Supergirl (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 19 - Myriad - full transcript

Non and Indigo use mind control to make the citizens of National City their army, so Kara must find a way to save her friends.

KARA: When I was a child,
my planet Krypton was dying.

I was sent to Earth
to protect my cousin.

But my pod got knocked off-course

and by the time I got here,

my cousin had already grown
up and become Superman.

And so I hid my powers

until recently when an accident forced
me to reveal myself to the world.

To most people I'm an assistant
at Catco Worldwide Media.

But in secret, I work with my
adoptive sister for the DEO

to protect my city from alien life

and anyone else that
means to cause it harm.

I am Supergirl.

KARA: Previously on "Supergirl"...

ALEX: Hank didn't kill Astra.

(SOFTLY) I did.

Ma'am, Colonel Harper just resigned

and named a new acting
director of the DEO.

- Who?
- You.

I'm a fugitive now. I'm on the run.

By the way, I call myself
Indigo these days.

Myriad works.

And, very soon, Astra's dream for what
Earth can become will be reality.


First National City,

and then the Earth itself
will belong to us.

DEO is secure. What are your orders?

- Release the prisoners.
- It is done.

All but the White Martian.

For everyone's sake, leave that one be.

COMPUTER: Warning. Containment
Override activated.

Cell power dampeners will shut down

in two minutes.


I know not your face, human.

I am Maxima, Queen of
the planet Almerac.

Open this door and you'll find
out exactly what that means.



Do you value your life so
little you won't fight back?

Myriad has begun on Earth.

Non calls you to his legions.

You will be the kings and
queens of this world,

once you swear your fidelity to him.

Since Superman refused the
honor of marrying me...

COMPUTER: Warning. Prisoner
release in one minute.

I will pledge allegiance to your Non.

Early parole is canceled.


That tickled.

We could have been family, Kara Zor-El.

I once sought to make
your cousin my mate.

Ew, gross!






Lucy! You have to fight it.

You have to wake up!

- COMPUTER: Warning.

Prisoner release in 15 seconds.





Warning. Prisoner release in five, four,

three, two...


Containment override deactivated.

Prisoner cell release canceled.






I'm so sorry.



Kelex, are you here?

How may I assist you, Lady Kara?

Where is Kal-El? I can't
find him anywhere on Earth.

Kal-El is attending to
a matter off-world.

Kelex, I need you to
tell me about Myriad.

Warning. This construct is not
authorized to discuss Myriad.

You were designed to obey the members
of the honorable House of El,

and to preserve the memory
of Krypton wherever it went.

If you don't override your orders,

Myriad will destroy the House of El

and the memory of Krypton
will be lost forever.

You will have failed in
your prime directive.


Please! I just need someone to help me!

Hello, Kara.


Myriad was developed on
Krypton by your aunt.

It was created to prevent the
planet's imminent destruction.

We had strangled the planet's
resources beyond recovery.

The politicians argued, but
could not agree on what to do.

Thus, according to high records,

Astra implemented her own solution.


Technology designed to force
everyone to her way of thinking.

Mind Control.

When they were caught attempting to use

the Myriad technology against
the people of Argo City,

Astra and Non were arrested.

And sentenced to Fort Rozz.

Much like Krypton, this planet is on
the verge of ecological destruction.

I can stop it.

But the humans won't like my methods.

That's why I need you. They trust you.

Together we can save them.

That's what they've been
trying to do all along.

They've been trying to
use Myriad on Earth.

To save the planet.

But I don't understand. Why is
everyone so afraid to talk about it?

Why wouldn't you even speak of it?

Myriad could be used to enslave whole
worlds at the push of a button.

The High Council determined

that if knowledge of such
technology were to get out,

it would upset the delicate
balance of power of the galaxy.

Mom, please.

You have to tell me how to stop this.

I am sorry, my dear Kara.

Once started, Myriad cannot be stopped.

Remain seated.

We're on the lookout for
a pair of fugitives,

wanted in connection to
some very serious crimes.

These two are considered
to be extremely dangerous.

If you have any information,
please speak up.


This bus is clear.
Let's get out of here.




That's Kryptonian.

What is Non up to?

Winn. Winn?

Winn, can you hear me?

I know you're in there.

I could really use my friend right now.



Come on, James.

You are stronger than this. Come back.

Come back to me.

There was a time that I was
so afraid you wouldn't see me

and now I just wish you'd smile.

The United States Army
has taken up position

at every entrance way
into National City.

Until this threat is neutralized,

National City has effectively
been quarantined.

- This is General Lane.
- It's Supergirl.

- How's Lucy.
- She's alive.

She's safe.

She's enthralled to Non's
master weapon, isn't she?

(SIGHS) Yes.

Listen, you need to keep
everybody outside of city limits

until I can figure this out, okay?

I know you and I haven't always had

the best work relationship, but...

I'll do my part.
I trust you'll do yours.

Good luck.


Ker-rah, call Harrison Ford and
tell him that I'm flattered,

but once and for all, I
do not date older men,

especially when they're married.




Well, what a pleasant surprise.

What, do we have a 9:00 a.m.?

- You're not a mindless drone.
- Uh, no.

No, I learned that lesson
when Demi Moore and I

wore the same dress to the
premiere of Ghosts. Never again.

Ms. Grant, listen to me.

Everyone in the city is
affected by this alien signal.

They're acting like automatons.

Haven't you noticed?

Hmm, well, yes, they are a
bit more quiet than usual.

Maybe my reign of terror has finally
reached its peaked effectiveness.

- Oh.

Ah, you do have a cell phone?
Can I get that number, please?

- It's Superman.
- Oh, can I get his number as well?

He's coming to help.

He is?

Where is he?


CAT: Oh, my God.

What's happening to everyone?

There he is! There he is.

Who? Superman? Where?


What? Oh, God. No.

What is it?

Myriad. It's affecting my cousin too.


Wait a minute, if it's
affecting Superman,

then are any of us safe?

Well, I may not be Superman, but...

I do have my moments.

Improved By: Fidel33
Sub Upload Date: April 12, 2016

Do Kryptonians gloat?

Because I'll bet wherever he is,

ol' Uncle Non is feeling
pretty good about himself.

Why am I not surprised that
your brain is intact, Max?

What is it they say? Only cockroaches
will survive the apocalypse.

Happy to see you too, Cat.

You look lovely, considering
the end is nigh.

- Why weren't you affected?
- Ion blockers.

I realized the Kryptonians were
using my LTE interface system.

That's why they broke into
my lab over Christmas.

They're using my satellites
to send neural signals

directly into the minds of
everyone in National City.

These scramble the signal
before they reach my brain.

If you invented technology
that blocks Myriad,

why didn't you give it to the DEO?

Once Henshaw and his Trusted
Girl Friday stepped down,

I had no one at the DEO to trust.

Well, clearly, not everybody
needs this ear-wig thingy,

because I don't have one and
my brain is perfectly intact.

I see you got the earrings
I sent you last night.

Oh, I get it.

- Ion blockers in the diamonds?
- Mmm-hmm.

Oh, so many karats and
yet so functional.

(CHUCKLES) Didn't seem right

for the world to lose Cat Grant's mind.

Speaking of, where is
your faithful assistant?

Out marching with the masses?

(SIGHS) Don't be glib, Max.

Probably should be worried about her.

If it only targets humans,
why was my cousin affected?

Nature versus nurture.

He may be an alien, but your
cousin grew up on Earth.

Seems like environmental factors,

being raised by ordinary people,
made his brain more human.

The Man of Steel brought to his knees

all because he went to kindergarten
and watched Sesame Street.

You think this is funny?

Everything I have feared has come to
pass. I couldn't be more serious.

We have to stop them. They're
using your satellites.

Can't you reprogram them and
destroy Myriad from the inside?

I tried.

There's some pretty epic force fields
around those satellites at the moment.

You're always 10 steps ahead, Max.
I know you have a plan.

Of course I do.

We kill them all.

When Alexander saw the breadth
of his domain, he wept,

for there were no more
worlds to conquer.

Need a tissue?

National City under
our control, at last.

Even Kal-El could not escape its power.

Nothing can stand against us now.

Except your niece.

I calculate she's chomping at the
bit to take her revenge on you.

Like Astra, you
overestimate her strength.

Since your dearly-departed wife's corpse
is floating through space right now,

I'd say maybe you both
underestimated her power.

You want me to kill her?

Every minute that she lives is a
minute that she's plotting against us.

She has already prevented the release
of the Fort Rozz escapees from the DEO.

It will not change the outcome.

Kill Kara Zor-El today

or fight her tomorrow.

And once it's done,

you can go back to
admiring your kingdom.


- Who are you?
- ALEX: Mom!

No, no, it's me. It's Alex.

Alex! Oh, my God!

- Hi.
- Hi. I needed that.

Are you all right? What is going on?


And who's this?

Oh, uh, yes, that's a
little harder to explain.

- I don't understand, sweetie.
- I...

Dr. Danvers, you might
want to step back.


- What the hell?
- No, no, no. It's okay.

No, whatever that is,
that killed your father!

- No, he didn't.
- What?

The real Hank Henshaw blackmailed
Dad into joining the DEO.

This is who tried to save him.

His name is J'onn. He's a
shape-shifter from Mars.

Is it true?

What's true is your husband was one
of the best people I've ever known.

He saved my life.

ALEX: And J'onn has saved mine
and Kara's. You can trust him.

Mom, we don't have much time.

J'onn and I are on the run.

We just stopped by to supply up.

Wait. "On the run"? How did
you even get out of the city?

What are you talking about?

You don't know what's
happening in National City?

There's something you have to see.

(SCOFFS) Max, how exactly do you plan
on killing an army of Supermans?

I'll tell you the plan when I
know you're both on board.

Can't have muscles over
here trying to stop me.

Killing is never the solution.

Except we're way past villains-of-the-week
and kittens stuck in trees.

We're at war.

And the only way to win a war is to
kill the enemy before they kill us.

So, time to grow up and
put on the big girl cape.

Oh, looks like someone
made it through security.

The son of Jor-El has
already knelt before me.

Soon you will too.

I don't want to fight you, child.

Afraid I'll win?

You've already lost.

Accept it and the glorious
fulfillment of Astra's vision.

In the end, she defeated you.

This doesn't look like victory to me.

And all you're doing is betraying her.

I was with Astra in her final moments.

We forgave each other,

we paid respect to our blood bonds.

- She didn't want this.
- Of course she did.

It's what everyone wants, is it not?

Peace on Earth. Goodwill towards man.

It's a lot less like Christmas out there

and more like Dawn of the Dead.

The human race finally
has a chance to live.

Or it would suffer the
same fate as Krypton.

And the same thing is
happening on Earth,

with a populace more interested in
reality stars and political circuses

than working together to
solve the world's problems.

So, mind control is the
answer to global warming?

Why didn't I think of that?

Thanks to Myriad, there are
no more racial divisions,

no Republicans, no Democrats.

Only one people, working
with one purpose

towards one goal. To save the world.

Except you haven't saved
them, you've enslaved them.

Humanity is better than this.

If you really want this planet to avoid
the fate of Krypton, then work with us.

NON: With these people?

These two are the best of your world

and all they do is help the
populace amuse themselves to death.

If anything, they laid
the groundwork for me.

You've already turned us into drones.

Winn! Winn, can you hear me?

Your inventions have drowned out
sense and turned it into nonsense.

WINN: But now everyone is united,

everyone's creativity and thought

dedicated to eradicating famine,
disease, climate change.

MAXWELL: You're harvesting
the brain power

of everyone in the city to
solve the world's problems?

National City is a giant think tank?

This is not the way to solve
the world's problems.

Your heroics have done
nothing to save the planet.

This is the inevitability of Myriad.

Non, stop this!

These are your friends, aren't they?

Let them go.

I've have lived with loss.

Allow me to return the favor.

CAT: Kelly?

What are you doing to them?

Non has ended crime in National
City in one day. One second.

SUPERGIRL: Winn. Winn, stop!

Which is more than the three
of you have ever done.

James. James?

- Kelly.
- Oh, my God.

- No, no, no, no, no, no!
- What's happening?

- What's happening?
- Catch.


Oh, my God. Oh, my...

- You missed one.

- Do not stand against me.
- Or more will die.

Everyone you know, love,
and care for will die.

Accept defeat, Kara Zor-El.

I have already saved National City.

Next, I will save the world.


It's a nice photograph.

Beautiful family.

We were.

So, Alex said Jeremiah saved your life.

Were you with him?

Were you with him at the end?

His only thought was
for you and the girls.

I made him a promise.

And I've been trying to keep
that promise every day since.

Thank you.

So, Mars...

I have to ask, underneath it
all, are you a little green man?

I'm a big green man, actually.

Ha! And how are you able to change form?

Is it an enzyme or some
other chemical catalyst

your body secretes that allows
you to reorganize your DNA?

And how do you adjust for
the change in body density?

How does your respiratory system

process the increased oxygen and
nitrogen present in our air that...

What? What is so funny?

Like mother, like daughter.

Kara? Are you all right?

I'm fine.

(SIGHS) You're lying.


Did you reach Cadmus?
Did you and Hank find your dad?

We were on our way there until
we heard about all this.

- Where are you now?
- At Mom's.

Stay there. If you come to National
City, Myriad will take over you too.

There's no way I'm leaving
you there by yourself.

I'm not alone. I'm, uh...
I'm with Ms. Grant.

Why wasn't Cat affected?

Maxwell Lord protected her

and himself.

Of course he did. Kara, we never
know when we can trust him.

You know what?

I don't really have a choice right now.

You don't know what it's like here.

It's my only option.

- I love you, Alex.
- Kara, listen...




She's working with Max to stop Non.

- I'm going back.
- I don't think you can.

I'm not human. Myriad won't affect me.

I'm going with you.

No, you're not. You're staying here
where this evil can't touch you.

It's what your sister wants.

It's what your father would want.

He still needs you.

MAXWELL: Are you finally ready
to do what needs to be done?


What's your plan?

Before you and I sang Kumbaya
and decided to be friends,

I was working on a weapon to
use against the Kryptonians.

- All Kryptonians.
- What kind of weapon?

A bomb. Filled with Kryptonite dust.

It'll irradiate the entire city.
Choke them all.

No more Myriad.

Um, Anderson, do you think you
could hold on for just a skosh?

(STAMMERS) Forgive me, but won't
that kill Supergirl and Superman?

Not if she flies up and detonates
it over the city center.

Then she and he skedaddle.

She won't be able to come back to
National City for roughly 50 years...


But that's a small price to
pay to save the world, right?

What about the human beings?
Will they be affected at all?

The concussive force to properly
displace the Kryptonite dust

will result in some losses.

Hmm, Anderson, I'm gonna
have to call you back.

What exactly are we talking
about, Max? Losses.

8% of the population.

8% of the population.

8% of four million people?

That is over 300,000 people, Max.

Versus the seven billion
people on the planet

that Non wants to turn into zombies.

Are you seriously considering this?

She is.

Because she knows it's our only chance.

If this spreads from National City,

it won't be long before
every man, woman and child,

including your children,
will be on their knees.

I won't let that happen.

I swore to save this world. That's
exactly what I'm going to do.

What if we tell Non we have this weapon?

Force him to see reason.

(SCOFFS) Tell that to
Kelly, the office skydiver.

Please, have you no shame?

No. Not anymore.
All I have is my mind.

And for how much longer I'm not sure.

What I know is that, for every second we
don't act, we risk the end of humanity.

Time to save the world, Supergirl.

Are you with me?

Did you get an answer?

I've spoken with the President directly.

She agrees with your assessment.

You have her authorization
to proceed with your plan.

Thank you, General.

May God have mercy on our souls.

If there was a God, General,

I'm sure she wouldn't have put us
in this mess in the first place.


How did you become like this?

Did I ever tell you how my parents died?

Alex told me they were
exposed to a fatal virus

when the government gave
them faulty hazmat suits.

What I didn't tell your dear old sis

was that I warned them
about those suits.

I knew they wouldn't hold up.

I begged them and the CDC
to scrap them, but...

(SCOFFS) No one would listen to me.

The know-it-all.

I swore from that moment on,

that if I could protect
people, if I could save them,

I wouldn't wait for permission.

I would act.

Just like you do every time you jump
out the window and save the day.

We act, you and I.

We're more alike than you think.

I hope not.

I'll be at my facility
getting the bomb ready.

Is the deed done?

Kara Zor-El will no longer be a problem.

Is she dead or isn't she?

I could have killed her.

But that would have spared her the
agony of losing everyone she loves.

I thought it would please you.

You've always known how to please me.

Now, it's time for us to
consider what's next.

Next, we go to Metropolis.

Then to Opal City, Central City,

Washington D.C.

You sound like a cut-rate
politician running for office.

The small dreams of a small man.

Not worthy of you.

Already, the humans in this city

have cast away their differences

and are working towards the
salvation of their planet.

For a lesser species, they
are surprisingly creative.

They show exceptional ingenuity.

All the better to serve you.

And yet, you falter.

I am the Lord of Earth.

You could be the Lord of the Universe.

Don't you realize what you have?

You've created a force that
could take over the galaxy.

A vast army that exists
only to do your bidding.

You want to take one planet and
turn it into your fiefdom,

when you have an entire universe

crying out to be ruled by you.

To worship you as I do.

ELIZA: Alex said you
were both on the run.

Are you in some kind of
trouble with the DEO?

Alex, we've been through this.

If you expect me to just
watch you fly away,

you're out of your mind.

This is not up for discussion.

Alex, I know how brave you are,
but you cannot fight this.

Yes. Yes, we can.

I remember the last time I watched
my father walk out that door.

It was the worst day of my life.

Not finding out whether or not he was
coming back, but watching him go.

Knowing that whatever happened next,
I had no say. That is not me.

There's nothing you can do.

Yes, there is. If you help me.

You can protect me. You can use
your telepathy to guard my mind.

All right.

Promise you'll come home.

I promise. I will try.

Very, very hard.

Mom, there's something that
you should know about Dad...

Alex, we should go.

What is it?

I'll tell you when we get back.

We'll see you soon, Doctor.


(SIGHS) I've always liked
the view out this window.

Wish I had it from my office.

I like looking at the park.

All the people.

Mothers pushing their strollers.

Kids playing.

I wonder which of them will die in Max's
moronic attempt to save the city.

I don't know how to fight this.

What would you have me do?

You could come up with a better plan

than irradiating the city and
killing thousands of people.


My mother was faced with
this decision on Krypton.

To act or do nothing.

And she chose wrong.

I love her, but she didn't save
Krypton like she promised.

And my planet died.

My culture.

My home. My parents.

Everything was just
wiped from the stars.


How can I let that happen again?

I know you're scared.

I am too.

But so is Max.

And so is Non, for that matter.

All of you are letting
your fear guide you,

but somebody has to find the courage to
stand up even though they're afraid.

You know, the worst decisions
that I've ever made

in my life were based on fear.

But you showed me

that there was another way to be strong,

by having faith in people.

By believing that
goodness would prevail.

And because of you, I
started letting people in.


I even opened up myself up
to my assistant, Ker-rah,

who helped me have a
relationship with my son again.

Now, I can't tell you
what to do, Supergirl.

But if you've taught me anything,

you have taught me that
hope is stronger than fear.

(CHUCKLES) And that is what I think
of every time I look at that.

You've changed me.

And I am not easy to change.

And I believe that you can
change everyone out there.

Not with violence, not with fear.

Just be Supergirl.

That's all anyone's
ever needed from you.

Thank you, Cat.

That gives me an idea.

The Martian.

He's back.



What is it? Are you okay?

This Myriad signal is really strong.

It's taking up a lot of my mental
energy shielding your mind from it.

Okay, if you have to sacrifice me...

That's not gonna happen.

Why did you stop me from telling my
mother my father was still alive?

Until we stop Non, there's nothing
we can do for your father.

Eliza has enough on her plate
worrying about you and Kara.


Nice try.


You didn't even see me coming.

There was only a 25.6% chance
that you would turn up.

Once again defying the odds.

Just like that time your people perished

and you alone survived.

(INHALES) Impressive.

But the humans might call that lucky.


It has nothing to do with luck.


Stand down.


Or I scrape her brain from her skull.

ALEX: J'onn, don't listen to her.
Just... (GASPS)

Go find Supergirl. Save the city.

No! No!



Now extinct.


I do love wiping out a species.


And you're next, human.

Good. You changed your mind.

I was starting to regret
saving it in the first place.

For the record, I seriously
thought the two of us

would be having a lot more
fun during Armageddon.

Oh, Max, we're not here
to talk about your bomb.

Supergirl has a plan.


Which means Cat browbeat you.

"Inspired" is closer to the truth.

I'm a muse, Max.

To the world.


So, what's your plan?


You know what?
I'm gonna go with the plan

that has the bomb and kills
the bad guys instead.

No bomb. No one dies.

You think I wanna do this?
It's the only way to win.

What? What are we winning?

Causing more chaos?
More destruction?

More lives lost?

You hated me for months, because you
thought I'd use my power indiscriminately,

kill people with no
regard for their lives.

That is exactly the choice
you're making with this bomb.

Please tell me you've had enough
analysis to know that she's right.

You were afraid of me.

Now you're afraid of Non.

I understand that fear.

But we cannot let it drive our actions.

Make another choice that
honors your parents.

And mine.


I'm listening.

INDIGO: Wakey-wakey.

- Where am I?
- NON: At the heart of our operation.

This is where you and Astra have
been hiding all these years?


This was our prison.

Our home.

Until you killed her
with a Kryptonite sword.

I wanted you wide awake, so I could
see the pain and fear in your eyes

as you died.

I may have told him you did the deed.


Astra didn't want this.

After you used the black
mercy on Supergirl,

she came to me,

told me how to save her.

She didn't kill me when
she had the chance.

I'm sure she loved you,

but what you're doing to National City,

what you're planning to do to Earth,

she lost her taste for it.

Hear her now.

She and your niece consider
themselves sisters.


Your point?

You want to hurt them both?

I know how.


Will any of this equipment work?

Well! No reason why it shouldn't.

So, you brought us to your very first,

very out of the way TV
station so we can...

What? Dust off your Daytime Emmy?

No, Max. Actually we
are here to inspire.

We are going to show them a symbol.

One of optimism, love, and, yes, hope.

A sight so undeniable, that people will
recognize it even under this spell.

Where do we start?

CAT: Do you think you can do it?

We can't stop Myriad's signal,
but we can piggyback off of it.

We're lucky. This TV station is old.

Not that old.

Not old-old.

But old enough that it
uses broadcast technology

instead of digital.

We can transmit a signal by
calibrating it to Myriad's frequency,

without leaving any online fingerprints.

Take that, Indigo.

It'll ride the wave without
anybody knowing a thing.

- CAT: I have one question for you, Max.
- MAX: Shoot.

The earrings, how did you
know I would wear them?

I didn't.

I guess

I just had hope.


Stay here.


What are you doing here?
I told you not to come.

I warned you what would happen
if you worked against me.

I found your ultimate opponent.

One that knows your every weakness.


(STAMMERS) I'm not doing this.

I am not going to fight my sister.

Did you hear that, Non?

If you want to fight me, come
out here and do it yourself.

I'm not gonna hurt her.

You have no choice.

Kill Alex Danvers or let her kill you.

Either way...

You lose.

Recognize this?

It's the same sword your sister used...

To kill Astra.

It's almost justice.

Alex, please wake up.

She can't hear you.

Revenge won't bring Astra back.

I don't want to bring her back.

I want you to join her.

Improved By: Fidel33
Sub Upload Date: April 12, 2016