, okay?
Asta e viata noastrã.
Ãstia suntem noi.

And it's fine,
I accept that. But with Adam,

And it's fine,
I accept that. But with Adam,
Nicio problemã. Accept asta.
Adam însã...

he's still got a chance, man.
He can go to school.
Încã mai are sanse, frãtioare. Poate
sã meargã la facultate, sã devinã doctor...

- He could be a doctor.
- What makes Adam so special?
Încã mai are sanse, frãtioare. Poate
sã meargã la facultate, sã devinã doctor...

- He could be a doctor.
- What makes Adam so special?

- He could be a doctor.
- What makes Adam so special?
De ce-ar fi Adam altfel decât noi?

- What, are you jealous of the kid?
- Are you?

- What, are you jealous of the kid?
- Are you?
- Esti invidios pe pusti?
- Da' tu?


all this...
toate astea...

it's not real.
nu sunt adevãrate.

The dad Adam knew...
He wasn't real.
Tatãl pe care l-a cunoscut Adam...
nu si-a arãtat adevãrata fatã.

The things out there
in the shadows... they are real.

The things out there
in the shadows... they are real.
Creaturile care pândesc, însã,
sunt cât se poate de adevãrate.

The world is coming to an end,
that's real.

The world is coming to an end,
that's real.
Se-apropie sfârsitul lumii.
Asta chiar e adevãrat.

Everything else is just part of the crap
People tell themselves to get through the day.

Everything else is just part of the crap
People tell themselves to get through the day.
Restul sunt tâmpenii cu care se mint
singuri oamenii, pentru a trece peste zi.

Dad didn't have a choice with us, okay?
But with Adam, he did.

Dad didn't have a choice with us, okay?
But with Adam, he did.
Tata nu ne-a putut creste altfel, întelegi?
Cu Adam, însã, e altceva.

- Adam doesn't have to be cursed.
- He's a Winchester.
Adam poate scãpa de blesteme.

- Adam doesn't have to be cursed.
- He's a Winchester.

- Adam doesn't have to be cursed.
- He's a Winchester.
E un Winchester.
E blestemat deja.

E un Winchester.
E blestemat deja.

He's already cursed.
E un Winchester.
E blestemat deja.

He's already cursed.

He's already cursed.


No, whatever's hunting Adam,
I'm gonna find it.
Orice creaturã l-ar vâna
pe Adam... o s-o gãsesc.

- You already looked everywhere, Dean.
- Well, then I'll look again.

- You already looked everywhere, Dean.
- Well, then I'll look again.
- Ai cãutat deja peste tot, Dean.
- În cazul ãsta... o sã mai caut o datã.

Home sweet home.
Ce bine-i acasã...

Sloppy Joe.
Joe cel neîndemânatic...

Oh, son of a bitch!
La naiba!

Son of a bitch.
La naiba...

All right.
Bun... am închis
toate celelalte intrãri în casã.

We've closed off every
other way into the house.
Bun... am închis
toate celelalte intrãri în casã.

If this thing's coming,
it's coming through there.
Dacã o sã vinã creatura,
pe-aici o sã intre.

You were saying?
Ce spuneai?

Adam! Adam!

Adam! Adam!

- Adam
- Mom?
Adam! Adam!

- Adam
- Mom?

- Adam
- Mom?


- No.
- Mom!
- Nu te duce!
- Mamã!




Adam, wait!

Adam, wait!

Adam, wait!
Nu, Adam!

It took me, but I got away.
Nu, Adam!

It took me, but I got away.

It took me, but I got away.
M-a luat,
dar am reusit sã scap.

I got away.

I got away.
Am reusit sã scap!

Adam, step away from her.

Adam, step away from her.
Pleacã de lângã ea, Adam.

Sam, what the hell?!
- Ce naiba ai, Sam?!
- Nu e mama ta!

She's not your mother!
- Ce naiba ai, Sam?!
- Nu e mama ta!

Adam, who... what is going on?

Adam, who... what is going on?
Adam, cine...
ce se întâmplã?

- get away from him!
- What is going on?
- Pleacã de lângã el!
- Ce se întâmplã aici?

- You listen to me.
- It's really her, okay?

- You listen to me.
- It's really her, okay?
- Ascultã-mã...
- Chiar ea e!

There was too much blood,
your mother's dead.

There was too much blood,
your mother's dead.
Am gãsit prea mult sânge.
Mama ta e moartã.

There was too much blood in the vents!

There was too much blood in the vents!
Am gãsit prea mult sânge
în sistemul de aerisire!


- Shoot it!
- He's crazy! It's me!
- Împusc-o!
- E nebun! Eu sunt!

- Look... Adam!
- It's me!
- Fii atent la mine, Adam!
- Eu sunt!

That's not your mother!

That's not your mother!
Asta nu e mama ta!

- But, It's me.
- Shoot it! It's not human!
- Adam...
- Împusc-o! Nu e fiintã umanã!

I know.



No wonder none of the tests worked.
Nu mã mai mir cã testele
au dat gres.

You're not shape-shifters.

You're not shape-shifters.
Nu sunteti "schimbãtori".

your ghouls.
Sunteti strigoi.

- You know, I find that term, racist.
- Huh.
Vezi tu... termenul ãsta
mi se pare rasist.

- You know, I find that term, racist.
- Huh.

Fresh meat, so much better
than what we're used to.
Carne proaspãtã... mult mai bunã
decât ceea ce obisnuiam noi sã mâncãm.

I should have known.
Ar fi trebuit sã-mi dau seama.

It was the fresh kills that threw me.
Oamenii omorâti m-au dezorientat.

Ghouls don't usually go after the living.
De obicei, strigoii
nu omoarã oameni.

See, you're just filthy scavengers,
Feeding off the dead,
Voi vã hrãniti doar cu hoituri...

taking the form of
the last corpse you choke down.
si luati forma ultimului cadavru
din care v-ati ghiftuit.

And their thoughts and their memories.
si gândurile,
si amintirile...

Like Adam, for instance.
Asa a fost, de exemplu, cu Adam.

- Well, we are what we eat.
- You're monsters.
- "Esti ceea ce mãnânci", nu?
- Sunteti niste monstri!

You know, you use that word a lot, Sam.
Folosesti cam des
termenul ãsta, Sam.

But I don't think you know what it means.
Nu cred cã stii ce-nseamnã.

His blood... It tastes different.
Sângele lui are gust diferit...

Our father was a monster?
Tatãl nostru a fost un monstru?

De ce?
Din cauza a ceea ce mânca?

Because of what he ate?
De ce?
Din cauza a ceea ce mânca?

He never hurt anyone, Sam.
N-a rãnit pe nimeni, Sam.

Living, anyway.
Niciun om viu, adicã.



He was no monster.
N-a fost un monstru.

But the thing that killed him was.
Creatura care l-a omorât, însã,
era un monstru.

A monster named John Winchester.

A monster named John Winchester.
Numele monstrului e John Winchester.

Holy crap.
Mã-sa mare!

Thanks to your daddy,
Gratie tatãlui tãu, eu si fratele meu
am crescut fãrã pãrinti.

my brother and I grew up on our own.
Gratie tatãlui tãu, eu si fratele meu
am crescut fãrã pãrinti.

At least we had each other.
Mãcar ne-avem unul pe celãlalt.

Like you and your brother.
La fel ca fratele tãu si cu tine...
suntem de nedespãrtit.

La fel ca fratele tãu si cu tine...
suntem de nedespãrtit.

La fel ca fratele tãu si cu tine...
suntem de nedespãrtit.

Actually, it was very hard
to get you on your own.

Actually, it was very hard
to get you on your own.
De fapt, a fost foarte greu
sã te facem sã rãmâi singur.

Like you said, Sam, the only
thing you can count on is family.

Like you said, Sam, the only
thing you can count on is family.
E asa cum spuneai, Sam.
Nu te poti baza decât pe propria familie.

And for 20 years, we lived like rats.
Vreme de 20 de ani,
am trãit ca sobolanii.

Graveyard after graveyard,
all that stinking flesh.

Graveyard after graveyard,
all that stinking flesh.
Ne-am mutat din cimitir în cimitir,
am mâncat doar carne împutitã...

Then we thought, "hey,
why not move up to fresher game?"

Then we thought, "hey,
why not move up to fresher game?"
Atunci ne-am gândit:
"ce-ar fi sã trecem la lucruri proaspete"?

And we knew just where to start.

And we knew just where to start.
si stiam exact
unde trebuie sã mergem.

Revenge... It's never over is it, Sam?
Rãzbunarea... asa ceva
nu se terminã niciodatã. Corect, Sam?

First, it was John's, cop friend,
Mai întâi l-am omorât
pe politist, pe prietenul lui John.

And then his slut, and then his son.

And then his slut, and then his son.
Apoi, pe târfa sa,
iar apoi - pe fiul sãu.

Then I called John, but...

Then I called John, but...
L-am sunat si pe John, dar...

The son of a bitch was already dead.
nemernicul murise deja.

So I guess you and Dean
will have to do instead.
Se pare cã tu si cu Dean
o sã-i tineti locul.

Dean, won't interrupt us this time.
De data asta, Dean
n-o sã ne mai întrerupã.

We're gonna feed on you
nice and slow...
O sã mâncãm din tine,
încet, fãrã grabã...

Like we did with Adam.
la fel cum am fãcut cu Adam.

Oh, and by the way,

He really was your brother.
chiar era fratele vostru.

You should know that.
M-am gândit c-ar trebui sã afli.

M-am gândit c-ar trebui sã afli.

He was still alive,
when we took our first bites.
Când am muscat prima oarã din el,
era încã în viatã.

And he was a screamer.

And he was a screamer.
Ce-a mai tipat!

Sam, the more you struggle,
The faster you're gonna bleed out.
Sam! Cu cât te zbati mai mult,
cu-atât o sã sângerezi mai tare.

So you might
as well lie back and relax.
Ar fi bine sã te calmezi.


Dean, they're ghouls!
Sunt strigoi, Dean!

Which means head-shot.
Bine. O sã le zbor cãpãtânile si gata.

Bine. O sã le zbor cãpãtânile si gata.


Come on, come on, come on.

Hang on.
tine-te bine.

All right, here we go.
Imediat te bandajez.

Imediat te bandajez.

Here we go.
Imediat te bandajez.

Hang on buddy.
Rezistã, frãtioare.

Alright, alright.
Gata, gata...

Thank you.

That's what family's for, right?
Asa fac fratii, nu?

Keep pressure on that.
Apasã pe bandaje.

Apasã pe bandaje.

You sure we should do this?
Esti sigur cã asta trebuie sã facem?

Esti sigur cã asta trebuie sã facem?

Ghouls didn't fake those pictures.
Strigoii n-au falsificat nici pozele,
nici jurnalul tatei.

They didn't fake dad's journal.
Strigoii n-au falsificat nici pozele,
nici jurnalul tatei.

Adam, was our brother.
Adam era fratele nostru.

He died like a hunter,
he deserves to go out like one.
A murit ca un "vânãtor".
si-a câstigat dreptul sã fie ars pe rug.

Maybe we can bring him back...
Poate reusim sã-l înviem...

Get a-hold of Cass, call in a favour.
Hai sã-l chemãm pe Cass,
sã ne facã un serviciu.

No, Adam's in a better place.
Nu. Adam a ajuns
într-un loc mai bun.

You know, I finally get why
you and dad, butted heads so much.
Auzi... în sfârsit, am înteles
de ce te contrai mereu cu tata.

You two were practically,
the same person.
Voi doi erati aproape identici.

I mean, I worshipped
the guy, you know?
Eu unul l-am venerat pe tata.

I-I dressed like him,
I acted like him,

I-I dressed like him,
I acted like him,
Mã îmbrãcam ca el,
mã purtam ca el,

I listen to the same music.

I listen to the same music.
ascultam aceeasi muzicã...

But you were more like him
than I will ever be.
Tu, însã, îi semeni mai mult
decât îi voi semãna eu vreodatã.

And I see that now.
Acum îmi dau seama de asta.

I'll take that as a compliment.
O sã consider spusele tale
ca fiind un compliment.

You take it any way you want.
Considerã-le cum vrei.

Traducerea si adaptarea: baltzatu

Corrected by Scooby, credit to
the Creators