Storm of the Century (1999): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

A vicious blizzard hits isolated Little Tall Island. On shore, after claiming his first victim, mysterious Andre Linoge awaits capture by the sheriff and makes him an offer: "Give me what I want and I'll go away."

My name is Michael Anderson...

I'm not what you'd call
a Rhodes Scholar

I don't have much in the way
of philosophy either...

but I know one thing...

In this world,
you have to pay as you go.

Sometimes, all you have.

That's a lesson I thought
I learned nine years ago

during what folks in these parts
call the Storm of the Century...

but I was wrong.

I only started learning
during the Big Blow.

I finished just last week.

I grew up in Maine...

but in a way
I never really lived in Maine...

I think anyone from my part
of the world would say the same.

Folks from Little Tall send their taxes
to Augusta same as other folks...

and we got either a lobster
or a loon on our license plates

same as other folks...

We root for the University
of Maine's teams,

especially the women's
basketball team,

same as other folks.

- Hey, Sonny, you forgot one.
- One for the pot for good luck!

Better double it, Sonny,
the weatherman says it's comin' on.

Seen 'em come in every winter,
they howl in and howl out...

July always comes.

Still, they say this one's
gonna be something special.

(Mike:) But we ain't the same.
Out on the islands is different.

We pull together when we have to.

- We'll get through her.
- Yeh, like always.

When you mind the swell,
you mind the boat.

What's a Frenchman like you know?

(Mike:) And we can keep a
secret when we have to...

we kept our share back in 1989.

And the people who
live there keep them still.

I know. I stay in touch.

I got all my canned goods now...

You wouldn't think there was
a big storm coming, would you?

I just pray we don't lose the power.

Radio says
it's gonna snow a bitch.

Easy, Ferd.
It's just a cap of snow.

Trouble don't cross the reach,
ain't that why we live here?

Yeah... Well, if we get in trouble,
we're in trouble.

(TV:) This is the storm
that's caused fifteen deaths...

as it crossed the
Great Plains and the Midwest...

Folks, here comes trouble...

this is a very atypical storm,
almost a winter hurricane...

the sort that paralyzed
the East Coast

and buried Boston back in 1976...

(Mike:) The first person to see
Andre Linoge was Martha Clarendon.

He was also the last
person she ever saw.

We haven't seen a storm
of comparable power until now.

Will it gives us a
break and stay out to sea?

Unfortunately the storm
track computer says no.

Oh, my!

Look at this!

The systems
will collide over Maine...

Oh, dear!

Hurricane-force winds,
phenomenal amounts of snow...

add region-wide blackouts...

Oh, dear... dear!

(doorbell rings)

(TV:) We sometimes over use
the phrase "Storm of the Century,"

but if these two storms converge...

the phrase
will be no exaggeration.

Next we'll talk
about storm preparation,

no panic here, just practicalities.

When they tell you the world's
coming to an end,

they want to sell you cereal.

When they tell you not to panic,
it's serious.

(doorbell rings)
Oh, hold on!

I'm getting there
as fast as I can!

I broke my hip last summer,
and I'm slow as cold molasses.

Can I help you?

"Born in lust, turn to dust."

- I beg you pardon?
- "Born in sin, come on in."


(Andre humming)

(sings:) "I'm a little teapot,
short and stout...

here is my handle,
here is my spout...

when I get all steamed up,
here me shout...

just tip me over
and pour me out."

(TV narrator:) it the Punishments of God?

(TV:)... do it now,
before it's too late.

Don't forget the bean supper
next Wednesday-week, Michael...

I'll need every deacon
I can lay my hands on!

I'll be there, if we can
get through the next three days.

I'm sure we will,
God takes care of his own.

Aren't there any pork chops?
I thought you'd have pork chops.

There you go!

Ground chuck's too dear!
Don't you have hamburger?

Right here! Okay folks, listen,
it's a storm, that's all...

We've gotten through
plenty of these before...

we'll get through plenty after,
so everyone calm down!

Stop acting like mainlanders!

Don't be smart, Mike Anderson!

No, Mrs. St. Pierre,
I won't be smart.

Hold on just a second.

Hey, Mike, you got a call,
it's your wife...

she's gotta little problem
at the day-care center.

Is she hot under the collar?

How do I know where she's hot,
she's your wife!


Hatch, wanna take over for me?

Yo, Mike, can I borrow
your whip and chair?

Better go see about that,
huh, Mike?

Hey, Moll, What's up?

I got a little problem,
can you come?

I got a little problem
of my own, what's yours?

(kids screaming)
Pippa got her head stuck!

(Pippa wails)

Pippa, can I have your bread
if you're not gonna eat it?

(kids laughing)

Pippa, honey, hold still!
Annie, keep her calm.

- Pippa? What about Pippa?
- Please, quiet!

The last thing I want
is Alton Hatcher down on me.

Something about Pippa.

It's too late, babe...
What's up?

(sighs) Pippa's got her head
stuck in the stairs...

It's not serious, but...

I can't deal with a big storm and
a crazed daddy all in the same day.

If Hatch comes, you be with him.

- All right, I'll be down.
- What about Pippa?

She's got a little stuck-itis.
Let's go see.

How upset did she sound, Mike?

About point five on the scale
from one to ten. Don't worry.

This is gonna be one
bad mother of a storm.

Mike and your daddy will be
here and Mike will get you out.

- I'm hungry!
- Can I feed her, Mrs. Anderson?

I fed a monkey once
at the Bangor Fair.

I'm not a monkey, Harry!

Look you guys,
I'm a monkey! Oooh-ooh!

(kids laughing)

I am not a monkey!

All right, kids, stop it.
It's making Pippa sad!

Don, you stop!
It's mean!

Don, you need
to stop right now!


Pippa! Hold still, you'll yank
your ears right off your head.

Pippa got her head stuck,
Don won't stop bein' a monkey.

Mr. Anderson, I stopped bein'
a monkey as soon as she said!

That's great, Sally!
I gotta put you down, Ralphie!

Ow! Hey, why'd you do that?

For actin' smart.

I ain't afraid of you,
my dad's the town manager...

he pays your salary.

Pushers get pushed,
Donnie Beals...

You remember that.
It's a true fact of this sad life...

Pushers get pushed.

- Honey, why'd you do this?
- Heidi St. Pierre dared me.

What happened, darlin'?

It was easy goin' out,
but now I can't get back in!

I think my head must be
bigger on this side!

It is, but you know
what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna make it smaller.
You know how?

No! How?

I'm gonna push
your smaller button.

Then you're head'll
get smaller and it'll slide out

just as easily as it slid in.
Understand, Pippa?

(Hatch laughs)

I'm gonna push your button now, okay?
You ready?

- Uh-huh.
- Close your eyes.

Here we go...

Okay, your head's
getting smaller,

pull it out before it gets big,
there you go!

(kids cheer)
Thanks, boss.

- Thank you, really.
- No problem.

I'm sorry if I called
at a bad time...

I saw her head like that and
couldn't get it out, I freaked.

You needed a break anyway.

- The smaller button, huh?
- Everyone's got one.

Davey Hopewell, in transition...
He avoids the press...

Stockton tries to steal the ball,
but he doesn't have a chance.

It's Davey Hopewell
at the top of the key,

Clock running out...

Davey Hopewell's the Celtics'
only hope...

He shakes, he bakes, he...

(wind blows)

(TV:) The jetstream has taken
a pattern which is very typical

for this time of year.
The upper flow is stronger than usual...

(Davey:) Mrs. Clarendon?
Are you okay?

Mrs. Clarendon?

(door creaks)

(sound of TV)

Mrs. Clarendon?
It's Davey. Davey Hopewell?

Are you all right?

Anybody here?

(Andre:) Forget the NBA, Davey.

You'll never even play
first string in high school.

You're slow...

You're a dwarf!

Why don't you come in here,
I'll do you a favor...

save you a lot of grief.

No! Help!
Help! Help!

Somebody killed Mrs. Clarendon!

Help, somebody, help!
Mrs. Clarendon's dead! Help!

He shoots...

He scores.

Help! Please!

Help, somebody, help!
Somebody, please!

Get help! Help, please!

David Hopewell!

What are you doing,
running down the road

making a spectacle of

Someone killed Mrs. Clarendon!

That's nonsense,
what are you talking about?

There's blood everywhere,
and one of her eyes is out!

- Davey, just calm down...
- It's on her cheek...!

Mrs. Kingsbury, look after him,
give him some hot tea...

better yet, some whiskey
if you have any.

You gonna tell Mike Anderson?

Not until I've had a look first.

There's more than one thing
that a town manager can do.

You want help, Robbie Beals?

That won't be necessary, George.
I'll be fine.

(Davey:) Careful, Mr. Beals.
I think the guy's still inside.

(honks horn)

(swing creaks)

- Wanna come in?
- Nah, I'm fine.

Hey, boss?

Thanks for seein' after my
little girl.

My pleasure.

(waves crash)

(bell chimes)

(Ursula:) We haven't heard
any more than you have...

Not the memorial bell,
not with the winds we're having...

It'll be the siren,
if it comes to that.

Two shorts, and one long,
that's right.

...Mike Anderson, of course.

Those are the decisions
we pay him to make, aren't they?

Yeah, I'll say hello
to Peter for ya.

Thanks for calling, Betty.

Tough day, huh?

Betty Soames thinks we have
access to some secret forecast.

Some kind of Jeanne Dixon
psychic weather forecast?

I guess, yeah...

Urse, have most people in town
seen this stuff?

If they're not blind, they have.
Y'need to relax, Mike Anderson.

How's little Pippa Hatcher?

- Whoa, that was fast!
- No secrets on the island!

She's fine, she got her head
stuck in the stairs.


Her dad's in the car doin'
homework for the big blow of '89.

Just like Alton and Melinda
Hatcher's daughter... perfect.

People know this one's bad, Mike.

If they hear the siren, they'll come.
You needn't worry.

You came to see the emergency
shelter setup, didn't you?

Thought it might not be a bad idea.

We can handle 300 for 3 days,
150 for a week...

If what I'm hearin' on the
radio is right, we may have to.

(TV:) When life hands you lemons
we can help you make lemonade...

...Stick it to them,
before they stick it to you.

Anybody here?

You may have thousands
of dollars waiting for you...

Oh my God...

(TV shuts off)

- Good?
- You know it is.

How's the supply closet?

Full, just like you wanted.
Concentrates, mostly...

Pour the water over the powder
and gag it down...

But nobody will starve.

- You do all this yourself?
- Me and Pete's sister, Tavia...

"Be discreet," you said.
"Don't panic anyone."

That's what I said...

So how many people know we're
stocked for World War III?


Who are you?

"Born in sin,
come on in."

You were with a whore in Boston
when your mother died.

Ma was in that old nursing home
they tore down last fall.

The one with the rats
in the pantry, right?

She choked to death calling your name.
Isn't that sweet?

But that's all right, Robbie...

She's waiting for you in hell,
and she's turned cannibal...

When you get there,
she's going to eat you alive...

Over and over and over again...

That's what hell is all about,
Robbie... Repetition.

I think in our hearts,
most of us know that.



(TV:) Let's check the area
to be most affected by the storm...

The forecast calls for
destruction tonight...

death tomorrow...
and Armageddon by the weekend.

This could be the end
of life as we know it.

Seems unlikely,
but we can always hope.

This is Robbie Beals
for Constable Anderson...

(radio:)... this is an

Come back, damn it, Anderson!
We got a murder down here...

Martha Clarendon's
been beaten to death...

...the man who did this
is still in the house!

Come back, Anderson...
Can you hear me?

He's always around when it comes
to unwanted advice, where is he?

(radio:) Isn't there anybody
listening on this thing?

- Anderson!
- Robbie, This is Tess Marchant.

I don't want you,
I want Anderson!

I can't do his job
and mine as well!

He had an emergency at home.
Alton went with him.

What do you mean,
emergency at home...

There's an emergency
right here!

There's a woman

We got a lunatic in
Martha Clarendon's living room!

What's he talking about?
Who's murdered?

Martha, he says.

Robbie, I'm here.
Just a minute.

You folks, back off now.
Gimme a little privacy.

You pay me 6,000 a year to be constable,
let me do the job you pay me for.

Where are you, Robbie,
come back?

Where am I?
I'm at Martha Clarendon's house!

Where do you think I am?

I'm keeping the man inside at bay.

Now you get your ass down here!

Let's take another ride,
all right?

You and Kat mind the store.

All right, folks, stay here
and finish your shopping...

There's nothing that you can do
down on Atlantic Avenue.

Snow's early.

Look at the mainland...
Can't see over there no more...

It's time to get in
while you can.

Can't even see
the reach no more...

Time to head down
to the Town Hall...

Whether you've heard
the siren or not.

- Want the shotgun?
- Yep, better have it.

Just make sure that safety's on,
Alton Hatcher.

Well, it's about time!

- Put that thing away!
- No such thing, constable...

you do your job,
and I'll do mine.

Your job is real estate.
Wanna at least lower it, please?

C'mon, Robbie, it's in my face,
and I know it's loaded.

(opens pistol)
All right, what happened?

I was driving
to the Town Office...

I saw Davey Hopewell running
down the street, screaming

that Martha Clarendon's dead,
and that somebody killed her!

I came down here,
and it's true...

she's... awful.

The one that did it
is still inside?

He spoke to me.

What did he say?

He told me to get out...

He said, "You get out or I'll
kill you too!" I don't know!

This isn't
the time for an interrogation!

What did he look like?

I barely got a look at him.

Hatch, you stay at my left,
keep the barrel of that gun

pointed toward the ground.

Leave that safety on until
I tell you to take it off.

And you, you stay exactly
where you are, please.

You're the constable.

I'd be careful if I was you!

Even if there is a guy,
he's probably gone by now.

She ain't got but
a five-foot garden fence.

(door creaks)

(TV:)... Order now,
while you still have time...

Oh, my God... Oh, God.
Mike, she's got no face left!

...Oh... God...

Hatch, are you gonna be
all right? Hatch?

Because if you're not, I want
you to hand me that 12 gauge...

...and go back out to Robbie.
- I'm okay.

- Are you sure?
- Aye.

(TV shuts off)


Raise your hands!

Up over the chair.
I wanna see them clear as day!

You got two guns
pointed at you!

One of them's a scatter!

Put your hands together.


- What happened to Martha?
- Just stand back!

This is under control!

(draws handcuffs)

If he moves, shoot him.


If he shoots,
he'll get us both.

That thing's still loaded
with buckshot.

Also... he's still got
the safety on.

(safety clicks)

(handcuffs lock)

But you remembered
to wear gloves.

That was good.

On your feet.

(wind gusting)

Hatch, close the door.

Is that wise? This bein'
a crime scene and all...

you think we should
leave things the way they are?

Leave the door open...

the crime scene's gonna be
under six feet of fresh powder.

Hold on!

What's your name?

Andre Linoge.

All right, let's go.

Pip, you sure you're all right?

Don Beals hurt my feelings,
but they're better now.

I'm sorry I had to
call you early, guys.

That's okay. The radio says
they're gonna keep

the bigger kids over in Machais
at least tonight.

The reach is too choppy
to send them back by waterbus.

- Mommy, I'm cold
- Of course you are!

You'll warm up in the car.
Are there more?

No, Buster and Pip
were the last.

Pippa, you had quite an
adventure today, didn't you?


Good to see you, Melinda.
Take care.

You too. 'Bye.

And thank you for being such
a good helper today, Buster.


We'll see you Monday,
if the roads are open!

Wave her 'bye, Buster.

- You drive safely, Angie.'Bye.
- 'Bye!

(phone rings)


There you are, I've been trying
to reach you for ten minutes.

I've been on the porch handing
kids over to their parents.

I sent them home early.
What's up, Katrina?

I don't want you to be scared,

but we got word there's been
a murder on the island.

Martha Clarendon. Mike and Hatch
just went over there.

Are you sure?

I'm not really sure
about anything right now...

This place has been
a madhouse all day...

They went over there and
Mike wanted me to call you

just to let you know that
everything's under control.

- Is it?
- Yeah... Probably.

Anyway, he wanted me to call you
before anyone else did.

So, if you see
Melinda Hatcher...

She just left with Angie Carver,
they're carpooling...

you can reach them at home
in 15 minutes or so...

But you better
make that 20.

There's no chance that this
is a joke or a prank?

No. Robbie Beals called it in,

he doesn't exactly do humor,
you know?

Yeah, I know.

He said the person who
did this might still be there.

I don't know if Mike
would want me to tell you that,

but I thought you had
the right to know.


I'm coming down to the store...

If Mike gets there before I do,
you tell him to stay put.

- I don't think he'd...
- Thanks, Kat.

Hey, Ralphie, honey! Let's go to
the market and see your daddy.

- What do you say?
- Daddy! Yay!

Yay! Let's get you dressed.

What, are you gonna
put him in there?

Not unless you wanna get in
the back seat and baby-sit.

Get in there, Mister.

Put that down!

Remember what I said, Robbie...
Hell is repetition!

He talks a lot of nonsense!

I think he's crazy!

How'd he know your name?
Did you tell him?

I don't know... but no sane
person would hurt Martha.

I'll come to the store
and help clear this up.

We're gonna have to get in touch
with the State Police!

Robbie, I know this goes
against your grain...

but you're going to have to
let me handle this!

I am the town manager,
I've got responsibilities!

So do I, and they're clearly
divided in the town charter!

Ursula needs you a lot more
at the Town Hall than...

I need you at the constable's.
Come on, Hatch.

You're getting
a little big for your britches!

The store! Yay!

"Yay" is right.

Mommy, are you
feeling all right?

I'm fine, honey.

(signs creaking)

- What're we gonna do with him?
- Keep your voice down!

We'll have to try and raise
the State Police barracks.

Robbie was right
about that much...

But what are the chances they'll
take him off our hands in this?


When we were in the hall,
I heard the TV on, did you?

At first, yeah. The weather.
Then the guy must've...

But it was busted,
busted all to hell and gone...

He didn't do it while we were
in the hallway either...

You bust a TV picture tube,
it makes a sound, like BOOF!

We would have heard it.

Must have been the radio...


(engine cranking)

(Hatch whistles)

- Safety off?
- Yeah.

Up top.

Step out,
come up on the dock.

(wind howling)

(keys jingle)

(key breaks)


Snapped off...

Must be the cold.

(banging on door)

Anybody in there?
(bangs on door)

All right, never mind.
Open it from the other side.

Want me to leave you
out here alone with him?

Unless you see Superman
hanging out in the alley...

Maybe we could bring him
around the front?

Through the store? With everyone
doing their storm shopping?

I don't think so.
Go on, now.

(propeller flutters)

What happened, Beals?
Is Martha really dead?

She's dead, all right.

- You haven't heard from them?
- I haven't heard from them.

(boots flap)


- Hi, Molly.
- Where's Mike, is he all right?

He's out back with the prisoner,
I have to let him in.

Is he a local?

I never saw him before
in my life.

What are they doin' out back?

Give me what I want
and I'll go away.

What is it you want?

- Uh, Mike?
- Hurry up, it's freezing!

It won't open,
it's stuck!

Did you unlock it?

Of course I did.

Then whale on it!
Probably ice stuck in the jamb.

(continues to bang)

Here, let me.

Anderson! You're gonna have
to take him through the store.

- Hatch, come around. Alone.
- Right there.

(shivering breath)

Remember what I said,
Mr. Anderson...

And when the time comes,
we'll talk.

Go on.

Hold up.
Go ahead, Hatch.

(bell rings)

Mike wants you folks to move
back on both sides...

no one in Aisle Two.

We got us a bad guy and we can't
bring him in through the back

like we'd like to, so move back,
give us some room.

- Why'd he kill her?
- Could you move back, Pete...

Mike's been out in the snow,
and his feet are pretty cold.

We'll all feel better once
we get this guy locked up...

Just move back and give us a
clear way up the second aisle.


Not one wrong move,
Mr. Linoge...

You mind me, now.


Straight down the aisle.
Nowhere else.

C'mon, let's go.

Peter Godsoe!

My favorite seafood wholesaler
with my favorite politician.

How's the fish business?
Not so good, is it?

Lucky you've got the marijuana
business to fall back on.

How many bales have you got
in the warehouse now? Ten?

Twenty? Forty? Be sure you got
it wrapped good, Pete...

There's gonna be a hell of a
surge when the tide comes high!

C'mon, move!

Kat Withers!
You're lookin' well!

Why not? It's an in-office
procedure, nothin' to it.

I don't suppose you've told your
folks yet... or Billy.



Or I'll move ya.

My advice would be to go ahead.

What's a little scrape
between friends these days?


Mama, can I have...

Put him down!!


- I know you!
- You do?

You're Ralph Emerick Anderson.

- And I know something else...
- What?

You've got a fairy saddle
on your nose!

That's what my daddy calls it!

You bet.
Speaking of your daddy...

Why are you wearing those?


Because I choose to.
Go on, go see your dad.

- Get him out of here!
- Ralphie! Mike!

Get him outta here!!

Don't shoot him, Daddy...
He knows about the fairy saddle!

I'm not gonna shoot him if he
goes where he's supposed to.

What do you know about Katrina?
How do you know?!

Are you crazy?!
Gat away from him!

This man's a killer!

Stay out of his way,
Billy Soames...

- Stay out of mine, too.
- Also, clean yourself up.


Leave me alone!

Before he gets too
self-righteous, Katrina...

ask him how well he knows
Jenna Freeman.

What do you know
about my sister?

That horses aren't all
she enjoys riding

when the weather's hot.
Right, Billy?

Keep away from this man,
all of you!

(crash outside)

I don't like the sound of that.

Move, Mr. Linoge.

Put your hands up...
grab the bars.

Now, spread your legs...


I'm gonna pat you down.

If you move, my friend Alton
will save us a lot of trouble...

Don't even twitch,
Mr. Linoge.

You put your filthy hands
on my son...

so don't you so much as twitch.

(puts rifle down)

All right,
where's your wallet?

Where's your wallet, huh?

Mike, take it easy.

He put his hands on my son...
Put his face in my son's face...

Kissed my son's nose.
Don't tell me to take it easy.

Where's your wallet, sir?

(bangs bars)

- Where's your bankcard...
- Mike...

- Where's your blood-donor card?
- Mike...!

Where's your Discount Card
from Value Mart?

What sewer did you crawl through
to get here? Answer me!!

Where's your wallet?!

Stop it! Stop it!
Mike, what are you doing?

Take your boots off.

I'll have to let go of the bars
to do that.

They lace up.

If you move, you'll never have
constipation problems again!

Kick 'em off.

(boots hit floor)

- Nothing.
- Put 'em over by the desk.

Step into the cell, Mr. Linoge.

Move slowly, keep your hands
where I can see 'em.

(latch clatters)

(keys rattle)

You don't think it'll hold you?

Lt'll hold you.

(door bolt clicks)

I... I swear, Mike.
It wouldn't budge.

(rattles handle)

Don't touch that!!

Did you check to see if he has
any identification on him?

- I want you out of here.
- I wanna tell you, Anderson...

Your sense of humor
is entirely not funny.

I don't have the time
or patience for this...

Now, you get out,
or I'll throw you out!

Come Town Meeting,

we're gonna have a change in
law enforcement on Little Tall.

Town Meeting's in March,
this is February...

now get the hell out!

I think I handled that well,
don't you?

Like a diplomat.


- I gotta tell Molly...
- You're gonna leave me alone?

You try to raise the State
Police in Machais.

- And keep away from him.
- You can count on that.

Come back. Are you there?
Do you read me, Machais?

We've lost contact
with the mainland.

(crowd murmurs)

- Peter Godsoe, Peter?
- Mike, what that fellow said...

it's the biggest crock of stuff
I ever heard.

Yeah. Look, I want you to go
back there with Hatch...

We're gonna watch this guy,
with the buddy system.

Sure, okay, you bet.

I have to close the store.
Take what you've got...

I trust you to settle up
after the storm.

Right now I've got a
prisoner to deal with.

Did that man really kill
poor old Martha?

In time, we'll have
the whole story, but not now.

Please, all of you, please,
just help me do my job.

I want a few of you men to hang
around for a couple minutes...

Kirk Freeman,
Jack Carver...

Sonny Brautigan,
Johnny Harriman, Billy...

uh, Robbie...

Machais, this is Alton Hatcher
on Little Tall...

We have a police emergency here!
Do you read, Machais?


Machais, this is Alton Hatcher,
Channel one-nine, do you read?

They don't. You lost your
good antenna off the roof.

Try the phone.

(rattles phone receiver)

Better take the truck,
won't get 300 yards in the car...

Never seen it come down
so hard and fast.

Billy, would you give Molly
a hand with the carseat?

- Sure, Mike.
- I'll take the service truck...

and get a lift when I get
things squared away.

I've gotta go back to Martha's,
long enough to get it secured.

Be careful.

(hangs up phone)

No? Lt was a long shot.

You don't really have a load
of Panama Red

behind your lobster traps,
do ya Pete?

Mommy, the island won't
blow away, will it?

No, honey, of course not.

(gusty wind)

- C'mon, honey...
- Mike was right...

You'd never make it in your car.
Drive safe, Molly.

Thanks, Billy.

We'll be home soon.

Aww, damn!

- Hey, look at him!
- What?

- What?
- I, uh...


You been smokin' too much
of what you been sellin', Pete.

Hey, shut up, Hatch.

You don't talk about
what you don't understand.

Hey, Pete.

I was out of line there.


Way out.

What are you looking at?

Gonna be all right?
I can give you a lift home.

It's the wrong direction.

I'm only six houses
down as you well know.

Don't baby me.

Come on,
let's get the other one.


Do you have any idea
why he came here?

Why he'd want to kill Martha?


Why don't you go on home, Tess?

I'll lock up.

- Everything ok?
- Reasonably ok.

I couldn't raise
the State Police in Machais.

Couldn't raise anybody.

Well, that doesn't really
surprise me.

All right, here's
the duty roster, Hatch.

You and Peter until 8:00 pm.

Kirk and Jack 8:00 pm
until midnight.

Robbie and Sonny
midnight to 4:00 am...

Billy and Johnny 4:00 am
until 8:00 in the morning.

After that, we'll figure
something else out.

You ok with that?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, fine.

All right, now. You stay alert.
Both of you.

Later on we're going to have
that talk you wanted, sir.

Hey, Mike.

What do we do with him
if Ursula and Robbie

blow the town whistle
and bring everybody in?

We can't very well put him
in the Town Hall basement

with a blanket and
a cup of chowder.

I don't know.
Stay here with him, I guess.

Well, what if he blows away?

You want to go home, Pete?


I'm so sorry, old girl.

What was that?

Tree. Robichaux's
backyard from the sound.

Hope it didn't
hit their porch.

Jack, do you have to go
back to the store today?


Daddy's going to guard
the bad guy

and make sure he doesn't
get away in a plane.

That's right, big guy.
It's a bad situation, hon.

Everybody's got
to do their part.

Besides, I'll be with Kirk.
It's the buddy system.

If you hear the whistle,
you just take Buster and go.

Hell, go before then if
you get nervous.

Bundle up,
take the snowmobile.

- Are you sure?
- Fact is, the earlier you go...

the better choice of beds
you and Buster are apt to have.

People are headed that way already.
I seen the lights.

Now you be here or there
when my watch is over.

It don't matter.
I'll find you.

Hey, Pete. What do you
suppose this one is?

Yodeler's perch.
Three letters.


Of course it is.

This is a great program.

I'll let you try it later
on if you want.


Hop on up.

All right?

- Are you ok, Mother?
- Fine.

As the flowers in May.

What about you, Jo?

I'll make it.

Ok, Tess.'s getting pretty
bad up there.

...Have you got her
prescriptions with you?

...Sign in, everyone.
We have to know who is here...

so please sign in
before you go downstairs.

...What did he say?
- What could he say?

Everybody down at Casco Bay
knows that Peter Godsoe

wholesales nine pounds of pot
for every pound of lobster.

Can't say I blame him.

Got a house full of
women to support.

The question is, Robbie,
how did that fellow know?

Likely in business together.

Why would a fellow
want to kill a harmless old lady

like Martha Clarendon
unless he's high on drugs?

You tell me that, Judge Kirby.

That doesn't explain
how he could know that

Cat Withers was up
in Derry for an abortion.

Woman: Are there any
more blankets?

Robbie Beals,
Henry Bright,

you boys think
you could go downstairs

and bring up some more blankets
out of the back storeroom,

or aren't you far enough
along with your politicking yet?

What's the matter, Ursula?

All this a little
too much for you, dear?

Isn't it about time to blow
the whistle and bring them in?

Looks like enough of them
have come in on their own.

The rest can ride
it out just fine.

This is a bunch of foolishness
as far as I'm concerned.

Do you think our grandparents
got together at Town Hall

like a bunch of cavepeople
scared of the lightning?

No, they used
the Methodist church.

I've got a picture I could
show you. The storm of '27.

I can point out your grandad
in it if you want.

Looks like he's stirring
a pot of soup.

Nice to know there was at least
one fellow in your family

that knew how to pitch in.

Come on, Robbie.

Sign in before you go
downstairs, folks.

Room enough for everybody,
but we need to know who we have.

Hey, Ursula.
Have you seen Mike?

No. But I'll be able to catch
his car radio if he calls in.

It's not good for
much else tonight anyway.

Hey, take off your coat,
pitch in.

- How's it going?
- We're having a ball.

- Hey, Ralphie.
- Hi.

(loud crash)

(typing on computer)

Got to use the can.

You want a cold drink
or a coffee there, Pete?


Earth to Peter.


I asked if you wanted a
soda or a coffee.

Oh, no.

Thanks, though.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I, uh...

...was battening down
for the storm all day...

I guess I'm almost asleep
with my eyes open.

- Sorry.
- Hang in there.

Jack Carver and Kirk Freeman
should be here in 20 minutes.

(speaking quickly and quietly)


Lloyd, you've got to see this.

It's going to take Godsoe's.


Lloyd, it's going to take
the whole dock.

Lloyd, you better
get out here...

if you want to see something you
ain't never going to see again.

It's a going.

Lloyd, Lloyd, get out here.


My sainted hat.


Hey Peter, are you ok?
I heard...

Lloyd, where the hell are you?

Did you got to sleep or...?

- What is it?
- It's Godsoe's.

Robbie, it's Godsoe's.
It's gone.

- What do you mean it's gone?
- The whole thing. It's gone.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

Ursula, blow the whistle.

Sweet Jesus.