Super Little Fanta Heroes (1998–…): Season 1, Episode 36 - The Thief of Baghdad, Part 1 - full transcript

Fine pottery vases made by skilled craftsmen!

Each one an exquisite work of art!

Purchase carpets made from the wool of mountain sheep,

guaranteed to last a lifetime!

Fine materials, spun from the best silk, light to the touch.

A joy to wear!

It’s getting harder and harder to find

a real bargain these days.

Let me see.

This might be just what I’m looking for,

but I can’t make up my mind.

Buy my sheep and have your own milk and wool at home!




Of all the marvels in the world, I have the greatest to show you!

Based on ancestral wisdom...


Hey! Stop that thieving kid!

Stop him!

Stop him! Stop that kid!

He stole from my stand!

Don’t let him get away!

(crowd gasps)

Stop that thieving kid!


King Ahmad, son of Akbar,

grandson of al-Rasheed the Great.

Stand for King Ahmad, Lord of the Earth,

defender of the faith,

servant of Allah, master of all men.

Ahmad the King!




(crowd gasps)

That’s the fourth execution this month.

Why was that man sentenced to death?

He was dangerous to you.

A free thinker, My Lord.

There is nowhere in our books of the law

where it says that thinking is a crime, Jaffar.

Subjects who think for themselves

are a danger to any monarch, Sire.

My subjects are not dogs.

They have the right to think for themselves.

The common people are not like us, Sire.

They cheat and lie, and cannot be trusted.

They are always biting the hand that feeds them.

And there are only three things, Sire, that they respect:

The whip, the yoke, and the sword.

It is only by using those three weapons with determination

that you keep the people under control, Sire.

With the people at your feet and with me to advise you,

one day you will be the master of the world, My Lord.

I have no wish to be the master of the world.

Is that so? Then what is your greatest ambition, Sire?

All I really want is a peaceful, happy life for all my subjects.

That kind of sentiment is doomed to failure.

If you will not heed my words,

perhaps there is another way to convince you.

One day, why don’t you go out of the palace

and mingle with the people in the marketplace?

Listen to their grumbling.

When you hear all of the bad things

they have to say about you,

only a fool would not change his mind, My Lord.

You’re right, Jaffar!

I’ll do as you say tomorrow.

Very well, my King, so you will see for yourself,

and I will accompany you.

Buy my sheep and have your own milk and wool at home!

This is a very unusual experience.

I have never been so close to my people.

Go closer and don’t forget what I said.

Observe and remember.

Allah is wise and merciful, and he will never abandon you.

He will help you bear your trials and tribulations.

There was once a rich and evil king

who turned his back on his people,

because his lust for power was so great

it obscured his quest for justice.

Excuse me, is the old man only telling a story,

or is what he says true?

I’m sorry, but I’m not allowed to have an opinion of my own.

Well, what I want to know is

if he’s speaking about your king or not.

Keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you!

Here in Baghdad, there are spies everywhere.

But I am a stranger in your city.

I know nothing about what goes on here.

I beg you, do me a favor and tell me

what the old man is talking about.

About all the dreams, the hopes, and the illusions

of the poor people who have the misfortune to live here.

He says one day a man will come and free us,

but how can that be as long as Ahmad reigns over us?

All those who dare to voice a complaint

against the tyrant, even within the walls of their own homes,

were carried off in the dead of night,

never to be heard from again,

or to be beheaded in the palace yard.

Only an old wise man gave the people a measure of comfort

with his prophecy.

One day, he told them, a man will appear who will

destroy the tyrant and free you from the yoke of oppression,

and you will recognize him from these signs.

He will not be tall in stature,

but to see him you will have to look up to the heavens,

for he will appear on the horizon,

riding on a cloud sweeping across the sky towards the city.

He will bring with him the promise of a better life.

And from the sky, he will reap vengeance on the tyrant,

by shooting him with the arrow of justice.

Who is this man who is going to free us?

I wonder what his name is.

-It’s Abu. -He said his name was Abu.

I can’t wait for him to get here!

Keep your voices down!

He has never said that this is the city

the prophecy talks about.

Of course this is the city!

Where else is there a tyrant like Ahmad?

Go over to that group of conspirators

and arrest him as a traitor.

If he tries to tell you he’s the King,

tell people he is a raving lunatic!

Then kill anybody who interferes!

Go now.

He mustn’t get away with this.


I am the king!

Don’t listen to him!

He is a raving madman!


Maybe I can do something if I get myself arrested

with the King.


(coins hitting the ground)



That boy’s a thief!

Arrest him!

Arrest him!



To the cell!

Have mercy!

Tomorrow you will both die for your crimes,

beheaded and quartered.

By order of the great Sultan, Jaffar,

you will only be beheaded because you are a common thief.



Please, don’t kill me!

I don’t want to die!

Maybe you can beseech the Great Sultan Jaffar

to have you hanged upside down on the city walls.


Think about it, boy!

You’ll save your head, but the birds will peck out

both your eyes while you are still alive!





I feel sorry for you.

What have those monsters done to you?

Have they tortured you?

Have they driven you crazy?

No, you’re the one they say is crazy.

I always act like this!

But, I don’t think you look crazy at all.

The truth is that in the whole city of Baghdad

there is no one more crazy than I am,

but, what difference does it make?

Your destiny and mine has already been decided

by the Great Sultan Jaffar,

and there is nothing we can do to change it.

Tomorrow morning a crazy conspirator and a young thief

will leave this world forever, and it’s not fair.

I don’t want to die.

You’re not going to die, Sire.

Tomorrow morning I assure you that instead of the executioner,

you will see the sun rise over the river as we head toward

the sea and safety.

I have never seen the sea, but they say it stretches

beyond the horizon and that the wind blows boats

across it to the four corners of the world.

You are a poor dreamer.

Tomorrow the executioner’s sword will cut off our heads

and that will be the end for us.

You can tell me anything you like,

but it won’t change the fact that the Great Sultan Jaffar

wants to see me dead.


I have the key to the cell door.

I stole it from the head guard.

The key to the cell door?

Give it to me immediately.

No, no.

You must be patient.

This is not the right time to escape.

We have to wait until the guards have had their dinner

and fill their bellies with wine.

Then, they’ll fall asleep for sure,

and that’s when we’ll open the door and walk right past them.

Hey, what are you doing just standing there?

Come and help me with this rope.

We’ve got to get away from here as fast as we can,

if not, they’ll catch up with us.

And, if they do, believe me,

they won’t have any pity for me or you!

Speak for yourself.

Nobody would ever dare hurt Ahmad the King.

If you tell people you’re the King, they won’t believe you.

They’ll just think you’re crazy.

But I am Ahmad the King.

That traitor, Jaffar, lured me into a trap

and had me thrown into prison.

But I remember you.

You were on the palace wall during the execution yesterday.

I am not the one who orders the executions.

That’s Jaffar’s doing.

It was he who suggested I go to the marketplace

in disguise to listen to the voice of my subjects,

and while I was there, he had his guards arrest me.

Well, all I can say is that whatever the future holds

for us, we’ll have to depend on our wits,

for no one will want to help a thief

and a man who pretends to be mad.

I will be your slave, Sire.

Allow me to steal with only one hand,

and I will fill your pockets with riches

and give you back your throne.

What is your name?

Tell me about yourself.

I am Abu the Thief.

My father was Abu the Thief,

and my grandfather was Abu the Thief too!

My family has always had a deep dislike

for treachery and injustice.

That’s why I allowed myself to be arrested.

Their dungeons are like a second home to me

and it was the only way I could set you free, Sire,

because I am your humble servant.

I will follow you wherever you decide that you want to go.


There’s no time to lose.

Stand up, Abu.

I’ve decided to return to Baghdad.

Anywhere except Baghdad, Sire.

A dead King and a dead thief are worth less than a false coin.

The wisdom of your words belies your tender age, Abu.

The wind is our friend.

It will give us our freedom.

I’ve had everything there is to have in life, except my freedom.

Look, Abu! That’s the city of Basra!

Fresh fruit! The best fresh fruit!

You’ll never find fruit like this!


Basra looks like a pretty exciting city.

Don’t you think, Abu?

Excuse me, may I ask you a question?

Who does this palace, with all the guards, belong to?

This palace is the home of the most famous

Sultan in all the world.

I’m surprised the two of you have never heard of him.

We are new here.

Why is he so famous?

Why, for his wonderful collection

of mechanical toys, of course.

I can’t believe you’ve never heard of it.

Well sir, I’ve never even heard of mechanical toys.

They move by themselves as if they were alive.

It’s the only collection of its kind in the world.

Our Sultan loves his toys very much.

Now, I must go, I’m afraid I have no more time to waste

on two good-for-nothings like you.

May Allah protect you.


(yelling in fear)


What are you doing?

Let me go! Are you crazy?

Get out of here before she comes!

Save yourself before it’s too late!

What do you mean, "Before she comes?"

Who’s coming?

The Princess is coming!

What’s going on? Why is everyone running away?

Don’t they want to see her?

If the guards catch you looking at her, you’re dead!

For just looking at her?

What are you talking about?

Nobody is allowed to see her face

until the Sultan gets her married off!



Come on, Ahmad!

Come on!

Let’s find a place to hide!


Here she comes now.

In the market, I met an old friend of mine.

He’s a sailor.

His name is Sinbad.

He said we can sail away with him whenever we like.

You go with him, Abu.

I’ve decided to stay here.

Your curiosity might cost us our lives

if we stay here, Ahmad.

I know you’re right, Abu, but I have to see her again,

whatever happens.

I’ll stay here with you, but after you’ve seen her again,

we leave, all right?

Yeah, sure we will, Abu.

Don’t worry about it.



Over here!

Over here!

There’s a genie in the water!

I saw him!

Hey! Wait for me!

There’s a genie in the pond! I saw a genie!

Princess, don’t go near the water!

Princess, there’s a genie in the pond!

He’s in the water!

I saw him with my own eyes!

Don’t go there!

It might be dangerous!

Did you say a genie?

I want to see him at once!

Tell me the truth, beautiful princess.

This vision of me scares you, doesn’t it?

Then, why don’t you run away from the pond

like your handmaidens did?

Because if I run away, how will I ever know

who you are, or where you come from?

Very well, I suppose you can do as you like, but remember,

whenever you talk to me, you must speak the truth

because we genies always know when people

are lying and it makes us very upset.

I never lie, and I’m not lying when I say

you seem to be a good person.

I am a good person, Princess.

And, do you live in the water?

No, of course not.

Then, I don’t understand.

What are you doing in there?

I wanted to admire you.

Then, you must know I come to bath in this pond,

but how can I today if you are in the water?

Don’t be afraid.

Nothing will happen to you.

I came to admire you, not to hurt you.

But, it’s against the rules of palace etiquette

for me to bath with someone else in the water.

If you give me your hand, Princess,

you will soon see there is nothing to be afraid of.


Oh, genie!

Where are you?

I didn’t want you to go away.

Where are you?

Oh, genie! Genie, where have you gone?

Please come back to me!

I’ll be very sad if I never see you again.

Come back, please!

I didn’t want to make you go away!




No, I beg you Princess,

there’s nothing to be afraid of.

I swear I’d never do anything to hurt you.

But, first you’re in the water.

Now you’re standing here.

Where do you come from?

Who are you?

I beg you to consider me your humble servant, Princess.

You didn’t answer my questions.

Who are you? Where do you come from?

I set out to find you a long, long time ago from the border

that separates life from death.

Well, now that you’re here and you’ve found me,

what is your plan?

Will you stay, or will you go back

to where you came from?

Now that I’ve found you, how could I possibly leave?

When will I ever find greater beauty

than I see before me now?


Forward, men!

Will you come into the gardens again tomorrow

to bathe in the pond, Princess?

I can’t see you again; it’s too dangerous.

If the palace guards find you, they’ll throw you in prison.

You mean I must never come back?

If you don’t, you will break my heart.


See you tomorrow.


Well, what happened?

Did you see her?

Yes, and she’s more beautiful than I ever dreamed.

Well, now you’ve seen her.

There’s no reason for us to stay here any longer, right?

Well, actually, I’m in no hurry to leave, Abu.

But, you just said you saw her.

That means there’s no point staying!

You don’t understand.

It was she who begged me not to leave.

Well, if you’re going to stay, I’ll leave on my own,

but I can’t walk out on you now.

How will you get past the guards without me?

You’re a real friend, Abu.

I can’t believe you did that, getting yourself

arrested to help me.

Are you really prepared to do that again?

Since Allah deprived me of my wisdom,

I am more crazy than you.

I will follow you wherever you decide that you want to go.



You are welcome in my humble house.

I have been waiting anxiously for you to arrive,

My Lord, Jaffar.

It is an honor for me to be here, Sire.

Your hospitality is renowned throughout the land

like the wonders that lie within your walls.



This way, My Lord.

It gives me great delight to hear that you know

about my collection of living mechanisms, My Lord.

It is the talk of the East, Sire.



Just between you and me, My Lord,

I love my living toys more than my subjects.



Look at that, My Lord!

Isn’t it the most wonderful thing you ever saw?




As far as I know, nobody else has a collection like this.

I have no doubt your collection is unique, Sire,

but with all due respect, to make it complete,

you need to add a piece that’s missing.



I have all the pieces there are!

There is nothing missing.


You cannot say nothing is missing until you have seen

the wonder of wonders I brought with me.



Wind it up with this key, Sire, see how it works.


Tell me, My Lord, what will it do after I’ve wound it up?

I suggest you mount up and see for yourself.

Nothing’s happening, perhaps it’s broken.

It’s waiting for instructions, Sire, pull on the reigns.

(horse whinnying)



Oh, I want it.

I can’t live without it.

How much do you want for it?

What is its price, My Lord?

I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist it.

It’s yours, Sire, and there is only one thing

I desire in return.

Anything, I will give anything to possess this wonderful horse.

I want to marry your daughter.

Why, I mean, why have you chosen my daughter?

It’s time I founded my own dynasty.


A noble thought, but my daughter is unworthy of you.

Allah has been most unkind to me.

He gave me a daughter with a fat, deformed face, My Lord.

The rest of her body is desperately thin

and out of proportion,

and her eyes are set so deep, they are like--

They are like two shining gems.

You can say what you like, Sire.

"Allah has been most unkind to me.

My daughter is fat with a deformed face.

Her body is as thin as a rake and out of proportion."

I know it’s not true.

How can you possibly know what my daughter is like?

You’ve never seen her!

On the contrary, Sire.

I have seen her many times.

But she has never been seen outside the palace.

How could you see her?

I’ve admired her beauty in my crystal ball.

Am I to understand you are an expert magician, My Lord?


Oh, woe is me.

My life is worth nothing if I can’t have this wonderful horse.

My daughter is yours, My Lord.

There is only one thing I can do to avoid

marrying that horrible man.

I’ll escape to Damascus and take refuge in my uncle’s house.

Minora, I want you to go down to the garden

and find that young man we all thought was a genie

and tell him I wish him to escort me to Damascus.

Great Sultan, your daughter, the Princess, has disappeared!

We’ve searched everywhere for her!

But we did find two beggars hiding in the garden, Sire.

How dare anyone hide in my garden.

Bring them here!

Yes, Sire.



Finally our paths cross again, Jaffar.

This man is a dirty traitor, Great Sultan.

Look into my eyes.




What happened, my eyes, everything’s black?

I can’t see anything.

What’s he done to you, he won’t get away with this?

Everyone must know the truth!

This man’s not a beggar, he’s--

You have said more than enough, you insolent puppy.

Now you will lose your human aspect and start to bark.


Now you know what happens to those who challenge Jaffar.

I have taken the sight from your eyes

and you will wander the realm of darkness

until the day I shall have the satisfaction

of making the foolish princess my wife.

Much time has passed.

After she rode out of the palace into the night,

the princess disappeared into thin air.

In the city of Basra, with its bustling market,

old men reminisce about the past.

Traders sell their wares, and a young blind man

and his dog solicit the generosity of passers by.

Month after month, year after year,

Ahmad and Abu eked out their poverty-stricken existence,

until one day...

So what can you tell me about the fate of the princess?

I have heard that she fell asleep, Great Master,

and has never woken up.

What about the blind man and his dog?

I found them, they live by begging on the streets of Basra,

but where they live, I don’t know.

Very well, your next job is to employ a strategy

to make him follow you to the palace.

At once, My Lord.

Your every wish is my command.

Sooner or later, my sleeping beauty, you will wake up!

Then, my magic will force you to love me

and you will be mine forever!

Now you know how Abu and I ended up like this.

I am condemned to roam the world until I find

the woman of my dreams, if that is Allah’s will, before I die.

Well, now you may give thanks to Allah

because this is your lucky day.

The woman you have been seeking for so long is in this palace.

I beg you, do not make fun of a poor, blind man.

She was carried off by pirates, then sold as a slave.

She was bought by a rich merchant.

He took her home, but as soon as she entered his palace,

she fell into a deep sleep and has never woken up.

Then she talks in her sleep, invoking the genie in the water.

She thinks that I am the genie of the water.


If that is so, then only you can wake her up

and bring her back to life.

Take me to her, there is nothing I desire more.

Someone’s caressing my hair.

It is I, Princess, your humble servant who dares to touch you.

Who are you?

Where do you come from?

I set out in search of you from the border

that separates life from death.


Oh, it’s you, you found me again!

That makes me so happy!

You know what you have to do.

What’s the matter with your eyes, Ahmad?

You can’t gaze deeply into the fire as long as I have

and not get burned.


The Master has returned.

Come with me, we have to hide you.

The Princess will come get you later.


Abu, look after the Princess, just as you would

take care of me, watch over her well.


Please, you have to tell me, he’s going blind, isn’t he?

Don’t worry, if you wish, you can help him

to get his sight back, there is a very eminent doctor

who has just arrived in Basra.

If you go to him right away, he will heal him.

Then you must take me to him as soon as possible!

Where can I find the doctor?

Is he on the ship?

He’s expecting you, my Lady.



Look who we have here, just can’t seem to get rid of you.

Even as a dog, you still talk too much.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Throw him overboard!


Jaffar, what are you doing here?

I was told there was a doctor on the ship

that will be able to give Ahmad back his sight.


I am the doctor you are waiting for.

Ahmad will regain his sight only after I have embraced you.

If that’s the only way, then embrace me, Jaffar.


Be merciful to a poor, blind beggar.


I can see.


Ahmad, the spell is broken, look over here!

Abu, is that you?


What’s happened to the Princess?

Jaffar is keeping her prisoner on that ship.

We have to find some way to get out to that a-cursed ship.

Oh, look, it’s Ahmad!

Roll ye mighty storms winds, sweep away all before you.

Obscure the very sky with your waves!

Let no one in your path escape my wrath

and the fury of my vengeance!

(lightning striking)

Unleash the full power of your lightning bolts!

Let no one be spared the blinding inferno of my rage!

Ahmad, where are you?

It’s Abu, can you hear me?

Helmsmen, set a course for Basra!

Why are you out here in the garden, my dear?

It makes me so sad to see you out here in the garden

now that all the flowers are withered.

To me, it’s the most beautiful garden in the world!

It’s the only place I’ve ever known true happiness!

It’s where I first met Ahmad.

Don’t make me go to Baghdad with Jaffar.

My poor child, I can’t bear to see you suffer so.

I will never let anyone take you away from Basra.

Prepare the ship for our immediate departure for Baghdad.




I’m finally free!


King Solomon imprisoned me in that infernal bottle

2000 years ago, I am finally free of his curse!


My life can begin again, but yours is over!

Wait, please, Great Giant,

there is something I have to know before I die!


What could a wretched insect like you need to know?

You are larger than any mountain!

I can’t believe it’s possible for someone like you

to fit into such a small bottle!

Are you saying that I’m lying, that it’s not true?

I’m just saying, I think you’ve tricked me somehow!

No one dares to doubt my word and lives to tell!

I don’t believe it’s possible,

unless I see you get this small with my own eyes!

You little worm.

Before I let you die, I’ll show you

that nothing is impossible for me!

And, when I’ve made you believe that, only then will you die.


What do you think you’re doing?

Let me out of here!

You said nothing was impossible for you.

Well, what are you going to do now, my friend?

Don’t leave me in here.

I beg you, please!

I’m going to throw you back into the sea

and no one will ever set you free again.

I hope you drift forever, far away from here!

Don’t do it, I can fulfill all your greatest wishes.

What are you talking about?

You are now my lord and master.

I have been given the power to grant you three wishes.

How can I believe you?

Swear it’s the truth!

May the Great King Solomon, Lord of all giants,

imprison me here forever if I’m lying.

I swear it.

Let me out and I will grant you three wishes.

And, do you promise you will never threaten

to kill me ever again?

I promise!

Or else remain forever captive in this bottle?

I swear to you by all that is sacred, My Master.

Great Lord and Master, you need but tell me your will

and I shall obey.

Well now, that’s a lot better.

I guess you know now not to joke with me.

I’m so hungry, I can’t think straight.

I wish I had one of those tasty kabobs they sell in Baghdad.

Remember, you still have two wishes remaining,

Lord and Master.

Give me your command and they will be fulfilled.

Ah, let me think.

I sure wish I knew where my poor friend Ahmad is.

To know that, you must look into the Great Stone Eye.

Well, give it to me then!

It is beyond my power to give it to you!

All I can do is take you to the temple where you will

be able to find it.

I’ll steal it!

As you wish, Master.

Hold on to my hair and don’t let go.

Don’t try any tricks, and remember

this is not one of my wishes if I have to do all the work.


In the name of Allah, where are we going?

We are going to the highest point in the world,

where the sky and the earth are as one.

It is there, in the Temple of the Dawn,

that you will find the Goddess of Light.

You will recognize her by the gem set

in the center of her forehead.

That is the Stone Eye.

When you gaze into it, you will be able to see anything

happening anywhere in the world.

Now Master, let’s see just how good a thief you are.


Genie, Genie, quick, open the door!

I’ve got it!

This must be the Stone Eye.

It was just where you told me it was.

Without that, the Goddess won’t be able to see

what’s happening in the world for at least

another thousand years.

Will I be able to see what happened

to my friend, Ahmad, with this?

Gaze into the stone and you will see what you wish to know.

Where is he?


Genie, take me to him as quickly as you possibly can!

Your wish is my command, Little Master.

Ahmad, it’s me, Abu.

Don’t be afraid.

Allah, protect us, have mercy on me, please.

Don’t worry, this giant has to obey my every command.

I’m his master, isn’t that so, Genie?

Stop wasting time!

What are you doing there just gawking at us?

Let’s get moving, carry us away from here.

You can order me to do anything you like, Master.

No, you’re trying to trick me, Genie.

He can only grant me three wishes

and I’ve already used up two.

If I could just see the princess one more time before I die,

that would be the most wonderful wish I could ever hope for.

That’s easy, we can do that without using up my last wish.

All you have to do is look into this gem.

Just gaze deeply into the stone and you’ll see her, Ahmad.

What an enchanting flower.

I recognize that flower, it’s the flower of oblivion.

Whoever smells it forgets everything, even who they are.

It’s absolutely exquisite.

Do you have any idea who you are?

I can’t seem to remember.

I don’t know.

Are you saying you don’t remember anything

at all about your terrible suffering?

Did I say I’ve suffered?

I don’t feel like I’ve suffered at all.

I suppose all women suffer for love at one time or another,

but, I would say I actually feel quite content.

I’ve seen enough, I’d rather be blind

than to be forgotten like this.

I wish I had never met her, and then I could just go and die.

You could be a little more grateful to me, Ahmad!

If I were only in Baghdad now, I could make her remember me.

I wish you were there, too.

Ahmad, Ahmad, what happened to you, where did you go?

Now, your friend Ahmad is in Baghdad, Master,

just as you commanded me.

We must hurry, Genie.

We have to follow after him.

There is no time to lose.

You’ve not been very shrewd, My Little Master.

You thought you had the world at your feet,

but you’ve used up all your wishes, so I’m free!

Free again at last!


I beg you, Genie, come back!

Don’t leave me here all by myself.

I’m sorry if I was mean to you.

Please don’t leave me stranded here!

-Jaffar! -Huh?

Ahmad, it’s you!

After him!

(men yelling)

Take them to the dungeon and put them in chains.

Tomorrow we’ll see the last of them.

Please forgive me.

It was foolish of me to think I could rescue you.

It doesn’t matter now, at least we’re finally together.

And we will always be together now, even after death.

There’s only one regret I have, that I can’t tell Abu

how much his friendship meant to me.

If you can hear me now, Abu, do not think ill of me.

I have failed both you and the Princess.

Please forgive me, farewell.

No Ahmad, don’t give up!

I’ll find a way to save you somehow.

There must be a way.

But what, what can I do stuck here with this wretched stone?

You’ve done nothing but cause trouble.

You’re worthless!


You are most welcome, my cunning young Prince.


I don’t know what you mean, Sire, I’m not a prince.

I wish I were, the truth is I’m nothing more than a lowly thief.

Whoever you are, we’ve been waiting for you

for over 2000 years.

This crossbow is for you.

Use it only against evil.

I am very grateful, Sire, but I don’t want to be a prince.

I just need to help a good friend of mine who is in danger.

Your friend is very fortunate to have you to help him.

If you are steadfast and courageous, you will save him.

Never doubt the justice of your cause.

Everything in my kingdom I will bequeath to you, one day.

For you too shall be king, but be very sure that no harm

ever comes to this carpet.

For I shall need it again after it has served you in your task.

It is a magic carpet, and with a simple command

it will whisk you through the sky,

wherever you want to go.

Use it wisely.

When the time comes, this carpet will bear me to paradise.

(crowd whispering)

All Mighty Allah, I thank you for my good fortune

and promise that I will never steal again,

but I need this carpet now to save my friend, Ahmad.

Grant me the strength and cunning to return it safely

to this great and generous King.

I beseech you, oh wise and benevolent one,

watch over him kindly and when the time comes,

lead him safely to paradise.

I command you great carpet,

rise into the air and carry me swiftly to Baghdad!

It’s like a dream!


You swine!

At last.

(horse whinnying)

From this day forward, my friends,

let peace and justice reign.

With the help of Allah the Great and Benevolent,

let us banish evil and injustice.

I stand before you thanks to the courage

of a clever little thief, my dear friend, Abu.

When he becomes a man, I am sure we will all be speaking

of Abu the Great of Baghdad.

But first, I want to invite him

to choose from amongst our finest schools,

so that the riches of our--


Ahmad, you have settled down now and will no doubt

be a great king, but I am young and have no time

to listen to the teachings of old men, farewell!

On the carpet I can go anywhere I want

and learn about the world.

I already know more about Baghdad

than most people learn in a lifetime.

Now, I want to see what the rest of this vast world has to offer.

May Allah protect you!