Strike Back (2010–2018): Season 8, Episode 9 - Episode #8.9 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You're saying we had a man
inside your organization?

I don't know
if I can control him.

You just need to get him
to follow the plan.

Can you forgive me now?

We needed a terrorist to package
to the idiots in Parliament.

So, you just created
Zayef Hijari?

We're on the blacklist.

They can do anything
they want to us.

Make sure no one gets out.

- Move!
- You go.

There's too many of them.
Think of it as my last order.

We need this right?
To clear our names?

You need to trust me
on this one.

I'm sorry, sir.
I won't let them bury this.

Here are some words
from your superiors in Moscow.

‐ Hey.

‐ Raise your arms.

‐ We agreed, no weapons.

‐ Well, you made
the agreement with him.

And I've never met you
before, Dmitri.

So I don't trust ya.
Arms up.

‐ That is okay.

Maybe Dmitri's heard
about soldiers on the run,

a price on their heads, maybe.

‐ I hope Dmitri's not
considering cashing in.

‐ It would hardly
be worth the effort.

So... to business?

‐ I'm sorry, did you say
"hardly worth the effort"?

‐ For some of you, yes.

‐ Okay, out of the three of us,

who would have the highest
price on their head?

- Wyatt.
- I'm just asking.

‐ It is not a competition, no?

‐ But if it was, hmm?


Hostiles inbound.

I repeat, hostiles inbound.

- These your cameras?
- I placed them myself.

‐ We have someone down there.

‐ I don't see anyone.

‐ I'll call the front desk.

‐ Bravo Two, sitrep.

Comms are dead.

‐ It's ringing,
but that guy's not answering.

‐ This feed isn't live.

‐ I swear, this was not me.

‐ Bravo Two, come in.


‐ Target one down.

‐ I'm locked out of my own feed.

Someone else is controlling it.

We may have a problem.

I don't suppose
you brought any guns.

Go, go, go!

‐ Checking adjoining rooms.

‐ Hey!

‐ Who do you work for?

Who sent you?

‐ It's an agency op.

‐ Sitrep, come in.

Come in.


- Oi!
- Huh?

‐ What the fuck was that
and who the fuck are you?

‐ Their orders were to subdue,

I'm only here to talk.

‐ Oh, 'cause nothing
says conversation

like tear gas and Tasers.

‐ Carolyn Fortier.

Senior Supervisor,
Directorate of Operations.

‐ CIA, yes, we know.

We also know that you launched
a drone strike on our position.

‐ And a fucking clean‐up crew
on top of that.

‐ Would it help if I apologized?

Because I need your help
finding someone.

‐ We don't know where
Lance Corporal Chetri is.

‐ But you're looking for her.

If the information
that she has goes public,

she will make Snowden look like
a schoolyard snitch.

‐ Look, maybe we don't
agree with what she did.

We'll be fucked
if we're chasing her

just so you mongrels
can go bone her on the patio.

‐ See you around.

‐ You realize
they will kill her.

Our governments won't let her
walk away from this.

It doesn't have to be that way.

‐ You're afraid she has
a dead man's switch.

Anything happens to her,
the information gets released.

‐ That would suck.

Imagine people finding out

that you were complicit
in funding terrorists.

‐ Well, right now
we have a lead on her.

She was flagged entering Zagreb
about an hour and a half ago.

We've set up
a temporary ops room.

Helo inbound to take you there.

- We don't work for you.
- Then work for yourselves.

If the information that Lance
Corporal Chetri has goes loud,

you are finished.

But if you secure it,
you save your soldier

and you get your old lives back.

So... ooh.


‐ Hey, nice shirt, bro.

‐ Um, thanks... bro.

‐ This is where your
Lance Corporal was flagged

entering the city.

‐ Have you tried
MI6 safe houses?

‐ Of course.

‐ Any information
on why she's here?

‐ May be a safe city
for a rendezvous.

- Cell phone?
- Offline.

Most likely have any alerts
bounced to remote servers

so she can't be traced.

‐ She's using burner phones
to make calls, yeah?

Maybe I can get her
to message me from a burner.

‐ Then we could trace her, yes.

Do you think you can
get her to do that?

‐ I can give it a whirl, ma'am.

Just get me set up.

Do you reckon we're
doing the right thing here?

‐ Took these guys less than
a day to track us down

and send in a squad.

I don't wanna be looking
over my shoulder

the rest of my life.

‐ I was talkin'
more about Chetri.

You know, protecting her
from this lot.

She's still part of the team.

Oi, it's me.

You're an asshole,

and you've kind of fucked us.


all kinds of nasty
stuff out there.

And the hardest part‐‐
I'm bloody proud of ya.

Made a tough decision,
you stuck with it,

and that takes
some serious guts.

So I'm not here to make you
change your mind.

Just want you to message me,
tell me you're okay.

I know it's tough out there.

I worry about you.

It's me.

You're an asshole,
and you've kind of fucked us.

‐ It's not gonna work.

Studies show soldiers
who go AWOL

are less likely to reach out
to former teammates

due to feelings of guilt.

‐ Bullshit.

‐ There are stats to back it up.

‐ Oh, yeah? You ever
actually been in the field?

You ever had a buddy
on your back,

or you sit behind a monitor
all day just jerking off?

‐ Okay, I'm sensing
some hostility here.

I apologize
if all this‐‐this technology

is making you feel redundant.

‐ Well, if we were redundant,

you wouldn't have begged
for our help.

- Oh, Jesus.
- Tell me you're okay.

I know it's tough out there.

I worry about you.

It worked.

- We have a trace.
- Fuck your statistics.

‐ Café Capital, 15 minutes away.

‐ We call the shots on this one,

and if I even get a hint

of another plan of action
going on‐‐

‐ We'll piggyback on your comms.

You're designated Alpha.

‐ Attention Alpha and Bravo...

‐ Sergeant Wyatt.

I am sorry for what was done.

You've been a good soldier
for us.

That has not gone unappreciated.

‐ Tango approaching
subject locale.

‐ Mark Weathercombe.
File is up.

‐ British Royal Military Police,

Special Investigations branch.

Clean record.
No known flags.

‐ Alpha Team,
you're eight minutes out.

‐ This is my identification.

This is a document
which gives you immunity

from any actions occurred
or occurring

from the information
that you are sharing.

‐ We could start with a hello.

‐ You're blowing the whistle
on illegal activities

performed by both the British
and American governments

on foreign soil.

I presume pleasantries

would be a waste
of both our time.

‐ So... no hello, then.


‐ Where is this hard drive
you took?

Please, this hard drive.

‐ I destroyed it.

I uploaded the contents
to a secure cloud server.

‐ Well, let's have a look.

See what we've got.

‐ Alpha Team, six minutes out.

‐ Copy that.
Road is clear.

Sergeant Wyatt.

It's just you and me.

Now, I don't know
what your team is planning,

but I need that intel.

And if you bring it to me
by any means necessary,

then we'll wipe the slate clean

and you can come on home.

‐ What about my team?

I want guaranteed immunity
for them.

‐ Your team aren't really
our concern.

‐ They should be.

Under guidelines,
standard procedures.

‐ You've been embedded
in a covert

antiterrorist unit
for some time now.

A certain level of paranoia
is understandable.

‐ We were fucking lied to

and made complicit
in all of this.

‐ Then let us take the burden,
Lance Corporal.

Give us the information.

‐ Um...

I just‐‐I need a minute.

‐ This is important.

‐ Ma'am, we may have a problem.

The Capital Café closed
two months ago.

What just happened?

‐ All systems down.

‐ Alpha, we are in the blind.

I repeat, we are‐‐

‐ Come in, over.

‐ Anyone?
Fortier, anyone copy?


‐ You're right.

Maybe this...
job has changed me.

More than I realize.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing.

‐ Don't!

‐ Just cooperate, please.

- Who are you working for?
- They have photos of me.

I have a wife, a family.
I had to do this.

‐ Who is "they"?

‐ You said you
weren't gonna hurt her.

‐ Come on!
Come on!

‐ Get me eyes back on.
Right now!



‐ What? What is it?

‐ Eyes on.
This way.

‐ No! Let go!

‐ Cover.

‐ ‐ Take her!


‐ Novin!


‐ The car's rigged!


‐ We lost her!

‐ I got us a place.
Let's go.

‐ Okay.

‐ All right, let's regroup

and try and work out
what the fuck just went on.

‐ Hang on.

This is definitely a CIA joint?

‐ Yeah, it definitely is.

‐ I'm sure the Russians
have Chetri.

‐ Krasnyye Volki.
The Red Wolves.

God only knows
what they were doing there.

They're a covert off‐books unit,

tend to be recruited
from within the penal system.

‐ So I'm calling bullshit
on the covert part.

A full‐on firefight
in the middle of the day.

They weren't even defending
the exfil.

‐ What, you think
they were targeting us?

‐ We've had the Americans,
the British,

the Albanians all out to get us.

Maybe they're feeling left out.

‐ Holy shit, CIA ops room
was hit as well.

Coming up the wire now.
No survivors.

‐ So either our people

are really cleaning
the fucking house,

or there's a link
to the Red Wolves‐‐

the Russians making a play
for the stolen intelligence.

‐ Wyatt, how do you have access
to a CIA safe house?

Entry codes, computer system.

‐ Fortier gave me
the information.

She gave me a comms device
as well.

So what?

‐ You didn't think to tell us?

‐ I'm fucking telling you now.

‐ Well, is there anything else
you wanna share?

Because if you're keeping
things from us,

then you're putting us
in danger.

‐ We're meant to be operating
as a team here, Wyatt.

‐ We haven't been a team
since Mac died,

and the whole reason
we're in this fucking mess

is because you told us not to
obey an order and kill Zayef.

‐ Because we deserve the truth.

‐ Then you went and put
a bullet in his head,

splattering the fucking
truth on the ground.

‐ What are you suggesting?

‐ Come on, Wyatt.

‐ Look, I'm trying
to look out for you here.

‐ Then maybe you need
to get your eyes checked,

'cause McAllister is dead,
Chetri is gone.

‐ Okay, you know what, you're
getting a little animated.

Why don't you just
take a breath?

‐ Hey, fuck you, I'm animated!

Five Americans
just got wiped out.

‐ All right,
try it as an order then.

‐ I don't take orders from you

because we're not military
anymore, remember?

We're fucking blacklisted.

And anybody that could have
got us off that list is dead.

Spencer is dead.

Fortier is dead!

Everybody is fucking dead!

‐ Last chance.

‐ Somebody shoulda kicked
your ass a long time ago.

‐ Yeah, probably, but it
wouldn't have been you.

‐ Oi!

Oi, cut it out!


- The fuck are you doing?
- Jesus Christ!

‐ You want me to try again?

‐ Just calm down!

‐ I am fucking calm!

I'm the only one acting
like a professional here.

We have a soldier
who's been grabbed,

and you two wank‐socks
are too busy

flailing your dicks around!

The death list is incomplete.

It wasn't a total wipe
at the CIA.

‐ Where's the other guy?

‐ The fuck was his name?

‐ Nice shirt, bro.

‐ Uh, thanks... bro.

‐ Bruno Rodgers.


‐ Wyatt, do you have access
to CIA personnel files?

‐ No, this is all
the clearance they gave me.

How 'bout you?
British military?

‐ Still blacklisted.

‐ Hang on, if Russia's involved,

there is someone
we could talk to.

‐ Oh?

‐ No, no, no, no, no.

No, she's out.
I made a promise.

‐ It's for Chetri, boss.

She'll understand.

- It's me.
- Alexander?

‐ Listen, I'm sorry.

We have a name
we need checked out.

Do you still have contacts
at the FIS?

‐ Which would put me
back on Russia's radar.

‐ It's Chetri.

She's been grabbed.

‐ And it's my life, Alexander.

You know, for a moment there
when you called, I thought‐‐

‐ Yeah, I know,
and I wouldn't unless...

We lost McAllister.

We're blacklisted, on the run.

‐ Mac is dead?

‐ Yeah.

After the attack.

‐ Tell me what you need

and give me ten minutes.

But after this, you can never
contact me again, Alexander.

Do you understand?

‐ I understand.

‐ Ten minutes.

‐ Got a data packet
from Zarkova.

If the analyst was a Russian
embedded in the CIA,

then he was most probably

part of the covert
kukushka program.

‐ Russian for "cuckoo."
Very cute.

‐ She also gave us the location

of the Zagreb
Russian safe house.

‐ Did you ask her where
my fucking postcard was?

‐ Do you understand
what we just did?

If her people
think she's still alive,

they will come after her,
and they will kill her.

She just risked everything
to help us.

‐ So no postcard then?

‐ There he is.

Third left.

‐ All right,
get to that safe house

before they can extract her.

‐ Wait a minute.
Wait, wait.

Look at that.
Right there.

Elena Stavokina?

You recognize her, right?

Arianna Demachi
is a Russian agent.

‐ No, no!

- Clear left.
- Clear right.

‐ There was an attack
on the CIA.

There was an attack on the CIA.

‐ Where?
Where's our soldier, man?

Come on.
Look at me, where is she?

Where'd they take her?

‐ I s‐swear,
I didn't want to do it.

I didn't wanna do it.

‐ Almost five years.

But‐‐but mainly passing

Nothing major, okay?
I swear.

- Nothing major, huh?
- No, no.

Nothing major until today.

‐ There you go.
There you go.

I got a directive this morning.

That's the job, right?

‐ Yeah, man, that's the job.

- Follow orders.
- Hey, we've all been there.

You get a command,
and the biggest question

you gotta ask yourself is

can you live
with the consequences?

‐ Right, right.

‐ Please, we need you to tell us

where they've taken our soldier.

‐ You know, I, um...

I heard talking, uh‐‐

Vohon rendition site.

‐ Vohon rendition site.
Thank you.

‐ I'm not a bad guy.
I'm not‐‐


'Cause you just killed
four people.

Four Americans who trusted you.

Trusted you with their lives

'cause they worked
alongside you.

‐ And you're not gonna get
any fucking sympathy from me.

‐ Vohon rendition site.

Krasnaya Sloboda region
of Crimea.

Officially closed down
ten years ago.

Off‐books, off‐radar.

The kind of black site
you don't come back from.

‐ No!

‐ Da.

You get five seconds.

You get five seconds
to be scared.

‐ Hello.

You have Zayef Hajdari's
hard drive.

We would like you
to share that with us.

You're not one of them.

Those soldiers.

I know what that's like,
to pretend to be someone else.

‐ I'm‐‐

I'm 3145...


Manisha Chetri.

Lance Corporal.

‐ You're not Lance Corporal,

Not anymore.
Are you?

‐ I'm sorry, but I can't
answer that question.

‐ Of course.
Stock answer.


Stick to the training,
hope for the best, right?

‐ Sorry, but I can't
answer that question.

‐ I'm Foreign
Intelligence Service.


Why don't we make a deal?

I ask you a question,
you ask me a question.

‐ Sorry, but I ca‐‐

‐ "But I cannot answer
that question," yes.


if you don't cooperate,
I'll send a man like that,

a man who enjoys hurting people.

He's standing there
hoping I fail

so he can have his shot.

And this information...

why do you want it?

‐ Why do we want evidence
that British and American

intelligence agencies
funded a terrorist

to advance their own agenda?

You were going to blow
the whistle anyway.

‐ For a greater good.

‐ And your country
tried to kill you.

So is anyone really listening?

‐ I'm 3145‐‐
‐ Did you think your team

were trying to
rescue you back there?

‐ Manisha Chetri.
Lance Corporal.

- They were sent to kill you.
- No.

‐ You betrayed them.

‐ I made a decision.

‐ And what did you expect,
a medal?

Look what our countries
do to whistleblowers.

‐ The truth‐‐ ‐ We hunt them.

- Exile them.
- The truth...

- Demonize them.
- Is what matters.

‐ The truth
is you will die here.

We are both trapped
in this place.

But there is a way out.

I killed my son.

Moscow saw him as a liability,

and either I did it,

or they'd send a man
who enjoys his work.

I know what loyalty is,

and I know when
it's a fucking mistake.

But I had orders.

I think about what I did

and what that makes me.

‐ It makes you
a fucking monster.

‐ And that was
my flesh and blood.

So imagine what I would do
to you if I had to.

‐ I am very unhappy man.

- You bring me trouble.
- After this, we're even.

‐ Even?
No, no, you pay.

‐ We have no money.

‐ You had money before.

‐ Sorry, next time my sergeant
steals from the Albanian mafia,

I'll make sure he puts
a little extra on top.

‐ I told you I won
that money playing poker.

‐ I'm sorry, apparently
he won it at poker.

‐ Look on the bright side, mate.

It's a one‐way trip to Crimea,

and you'll never have to deal
with us ever again.

‐ But there's no runway
in that region.

No safe landings,
no bright side.

‐ Just get us airborne.

We'll look after the rest.

We have a soldier in trouble.

You were military once.

You understand.

One minute to the drop zone.

Wind velocity is 15 knots,

blowing from the southwest.

- Prepare for action.
- Good luck.

- Fucking cupcakes, sir!
- Go!

‐ Don't move.

‐ All that technical speak.

I imagine you're fluent.

It's why you were useful
to the team.

But it's also why
you were never one of them.

Ah, don't be brave.

Bravery is foolish.

If you're honest with us,
I promise you

you will walk away from this.

Ask yourself,
who are you doing this for?

And is it worth dying over?

Good girl.

You asked who I was
doing this for.

I don't know if you're...

you're close to your parents.

‐ I was brought up
in the care of the state.

‐ Oops.

Put my foot in it there.

Sorry about that.

So... my father then,

as a student,
he protested against the war.

Civil disobedience.



He even walked out
of his engineering job

when they got
a military contract.

‐ So for me
to choose this job...

this life...

The things that we do,

it was a betrayal...

Of all he stood for.

We haven't spoken in, um...

Ten years now.

I told him he didn't understand.

That I was, uh,

doing something good

that would make a difference.

You were right.

I'm not like them.

‐ They have been a very bad
influence on me, though.

‐ Brave.

And foolish.

Undo it.

‐ I can't.

‐ Undo it.

- Moving.
- Move.

‐ I will shoot you.

‐ When I said I can't,

I meant it.

I made the failsafe one‐way only

in case something happened

and I lost my nerve.

There's no way back.

‐ It's bulletproof!

- Blow the door!
- Laying charges.



‐ And what would
your father say now?

‐ I think he'd tell you
to go fuck yourself.

‐ No!


‐ The place is locking down!

‐ Novin, let's go!

- Quick!
- Fuck.

‐ Gas! Gas, gas!

‐ Come on!

‐ Shit.
Go, go!

‐ Searchers are moving closer.

The three of us together
is too much of a risk.


Novin, you move east.

I'll track south.

We'll meet across the border,
RV three, two days' time.

‐ Copy.

‐ Novin?


‐ What the fuck was that?

First Mac.

Now Chetri.

‐ Two days' time.

- Two days.
- Okay.

‐ Copy that.

‐ Move!

‐ Oi!
Get him!

Know what Russia,

and what Arianna Demachi
are planning.

They're using Arianna
to take over the Albanian mafia.

I am about to suggest that
we steal 250 million dollars

from the Russians.

If you're fighting
without a cause,

then you're just another guy
with a gun.

We have a cause.
McAllister, Chetri.

The only thing left
is to take out Arianna Demachi.

You've been embedded
in a covert,

anti‐terrorist unit
for some time now.

We were fucking lied to.

I've been complicit
in all of this.

I was super excited because
this was the first, sort of,

proper fight sequence I had.

So exciting to rehearse that,

and to actually have Chetri
be a badass.


We are meant to be operating
as a team here, Wyatt.

We haven't been a team
since Mac died.

And the whole reason
we're in this mess

is because you told us
not to obey an order

- and kill Zayef.
- What are you suggesting?

An idea that came to me
over a beer,

uh, after Mac's death...

I'm trying to look out
for you here.

Then maybe you need
to get your eyes checked,

'cause McAllister is dead.

There's just so many reasons
for that fight to kick off.

You're getting
a little animated,

why don't you just
take a breath.

Hey, fuck you, I'm animated.

The American character,

the quintessential
British officer...

Last chance.

And when it did happen,
and when Jack wrote it,

I thought the timing was right.

Somebody should have
kicked your ass a long time ago.

One of the silliest fights
you'll ever see on Strike Back.

But it's like a brothers fight.

And so he pulls my beard,
so I bite his finger.

I didn't get to see much of it,

because I had to play
the whole computer thing...

the computer girl's gone.

And I could just see things
in the peripheral.

And it was really hard
to keep a straight face.

It was really funny.

- Calm down!
- I am fucking calm!

Ask yourself,
who are you doing this for?

And is it worth dying over?

We never intended
to kill Chetri.

Then I was sitting there,
writing the scene

where she's in the room
with Arianna...

You're right, I'm not like them.

And I suddenly realized,
oh my God,

she's not gonna make it out.

They have been a very bad

on me, though.

No one was expecting it.
I really wasn't expecting it.

- Undo it.
- I can't.

Varada got a message that‐‐
that me and Nuala, the producer,

wanted to speak to her
on the phone.

You know you're in trouble
when the showrunner

and producer both want
to talk to you on the phone

at the same time.

"Hey, V.
"How are you doing?"

"You know, we really tried.

We really didn't want Chetri
to die."

And I said to V,

endings are very important
moments in any story.

And if you end at the climax...

You're getting the most use
out of the character.

V was really good about it.

You know, all she wanted
was a good exit.

She didn't want
to go down crying.

I will shoot you.

When I said I can't...
I meant it.

She preferably wanted to go down
with a curse word.

We tried to give her that.

And what would your father
say now?

I think he'd tell you
to go fuck yourself.

It's not one anyone liked.

She's not one
anyone wants to go.

That's Chetri.

Who would want
to do that to Chetri?

I'm just happy I made it
almost to the end.