Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 31 - Trapped in the Depths - full transcript

When the insane Professor Cordo kidnaps Atlanta and takes her back to his undersea farm, Troy and Phones give chase in Stingray.

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Narrator] Stand
by for action.

[explosion booming]

[thrilling music]

- We are about to
launch Stingray.

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

[thrilling music]

Do you want subtitles for any video?
-=[ ]=-

- Marineville, I am
calling battle stations.

Anything can happen in the
next half hour.

[jets roaring]

[explosion booming]

[thrilling music]

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

♪ Stingray, Stingray, Stingray ♪

[pleasant music]

- Gee, the water's
alive with fish.

- Yes, Atlanta, enough to
supply food for millions.

Now, if you want to pass that
test paper on the principles

of an undersea fish farm,
I better explain

some of the technicalities.

- Thanks, Professor Cordo.

This course makes a change
from duty at Marineville.

- Now, the remote
television camera will show

the process of the farm
from beginning to end.

Seawater filters into
the reactor plant

where an atomic pile increases
the water's temperature.

It is then pumped into
these coils on the seabed,

enabling an area of 10
square miles of the ocean bed

to be heated.

The heated water now
rises to the surface

and because it is so
fertile, when it reaches

the sun's rays, plankton
life multiplies

and attracts fish who
come in search of food.

In turn, the fish multiply.

So, we have an everlasting
supply of food from the sea.

- Professor, something's gone
wrong with the TV camera.

- Oh dear, dear, how
very unfortunate.

I'm sorry, Atlanta, it
will be fixed very soon.

[ominous music]

- [Atlanta] Professor,
look, that's Stingray.

- You must be mistaken, Atlanta.

- I tell you, I saw Stingray.

Can I use your radio,
maybe I can contact them.

[dramatic music]

- I'm sorry, Atlanta, I
cannot allow you to do that.

- Professor, what's the matter?

- It is unfortunate,

but you have accidentally
seen something

which compels me to be ruthless.

- Now listen, professor,
Stingray's out there

and Troy Tempest is
going to be good and mad

when I tell him about that gun.

- I'm afraid you
don't understand.

You did see Stingray and
then again, you didn't.

You see, it's a model, an
exact copy made by my faithful

underwater friends, but
inside it is an empty shell.

- You're crazy, what
good will that do?

- Merely bring about the
destruction of Troy Tempest

and ultimately the whole
of Marineville.

[hopeful music]

- I wonder how
Atlanta's getting along

at the nuclear fish farm.

- Eh, Professor Cordo will
look after her.

He's a good guy.

- Yeah.

- Have you heard from her, sir?

- No, I guess she's too
busy to call in.

She's only on a two week course,
you know.

- Yeah.

Guess there's no point
in her contacting us.

We'll be in the area

of the atomic plant
tomorrow won't we, Phones?

- That's right, Troy.

- In that case, I guess
there's no harm

in your dropping in to see her.

- [Troy] Yeah, I'll do that,

- Give her my love.

See if she needs anything.

- I doubt if she does, sir.

If I know Atlanta, she's
having a whale of a time.

- Untie me, professor, you
can't fight Marineville alone.

- Ah, but I am not alone.

I am in control of a highly
intelligent undersea race.

My father discovered them
and I am sworn

to continue my father's
work in making them great.

- You mean making them
as crazy as you are.

- Silence.

How can you
understand my feelings?

You do not see the true majesty,

the beauty, the
resources of the ocean.

- Okay, so you're a
fish without fins,

but why build a model
of Stingray?

- You will see.

You will see.

Soon, the real Stingray
will be mine.

[heroic music]

- Position, west 7,000.

Reference seven, Troy.

- Okay, Phones.

Green 95.

- But that'll take us way off
our routine patrol schedule.

- Yeah, that's right.

Green 95.
- Okay, green 95 it is.

[upbeat music]

Oh, I get it, we're gonna divert

to visit Atlanta at
the fish farm.

- Correct.

Prepare to dive.
Main ballast 1,000.

- Main ballast 1,000.

[heroic music]

- Guess I'll radio ahead,

let Professor Cordo know
we're on our way.

[ominous music]

- Now we are all prepared
for our visitors hm, Atlanta?

Spiders are walking into my web.


- I'm telling you now,

I'll do everything I
can to warn Troy.

And if I know him, he'll
catch on but quick.

- That would be foolish,

Allow me.

I will demonstrate why
you will not do that.

Beneath this table is a
powerful gun.

[dramatic music]

It is wired to this
release control

and trained on the
chair opposite me.

One wrong move or word from you,

and I will press the control.


Troy Tempest will be
sitting in a chair

in that exact position.

- You really are crazy.

[jazzy heroic music]

[ominous music]

- It is good to see
you all again.

Unfortunately, my food is
rather unvaried down here.

Fish is always on the menu.


But then this is a fish farm.

But Atlanta has managed a
quite superb preparation of it.

- Oh, she can always manage
to make the best of things.

- Guess I failed this time,

- You're too modest,
Atlanta, it looks fine.

- Oh, the food's okay.

- [Troy] What's wrong then,

- Oh nothing, Troy, I
guess I'll survive.

- Dear me, I suspect Atlanta
is feeling the effects

of living under the ocean.

- Maybe you oughta come
back to Marineville with us.

- I don't think she'd like
to interrupt the course now.

Would you, Atlanta?

- No, no, I guess I'll be
okay when I get out of here.

[dramatic music]

- Contact electronic
magnetic lead.

- Power force 17, operating.

[tense music]

- Are you sure that chair
is comfortable enough, Troy?

- Why, it's fine, Atlanta.

And this meal is delicious.

- [Atlanta] But you must
be cold there, Troy,

wouldn't you like to
change places with me?

- [Troy] Are you sure
you're okay, Atlanta?

You seem kinda jumpy today.

- Oh sure, Troy, I feel
just fine now.

I'm having a great
time down here.

And there's only another
seven days to go.

[tense music]

- It is in position.

Release magnetic lead.

- Power off, all correct.

- Marineville Tower from
Captain Tempest, do you read me?

Come in, Commander Shore.

- Go ahead, Troy, read you
loud and clear.

- We're about to resume patrol.

Be leaving the fish farm
in a few minutes, sir.

- Okay, Troy,
there'll be no need

to report again for four hours.

- Right, commander.

Here's Atlanta for you.

Let's get our underwater gear,

- [Atlanta] Hello, father.
- Hi, honey.

You okay?

It's good to hear your voice.

Anything you need?

- Guess not, father, but
I've just remembered,

there's a library book at home

that should have been returned.

- [Sam] A what?
- A book, father.

It's the fourth one
from the left

on the lower bookshelf
in the lounge.

- Okay, honey, I'll find it.

Look after yourself.

- All right, father, but
don't forget the book.

It is very important to
me personally.

- I see you are admiring
the view, Troy Tempest.

- Not only that, professor, I
was just checking on Stingray.

We always make sure everything's
okay before boarding her.

- [Alexander] Very wise.

Very wise.

- Yeah, well everything
seems hunky dory

so we'll be on our way.

Okay, Phones?
- Right, skipper.

- We'll see you in another
week then, Atlanta.

- Yeah.

I hope so.

- I'll open the airlock doors.

- So long.
And thanks again, professor.

- Have a pleasant trip.

- Yes, be careful, Troy.

Please be careful.

[door whirring]

- Atlanta sure was acting
strange, Phones.

- My guess is like the
professor says,

her being under the ocean
this last couple of days.

- Yeah.

I guess she'll be okay
when she gets back home.

- Luckily, your attempts
to warn Tempest failed.

But I admire you for trying.

- What are you going
to do to them?

- Watch, Atlanta, and
you will see.

[dramatic music]

- This is crazy, I can't
find the hatch.

- Troy, this isn't Stingray.

Look inside.

[dramatic music]

- [Troy] It's a dummy.
Quick, back to the plant.

[tense music]

- [Phones] Hey, what's going on?

We've been shut out.

- Maybe the mechanism's failed.

- What do we do now, Troy?

Without Stingray, we're trapped.

[dramatic music]

- No sign of Stingray.

- Nothing but this TV camera.

- Phones, we've got to get
back into the atom plant.

We may be able to
attract Atlanta

or the professor's attention.

[tense music]

[glass banging]

What's the matter with him?

He's ignoring us.


He's behind this, Phones.

He must have planned it all.

- And look, Atlanta
can't help us.

- Still no news from Stingray,

- No, sir.

They're 10 minutes past
routine call.

- Okay, stand by for
full sea search operation

to be put into action.

[engine whirring]

- Start light signal to
weather tower.

- Light signal to weather tower.

[pleasant music]

- Start search operation,

- [Weather Tower] Marineville,
from weather tower seven,

light contact with
Stingray established.

- Go ahead, weather tower
seven, what is your report?

- [Weather Tower]
Stingray radio has failed.

She's returning to Marineville.

Expect her at dawn tomorrow.

- Cancel that search alert,

Guess they're okay.

- We're sure in a mess, Phones.

We've gotta do something.

If only we could get back
into the reactor building.

- Guess we can rule out
any help from Atlanta.

- Unless we could divert
Cordo's attention.

- Well, how can we do that?

- I don't know exactly, Phones.

I wonder.

If the plant broke down, he'd
be forced to investigate.

[somber music]

- Guess I'll never get used to
Atlanta being away from home.

Hey, I'm kinda tired.

Routine days always
get me this way.

When there's an emergency on,

you don't seem to
notice the fatigue.

Hey, guess I'll get to bed.

Oh say, that reminds me.

What was that Atlanta
said about a book?

Yeah, fourth book from the left.


Trapped in the Depths?

Very interesting.

Yes, by Professor Cordo.

Say, this is kinda interesting.

- Good, you got the camera.

- I sure hope this works, Troy.

- It's got to, it's
our only chance.

[ominous music]

Okay, Phones, switch
on the camera

and pray that Atlanta gets
the message and not Cordo.

[tense music]

Right, Phones, switch it off.

Okay, Marina, start pushing
those rocks into the intake.

[tense music]

- Hm, filter system
seems to be having

some large rocks to
contend with.

Oh, there's no danger.

The crusher should be able
to manage it all right.

- Oh, that's no good.

The filer system is too strong.

We need larger rocks.

- But our air supply,
we'll never make it.

- We've got to.

Come on.

[tense music]

Okay, Marina, move over.

These oughta fix things.

- The extra effort, it's
using up too much air, Troy.

- [Troy] Keep going, Phones.

Keep going.

- Must be an unusually
strong current

to bring such large boulders.

Hm, but unless they continue
in any great number,

the crushers will hold out.

- I've got about five
minutes of air left, Troy.

- That filter system
must be stopped.

Try to last out, Phones.

- I'll try.

I've gotta keep going.

[alarm blaring]

- The filter system is jammed.

Huh, I'd better investigate it.


- We failed, Phones.

- We had a good try.

But our air won't hold out.

[dramatic music]

- I did it.

[triumphant music]

- Leave me alone.

Let me sleep.



The airlock, Phones, the
airlock's open.

Won't you come in, professor?

- But how?

- Your checking of the
filter system gave us

just enough time to get
in with Atlanta's help.

Now, sit down, professor,
in that chair.

And remember the gun.

I'm afraid you'll have to
count Stingray

out of your plans to
destroy Marineville.

In fact, you'll have to
discount the plan itself.

Now get Stingray back here,

we're gonna let those
undersea people

of yours look after themselves.

- Curse you, Tempest.

What are you going to do to me?

- Well, you'll be given a
fair trial at Marineville.

Now radio Stingray or I fire.

[ominous music]

- [Atlanta] Father, wake up.

Wake up, you old sleepyhead.

Come on, father, I'm home.

- What time is it?

I didn't hear the alarm.

Say, Atlanta, what are
you doing here?

- Didn't you understand
my message about the book?

- Yeah, but it was too late to
take it back to the library.

I read it though,
very interesting.

- But the title, father,

Trapped in the Depths by
Professor Cordo.

Didn't it mean anything to you?

- Yeah, yeah, it's a good title.

That's what the
book's all about.

- Oh, father, you're impossible.

- Why, what did I do?

- I think, sir, Atlanta's trying

to point out what you didn't do.

Forget it, honey, we're
all safe and sound anyhow.

- Yeah.

Now let me get back to
sleep will you?


[pleasant music]

♪ Marina ♪

♪ Aqua Marina ♪

♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪

♪ That start whenever
you're near ♪

♪ Marina ♪

♪ Aqua Marina ♪

♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪

♪ That my heart is
longing to hear ♪

♪ You're magic to me ♪

♪ A beautiful mystery ♪

♪ I'm certain to fall, I know ♪

♪ Because you enthrall me so ♪

♪ Marina ♪

♪ Aqua Marina ♪

♪ Why don't you say that
you'll always stay ♪

♪ Close to my heart ♪

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