Supernatural (2005–…): Season 11, Episode 11 - Into the Mystic - full transcript
Sam and Dean investigate a case where people are suffering violent deaths after hearing a mysterious sound.
There's this cage in Hell,
and it's where they keep Lucifer,
and I've been in it.
I think
God wants me to go back.
Lucifer: It wasn't God
inside your head, Sam.
It was me.
Your brother's in Hell...
The Darkness,
she's the end of everything.
We can beat her.
With Lucifer.
You want a vessel?
Plan “B.”
[ grunting ]
Last words?
Can you really beat her?
I can.
Then, yes.
Rowena: Lucifer.
The Darkness,
what is she to you?
You'll never hurt me.
I'm sorry, Amara.
We're bound, Dean.
I told you.
We'll always be bound.
I can't be resisted.
That feeling that you have
when you're with me, just bliss.
Why wouldn't you want that?
You and I will be
together forever.
[ Thunder crashes ]
[ The Shirelles' “Will You
Love Me Tomorrow? Plays ]
[ Fingers snapping ]
♪ Tonight you're mine
completely ♪
Oh, what are you doing?
♪ You give your love so sweetly ♪
She loves this song.
♪ Tonight the light ♪
It's the only thing
that will put her to sleep.
♪ Of love is in your eyes ♪
Oh, besides...
♪ But will you love me ♪
This is our song.
♪ Tomorrow ♪
It's good to see you smiling,
mo chuisle.
♪ Is this
a lasting treasure? ♪
I'm trying, Maura.
I'm trying.
[ Crying ]
[ High-pitched scream ]
Ohh! Do you hear that?
[ Scoffs ]
That would be our daughter.
[ Crying continues ]
No. I hear...
A scream.
[ Scream intensifies ]
It's... ohh!
Ohh! Ohh!
Hold on, Padraic!
Just hold on!
[ Groaning ]
[ Screaming continues ]
[ Whimpering ]
Get it out of my head!
[ Groaning ]
[ Grunting ]
Hold on!
[ Growls ]
[ Padraic grunting ]
[ Hisses ]
Get away from him!
[ Snarling ]
[ Cries ]
[ Snarls ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Growling ]
[ Crying continues ]
[ Groans ]
[ Fire roars ]
[ Crying stops ]
[ Thunder rumbles ]
[ Cries ]
It'll be okay, sweet.
It'll be o...Kay.
[ Thud ]
[ Crying continues ]
♪ Supernatural 11x11 ♪
Into the Mystic
Original Air Date on January 27, 2016
Lucifer: When your brother
was trapped in Purgatory,
you were here with a girl
and a dog.
You can't win this, Sam.
You're just not strong enough.
You didn't even bother
trying to find him.
And I know that if you're
gonna beat the Darkness,
you have to be ready to watch
the people you love die.
How long you been up?
I don't know.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
'Cause you haven't left
the bunker in days.
[ Gun clicks ]
I'm fine.
Well, good. 'Cause I think
I found us a case.
Harold Miller, 65.
A resident of Oak Park,
an old folks' home,
was found yesterday in his room
with his head bashed in.
But get this...
The doors were locked and
there was no sign of break-in.
Demonic possession?
I figure it's worth a look.
What do you think?
Oh, and best part is,
Oak Park is
15 minutes from here.
It's in our backyard.
And what about
the Darkness?
What about Cass?
We haven't heard from them.
Okay, first of all,
we've got zero on Amara.
And Cass...
Cass will be fine.
He always is.
[ Birds squawking ]
[ Children playing, laughing ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Whistling ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Humming ]
All the parks in the world,
and I pick one
with an angel in it.
I saw you.
Couldn't believe my eyes.
Well, believe them.
It's beautiful out here,
isn't it?
It's funny.
The things you think
you're not gonna miss at all,
you end up missing
the very, very most.
Enjoy it while you can.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I come in peace, brother.
I am not your brother,
Well, I'm not looking
for a fight.
In fact, I am your only hope
at beating the Darkness.
I heard you, uh...
Heard you kids had
your big shot at the title,
and you missed it.
You don't need
to be afraid, brother.
I am out of that awful,
awful cage.
And I'm here
to save you all.
Lucifer ex machina.
It cannot be destroyed.
But you can be!
[ Fingers snap ]
That's the problem with
you rank-and-file angels...
No vision.
[ Johnny Mathis'
“Wonderful! Wonderful!” plays ]
♪ Sometimes we walk ♪
♪ hand in hand by the sea ♪
♪ and we breathe in
the cool, salty air ♪
♪ ahh, ahh, ahh ♪
♪ you turn to me ♪
♪ with a kiss in your eyes ♪
♪ and my heart feels ♪
♪ a thrill beyond compare ♪
This place
is an old folks' home?
Looks awesome.
♪ Then your lips cling to mine ♪
♪ it's wonderful, wonderful ♪
Maybe we ought to make
a reservation.
[ Chuckles ]
Yeah, we should be so lucky
to live long enough.
As I told the police,
I was walking
by Harold's room,
and I heard
a loud banging noise.
And then I heard Harold yell
from inside of his suite,
“Get it out of my head”"
so I knocked on the door
and called to him.
And when he didn't reply,
I used my pass key
to get into his room.
That's when I saw him.
He was on his back.
His skull was, um...
Well, there was
a lot of blood.
[ Whirring ]
Dean: And nobody else was in the room.
The windows and doors
were locked.
I even checked
the security logs.
Nobody was in or out
of Harold's room all night.
I don't really understand
what could have happened.
Hey, Mildred.
Oh, good morning, Arthur.
This is Mildred,
one of our residents.
Good morning.
Um, do you always work
late at night?
I've been, uh, staying here,
My wife left me.
Via text,
if you can believe it...
A whole series of emojis.
Wow. What did you do?
Oh, I didn't stand for that.
Unh-unh. Fought fire with fire.
Sent her the poop emoji.
that's one way to fly.
I should have sent the heart.
I can be so stupid.
I just wish
she'd call me back.
Oh, no, no, I think
you did the right thing.
Um, hey, listen...
Since you've been staying here,
uh, a lot,
uh, have you noticed
any strange...
Sounds, smells,
uh, cold spots?
What? Uh, no. Why?
Oh, just routine questions.
Um, what about enemies?
Harold have any enemies?
He had quite a few.
[ EMF detector whirring ]
[ Pill bottles rattling ]
What the hell?
[ Rattling ]
Turns out Harold was stealing
the other residents' Viagra.
I know.
A real dick move, huh?
[ Chuckles ]
So I got an EMF hit
in his room,
but I got an EMF hit
on pretty much every floor
in the building.
How many people died
in this place?
Arthur, the, uh...
heartbroken manager,
he gave me access
to all the residents' files.
This is everyone
who has passed here.
Now, uh...
This guy, Jake Townsend,
had beef with Harold,
but it wasn't
over blue pills.
Jake filed a formal complaint
against Harold?
Yeah, apparently Harold
was stealing his pension checks
and cashing them
for himself.
Now, when Jake died,
his family filed a civil suit
against Harold,
but it just got caught up
in the courts
and never went to trial.
So maybe Jake stuck around
as a vengeful spirit,
took matters
into his own hands.
All right.
So where's
Jake Townsend buried?
[ Grunting ]
Oh, you got this.
You got it.
You're doing great.
[ Panting ]
So no retirement, huh?
Hey, you're the one who's always
wanted to go out blaze of glory style...
Preferably while
the Bon Jovi song is playing.
I'm a candle in the wind.
but the way you said it,
it was like that blaze of glory
was gonna happen
sooner rather than later.
Are you okay?
No, I'm not, actually.
Not at all.
Being so close to Lucifer again,
Brought stuff up.
Stuff I thought
I forgot about.
You want to talk about it?
Well, look.
Lucifer is never getting out
of that cage, ever.
And you are never going back,
So... Case closed.
[ Clank ]
And so is this one.
[ Hinges creak ]
Kind of nice being back
on a case, huh?
Get your mind off
of things.
Let's burn the bones
so we can go home.
See you then. Okay.
You up to some trouble,
young lady?
[ Chuckles ]
Always, Arthur.
[ Chuckles ]
[ High-pitched scream ]
Ohh! Do you hear that?
Are you all right?
[ Electricity crackling ]
It's okay.
We've got backup generators.
[ High-pitched scream ]
Really? You can't hear that?
It's sounds like
someone's screaming.
[ Growling ]
What is that?
I don't see anything.
[ Groaning ]
Get it out of my head!
I-I don't hear anything!
Tell me what to do!
[ Screaming ]
[ Groaning ]
Oh, my God!
[ Grunting ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Crunching ]
[ Hisses ]
[ Screams ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Camera shutter clicking ]
Arthur said he heard something,
like a scream.
And did you hear anything?
I didn't hear a thing...
Except the sound
of Arthur bashing his head
through that window.
He just wanted
that noise to stop.
He said,
“Get it out of my head.”
Hmm. Did you notice anything
else, a drop in temperature?
But the power went out.
And when I looked through
the broken window,
I saw something.
What did you see, exactly?
[ Sighs ]
You're not gonna believe me.
They certainly didn't.
But I know what I saw.
This isn't my first brush
with something like this.
I saw a ghost 10 years ago.
Nobody believed me then,
We believe you,
Ms. Baker.
Oh, Agent Osbourne,
thank you.
I feel so much safer knowing
the FBI is looking into this.
Well, that's...
I'm just gonna need
my hand back.
Oh. [ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ] Okay.
Ms. Baker,
what did you see?
[ Sighs ]
It was a woman.
Long, flowing hair,
blood-red robes,
sunken eyes,
and... and she was...
[Voice breaking]
Feeding on Arthur's head.
I'm so sorry.
Um, excuse me one second.
Oh! Please don't leave me,
Agent Osbourne.
No, no.
We're not going anywhere.
Excuse me. Ma'am?
Special Agent Butler, FBI.
Do you know anything
about what happened with Arthur
last night?
I wasn't working last night.
Oh. Um...
Were you working
the night Harold Miller died?
All right. Um...
It's, um...
right, of course.
Uh, sorry.
I-I only know a little.
I-I took some back in college,
but that was a while ago.
Most people don't know any.
I appreciate the trying.
I should probably,
uh, get back.
Yes. Uh, thank you.
So, apparently, not a ghost.
No. No. Ghosts don't feed on
busted-open heads.
All right,
I'll check with the coroner,
see if, uh, anything was missing
from our first vic's brain.
Fingers crossed
it's zombies,
and we can get
our “Walking Dead” on.
Yeah, I got it.
Okay, thanks again.
[ Cellphone beeps ]
So, according
to the coroner,
part of Harold's frontal lobe
was missing.
And that tracks
with Banshees.
I thought Banshees were good.
The ones tied
to fairy lore are.
They cry out as a warning
to a victim's impending death.
But these guys...
are malevolent Banshees...
Total dick bags.
They use their piercing scream
to drive their prey crazy.
Forces the vics
to crack open their own eggs,
and then the Banshees feed
on the yolk.
Oh, and he only people who
can hear the Banshee's scream
are the vics.
Well, that would explain why
Mildred didn't hear anything.
Oh, and they, uh,
travel through mist,
which explains how they got
into Harold's locked room.
And they only prey on
the vulnerable.
Harold did just have
hip replacement surgery.
And Arthur's wife
just left him.
Broken heart.
That's a kind of vulnerable,
I guess.
They hunt the same place
until it's picked clean.
And they only hunt at night,
so that just gives us
a few hours to figure out
who's next.
Then how do we kill it?
Gold blade. I don't have any
in the trunk,
so I got to head back to
the bunker and grab a couple.
You stay here and figure out
who in this place is vulnerable.
[ Door opens, closes ]
[ Clattering ]
[ Gun cocks ]
[ Clattering ]
What the hell are you doing,
Hello, Dean.
Right, yeah.
We don't hear from you
for days,
you show up,
you start wrecking the joint.
[ Sighs ]
I'm sorry.
W-what are you doing?
Well, I'm...
Looking for a spell,
something to draw Amara out,
but there's...
There's nothing.
I had her in my sights.
She was hurt.
I should have ended it.
Wait. What?
Well, I don't know.
But there has to be something.
And how many more chances
are we gonna get?
Yeah, I know.
Saying you're gonna kill
is one thing, but...
Actually doing it's
something totally different.
What do you mean?
I've had two shots at Amara.
I struck out both times.
What are you talking about?
I don't even know
where to start.
Tell me everything.
[ Knock on door ]
Come in.
[ Gasps ]
Oh, Agent Butler.
Well, please, do come in.
Where's that partner
of yours?
Oh, he, um...
He'll be back soon.
Is this you?
[ Chuckles ]
that was a long time ago.
Before I got
so good-looking.
Please, have a seat.
[ Clears throat ]
Like some tea?
Uh, no, thank you.
Ms. Baker?
Mm. Please, Mildred.
I need to be honest
with you.
My partner and I,
we're not really FBI.
We're brothers,
and we hunt monsters.
[ Chuckles ]
I knew it.
I knew it!
I... you two are too cute
to be FBI agents.
And I knew that damn ghost
I saw years ago was real.
Does this, um...
[ Clears throat ]
Does this look familiar?
Oh, my God, yes.
It's a Banshee?
It is.
Banshees scream
at their victims,
getting them to harm themselves,
and then they feed on their...
Now, Banshees prey
on the vulnerable,
so I checked out all of
the residents' medical records,
and you have
an atrial fibrillation,
which can be treated
with meds.
But it means that...
I'm vulnerable?
Am I next?
My brother and I aren't
gonna let that happen.
[ Chuckles ]
We're gonna protect you,
Now, Banshees only hunt
at night,
so you're safe right now.
And we really need you
to try and get some rest
while you can.
We'll be back.
One more thing.
Do you know a housekeeper
named Marlene?
She's deaf.
I think maybe
you got your names mixed up.
There is one person on staff
named Marlene,
but she's on vacation.
Agent Butler,
my granddaughter is deaf,
and I could really use
some practice signing.
So if there is a staff member
that's deaf,
I would love
to talk to them.
So would I.
Marlene: Hey!
[ Grunting ]
[ Grunts ]
Dressing up as FBI
to cover up your kills?
It's almost clever.
Never met a Banshee
that could blend in.
Wait. What?
I read your friend's lips.
“It's feeding time”.
No, no, no, you're mixed up!
You're mixed up.
W-we're not Banshees.
We're hunters.
It's my brother. W-we're all hunting
the same thing here,
a-a Banshee.
In... in blood red robes,
I swear.
Look, test me.
Test me, please.
Ah. See?
Whoa. Hey.
Wait a minute. No.
[ Breathing heavily ]
My name is Sam Winchester.
Eileen Leahy.
The Banshee
you're hunting...
it killed my parents.
[ Crying ]
Maura: Oh, God!
[ Growling ]
[ Screaming fades ]
[ All sound ceases ]
Eileen: A hunter found me
in my crib, ears bleeding.
Lillian O'Grady,
this was hers.
She'd been tracking
the Banshee.
Never found it, though.
So Lillian raised you.
More like trained me.
She died when I was 16.
On the job?
And you've been on your own
ever since?
I prefer working alone.
Trust issues.
Yeah. I know.
So, was your mom a hunter
or a witch?
No. Her father was part
of this secret organization.
It's defunct now.
The Men of Letters?
How'd you know?
My brother and I...
We're like you.
We're legacies.
Dean: I tried to kill her.
Well, the two of you are
connected somehow by the Mark.
Yeah, no, it's, uh...
It's more than that.
Oh, Dean.
I know.
I know. Okay?
Whatever it is, a...
Attraction, connection...
I got to tell you, man,
it scares me.
I don't know
that I can stop it.
I don't know
that I can resist it.
Hey, it scares me, too.
But we will find out
what this is, I promise.
In the end,
it may help draw her out.
This could be a good thing.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
[ Beeps ]
Sam: Dean, look up
Edward Durbin II.
Wait. What?
In the Men of Letters' files.
Oh, son of a bitch.
She ain't lying.
According to
the Men of Letters' records,
Edward Durbin II
was inducted in 1939,
part of a small delegation
that was sent to Europe.
Yeah, her father had
just lost his job.
He had a nervous breakdown.
So, he was vulnerable.
And her mom only knew
some basic spells.
She used one to banish the
Banshee, saved Eileen's life.
[ Chuckles ]
Dean, the Banshee we're hunting
is the same one that killed
Eileen's parents.
All right.
What's the plan?
Well, we're gonna use
the same Celtic spell
Eileen used to trap me.
When the Banshee comes
for Mildred tonight, we trap it.
And we hit it with gold.
I don't like
using Mildred as bait.
Are you worried about her?
So does this mean
she has a shot?
Well, I always did have a thing
for Blanche on “Golden Girls.”
Hey, don't judge what
you don't understand, Sammy.
No, I'm... I'm not judging.
I-I just always had a thing
for Sophia.
Yeah, I could see that.
Look, I don't like
using anyone as bait.
But this is all we got.
I'm on my way.
[ Cellphone beeps ]
I got to get back to Sam.
Listen, about what
we talked about,
let's just keep that
between you and me...
Till we know more, okay?
Dean, that's not...
Cass, just... trust me.
[ Sighs ]
All right.
But the next time
you face Amara,
you won't be alone.
Thanks, Cass.
Not bad.
All right.
I guess all we have to
do now is, uh...
You okay?
I'm nervous.
If this really is the Banshee
I've been looking for...
Eileen, in my experience...
Revenge is not
all it's cracked up to be.
Killing this Banshee
is not gonna
bring your parents back.
I never met them.
They're just pictures to me.
They're family.
My family.
I understand.
Believe me.
But after you get your revenge,
then what?
I have no idea.
My mother was a lawyer.
Be nice to follow
in her footsteps.
[ Chuckles ]
I was studying law
at Stanford
when my brother came and got me
so we could get our revenge.
You've been hunting together
ever since?
Yeah. I-I wouldn't do this
without my brother.
He's had my back
every step of the way.
Even when I let him down.
[ Door opens ]
Eileen, this is my brother,
Dean Winchester.
Dean, this is Eileen Leahy.
it's good to meet you.
So you're a...
a legacy, too.
I guess so, yeah.
Uh, right, well.
Let's see here.
There's one for you.
And I'm guessing
you already have one.
Uh, guess we got an extra one for Mildred.
Where's Mildred?
[ Door opens ]
Oh! I'm glad you're back.
I feel safer already.
Um... Come here.
I want to show you something.
[ Chuckles ]
Well, come on and sit down.
I'm not gonna bite.
Never really was my thing.
I have the same view
from upstairs.
West-facing rooms,
they cost extra.
You know, you got to pay
for the view.
It's not bad.
Not bad.
Honey, it's almost as gorgeous
as you are.
[ Chuckles ]
You know,
tell me something.
When's the last time
you watched a sunset
without waiting for something
to go bump in the night?
You should try it sometime.
I just hope
this one isn't my last.
I mean, does this stuff
really work?
A Banshee shows up and...
you cut your hand
and slap it
on one of those things,
and it gets trapped.
I mean, is this actually
something that happens?
And then it gets
one of these.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Tell me something.
What did you do
before you retired?
[ Laughs ]
I was in a Patsy Cline
tribute band.
I'm deadly serious.
[ Chuckles ]
You ever miss
life on the road?
Nah, I had my fun.
You want to know the secret
to living a long and happy life?
Actually, yes, I do.
Follow your heart.
You do that, all the rest
just figures itself out.
I did that.
I followed my heart.
Traveled the world,
made people smile,
forget about their problems
for a while.
And then my heart said,
“Well, you're done”.
I had my fill and...
And I retired.
And I love it.
Hey, you know, this place
isn't what I expected.
Oh, life here is great.
I'd just like to enjoy it
a little more.
And you will.
I promise.
Your hand
is still on my knee.
I could move it up.
[ Laughs ]
That's... I'm gonna...
[ High-pitched scream ]
Do you hear that?
I don't hear anything.
Do you?
[ Screaming intensifies ]
[ Groans ]
Oh, Sam, it's what happened
to Arthur.
Hey, hey. Dean.
[ Screaming ]
Dean, look at me.
[ Screaming continues ]
Sam, it's here!
[ Growls ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Screaming continues ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Sizzles ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Groans ]
[ Grunting continues ]
Dean, stop.
[ Screaming continues ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Sizzles
[ groaning ]
[ Screaming stops,
all breathing heavily ]
You okay?
[ Groans ]
How do you feel?
It felt like...
Just another kill.
It didn't
bring my parents back.
Nothing will.
What now? Law school?
No. This is my life.
Feel free to drop a line
if you ever need anything...
Or even if you just
want to hang out.
You can't call me, though.
[ Chuckles ] Okay.
I mean, you could call,
but I won't answer.
So you boys
hitting the road, huh?
Yes, ma'am.
Well, it's for the best.
It wouldn't have worked out
between us anyway.
Why not?
[ Chuckles ]
If there's one thing
I've learned
in all my years
on the road,
it's when somebody's
pining for somebody else.
Oh, don't try
and hide it now.
Follow your heart.
I don't know
who the lucky lady is,
but I am damn sure jealous.
Well, I'm single,
and I am ready to mingle, so...
Well, then you know
where I live.
[ Chuckling ]
All right.
You boys stay out of trouble.
That's not gonna happen,
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Car doors open ]
[ Car doors close ]
[ Laughs ]
[ Engine starts ]
Is Cass gone?
Yeah, I guess so.
What was he doing here
He was looking for lore
on the Darkness.
Something a little off
about him, too.
Something always seems
a little bit off about Cass.
[ Scoffs ]
Yeah, you know,
being so close to Lucifer
probably wasn't easy
for him, either.
We'll just
keep an eye on him.
You were right, by the way.
Getting back on the job, it...
It helped.
Say that again.
The... that part
about me being right.
[ Chuckles ]
You're an idiot.
When I was with Lucifer,
he, um...
He showed me things.
It was like a highlight reel
of my biggest failures.
Yeah, he was messing with you.
That's what he does.
Give me a sec.
[ Sighs ]
I should've looked for you.
When you were in Purgatory,
I should've turned over
every stone.
But I didn't.
I stopped.
And I've never
forgiven myself for it.
I have.
That's in the past, man.
What's done is done.
All that matters now,
all that's ever mattered,
is that we're together.
Shut up
and drink your beer.
Yeah. You gonna be able to
sleep tonight?
Yeah, I think so.
What about you?
Well, I still got some ringing
going in my head,
but nothing some good music
can't wash out.
[ Knocks on table ]
You know...
I still can't
figure that out.
I mean, Banshees go after
the vulnerable, right?
So why did it go after you?
You're over thinking it.
It was going after Mildred,
it saw my gold blade,
acted out of self-defense.
You're probably right.
I'm always right.
Yeah, yeah.
[ Warren Zevon's “Prison Grove”
plays ]
♪ An icy wind burns and scars ♪
♪ rushes in like a fallen star ♪
♪ through the narrow space
between these bars ♪
♪ looking down on prison grove ♪
♪ some folks
have to die too hard ♪
♪ some folks
have to cry too hard ♪
♪ take one last look
at the prison yard ♪
♪ goodbye, prison grove ♪
♪ shine on ♪
♪ all these broken lives ♪
♪ shine on ♪
♪ shine the light on me ♪
♪ come on ♪
♪ oooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
There's this cage in Hell,
and it's where they keep Lucifer,
and I've been in it.
I think
God wants me to go back.
Lucifer: It wasn't God
inside your head, Sam.
It was me.
Your brother's in Hell...
The Darkness,
she's the end of everything.
We can beat her.
With Lucifer.
You want a vessel?
Plan “B.”
[ grunting ]
Last words?
Can you really beat her?
I can.
Then, yes.
Rowena: Lucifer.
The Darkness,
what is she to you?
You'll never hurt me.
I'm sorry, Amara.
We're bound, Dean.
I told you.
We'll always be bound.
I can't be resisted.
That feeling that you have
when you're with me, just bliss.
Why wouldn't you want that?
You and I will be
together forever.
[ Thunder crashes ]
[ The Shirelles' “Will You
Love Me Tomorrow? Plays ]
[ Fingers snapping ]
♪ Tonight you're mine
completely ♪
Oh, what are you doing?
♪ You give your love so sweetly ♪
She loves this song.
♪ Tonight the light ♪
It's the only thing
that will put her to sleep.
♪ Of love is in your eyes ♪
Oh, besides...
♪ But will you love me ♪
This is our song.
♪ Tomorrow ♪
It's good to see you smiling,
mo chuisle.
♪ Is this
a lasting treasure? ♪
I'm trying, Maura.
I'm trying.
[ Crying ]
[ High-pitched scream ]
Ohh! Do you hear that?
[ Scoffs ]
That would be our daughter.
[ Crying continues ]
No. I hear...
A scream.
[ Scream intensifies ]
It's... ohh!
Ohh! Ohh!
Hold on, Padraic!
Just hold on!
[ Groaning ]
[ Screaming continues ]
[ Whimpering ]
Get it out of my head!
[ Groaning ]
[ Grunting ]
Hold on!
[ Growls ]
[ Padraic grunting ]
[ Hisses ]
Get away from him!
[ Snarling ]
[ Cries ]
[ Snarls ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Growling ]
[ Crying continues ]
[ Groans ]
[ Fire roars ]
[ Crying stops ]
[ Thunder rumbles ]
[ Cries ]
It'll be okay, sweet.
It'll be o...Kay.
[ Thud ]
[ Crying continues ]
♪ Supernatural 11x11 ♪
Into the Mystic
Original Air Date on January 27, 2016
Lucifer: When your brother
was trapped in Purgatory,
you were here with a girl
and a dog.
You can't win this, Sam.
You're just not strong enough.
You didn't even bother
trying to find him.
And I know that if you're
gonna beat the Darkness,
you have to be ready to watch
the people you love die.
How long you been up?
I don't know.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
'Cause you haven't left
the bunker in days.
[ Gun clicks ]
I'm fine.
Well, good. 'Cause I think
I found us a case.
Harold Miller, 65.
A resident of Oak Park,
an old folks' home,
was found yesterday in his room
with his head bashed in.
But get this...
The doors were locked and
there was no sign of break-in.
Demonic possession?
I figure it's worth a look.
What do you think?
Oh, and best part is,
Oak Park is
15 minutes from here.
It's in our backyard.
And what about
the Darkness?
What about Cass?
We haven't heard from them.
Okay, first of all,
we've got zero on Amara.
And Cass...
Cass will be fine.
He always is.
[ Birds squawking ]
[ Children playing, laughing ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Whistling ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Humming ]
All the parks in the world,
and I pick one
with an angel in it.
I saw you.
Couldn't believe my eyes.
Well, believe them.
It's beautiful out here,
isn't it?
It's funny.
The things you think
you're not gonna miss at all,
you end up missing
the very, very most.
Enjoy it while you can.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
I come in peace, brother.
I am not your brother,
Well, I'm not looking
for a fight.
In fact, I am your only hope
at beating the Darkness.
I heard you, uh...
Heard you kids had
your big shot at the title,
and you missed it.
You don't need
to be afraid, brother.
I am out of that awful,
awful cage.
And I'm here
to save you all.
Lucifer ex machina.
It cannot be destroyed.
But you can be!
[ Fingers snap ]
That's the problem with
you rank-and-file angels...
No vision.
[ Johnny Mathis'
“Wonderful! Wonderful!” plays ]
♪ Sometimes we walk ♪
♪ hand in hand by the sea ♪
♪ and we breathe in
the cool, salty air ♪
♪ ahh, ahh, ahh ♪
♪ you turn to me ♪
♪ with a kiss in your eyes ♪
♪ and my heart feels ♪
♪ a thrill beyond compare ♪
This place
is an old folks' home?
Looks awesome.
♪ Then your lips cling to mine ♪
♪ it's wonderful, wonderful ♪
Maybe we ought to make
a reservation.
[ Chuckles ]
Yeah, we should be so lucky
to live long enough.
As I told the police,
I was walking
by Harold's room,
and I heard
a loud banging noise.
And then I heard Harold yell
from inside of his suite,
“Get it out of my head”"
so I knocked on the door
and called to him.
And when he didn't reply,
I used my pass key
to get into his room.
That's when I saw him.
He was on his back.
His skull was, um...
Well, there was
a lot of blood.
[ Whirring ]
Dean: And nobody else was in the room.
The windows and doors
were locked.
I even checked
the security logs.
Nobody was in or out
of Harold's room all night.
I don't really understand
what could have happened.
Hey, Mildred.
Oh, good morning, Arthur.
This is Mildred,
one of our residents.
Good morning.
Um, do you always work
late at night?
I've been, uh, staying here,
My wife left me.
Via text,
if you can believe it...
A whole series of emojis.
Wow. What did you do?
Oh, I didn't stand for that.
Unh-unh. Fought fire with fire.
Sent her the poop emoji.
that's one way to fly.
I should have sent the heart.
I can be so stupid.
I just wish
she'd call me back.
Oh, no, no, I think
you did the right thing.
Um, hey, listen...
Since you've been staying here,
uh, a lot,
uh, have you noticed
any strange...
Sounds, smells,
uh, cold spots?
What? Uh, no. Why?
Oh, just routine questions.
Um, what about enemies?
Harold have any enemies?
He had quite a few.
[ EMF detector whirring ]
[ Pill bottles rattling ]
What the hell?
[ Rattling ]
Turns out Harold was stealing
the other residents' Viagra.
I know.
A real dick move, huh?
[ Chuckles ]
So I got an EMF hit
in his room,
but I got an EMF hit
on pretty much every floor
in the building.
How many people died
in this place?
Arthur, the, uh...
heartbroken manager,
he gave me access
to all the residents' files.
This is everyone
who has passed here.
Now, uh...
This guy, Jake Townsend,
had beef with Harold,
but it wasn't
over blue pills.
Jake filed a formal complaint
against Harold?
Yeah, apparently Harold
was stealing his pension checks
and cashing them
for himself.
Now, when Jake died,
his family filed a civil suit
against Harold,
but it just got caught up
in the courts
and never went to trial.
So maybe Jake stuck around
as a vengeful spirit,
took matters
into his own hands.
All right.
So where's
Jake Townsend buried?
[ Grunting ]
Oh, you got this.
You got it.
You're doing great.
[ Panting ]
So no retirement, huh?
Hey, you're the one who's always
wanted to go out blaze of glory style...
Preferably while
the Bon Jovi song is playing.
I'm a candle in the wind.
but the way you said it,
it was like that blaze of glory
was gonna happen
sooner rather than later.
Are you okay?
No, I'm not, actually.
Not at all.
Being so close to Lucifer again,
Brought stuff up.
Stuff I thought
I forgot about.
You want to talk about it?
Well, look.
Lucifer is never getting out
of that cage, ever.
And you are never going back,
So... Case closed.
[ Clank ]
And so is this one.
[ Hinges creak ]
Kind of nice being back
on a case, huh?
Get your mind off
of things.
Let's burn the bones
so we can go home.
See you then. Okay.
You up to some trouble,
young lady?
[ Chuckles ]
Always, Arthur.
[ Chuckles ]
[ High-pitched scream ]
Ohh! Do you hear that?
Are you all right?
[ Electricity crackling ]
It's okay.
We've got backup generators.
[ High-pitched scream ]
Really? You can't hear that?
It's sounds like
someone's screaming.
[ Growling ]
What is that?
I don't see anything.
[ Groaning ]
Get it out of my head!
I-I don't hear anything!
Tell me what to do!
[ Screaming ]
[ Groaning ]
Oh, my God!
[ Grunting ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Crunching ]
[ Hisses ]
[ Screams ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Camera shutter clicking ]
Arthur said he heard something,
like a scream.
And did you hear anything?
I didn't hear a thing...
Except the sound
of Arthur bashing his head
through that window.
He just wanted
that noise to stop.
He said,
“Get it out of my head.”
Hmm. Did you notice anything
else, a drop in temperature?
But the power went out.
And when I looked through
the broken window,
I saw something.
What did you see, exactly?
[ Sighs ]
You're not gonna believe me.
They certainly didn't.
But I know what I saw.
This isn't my first brush
with something like this.
I saw a ghost 10 years ago.
Nobody believed me then,
We believe you,
Ms. Baker.
Oh, Agent Osbourne,
thank you.
I feel so much safer knowing
the FBI is looking into this.
Well, that's...
I'm just gonna need
my hand back.
Oh. [ Chuckles ]
[ Chuckles ] Okay.
Ms. Baker,
what did you see?
[ Sighs ]
It was a woman.
Long, flowing hair,
blood-red robes,
sunken eyes,
and... and she was...
[Voice breaking]
Feeding on Arthur's head.
I'm so sorry.
Um, excuse me one second.
Oh! Please don't leave me,
Agent Osbourne.
No, no.
We're not going anywhere.
Excuse me. Ma'am?
Special Agent Butler, FBI.
Do you know anything
about what happened with Arthur
last night?
I wasn't working last night.
Oh. Um...
Were you working
the night Harold Miller died?
All right. Um...
It's, um...
right, of course.
Uh, sorry.
I-I only know a little.
I-I took some back in college,
but that was a while ago.
Most people don't know any.
I appreciate the trying.
I should probably,
uh, get back.
Yes. Uh, thank you.
So, apparently, not a ghost.
No. No. Ghosts don't feed on
busted-open heads.
All right,
I'll check with the coroner,
see if, uh, anything was missing
from our first vic's brain.
Fingers crossed
it's zombies,
and we can get
our “Walking Dead” on.
Yeah, I got it.
Okay, thanks again.
[ Cellphone beeps ]
So, according
to the coroner,
part of Harold's frontal lobe
was missing.
And that tracks
with Banshees.
I thought Banshees were good.
The ones tied
to fairy lore are.
They cry out as a warning
to a victim's impending death.
But these guys...
are malevolent Banshees...
Total dick bags.
They use their piercing scream
to drive their prey crazy.
Forces the vics
to crack open their own eggs,
and then the Banshees feed
on the yolk.
Oh, and he only people who
can hear the Banshee's scream
are the vics.
Well, that would explain why
Mildred didn't hear anything.
Oh, and they, uh,
travel through mist,
which explains how they got
into Harold's locked room.
And they only prey on
the vulnerable.
Harold did just have
hip replacement surgery.
And Arthur's wife
just left him.
Broken heart.
That's a kind of vulnerable,
I guess.
They hunt the same place
until it's picked clean.
And they only hunt at night,
so that just gives us
a few hours to figure out
who's next.
Then how do we kill it?
Gold blade. I don't have any
in the trunk,
so I got to head back to
the bunker and grab a couple.
You stay here and figure out
who in this place is vulnerable.
[ Door opens, closes ]
[ Clattering ]
[ Gun cocks ]
[ Clattering ]
What the hell are you doing,
Hello, Dean.
Right, yeah.
We don't hear from you
for days,
you show up,
you start wrecking the joint.
[ Sighs ]
I'm sorry.
W-what are you doing?
Well, I'm...
Looking for a spell,
something to draw Amara out,
but there's...
There's nothing.
I had her in my sights.
She was hurt.
I should have ended it.
Wait. What?
Well, I don't know.
But there has to be something.
And how many more chances
are we gonna get?
Yeah, I know.
Saying you're gonna kill
is one thing, but...
Actually doing it's
something totally different.
What do you mean?
I've had two shots at Amara.
I struck out both times.
What are you talking about?
I don't even know
where to start.
Tell me everything.
[ Knock on door ]
Come in.
[ Gasps ]
Oh, Agent Butler.
Well, please, do come in.
Where's that partner
of yours?
Oh, he, um...
He'll be back soon.
Is this you?
[ Chuckles ]
that was a long time ago.
Before I got
so good-looking.
Please, have a seat.
[ Clears throat ]
Like some tea?
Uh, no, thank you.
Ms. Baker?
Mm. Please, Mildred.
I need to be honest
with you.
My partner and I,
we're not really FBI.
We're brothers,
and we hunt monsters.
[ Chuckles ]
I knew it.
I knew it!
I... you two are too cute
to be FBI agents.
And I knew that damn ghost
I saw years ago was real.
Does this, um...
[ Clears throat ]
Does this look familiar?
Oh, my God, yes.
It's a Banshee?
It is.
Banshees scream
at their victims,
getting them to harm themselves,
and then they feed on their...
Now, Banshees prey
on the vulnerable,
so I checked out all of
the residents' medical records,
and you have
an atrial fibrillation,
which can be treated
with meds.
But it means that...
I'm vulnerable?
Am I next?
My brother and I aren't
gonna let that happen.
[ Chuckles ]
We're gonna protect you,
Now, Banshees only hunt
at night,
so you're safe right now.
And we really need you
to try and get some rest
while you can.
We'll be back.
One more thing.
Do you know a housekeeper
named Marlene?
She's deaf.
I think maybe
you got your names mixed up.
There is one person on staff
named Marlene,
but she's on vacation.
Agent Butler,
my granddaughter is deaf,
and I could really use
some practice signing.
So if there is a staff member
that's deaf,
I would love
to talk to them.
So would I.
Marlene: Hey!
[ Grunting ]
[ Grunts ]
Dressing up as FBI
to cover up your kills?
It's almost clever.
Never met a Banshee
that could blend in.
Wait. What?
I read your friend's lips.
“It's feeding time”.
No, no, no, you're mixed up!
You're mixed up.
W-we're not Banshees.
We're hunters.
It's my brother. W-we're all hunting
the same thing here,
a-a Banshee.
In... in blood red robes,
I swear.
Look, test me.
Test me, please.
Ah. See?
Whoa. Hey.
Wait a minute. No.
[ Breathing heavily ]
My name is Sam Winchester.
Eileen Leahy.
The Banshee
you're hunting...
it killed my parents.
[ Crying ]
Maura: Oh, God!
[ Growling ]
[ Screaming fades ]
[ All sound ceases ]
Eileen: A hunter found me
in my crib, ears bleeding.
Lillian O'Grady,
this was hers.
She'd been tracking
the Banshee.
Never found it, though.
So Lillian raised you.
More like trained me.
She died when I was 16.
On the job?
And you've been on your own
ever since?
I prefer working alone.
Trust issues.
Yeah. I know.
So, was your mom a hunter
or a witch?
No. Her father was part
of this secret organization.
It's defunct now.
The Men of Letters?
How'd you know?
My brother and I...
We're like you.
We're legacies.
Dean: I tried to kill her.
Well, the two of you are
connected somehow by the Mark.
Yeah, no, it's, uh...
It's more than that.
Oh, Dean.
I know.
I know. Okay?
Whatever it is, a...
Attraction, connection...
I got to tell you, man,
it scares me.
I don't know
that I can stop it.
I don't know
that I can resist it.
Hey, it scares me, too.
But we will find out
what this is, I promise.
In the end,
it may help draw her out.
This could be a good thing.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
[ Beeps ]
Sam: Dean, look up
Edward Durbin II.
Wait. What?
In the Men of Letters' files.
Oh, son of a bitch.
She ain't lying.
According to
the Men of Letters' records,
Edward Durbin II
was inducted in 1939,
part of a small delegation
that was sent to Europe.
Yeah, her father had
just lost his job.
He had a nervous breakdown.
So, he was vulnerable.
And her mom only knew
some basic spells.
She used one to banish the
Banshee, saved Eileen's life.
[ Chuckles ]
Dean, the Banshee we're hunting
is the same one that killed
Eileen's parents.
All right.
What's the plan?
Well, we're gonna use
the same Celtic spell
Eileen used to trap me.
When the Banshee comes
for Mildred tonight, we trap it.
And we hit it with gold.
I don't like
using Mildred as bait.
Are you worried about her?
So does this mean
she has a shot?
Well, I always did have a thing
for Blanche on “Golden Girls.”
Hey, don't judge what
you don't understand, Sammy.
No, I'm... I'm not judging.
I-I just always had a thing
for Sophia.
Yeah, I could see that.
Look, I don't like
using anyone as bait.
But this is all we got.
I'm on my way.
[ Cellphone beeps ]
I got to get back to Sam.
Listen, about what
we talked about,
let's just keep that
between you and me...
Till we know more, okay?
Dean, that's not...
Cass, just... trust me.
[ Sighs ]
All right.
But the next time
you face Amara,
you won't be alone.
Thanks, Cass.
Not bad.
All right.
I guess all we have to
do now is, uh...
You okay?
I'm nervous.
If this really is the Banshee
I've been looking for...
Eileen, in my experience...
Revenge is not
all it's cracked up to be.
Killing this Banshee
is not gonna
bring your parents back.
I never met them.
They're just pictures to me.
They're family.
My family.
I understand.
Believe me.
But after you get your revenge,
then what?
I have no idea.
My mother was a lawyer.
Be nice to follow
in her footsteps.
[ Chuckles ]
I was studying law
at Stanford
when my brother came and got me
so we could get our revenge.
You've been hunting together
ever since?
Yeah. I-I wouldn't do this
without my brother.
He's had my back
every step of the way.
Even when I let him down.
[ Door opens ]
Eileen, this is my brother,
Dean Winchester.
Dean, this is Eileen Leahy.
it's good to meet you.
So you're a...
a legacy, too.
I guess so, yeah.
Uh, right, well.
Let's see here.
There's one for you.
And I'm guessing
you already have one.
Uh, guess we got an extra one for Mildred.
Where's Mildred?
[ Door opens ]
Oh! I'm glad you're back.
I feel safer already.
Um... Come here.
I want to show you something.
[ Chuckles ]
Well, come on and sit down.
I'm not gonna bite.
Never really was my thing.
I have the same view
from upstairs.
West-facing rooms,
they cost extra.
You know, you got to pay
for the view.
It's not bad.
Not bad.
Honey, it's almost as gorgeous
as you are.
[ Chuckles ]
You know,
tell me something.
When's the last time
you watched a sunset
without waiting for something
to go bump in the night?
You should try it sometime.
I just hope
this one isn't my last.
I mean, does this stuff
really work?
A Banshee shows up and...
you cut your hand
and slap it
on one of those things,
and it gets trapped.
I mean, is this actually
something that happens?
And then it gets
one of these.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Tell me something.
What did you do
before you retired?
[ Laughs ]
I was in a Patsy Cline
tribute band.
I'm deadly serious.
[ Chuckles ]
You ever miss
life on the road?
Nah, I had my fun.
You want to know the secret
to living a long and happy life?
Actually, yes, I do.
Follow your heart.
You do that, all the rest
just figures itself out.
I did that.
I followed my heart.
Traveled the world,
made people smile,
forget about their problems
for a while.
And then my heart said,
“Well, you're done”.
I had my fill and...
And I retired.
And I love it.
Hey, you know, this place
isn't what I expected.
Oh, life here is great.
I'd just like to enjoy it
a little more.
And you will.
I promise.
Your hand
is still on my knee.
I could move it up.
[ Laughs ]
That's... I'm gonna...
[ High-pitched scream ]
Do you hear that?
I don't hear anything.
Do you?
[ Screaming intensifies ]
[ Groans ]
Oh, Sam, it's what happened
to Arthur.
Hey, hey. Dean.
[ Screaming ]
Dean, look at me.
[ Screaming continues ]
Sam, it's here!
[ Growls ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Screaming continues ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Sizzles ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Groans ]
[ Grunting continues ]
Dean, stop.
[ Screaming continues ]
[ Snarling ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Sizzles
[ groaning ]
[ Screaming stops,
all breathing heavily ]
You okay?
[ Groans ]
How do you feel?
It felt like...
Just another kill.
It didn't
bring my parents back.
Nothing will.
What now? Law school?
No. This is my life.
Feel free to drop a line
if you ever need anything...
Or even if you just
want to hang out.
You can't call me, though.
[ Chuckles ] Okay.
I mean, you could call,
but I won't answer.
So you boys
hitting the road, huh?
Yes, ma'am.
Well, it's for the best.
It wouldn't have worked out
between us anyway.
Why not?
[ Chuckles ]
If there's one thing
I've learned
in all my years
on the road,
it's when somebody's
pining for somebody else.
Oh, don't try
and hide it now.
Follow your heart.
I don't know
who the lucky lady is,
but I am damn sure jealous.
Well, I'm single,
and I am ready to mingle, so...
Well, then you know
where I live.
[ Chuckling ]
All right.
You boys stay out of trouble.
That's not gonna happen,
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Car doors open ]
[ Car doors close ]
[ Laughs ]
[ Engine starts ]
Is Cass gone?
Yeah, I guess so.
What was he doing here
He was looking for lore
on the Darkness.
Something a little off
about him, too.
Something always seems
a little bit off about Cass.
[ Scoffs ]
Yeah, you know,
being so close to Lucifer
probably wasn't easy
for him, either.
We'll just
keep an eye on him.
You were right, by the way.
Getting back on the job, it...
It helped.
Say that again.
The... that part
about me being right.
[ Chuckles ]
You're an idiot.
When I was with Lucifer,
he, um...
He showed me things.
It was like a highlight reel
of my biggest failures.
Yeah, he was messing with you.
That's what he does.
Give me a sec.
[ Sighs ]
I should've looked for you.
When you were in Purgatory,
I should've turned over
every stone.
But I didn't.
I stopped.
And I've never
forgiven myself for it.
I have.
That's in the past, man.
What's done is done.
All that matters now,
all that's ever mattered,
is that we're together.
Shut up
and drink your beer.
Yeah. You gonna be able to
sleep tonight?
Yeah, I think so.
What about you?
Well, I still got some ringing
going in my head,
but nothing some good music
can't wash out.
[ Knocks on table ]
You know...
I still can't
figure that out.
I mean, Banshees go after
the vulnerable, right?
So why did it go after you?
You're over thinking it.
It was going after Mildred,
it saw my gold blade,
acted out of self-defense.
You're probably right.
I'm always right.
Yeah, yeah.
[ Warren Zevon's “Prison Grove”
plays ]
♪ An icy wind burns and scars ♪
♪ rushes in like a fallen star ♪
♪ through the narrow space
between these bars ♪
♪ looking down on prison grove ♪
♪ some folks
have to die too hard ♪
♪ some folks
have to cry too hard ♪
♪ take one last look
at the prison yard ♪
♪ goodbye, prison grove ♪
♪ shine on ♪
♪ all these broken lives ♪
♪ shine on ♪
♪ shine the light on me ♪
♪ come on ♪
♪ oooh ♪
♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪