Strike Back (2010–2018): Season 5, Episode 9 - Episode #5.9 - full transcript
The Section 20 team is showing no signs of fatigue after their cross-global mission to track down slippery North Korean terrorist, Li-Na. Always one step ahead of his British bosses, ...
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We've begun emergency protocol
to deny Scott and Stonebridge.
They put their lives on the line
time and time again, Charles.
You speak or he dies.
We were ordered to covertly
go into North Korea
with the intention of
committing terrorist attacks.
There are whispers about a
high-level attack in Europe.
I made some progress on
the names we've got.
They're Office 39 sleeper agents.
If they put the pieces together, we
have Li-Na, we have Oppenheimer.
Li-Na is headed to Geneva
with a nuclear bomb,
straight to the United Nations.
- You were the one I crossed the line for.
- You're a good man.
You killed my son.
'My country has been involved in a
war for as long as I can remember.
'It is not a war of guns and
tanks, of bullets and bombs,
'but an economic assault on
every level of our society.
'Every fiscal sanction available
has been levelled upon us,
'hoping to bring about financial collapse.
'What are the consequences of all this?
'The reality is a country broken
and bent by an outside world.
'A country told to bow before the West,
'or face further punishment.
'The West spends billions on
upgrading its nuclear arsenal.
'They arm the world
'but they deny us the ability
to defend ourselves.'
We have begged, we have bowed
and we say, "No more."
And so today everything changes.
Today, we bring the true
horror of nuclear capability
that your nations cherish so much
to the heart of the UN itself.
Where is the other one?
The other one is dead. Michael, I am sorry.
Move forward!
Down on your knees. Now!
Original source: MemoryOnSmells
Resynced and corrected by peterbrito for addic7ed
You're not listening to me.
She's taken a nuclear device
and she is headed for Geneva.
That's not possible.
Charles, you have to trust me on this one.
We have intel that places her in
Paris not more than an hour ago.
Yeah, well, she's feeding you that.
It's a false trail.
The matter is in hand.
You have to let this obsession go, Philip.
Besides, it's not your concern any more.
- We're finished.
- Fuck, you're kidding me?
No, we've been ordered to stand
down and return to London.
As of now, Section 20 is
officially disbanded.
- That's bullshit.
- Ah, so what?
I'm finished.
With this, all of it.
So, what about Li-Na? Huh?
- Well, intel has her in Paris.
- Oh, come on, boss.
- Do you believe that?
- Michael...
It's called the chain of command.
You obey the person above you
without question.
- You believe that?
- No, I don't.
- Good. So we're going to Geneva.
- You're suggesting what?
We disobey a direct order,
- one that's come from the top?
- Exactly.
I'm always up for a
bit of insubordination, boss.
One last job, let's move.
The UN's hosting a nuclear
disarmament conference
in the main council chamber.
That's got to be Li-Na's target.
A gathering of North Korea's sworn enemies.
The uranium converted from around
20,000 dismantled Russian nuclear warheads,
were shipped to reactors in the States.
Those same reactors power 10%
of all American electricity.
All right.
'You're going in as tourists
so try and act naturally.
'It's not going to be a walk in the park.
'Whitehall will be very quick
to deny us if this goes wrong.'
I feel naked without my gun.
- Is that weird?
- No.
Fluidium by Kinga Azur. Huh.
That's a classic example
of abstract expressionism.
- Michael? I don't give a fuck.
- Hmm?
Get hold of a security card.
She's taking a bomb into one of the
most secure buildings in the world.
'If she can find a way in, so can we.
The whole city is at risk.
'We've got to act fast.'
- Sorry.
- It's fine.
I was just admiring the sculpture.
A classic example of
abstract expressionism.
- You know your culture.
- I dabble a bit.
Par ici, s'il vous plait.
My name's Damien Scott and I dabble.
A simple rule in life, Mike,
you've either got it or you don't.
Do you have it?
I've got it.
Zero, we're moving in.
After your arrest in Vienna,
you're in the system.
'There are security personnel and
cameras everywhere. Heads down.'
- Cup of tea, please.
- OK.
- Those two. Watch their walk.
- Those two there?
Look where they're heading.
Got them! Alert the patrol, area three.
'Proceeding to service area
three, activate lockdown.'
Hands up where we can see them.
We were just on tour and we
got lost, really. Hands!
- Let's go.
- Alright.
I am British military intelligence.
Not according to our records.
We state you are wanted in connection
with a bank robbery in Vienna.
There is a woman, her name is Han Li-Na.
She is North Korean and
associated with Office 39.
She will be here under an assumed name.
Call it in. Just call it in.
This is not some fantasy, something
that may or may not happen.
There is a nuclear threat to
this building, to this city.
This is happening.
This is real.
This means that one in ten
light bulbs in the States
is lit by former Soviet weapon material.
Now the disarmament...
Maybe we could use some of those
light bulbs here right now.
Just do your job and call it...
This is what I'm talking about.
This is it. This right here
is what I'm talking about.
- You stay here.
- For God's sake!
Please, everyone,
just remain in your seats.
And I'm sure that normal services
will be resumed as soon as possible.
Go, go!
- Go, go.
- Come on, go!
Everybody move away from the building.
This is not a drill.
Bravo one and two, come in.
Be quiet!
Hey, bud.
Here, can get rid of these?
- Thank you. Yep.
- Going right.
Ladies and gentleman, please
forgive the interruption
but I believe the time for talk is over.
Stay. Go.
- Stay. Go.
- Go!
You are definitely staying.
Once the device is primed, it's a
ten-minute countdown to detonation.
We need to be out in six, if we're
to make the helicopter in time.
What if we don't?
We stand side by side
knowing that either way, what we do,
will wake our nation from its slumber.
We're here, council's here.
It's that way. After you.
Section 20, to be precise.
Your team took down Leo Kamali?
And the same two men who did that,
are inside the building right now.
Might be the first piece of good
news I've had all day. Please.
- So you need to send your men in.
- The building is in lockdown.
Reinforced doors, bombproof
windows, no in or out.
Emergency protocol...
Yeah, it dictates that if Li-Na
takes hostages, we don't encroach.
- Exactement.
- Yeah, I know that.
And she knows that.
Don't you understand?
That's how she's keeping you at bay.
I cannot go against direct orders.
She's got a nuclear device,
for Christ's sake.
This is not confirmed.
You're a soldier in the field
and all that matters right now,
is your judgment call.
Oh, shit!
Mikey, got some on three. Stairs, go, go.
Fuck you.
Sorry about that, we're the good guys.
Come with me.
There were a lot of feeds to monitor.
They must have slipped through.
You're releasing all of
the doors in the area.
These men, they need to
believe they're in control
of their own destiny,
unaware of who really guides them.
Take over.
Lock them in zone B
until they have nowhere left to hide.
I know him, I know him!
Look at me, look at me, look at me.
We need to find a way above the
council chamber, a lighting gantry,
an access point, stairs.
Can you think of anything?
There's stairs this way, takes
you to the fourth floor.
- Mikey, give me the card.
- Yeah, show us.
Hand here, on my shoulder, stay with me.
Follow him.
Come on!
There's another way, here.
- Are we trapped?
- Well, trapped is a strong word.
Ears, ears, ears.
Yeah, we're trapped.
What's wrong with these things?
- Scott.
- Yeah?
It's the cameras. There's
cameras all over the place.
What, you think they're locking us in?
Yeah, I do. I think it's a kill box.
Give me that key.
Let's knock these cameras off.
Shit. What is it?
Got it.
We can switch the cameras off.
Which wire? I don't know, all of them.
There you go.
Open the door.
I've found our door.
Here we go.
All clear.
Right on his heels, go. Shit, we've
got bogies coming in, Scott.
Open the door!
You've got to open the door! Now!
'They have evaded capture.'
And they will try and find
a way here to stop us.
So we wait no longer.
Come back now.
We're just rats in her maze.
You've got to hand it to her.
I'd like to hand her a bullet to the head.
If they still control the doors,
there's no way we'll get
to the chamber in time.
Those lifts should be powered down.
We don't need any power, Mikey.
Huh, that's a good idea. Got it?
All right, here.
You take that, find somewhere safe
to hide and it'll all be over soon.
I have a son. It is his
birthday this weekend.
While you've been in this
sort of situation before...
- Yeah, once or twice...
- Then I stand a better chance of surviving
if I go with you.
We're not running away from trouble.
You see that?
- Right now we're looking for trouble.
- What about them? Shot in the back.
They were running from trouble
and look where it got them.
You want to come, take that gun.
All right. As easy as one, two, three.
Just don't look down.
You're doing really well.
Just don't look down.
- Mike.
- Yeah?
Did you say the elevators were off?
They're supposed to be off.
It's not because here it comes.
- When the time is right, just step off.
- What?
Step on the elevator, quietly.
So, go on three.
So three, two, one, step on it at four.
- That's three beats and then we'll go...
- Three, two, one, go.
Yeah, it's kind of common sense, isn't it?
It's fucking bullshit.
- So when should I go?
- Now!
Get off now, quick.
- Come here, give me your hand.
- Get up.
Give me your hand. Come here.
Are you all right?
See, I told you we were
looking for trouble.
We have no time to lose.
Let's begin.
- Ma'am...
- Stay down!
It's all right.
My name's John Turner and I
am the US representative...
I know who you are.
"The international community
has condemned North Korea's
continued efforts to advance its
missile and nuclear programmes."
Does that sound familiar?
Yeah, referring to the Security
Council Resolution 2094.
Which you co-authored.
- We offered you aid.
- And then you took it away.
To stop the proliferation
of nuclear weapons, ma'am.
I believe in peaceful resolution,
that we can work together.
No, you interrupted me, Mr Turner.
You only believe in doing
what's best for yourself.
You are American.
I will not be interrupted again.
On the bomb we'll set the timer.
Turn on the cameras and let the
world see our final stand.
You, come here!
Centre stage.
'My country has been involved in a
war for as long as I can remember.'
It looks like our cue to hurry the fuck up.
You go for the chamber
and I'll open the doors.
Come on.
No! I'm sorry.
I can't let you do that.
You want to think about what you're doing.
What I was trained to do.
What I have been waiting years for.
Have you any idea what she's planning?
Hmm? A nuclear bomb.
Here, in this building right now.
Just think for one second the
destruction she's going to cause.
Put, put your weapons down.
Your own country disavowed her.
This isn't about the regime.
She's acting alone.
It's all right. How long
have you been stationed here
working for North Korea?
Nine years.
That's a long time.
Your kid, was that part of the plan?
I get it.
The real world changes things.
Maybe the life they planned for you
isn't the life you ended up with.
- Weapons down!
- Hey.
Keep that there.
You could have shot us.
You had plenty of chances...
but you didn't.
I'm guessing you were hoping
it would never come to this.
But it has.
So now you've got to make a choice.
What matters to you most, your child...
or your job?
We have begged, we have
bowed and we say no more.
And so today everything changes.
'Today we bring the true horror
of nuclear capability to
'the heart of the UN itself.'
You were correct. I should
have sent my men in earlier.
You made a call.
Right or wrong, it's what we do.
Now you make another one and
pray it's not too late.
Move forward.
- Where is the other one?
- The other one is dead.
Michael, I am sorry.
I'm impressed that you've made it this far.
I'm not interested in your approval.
Move forward!
- Down on your knees. Now!
- Fair enough.
Hey, it's been a good day at the office.
Now go and buy your kid an ice cream.
Everybody out, please.
Come on, let's go.
Get them out.
Come on, please.
What's the deactivation code?
These are moments, Michael, moments
that change the course of history.
That's not what I asked.
Scott, what have you got?
I've got five minutes ten.
Mike, five minutes seven.
OK, let's go. Hurry up.
Allez, allez, allez.
Allez, allez.
Li-Na, there are at least nine more
reasons in here why you are going to
tell me what the deactivation code is.
Eight more reasons. The code now.
Three, seven, four, one.
Three, seven, four, one.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Wait, no.
- Mikey, one minute 57.
- What?
- 55, 54. It's not the fucking code.
- The real code. Give me the real code!
Li-Na, look at me.
It makes no difference.
We were always willing to die.
But not like this.
Nobody is supposed to die like this.
Shit. Scott, I'm running out of
options here. Yeah, so am I.
I've never worked on anything like this.
- What are you doing?
- I'm calling a friend.
What do you mean you're calling a friend?
This isn't Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
No, it's Who Wants To Survive?
- Mitchell. It's Damien Scott.
- 'Yeah?'
Hey, hey! Blast from the past, man.
Where've you been?
I've got a miniature,
improvised nuke, all right?
Three wires.
Heading down from C4 to power.
We've got blue, brown, red wire.
- Which one do I cut?
- What?
I've got a miniature improvised nuke.
Three wires, all right?
Blue, brown, red.
Come on, which do I cut? The
timer's 59 seconds, Mitchell.
- Is this a joke?
- It's not a fucking joke, all right?
Ah. Oh, OK, hang on.
OK, tell me exactly what it looks like.
It looks like the fucking Death
Star with a shitload of wires.
I've never seen anything like it.
You've got explosive lenses,
tamper, reflector, three wires.
One red, east, going into
the junction box power.
Blue, west, going from the
C4 back to firing circuits.
Brown, dead centre.
- Is there anything else?
- Anything else?!
You've now got 35 seconds.
Can you change the goddamn baby
- talk to your buddies later?
- Not now.
- She's going to get a rash.
- I said, not fucking now.
OK, it's not the brown one,
it's the dummy. So, ah...
Mitchell, I'm serious.
It's not brown. 27 seconds. Blue.
- Blue? Sure?
- No, I'm not.
Why the hell do you
think I left the agency?
- Are you serious?
- Because I wasn't sure.
Because there's a wire, there's a
timer, there's a fucking bomb.
Oh, shhh...
- No, wait, it's red.
- Red?
It's red 100%, Damien.
He's 100% on red, Mikey.
He was a freak explosives
expert back in the day.
Damien, he said red. He completely
lost his nerve, total breakdown.
I can still hear it in his voice.
If he's backing red, I'm
backing the fuck out of blue.
- That's a hell of a judgment call to make.
- I know.
Nice knowing you, Mikey.
That son of a bitch.
'Damien, are you there? Damien!'
Yeah, it was blue.
- I said blue.
- You said red. Fuck you.
Say hi to Sadie and the kid for me.
You owe me a beer.
- We have to go.
- Let me say goodbye.
You just did.
Come on.
- Come on, come here.
- Don't move!
Weapons down. Weapons down!
Come here.
Weapons down!
- Fuck you. That's very diplomatic, mate.
- I'm so sorry, Mike.
We're neutral. I don't give a
shit what he's got to say.
Our orders are clear.
Either you hand the prisoner over or
you have to be treated as hostile.
What the hell are you playing at?
We checked with Whitehall, your
men were told to stand down.
She is our prisoner and
we are taking her out.
These orders come from above me.
- Fine. I'm going for my men.
- I cannot allow that.
You'll have to shoot me in the back.
Don't worry, you're only following orders.
Arret! Arret!
What do you want to do, Mikey?
To tell you the truth, I'd rather
not get into it with them.
We hand her over, it's game over.
Take her in ourselves and they'll
roll out the red carpet.
Since when has that ever mattered to you?
It doesn't. It matters to you, though.
It's your life, Mikey.
I'm willing to screw up a lot
of things, but not that.
- Well, cheers, mate. I'm touched.
- Weapons down!
Get in!
Les anglais.
What did she say, Julia?
Her final words, what were they?
She said that you would come for me.
There would be nowhere I could hide.
She didn't deserve to die.
No, she didn't.
- Charles, it's Philip Locke.
- 'I've been trying to reach you.'
- Well, I've been a bit busy.
- Yes, so I've heard.
- You have Li-Na now?
- 'We do.
'Looks like Geneva was the correct call.'
Look, I'm fighting fires
here but I guarantee you,
bring her in and I'll personally make
sure that Section 20 is reinstated.
Whitehall will have no choice, believe me.
Give me a minute and I'll
send you the coordinates.
Oh, and Philip, I was wrong
and I'm glad you were right.
You risk your lives time and time again.
You give everything.
Yet, men who exist only behind desks,
who will never know combat,
who will never understand the
judgment calls you have to make,
you follow their command.
We're soldiers.
No, you're much more than that.
It's Mason and Faber, stay sharp.
Come on.
- Get out.
- Once we hand her over, I'm done.
She's right, I gave
everything to my country,
my world, my son, everything
and I've nothing left to give.
If you two want to return
to active service, go ahead
but I am out.
- This is wrong.
- Shut up.
You feel it too.
- Philip, gentlemen.
- What the hell are they doing here?
Whitehall have asked
Stillwater to assist us.
In many ways it's easier that way.
Actions by hired hands can
easily be denied by the state.
Korea was a mess. You've been
talking to their government.
We have to avoid retaliation. Close
to the brink of a war nobody wants.
- This is bullshit.
- Yes, it is.
And I hate to see good men caught up in it.
We're not, not any more.
Here's your prisoner.
We're leaving.
With the greatest of respect,
sir, we're out, sir.
Look, I understand and I'm
sorry it's come to this.
But you delivered her to us
and that means more than
I could ever tell you.
Going to get him!
Come here.
Stay there.
Hurry up!
We're flying out of here, on that chopper.
Give me your lighter.
Go, go, go!
Come on!
Come on!
Get in, get in!
- Do you know how to fly this thing?
- Guess we're going to find out.
Keep it steady, Scott. Boss,
boss, you're going to be fine.
We're going to get somewhere,
you'll be fine. It's OK.
Look at me, look at me, look at me.
You're going to be fine,
you're going to be fine.
We're going to get out of this.
You're going to be fine.
It's OK, Michael.
No, no, don't, don't...
Boss, boss! Come here!
Shit! Shit! Shit!
We're going down, mate.
Original source: MemoryOnSmells
Resynced and corrected by peterbrito for addic7ed
We've begun emergency protocol
to deny Scott and Stonebridge.
They put their lives on the line
time and time again, Charles.
You speak or he dies.
We were ordered to covertly
go into North Korea
with the intention of
committing terrorist attacks.
There are whispers about a
high-level attack in Europe.
I made some progress on
the names we've got.
They're Office 39 sleeper agents.
If they put the pieces together, we
have Li-Na, we have Oppenheimer.
Li-Na is headed to Geneva
with a nuclear bomb,
straight to the United Nations.
- You were the one I crossed the line for.
- You're a good man.
You killed my son.
'My country has been involved in a
war for as long as I can remember.
'It is not a war of guns and
tanks, of bullets and bombs,
'but an economic assault on
every level of our society.
'Every fiscal sanction available
has been levelled upon us,
'hoping to bring about financial collapse.
'What are the consequences of all this?
'The reality is a country broken
and bent by an outside world.
'A country told to bow before the West,
'or face further punishment.
'The West spends billions on
upgrading its nuclear arsenal.
'They arm the world
'but they deny us the ability
to defend ourselves.'
We have begged, we have bowed
and we say, "No more."
And so today everything changes.
Today, we bring the true
horror of nuclear capability
that your nations cherish so much
to the heart of the UN itself.
Where is the other one?
The other one is dead. Michael, I am sorry.
Move forward!
Down on your knees. Now!
Original source: MemoryOnSmells
Resynced and corrected by peterbrito for addic7ed
You're not listening to me.
She's taken a nuclear device
and she is headed for Geneva.
That's not possible.
Charles, you have to trust me on this one.
We have intel that places her in
Paris not more than an hour ago.
Yeah, well, she's feeding you that.
It's a false trail.
The matter is in hand.
You have to let this obsession go, Philip.
Besides, it's not your concern any more.
- We're finished.
- Fuck, you're kidding me?
No, we've been ordered to stand
down and return to London.
As of now, Section 20 is
officially disbanded.
- That's bullshit.
- Ah, so what?
I'm finished.
With this, all of it.
So, what about Li-Na? Huh?
- Well, intel has her in Paris.
- Oh, come on, boss.
- Do you believe that?
- Michael...
It's called the chain of command.
You obey the person above you
without question.
- You believe that?
- No, I don't.
- Good. So we're going to Geneva.
- You're suggesting what?
We disobey a direct order,
- one that's come from the top?
- Exactly.
I'm always up for a
bit of insubordination, boss.
One last job, let's move.
The UN's hosting a nuclear
disarmament conference
in the main council chamber.
That's got to be Li-Na's target.
A gathering of North Korea's sworn enemies.
The uranium converted from around
20,000 dismantled Russian nuclear warheads,
were shipped to reactors in the States.
Those same reactors power 10%
of all American electricity.
All right.
'You're going in as tourists
so try and act naturally.
'It's not going to be a walk in the park.
'Whitehall will be very quick
to deny us if this goes wrong.'
I feel naked without my gun.
- Is that weird?
- No.
Fluidium by Kinga Azur. Huh.
That's a classic example
of abstract expressionism.
- Michael? I don't give a fuck.
- Hmm?
Get hold of a security card.
She's taking a bomb into one of the
most secure buildings in the world.
'If she can find a way in, so can we.
The whole city is at risk.
'We've got to act fast.'
- Sorry.
- It's fine.
I was just admiring the sculpture.
A classic example of
abstract expressionism.
- You know your culture.
- I dabble a bit.
Par ici, s'il vous plait.
My name's Damien Scott and I dabble.
A simple rule in life, Mike,
you've either got it or you don't.
Do you have it?
I've got it.
Zero, we're moving in.
After your arrest in Vienna,
you're in the system.
'There are security personnel and
cameras everywhere. Heads down.'
- Cup of tea, please.
- OK.
- Those two. Watch their walk.
- Those two there?
Look where they're heading.
Got them! Alert the patrol, area three.
'Proceeding to service area
three, activate lockdown.'
Hands up where we can see them.
We were just on tour and we
got lost, really. Hands!
- Let's go.
- Alright.
I am British military intelligence.
Not according to our records.
We state you are wanted in connection
with a bank robbery in Vienna.
There is a woman, her name is Han Li-Na.
She is North Korean and
associated with Office 39.
She will be here under an assumed name.
Call it in. Just call it in.
This is not some fantasy, something
that may or may not happen.
There is a nuclear threat to
this building, to this city.
This is happening.
This is real.
This means that one in ten
light bulbs in the States
is lit by former Soviet weapon material.
Now the disarmament...
Maybe we could use some of those
light bulbs here right now.
Just do your job and call it...
This is what I'm talking about.
This is it. This right here
is what I'm talking about.
- You stay here.
- For God's sake!
Please, everyone,
just remain in your seats.
And I'm sure that normal services
will be resumed as soon as possible.
Go, go!
- Go, go.
- Come on, go!
Everybody move away from the building.
This is not a drill.
Bravo one and two, come in.
Be quiet!
Hey, bud.
Here, can get rid of these?
- Thank you. Yep.
- Going right.
Ladies and gentleman, please
forgive the interruption
but I believe the time for talk is over.
Stay. Go.
- Stay. Go.
- Go!
You are definitely staying.
Once the device is primed, it's a
ten-minute countdown to detonation.
We need to be out in six, if we're
to make the helicopter in time.
What if we don't?
We stand side by side
knowing that either way, what we do,
will wake our nation from its slumber.
We're here, council's here.
It's that way. After you.
Section 20, to be precise.
Your team took down Leo Kamali?
And the same two men who did that,
are inside the building right now.
Might be the first piece of good
news I've had all day. Please.
- So you need to send your men in.
- The building is in lockdown.
Reinforced doors, bombproof
windows, no in or out.
Emergency protocol...
Yeah, it dictates that if Li-Na
takes hostages, we don't encroach.
- Exactement.
- Yeah, I know that.
And she knows that.
Don't you understand?
That's how she's keeping you at bay.
I cannot go against direct orders.
She's got a nuclear device,
for Christ's sake.
This is not confirmed.
You're a soldier in the field
and all that matters right now,
is your judgment call.
Oh, shit!
Mikey, got some on three. Stairs, go, go.
Fuck you.
Sorry about that, we're the good guys.
Come with me.
There were a lot of feeds to monitor.
They must have slipped through.
You're releasing all of
the doors in the area.
These men, they need to
believe they're in control
of their own destiny,
unaware of who really guides them.
Take over.
Lock them in zone B
until they have nowhere left to hide.
I know him, I know him!
Look at me, look at me, look at me.
We need to find a way above the
council chamber, a lighting gantry,
an access point, stairs.
Can you think of anything?
There's stairs this way, takes
you to the fourth floor.
- Mikey, give me the card.
- Yeah, show us.
Hand here, on my shoulder, stay with me.
Follow him.
Come on!
There's another way, here.
- Are we trapped?
- Well, trapped is a strong word.
Ears, ears, ears.
Yeah, we're trapped.
What's wrong with these things?
- Scott.
- Yeah?
It's the cameras. There's
cameras all over the place.
What, you think they're locking us in?
Yeah, I do. I think it's a kill box.
Give me that key.
Let's knock these cameras off.
Shit. What is it?
Got it.
We can switch the cameras off.
Which wire? I don't know, all of them.
There you go.
Open the door.
I've found our door.
Here we go.
All clear.
Right on his heels, go. Shit, we've
got bogies coming in, Scott.
Open the door!
You've got to open the door! Now!
'They have evaded capture.'
And they will try and find
a way here to stop us.
So we wait no longer.
Come back now.
We're just rats in her maze.
You've got to hand it to her.
I'd like to hand her a bullet to the head.
If they still control the doors,
there's no way we'll get
to the chamber in time.
Those lifts should be powered down.
We don't need any power, Mikey.
Huh, that's a good idea. Got it?
All right, here.
You take that, find somewhere safe
to hide and it'll all be over soon.
I have a son. It is his
birthday this weekend.
While you've been in this
sort of situation before...
- Yeah, once or twice...
- Then I stand a better chance of surviving
if I go with you.
We're not running away from trouble.
You see that?
- Right now we're looking for trouble.
- What about them? Shot in the back.
They were running from trouble
and look where it got them.
You want to come, take that gun.
All right. As easy as one, two, three.
Just don't look down.
You're doing really well.
Just don't look down.
- Mike.
- Yeah?
Did you say the elevators were off?
They're supposed to be off.
It's not because here it comes.
- When the time is right, just step off.
- What?
Step on the elevator, quietly.
So, go on three.
So three, two, one, step on it at four.
- That's three beats and then we'll go...
- Three, two, one, go.
Yeah, it's kind of common sense, isn't it?
It's fucking bullshit.
- So when should I go?
- Now!
Get off now, quick.
- Come here, give me your hand.
- Get up.
Give me your hand. Come here.
Are you all right?
See, I told you we were
looking for trouble.
We have no time to lose.
Let's begin.
- Ma'am...
- Stay down!
It's all right.
My name's John Turner and I
am the US representative...
I know who you are.
"The international community
has condemned North Korea's
continued efforts to advance its
missile and nuclear programmes."
Does that sound familiar?
Yeah, referring to the Security
Council Resolution 2094.
Which you co-authored.
- We offered you aid.
- And then you took it away.
To stop the proliferation
of nuclear weapons, ma'am.
I believe in peaceful resolution,
that we can work together.
No, you interrupted me, Mr Turner.
You only believe in doing
what's best for yourself.
You are American.
I will not be interrupted again.
On the bomb we'll set the timer.
Turn on the cameras and let the
world see our final stand.
You, come here!
Centre stage.
'My country has been involved in a
war for as long as I can remember.'
It looks like our cue to hurry the fuck up.
You go for the chamber
and I'll open the doors.
Come on.
No! I'm sorry.
I can't let you do that.
You want to think about what you're doing.
What I was trained to do.
What I have been waiting years for.
Have you any idea what she's planning?
Hmm? A nuclear bomb.
Here, in this building right now.
Just think for one second the
destruction she's going to cause.
Put, put your weapons down.
Your own country disavowed her.
This isn't about the regime.
She's acting alone.
It's all right. How long
have you been stationed here
working for North Korea?
Nine years.
That's a long time.
Your kid, was that part of the plan?
I get it.
The real world changes things.
Maybe the life they planned for you
isn't the life you ended up with.
- Weapons down!
- Hey.
Keep that there.
You could have shot us.
You had plenty of chances...
but you didn't.
I'm guessing you were hoping
it would never come to this.
But it has.
So now you've got to make a choice.
What matters to you most, your child...
or your job?
We have begged, we have
bowed and we say no more.
And so today everything changes.
'Today we bring the true horror
of nuclear capability to
'the heart of the UN itself.'
You were correct. I should
have sent my men in earlier.
You made a call.
Right or wrong, it's what we do.
Now you make another one and
pray it's not too late.
Move forward.
- Where is the other one?
- The other one is dead.
Michael, I am sorry.
I'm impressed that you've made it this far.
I'm not interested in your approval.
Move forward!
- Down on your knees. Now!
- Fair enough.
Hey, it's been a good day at the office.
Now go and buy your kid an ice cream.
Everybody out, please.
Come on, let's go.
Get them out.
Come on, please.
What's the deactivation code?
These are moments, Michael, moments
that change the course of history.
That's not what I asked.
Scott, what have you got?
I've got five minutes ten.
Mike, five minutes seven.
OK, let's go. Hurry up.
Allez, allez, allez.
Allez, allez.
Li-Na, there are at least nine more
reasons in here why you are going to
tell me what the deactivation code is.
Eight more reasons. The code now.
Three, seven, four, one.
Three, seven, four, one.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Wait, no.
- Mikey, one minute 57.
- What?
- 55, 54. It's not the fucking code.
- The real code. Give me the real code!
Li-Na, look at me.
It makes no difference.
We were always willing to die.
But not like this.
Nobody is supposed to die like this.
Shit. Scott, I'm running out of
options here. Yeah, so am I.
I've never worked on anything like this.
- What are you doing?
- I'm calling a friend.
What do you mean you're calling a friend?
This isn't Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
No, it's Who Wants To Survive?
- Mitchell. It's Damien Scott.
- 'Yeah?'
Hey, hey! Blast from the past, man.
Where've you been?
I've got a miniature,
improvised nuke, all right?
Three wires.
Heading down from C4 to power.
We've got blue, brown, red wire.
- Which one do I cut?
- What?
I've got a miniature improvised nuke.
Three wires, all right?
Blue, brown, red.
Come on, which do I cut? The
timer's 59 seconds, Mitchell.
- Is this a joke?
- It's not a fucking joke, all right?
Ah. Oh, OK, hang on.
OK, tell me exactly what it looks like.
It looks like the fucking Death
Star with a shitload of wires.
I've never seen anything like it.
You've got explosive lenses,
tamper, reflector, three wires.
One red, east, going into
the junction box power.
Blue, west, going from the
C4 back to firing circuits.
Brown, dead centre.
- Is there anything else?
- Anything else?!
You've now got 35 seconds.
Can you change the goddamn baby
- talk to your buddies later?
- Not now.
- She's going to get a rash.
- I said, not fucking now.
OK, it's not the brown one,
it's the dummy. So, ah...
Mitchell, I'm serious.
It's not brown. 27 seconds. Blue.
- Blue? Sure?
- No, I'm not.
Why the hell do you
think I left the agency?
- Are you serious?
- Because I wasn't sure.
Because there's a wire, there's a
timer, there's a fucking bomb.
Oh, shhh...
- No, wait, it's red.
- Red?
It's red 100%, Damien.
He's 100% on red, Mikey.
He was a freak explosives
expert back in the day.
Damien, he said red. He completely
lost his nerve, total breakdown.
I can still hear it in his voice.
If he's backing red, I'm
backing the fuck out of blue.
- That's a hell of a judgment call to make.
- I know.
Nice knowing you, Mikey.
That son of a bitch.
'Damien, are you there? Damien!'
Yeah, it was blue.
- I said blue.
- You said red. Fuck you.
Say hi to Sadie and the kid for me.
You owe me a beer.
- We have to go.
- Let me say goodbye.
You just did.
Come on.
- Come on, come here.
- Don't move!
Weapons down. Weapons down!
Come here.
Weapons down!
- Fuck you. That's very diplomatic, mate.
- I'm so sorry, Mike.
We're neutral. I don't give a
shit what he's got to say.
Our orders are clear.
Either you hand the prisoner over or
you have to be treated as hostile.
What the hell are you playing at?
We checked with Whitehall, your
men were told to stand down.
She is our prisoner and
we are taking her out.
These orders come from above me.
- Fine. I'm going for my men.
- I cannot allow that.
You'll have to shoot me in the back.
Don't worry, you're only following orders.
Arret! Arret!
What do you want to do, Mikey?
To tell you the truth, I'd rather
not get into it with them.
We hand her over, it's game over.
Take her in ourselves and they'll
roll out the red carpet.
Since when has that ever mattered to you?
It doesn't. It matters to you, though.
It's your life, Mikey.
I'm willing to screw up a lot
of things, but not that.
- Well, cheers, mate. I'm touched.
- Weapons down!
Get in!
Les anglais.
What did she say, Julia?
Her final words, what were they?
She said that you would come for me.
There would be nowhere I could hide.
She didn't deserve to die.
No, she didn't.
- Charles, it's Philip Locke.
- 'I've been trying to reach you.'
- Well, I've been a bit busy.
- Yes, so I've heard.
- You have Li-Na now?
- 'We do.
'Looks like Geneva was the correct call.'
Look, I'm fighting fires
here but I guarantee you,
bring her in and I'll personally make
sure that Section 20 is reinstated.
Whitehall will have no choice, believe me.
Give me a minute and I'll
send you the coordinates.
Oh, and Philip, I was wrong
and I'm glad you were right.
You risk your lives time and time again.
You give everything.
Yet, men who exist only behind desks,
who will never know combat,
who will never understand the
judgment calls you have to make,
you follow their command.
We're soldiers.
No, you're much more than that.
It's Mason and Faber, stay sharp.
Come on.
- Get out.
- Once we hand her over, I'm done.
She's right, I gave
everything to my country,
my world, my son, everything
and I've nothing left to give.
If you two want to return
to active service, go ahead
but I am out.
- This is wrong.
- Shut up.
You feel it too.
- Philip, gentlemen.
- What the hell are they doing here?
Whitehall have asked
Stillwater to assist us.
In many ways it's easier that way.
Actions by hired hands can
easily be denied by the state.
Korea was a mess. You've been
talking to their government.
We have to avoid retaliation. Close
to the brink of a war nobody wants.
- This is bullshit.
- Yes, it is.
And I hate to see good men caught up in it.
We're not, not any more.
Here's your prisoner.
We're leaving.
With the greatest of respect,
sir, we're out, sir.
Look, I understand and I'm
sorry it's come to this.
But you delivered her to us
and that means more than
I could ever tell you.
Going to get him!
Come here.
Stay there.
Hurry up!
We're flying out of here, on that chopper.
Give me your lighter.
Go, go, go!
Come on!
Come on!
Get in, get in!
- Do you know how to fly this thing?
- Guess we're going to find out.
Keep it steady, Scott. Boss,
boss, you're going to be fine.
We're going to get somewhere,
you'll be fine. It's OK.
Look at me, look at me, look at me.
You're going to be fine,
you're going to be fine.
We're going to get out of this.
You're going to be fine.
It's OK, Michael.
No, no, don't, don't...
Boss, boss! Come here!
Shit! Shit! Shit!
We're going down, mate.
Original source: MemoryOnSmells
Resynced and corrected by peterbrito for addic7ed