Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 40 - The Reunion Party - full transcript

While waiting for Atlanta and Marina, Commander Sam Shore shows to Admiral Denver films showing the previous missions that Troy Tempest and Phones had with the submarine Stingray.

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[explosion booming]

[dramatic music]

We are about to launch Stingray.

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

Advertise your product or brand here
contact today

[water gurgling]

Marineville, I am calling
battle stations.

Anything can happen in the
next half hour.

[explosion booming]

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

♪ Stingray, Stingray, Stingray ♪

[suspenseful music]

- Trouble, something's
following us.

- What does it sound like?

- I can't tell,
it's too far off.

It's gaining rapidly.

Whatever it is, it
sure has some power.

- Okay, stand by to
take evasive action.

- Okay, Captain.

Panic's over.

It was just a fish, a big
one, but it's only a fish.

- And I thought we were
gonna see some action.

- Phones...

- seal all watertight doors.
- We're going out of control.

[dark orchestral music]


Hey, where's Phones?

Where is he?

Why don't you answer me?

- You're wasting your
time, terranean.

She cannot speak.

None of her race know
the luxury of words.

She is my slave,

and you are my prisoner.

Captain Troy Tempest of the
World Aquanaut Security Patrol,

you and your crew have
been found guilty.

It is decreed that
you are doomed to die.

You will be taken to the
underwater prison of Aquatraz,

where sentence will
be carried out.

Oh don't tell me she's gonna
tie those ropes any tighter.

- Say, she's not as
sweet as she looks.

- Phones, listen to
what I say, don't react.

She's untying me.

Now, listen carefully,
both of you.

This is the plan.

[in foreign language]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- [Phones] Watch out Troy.

- Okay, one move
and you're dead.

Thanks, Marina.

- Unidentified craft approaching
Marineville, Commander Shore.

- Switch on TV cameras
covering approached ocean door.

- Could it be Troy?

- What in thunder is that?
- A fish, sir.

- I know that you dunderhead,

but have you ever
seen one this size?

- Wait a minute, the fins.

They aren't moving,
It's mechanical.

- Say, you're right.

Launch underwater interceptors.

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Look!
- Seven.

- It's towing something.
- Six.

Five, four,


- It's Stingray!
Hold the interceptors.

Atlanta, open ocean doors.
- Yes sir!

At least we know now
what we're up against.

Whole races of people
living under the sea.

- Some bad, and I
guess some good.

- Some to help, some to fight.

But the part I
don't understand

is how you managed to
fix a line to Stingray,

without your
underwater equipment.

Well, that's the one
part of the story

I haven't told you about.

Commander Shore,

Lieutenant, Atlanta,

meet Marina,
the latest recruit

to the World Aquanaut
Security Patrol.

- Marina.
Well, what do you know.

- Yeah, well, as I was saying,

at least we know what
we're up against.

- Well, I certainly know
what I'm up against.


[bright orchestral music]

Well, I guess we only thought
we knew what we were up against.

There was much worse to come.

Do you have a record
like that of all

the missions that
the Wasps go on?

Yes, Admiral, we do. It
just means that we're

sure not to make the
same mistakes twice.

Hope I'm not disturbing
anything, gentlemen.

I'm just here to take the
girls to the reunion dinner.

Come in, Troy
They're still getting dressed.

You know what
these women are like.

I'm just showing the Admiral
a few of your exploits.

Do you remember the
business of those phony

radio signals and the
scandal that followed?

Will I ever forget it?

This is as good a
good place as any

The oil must come this way.

It's a bold plan.

But this echo transmitter
could do the trick.

[evil chuckle]

It works by remote control.

[evil chuckle]

- Got something?

- Well, there's some kind of
underwater craft down there,

that's for sure.

- Can you get a fix on his position?
- Nothing could be easier.

[tense music]

Should be in sight
any second now.

- I can't see a thing.

You must have made a
mistake Phones.

- Ah, no sign of Stingray.

So, my little scheme
has worked.

[loud bang]

Just look at that!

There's nothing we
can do except pick up

the survivors and head for home.

We don't know,
probably never shall.

whether this disaster was an
accident or an enemy attack.

But I can't ignore the
one definite fact

that this inquiry
has brought to light.

Stingray was at the
time investigating

a sounding taken by Phones.

A sounding that proved to be
completely without foundation.

- This is an inquiry Commander.
Phones isn't on trial.

There's absolutely no reason--
- Order! Order!

This inquiry has
underlined once again,

that all Marineville
personnel must be 100%,

both physically and mentally.

An error of judgment must
be thoroughly investigated

and it is the decision
of this inquiry

that Phones must submit to
a full medical check-up.

Until the results are

Phones will be relieved
of all duties.

[dramatic music]

- Congratulations Surface Agent.
You have done well.

- Thank you your majesty.

- And make sure that Phones
fails his medical checkup.

- Oh he will, he will.

A meeting will
shortly be arranged

between Phones and
myself in this disguise.

He will be under
the impression

that I am a psychiatrist
who can help him.

By the time I'm
finished wth him,

he'll be laughed out
of WASP forever.

[evil chuckle]

Now look, I've got a
plan that may help

to clear this whole thing up.

Keep it under your hat,
but this is the idea.

Wow, this is great!

My first trip out to
sea in Stingray.

Now take it easy, Fisher.

Don't touch a thing
unless I tell ya.

[dramatic music]

- An interesting case Mr.
Phones, most interesting.

Now, tell me,
have you ever

experienced hallucinations

- Well, no.

I've had some kind
of crazy dreams

but I've never imagined
soundings before.

Very well.

Now please to close your eyes.

Just let yourself go and
completely relax.

Now, I'm going to play
you some music.

Just to make you forget
all your troubles.

[piano and orchestral music]

- The noise is deafening,
I guess you're the Doc.

Alright, now Mr. Phones,
now open your eyes

for a moment and
tell me your thoughts.

- Boy, have I gone crazy.

This room, it's changed.

Say what's going on?

- What are you talking
about Mr. Phones?

Surely you're not having
another hallucination are you?

I don't know, but I
couId have sworn

the room was different before.

I don't remember it like this.

Boy am I sick.

Pity I didn't know all this earlier.

It would have saved
Troy Tempest a trip.

He's going out to that
spot to look for evidence.

- Say that again.

- Troy Tempest is taking Stingray
out to sea looking for evidence.

- You don't say.

- You can stay aboard Fisher.
I'll go outside and search.

- Okay.

- Of course it would sure help if we
knew what we what we looking for.

- Troy Tempest wll be
alone your majesty.

We can rid the seas of
Stingray forever.

- Brilliant work X-2-Zero.

My personal guard
will meet you

and ensure the
success of your plan.

- Captain Tempest, Captain!
- [Tempest] What is it?

- I'm picking up a sounding.

Some kind of
submarine and close.

- You got those headphones on?
- Well, well yeah.

- [Tempest] Well don't
sound so sorry.

If you've really found
something, I'll buy you a set.

- From the sound of it,
can't be far away.

- I'm on the way back,
open the hatches.

[tense music]


- Shall I prepare the sting
missiles for launch, Captain?

- Let's wait awhile.

See if we can't find out
what it's doing down here.

- Why don't they attack
and get it over with.

Maybe this will fool them.

[sonar echo beeping]

- Got another sounding skipper.
- There's a ship right behind us.

- There can't be, we would
have heard it approaching.


Let's trace this echo right
back and see what it is.

- Well, that's it Phones.

As from now you're back on call.

- Gee, shucks I just
don't know what to say.

It is really great of
you all what you did.

You know I got to
the stage where I

thought I saw a
room spinning round.

- Room spinning round?

- Yeah, crazy ain't it.

- I must be crazy
working for Titan.

I ought to get my
head examined.

- Maybe we're the ones who
need our heads examined.

We never did
find that agent.

- Hi!
May I come in?

- Come in, Phones,

You'd better join
the viewing session.

Atlanta and Marina are still making
themselves up for the party.

The hours they spend in
front of that mirror,

they'll wear it out one day.

- Hello, everyone.

We haven't kept
you waiting, have we?

Oh, Father, a fine host you are.

You're not still boring the
Admiral with those old tapes?

- Not at all, young lady.
It keeps us out of arguments.

- Who's arguing?
- No one's arguing.

It's just that when it can
be seen on the screen,

then we know there can
be no falsification.


- After all, the camera
cannot lie.

Am I right, Captain?

- Admiral, are you implying
that the world

Aquanaut Security Patrol
would stoop solo?

- Commander, I'm implying nothing.

But seeing is believing, isn't it?

- Well, Admiral, here's a
story that is hard to believe.

But it all really happened...

right here in MarineVille.

[alarm blares]

- [Man] Attention, Marineville
tracking station calling.

Missile approaching,
impact 30 seconds!

- Emergency, battle stations!

[percussive music]

- Fire WASP interceptor!


Alert jet squadron
and Stingray, Atlanta.

- [Commander] Central control
to jet squadron, scramble.

[dramatic music]

- Tower from Stingray,

- Okay Troy, proceed
at full speed

to position south southwest, .
1800 reference 20, 21, and 22.

Thorough search of area, vital.

Priority one.

- Okay sir, were on our way.

- Approaching search area, Troy.

- Okay Phones, start sound scan.


- Area reference 20, negative.


- Area 21, negative.

Apart from an island, that is.

[dramatic music]

- No Phones, this
island's deserted.

That missile couldn't
have come from there.

- I guess we better
check out area 22.

There's nothing here.

- Doesn't seem to be.

How about you Marina,
can you see anything?

Okay, that's it then.

Tower from Stingray,
areas 20 and 21 negative.

Proceeding to area 22.

[dramatic music]

Tower from Stingray,
missile launched

from island in area 21!
- Fire WASP interceptor!

- Yes sir.


We'll finish that
missile before it has

a chance to get
so close this time.


Okay Troy, investigate the island
but use extreme caution.

- Come on, well dive and take a
ook around beneath the water.

Okay Phones, now keep looking
for some kind of opening.

[dramatic music]

- Here Troy, a cave mouth.

- Yeah, it could lead us
to the base of the volcano.

- [Phones] There's a shaft
above us, Troy.

- Okay Phones, let's take a look
at that tunnel at the far end.

- Right.
- Marina, you just sit tight.

[dramatic music]

- Troy what's that?

- I don't know, but I
Don't like it.

Phones, my arm.
I can't move it.

- I can't move mine either.

- It must be a paralyzing
ray of some kind.

- Troy, I can hardly speak.

Welcome to our base,
captain Tempest.

You are beneath
the island of Barr.

And you go, and hurry.

Nochen and I have much
work to do on our missile

that will destroy your
wonderful Marineville.

- Now we'll work on the
new frequencies.

This is going to be
a long job, Chidora.

- Right, lets hope lady
luck is smiling on us.

Here it goes.

Now we gently pull it in.

The weather report is favorable
for firing at first light, Nochen.

Good, the rocket will be ready.

This time we will not fail.

Marineville will be destroyed.

- Okay you got it Troy,
now easy does it.

- Troy, I hear footsteps.
- Right.

[suspenseful music]

- We are going to our
quarters now to rest, Tempest.

The rocket will be
fired at dawn,

and you will be
able to watch the

destruction of Marineville
on our monitors.

Until dawn then, goodnight.

- Oh boy was that close.

I thought sure he was gonna
notice the key had gone.

Yeah me too.

I want to take a
look at that missile.

- Are you nearly through Troy?

There's about an
hour until dawn.

Okay, Phones, I can't
rush this job.

One false move, and we'll
all be blown to paradise.

Now he tells me.

- Well, we made it
back okay, Phones.

Yeah, just in time.


- Missile launch complete.

- [Man] Attention, Marineville
tracking station calling.

Missile approaching,
impact three minutes.

- Emergency, emergency,
fire WASP interceptors!


Interceptors negative,
missile unchecked.

Impact 30 seconds!
- What's happened father?

The missiles homing
frequencies have been changed.

Well never destroy it now,
there's nothing we can do!

- When the light reaches
the end of the path,

Marineville will be finished.

[Man] Attention, attention!

Missile approaching Marineville,
impact five seconds!

- Oh father!
Yes this is it, Atlanta.


Father, what happened?

It didn't explode!

Missile is safe, sir.

In fact the warhead had been
disarmed before it hit Marineville.

How is that, lieutenant?

[Lieutenant] I think this
note will explain, sir.

We found it in the red container,

near the main centrifugal
contact region.

Atlanta, it's from Troy!

From Troy?

This note explains
that they are prisoners

in a base beneath Barr Island.

Say, the old son of a gun
disarmed that missile.

[intense music]

They are attacking!

They have abandoned
Tempest and the others.

Release the prisoners, Nochen.
It is our only chance!

- Terranian aircraft, we
surrender, we surrender!

Stop the attack, we surrender!

- Jet squadron spearhead
from Stingray.

We have been released.
Undersea base has been abandoned.

We have a couple of
prisoners on board.

- It's sure good to have
you back Troy, Phones,

and I guess well have
no more trouble.

You did a great job.

Right, ladies,
shall we go?

- Don't you forgetting
just one thing, Troy?

- Ah, what's that, Atlanta?

The song, Troy.
The song.

Subtitles: Kilo

♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪

♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪

♪ That start whenever
you're near ♪

♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪

♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪

♪ That my heart is
longing to hear ♪

♪ You're magic to me,
a beautiful mystery ♪

♪ I'm certain to fall, I know ♪

♪ Because you enthrall me so ♪

♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪

♪ Why don't you say that
you'll always stay ♪

♪ Close to my heart ♪

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