Strike Back (2010–2018): Season 3, Episode 4 - Vengeance, Part 4 - full transcript

Mike, Damien, hostage and locals are stranded in the Hoggar desert, where no help can be provided against El Soldat's approaching guerrilla force. Section command does however work out that Othmani is El Soldat's brother and treason may be the key to the whole situation, but it turns out more people have double faces. After surviving the superior assault, the duo has to concede the detonators to South African Conrad Knox's US mercenary henchman Karl Matlock, so Mike and mates return to Cape Town, practically his wife's murder site.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Zero, you got a position
on El Soldat's men?

They're still
at the bus.

Bravo, as soon as
they have the triggers,

they'll be headed
your way.

How's he doing?

He's lost a lot
of blood.

There's a French monk,
helps out the locals.

One kilometer
from here.

Maybe he has
IV fluids.

I don't give a shit.
We're not stopping.

Then he will die.

We keep him alive, we have
something to bargain with.

This place
is a fucking death trap.

Yeah, I know.

Get what we need
to keep Othmani alive,

and we're out of here.


Coming to you.

We have a wounded man,

and we could
use some help, please.

Sir, we got a guy
dying here,

so we'd really appreciate a
little Christian charity.


Thank you.

Come on.

Give me that.

Here, here.

Make it quick, huh?

all clear out back.

If he's not sewn up

nothing will help.

You got 5 minutes.


Are you fucking
kidding me?

If you don't help,

he's going to die.

Here. How much
do you want? Fuck.

It's going to take
at least...

Yeah. You got
5 minutes, buddy.


Locals have a lot
of trauma wounds?

Out here, men get very
possessive with the goats.

Take your
fucking time.

You seen a white bunny with
a pocket watch recently?

I'm beginning to think you fell
down the rabbit hole, bud.

I'm here.

You better be.

What's taking them
so long?

Bravo, El Soldat and
his men are on their way.

You've got a minute,
two at most.


All right. Hey, people.
Let's go.

We're moving out
right now.

You see that white bunny,
you let me know.

I will.

You stay on us.
Let's move.

Let's move.
Let's move.

Pick him up!

Get him back!
Get him back in the house now!


♪ I couldn't see where
you were comin' from ♪

♪ but I know just what
you're running from ♪

♪ and what matters ain't
who's baddest but the ♪

♪ ones who stop you falling
from your ladder ♪

♪ when you feel like
you're feeling now ♪

♪ and doing things
just to please your crowd ♪

♪ when I love you
like the way I love you ♪

♪ and I suffer but I ain't
gonna cut you 'cause ♪

♪ this ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ this ain't no place for no
better man ♪

♪ this ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ to call home ♪

♪ this ♪

♪ this ain't no place
for no hero ♪

♪ this ain't no place for no
better man ♪

♪ this ain't no place
for no hero ♪

Get them in the house!
Move! Move!


Move, move, move!


Move, move, move


Right now!



Move, move,
move, move, move!



Move in!

Fuck. Fuck!

Fuck me!

Markunda! Cover!
You cover from there!









Going back.

Back up!




Not gonna try that
anytime soon.

Yeah, at least
not in the daylight.


about your truck.

So, what happens now?

You ever heard
of the Alamo?

How long have
you known

that Othmani is
El Soldat's brother?


For sure?
Not until I saw his face.

Would it have made any
difference before now?

You're not a spook

You're the leader
of this team.

We share what we know

because out there,
knowledge isn't power.

It's what keeps us

You think they want
to surrender?


White flag out there.

Do you believe it?

don't know.

There's only one
way to find out.

I'll go.

I'm better
with people.


Fuck off.

That's exactly what
I'm talking about.

I have visual.

It's El Soldat in person.

I never got close.

Your people
are excited, huh?

I don't
get out much.

Anyone tell you
you got a great profile?


Bravo One, make sure
you have a clear shot.

Copy that.

When Bravo Two signals he's
clear, and on my command,

take it.

We have your brother.

We only share
a mother,

but she would
be most disappointed

if I did not
bring him home,

so give him back
to me,

and you may leave.

You release the
triggers, let us go,

and I'll let you
have your family reunion.

I have made
my offer.

Oh, fuck.

Bravo Two,
you're marked.

About your
2 o'clock.

Zero, if I take
this hit,

Bravo Two is dead.

Zero, Bravo Two
is signaling

to take the shot


Bravo Two, disengage.

One soldier
for El Soldat.

Yes, I thought
about it, Major.

Are you sure you
won't change your mind?

Because as you see, I
have many men and RPGs.

Yeah, but you'll
never use them

unless you want to
barbecue your brother.

You have limited

and a perimeter
you cannot defend.

And there is one thing
else you should know:

My men...they are not
as educated as I am.

Last month, they
cut off the cocks

of an Algerian
army patrol

and put them in their
mouth just like this,

for fun.

We're done here.

as well as naive.

You must be an
excellent soldier.

I hope you like
my country,

because you will
die here.

So that whole "shoot
him anyway" stunt...


If I'd have taken
that shot,

you'd be dead,

Yeah, well, I knew
you wouldn't take it.


Yeah, really.


So, what did he
have to say?

The usual
bad-guy bollocks.


Oh, and he said
something about

cutting off our cocks and
putting them in our mouths.



I've been thinking
of a new look.

Ha. Try shaving.

All right, so we move out
of here as soon as it's dark.

That's a plan.



You got a spare
one of those?

They told you
I'm a terrorist.

I'm a soldier.


This is a war,

and sooner or later, you're going
to have to choose: Us or them.

What's to choose?

And you...why do you
help these people?

It suits me.

They come here.

They take what they
want, and they move on.

They don't give
a shit about us.

That's a little

And now it's "us"?

At least they do
move on, Arab.

Over a thousand years, and we're
still waiting for you to leave.

We're leaving
as soon as it gets dark.

Tell your guys.

You're coming, too,

Let's move.

Yeah. Let's go!

Let's go.
Pick him up.

Make sure he
doesn't bleed out.

And you, also.
Let's go.

We can't leave you

El Soldat
will come down hard

on anyone
who has helped us.

This is my home.

Zero, how are
we looking out there?

you're clear. Good luck.

Stay tight.

Thanks. Gonna
need some of that.


That's it. Let's move.

Come on. Come on.
Let's go. Move.

Come on. Come on.

Across there.
Go. Go, go.


Come here. Come here.


Get in back! Move!
Get in back!

What have you got?
Can you see anything?

No, nothing.

You got a phosphorus


Give me it.


When this goes off,
you run back there.



Move, move, move,
move, move!

Go on.

They're not gonna try
leaving again anytime soon.

Right. We sit tight,
see how it plays.

Zero, we can't move.

We got a sniper up on
that raised ground, southwest.

Can you have a look
for me?

Bravo, I've
got nothing.

Must be masking
their heat signature.

Old Taliban trick.

Guess what I'm
thinking right now.

A mule could guess.

I'm thinking...

that my last
human contact

is potentially gonna be with some
sweaty little bearded terrorist

who wants to kill me

just so he can
cut off my cock

and stick it
in my own mouth.

It might be
safer there.


El Soldat's men could
come at any time.



That's it.


Yes, ma'am.


You asked me to look into
who was on the CIA flight

shot down over Mali.

There was a prisoner...

Faris Rafik, El Soldat's
right-hand man.

a closer friend

to the man that
you know as Othmani.

They knew each other
as children.

What is
the exact nature

of your relationship
with Othmani, Major?

Have you been speaking
to Toby Oakes?

What did he tell you?

That you slept
with Othmani

to get to El Soldat.

SIS got impatient.

They wanted him snatched,
but he'd gone.

Did he tell you that
I tipped him off?

Did you?

What...tip him off
or fuck him?

Who you fuck in the line
of duty is your business,

but if you
warned him off

and he went on to bring
down that plane over Mali,

then you're
carrying baggage

that could impact your
leadership of this unit,

and that...
is my business.


is the
prisoner conscious?

That's affirmative.

Put him on.

Oy. It's for you.

In English,
for my friends.

I remember the taste
of your skin

and the lies
you whispered.

Perhaps they weren't
all lies.

You are injured.

Life is hard on those of
us who dare to dream.

The triggers
were on the bus.

El Soldat has them.

You lost.

You made the call
from the compound

initiating the bombing
on the CIA flight.

Arrest me.

Your friend Faris Rafik
was on that plane.

When there is
no enemy within,

the enemy outside
cannot hurt you.

He was a traitor?

I am tired now.

He's hiding something.

Where are you going?

If El Soldat's
right-hand man

was talking
to the Americans,

then I want to know
what he said.

You did tip Othmani off
in Tangiers, didn't you?

He guessed...
outplayed me.

It won't happen

Be advised: Helios
is about to go blind.

We lose sat coverage
at 0500.

If they mobilize for an
attack, you let us know.


Guess we're gonna be here
for the party after all.

Look what I found...


There's a couple of cans
of gas out the back,

so I figured
we'd prep some shit,

lay it as soon as
we find out

which way they're
gonna come at us.

What about our friends
with the night sight?

Yeah, I'm still working
on that one.

You can't actually
mean to fight them.

You must surrender.

Do what they say, exchange the
brother for your freedom.

No way.

We're dead as soon
as we hand him over.

You take sugar
with your coffee, father?


You got
fresh coffee.


Grind it yourself?

You want to tell me
what happened on the bus?

If you're gonna start that
"Alice In Wonderland" bullshit,

I don't want to have
this conversation, yeah?

I'm not.

I lost it.


You only came back
to 20 because...

You thought it would be easier
to track down Hanson, huh?



Don't blame you.

If I was you, I'd probably
do the same thing.


That shit leads down a dark
and slippery path, Mike.

What's at the end of it...
that ain't pretty.

What we do,
our jobs...

you let that shit
get personal, and...

That's when you lose

Trust me.

I did.

And if it weren't
for 20, you guys...

All I'm saying is don't go
getting lost on me, Mike.


Roger that.

The other woman
in Scott's life.

Tell me what El
Soldat's lieutenant

was doing on
that CIA flight

he had shot down
over Mali.

And in return
I get?

Axmali was selling
on nuclear triggers

that he picked up
in Mogadishu.

To El Soldat.

Ok, let's talk.

Mind if I turn on
the radio?

I find it relaxing.

That's fine.

Zero, is there any movement
from El Soldat's men?


The one who
killed your wife...

is he dead? don't
do subtle, do you?

You will see it is done.

Your people are like mine.

How many lives,
how much gold did it take

to kill Bin Laden?

It is what is right,
whatever the cost.



What are you doing?

What are you doing?

No! No!


Oy! Oy, get off
of him! Move!

Back against
the wall.

Back against
the wall!

Who released him?

You released him?

How the fuck do you
think I can stay here?

I've been treating...

El Soldat's men
for years.

You motherfucker.

Get out.

Zero, can you have another
look for that sniper for me?

Forget the heat

Looking for a void
of some kind.

The rocks retain

There should be
some kind of displacement.

Bravo, I think
I've found him.

Forwarding angle, elevation,
and stellar triangulation.

Copy that.

Get me Othmani.

Bravo, request immediate
contact with prisoner.

Oy. Here.

We have nothing
more to say.

The game, it's over.
You lost, remember?

Your friend isn't
the traitor.

You killed
the wrong person.

It's your brother
who betrayed you.

This is what Rafik
told the CIA?

El Soldat has been
buying up Libyan arms

and selling them
to whoever's paying.

He never gave a shit
about you or your cause.

For him it's only ever
been about money and power.

I have proof... CIA recordings
of the initial interview.


He called you that
as a kid, didn't he?

You told me
it was because

you believed
in right and wrong.

Are you?

You're just blinded by the
love for your older brother.

Take cover.

You've spent your whole life
doing whatever he asked,

one way or another,
haven't you?

What would you know?

Where I'm coming from,
family is everything.

Blood binds us.

Because when your brother
told you to bring the triggers,

you came running
like a faithful dog.

He will use them
in God's name.

You don't believe
that, really.

Not anymore.

Money is all the
triggers are to El Soldat,

the next deal,

and to safeguard
that deal,

he needed somebody
to kill his right-hand man

and take down that plane,
no questions asked.

Who else
but the little fool?

You murdered
your best friend

so El Soldat could have his
triggers so the deal...

There will be no deal,

because he doesn't
have them.

You put them on the bus
in Niamey.

In the Khafir's bag.

What the fuck?

It's not possible.

Holy shit.

I did not
see that one coming.

Ha! Must have
nearly choked

when we grabbed that
vet off the bus, huh?

It's God's will.

I have movement.

Approximately 30 people moving
to the end of the valley

behind the farmhouse.

Looks like they're
prepping for a dawn attack.

If we want to pack
those booby traps,

now is probably
a really good time.

Zero, how long
have we got?

Bravo, we've lost
the satellite.

Man, this guy's got
impeccable timing.

Guard these
with your life.


Whoever El Soldat
has at GSI

tipped him off about
the sat coverage.

Yeah. That's why
he waited.



You ready?


If they make it
into the house,

we fall back
to the kitchen.


One more
little surprise,

just in case there's a
family reunion in there.

Take out El Soldat.



Does this work?


your fingers.

So, what makes you
tick, huh?

For every fighter
that your drones kill,

15 women and children
will die.

Isn't that enough?

An eye for an eye.

That's it?


You really think you
can start a new world

on a stack
of dead bodies?

You should read
more history.

This is how
it's done.

Oh, yeah? Can't wait
to read about you

in the history
books tomorrow.

Open your mouth.

Open your
fucking mouth.

Thank you.

Just in case you

you love your big
brother after all.

See you around.

We won't
pick up coverage

for another couple
of hours, Major.

Scott, get ready.






When I tell you, we're
running back to the house!


No! I'm not running away!

You're not
running away!

It's a tactical withdrawal!


Go! Move!


Behind you!





Going back!




Into the house!
Coming to you! Move!



Move! Now!


I'm out! I'm out!



Fuck you!

Help me move this.
Scott, move!

See you around, fucker.


Get down! Down!

Everyone get ready!



Fuck. Fuck!

Who's the fucking
fool now?

You ok?


We got to stop
meeting like this.

What you did here
was something special.

Maybe they'll give you
a medal.

The triggers.

Uh uh uh.

Open it.

I want to
see them this time.


Come here. Come here.
Come here. Come here.


this is Zero.

Are you receiving?

Bravo, this is Zero.
Are you receiving? Over.

Bravo, this is Zero, request
immediate sitrep. Over.

Zero, this is Bravo.

We've definitely
been better.


Who's gonna
tell Dalton?


Zero, how long until the
Algerians get here?

Should be
with you any minute, Bravo.


And we don't have
the triggers.

You have got to
be fucking kidding me.

Where the hell
are they?

Zero, this is Bravo.

El Soldat is dead.
We assume you want DNA.

Bravo out.



No problem.

Thank you
for everything you did.

We'll make sure
someone gets you home.

This was my home.

You ok?


We'll be lifted
out of here

in about
a half an hour.

I can find
my own way back.

I'm sure you can.

I'm sorry
for your losses.

We couldn't have
done this

without the help
of your men.

If you need a hand...

I will see what
must be done is done.

Next time
you're in the desert...


You nomads tend to move
around, though, huh?

If you wish,
you will find me.

Nice work.

El Soldat is a major
scalp for 20.

That in itself justifies
what we're doing here.

But we still do not
have the triggers.

So... clean up, and then
we are back in business.

I think I've got him.

The guy who set up the charity
that shipped the triggers.

That's him.

Karl Matlock.

US citizen.

Awarded the legion
d'honneur in Afghanistan.

Fuck me. They don't just
hand that shit out to anyone.

Since then, he's
gone freelance...

Chad, Rwanda, Sudan.

Find out where
he is,

because that is
where we need to be.

Hip hip.


Hip hip.


Thank you, sweetheart.


You wanted results.

Thank you.

Imagine what
I can do with these.

We should limit our
contact from now on.

for "Nostromo"?

Circuit's quiet
right now,

so we should have
the best people

beating a path
to our door.

First time
in Cape Town, sir?

or pleasure?

A little of both,
I hope.