Supercar (1961–1962): Season 2, Episode 10 - Jail Break - full transcript

A man hires a helicopter which he intends to use to break a criminal out of jail.

? Supercar ?

? With beauty and grace
fast as can be ?

? Watch it flying
through the air ?

? It travels in space or
under the sea ?

? And it can journey anywhere ?

? Supercar ?

? It travels on land or
roams the skies ?

? Through the heaven's
mighty rage ?

? Its Mercury man and
everyone cries ?

? It's the marvel of the age ?

? Supercar ?



[jazzy music]

- Seven more years
and 10 more days

nd they're gonna turn me loose.

Unless our little plan
works out, that is.

[bright music]

- Yeah.

Yeah, I get you, boss.

Yeah, it's a great scheme.

Sure, I'll get onto
them right away.

Yeah, I'll organize it.

Now, don't worry.

Joe Anna will be out of
jail 24 hours from now.


[dramatic music]

- You say, Mr. James, that
you want to hire a helicopter?

- That's right, Mr. Weston.

My job is aerial surveys,
making maps, you know.

And I wanna hire a
helicopter to take me around

so that I can get some
aerial photographs.

- Well, that's fine, we
can organize that.

When do you want to
do this work?

- Well, let's say
tomorrow just before noon.

- Well, I only have a
twin rotor job available,

which is far too big and
far too expensive

for this purpose.

- Don't worry about the cost.

You arrange for the helicopter,
I'll arrange for the money.

- All right, Mr. James.

I'll arrange for it to be
waiting for you

tomorrow morning.
I'll fly it myself.

- Good.

[dramatic music]

- Safety strats in
position, ready for test.

- Roger, Mike.
Good luck.

- Opening roof door.


Roof door's open.
- Good, Professor.

Are you ready, Mike?

- Quite ready.
- Right.

Then here we go.

Five, four, three,

two, one, zero.



[thrilling music]

- Wow, this is really something!

- Sure hope this is
gonna work, Mitch.

[Mitch grunting]

[thrilling music]

- Quick, Professor,
fire the retro rockets.

- Right, Beaker.


- He's gonna be okay, Mitch.

[Mitch grunting and screeching]

- Very good, it's going
to work fine.

- Yes, Professor, I think so.

Mike will now float
down to earth

without any parachute at all

and make a very gentle
landing in the desert.

[lilting music]

- Help!

Dr. Beaker!


Quickly, help!


[jazzy music]

- I don't get it.

I'm supposed to get the
word from those guys

about my escape.

I wonder whether the
cops have got 'em.

[jazzy music]

[rock thudding]

"Tie winch cable from
helicopter to cell bars,

then hold on.

Signed, Red James."

I don't get it.

I just don't get it.

Still, I'd better do
as they say.

Tomorrow, noon.

Okay, Red James,
I'm waiting for you.

[dramatic music]


- Hmm.

Yes, this job is a
little more involved

than I had at first thought.

- Say, are you still at it,
Doctor Beaker?

Didn't you get any
sleep last night?

- Eh?
Oh, hello, Mike.

No, um, as a matter
of fact, I didn't.

And I want to get this
new ejector seat

installed as soon as possible.

- But Doctor Beaker, Supercar
is pretty infallible.

I don't think we're ever
gonna need it, myself.

- Well, perfectly true, Mike.

It is unlikely, to
say the least,

that anything would go
wrong with Supercar,

but nevertheless, I want
to complete it.

- Okay, Doc, you're the boss.

- Don't ask me why, Mike,

but every new piece of
equipment I ever make

always seems to come in useful

and um, I have a
feeling that this one

will be no exception.

[Mitch grunting]

[Jimmy thudding]

[Mitch screeching]

- Oh, Mitch.

I told you to wake me up early,

but I didn't tell you
to tip me out of bed.

I just wanted to make
sure I was ready

before Doctor Beaker tested
the ejector seat again.

- Mm, delicious!

Absolutely delicious.

Ham and eggs, Mike, just the
sort of breakfast you need.

- You can say that again.

Beaker tells me he wants
to test the ejector seat

again this morning.
- That's right, Mike.

He reckons that he'll be
ready by midday.

- Yeah, I'm beginning
to feel like

one of those guys who's fired
out of a cannon at a circus.

Oh, well.

- [Receptionist] Oh, Mr. Weston,

Mr. Red James is
here to see you.

He has an appointment.

- Oh, yeah, yeah, er,
send him in, will you?

- [Receptionist] Surely, Mr.

Oh, Mr. Weston.
- Yeah?

- [Receptionist] Shall I
call the maintenance shed

and tell them to get the
helicopter ready?

- You do that.

Oh, good morning,
Mr. James, come in.

Please sit down.
- Thank you.

- They're just getting the
helicopter out,

we'll be ready in about
five minutes.

Where do you wanna go?

- The state pen.
- The state pen?

- That's what I said.

- Do you mind me asking you
what you wanna go there for?

- Not at all.
l want to organize a jailbreak.

[dramatic music]

- But you can't do that.

- Oh, yes I can.

Now, let's go and get
the helicopter.

- Eleven o'clock.

One hour to go and then I'll
be outta this joint for good.

[dramatic music]

- How's it going, Doc.?

- Oh, satisfactory.

Most satisfactory.

- When do you think you'll
be ready, Dr. Beaker,

for the second test?

- Um, shortly after midday,
I should think, Jimmy.

- Only a couple of hours, Mike,

and you'll be off on
your second test.

- Yes, Jimmy.

I sure hope Beaker knows
what he's doing.

This wiring
diagram's so involved

I don't know how anyone
can understand it.

[bright music]

- What does it feel like, Mike?

Being shot out of Supercar
at such a terrific speed?

- Well, it's an experience you
can well do without, Jimmy.

But I suppose it's not too bad.

- I hope you make a better
landing next time, Mike.

- Yeah, so do I.

- Mitch!

Mitch, stop it!

[laughing] Mitch!
Stop it, will you?


[helicopter whirring]

[suspenseful music]

- You'll never get away
with this, James.

- You wanna bet?
How much further?

- Just about a mile to go.

You can see it
straight ahead of us.

[jazzy music]

- Okay, Mr. Weston,

I want you to hover over
the pen as we discussed.

I'll be in the back
letting down the winch,

but remember, one false move

and I'll blow your brains out.

[helicopter whirring]

- Yeah, that's them.

That's them all right.
Right on time.

Now, what did the note say?

Tie the steel cable to the
bars of the cell window

and then hold on to
the cell window.

Okay, Red James,
anything you say.

Now, all I gotta do is tie
the cable round the bars

and then hold on tight.

- Okay, bud, give it the gun.

[helicopter whirring]


[jazzy music]

Okay, Weston, wind him up.

- Right, Doc, we'll just
make a routine cockpit check,

then I'm ready to go.

- We'll start by setting
the power supply, Mike.

- Roger, Dr. Beaker.
Checking power supplies.

[dramatic music]

- Hey, Weston, what's
that building down there?

- Oh, that?

That's the famous
Supercar laboratory.

- The Supercar laboratory, eh?

Well, our luck's in, isn't it?

Now, you just drop this
bird down in the desert.

Not too close.

I don't want that they
should hear the engines.

- Anything you say.

- Hey, Joe, your luck's in.

I'm going to arrange for
Mike Mercury in person

to fly you in
Supercar to Mexico.

They'll be looking for
this helicopter,

but they won't suspect Supercar.

- Well, that's mighty
nice of you, Red.

Might nice of you.

Do you think he'll cooperate?

- He'll cooperate all right.

[jazzy music]

- Check complete, Dr. Beaker.

- Roger, Mike.

Making final preparations
for the test now.

- How long will it be
now, Dr. Beaker?

Before you fire Mike out
of the cockpit?

- Oh, not long, Jimmy.

Eh, but Mike will be
firing himself this time.

I put a switch in the cockpit
to enable him to do so.

Let's hope he doesn't before

the roof doors
are open, Dr. Beaker.

- Oh, that is impossible,

I have so arranged the wiring

that the ejector seat
cannot be fired

unless the roof doors are open.

- Okay, Professor, safety
straps fitted.

- Good, Mike.

All right, Dr. Beaker,
all yours.

- Thank you, Professor.

Opening roof doors.

[doors whirring open]

[Mitch grunting]

Here we go, Mike.

Stand by for countdown.

- Standing by.

- Five, four, three,

two, one, zero.


[gun firing]

What on earth has happened?

- Hey, what goes on?

- I'll tell ya.

We got in here while you
were all busy testing

whatever it is you're testing.

Now, no one move,
any of you.

- Keep still, Jimmy,
they're armed.

- Er, what is it that
you um, gentlemen want?

- I wanna hitch a ride,
that's all.

And I've decided that I'm
gonna travel in style.

I want you, Mike Mercury, to
take me to Mexico in Supercar.

- Over my dead body.
- If you don't take me

that's just how it'll be,
Mike Mercury. [laughs]

[jazzy music]

Okay, Mike Mercury,
start the engine.

- Sure.
Charging starboard.

5000, 7000.

- Okay, now no funny stuff.

Otherwise the boy's gonna
get it, you understand?

- I understand.

- All right, Mr. James, you win.

There won't be any funny
business, I can assure you.

- 15,000.

- Allow me, Mike Mercury.

After all, I think I can
now claim to be

a member of the Supercar club.

Fire one.

- Roger, Mike, fire one.


- Charging port.

5000, 7000...

- You're doing just great,
Professor, just great.

If you wanna keep the boy alive
you just keep it that way.

- 13000, 15000, fire port.


Okay, we're ready for takeoff.

But just before we go,
let me tell you something.

You're not gonna get
away with this.

- Listen, Mike Mercury,

you're a pretty smart guy.

Well, let me tell you something.

Weston's tied up in his

out there in the desert.

I got a gun pointed
straight at your head.

Red James is covering the kid.

None of you dare do
nothing but what we say.

We'll get away with it.

Now get going.

The roof doors are open, Mike,

so you can go when you like.

- Eh, the codename we
will use for this flight

will be eject, Mike.

- I thought I told you not to try
any funny stuff, Dr. Beaker.

What do you mean by eject?

- Oh, uh... [clears throat]

Nothing, Mr. James.

We always use a codename
for every flight

for air traffic
regulations, you understand.

- You'd better be right,
Dr. Beaker.

You'd better be right.

- Do you understand?


- I get ya Doc, eject.

Here we go.
Full boost vertical.

[Supercar whooshing]

Height 2000 feet.

Changing to horizontal
flight, Over.

- Roger, Mike, over.

[thrilling music]

- Okay, Mike Mercury,
set course for Mexico.

- Sure. Turning onto one
eight zero magnetic.


It's getting kinda hot in here.

You mind if I open the canopy?

- Are you kidding?

I could do with some fresh air

after living in a
cell for a year.

- Ah, that's better.

Now we can breathe.

Say, what's going on up there?

- Oh, uh, nothing.

They have just set
course for Mexico

and they have opened
the canopy of Supercar

to get a little fresh air.

Nothing wrong with that,
is there?

- Nothing at all, Dr. Beaker.

Let's hope it stays that way.

[thrilling music]

- Hey, we're coming over
the Supercar workshop again.

What gives?

I was hoping you'd ask me that

because I'm gonna show you.

Now, just watch this.

I'm gonna throw this switch.


- Help!

Hey, help!

Can you hear me down there?

This is Joe Anna.


Can you hear me?

- Hello, Joe, we can hear you.
What is the trouble?

- [Joe] There's been an
explosion in the car!

Mike Mercury blown clean
outta the roof!

I'm on my own up here.

You gotta help me!

- What's happened?

- I uh, I really wish
I knew, my dear chap.

It is obvious that there
is something very wrong.

- Well, don't just sit there.

Without a pilot,
Supercar will crash, won't it?

- Oh, uh, Professor,

you had better take
Supercar on remote control.


- All right, I have Supercar
under control from here.

- You mean you can fly
that thing from here?

- Yes, Mr. James, we can.

- Well, that's just great,
isn't it?

Bring Supercar back and
land it in the workshop.

We'll have to start all
over again, won't we?

[playful music]

- Oh, no, not again.

[glass breaking]

[Mitch shrieking]

- Good boy, Mitch.

- Quick, Jimmy, get his gun.

- And I will bring
Supercar in to land.

- One moment, Professor,
one moment.

Beaker calling Supercar.

Joe Anna, can you hear me?

- Yeah, I can hear
you, Dr. Beaker.

What do you want me to do?

I'll do anything, but
please just get me down.

- Eh, Supercar is hovering
directly over the workshop.

Throw your gun over the side

so that it lands in the
workshop itself.

When you have done this, we
will bring you in to land.

If you don't, we will
tip Supercar upside down

and throw you out.

- Okay, Doc.

Don't tip Supercar upside down.

I'll throw my gun out.

Yeah, I can see the
workshop directly below me.

Here it comes.

- All right, Joe.

We are waiting.

[gun thuds]

All right, Professor, you
can bring him down now.

- Looks as if he's gonna be
out for some time, Dr. Beaker,

but I'm watching him.

- Say, what's happened
to Red James?

I thought he was supposed
to be looking after things.

- I think he underestimated
the intelligence of monkeys.

- Yeah.

And I ain't so dumb as I look.

I got another gun.

I always carry a spare.

- Well, hmm, now who's a fool?

- Guess I'll have to
finish my journey

by helicopter after all.

But first, I got a
little job to do.

I'm gonna have to
eliminate all of youse.

Now, stand up, 'cause I
don't wanna miss.

[Mitch grunting]

Now, who's first?

I think the ape, because
he caused all the trouble.

- Please, Mr. James, he
was only doing

what he thought was right.
- Ah, shut up.

[gun firing]
[Joe groaning]

- Okay, Joe, the game's up!

- You?

How did you get in here?

- I came in while you were busy

doing whatever it was you
were gonna do.

- Okay, Professor, you'd
better phone the police.

- I don't know how to thank
you enough, Mike Mercury.

- Oh, don't thank me.

Thank the Doc here.

It was his invention
that saved you.

- Well, Mike, didn't I tell you

all my inventions
come in useful.

- Yep, I guess you're right,

- Well, I've phoned the police

and they'll be here
very shortly.

- Oh, good, Professor, good.

Um, our friends look none too
comfortable at the moment.

[Mitch grunting]
- No. No, Mitch.

Mitch boy?
Be careful now.

- Gee, Dr. Beaker, I'm
glad to see Mr. James

scared like that,

but I sure hope that Mitch
doesn't pull that trigger.

- Oh, don't worry, Jimmy.

I was careful to remove
all the bullets

before I gave Mitch the gun.

Yes, um, interesting.

Most interesting, you know.

It always follows that people
who throw their weight about

are usually terrible cowards.

- Now, boy, I don't
wanna harm you.

- Now, don't point that
gun towards me.

Point it in some
other direction.

- What do you mean point
it in another direction?

What about me?

- No, no, no, no Mitch,
not to me.

- Nope, over there, boy.
No, no, not here!

[jazzy music]

[Supercar whirring]

Subtitles: Kilo