Supernatural (2005–…): Season 12, Episode 5 - The One You've Been Waiting For - full transcript
After learning that the soul of Adolf Hitler has been trapped in a 1930's gold pocket watch, Dean and Sam must act quickly to prevent a group of Nazi necromancers from resurrecting the Führer.
You okay?
I spent my life
running from hunting.
I never wanted this
for you and Sam.
Feels like yesterday
we were together in Heaven,
and now...
Mom, w-what are you trying
to say?
I have to go.
This whole Mom thing,
I mean, we get her back,
and then she leaves.
Aaron: My grandfather spent
the rest of his life
trying to track down something
he called the Thule Society.
They were this twisted,
secret fraternity
hell-bent on world domination
that sponsored
the early days
of the Nazi Party.
This last page is a roster
of every dead Thule member
who was reanimated.
This is why they killed
my grandfather?
You Nazi pig! [ Laughs ]
One Rabbi Isaac Bass --
he spontaneously combusted.
Woman: [ Screams ]
What is that?!
[ Shouting, murmuring ]
Nazi bastards.
Dean: Aah! Uhh!
Anything in there
on how to kill it?
If you want a friend
of the Thule to stay dead,
burn the body.
You will never kill
all the Thule. [ Grunts ]
Long live...the Thule.
[ Siren wailing in distance ]
[ Horn honks in distance ]
Ah! [ Laughs ] Mrs. Lloyd.
[ Singsongy ] You're early.
I'm always early.
Where is it?
All business. I like that.
1931. Solid gold.
Look at that craftsmanship.
[ Clocks whirring and clanking ]
No, ma'am, they don't make them
like this anymore.
[ Chuckles ]
I brought cash.
How thoughtful.
there has been a change.
In the price.
But...we had a deal.
Well, you call it a deal.
I call it, uh, the start
of negotiations.
You know, tomato, tomahto.
[ Chuckles ]
I-I couldn't let it go for
less than, uh, 80.
[ Scoffs ]
Are you out of your mind?
Well, I'm not, but you folks
are -- are mad about this stuff.
I mean, personally, uh,
I don't, uh, see the appeal.
But if you're not interested,
I can always, uh, find
a new buyer.
Do you know
who you're talking to?
Good luck finding that new buyer
when the community finds out
how I've been treated.
Fine. Your loss.
What's that?
Oh. I-I don't, uh...
[ Flames whoosh ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Case thuds ]
[ Screaming stops ]
[ Thud ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Whoosh ]
No! No!
[ Screaming ]
[ Flames whoosh ]
Oh, God!
[ Typing ]
Hey. Got everything on the list.
So what are you thinkin',
scrambled or fried?
I'm not really hungry
right now.
Y-you're not that...
How about some pie?
Maybe later.
Kind of in the middle
of something.
[ Sighs ] All right, dude,
something's wrong.
[ Sighs ] I get it.
If Mom --
I'm gonna stop you right there,
Look, Mom needed her space,
and I told you I'm cool with it.
But are you really?
[ Sets down laptop ]
Happened last night.
“Two Killed in Mystery Fire”"
Mystery fire?
Yeah, the kind that doesn't burn
anything but the bodies.
So spontaneous combustion.
[ Clicks tongue ]
What are you thinking?
Uh, witch? Dragon?
Maybe. Check it out.
The old lady? Loaded.
I'm talking Scrooge McDuck
swimming in pools of money.
So what's a lady like that
doing at some crap store
at 3:00 a.m.?
Well, it says it was
an antique shop.
Uh, rich people like antiquing.
I don't know.
I say we check it out.
Uh... [ Sighs ] All right.
In the meantime, you sure
you don't wanna talk about --
Dean, it's called sublimation.
Yeah, it's kinda my thing.
[ Horn blares ]
[ Horn honks in distance ]
Looks like
we missed the Calvary.
I guess we should
go home then.
[ Door rattles ]
[ Door opens ]
[ Flashlights click ]
[ Clock chiming ]
[ Inhales sharply ]
All right,
I'm guessing
that's the first victim.
Scrooge McDuck lady?
Which makes this
the antiques dealer.
Yeah. Name was Marvin Brickle.
Widower. Owned the shop
for decades.
[ Sniffing ]
[ EMF meter clicking ]
No sulphur.
Ditto EMF.
Maybe hex bags?
[ Turns off EMF meter ]
Yeah, or, uh, you know...
antique shop,
full of old stuff.
Maybe the guy got his hands
[ Switch clicks ]
on a cursed object...
...and it went haywire,
started killing everybody.
Yeah, wouldn't be
the first time.
[ Taps key ]
[ Mouse button clicks ]
[ Cuckoo clock chimes ]
[ Object clatters ]
[ Ship clatters ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Ship thuds ]
Don't say it.
May--maybe let's not
touch anything
until we figure out if this
stuff wants to kill us or not?
[ Whispers ]
Yeah, I got it.
[ Ship thuds ]
[ Mouse button clicks ]
[ Mouths words ]
[ Mouse button clicks ]
[ Clank ]
[ Bookcase scraping ]
Sam, I think I found
It looks like the victims
were meeting
about an antique pocket watch
the night they died.
Pocket watch?
Yeah, according to
Marv's e-mail, at least.
[ Door creaks ]
Uh, Sam?
Yeah, hold up.
Get this -- I hacked into
Marv's hard drive.
It -- it looks like he was
[ Switch clicks ] entire underground business, uh,
catering to, uh...
Nazi nutjobs?
How'd you know that?
Might wanna
take a look at this.
Yeah. What are you, uh...
Oh. That's, uh...
Looks like Scrooge McDuck lady
got her rocks off
by collecting Nazi crap.
Yeah, guess so.
Uh, according to
Marv's ledger,
the watch belonged to a member
of Hitler's inner circle.
So where is it now?
I don't know.
The police didn't report
finding it.
And I'm gonna
go out on a limb here
and guess that it's probably
not out there
and probably not in here.
I mean...Nazi connection?
The immolation M.O.?
Sound like anybody we know?
The Thule.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Maybe they crashed the party,
took the watch,
and torched the bystanders.
I hate these guys.
[ Switch clicks ]
Hey. [ Giggles ]
[ Door closes ]
[ Keys clatter ]
[ Giggles ]
Ooh! [ Giggles ] Mm.
This is -- this is fun.
I-I don't really ever do this.
And everyone's like, “Watch out
for the hookup culture, Ellie.”
I think they just worry
'cause, you know,
I-I just got out
of a relationship.
Um, but no, no, I gave --
I gave back the ring,
so that's just -- that's all --
that's a good thing, right?
Sorry. Yeah, that was --
I-I'm kinda still figuring out
how the whole, you know,
Tinder thing works.
It's cool.
Yeah, but, like...
I could -- I could be cooler,
let's be honest.
'Cause, you know, like,
your beard, it's super cool.
Uh, do you want a drink?
Yeah, I'm gonna --
I'm gonna use the, uh,
the little girls'
and just...
Okay. [ Chuckles ]
[ Retreating footsteps ]
[ Bathroom door opens ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Whispers ] God.
[ Exhales deeply ]
Come on, Eleanore. He is hot.
So you just -- you put on
those big girl pants
and you take off his.
Well...regular pants,
not big girl pants.
[ Loud bang ]
Man: Hey!
What are you doing? Ellie?
[ Gasping ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Gasps ]
Das Madchen!
[ Grunts ]
[ Crunch ]
[ Pounding on door ]
[ Thud ]
[ Siren wailing ]
[ German accent ] Idiot!
We need her alive.
I'm sorry, father.
[ Siren continues wailing ]
Doesn't matter.
We have what we need
to track her.
We're halfway through
the ledger.
I nailed six, and the golem
got the rest.
It feels good, you know,
finishing what
the Judah Initiative started.
Your grandfather would
be proud.
[ Dance music playing ]
Yeah, well, dropping out of college
to wipe out Nazi corpse-bags
wasn't exactly
my mother's dream,
but what are you gonna do?
Hey, uh, you hear about
any Thule activity
in our neck of the woods?
Not lately.
These Deutsch-nozzles have been
sticking to the Fatherland.
Sam: Lately?
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
They're closing ranks.
All jumpy.
[ Music continues ]
Any idea what's cookin'?
Whatever it is, it's big.
We got our hands
on a few of their documents.
Code named the mission
“Das Blut” --
“The Blood.”
The... [ Scoffs ] Wow,
that sounds nice and ominous.
I mean, we're talking
the whole enchilada --
the Thule High Command
all in one place.
Hey, does the, uh,
this pocket watch
mean anything to you,
Nazi-relic wise? [ Beep ]
No. Sorry.
Hey, another body
just dropped.
Aaron, we're gonna have to
call you back, bud. [ Cellphone beeps ]
[ Beep ]
Man: Ready?
[ Speaks indistinctly ]
By the time we got there,
he was ash and bone.
What does that
to a human being?
You find anything else?
Just the body.
The other victim was lucky.
She got away,
ran to her neighbor's,
and called for help.
So where's the survivor now?
What's going on?
I already gave my statement.
[ Handcuffs clicking ]
What -- what is happening?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. No.
No, no, no, no, no!
Let me out!
Somebody, help! Help!
Somebody help me!
Let me out of here!
Help! Please! Please, please, please.
[ Car door closes ]
Please! Let me out of here!
[ Engine starts ]
Help! Please!
Dean: You see that?
We gotta follow that car.
Oh, I've always wanted
to say that.
[ Engine revs, tires peal ]
Why are you doing this to me?
Okay, look, look, I-I will
give you whatever you want.
Okay? I-I don't really have
any money,
but my grandparents left me
Just -- just, please,
tell me what's going on.
Oh, my God.
Do you ever shut up?
[ Shifts gears ]
Where you going?
[ Car door opens ]
Hey, you can't leave me here!
[ Car door closes ]
[ Thump ]
[ Dialing ]
Yes, I have her.
I'm here now. It's all locked.
That is not fair.
You know, I try with you,
I really do.
But you expect me to be
a mind reader,
and it's exhausting.
[ Gun cocks ]
Father, I gotta go.
[ Beep ]
Well, family drama's a bitch,
ain't it?
[ Car door opens ]
[ Sighs ]
So if you're not cops,
then what are you?
There are things out there
that shouldn't exist.
Bad things. We kill 'em.
It's kind of our job.
Yeah, so your safest place
is with us right now.
Safe from...
Nazi zombies.
They use blood magic to make
themselves almost immortal.
Well, you shoot 'em in the head,
set 'em on fire,
that usually does the trick.
This is completely insane.
Ellie, you saw what they did
to your friend.
Okay, but...
why -- why would they kill Nick?
And why kidnap me?
Those are great questions.
What do you tools want
with the watch?
And what does it have to do
with her?
You're gonna have to kill me.
All right. Want to, uh...
Yep. All right,
let's go for a walk.
Wait. No. No.
You can't just shoot him.
Oh, no, sure I can.
[ Cocks gun ]
See, I do it all the time.
Oh, my...
You don't wanna watch this.
[ Thumps shoulder ]
All right! All right, all right.
Just... [ Sighs ]
It belongs to my father.
Commandant Nauhaus.
Thule High Command?
Ranking officer?
See, that wasn't so hard now,
was it?
Carry on.
[ Safety clicks ]
You don't understand.
He'll kill me.
What do you think this is,
a tickle party?
[ Sighs ] It started
at the end of the war.
[ Bruckner's “Symphony No. 7
in E major” playing ]
The Soviets had surrounded
the Fuhrerbunker.
Everyone knew it was over --
everyone except my father.
[ Explosion in distance ]
[ Explosion in distance ]
[ Chambers bullet ]
[ Explosion, debris clattering ]
[ Projectile whistles,
explosion, debris clattering ]
[ Whispers ]
Es gibt einen anderen Weg.
Dean: All right,
skip the foreplay.
What did your dad do
to Hitler?
He saved his life.
Well, he saved his soul.
Like, literally.
The watch, it's like a --
it's like a horcrux.
It's a Harry Potter thing.
Oh, you would know that. the watch holds
Hitler's soul?
You -- you trapped Hitler's soul
in a pocket watch?
Why is that? For safekeeping?
[ Scoffs ]
No. To bring him back.
[ Ellie laughs ]
It sounded bonkers to me
the first time I heard it, too.
The first time you heard it?
Weren't you there?
What? No. Man, I was born
in Buffalo in '94.
Listen, this whole
“let's bring Hitler back”
is more of
an O.G. Thule plan.
All they do is yap about it.
He's joking, right? Right?
This is -- this is a joke.
Okay, wait. Let's just --
let's back up to the part
where your dad is going
to resurrect Adolph Hitler.
[ Sighs ] After the bunker,
the Thule agents who were
smuggling Hitler's soul out
got whacked by Soviets.
So you lost the watch.
Hey, I didn't lose it.
It ended up with
some Russian family.
Then the Thule tracked it
to China and then to Peru.
Then it wound up
in that antique shop.
So now they're all hyped to get
their Fuhrer-resurrection on.
This isn't a joke.
Oh, my God.
How do they plan
on bringing him back?
The soul of Hitler
can only inhabit the body
of somebody who possesses
his blood.
His blood. Das blut.
So let me get this straight.
The Thule want to upload Hitler
into the body
of one of his relatives?
Do they even exist anymore?
Well, there's one
right there.
[ Scoffs ]
Wait. Wait. You think
I'm related to Hitler?
Okay, okay, that -- that --
that is just hilarious.
They've been keeping tabs on you
your whole life.
The Thule track all
of Hitler's descendants.
You just happen to be
in the same state as the watch.
[ Chuckles ] Go figure.
No. No way. Okay, my mom, she --
she tracked our family
all the way back
to the Mayflower.
She said --
You're adopted.
You don't know anything
about me.
You're from
Wheaton, Illinois.
All-state cross-country
all four years.
Wow. Wow, way to use
the Internet.
You trained
to become a doctor,
but you dropped out at the sight
of your first stiff.
[ Scoffs ]
I am taking a sabbatical.
You dipped town two days before
your wedding.
He was banging our caterer!
You... [ Sighs ]
It seems as though this running
is a thing for you.
I-I... [ Grunts ]
[ Whispers indistinctly ]
Yeah, I got her.
We gotta move.
I know.
[ Knock on door ]
How you holding up?
Well, I, uh, texted my mom,
asked if I was adopted.
[ Voice breaking ]
She wrote, “Honey, call us.”
That guy out there just flipped
my life inside out
in, like, five seconds.
Ellie, I know it probably
feels like that right now,
but you can handle this.
[ Scoffs ]
Being a little flighty,
I can handle.
Being related to the biggest
genocidal maniac of all time?
I don't think so.
[ Exhales slowly ] It's been
crazy hot lately, right?
That global warming...
[ Sighs ]
[ Tires squeaking ]
[ Inhales deeply ]
She's close.
I know it's hard
to believe this right now,
but it will get easier.
Trust me, I've been there.
Oh, right. Did someone wanna use
you to resurrect Adolph Hitler?
Uh, w-- No, not exactly.
There you go. [ Sniffles ]
But they did want me
to bring back Lucifer.
I was his vessel --
You almost, almost had me
with Hitler.
But Lucifer?
Really? The Devil?
I can't, okay? I can't do this.
All right,
meltdown time's over.
[ Door closes ]
Listen, you need
to face this now.
Believe it or not, we actually
have the upper hand here.
According to, uh, you know,
Junior Jackass in there,
the Thule want you.
Now we can use that.
We can set a trap.
Oh. Oh, now you wanna
use me as bait?
We don't want to use you
as bait, Ellie, but...
We have the opportunity
to take out
the entire Thule High Command
in one shot.
Now does that sound scary?
Yeah, you bet.
But there are times
when you run
and there are times
when you stand and fight.
Now is one of those times
when you fight.
Now we promise that we will
keep you safe.
Oh, my God.
Dean: You gotta be kidding me.
[ Blinds shift ]
Get down.
[ Gun cocks ]
They're in there.
Yeah. Shh.
[ Gunshot, glass shatters ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Both grunting ]
[ Man groans ]
[ Glass shatters ]
[ Groans ]
[ Man speaks German over earpiece ]
Sie ist auf der Flucht!
[ Glass clinking ]
[ Metal chair clanks ]
[ Door closes ]
We got a problem.
[ Horn honking ]
Hey! Help!
[ Cellphone beeps ]
She's still not picking up.
Maybe she got spooked.
[ Car door opens ]
Well, isn't running
a whole thing with her?
Hey, it's Ellie.
You know what to do.
Ellie, it's Sam Winchester.
Listen, I know all this
Hitler stuff is confusing,
but I promise
we can explain it.
And we can keep you safe.
Just call me back. Okay?
[ Cellphone beeps ]
How could you tell them
about Hitler?
I can explain --
It wasn't bad enough
being hunted by the Judah
and his revolting golem?
I was stalling.
They would've killed me
and taken her.
You should be thanking me.
You were supposed to be
my heir.
Instead, you're
an inconceivable disappointment.
You know, I used to look up
to you.
You conquered death.
You did so many things.
But now? [ Sighs ]
Now all you wanna do is relive
your glory days with Hitler.
[ Scoffs ] Your generation --
you millennials --
are too weak to steward
the future.
It needs a stronger hand.
The world is divided
und inflamed.
This falling of empires,
the flailing of economies,
is precisely why there has
never been a better time
for the Fuhrer's return.
And you...
[ Whimpering ] dear,
you have his eyes.
[ Cries ] Help!
Somebody help me, please!
Help me!
All right, there's gotta be
a tracking spell, right?
Yeah, maybe if we had
something to track.
Well, guess we hack
every traffic light in the city
until we find her.
[ Flaps lips ]
[ Grunts ] No!
No! No! Wait! No! No! No!
No! Don't! [ Crying ]
[ Screaming ]
Begin the purification ritual.
A patrol has been sent
to find the Winchesters.
Fritz, my son has had
a very trying day.
He should rest.
What? Hey, no I'm --
What are you doing?
Get your hands off me,
What are you doing?
Father! Please!
I was wrong!
We can do it your way!
Father, please!
Fritz, look, you don't have
to do this, okay?
Come on.
Listen, please,
you know who I am.
[ Gun cocks ]
Go on.
Man over walkie-talkie:
Fritz. Come in, Fritz.
Winchesters' Impala
parked outside diner.
Sawmill Road.
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Silenced gunshot ]
[ Thud ]
No. I-I-I mean, I have no idea
how we're gonna find her.
Even if we look at...
[ Cocks gun ]
If you wanna find Ellie,
you have to protect me.
Protect you?
Why should we believe
anything you say?
[ Sighs ] Don't look now.
Across the street,
there's a Thule agent
right beside
the dumpster outside.
Is that enough?
I just killed
one of my dad's guys.
Could be a trap.
It's not.
Do you know what it was like
to have a Nazi necromancer
for a father? It sucked.
Christmas was a joke. Career Day
at school was a nightmare.
All I do is
try to make him proud,
I'll never be good enough.
He asked a guy named Fritz
to kill me.
Okay, well, there's that.
We'll hear you out.
Where is she?
I can take you to her.
All right, you get the car,
I'll take care of the Kraut.
All right.
The boy has some spine
after all.
I'll find him.
Christoph's time will come.
For now...
we have
more important business.
[ Wheels rattling ]
[ Drops record needle ]
[ “Prelude” from Wagner's
“Das Rheingold” playing ]
Ah, you always loved
this one.
The perfect way to ease
der Fuhrer
into this new century.
She is prepared.
Sehr gut.
[ Engine turns off ]
[ Doors creak ]
[ Trunk creaks ]
[ Lid creaks ]
All right.
Hey, what -- what are you doing?
[ Handcuffs click ]
Wait, you're just gonna
leave me here?
Yeah, pretty much.
[ Handcuffs clicking ]
Christoph: Hey!
Sam: Shh.
[ Cocks gun ]
All right, we got two outside
and who knows how many inside.
Dean, we need to be stealth,
do this quietly.
[ Grunts ]
We'll get a chance.
It's okay.
[ Sighs heavily ]
[ Cocks gun ]
Let's go kill some Nazis.
[ Inhales deeply ]
What are you doing to me?
[ Dial clicking ]
The Fuher's soul
must occupy a body
that contains
the blood of his blood.
Did you really think
I'd resurrect
the greatest man
who ever lived
in the body of a weak,
unworthy, American female?
Mein Gott.
I never needed you,
only your blood.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Bones crack ]
[ Thuds ]
[ Speaking German ]
das Fuhrer's.
[ Whispers ] Ja.
I'm ready.
[ Gears whirring ]
[ Squishing sound ]
[ Sizzling ]
[ Speaks German ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Laughing ]
Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!
Ha ha!
[ Screaming, laughing ]
[ Exhales ] Wolfgang.
[ Laughing ]
[ Speaks German ]
Come, come.
Come! [ Inhales deeply ]
This can' happening.
[ Exhales sharply ]
My great-great-grandniece.
[ Exhales ]
[ Inhales deeply ]
Thank you for the gift,
What shall we do with her,
Take the rest of her blood,
then give her to the dogs.
But, Fuhrer,
we have no dogs.
Then get some!
[ Voice echoes ]
I love doggies. [ Chuckles ]
Woof, woof, woof.
[ Laughs ] Wolfgang, come on.
Should've just brought
the grenade launcher.
Admit it, though,
you're having fun.
[ Guns cock ]
Yeah, so much fun.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
Well, if it isn't
Father of the Year.
[ Smacks ]
Address den Fuhrer with respect.
Sam und Dean Winchester.
You must be important.
He feared you.
Nauhaus. Still up here.
[ Laughs ]
A nice new meat suit.
It come with two testicles
this time?
One of many upgrades
I'm enjoying. Like this!
It's like having a tiny Goebbels
in my pocket!
I sold 10 million copies
of “Mein Kampf.”
What do you think I can do
with Twitter? [ Chuckles ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
Where is my plane?!
Almost ready, Fuhrer.
What shall we do with them?
Take them with us.
I shall very much enjoy
introducing them to my new dogs.
[ Gunshot ]
[ Thud ]
[ Gun cocks, gunshot ]
[ Grunts ]
No, wait. Wait.
[ Breathing heavily ]
No. I-I can explain.
[ Cellphone clatters ]
[ Cocks gun ]
Heil this.
[ Exhales ] Thank...
[ Exhales sharply ]
You killed Hitler.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ]
I killed Hitler.
I killed Hitler.
I killed Hitler. I think that
entitles me to free drinks
for the rest of my life.
I'm gonna get t-shirts made.
You know no one's gonna
believe you, right?
But you believe me.
You were there.
All right, let's go.
[ Handcuffs clink ]
Hold up,
you're not gonna kill me?
No, we had a deal. Besides,
you got bigger problems.
The Thule that are left are
gonna hunt you as a traitor forever.
Our advice?
Why don't you head back
to Buffalo?
Nobody goes to Buffalo.
[ Siren wailing in distance ]
So how you holding up?
Uh, well, we just burned a pile
of dead Nazi zombie bodies.
[ Chuckles ]
One of which I killed, so maybe,
like, third worst day ever.
I've had a rough time lately.
[ Chuckles ]
Yeah, and then
all this happens.
I think I'm gonna be okay,
I should probably call my mom.
You can only run for so long,
you know?
So, uh, what do you think
is harder,
facing the reincarnation
of Hitler
or going back to med school?
[ Chuckles ]
I think I gotta say Hitler.
Yeah, I think -- I think so.
[ Chuckles ]
Thank you for everything.
Yeah. Uh...
take care of yourself.
[ Door creaks ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Grunts ]
Good to go.
You know, I was thinkin'...
We passed a bakery
on the way into town.
Sign said, “Best pie
for a thousand miles”"
So now you want pie?
I killed Hitler.
I think I deserve some pie.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Engine starts ]
Did I mention
I killed Hitler?
Sam: I'm never gonna hear
the end of this, am I?
Probably not.
I spent my life
running from hunting.
I never wanted this
for you and Sam.
Feels like yesterday
we were together in Heaven,
and now...
Mom, w-what are you trying
to say?
I have to go.
This whole Mom thing,
I mean, we get her back,
and then she leaves.
Aaron: My grandfather spent
the rest of his life
trying to track down something
he called the Thule Society.
They were this twisted,
secret fraternity
hell-bent on world domination
that sponsored
the early days
of the Nazi Party.
This last page is a roster
of every dead Thule member
who was reanimated.
This is why they killed
my grandfather?
You Nazi pig! [ Laughs ]
One Rabbi Isaac Bass --
he spontaneously combusted.
Woman: [ Screams ]
What is that?!
[ Shouting, murmuring ]
Nazi bastards.
Dean: Aah! Uhh!
Anything in there
on how to kill it?
If you want a friend
of the Thule to stay dead,
burn the body.
You will never kill
all the Thule. [ Grunts ]
Long live...the Thule.
[ Siren wailing in distance ]
[ Horn honks in distance ]
Ah! [ Laughs ] Mrs. Lloyd.
[ Singsongy ] You're early.
I'm always early.
Where is it?
All business. I like that.
1931. Solid gold.
Look at that craftsmanship.
[ Clocks whirring and clanking ]
No, ma'am, they don't make them
like this anymore.
[ Chuckles ]
I brought cash.
How thoughtful.
there has been a change.
In the price.
But...we had a deal.
Well, you call it a deal.
I call it, uh, the start
of negotiations.
You know, tomato, tomahto.
[ Chuckles ]
I-I couldn't let it go for
less than, uh, 80.
[ Scoffs ]
Are you out of your mind?
Well, I'm not, but you folks
are -- are mad about this stuff.
I mean, personally, uh,
I don't, uh, see the appeal.
But if you're not interested,
I can always, uh, find
a new buyer.
Do you know
who you're talking to?
Good luck finding that new buyer
when the community finds out
how I've been treated.
Fine. Your loss.
What's that?
Oh. I-I don't, uh...
[ Flames whoosh ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Case thuds ]
[ Screaming stops ]
[ Thud ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Whoosh ]
No! No!
[ Screaming ]
[ Flames whoosh ]
Oh, God!
[ Typing ]
Hey. Got everything on the list.
So what are you thinkin',
scrambled or fried?
I'm not really hungry
right now.
Y-you're not that...
How about some pie?
Maybe later.
Kind of in the middle
of something.
[ Sighs ] All right, dude,
something's wrong.
[ Sighs ] I get it.
If Mom --
I'm gonna stop you right there,
Look, Mom needed her space,
and I told you I'm cool with it.
But are you really?
[ Sets down laptop ]
Happened last night.
“Two Killed in Mystery Fire”"
Mystery fire?
Yeah, the kind that doesn't burn
anything but the bodies.
So spontaneous combustion.
[ Clicks tongue ]
What are you thinking?
Uh, witch? Dragon?
Maybe. Check it out.
The old lady? Loaded.
I'm talking Scrooge McDuck
swimming in pools of money.
So what's a lady like that
doing at some crap store
at 3:00 a.m.?
Well, it says it was
an antique shop.
Uh, rich people like antiquing.
I don't know.
I say we check it out.
Uh... [ Sighs ] All right.
In the meantime, you sure
you don't wanna talk about --
Dean, it's called sublimation.
Yeah, it's kinda my thing.
[ Horn blares ]
[ Horn honks in distance ]
Looks like
we missed the Calvary.
I guess we should
go home then.
[ Door rattles ]
[ Door opens ]
[ Flashlights click ]
[ Clock chiming ]
[ Inhales sharply ]
All right,
I'm guessing
that's the first victim.
Scrooge McDuck lady?
Which makes this
the antiques dealer.
Yeah. Name was Marvin Brickle.
Widower. Owned the shop
for decades.
[ Sniffing ]
[ EMF meter clicking ]
No sulphur.
Ditto EMF.
Maybe hex bags?
[ Turns off EMF meter ]
Yeah, or, uh, you know...
antique shop,
full of old stuff.
Maybe the guy got his hands
[ Switch clicks ]
on a cursed object...
...and it went haywire,
started killing everybody.
Yeah, wouldn't be
the first time.
[ Taps key ]
[ Mouse button clicks ]
[ Cuckoo clock chimes ]
[ Object clatters ]
[ Ship clatters ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Ship thuds ]
Don't say it.
May--maybe let's not
touch anything
until we figure out if this
stuff wants to kill us or not?
[ Whispers ]
Yeah, I got it.
[ Ship thuds ]
[ Mouse button clicks ]
[ Mouths words ]
[ Mouse button clicks ]
[ Clank ]
[ Bookcase scraping ]
Sam, I think I found
It looks like the victims
were meeting
about an antique pocket watch
the night they died.
Pocket watch?
Yeah, according to
Marv's e-mail, at least.
[ Door creaks ]
Uh, Sam?
Yeah, hold up.
Get this -- I hacked into
Marv's hard drive.
It -- it looks like he was
[ Switch clicks ] entire underground business, uh,
catering to, uh...
Nazi nutjobs?
How'd you know that?
Might wanna
take a look at this.
Yeah. What are you, uh...
Oh. That's, uh...
Looks like Scrooge McDuck lady
got her rocks off
by collecting Nazi crap.
Yeah, guess so.
Uh, according to
Marv's ledger,
the watch belonged to a member
of Hitler's inner circle.
So where is it now?
I don't know.
The police didn't report
finding it.
And I'm gonna
go out on a limb here
and guess that it's probably
not out there
and probably not in here.
I mean...Nazi connection?
The immolation M.O.?
Sound like anybody we know?
The Thule.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Maybe they crashed the party,
took the watch,
and torched the bystanders.
I hate these guys.
[ Switch clicks ]
Hey. [ Giggles ]
[ Door closes ]
[ Keys clatter ]
[ Giggles ]
Ooh! [ Giggles ] Mm.
This is -- this is fun.
I-I don't really ever do this.
And everyone's like, “Watch out
for the hookup culture, Ellie.”
I think they just worry
'cause, you know,
I-I just got out
of a relationship.
Um, but no, no, I gave --
I gave back the ring,
so that's just -- that's all --
that's a good thing, right?
Sorry. Yeah, that was --
I-I'm kinda still figuring out
how the whole, you know,
Tinder thing works.
It's cool.
Yeah, but, like...
I could -- I could be cooler,
let's be honest.
'Cause, you know, like,
your beard, it's super cool.
Uh, do you want a drink?
Yeah, I'm gonna --
I'm gonna use the, uh,
the little girls'
and just...
Okay. [ Chuckles ]
[ Retreating footsteps ]
[ Bathroom door opens ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Whispers ] God.
[ Exhales deeply ]
Come on, Eleanore. He is hot.
So you just -- you put on
those big girl pants
and you take off his.
Well...regular pants,
not big girl pants.
[ Loud bang ]
Man: Hey!
What are you doing? Ellie?
[ Gasping ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Gasps ]
Das Madchen!
[ Grunts ]
[ Crunch ]
[ Pounding on door ]
[ Thud ]
[ Siren wailing ]
[ German accent ] Idiot!
We need her alive.
I'm sorry, father.
[ Siren continues wailing ]
Doesn't matter.
We have what we need
to track her.
We're halfway through
the ledger.
I nailed six, and the golem
got the rest.
It feels good, you know,
finishing what
the Judah Initiative started.
Your grandfather would
be proud.
[ Dance music playing ]
Yeah, well, dropping out of college
to wipe out Nazi corpse-bags
wasn't exactly
my mother's dream,
but what are you gonna do?
Hey, uh, you hear about
any Thule activity
in our neck of the woods?
Not lately.
These Deutsch-nozzles have been
sticking to the Fatherland.
Sam: Lately?
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
They're closing ranks.
All jumpy.
[ Music continues ]
Any idea what's cookin'?
Whatever it is, it's big.
We got our hands
on a few of their documents.
Code named the mission
“Das Blut” --
“The Blood.”
The... [ Scoffs ] Wow,
that sounds nice and ominous.
I mean, we're talking
the whole enchilada --
the Thule High Command
all in one place.
Hey, does the, uh,
this pocket watch
mean anything to you,
Nazi-relic wise? [ Beep ]
No. Sorry.
Hey, another body
just dropped.
Aaron, we're gonna have to
call you back, bud. [ Cellphone beeps ]
[ Beep ]
Man: Ready?
[ Speaks indistinctly ]
By the time we got there,
he was ash and bone.
What does that
to a human being?
You find anything else?
Just the body.
The other victim was lucky.
She got away,
ran to her neighbor's,
and called for help.
So where's the survivor now?
What's going on?
I already gave my statement.
[ Handcuffs clicking ]
What -- what is happening?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. No.
No, no, no, no, no!
Let me out!
Somebody, help! Help!
Somebody help me!
Let me out of here!
Help! Please! Please, please, please.
[ Car door closes ]
Please! Let me out of here!
[ Engine starts ]
Help! Please!
Dean: You see that?
We gotta follow that car.
Oh, I've always wanted
to say that.
[ Engine revs, tires peal ]
Why are you doing this to me?
Okay, look, look, I-I will
give you whatever you want.
Okay? I-I don't really have
any money,
but my grandparents left me
Just -- just, please,
tell me what's going on.
Oh, my God.
Do you ever shut up?
[ Shifts gears ]
Where you going?
[ Car door opens ]
Hey, you can't leave me here!
[ Car door closes ]
[ Thump ]
[ Dialing ]
Yes, I have her.
I'm here now. It's all locked.
That is not fair.
You know, I try with you,
I really do.
But you expect me to be
a mind reader,
and it's exhausting.
[ Gun cocks ]
Father, I gotta go.
[ Beep ]
Well, family drama's a bitch,
ain't it?
[ Car door opens ]
[ Sighs ]
So if you're not cops,
then what are you?
There are things out there
that shouldn't exist.
Bad things. We kill 'em.
It's kind of our job.
Yeah, so your safest place
is with us right now.
Safe from...
Nazi zombies.
They use blood magic to make
themselves almost immortal.
Well, you shoot 'em in the head,
set 'em on fire,
that usually does the trick.
This is completely insane.
Ellie, you saw what they did
to your friend.
Okay, but...
why -- why would they kill Nick?
And why kidnap me?
Those are great questions.
What do you tools want
with the watch?
And what does it have to do
with her?
You're gonna have to kill me.
All right. Want to, uh...
Yep. All right,
let's go for a walk.
Wait. No. No.
You can't just shoot him.
Oh, no, sure I can.
[ Cocks gun ]
See, I do it all the time.
Oh, my...
You don't wanna watch this.
[ Thumps shoulder ]
All right! All right, all right.
Just... [ Sighs ]
It belongs to my father.
Commandant Nauhaus.
Thule High Command?
Ranking officer?
See, that wasn't so hard now,
was it?
Carry on.
[ Safety clicks ]
You don't understand.
He'll kill me.
What do you think this is,
a tickle party?
[ Sighs ] It started
at the end of the war.
[ Bruckner's “Symphony No. 7
in E major” playing ]
The Soviets had surrounded
the Fuhrerbunker.
Everyone knew it was over --
everyone except my father.
[ Explosion in distance ]
[ Explosion in distance ]
[ Chambers bullet ]
[ Explosion, debris clattering ]
[ Projectile whistles,
explosion, debris clattering ]
[ Whispers ]
Es gibt einen anderen Weg.
Dean: All right,
skip the foreplay.
What did your dad do
to Hitler?
He saved his life.
Well, he saved his soul.
Like, literally.
The watch, it's like a --
it's like a horcrux.
It's a Harry Potter thing.
Oh, you would know that. the watch holds
Hitler's soul?
You -- you trapped Hitler's soul
in a pocket watch?
Why is that? For safekeeping?
[ Scoffs ]
No. To bring him back.
[ Ellie laughs ]
It sounded bonkers to me
the first time I heard it, too.
The first time you heard it?
Weren't you there?
What? No. Man, I was born
in Buffalo in '94.
Listen, this whole
“let's bring Hitler back”
is more of
an O.G. Thule plan.
All they do is yap about it.
He's joking, right? Right?
This is -- this is a joke.
Okay, wait. Let's just --
let's back up to the part
where your dad is going
to resurrect Adolph Hitler.
[ Sighs ] After the bunker,
the Thule agents who were
smuggling Hitler's soul out
got whacked by Soviets.
So you lost the watch.
Hey, I didn't lose it.
It ended up with
some Russian family.
Then the Thule tracked it
to China and then to Peru.
Then it wound up
in that antique shop.
So now they're all hyped to get
their Fuhrer-resurrection on.
This isn't a joke.
Oh, my God.
How do they plan
on bringing him back?
The soul of Hitler
can only inhabit the body
of somebody who possesses
his blood.
His blood. Das blut.
So let me get this straight.
The Thule want to upload Hitler
into the body
of one of his relatives?
Do they even exist anymore?
Well, there's one
right there.
[ Scoffs ]
Wait. Wait. You think
I'm related to Hitler?
Okay, okay, that -- that --
that is just hilarious.
They've been keeping tabs on you
your whole life.
The Thule track all
of Hitler's descendants.
You just happen to be
in the same state as the watch.
[ Chuckles ] Go figure.
No. No way. Okay, my mom, she --
she tracked our family
all the way back
to the Mayflower.
She said --
You're adopted.
You don't know anything
about me.
You're from
Wheaton, Illinois.
All-state cross-country
all four years.
Wow. Wow, way to use
the Internet.
You trained
to become a doctor,
but you dropped out at the sight
of your first stiff.
[ Scoffs ]
I am taking a sabbatical.
You dipped town two days before
your wedding.
He was banging our caterer!
You... [ Sighs ]
It seems as though this running
is a thing for you.
I-I... [ Grunts ]
[ Whispers indistinctly ]
Yeah, I got her.
We gotta move.
I know.
[ Knock on door ]
How you holding up?
Well, I, uh, texted my mom,
asked if I was adopted.
[ Voice breaking ]
She wrote, “Honey, call us.”
That guy out there just flipped
my life inside out
in, like, five seconds.
Ellie, I know it probably
feels like that right now,
but you can handle this.
[ Scoffs ]
Being a little flighty,
I can handle.
Being related to the biggest
genocidal maniac of all time?
I don't think so.
[ Exhales slowly ] It's been
crazy hot lately, right?
That global warming...
[ Sighs ]
[ Tires squeaking ]
[ Inhales deeply ]
She's close.
I know it's hard
to believe this right now,
but it will get easier.
Trust me, I've been there.
Oh, right. Did someone wanna use
you to resurrect Adolph Hitler?
Uh, w-- No, not exactly.
There you go. [ Sniffles ]
But they did want me
to bring back Lucifer.
I was his vessel --
You almost, almost had me
with Hitler.
But Lucifer?
Really? The Devil?
I can't, okay? I can't do this.
All right,
meltdown time's over.
[ Door closes ]
Listen, you need
to face this now.
Believe it or not, we actually
have the upper hand here.
According to, uh, you know,
Junior Jackass in there,
the Thule want you.
Now we can use that.
We can set a trap.
Oh. Oh, now you wanna
use me as bait?
We don't want to use you
as bait, Ellie, but...
We have the opportunity
to take out
the entire Thule High Command
in one shot.
Now does that sound scary?
Yeah, you bet.
But there are times
when you run
and there are times
when you stand and fight.
Now is one of those times
when you fight.
Now we promise that we will
keep you safe.
Oh, my God.
Dean: You gotta be kidding me.
[ Blinds shift ]
Get down.
[ Gun cocks ]
They're in there.
Yeah. Shh.
[ Gunshot, glass shatters ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Both grunting ]
[ Man groans ]
[ Glass shatters ]
[ Groans ]
[ Man speaks German over earpiece ]
Sie ist auf der Flucht!
[ Glass clinking ]
[ Metal chair clanks ]
[ Door closes ]
We got a problem.
[ Horn honking ]
Hey! Help!
[ Cellphone beeps ]
She's still not picking up.
Maybe she got spooked.
[ Car door opens ]
Well, isn't running
a whole thing with her?
Hey, it's Ellie.
You know what to do.
Ellie, it's Sam Winchester.
Listen, I know all this
Hitler stuff is confusing,
but I promise
we can explain it.
And we can keep you safe.
Just call me back. Okay?
[ Cellphone beeps ]
How could you tell them
about Hitler?
I can explain --
It wasn't bad enough
being hunted by the Judah
and his revolting golem?
I was stalling.
They would've killed me
and taken her.
You should be thanking me.
You were supposed to be
my heir.
Instead, you're
an inconceivable disappointment.
You know, I used to look up
to you.
You conquered death.
You did so many things.
But now? [ Sighs ]
Now all you wanna do is relive
your glory days with Hitler.
[ Scoffs ] Your generation --
you millennials --
are too weak to steward
the future.
It needs a stronger hand.
The world is divided
und inflamed.
This falling of empires,
the flailing of economies,
is precisely why there has
never been a better time
for the Fuhrer's return.
And you...
[ Whimpering ] dear,
you have his eyes.
[ Cries ] Help!
Somebody help me, please!
Help me!
All right, there's gotta be
a tracking spell, right?
Yeah, maybe if we had
something to track.
Well, guess we hack
every traffic light in the city
until we find her.
[ Flaps lips ]
[ Grunts ] No!
No! No! Wait! No! No! No!
No! Don't! [ Crying ]
[ Screaming ]
Begin the purification ritual.
A patrol has been sent
to find the Winchesters.
Fritz, my son has had
a very trying day.
He should rest.
What? Hey, no I'm --
What are you doing?
Get your hands off me,
What are you doing?
Father! Please!
I was wrong!
We can do it your way!
Father, please!
Fritz, look, you don't have
to do this, okay?
Come on.
Listen, please,
you know who I am.
[ Gun cocks ]
Go on.
Man over walkie-talkie:
Fritz. Come in, Fritz.
Winchesters' Impala
parked outside diner.
Sawmill Road.
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Silenced gunshot ]
[ Thud ]
No. I-I-I mean, I have no idea
how we're gonna find her.
Even if we look at...
[ Cocks gun ]
If you wanna find Ellie,
you have to protect me.
Protect you?
Why should we believe
anything you say?
[ Sighs ] Don't look now.
Across the street,
there's a Thule agent
right beside
the dumpster outside.
Is that enough?
I just killed
one of my dad's guys.
Could be a trap.
It's not.
Do you know what it was like
to have a Nazi necromancer
for a father? It sucked.
Christmas was a joke. Career Day
at school was a nightmare.
All I do is
try to make him proud,
I'll never be good enough.
He asked a guy named Fritz
to kill me.
Okay, well, there's that.
We'll hear you out.
Where is she?
I can take you to her.
All right, you get the car,
I'll take care of the Kraut.
All right.
The boy has some spine
after all.
I'll find him.
Christoph's time will come.
For now...
we have
more important business.
[ Wheels rattling ]
[ Drops record needle ]
[ “Prelude” from Wagner's
“Das Rheingold” playing ]
Ah, you always loved
this one.
The perfect way to ease
der Fuhrer
into this new century.
She is prepared.
Sehr gut.
[ Engine turns off ]
[ Doors creak ]
[ Trunk creaks ]
[ Lid creaks ]
All right.
Hey, what -- what are you doing?
[ Handcuffs click ]
Wait, you're just gonna
leave me here?
Yeah, pretty much.
[ Handcuffs clicking ]
Christoph: Hey!
Sam: Shh.
[ Cocks gun ]
All right, we got two outside
and who knows how many inside.
Dean, we need to be stealth,
do this quietly.
[ Grunts ]
We'll get a chance.
It's okay.
[ Sighs heavily ]
[ Cocks gun ]
Let's go kill some Nazis.
[ Inhales deeply ]
What are you doing to me?
[ Dial clicking ]
The Fuher's soul
must occupy a body
that contains
the blood of his blood.
Did you really think
I'd resurrect
the greatest man
who ever lived
in the body of a weak,
unworthy, American female?
Mein Gott.
I never needed you,
only your blood.
[ Sniffles ]
[ Bones crack ]
[ Thuds ]
[ Speaking German ]
das Fuhrer's.
[ Whispers ] Ja.
I'm ready.
[ Gears whirring ]
[ Squishing sound ]
[ Sizzling ]
[ Speaks German ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Laughing ]
Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!
Ha ha!
[ Screaming, laughing ]
[ Exhales ] Wolfgang.
[ Laughing ]
[ Speaks German ]
Come, come.
Come! [ Inhales deeply ]
This can' happening.
[ Exhales sharply ]
My great-great-grandniece.
[ Exhales ]
[ Inhales deeply ]
Thank you for the gift,
What shall we do with her,
Take the rest of her blood,
then give her to the dogs.
But, Fuhrer,
we have no dogs.
Then get some!
[ Voice echoes ]
I love doggies. [ Chuckles ]
Woof, woof, woof.
[ Laughs ] Wolfgang, come on.
Should've just brought
the grenade launcher.
Admit it, though,
you're having fun.
[ Guns cock ]
Yeah, so much fun.
[ Door opens ]
[ Door closes ]
Well, if it isn't
Father of the Year.
[ Smacks ]
Address den Fuhrer with respect.
Sam und Dean Winchester.
You must be important.
He feared you.
Nauhaus. Still up here.
[ Laughs ]
A nice new meat suit.
It come with two testicles
this time?
One of many upgrades
I'm enjoying. Like this!
It's like having a tiny Goebbels
in my pocket!
I sold 10 million copies
of “Mein Kampf.”
What do you think I can do
with Twitter? [ Chuckles ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
Where is my plane?!
Almost ready, Fuhrer.
What shall we do with them?
Take them with us.
I shall very much enjoy
introducing them to my new dogs.
[ Gunshot ]
[ Thud ]
[ Gun cocks, gunshot ]
[ Grunts ]
No, wait. Wait.
[ Breathing heavily ]
No. I-I can explain.
[ Cellphone clatters ]
[ Cocks gun ]
Heil this.
[ Exhales ] Thank...
[ Exhales sharply ]
You killed Hitler.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ]
I killed Hitler.
I killed Hitler.
I killed Hitler. I think that
entitles me to free drinks
for the rest of my life.
I'm gonna get t-shirts made.
You know no one's gonna
believe you, right?
But you believe me.
You were there.
All right, let's go.
[ Handcuffs clink ]
Hold up,
you're not gonna kill me?
No, we had a deal. Besides,
you got bigger problems.
The Thule that are left are
gonna hunt you as a traitor forever.
Our advice?
Why don't you head back
to Buffalo?
Nobody goes to Buffalo.
[ Siren wailing in distance ]
So how you holding up?
Uh, well, we just burned a pile
of dead Nazi zombie bodies.
[ Chuckles ]
One of which I killed, so maybe,
like, third worst day ever.
I've had a rough time lately.
[ Chuckles ]
Yeah, and then
all this happens.
I think I'm gonna be okay,
I should probably call my mom.
You can only run for so long,
you know?
So, uh, what do you think
is harder,
facing the reincarnation
of Hitler
or going back to med school?
[ Chuckles ]
I think I gotta say Hitler.
Yeah, I think -- I think so.
[ Chuckles ]
Thank you for everything.
Yeah. Uh...
take care of yourself.
[ Door creaks ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Grunts ]
Good to go.
You know, I was thinkin'...
We passed a bakery
on the way into town.
Sign said, “Best pie
for a thousand miles”"
So now you want pie?
I killed Hitler.
I think I deserve some pie.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Engine starts ]
Did I mention
I killed Hitler?
Sam: I'm never gonna hear
the end of this, am I?
Probably not.