Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 5 - Loch Ness Monster - full transcript

Admiral Denver fishing on Loch Ness is attacked by the monster. Back at WASP debate rages if the creature exists or if the admiral imagined it. To win the argument Shore orders the Stingray to investigate. Marina refuses to go and Atlanta steps in. They stay overnight at a castle overlooking the loch and during the evening they are woken by strange noises, a search reveals nothing of consequence. Next day they take Stingray out onto the Loch and encounter the monster. Taking evasive action they fire a missile. Rather than kill the creature, the missile exposes it as a remote control robot. The owners of the castle then admit they have operated the robot for generations. Troy after thinking it over decides to admit they saw the monster but could not be sure what they really saw, hence preserving the mystery of the Loch

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Announcer] Stand
by for action.


[dramatic music]

We are about to
launch Stingray.

? Stingray, Stingray ?

-== [ ] ==-

[dramatic percussion music]

- Rebuild, I am
calling battle stations.

Anything can happen in the
next half hour.

[explosion booms]
[dramatic orchestral music]

[planes roaring]

[explosion booms]

? Stingray, Stingray ?

? Stingray, Stingray, Stingray ?

[happy orchestral music]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- [snores] Gee, I must
have dropped off.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

Looks like there's a pretty
large fish around here.

I'd better check the line.

[monster roars]
[Jack screams]

[water splashes]
[monster growls]

[monster roaring]

[dramatic orchestral music]

And that's the story of
my vacation in Scotland.

Turned out to be quite a thing.

- Well, I've heard all
about the Loch Ness Monster,

but I've never met anyone
who's actually seen it.

- I did more than see it,
young lady.

I tangled with it.

Hey, Commander, you
haven't said a thing.

It's quite a story, isn't it?

- [Sam] Yes, Admiral, yes,
quite a story.

- Yeah, well, it really
happened, you know.

I didn't make it up.

- Oh, of course you
didn't make it up, sir.

- I can remember the
whole thing.

I'll never forget.

I was sleeping in my boat--
- Sleeping?

- Yeah, sleeping.
- I'm sorry. Carry on.

I was just surprised you didn't
mention it the first time.

- I didn't think, oh, I see.

I see what you're getting at.

Now, you're saying I dreamt it.

- I am not!
- Yes, you are!

- [Sam] I am not.

- [clears throat] Excuse
me, Commander, Admiral.

I think I should point out

that nobody can win
this argument.

- Arguing, who's arguing?

- We're just having
a discussion.

- Well, I'm sorry to
interrupt your discussion,

but the mystery of the
Loch Ness Monster has

never been solved and
isn't likely to be.

- Yeah, yeah, you're right,

People like me say they've
seen it, but that isn't proof.

- Sure isn't.

Still, short of sending
a craft to investigate,

we'll never know if you
actually saw a monster or not.

- Well, that does it!

As president of the
Undersea Research Program,

I order that one of your
craft explores Loch Ness.

- Well, Stingray--

- Ah, Stingray, is it?

Okay, let's go and
brief Troy Tempest.

Then we'll see if I
dreamt it or not.

- [Sam] I never said--
- Oh, I don't know.

Ever since Naval College, those
two fought over everything.

- So Stingray's off to Scotland.

- Yes, and I'd give
anything to go with them.

Some of my mother's
people came from there.

[sighs] But Marina's
part of the crew,

so naturally she'll be going.

[sentimental orchestral music]

- Find the Loch Ness Monster,
what a crazy mission.

- Well, it'll be quite a trip.

What's the action, Troy?

- Well, we'll land on the coast

and take Stingray across land.

What's the matter, Marina?

Are you worried about that?

Don't you wanna come with us?

- Well, I guess you can't
blame her, Troy.

After all, she does
come from the sea.

I guess all that land
travel scares them.

[Oink barking]

You see, even Oink doesn't
want to go over dry old land.

- Maybe we can talk Atlanta
into coming with us.

She's due for some leave.

- Talk me into it,
are you crazy?

I'll be packed before
you can say Stingray.

[triumphant orchestral music]

[peaceful orchestral music]

- Well, these old
newspaper clippings,

they tell us one thing.

- Yeah, hundreds of people
claim to have seen the monster.

- And they all had the same
trouble as Admiral Denver.

Nobody really believed them.

- Here's a report of an
investigation in the 1960s.

They used sounding equipment.

- Yeah, but they never
really discovered anything.

- Well, what can you expect?

I guess their equipment
was pretty ancient,

compared with ours.

- I'll run that old
film that we got

out of the museum again.

- Oh, it's a waste of time,

- There he is, in the
right-hand corner.

- [Troy] Oh, that
could be anything.

- This one's better.
- But it's out of focus.

That could be anything, too.

Well, there's nothing
for us to do

but to wait until we
get to Loch Ness.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[cheerful orchestral music]

There you are, Atlanta, what
you came all this way to see.

- It sure is worth it, Troy

Bonnie Scotland.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[tranquil orchestral music]

Gee, Troy, isn't it wonderful?

- Sure is, Atlanta.

I hope we get some time to
do some real sightseeing.

- It's not a long drive.

We should be there soon.

- And just imagine,
we'll be staying

in a real castle,
overlooking the loch.

- Yeah, that should be
quite something.

The McGregors who run the place

have kept everything the
way it was years ago.

- You mean bagpipes
and kilts and all that?

- Yeah, everything, Phones.

Nothing could be more
Scottish than that old castle.

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Well, I really enjoyed
that, haggis, you called it?

- Aye, you've the makings
of a real Scotsman, Phones.

- I think it's all wonderful,

just how I always
imagined it would be.

- My brother Jamie and
myself try to keep a wee bit

of old Scotland going
in this modern world.

- [scoffs] You talk too much,

Our guests will be wanting
to retire to their beds

if they're to catch the
monster tomorrow.

- Aye, you're right in
what you say.

We'll take you to your rooms.

- [Troy] Have you seen the
Loch Ness Monster, Andy?

- Aye, that I have, many times.

'Tis a fearful beastie,
and I would

not like to be in your shoes.

- Well, our orders
are to find it.

- You'd best say your
prayers tonight

that it doesn't find you.

[mysterious orchestral music]

- This is your room,
young lassie.

- Thank you, Andy.

Goodnight, everyone.

- Goodnight.
- [Troy] Goodnight, Atlanta.

- Goodnight to you both, and
as you enjoyed the haggis,

Phones, you can look forward
to the steaming hot porridge

you'll be getting in
the morning.

- I will, Jimmy McGregor,
och aye I will.


- [Troy] Goodnight.

- All safely tucked away.

- Aye, but I still
think we should

make some sort of plan, Andy.

- There's no need to
bother your head.

Like I've said before,
we can leave it

to the monster to
frighten them away.

[both laughing]

[mysterious orchestral music]

[Phones groaning]

- [Andy] You've the
makings of a real Scotsman,

Phones, a real Scotsman.

[lively bagpipe music]

- Phones, wake up!

Do you hear, wake up!

- What's that?

What's wrong?

- You've been having a
nightmare, that's what's wrong.

Sorry, Troy.
I didn't mean to wake you.

- What's the matter,
dreaming about the monster?

- No, I wasn't dreaming
about the monster.

Anyway, there probably
ain't no such animal.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[water splashing]

[monster roaring]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[dramatic orchestral music]

[machinery clanking]

Troy, you awake?

- [grumbles] No.

- Can you hear that noise?

- Oh, go to sleep, Phones.

You were dreaming again.

- I am not dreaming, listen!

[machinery clanking]

- Hey, you're right.

I can hear something.

- What is it?
- I dunno.

I'm gonna see if I can find out.

[machinery clanking]

So you heard it too, Atlanta?

- It seems to be everywhere.

- Let's look around.

Phones, you go that way.

- Sure, Troy.

- Atlanta, you come with me.

- I don't mind going by myself.

[machinery clanking]

[ominous orchestral music]

Now, you don't have to be
scared, Phones.

That monster wouldn't
leave the loch.

Yeah, but these old
castles have ghosts.

[Atlanta gasps]
[dramatic orchestral music]

- Atlanta, you all right?

- Yes, oh, sorry, Troy.

That picture startled me.

[machinery clanking]

- [Troy] Let's take a
look in there.

[mysterious orchestral music]


- Not even a window.

- We're running out of
places to look.

[metal clattering]
- Troy, shh.

[metal clatters]

[door creaking]

[suspenseful orchestral music]

- Phones!
- Wow!

Oh, oh, you sure gave
me a fright.

Did you find anything, Phones?

- No, and I searched the
whole east wing of this place.

- We covered the rest.

[stone rustling]

- Did you look in there?

- Yes, and it was
completely empty.

[mysterious orchestral music]

[stone rustling]

[door creaking]
- Hey.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

- Well, well, well,
what are you three

doing up in the middle
of the night?

- We heard a noise, and--

- [chuckles] I shouldn't
worry about that.

- You know what it was?

- Aye, 'twas the ghost of
Sandy McGregor.

You can take my word on that.

Always the start seem to
have strangers in the place.

Well, goodnight to you folks.

I'll see you in the morning.

- Did he say ghosts?

- But how did Andy get
into that room, Troy?

This is the only door.

- I dunno, Atlanta, but I'm
not gonna worry about it now.

Let's go to bed.

We've got a big day ahead of us.

[upbeat orchestral music]

I'll take it out to the center

of the lake, then
we'll submerge.

[upbeat orchestral music]

- There they go, Andy,
searching for the monster.

- They'll find it, Jimmy.

They'll find it!

[both laughing]

- Diving stations.
- Diving stations.

[machinery whirring]

- Okay, dive.

[upbeat orchestral music]

[Stingray whirring]

- Main ballast, 1,000.
- Main ballast, 1,000.

[Stingray whirring]

- It's all yours, Phones.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[Stingray whirring]

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[Stingray whirring]

[rocks crashing]

- I got something.
- [Troy] Where abouts, Phone?

- Behind us.
- Stand by to 180.

[dramatic orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]

- It's big, whatever it is,
and it's getting closer.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[Stingray whirring]

- Troy, the Loch Ness Monster!

[dramatic orchestral music]

[Stingray whirring]

- It's coming at us again!

- Prepare to launch
sting missile.

- Horizontal hydroplanes,
six degrees left, left.

- Check, six degrees left, left.

Stand by.

[suspenseful orchestral music]


[missile screams]

[missile explodes]

- Troy, look!
- Well I'll be!

[melancholy orchestral music]

- Shucks, it wasn't a real
monster at all,

just a model controlled
by machinery.

- Well, what do you make of it,

- I dunno, but we'll
soon find out.

Come on, let's get back
to the castle.

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Hey, this looks
like something.

Could be a door.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

- Oh, the beastie has been
very, very badly damaged.

- Och, Jimmy, we've
been discovered.

- So this is where you work
the monster from, is it?

- Wait a minute.

We can explain everything.

We've done no harm, Captain.

- We've never killed anybody.

We've just knocked a
couple of boats

and scared people, that's all.
- Aye.

- How long has this
been going on?

- Sandy McGregor, my

built the beastie.

- And our family has
operated it ever since.

- Pretty good for the
tourist trade.

- Aye, aye, it's very
good for us.

- Could you show us it working,

- Aye, I could, but you've
damaged it pretty badly.

It'll be a long time

before the Loch Ness
Monster is seen again.

[crank creaks]

- And what was the noise
we heard last night?

- Och aye, last night, yes,
we were testing the works,

letting ready to scare you away

Before you discovered anything.

- Could you not find it
in your heart

to keep all this a secret,

- Aye, people come from
all over the world

to catch a glimpse of
our monster.

- What about it, Troy?

They didn't really
mean any harm.

- Maybe not, but we were
given our orders, Atlanta.

- Well, don't decide now, Troy.

Think about it on our way home.

[melancholy orchestral music]

[upbeat orchestral music]

[Stingray whirring]

Well, I don't see how
we can destroy

a legend just like that, Troy.

- Yeah, but we belong to the
World Aquanaut Security Patrol.

- Hey, wait a minute.

I think we're all
forget one thing.

- What's that, Phones?

- Who's gonna tell
Admiral Denver that he was

half-scared to death by a
phony monster?

- Well, did you find
the monster?

- Yes, sir, we saw it.

Did you hear that, Commander?

Dreamt it, did I?

- [Sam] What happened, Troy?

- Well, well, we saw it,
that's all.

- Thanks, Troy.

- [Sam] Didn't you
get any proof?

- Well, no.

We fired a missile,
but it was all

too quick for us, faster
even than Stingray.

Are you sure it was a monster?

- Of course he's sure!

- We think it was.

- So far as we could make out.

Now, of course, there's a lot
of rocks and weeds down there.

- Well, none of you
sound too certain.

For my money, the mystery of
Loch Ness is still a mystery.

- As far as I'm concerned,
it was a monster.

There's no doubt in my mind.

Of course, if you're
calling me a liar, Shore.

- There you go again,
making accusations!

Just because you were
half asleep--

- I was not half asleep!

- You have to convince
yourself that it's true.

I am only interested in facts.

- And so am I, and
the facts are--

- The facts are there
is nothing to prove--

- Or disprove--

- Your theory.
- It is not my theory.

It is a fact.

- [Shore] Now listen here.
- Come on, let's leave them to it.

- Yeah, this is
where we came in.

[upbeat orchestral music]

[triumphant orchestral music]
Subtitles: Kilo

? Marina ?

? Aqua Marina ?

? What are these strange
enchantments ?

? That start whenever
you're near ?

? Marina ?

? Aqua Marina ?

? Why can't you
whisper the words ?

? That my heart is
longing to hear ?

? You're magic to me ?

? A beautiful mystery ?

? I'm certain to fall, I know ?

Because you enthrall me so ?

? Marina, Aqua Marina ?

? what don't you say?

? that you'll always stay?

? close to my heart ?

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