Supergirl (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 12 - Luthors - full transcript

Lena is arrested when Metallo breaks Lillian out of prison and evidence suggests that Lena is responsible.

When I was a child,
my planet Krypton was dying.

I was sent to Earth
to protect my cousin.

But my pod got knocked off-course

and by the time I got here,

my cousin had already grown up
and become Superman.

I hid who I really was
until one day

when an accident forced me
to reveal myself to the world.

To most people, I'm a reporter
at CatCo Worldwide Media.

But in secret, I work with my
adoptive sister for the DEO

to protect my city from alien life

and anyone else that
means to cause it harm.

I am Supergirl.

Previously on Supergirl...

We salvaged you and resurrected you.

And who are you?

I'm a member of an
organization called Cadmus.

Thanks for stopping by, Mom.

And I called the police.

I'm not so sure we're a good match.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no.

I'm just glad we're on
the same page, you know.

Okay, good.


Very good.

Now let's see how you defend
against the Alekhine Variation.


Keep setting up.

I thought we had discussed this.

We did. And this is what we're doing.


This is your new mother.

I'm Lex.

I'm going to be your new brother.

Wanna play?

Thank you.

I think having a sister
will be good for Lex.

The trial of
Lillian Luthor continued today.

Luthor, the suspected head of the
anti-alien terrorist organization, Cadmus,

has been charged with a host of crimes,

including the use of a bio-weapon

in an attempted extermination
of all aliens in National City.

That woman is bad news.

Luthor claims
that she is a victim...

I hope once she's convicted, they, uh...

They put her out on the town
square for public shaming.

On Daxam, it really seemed
to cut back on recidivism.

Uh, well, that kind of punishment
actually went away a long time ago.

That's too bad.

Yeah, I haven't, uh...
Haven't seen you in a while.

I've... I've been busy.

- Yeah?
- Just chasing bad guys.

Uh, how are you?

- How's Eve?
- Oh, great.

Great, we are... We're great.
Eve is great.

- Things are great.
- I'm so happy for you.

More drinks for you guys?

Yeah, please, I would...
We would love...

Yup. Um, yup.

Another round's on its way.

- You okay, J'onn?
- Yeah, yeah.

It's just the first time I've
been in this bar since, uh...

M'gann left.

Hey, I'm... I am very excited
to meet Alex's new mystery man.

Hey, do we know what, um,
what he does for a living?

Alex's guy?


- Oh!
- Yeah, no way Alex Danvers

dates someone who doesn't own a firearm.

Hey, you guys.

Hey, um... You all
remember Maggie, right?

Hey, yeah. Good to see you again.

Alex! I... I didn't know.

- Did you know?
- Yes, I knew, I'm psychic.

How come you never said anything before?

It's not for me to say.

Good for you, Alex.


Drinks up!


Here we go, bubbly club
soda for the lady.

Thank you.

And for you, sir. Right.

- Hi.
- Hey, hi.

- What's up?
- Um, well, I just wanted to let you know

that Maggie and I are dating.

Oh, that was the thing. Okay.

Okay, that's...

Is that like a problem
here on Earth or...

Well, on Earth, you know, not everybody
supports ladies loving ladies.

Oh, on Daxam it's the more the merrier.

Oh, okay.

- Drinks for you guys? Awesome.
- Yeah.

Hey, do you play pool?

- Yeah.
- No, you don't.

- What?
- It is geometry with sticks, folks.

Pool is easy.

Let's go do it.

- Alex.
- Yeah?


- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Alex, my money's on your girl.

Yes, thanks, me too.

Hey, that cop doesn't know
I'm the Guardian, right?


Lucky her.

Testifying today against
Luthor is her adopted daughter...

Oh, what an awful
thing to have to do.

Well, the Luthors have never shied
away from doing awful things.

Yeah, but she's not like them.

She knows Lillian is evil,

she's doing the right thing,

even though she still loves her mother.

What she did was brave.

If you say so.

I should go see her.
She could probably use a friend.

Using her friends, that's
exactly what I'm worried about.


Whoa, buddy, come on.


Luthor's defense attorneys

tried to downplay Lena
Luthor's testimony,

characterizing her statements as

"the angry rant
of an estranged daughter."

Everyone in National City
has got an opinion about me.

Ungrateful daughter,

heroine, bitch.


And they've all called for a quote.

Not you though, Snapper Carr
hasn't sent you here to shake me down.

No, no. I'm here as a friend.

I thought you could use some
fried sugary goodness in your life.

- You eat donuts, right?
- Um, well...

I am human.

Thank you, Kara.

So, was it awful?

It actually felt good to testify.

I got to say my piece and finally
distance myself from the Luthor name.

And then I came back here to
12 calls from her lawyers.

Yeah, she wants to see me.

What do you think she wants?

Probably to tell me that my
outfit in court was horrible

and that I need a makeover.

I don't know and I don't care.

I just thought I was done
with her, you know...

I'd finally shut the door
on being a Luthor.

And then there she was,
back on my phone sheet.

Twelve times.

You don't think I should feel guilty for

not wanting to go see
that monster, right?

Well, do you think you
would find peace of mind

by visiting her and telling
her how you really feel?

Even if I did, it wouldn't
make a difference.

You know...

She's been the same way
since the day I met her.

I've spent most of my life

wishing I could
talk to people that are no longer here.

She's still here.

And she's still your mom.


You really did a number on me in court.

Measured, succinct, believable.

The jury ate it up.

I can just call the guard back and go.


I'm sorry.

I promised myself I would be better.

Please sit.

Old habits die hard.

I don't want to fight.

I asked you here because I wanted
to let you know that I forgive you.

That I still love you.

The only time you ever tell me you love
me is when you need something from me.

I know I wasn't the greatest mother,
but I did the best that I could.

By making me feel unwanted.

- Like an outsider.
- You don't want to believe it,

but I always tried to protect you.

If dad could hear you now.

After all the things
you've done and justified.

You hold Lionel up as
some saint, but he's not.

Don't disparage him.
He was a good man.

If he was a good man,
he would've told you the truth.

But he hated me too much to do that.

Told me the truth about what?

When your father and I
first got together,

it was the happiest time of my life.

But after Lex was born,

Lionel started having...

an affair.

I was clueless,

until I went to surprise
him on a business trip,

only to find that he
was with your mother.

My mother?

She was already pregnant
with you by then.

They paid her off.

Your father came back to try
and rebuild our marriage.

Then when you were four,

we heard your mother had died.

The state was going to
put you in foster care.

Your father brought you home
and we adopted you.

But he didn't like me
spending time with you.

I think it made him
remember what he'd done.

He felt guilty.

He'd lash out.

So, I stayed away.

Gravitated to Lex.

To protect myself.

And you.

But seeing you with him...

You look so much like her.

It was like ripping a Band-Aid
off every day of my life.

So, I really am a Luthor.

We're the only two Luthors left.

And we need to be there for each other.

I want a second chance with you.

Please, honey.

Mail call, Mr. Corben.

Not interested.

Mr. Corben, will you tell the court
how you know Lillian Luthor?

She's the doctor who saved my life.

By turning you
into a weaponized cyborg?


Calls for speculation.

Objection is sustained.

Okay, we'll move on.

After Lillian Luthor saved you,

did she order you to work for Cadmus?

She didn't have to order
me to do anything.

I believe aliens should
be wiped from the Earth.

Starting with Supergirl and her cousin.

I hate him.

He literally has no heart.

And what, if anything, did Lillian Luthor
tell you about the Medusa Project?

Earth is in crisis.

Aliens threaten our
safety and way of life,

bringing violence and disease.

She wanted to save the human race.

- That's enough, thank you.
- It is not enough!

Lillian Luthor is not a criminal.

She wanted to save you.
Until Supergirl silenced her.

This trial is a conspiracy to condemn the
one person who wants to save your lives.

Your children's lives!


Settle down. We must have
order in the courtroom.


Get control over your witness.

Mr. Corben has become antagonistic

and clearly is not willing to
answer the questions as directed.

Permission to treat the witness
as hostile, Your Honor.

Allow me to treat you as hostile.

Don't move. Don't move.



The job's not done yet, Luthor.

You're right. You're still alive.

But not for long.

You can stop me, or you can save them.

Make your choice, Supergirl.

I flew over the whole
city twice, they're gone.

Lillian and Metallo have disappeared.

I should've stopped them.

What... Hey. You saved everyone.

That was the right choice.


Look, we're gonna find Metallo
and we're gonna get him back into custody.

I know, I know. It's just...

I can't figure out

where he got all that Kryptonite.

Clark was supposed to
have taken all of it.

What's wrong?

I had the jail check
all of Corben's visitors

to see how the Kryptonite might
have gotten smuggled in.

But he hasn't had any visitors
since he's been there.

And when they swept his cell yesterday
there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Which means he must have gotten
the Kryptonite last night.

That seems to narrow down the window.

Why do you look so concerned?

Because there was only one
visitor to the jail last night,

but it was to visit Lillian Luthor.


Her daughter, Lena.

You know I was at the jail
to see my mother last night.

- You're the one that told me to go.
- I know.

It's just...

People are losing it because
of your mother's escape.

And I wanted you to know so
that you could be prepared.

Okay, so...

Tell me. What are people saying?

That you may have also visited Metallo.

And you think that's
something I would do.


You know, Kara, you are starting
to sound a lot like a reporter

and not a friend right now.

I don't mean to.

- Maggie, did you find Lillian?
- No, we didn't.

We're actually here on
official business, Kara.

I think it would be better if you waited
outside while I talk with Ms. Luthor.


I want her to stay.

If it's okay.

The police were sent some surveillance
footage I wanted to ask you about.

That's... That's not me, okay?
I don't know where you got that,

- but it's not me.
- You're under arrest

for aiding and abetting a felon,

accessory after the fact, conspiracy...

Hold on, Maggie, slow down,
just let her explain.

Stay out of it, Kara.

- It's okay.
- You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford one,
one will be provided for you.

Where's my art?

What's going on?

We're crashing the cover.

But our pub date's today.

The cover's set.

Yeah, that's why they call it a crash.

We're the fourth estate,
not Reddit.

Copy can't wait another second...

Yeah, yeah.

I sent it down to layouts already.
This is for you.

Wait, you're putting Lena
Luthor on the cover?

She doesn't need to be
a front-page story.

She's arguably the most famous
name in National City, Danvers.

Her notorious brother's in prison.

Of course I'm putting her on
the cover, she's a Luthor.

But she didn't do it.

Have you seen the video?

Or are you letting a budding
friendship corrupt your reporting?

Who's got confirmation bias now?

She told me, on the record,
she didn't do it.

She said, she said.

This time we need more
than just a quote.

Otherwise, it's just another
conspiracy theory for Twitter.

Well, I'll keep digging then.

Your gumption annoys me to no end.

But keep gumptioning
for tomorrow's cover.


But that'll be too late.

By then everyone will think
she's guilty already.

Everyone will think she's guilty today.

Tomorrow's another story.

But once it's out there,
it's out there.

I mean, people still think
Macaulay Culkin's dead.

James, come on,
you know we can't print this.

I can't believe I'm saying this,
but I agree with Snapper.

And I think you should, too.


Kara, come on, wait.

No, no, are you kidding me?

The only thing Lena has done is help.

She called the police on her own
mother over the Medusa virus.

That's exactly my point.

If she can betray her own mother,

what is to stop her from
pulling a long con on you?

Okay, I know she's your friend, Kara,
but Lena's bad news.

Why, because she's a Luthor?

No, because she's guilty.

And if you don't see that,
I'm gonna prove it to you.


- Oh!
- Oh, gosh!

Oh, Eve, I'm so sorry.

- I'm sorry, no.
- I got it, I got it.

Thanks, Kara It's just
so busy here today.

With the trial and the daughter.


Oh, hey! Are you okay?

You look like me the day I forgot to get
Ms. Grant's coffee and she made me call

the Dean of Yale to admonish him
for having given me a diploma.


- And disheartened.
- No, I'm fine, it's just...

It's just James and...

Lena Luthor and...

It's fine. Hey!

Hey, how's everything going with Mon...

Um, with Mike?

Actually, it's not going.

I thought you two were going out.

You mean, went out.

Uh, he's so dreamy and
handsome and funny,

so you can imagine how shocked I was

when it turned out to be
the worst date of my life.

What did he do? Did he look at
other women the entire night?


Oh, did he chew with his mouth open
and tell those inappropriate jokes?

No, all he did was talk
about you the entire date.

So he talked about me?

I told him, I said you have to
get over your ex-girlfriend

before you put yourself
back out in the field.

Ex-girlfriend? No, no, no, no.

Eve, Mike and I never dated.


Mike told me the same thing.

The prodigal daughter.

You think she'll
lose her hair like her brother.

How'd you get in?

If Lena was bad,

I knew it was only a matter of time
before you showed up to free her.

I do work for the Luthors, after all.

Hello, Ms. Luthor.

Sorry for the delay.

Metallo's strong, but something's off.

His Kryptonite isn't right.

I think it's hurting him.

Well, you're lucky you
didn't take a direct hit.

Very lucky.

I had my shield.

I love that shield.

And I know what I'm doing, Kara.

Even if Metallo's weakening, though,

he still is a fanatic
follower of Lillian Luthor.

We have to find out where he's
taken Lena, and help her.

What is it going to take for you to
realize that Lena is a criminal?

She's not the victim.
She got the Kryptonite.

- He broke her out of prison.
- Lena's not a member of Cadmus!

She's not!

She stopped the gang with alien weapons.

She saved Alex's life when
Corben tried to kill her.

She shot Corben and then her crazy
mom turned Corben into Metallo.

So, that could have been
the plan the entire time.

We have to start treating
Lena Luthor like a hostile.

The evidence is too overwhelming.


If you watch that video,
I know you'll find something.

I did. It's... It's clean.

Then find something to
prove her innocent.

Everything we've seen so far
says the exact opposite.

Well, she's my friend.

And I believe in her.

I'm your friend.

Which is why I don't understand why
it's so hard for you to believe me.

People don't remember this, Kara,

but Clark and Lex Luthor
used to be best friends.

For years.

And Clark believed in Lex
for the longest time.

No matter what people said,

no matter what kind of proof
he saw with his own eyes.

No, Lex was his friend.

- But Clark was wrong.
- Lena is not Lex.

But they grew up in
the same house, Kara.

I don't understand why
you keep defending her.

And you have so much faith in her,
but none in me, as Guardian.

That's entirely different.

I am trying to protect you.

I do not need your protection.

I need your trust.

You have mine.

I don't understand why it's
so hard for me to get yours.

That was good.

Is there a technique to
that or were you just

giving it a swift kick in the caboose?

Because if there's a technique,
I wanna know it.

I've missed training with you.

- Yeah, I've just been...
- Busy.

I get it.

Chasing bad guys.

And with what's going on
with Lena I'm sure it's...

I'm sure it's extra busy.

Are you going to tell me
not to believe in her?

You believe in a lot of people
that others don't.

Oh, did you talk to James?

No, I'm actually talking about myself.

You know, you believing in me,
it meant a lot.

You're right. I have been cold.

- And distant.
- Mmm-hmm.

And I'd like to apologize for that.

Hey, I'm just glad to know that it's
not me adjusting to Earth's chilly climate.

I was mad at you, because
I thought you were dating Eve.


"Were", as in past tense.

Right? As in, she told you that
the date didn't actually go well.

Uh, she mentioned it.


You know, I'm not super hip
on earthly social cues,

but why would you be mad
if I was dating Eve?

I'm not mad.

You literally just said you were mad.


Two seconds ago,
you said, "I am mad about"...

Yeah, I'm surprised.

- Oh, not mad, surprised.
- I'm surprised that...

You'd just date someone else,

when you were serious about me,
because I mean if...

How could you be serious
if you did that?

If you don't like me, why do you...
Why do you care?

I'm gonna go check and see
if they've found Lena.

- Are you okay?
- Don't.

You're still angry I had Metallo
liberate you from that jail?

It makes me look more
guilty when I'm not.

Even if they found out
the truth about you,

no one would change their mind.

The public wants to believe the
narrative they expect from us.

That Luthors are evil.

We don't get second chances.

Look what they did to me.

Stripped me of my medical license

without even a hearing.

Or worse, what they did to Lex.

He could've fixed this
planet for generations.

But Superman twisted what he was doing,
and they all turned on him.

Lex went insane.


And if they could take the
brightest mind on Earth

and drive him crazy defending himself,

imagine what they could do to you.

Stop the van. I'm going back!

To what?

You have no life anymore, Lena.

You have no one on your side.

You're guilty, just like me.

You're on the run, just like me.

Join Cadmus.

And together we can do all the
great things you ever dreamed of.

And with no Luthor men to divide us,

I can finally be the
mother you always wanted.

Because I do love you.

Let me prove it to you now.

What is this place?

One of Lex's facilities.

A giant satellite receiver embedded
in the top of this mountain

monitors outer space
for signs of intelligent life.

To warn of alien invasion?


Because we know more are coming.

Which makes me glad I joined the cause.

There's enough here to sustain us
for a long time if we need it,

but I suspect we won't.

Why not?

We're fugitives, we can't go back.

Not yet.

But your brother didn't only keep
rations for times of emergency.

He also kept an arsenal.

Vaults around the world loaded with all
the things he'd collected to level

the playing field and defeat
Superman once and for all.

And one of those vaults is right here.

Ready for authorization.

All we need

is to open it.

It's a biometric lock.

It scans for Luthor DNA.

Tell me you don't have a bit
of Lex frozen somewhere.

I didn't say Lex's DNA.

I said Luthor.

Any Luthor can open it.

And you, my daughter,
are part of that family tree.

You didn't have your green goon
liberate me from prison

because you loved me.

Because you wanted to help me.

You did it because I'm the only one
who can open this vault for you.

While it's true I need your DNA,

one doesn't negate the other.

I still love you.

I still want to help you.

I promise it won't hurt.

The only person you want
to help is yourself.

I'll take my chances on my own.

I think you should
listen to your mother.

You're hurting me.

He doesn't want to, Lena.

Put your hand on the pad
and we can all start getting along again.

I promise.


I'm trying to play nice.


That wasn't so bad, was it?

You know, the backseat
driving, not helping.


But have you found anything yet?

I promise I will tell you.

Haven't you ever heard the phrase,
"A watched pot never"... Oh.

Whoa, wait a second,
I might be simmering.

What is it?

Okay, so I hacked into
L-Corp CCTV to get a copy

of the raw video footage of
Lena taking the Kryptonite.

But, ha! It looks like
somebody already hacked into

this system a couple of days ago.

I know this code.

This is the same code the
real Hank Henshaw used

the day he broke into
L-Corp to take the isotope.

Okay, okay, if the video was corrupted
by Henshaw's cyborg signature,

then I can reverse that signature

and decrypt it

and separate the raw video
file from the corrupted one.


- Ha!
- Lena didn't do it.

You were right?

- I mean, you were right.
- Yeah.

You were right.

Kryptonite signature detected.

What is it?

J'onn's been having me scan for Kryptonite
signature, so we could find Metallo.

Have you found it, Agent Schott?

Yep! 50 miles north of Mount Whitney.

What? Wait. It's strange because

either something's wrong with the signal,
or the source isn't pure.

The ionizing radiation signature is
breaking down at an exponential rate.

Kryptonite is normally the
most stable of elements.

Well, James said Metallo's
Kryptonite seemed off.

It could be synthetic.

That'd explain how they had
it in the first place.

And it wasn't with Clark.

Whoa, whoa. If these numbers are right,

then it's not just unstable,
it's going to blow.

- Blow?
- Like, go nuclear.

Have you finished repairing
the anti-Kryptonite vest

Supergirl wore the last
time she fought Metallo?

- They're in pieces, I have to rebuild...
- No, there's no time.

I have to go now, or Lena's dead.

Kara, we calculated the
rate of radioactive decay.

- It's faster than we thought.
- How fast?

Minutes. I mean, its half-life
is decreasing exponentially.

Kara, you have to turn back.

When the Kryptonite explodes,

it's gonna send out a radioactive cloud

of Kryptonite gas.

If you are anywhere near it,
it'll kill you.

Then I'll make sure I'm not
there when it goes off.

Well, this should make you feel safe.

Lex's warsuit, an Atomic Axe,

a Black Mercy.

Everything we need to rid
this planet of Kryptonians

and every other alien invader,
once and for all.

You're worse than Lex.

I promise you, I will be
on the right side of history.

Maybe then you'll believe
that I was looking out

for your best interests, after all.

Whether you like it or not,
I'll always be your mother.

Oh, my beautiful boy.

I had no idea...

You finished it.

Supergirl, I can't believe you're here.

Kara Danvers believes in you.

Supergirl, you're just in time.

I've been wondering if these worked.


Well, that was easy.

You want to try more of these toys?

Don't hurt her!

Sorry, she's gotta pay for what
her cousin did to your brother.

Lock Supergirl in the vault.

Supergirl, if you
can still hear me,

Metallo's Kryptonite heart,
the rate of decay is ticking up.

Metallo's heart is going to explode.

You all need to leave.

You have to get the
Kryptonite out of him.

You're lying.

I'm not.

He's going to die.

The only one about to die is you.

Listen to me, the more Metallo uses the
synthetic Kryptonite, the faster it's decaying.

Get out of there! Now!

It's time to leave.

Kara, the Kryptonite is almost critical.

Metallo, that pain in your chest.

Take it out, let me help you.

You're a liar.


Get Lena, let's go.

Kara, please!

Supergirl, get out of there now!


- Kara!
- Kara!

I'm not one to usually gloat

or say, "I told you so". But...

It doesn't seem like I was the one
with confirmation bias.

Yesterday she was guilty.

Today she's not.

It's not confirmation bias, Danvers,

it's just the news game.

And since you've got enough time on your hands
to stand around and look up at that TV,

how about you get out there and
get an exclusive on Lena Luthor?

This time,

try to spell "exclusive" right.


Any, um, any word on Lillian Luthor?

A satellite feed from the mountain

showed a helicopter
before the explosion.

But, uh, no sign of her afterwards?

Lillian and Henshaw got away.


You were right.

About Lena Luthor.

I was wrong.

I'm sorry.

You were just trying to protect me.


Just like you're always
trying to protect me.

Can we just stop trying
to protect each other

and go back to being friends?

Because I really miss being friends.

Me, too.

Haven't had a game night in a while.

A game night sounds great.

Are you ever going to let me win though?

- Never.
- Sounds about right.


It's a good article.

- You flatter me.
- I only wrote the truth.

I'm learning to keep digging even
when all the evidence points one way.

There's always another side.

Even when it's hard to find.

Especially when it's hard to find.

So, my office is
overflowing with flowers.

- Really?
- Yeah.

You didn't have to do that.

Yeah, I did.

Supergirl told me that
it was you who sent her.

I don't know how to thank you.

Well, that's what friends are for.

I've never had friends like you before.

Come to think of it,
I've never had family like you.

No one has ever
stood up for me like that.

Well, now you have someone
that will stand up for you. Always.

Well, Supergirl may have saved me,

but, Kara Danvers, you are my hero.

- Thank you.
- Anytime.

- Bye.
- Bye.



I really like this game.

Maybe you are a Luthor after all.

- Hi.
- Thanks for coming.

Yeah, Yeah, I was, um, surprised
you called after how you dashed out.

Yes, I wanted to apologize for that.

Because I should've
answered your question.

Yeah, could've.

Could've, should've, would've.

It's a... That's a thing
I heard at the bar.

It's not...

Yes, but I don't want
to do that anymore.

With you.

See, uh...

I can be strong,

and stand my ground
when I'm protecting someone else,

but when that someone is me...

It's a lot harder.

'Cause I don't like being vulnerable.

We're really different.


I'm, uh, super fun.

And you're hyper-critical.

More like, you're an arrogant dude-bro

and I'm the personification
of the American way.

I'm sorry, and I'm arrogant?

That's not the point.

It's just...

Last year I thought I could have it all,
and then I thought I couldn't.

Then I had to pick.

So, I chose being Supergirl
over having a relationship.

And then, you came along,

and I thought you were...

thoughtless and selfish.

And I kept writing you off.

And you kept proving me wrong.

And I just got me thinking...

Maybe I can have it all.




Who the hell are you?

My name is Mr. Mxyzptlk.

And Kara Zor-El, I love you.