Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 30 - A Nut for Marineville - full transcript

When a seemingly indestructible craft is sighted heading towards Marineville on a collision course, the eccentric Professor Burgoyne is called in to help develop a new super missile with which to destroy it.

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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Stand by for action.

[loud explosion]

[dramatic music]

We are about to launch Stingray.

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

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Marineville, I am calling
battle stations.

Anything can happen in the
next half hour.

[loud blasting]

[loud whooshing]

[loud blasting]

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪

♪ Stingray ♪

[suspenseful music]

[quiet metallic whirring]

[mechanical whirring]

- We are almost in range.

- Excellent.

- Arming warheads on missiles.

[mechanical whirring]

In range now.

- Stand by to fire,
and make sure you miss.

- Both missiles are biased
five degrees from target area.

- Good.


[loud whizzing]

[explosion rings out]

Excellent, you missed!

Now shut down motors.

- Shutting down motors.

[mechanical whirring]

- Good.

Now we're a sitting target.

- Do you think it will work?

- It must, it must!

- Grupa, they're turning.

They're coming in to attack!
- Good.

Now all we do is wait.

[dramatic music]

- They are coming
straight for us, Grupa.

This is crazy!

I can't go through with it.

- Yes, it's crazy,
crazy enough to succeed!

[explosion rings out]

Complete success!

- This means that there is
not a vessel in the world

that can destroy us.

We are infallible!

- Yes.

The new metal that our
ship is constructed of

is virtually indestructible.

Prepare delta missiles.

And this time, shoot to kill.

[ominous music]

[loud whooshing]

[explosion rings out]

[explosion rings out]

[dramatic music]

Now it is certain knowledge
that our craft is invincible,

we can carry out our main plan.

The complete and utter
destruction of Marineville.

[dramatic music]

- [Dispatcher] Marineville
tracking station calling.

Unidentified craft
approaching Marineville.

- You were right, Lieutenant.

Try and contact them
on the radio.

- Yes, sir.

[mechanical whirring]

- Submarine craft in area
of Marineville,

this is Marineville Control.

Identify yourself.

- They're getting very close.

Switch video scans through
the video phone, Lieutenant.

- [John] Yes, sir.

[loud whirring]

- Lieutenant, I don't like
the look of it at all.

Look at those missiles!

Order the Stingray
crew to stand by.

- [John] Yes, sir.
- This is Marineville Control.

Stand by for battle stations.

Battle stations will commence
in two minutes from now.

- This is Troy, Commander.
What's happened?

- [John] This is Lieutenant
Fisher here, Captain Tempest.

It's an emergency.

Report to the Tower immediately.

You'd better use the
subway, we're going down

in about 90 seconds.

- Right.

[mechanical whirring]

- Okay, Lieutenant, sound
battle stations.

- Yes, sir.

[dramatic music]

[heavy mechanical whirring]

- This was unexpected, Father.

I was in the
Marineville Supermarket

when the emergency started.

- Very interesting, now get
to your post, Lieutenant.

- Yes, sir.

- Unidentified craft closer.

Range now 6,000 yards.

- Okay, Atlanta.

Sound launch stations.
- [Atlanta] Yes, sir.

[dramatic drum music]

- [Troy] Hello, Tower.

Official units standing
by awaiting instructions.

- All missiles to be
placed at green.

- [Troy] P.W.O.R.

[dramatic music]

[missile fire rings out]

- Enemy missiles launched.

- Stingray still launching.

- Fire interceptors!

[heavy missile fire rings out]

[dramatic music]

Stingray, keep clear.

Underwater interceptors
have been fired.

- Turn 180, air brakes maximum.

- 180, air brakes maximum.

[loud explosion rings out]

- Enemy missiles destroyed.

- Stingray from Tower.
- [Troy] Go head, Tower.

- Okay, Troy, over to you.

Destroy that craft.
- [Troy] P.W.O.R.

[dramatic music]

- Sure is zigzagging around.

Position green, zero, seven.

- Stand by number one
and two sting missile.

- Standing by with one and two.

- Fire.

[loud whizzing]

[explosion rings out]

- Two direct hits!

Good shooting, Skipper.

- Phones, look, it's
not even damaged!

[mysterious music]

Well, let's head back.

We'll never catch it now.

- Would somebody tell me
why that thing

isn't in 1,000 little pieces?

- Gentlemen, the
position is clear.

This enemy craft is made of a
metal entirely unknown to us.

A metal that can withstand
the strongest forces

that we can bring to bear.

Clearly, we have to
develop a new nose cone

that will enable our missiles
to penetrate the hull

before they explode.

- Well, you've given us a
complete picture, Commander.

Except the most important thing.

What about the new nose
cone for our missiles?

- You, Troy, will collect
a top scientist

and bring him to Marineville.

- Message for you, sir.

- Thanks, Lieutenant.

If this is the cable
I've been waiting for,

it'll tell us who it is.

Professor Burgoyne.

[loud roaring]

- And so, Professor,
Burgoyne, that's the story.

My instructions were
to pick you up

and fly you back to Marineville.

Time is the one thing
we haven't got.

Professor Burgoyne?

Oh no, he's asleep.

I spent an hour giving
him the entire situation

and he hasn't heard a word.

He's known to be a
bit eccentric.

It looks to me as if we've
got a nut on our hands.

- Captain Tempest.

I am not asleep, nor am I a nut.

My eyes were closed because
I was concentrating.

You said that we
hadn't much time,

and I'm not wasting any.

- No, sir, I'm sorry sir.

- It seems to me that the
problem is relatively simple,

though not entirely

We have to produce a nose
cone for your sting missiles

which is even harder
than the metal

that this strange craft
you describe is made from.

- [Troy] Yes, sir.
- In order to do this,

I will need an elaborate
piece of equipment

known as a SARC Mark Six.

- Yes, sir, I'll
organize one for you

as soon as we land at

- I am most impressed
with your efficiency,

Captain Tempest.

- Why, thank you, sir.

- Most impressive.

Particularly in view of the fact

that I am the man who invented

the Structural Atomic
Regeneration Computer Mark Five.

And I haven't yet
designed the Mark Six.

[loud whirring]

[suspenseful music]

- [Official] Aware from
Philippine Station 178.

Sounding received from
unknown craft.

- Didn't waste any time.

Find out where Troy is, Atlanta.

Lieutenant, give me an
estimated time of arrival

of the enemy craft.

I wanna know just how
long we've got.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

- Marineville 800 miles to
the east of us.

- Excellent.

In just 24 hours--

- The alien craft will
arrive at Marineville.

- So the alien craft
will be here in 24 hours

and Troy is just arriving.

That gives Professor
Burgoyne just under 24 hours

to produce a new metal for
our nose cones.

A task that would
normally take months.

What's their frequency, Atlanta?

I wanna talk to Troy.

- Marineville
Executive Jet Squadron

overflying Marineville, sir.

[engines roaring]

- [Sam] Now, as soon as
you touch down, Troy,

I want you up here in the Tower.

- Yes, sir, I'll bring
Professor Burgoyne with me.

- Let's hope your Professor
Burgoyne knows what he's doing.

I only hope he's not one
of those crazy eggheads.

I've had a lot of experience
of dealing with guys like this.

And you have to be firm,
straight to the point.

- Yes, sir, I know
what you mean,

but I've got a feeling you've
started off on the wrong foot.

Professor Burgoyne has
been listening

to the whole of this

- [Sam] Oh, no!

[engines roaring]

[mechanical whirring]

- You know, Father, I
think you're more scared

of meeting Professor Burgoyne
than the enemy craft.

- What utter nonsense, Atlanta.

Have you ever known me
to be scared of anyone?

Why, these professors may
be clever people

in their own sort of way,

but they're not men of
action, they're men of words.

- But, Father--
- You see, Atlanta,

I'll have him eating out
of the palm of my hands.

- But Father, he's here.

He's here in the control room!

- Here?
[comical music]

Oh, oh!

Professor Burgoyne, welcome,
uh, welcome to Marineville.

- Commander Shore, I am a
man of action and not words.

Time is the one thing
we're short of.

Now, I have prepared a list
of equipment that I require.

On the head of the list
is a piece of equipment

known as a SARC Mark Six.

- You'll have one immediately!

- I have already explained
to your captain here

the position relating to
the SARC Mark Six

and I don't intend to spend
any time explaining it to you.

- Yes, sir.

- I will further require
a laboratory to work in.

- You will have the
finest laboratory

that any man could wish for.

And it will be housed right
here in the Control Tower.

I will personally attend--

- If I may continue,
Commander, I shall require

a laboratory in an old building

as far away from the
Control Tower as possible.

Now, if you will excuse
me, I have work to do.

- Professor, Professor Burgoyne,
we're simply going to, um.

[door thudding]

- You were saying, Father?

- I was saying, Atlanta,

that I guess I'm more
scared of Professor Burgoyne

than that alien craft
at present bearing down

on Marineville.

Anyway, let's get moving.

Cancel battle stations for
the time being.

- [Atlanta] Yes, sir.

[dramatic music]

- What is our present position,

- You have maintained
our course well, Grupa.

It is now 16 hours before
we arrive at Marineville.

- Good.

I am going off watch now.

I am switching to the
automatic controls.

If there are any problems,
call me.

[dramatic music]

- Now, Lieutenant Fisher,
although we have a problem

with Professor Burgoyne,

the overriding problem,
of course,

is that an enemy vessel
is approaching.

I want you to go out
and provide him

with everything he requires.

- Yes, sir.

I'll see what I can fix up.

- Oh, and Lieutenant.

- [George] Yes, sir?

- As far away from the
Tower as possible.

- [George] Yes, sir.

[suspenseful music]

- Now, before you leave
me, Commander Shore,

I want to make a
last-minute check.

- [Sam] Yes, sir.

- It would appear that
this is the oldest building

in the Marineville
establishment, is that correct?

- Yes, sir, we call it
the Marineville Cooler.

Sort of jailhouse, but you see--

- And from the brief look
around that I've had,

I would say that there's not
another building within a mile.

Also correct?

- Well, yes, sir, but
didn't you ask that--

- And I understand that
you have given instructions

that no one in Marineville
is to approach this building?

- Well, they have received
that instruction, but--

- Commander Shore, you have
taken tremendous trouble

to give me precisely the
facilities that I requested.

Now if you will excuse me?

- Why, of course.

Okay, Lieutenant, you
heard what the man said.

Let's get out of here.
- Yes, sir.

- Four hours to make
the modification

then six hours infusion,
mm hm, yes,

I think I stand a chance.

- It's been four hours
since that guy started work.

And there hasn't been
one sign of activity.

We're expected to just
wait around here

with an enemy craft
bearing down on us.

It's too much for any
man to stand.

[suspenseful music]

- Oh, we've only got four hours
left and we just sit here.

- Well, you heard the commander,

He said no matter what
happens, we're supposed to do

just what the professor
said and on no account

go near the Cooler.

[suspenseful music]

- Don't say it, Lieutenant,
please don't say it.

- Well, I was only
gonna ask you--

- If there was any
sign of activity.

Well, the answer is no.

- Sorry, sir, I know how
you feel, sir.

- [Sam] You do?
- Yes, sir.

- Well, then why
don't you shut up?

And don't say yes, sir.

- No, sir.

- I'm just gonna take
another look to see

if there's any sign of activity.

[suspenseful music]

[explosion rings out]

- Professor Burgoyne!

[loud crashing]

- It's all over.
- Oh, no!

[dramatic music]

[sirens ring out]

[flames crackle]

- Poor guy, at least he tried.

- He sure did try.

Wow, I had no idea the
experiment he was doing

was so dangerous.

- Now we know why he didn't
want anyone near the Cooler

while he was working.

Poor Professor Burgoyne.

- To think of all the
things I said about him.

He may have been a nut but
he was a truly great man.

[dramatic music]

- Thank you, everyone.

- [All] Professor Burgoyne!

- I find what you say very
touching and deeply moving.

- What in thunder is going on?

We thought you were
killed in the explosion!

- Well, I wasn't, Commander.

I am very much alive.

You see, I was taking cover.

The explosion you heard was
caused by the chain reaction

necessary in producing the
metal for the new nose cone.

And I am pleased to
say that the experiment

has been a great success.

I can't guarantee it will work,

but I think it stands an
excellent chance.

- Lieutenant Fisher, how
long have we got?

- [John] About 55 minutes, sir.

- Okay, I want the rocket
disposal squad down here at once

and a nose cone extracted.

Atlanta, return Marineville to
battle stations immediately.

And as soon as the nose
cone is located and fitted,

Stingray must be launched.

[dramatic music]
[loud whooshing]

[suspenseful music]

- Hour from Stingray, sea-borne.

Give me approximate
position of enemy craft.

- Enemy craft to Marineville
approach is sector one,

reference 2,400.

- Okay, Atlanta, but there's
nothing I can do yet.

Professor Burgoyne is
still carrying out

final adjustments on
the missile.

[suspenseful music]

[metallic clicking]

How're you doing, Professor?

- Just carrying out
final alignment, Captain.

- I've got it, Troy.

- What's the range?
- Hold it, Troy.

Hold it just a minute.

Yeah, she's coming straight
for us, 2,000 yards.

[dramatic music]

- Stingray almost in range.

- Don't they realize that
we are indestructible?

Prepare missiles delta
one and delta two.

[loud whirring]

- 1,800 yards, Troy.

- Professor, it's only a
matter of seconds

before that craft opens fire.

What's the situation?

- You'll have to chance it.
Load the missile.

- Phones, load the missile.

[dramatic music]

- Ready to fire, 1,400 yards.

- 1,300 yards.

[loud beeping]

Missile ready.

- Bearing 24 green.

- 24 green.

- Fire!

[loud whooshing]

- Range 1,200 yards, trajectory
bias two degrees left.


[explosion rings out]

[dramatic music]

- You are lucky to escape
with your lives.

Although our new missile
proved too good for your craft,

it was not good enough
to totally destroy it.

Nevertheless, it was
sufficient to put an end

to your ambitions to
destroy Marineville

and the civilized world
as we know it today.

Now, after serving a
jail sentence,

you will be free to return
to your people.

And I hope explain to them the
type of people that we are.

That our mission is not
to destroy life,

but to preserve it.

Okay Troy, take 'em away.

- Yes, sir.

[footsteps clatter]

[door thuds]

- You know, Commander Shore,
when I first arrived here

I thought you were a nut.

But seeing you in action
has changed all that.

- Well, uh,

I guess you know what
my feelings were

when you first arrived,

but you sure saved the day.

- Well, you know, Commander,

it takes all types to
save a world.

[triumphant music]

[upbeat music]

♪ Marina, aqua Marina ♪

♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪

♪ That start whenever
you're near ♪

♪ Marina ♪

♪ Aqua Marina ♪

♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪

♪ That my heart is
longing to hear ♪

♪ Your magic too, a
beautiful mystery ♪

♪ I'm certain to fall, I know ♪

♪ Because you enthrall me so ♪

♪ Marina ♪

♪ Aqua Marina ♪

♪ Why don't you say that
you'll always stay ♪

♪ Close to my heart ♪

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