Strike Back (2010–2018): Season 8, Episode 8 - Vendetta: Part 8 - full transcript

S20 plans to storm a freighter carrying weapons, but when Spencer administers a kill order, Coltrane grows suspicious. As members of S20 contemplate following their conscience, Zayef divulges intel that could drastically change their fate.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Not another word.

- Close the lighter.
- MAN 2: Move, move, move!

You've been commanding a desk
for 20 years, and here you are.

Active on a mission. Tell me
what's really going on here.

- Move!

Zayef, the Demachis,
we have our lead.

I need these weapons,

and you need the millions
Mahir left me.

And I want the other
British soldiers.

We need to get out of here. Now.

- Go, go, go!
- Get down! Down!


[engine revving]


[dramatic music]

- Hand me a grenade!
- Ready!

- Wait, wait!
- We're not moving!

‐ I know that! Hang on!
[engine turning over]

[engine revs]
I got it, I got it!

[tires squealing]

‐ Go!

♪ ♪

‐ Move, move, move!

‐ All right, move out.
Shipyard office.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

‐ All right, everybody,
stop what you're doing.

Put your hands on your heads.

Move to the front of the office.

Go, go, go.
Move, move!

Don't be afraid.
We're the good guys.

‐ Down, let's go!
Keep your hands on your head.

♪ ♪

‐ Checking container codes.

♪ ♪

It's already gone.

On a tanker ship,
the "Elvira Luna."

Raised anchor
about a half hour ago.

‐ You can trace it?

‐ Well, the start
of the journey, yes,

but if it's being used
for smuggling,

they'll evade detection
using ghost trackers,

fake GPS signals.

‐ Right, better move fast.

I need to make a call.

‐ Boss, are we gonna
blow up a boat?

‐ You know, there are
ways to do this

without blowing up
an entire boat.

‐ Really?

‐ Sure.

[soft dramatic music]

[cell phone buzzing]

‐ You have one chance
to walk away from this.

‐ And what makes you think
I would do that

after everything you did
to my family?

‐ What we did?

Arianna, we barely
remember your husband.

I understand it was
a major event in your life,

one that you'll never forget,
but for us,

it was just another day
in the office,

another target in the way.

‐ That's funny.

That's exactly what I thought

when I was watching
your sergeant be gunned down.

It was just another day,

‐ You've had your warning.

You want a war,
I will give you a war.

Bit by bit, piece by piece,
we will take you down.

[The Heavy's
"Short Change Hero"]

♪ ♪

‐ ♪ I can't see
where you coming from ♪

♪ But I know just what
you runnin' from ♪

♪ And what matters
ain't the "who's baddest" ♪

♪ But the ones who stop you
falling from your ladder ♪

♪ Come on, feelin' like
you're feelin' now ♪

♪ And doin' things
just to please your crowd ♪

♪ When I love you like the way
I love you ♪

♪ And I suffer,
but I ain't gonna cut you ♪

♪ 'Cause this ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no better man ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no hero to call home ♪

♪ ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no better man ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no hero to call home ♪

♪ ♪

[ominous music]

‐ The "Elvira Luna"

is a medium‐sized
freighter ship.

Traffickers tend
to hide arms and drugs

in amongst legitimate cargo.

This one's marked
as agricultural machinery.

‐ All right, what's our rules
of engagement, boss?

‐ It's mostly likely
a skeleton crew

but mafia‐funded and trained
so technically hostile.

‐ Plus, if you got cargo
worth millions,

they'll have added security.

I'm thinking fast‐follow boats.

‐ Well, we don't go by sea.
We go by air.

There a chopper in the area?

‐ Chopper
would be the way to go.

Helo comes in dark.

We come in high and hard.

I say we end up here,
on the blind side

behind the bridge.

Secure the deck,
locate the weapons.

Question is, what do we do
once we find them?

‐ Like I said,
we're gonna blow up a boat.

‐ Well, charges placed
in the engine room

would cause a chain reaction.

‐ But if the intel's correct

and he's planning
on arming cells in Europe,

well, Munich showed us
what Zayef can do.

Let's not give him the chance
to follow that up.

♪ ♪

[helicopter rotors whirring]

♪ ♪

‐ I thought I heard something.

♪ ♪

[neck cracks]

‐ [speaking native language]

- [suppressed gunfire]
- [gasps]

‐ Hands!

♪ ♪

‐ Room is clear.
I'm checking out here.

‐ Do you speak English?

‐ Yes.

‐ How many crew?

‐ Crew of eight
and ten security.

Five of our people
and five of his.

- "His"?
- This Zayef.

He doesn't trust us.

Down there watching
everything we do.

‐ Are you saying that
Zayef Hajdari's on this ship?

♪ ♪

[neck cracks]

♪ ♪

- Zero, get me a line home.
- Copy that.

‐ What is it, boss?
What's happening?

‐ Zayef Hajdari is on the ship.

♪ ♪

[cell phone buzzing]

We think Zayef Hajdari
is on this ship.

‐ How sure are you?

‐ Sure enough to make this call.

‐ Very well.

Shoot to kill.
Bring this to an end.

[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

‐ We've just been handed
a kill order on Zayef.

‐ Good.

‐ We're not gonna follow it.

‐ Uh, I'm sorry,
that sounded like you said

we're not gonna follow it.

‐ The other day,
Spencer mentioned

Sergeant McAllister
handing Mahir back to Zayef.

‐ And?

‐ I've never spoken to him
about that before.

He had no way to know.

‐ So what are you saying, boss?

That Mahir told him?

‐ Right from the start,

we've been chasing
a British bioweapon

so classified that we had
no knowledge of it,

and yet somehow,
Mahir and Zayef knew.

And then the stolen
Russian tech‐‐

again, highly classified.

Again, Mahir and Zayef
already knew.

So much so that we suspected
a state player at the time.

‐ Our own people?
Come on.

‐ Well, you're the one
who questioned the intelligence

that led us to Tel Aviv.

And where did that lead
come from?

‐ Came from Whitehall.

‐ Oh, man.


Mahir knew about Mac's records.

This is fucked up.

‐ Look, I get there's
a lot of questions here,

but right now, we have
a kill order on this bastard.

This is our window.

‐ Right, but killing Zayef

won't answer
any of those questions.

If Spencer wants him dead,
we take Zayef alive.

♪ ♪

Move out.

We locate the weapons first.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[device beeping]

‐ Now.

♪ ♪

[distant shouting]

♪ ♪

‐ [grunts] ‐ [groans]

♪ ♪

[device beeping]

‐ Got it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[camera shutter clicks]

♪ ♪

‐ Received.

Just to confirm, it appears
you have fast boats trailing.

Do not raise the alarm.

If you do, they'll be on you
within minutes.

- Copy that.
- Moving.

Let's lay charges
and find Zayef.

♪ ♪

[suppressed gunshot]
[man groans]

‐ All right.

We've got two orders now,
capture or kill.

You get eyes on Zayef,
what is it gonna be for you?

‐ Ask me later.


‐ I don't know.

Mac would do the right thing:
bring him in.

‐ Mac's not here.

‐ What if we want
to honor his memory?

Maybe we do what the boss says:

bring the fucker in alive.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

‐ [speaking foreign language]

♪ ♪

‐ Clear.
Lay the charges.

♪ ♪

- [gunshot]
- [grunts]

‐ Team, you good down there?

- Team?
- Good enough.

Just laying the charges now.

‐ Bravo One,
locate and capture our Alpha.

‐ Copy that.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[faint chatter]

♪ ♪


[man groaning]

[steam hissing]

[alarm blaring]

‐ Shit.
Okay, move!

‐ It's all good.
I'm done anyway.

♪ ♪

The moment those flames
hit the charges,

we're fucking toast.

- Moving.
- Moving.

♪ ♪

‐ Bravo One, fire below deck.
Immediate exfil.

Bag your target or get out now.

‐ Copy that,
but I'm staying on Alpha.

Moving to engage.

‐ We've got five minutes
before the whole ship blows.

‐ Arriving on deck now.

[man grunts]

[helicopter rotors whirring]

[man grunts]

That's our ride.
Bravo One, move.

‐ Wyatt!

♪ ♪

[both shouting, grunting]

♪ ♪

‐ Bravo One, you're out of time.

‐ I should just
fucking leave you.

♪ ♪

Go, go!

I have Alpha.
I'm heading your way.

♪ ♪

[man shouts]

‐ [groans]

‐ Ladder on the right.
Go, up.

‐ Bravo One, get moving now!

♪ ♪

‐ Go, go, move!

♪ ♪

We're set.
Let's go.

♪ ♪

[cell phone buzzing]

‐ Hello?

‐ Target neutralized.

Package destroyed.

No friendly casualties.

‐ Good work, Alexander.

Bring your team home.

‐ Thank you, James.

You're awake, then.

My name is Alexander Coltrane.

And you killed my sergeant.

‐ [clears throat]

Can I have a glass
of water, please?

‐ Coming right up.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

‐ [slurping]

♪ ♪

Thank you.

[cup shatters]

‐ You're welcome.

‐ So did you bring me here
to apologize?

‐ What on Earth
do we have to apologize for?

‐ She doesn't agree with this.

‐ Don't speak for me.

‐ The arms that you were

they were meant for disparate
cells all across Europe.

‐ What's an army without arms?

‐ So we have a puzzle.

For someone like you
to have a directory

to all the different cells
across the continent,

that would require some
extraordinary intelligence.

These cells exist
to remain hidden.

‐ Yes, it's true.

‐ So how did you know
how to find them?

‐ My brother's information.

- And the bioweapon?
- My brother.

Did you find anything on Sharif?

‐ I'm not here to answer
your fucking questions.

‐ He was MI6, you know?

Deep cover.

- Sharif?
- Yeah.

‐ [speaking Bosnian]

‐ [speaking Bosnian]

♪ ♪

‐ So you're saying that we had
a man inside your organization?

‐ More than just a man.

‐ Right, and you're just gonna
share that with us?

‐ You knowing the truth doesn't
put me at a disadvantage.

Sharif was there to clean up

in case things went wrong.

Make sure there are no
loose ends.

My brother...

he was a paid agent
for the CIA and MI6.

I imagine they recruited him
in the university.

[dissonant notes]

I do know he was meant
to set me up

as this terrorist figurehead.

‐ No, I don't believe you.

‐ Oh, you believe me.

Otherwise I wouldn't be here.

And I‐‐I sympathize.


To know that you're being used

by the people you trust?

‐ You haven't seen him.
He's losing it.

I don't know
if I can control him.

‐ You just need to get him
to Munich to follow the plan.

‐ Sir James Spencer.

‐ No, Sir James
wouldn't do that.

‐ Right now, you have
armed troops in the Balkans.

A week ago, that would have
been unthinkable.

So maybe I'm just like

your weapons
of mass destruction in Iraq:

an excuse for military action.

‐ You're fucking insane,

and you'd say anything
right now.

‐ Your Sir James

gave Mahir tools
to get the job done:

a sizable slush fund,

a hard drive
full of information.

How else do you think
I could contact

all those cells in Europe?

‐ This hard drive...

you have it?

‐ I have it.

‐ At what price?

‐ I want you to forgive me...

for what I've done
to your sergeant.

‐ I forgive you.

‐ No, no.

I want you to really forgive me.

You fucking created me.

‐ We had nothing to do with it.

‐ You were here

in 1995.

Meant to protect us,

but you let them just walk in.

My mother, my father,
my whole village.

Or am I just fucking crazy?

Did none of that ever happen?

♪ ♪

But here...


I forgive you.

I forgive you, Alexander.

So can you forgive me
for what I've done?

♪ ♪

‐ Where is this information?

‐ It's a place
you've been before, Colonel,

a long time ago.

In Bosnia, near my village.

It's at home.

♪ ♪

‐ We should report this in.

‐ To who?

You know, the ones we report to

are the ones that are boning us.

‐ We don't know that.

‐ Trust the boss on this one,
all right?

♪ ♪

‐ I thought you'd headed
back home.

‐ I was at the airport.

[suspenseful music]

Two hours ago.
Vora, Albania.

When you told me
Zayef Hajdari was dead,

was that you lying to me
or your people lying to you?

- I'll handle this.
- You'll handle it?

‐ Once they understand
why we did this,

what's at stake...

Do you still have a trail
on them?

‐ The slipped the net.

I presume they run
countersurveillance procedure

as standard.

‐ I'd be disappointed
if they didn't.

‐ So what happens
if you can't find them

and maybe they decide to go
all Snowden on the situation?

‐ They wouldn't.

‐ Just like they wouldn't lie
about killing Hajdari?

You can't afford
to be sentimental.

‐ I'll place them
on the disavow list.

They even sneeze,
it will be flagged.

‐ I have a team on standby
in the region

who specialize in these
unfortunate situations.

‐ I wasn't asking
your permission, Carolyn.

I was telling you
how this will work.

These are my people,
and I will bring them in.

♪ ♪

‐ The British
destroyed the ship.

‐ It doesn't matter.

‐ You didn't tell me you were
planning to ambush them.

‐ No, I didn't.

Look at you,

dressing like your father.

He always thought you hated him.

You shouldn't have confessed
to Zayef.

‐ I don't know
what you're talking about.

‐ At the bank, when he asked
about your father.

Did you think
he was your friend?

Your fucking confidant?

‐ You need to watch your tone.

‐ If you'd ignored it,
denied it,

then we could've pretended
it never happened,

lived this lie together.

But if word gets out,
I will look weak.

You understand that.

‐ What you look like
doesn't matter.

I am the head
of this family now.

You're just a mother,
a housewife, a widow.

Nothing more.

‐ Children never think
their parents had lives

before they were born.

‐ Don't make me put you in line.

‐ Loric...

[soft dramatic music]

I'm taking over.

♪ ♪

- I mean it.
- I know.

And I loved you.

Your father too.

It was real.

I didn't want to, but...

your time is up.

♪ ♪

‐ [grunts]


♪ ♪

‐ Oh, Loric.

‐ I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

[gun clicks]

♪ ♪

‐ It's all right.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I had no choice,
my beautiful boy.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

‐ What's waiting for us
out there?

♪ ♪

- [device beeping]
- No, no.

They know we've got him.

I just checked the GCHQ codex.

We're on the black list.

‐ What does that mean, exactly?

‐ It means we're not
just disavowed;

our records are wiped.

We're not military.

We're not even civilians.

We no longer exist.

They can do anything
they want to us.

‐ That mean I still
have to pay taxes?

‐ I've got a fuckton
of unpaid parking tickets

that I would like to disappear.

‐ This isn't a fucking joke.

You're on the list too,

which means the Americans
are involved.

‐ It's a security measure.

It can also be revoked.

‐ We need to seriously consider
what we're doing right now.

‐ You see how little it takes
to become the enemy?

‐ We're the only suckers
keeping you alive.

Everyone wants you dead.

‐ It makes no difference to me.

I've seen my death.

‐ [chuckles] Oh, you've seen it?

‐ Yeah, I have this...

Headaches, noises.

‐ Yeah, that condition
is called you're fuckin' crazy.

‐ No, I don't think so.

‐ You put a bomb vest
on your brother.

‐ No.


Mahir chose that.

By the end, he saw the light.

‐ Oh, yeah, the light of 20 kgs
of C‐4 going off in his face.

‐ Lance Corporal.

We stick to the plan.

We recover whatever information
Mr. Hajdari claims to have,

and then we make an informed
decision about what we do next.

♪ ♪

[cell phone buzzing]

‐ It's a green light.
Get your team to Bosnia.

‐ Yeah.


- Hey, where are you going?
- I got work.

‐ Wait, wait,
we're not finished.

Show some respect.

‐ Please, take your hand away.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

‐ Novin, you got anything?

‐ I still got nothing.

[soft tense music]

[Zayef speaking Bosnian]

♪ ♪

‐ Zayef?

‐ I have eyes on one Tango.
He is armed.

♪ ♪

‐ [speaking Bosnian]

‐ Stay away from the gun!

‐ [grunts] ‐ Back!


Down, knees!

‐ Don't you fucking move.

- Lance Corporal, weapon.
- Sir.

[tense music]

‐ No one in there.
It's empty.

‐ I had men, an army.

Where is everyone?

‐ I've got something.

East building.
Get over here now.

♪ ♪

This is fucked up.

‐ Oh, for Christ's sake.

[dissonant notes]

♪ ♪

‐ No... no.

I never asked for this.

♪ ♪

‐ Yeah, I wouldn't recommend
drinking the Kool‐Aid.

These guys took their lives
for him.

‐ You demanded they follow
wherever you went.


♪ ♪

‐ Look at what I meant to them.

♪ ♪

‐ Where's the information?

♪ ♪

[keypad beeping]

‐ Ah, back.

Tie his hands.

‐ On your knees, let's go.

‐ Chetri...
verify it.


‐ It's verified.

Intel on European cells,

contacts, checkpoints,

border control.

All the tools Mahir needed
to make this a success.

I think Zayef's
telling the truth.

[engine revving]

[tires screeching]

[engine shuts off]

[indistinct chatter]

I'm sorry.

‐ Did you know about this?

‐ There's a chain of command.

You didn't give us a choice.

You decided
we were disobeying orders.

‐ [scoffs] ‐ I disagreed.

‐ We're a fucking team.

‐ You've got every piece of
evidence you need right there,

right in your fucking hand.

‐ It doesn't matter.

Sir James is our superior.

‐ Oh, for fuck's sake.


Wyatt, you keep an eye on her.

- Novin, cover me.
- Copy that, boss.

♪ ♪

‐ Military?

‐ Private contractors.

‐ I always thought you found
their sort rather distasteful.

‐ This job entails
a lot of distasteful things.

‐ Did you know what was going
to happen in Munich?

‐ The arms, the trafficking,

every single weapon used
in a terror attack in Europe

has come down those
illegal Balkan trade routes,

and nobody does anything
about it.

[tense music]

- It's all right.
- Did... you know?

♪ ♪

‐ It's okay, he's not going
to do anything stupid.

♪ ♪

Thought you'd prevent it.

If Mahir had done his job
right, you would have.

‐ So you just gave
a known terrorist a bioweapon?

‐ No, I dangled a carrot
and sent you on their trail.

We needed a terrorist
ahead of the rest

with arms, tech.

Something splashy

to package to the idiots
in Parliament and Congress.

‐ So you just created
Zayef Hajdari?

‐ We're simple folk, Alexander.

We need a villain to hiss at
from the stalls.

‐ Yeah, well, your villain,

he butchered innocent civilians,

and they bled out
on the streets of Munich.

‐ It would've happened

‐ Including my sergeant.

‐ Look, we're living in fear,

acting as though
terrorist attacks

are a part of modern life.

Well, call me old‐fashioned,

but I find that
totally unacceptable.

‐ Sir James Spencer,

in the light of your actions,

I have no choice but
to relieve you of command...

‐ Oh, stop acting
like a bloody Boy Scout‐‐

‐ Until such time

as a decision can be made
by a higher authority.

‐ I am the fucking
higher authority!

I created Twenty!

You are nothing without me.

‐ We have evidence.

We have Zayef.

‐ And you're on the black list.

I'm your only way out.

Come on, Alexander.

We're on the same side here.

[device beeping]

‐ The satellite feed's
just gone down.

‐ Well, maybe you could go
snitch about that

- to someone else.
- No, listen.

All the channels‐‐nothing.

Complete blackout.

♪ ♪

So no one can see
what's happening.

‐ Or what's coming.

Let's get the fuck out of here.

‐ Up, up!

‐ Let's go!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

‐ All satellite feeds
are blocked.

‐ That wasn't us.

[drone whirring]

‐ Move, move.
Go, go, go, go!

‐ Move! Go, go!

‐ Move, move!
Find cover!

♪ ♪

- [tires squealing]
- Tangos inbound!

‐ Let's go!

- Fuck!
- Let's go!


- Suppressing fire!
- Moving!

- Go, come on!
- Moving!

- Go, go!
- Move, move, move!

♪ ♪

[indistinct yelling]

‐ Go, go!

♪ ♪

‐ Targets are falling back
to the train yard.

Still in pursuit.

‐ Make sure no one gets out.

‐ Understood.

- On your six!
- On your left!

- Go!
- Move! Left, left!

‐ Go, go, fucking move!

[indistinct shouting]

‐ Take cover!

♪ ♪

‐ Move to RV three!

- Moving!
- Copy that!

♪ ♪

Go, go!
This way!

[man groans]

‐ James, we need to fall back!
Follow me!

♪ ♪

‐ [groans]

‐ Come on.

♪ ♪

‐ CIA‐funded wet work.
They don't mess around.

‐ Lance Corporal,
you have the hard drive.

That's the evidence.
Just get it secure.

‐ I'll secure it... sir.

- Move.
- Sir.

‐ [groans]

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Looks worse than it is.
- You'd make a terrible doctor.

‐ Four Tangos.

‐ I had to do something,

The world was just
getting worse and worse.

‐ You created a climate of fear
to enforce change.

Pretty much the dictionary
definition of terrorism, James.

‐ I wish I could've told you.

It's the boy, isn't it?

You could've ignored
a lot of things but not that.

‐ Check in building.

- How many rounds have you got?
- Not enough.

‐ We need to get out of here.

- You go.
- No.

‐ There's too many of them.

Think of it as my last
fucking order, Alexander.

‐ James.

‐ I know, son.
There's no time.

[door creaking]

‐ Got movement over here.

‐ Wait, lads.

I have a message for those
bastards at Langley.

[lever clatters]
Guess what it is.

‐ Down!

[tense music]


‐ Keep going!
Find us a way out of here!

‐ Copy that!


♪ ♪

‐ [grunts]

‐ Hey!

♪ ♪

- Drop the gun.
- Uh‐uh.

♪ ♪

‐ Drop the gun.

‐ Son of a bitch.

♪ ♪

Don't fucking move.

♪ ♪

Sure you're don't want to talk?

‐ Sure.

♪ ♪

‐ All right.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, Uh‐uh.

Just here.

♪ ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪


Novin, you go!
I got this guy.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[breathing heavily]

No, fucking‐‐ [laughs]

I had a real shitty year.

But meeting you...

made me realize what I got.

♪ ♪


[imitates gun cocking]

Do you know what that is?

I got a team.


♪ ♪

Always take your shot, asshole.

♪ ♪

‐ Where's Novin?
Come on.

‐ [grunts] Fuck.

She went east after Zayef.

[high‐pitched ringing]

‐ [groaning]

[high‐pitched ringing continues]

‐ Zayef!

Whoa, whoa, just hear me out!

‐ There's nothing left to say.

‐ I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You lost your family.

I know how that feels.

That's what you wanted, right?
For us to know how it feels.

Well, I do.

Inside, it's like fucking...

broken glass.

And there's nothing that can
make it right again.

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


‐ Hey!

Gracie, wait.

Wait, let's just
think this through, right?

‐ Kind of through
with thinking, you know?

‐ You still kind of
had me going with the whole

"this is how we honor Mac"

♪ ♪

‐ We need him alive.

♪ ♪

Spencer's gone.
We're on a black list.

He's all we've got if we
ever want our lives again.

‐ Yeah, sure.

They'll just take him
to some black site.

Then one day,

a deal needs to be made
and maybe, just maybe,

he's the right fucking currency.

And they'll just
let him out there,

living his life again.
I can't let that happen!

‐ Gracie, listen to me.

‐ [voice breaking]
I let Mac go off alone.

‐ You had a job to do.


♪ ♪

You couldn't have known
what was coming.

None of us could, okay?

‐ I only shot once.


I could've fired again...

Finished it.

But he didn't deserve
a quick death.

‐ Shut the fuck up.

‐ I don't matter.
There will be others like me.

From the rubble
and the wreckage you cause,

again and again,
until you people learn.

But you never do.

So I killed your sergeant

and I let him bleed out

inch by inch...

Because your kind

don't deserve any form of mercy.

So, Colonel...

Can you forgive me now?

♪ ♪


‐ I just, um‐‐

I couldn't‐‐

- I know.
- I know.

It's okay.

We still have the hard drive.
We have the intel.

The intel about the slush funds,

about Zayef, about Mahir.

We have it all.
We're good to go.

[dissonant notes]


♪ ♪

‐ Yeah, thank you.



Zero, is the package safe?

‐ It is.

- Okay, proceed to RV three.
- We need this, right?

To clear our names?

‐ Yeah, yeah, we do.

‐ So that's the plan?

We hand it over,

we get cleared,

it gets buried?

All that they've done,

all that we've been a part of...

Hushed up and forgotten?

‐ You need to trust me
on this one.

♪ ♪

‐ I'm sorry, sir.

I don't‐‐
I don't trust you anymore.

And I won't let them bury this.

♪ ♪

‐ Zero.

‐ [breathing shakily]

- [static crackles]
- Zero.

[engine turning over]

♪ ♪

[thunder rumbling,
rain pattering]

♪ ♪

‐ They are impressed.

And it takes a lot
to impress them.

You turned that family around.

‐ 20 years.

‐ You took longer
than we thought, yes.

‐ And not a word
in all that time.

‐ So...

here are some words
for you now...

All the way from
your superiors in Moscow.

[speaking Russian]

♪ ♪

[The Heavy's
"Short Change Hero"]

♪ ♪

‐ ♪ I can't see
where you coming from ♪

♪ But I know just what
you runnin' from ♪

♪ And what matters
ain't the "who's baddest" ♪

♪ But the ones who stop you
falling from your ladder ♪

♪ 'Cause this ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no better man ♪

♪ This ain't no place
for no hero to call home ♪

♪ ♪

[engine revving]

MAN: We have a problem.

I don't suppose you brought
any guns.

We don't know where Chetri is.

You realize they will kill her.

Where's this hard drive
you took?


I'm trying to look out for you.

We're blacklisted.


our countries do to whistleblowers.

The truth is what matters.


There will be others, I think.

From the rubble
and the wreckage you cause

again and again.

Alec, who plays Zayef,
I must say,

was just one
of the most glorious actors

to have on this show.
When Wyatt and Zayef,

and he and Coltrane and Novin
finally kind of meet

for some great scenes.
The performance is magic.

So... I killed your sargeant,
and I let him bleed out.

Did you know what was going
to happen in Munich?

I think for Spencer,
it's a case of

the needs of the many sort of
outweigh the needs of the few.

The arms, the trafficking,
nobody does anything about it.

He's willing to lose some lives
if it means saving lives.

- It's all right.
- Did you know?

Early on, John Michie and I,
we sort of decided

that he wasn't just my boss,
that I'm his godson.

So it's vastly more complicated
than just feeling betrayed on‐‐

on a national, political,
or even a professional level.

We're simple folk, Alexander,
we need a villain

to hiss at from the stalls.

Yeah, well your villain,
he butchered innocent civilians.

It would have
happened somewhere.

Including my sergeant.

It's feeling like
the whole world's

just been pulled
from under your feet.

In the light of your actions,
I have no choice

but to relieve you of command.

(SCOFFS) Stop acting
like a bloody boy scout.

Until such time,
a decision can be made

by a higher authority.

I am the fucking
higher authority!


A hall of fame martial artist,
Yayan, was, you know,

one of the best of the best.

And then in Strike Back,
you feel good on a Saturday,

and you do it
for the first time on set.

I'm literally doing this fight
with our stunt coordinator

shouting out the moves
from the side

like a mom at a soccer game.


But when Dan came
in the picture,

you know,
it's a different thing,

and it's like,
"All right, duck, punch‐‐"

"Punch who?" (CHUCKLES)

It was diabolical.

And we weren't supposed
to throw him

into the actual train,
and he was like,

"No, no, throw me higher,


Bang, hits the train,
bounces down.

He's like... (CHUCKLES)
"Okay, cool man!"

Zero, is the package safe?

It is.

What Coltrane would have liked
would have been to hand it in

to the Army,
who she doesn't trust anymore.

MANISHA CHETRI: All that they've
done. All that we've been a part of.

Hushed up and forgotten.

She can't hand it back to them.

You need to trust me
on this one.

I'm sorry, Sir,
I don't trust you anymore.

She's completely lost
and trying to, sort of,

recalibrate that moral compass


Well, how can I right this?

"How can I make
the right decision from now on?"