Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 36 - The Golden Sea - full transcript

The Stingray crew is assigned to make monthly visits to Professor Darren and his team, who have developed a method for making gold from minerals taken from the sea bed.

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Standby for action.


[intense music]

We are about to launch Stingray.

♪ Stingray Stingray

♪ Stingray Stingray

[dramatic music]

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-=[ ]=-

- Marineville, I'm calling
battle stations.

Anything can happen in the
next half hour.

[intense music]

♪ Stingray Stingray

♪ Stingray Stingray

♪ Stingray

[dramatic music]


- Well, professor Darren,
what are we waiting for?

Let's start the demonstration.

- All in good time, commander.

If the World Aquanaut
Security Patrol

is going to assist in
this mission

it is only right that I should

acquaint you with its effects.

- Okay, okay, but keep it brief.

- Well for some time,
we have known

that sea water contains
suspended in solution,

minute particles of
various mineral compounds.

- This is keeping it brief?

- What the professor's
trying to say

is that with his equipment, we
can get gold from sea water.

- Thank you Chuck.

I've been told that already,
but I want to see you do it.

- You will commander, you will.

All right, lower away.

[ominous music]

Now it is understood is
it not commander

that the quantity of gold
we shall produce

will be at first
very very small.

- Yeah yeah I understand.

- Not until we start work
in the Cantric Trench,

35,000 feet down will
our real task commence.

All right Chuck, switch it on.

[ominous music]

- Wow!

I guess I owe you an apology,

Marineville and all its
facilities is at your disposal.

Let's surface and we'll
talk about it.

- Very good commander,
all right Chuck?

We naturally would like to leave

for the Cantric Trench
right away, commander.

- It's pretty obvious
you won't be able

to take many supplies with you.

There's not much space in there.

- He was kind of hoping that
you'd deliver every month.

- And once the delivery is made,

they could of course
also collect the riches

that we will by that time
have taken from the sea.

- You can leave at dawn.

- Tomorrow, Stingray will
deliver your supplies

in one month's time.

Stingray, I must report
to Titan at once.

[harp music]


- This sound will attract
the giant Gargon

whenever we want him,
your majesty.

- That remains to be proved.

All right, turn it off.

What do you think, Trifle?

If this invention worked,
I am sure

it will be of great value
in the future.

There is one certain way
of finding out.

Take your invention to
the ocean window.

Switch the Gargon attractor
on and stay there.

- But your majesty, the
giant Gargon will see me.

- Stay there!

- Yes, yes your majesty.

- We'll see how long
the mighty Gargon takes.


- No sign yet, your majesty.

- It won't be long now,
it is approaching us.

Trifle is uneasy.

He senses his presence.

- Look, look!

[dramatic music]

- Magnificent, magnificent!

- He's coming again!

Your majesty, permit me
to switch it off!

- Silence!

The fun is only just beginning.

- He'll smash us to pieces!

- All right, I've seen enough.

One day I'm certain our
power over the giant Gargon

will be put to very good use.

- Surface agent X20 reporting.

A strange craft has been
taken to the Cantric Trench.

- The Cantric Trench?

How dare they?

- It is their plan to
collect riches.

- Riches?

The riches of the Cantric
Trench belong to me, Titan.

- Of course your majesty.

- I will never allow them
to steal what is mine.

What else, X20?

- Stingray will deliver
supplies in one month from now.

The ship carrying the Bat
Escape is leaving at dawn.

[dramatic music]

- At last we are
actually on our way.

- Yeah, in a couple
of day's time

we'll be taking as much
gold from the sea in an hour

as they get from a
mine in a week.

- We will have already
a large quantity of gold

for Stingray when they
bring the supplies.

- I thought I'd let
you know Troy

that in addition to your
routine duties,

you'll be delivering
supplies to professor Darren.

- Darren?

Isn't that the guy who's
getting gold from seawater?

- Yeah that's him, and
I've seen him do it.

- [Troy] When have you scheduled
the trip for commander?

- One month's time Troy
from yesterday.

- When the time comes,
I'll arrange

for the supplies to be loaded,

- Thanks Atlanta.

- Hey you!


Oink, put that down!



[dramatic music]

- This is it, Chuck.

- Okay captain lower away.

- The craft that X20
reported is right on time.

- I will order its destruction.
- No you fool!

With the plan I had in mind,

the terranians will not
suspect foul play.

- That's 22,000 feet.

- It is wonderful how
peaceful it is down here.

- That is my problem, Trifle.

I must destroy these

but at the same time
remain unsuspected.

So we'll get the mighty
Gargon to destroy them.

- I will immediately place

the Gargon attractor
on their craft.

- No, not yet.

This is too good a
chance to miss.

We will only be able
to use this trick once,

so we will wait a month.

Then when Stingray
delivers the supplies,

we will kill two fish
with one stone.


- I guess professor
Darren and Chuck

will be glad to see you, Troy.

- Yeah, one month in
that Bat Escape

would be too much for me.

- You know the drill,
deliver the supplies

and bring the
available gold back.

- Yes sir, PWOR.

[dramatic music]

- Well according to
the last radio message,

Stingray should be here
in a couple of minutes.

- Not a moment too soon, either.

Our food supplies are
looking kind of silly.

- [Atlanta] Okay Phones,
I'll give the commander

your report when he gets back.

- We should be on the
way home soon.

Troy's delivering the
supplies right now.

- Stingray!

I will personally
supervise its destruction

from my underwater craft.

Hurry, I am impatient
to watch Gargon

destroy Troy Tempest.

[dramatic music]

- I guess that finishes--

- I just saw a fish man
out there, Phones.

I'm certain I did.

- Fish man?

Oh you must have imagined it,

- Maybe, but we run a
check all the same.

- Okay, you're the skipper.

- Well that's it for
another month.

- Yeah, well we will have
at least a change in diet.

- [Troy] Bat Escape
from Stingray.

- Bat Escape to Stingray,
what is it captain?

Why have you not left?

- Could you give us a
couple of minutes quiet?

We're running a hydrophone test

and they're pretty sensitive.

- [Darren] Yeah, give us a
call when you are finished.

- Okay Phones, it's all yours.

- No, not a thing.

It must have been a
trick of the water, Troy.

- Yeah, but if he
thinks I saw him

he'd lay quiet for some time.

- Okay Troy, what's the plan?

- You take the
Aquaspread across.

Oink and Marina can go with you

as though we suspect nothing.

Will you do that Marina?

- And what about you Troy?

- I'll take the Sea Bug
and keep watch.

- You better get ready to
open the airlock, professor.

You've got three of us
coming over to see you.

- Three?

- Yeah what goes on?

- What is happening Phones?

- Troy thinks there's
somebody outside.

[dramatic music]

What is it Marina?

Have you heard something?

- [Troy] Phones, I was right.

There is a fish man.

He was on the hull of
the Bat Escape just now.

- Yeah, Marina heard,
what gives?

- [Troy] He didn't appear
to do anything.

But we'll sit tight for
a little while

and see what happens.

Hold it, there's
something coming.

[eerie music]

It's Titan!

[dramatic music]

- So, all is ready for
the destruction?

- Yes your majesty.

- Increase the power.

- Hey what's that?

- Sounds like it's coming
from the roof.


- [Troy] I'm going
back to Stingray.

Hey, something else is coming!

Wow, have you ever seen?

[dramatic music]



[dramatic music]

- Troy, what is it?

- [Troy] It's a giant Gargon

attacking something on the roof!

It's giving off a
fantastic electric current.

- The airlock's jammed!

We can't get out.
- [Troy] Here he comes again!


[electricity crackles]

- Troy, can you get
back to Stingray

and use the sting missiles?

- [Troy] I could get
back to Stingray,

but I don't dare use
the missiles.

The electrical charge
that thing has given off

would upset the
guidance systems.

I don't dare risk hitting
the Bat Escape.

- Then come and open
the airlock.

We can't hold out much longer.


- [Troy] I guess
there's only one way.

[dramatic music]

- Look, Troy Tempest!

You fool, he wasn't inside!

[dramatic music]

Troy Tempest is
leading Gargon here!

[dramatic music]



- [Troy] That gives Titan a
taste of his own medicine.

- Finished?

- Yeah Chuck, we have
now fixed the airlock.

- Hey the last attack
was minutes ago.

What's going on out there?


We'll try and get
back to Stingray.

Marina, you bring Oink
when I signal okay?

[dramatic music]



- Well, what are you
waiting for?

- You're right, what am
I waiting for?

[dramatic music]

- Then we let Titan draw
off that monster fish

and we headed for home.

- Yeah and here we are.

- Make sure professor
Darren and Chuck

choose a quieter spot next time.

- I can't help feeling
sorry for Titan.

He's probably still there.

- Hey, what if Atlanta's right?

- You fool!

Providing this ship
doesn't collapse,

we'll just have to wait
until the sounder runs out!

[dramatic music]


[pleasant music]

♪ Marina

♪ Aquamarina

♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪

♪ That start whenever
you're near ♪

♪ Marina

♪ Aquamarina

♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪

♪ That my heart is
longing to hear ♪

♪ You're magic to me

♪ A beautiful mystery

♪ I'm certain to fall I know

♪ Because you enthrall me so

♪ Marina

♪ Aquamarina

♪ Why don't you say that
you'll always stay ♪

♪ Close to my heart

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