Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 27 - The Disappearing Ships - full transcript
When three disused freighters that are to be blown up by remote control mysteriously vanish, Troy and Phones set off in Stingray to find them.
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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Stand by for action.
[dramatic music]
We are about to launch Stingray.
[dramatic music]
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
[dramatic music] is deprecated, please
implement REST API from
- Marineville, I am
calling Battle Stations.
Anything can happen in the
next half hour.
[bold, adventurous music]
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray, Stingray ♪
[dramatic music]
[water lapping]
- Okay Phones, that's it,
they'll blow up at 15 minute
intervals starting at
03:30 hours tomorrow.
- Great, I'll check
the automatic focusing,
we want 'em to arrive in
the right zone.
Boy, times sure change,
not so long ago
valuable man hours were spent on
breakin' up these old hulks.
- Yep, now we just send
'em out on remote
to the middle of the ocean.
- And blow 'em sky high.
- Right, now let's get
back to Stingray.
- Yeah, we mustn't
forget our date tonight.
[lively orchestral music]
- [Shore] Come on Atlanta,
we're waiting for you.
- Count me out tonight father,
I'm busy.
- Okay, okay, says she's busy.
- Sounds like it.
- Okay, it's your play.
- Raise you a hundred bucks.
- A hundred?
You must be on to a sure thing.
- And, I'll call your hundred,
and raise you another.
Atlanta, what in the world
are you searching for?
- I had a candy box here
the other day.
You haven't seen it,
have you father?
- Candy, never eat the stuff.
Come on Troy, you gonna
call or stack?
- Okay, I'll call and
raise you a thousand.
- A thousand, gee.
- Okay, I'll see you.
- Two pairs, kings and jacks.
- Full house, aces on eights.
- Sheesh.
- [Shore] Guess you lose.
[whimsical, spiraling music]
- [sighing] Guess I do.
- And make that 7,300,000 and
80 bucks you owe me, Troy.
- Father, are you sure you
haven't seen that candy box?
It had a picture of a
kitten on the cover.
- Oh, that old thing, yeah,
I put that in the waste
disposal unit.
- You did what, well
how could you?
You know I loved that box.
- How can you love an empty box?
Don't say it, it may have
a use someday.
- Well, it may.
- You know commander I
was just thinking,
what if we kept all
our old junk?
Like those three freighters
we sent out on remote today.
- Well I'm sure those
ships coulda been put
to some useful purpose.
- Well, it's too late now,
they're well on the way
to their grave yard.
[slow, somber orchestral music]
[water gurgling]
[loud buzzing]
- Ah, lieutenant, what's wrong?
- Sorry to disturb you
sir, but the three vessels
due for demolition,
they've sunk.
- Sunk, are you sure?
- Yes sir, I'm sure.
- Okay, I'll be right over.
Get Marina, I want
Stingray to investigate.
[tense music]
[bold, adventurous music]
- Tower, from Stingray,
What was the exact location
the ships went down at?
- Position north, northwest,
1,700, reference 27.
Proceed at full speed.
First vessel is gonna
blow up in 2 1/2 hours.
- Yes sir.
2 1/2 hours, eh, well,
we'll be there in about two.
- Dang, that leaves 30
minutes to find out
what's goin' on before
number one goes up.
[slow, somber music]
- What do you figure sunk
those ships, commander?
- If I knew that,
lieutenant, Stingray would be
still in her pen and
I'd be winning more cash
from Captain Tempest
at a card game,
even if it was only on paper.
[door clicking shut]
Atlanta, what are
you doing here?
- Well, I can't stay at home
while Troy's on a mission.
I'd rather be on duty.
- Okay, honey.
It sure is strange how
those vessels went down.
I guess we'll find out when
Stingray reaches the area.
- We're in the area,
Troy, north, northwest
1,700, reference 27.
Well, there's the seabed, Troy.
- Yeah, and there's no
sign of the ships.
We'll search the area.
[tense music]
Phones, look.
[suspenseful music]
- Drag marks, three of
'em, what could they be?
- There's only one way to
find out, let's follow 'em.
- Okay, skipper.
[tense music]
Troy, what's that ahead?
[mysterious music]
- They're old wrecks.
- Well who applied the lights,
- I don't know, must be
people inside.
- Could be.
What are we gonna do?
- Well, our mission is to
locate those three freighters,
so let's do that first.
[mysterious music]
There they are, ahead of us,
[dramatic, suspenseful music]
Get the underwater gear,
I'll report to Marineville.
Marineville from Stingray.
- [Atlanta] Stingray from
tower, go ahead, Troy.
- Atlanta we found
the freighters.
Phones and I are going
across to them.
- Okay Troy, but be careful.
- Yeah captain, the first
of those ships
is gonna explode in 20 minutes.
You gotta be outta the
area by then.
[mysterious music]
[curious music]
[tense music]
- [Troy] Okay Phones, let's
go abroad, watch your step.
[harp music]
[tense music]
- [Phones] It all looks okay,
- [Troy] Yeah, wait, look
at those valves.
[dramatic music]
The valves have been
opened, that explains it.
- [Phones] But who
could've done it?
- [Troy] I don't know,
Phones, but I figure
that whoever or whatever
is in those other ships
might've had somethin'
to do with it.
[tense music]
[dramatic music]
[tense music]
Well there's nothing we can
do, let's get out of here.
We'll take a look at those
other wrecks on the way back.
[tense music]
Gee Phones, what's going on?
[light harp music]
- [Phones] I guess we
found the guy
who opened those valves, Troy.
[tense music]
Do we make a fight of it, Troy?
- [Troy] What with,
he's got the drop on us.
- [Phones] He wants us
to go to the freighter.
- [Troy] Okay, let's not
keep the man waiting.
[tense music]
Say, they've sure worked fast.
- [Phones] Yeah, some
kinda air lock.
- [Troy] Guess he wants
us to go inside.
[tense music]
[adventurous music]
- Come in Stingray, are
you receiving me?
Stingray, do you read me?
No reply, what's that
thumping noise on the radio?
- Sounds like someone's
tapping Stingray's mic.
Atlanta, that must be it, it's
Marina, she must be alone.
- Well that's just great,
she can't tell us anything.
Guess I'll have to
try again later.
- But we haven't time Atlanta,
maybe we can make
Marina understand.
Yeah, we could work out
some kind of code for her.
Now let me take over.
Now I want you to listen
very carefully, Marina.
I'm gonna ask you
some questions.
If the answer's yes, tap once.
If it's no, tap twice,
you understand?
[tapping once]
- It works.
- That's great, Marina.
Now tell me, have
Troy and Phones
gone across to the freighters?
[tapping once]
Okay, is Stingray close to
the freighters?
[tapping once]
Can you see Troy or
Phones from there?
[tapping twice]
No huh, then they're
aboard one of the ships.
[tapping once]
[tense, suspenseful music]
- What do you want here,
- [Troy] Why did you sink
these vessels?
- You terrareans had no
further use for them.
And we, the hermit nomads
of the undersea races
need new homes.
- You mean those old wrecks
we saw are your homes?
- Correct, but now they
are rotting away,
and it is time for us to find
new vessels in which to live.
- Well you sure picked the
wrong ones this time, pal.
- These vessels are
due to explode,
and the first one goes
up in a few minutes.
- If that were true, you
would not risk your lives
and return to the ships.
- We had to find out
why they sank.
Now believe me, the
first ship goes up
in five minutes from
now, and for all I know,
it could be this one.
[dramatic music]
- Marina, this is
Commander Shore again.
Can you see Troy and Phones yet?
Are they coming back
to Stingray?
[tapping twice]
- But father, there's less
than three minutes to go.
- Yeah, and there's
nothing we can do.
Say, Marina indicated
that Stingray
was close to the freighters.
Marina, put Stingray
on automatic,
and it'll pull you clear
of those ships.
You'll be hit by the blast.
[tapping twice]
Do as I say, Marina,
switch to automatic.
There's only a few seconds left.
[tapping twice]
[mysterious music]
- You've gotta listen to us,
I tell you we're not bluffing.
There's not much time.
I don't know which one is
gonna go first, Phones,
but I sure hope it isn't ours.
- Yeah, it's kinda like
playing Russian Roulette.
- A good act, you know, I
could almost believe you.
[dramatic music]
- Guess we were lucky that time,
Now, do you believe us?
- I believe you, we must
get out of here.
- You bet, and we've got
less than 15 minutes.
This could be the
next one to go.
- Troy, the door into
the airlock.
- Oh, it's jammed, the
blast must've done it.
We're trapped.
[scary music]
- Marina, are you okay?
[tapping once]
Well, that's something.
Is there any sign of
Troy and Phones?
[tapping twice]
Well, the first ships
must've exploded.
There's not much hope, Atlanta.
- Oh father, while there's
time, there's hope.
They may be aboard one of
the other ships, still alive.
- Then why don't they get out?
[dramatic music]
- It's no good, Phones, we
can't shift it.
- And the second ship
goes up in three minutes.
- Let's hope our luck holds.
- [Shore] Time's running
out, Marina, you gotta
switch to automatic,
it'll get you outta there.
[tapping twice]
But Stingray could be wrecked.
There's no point in you
dying as well.
Switch on to automatic motion.
[tapping twice]
[deep suspenseful music]
- This is crazy, just
sitting here waiting to die.
- Not long to go now,
Troy, 10 seconds maybe.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
it's all my fault.
- [Shore] Come in Stingray,
Marina, are you okay?
Come in, Marina, are you okay,
[tapping once]
Troy and Phones, you
still can't see 'em?
[tapping twice]
- Guess we know how long
we've got now.
- Yeah, 10 minutes.
- Phones, the door, look.
The second blast
might've freed it.
- It's still jammed, but
it shifted all right.
- Quick Phones, get something
we can use as a leaver.
Hurry, we've only got
a few minutes.
[dramatic music]
- Marina, can you see
'em, are they coming out?
[tapping twice]
Are you clear of the last ship?
[tapping twice]
Then you're still in danger,
switch to automatic, Marina.
[tapping twice]
Darn it, Marina, what's
the matter with you?
Why don't you obey my orders?
- Father, Marina's doing
just what I'd do,
she's staying close to
the ship just in case
Troy and Phones get
clear at the last minute.
[bold, adventurous music]
- [Troy] Okay Phones, one
good, hard pull should open it.
I figure we've got around
90 seconds to get clear.
[bold, adventurous music]
- [Shore] Marina, can
you see them yet?
[tapping continuously]
- Father, they're still alive.
- They've got 20 seconds
to get Stingray clear.
[dramatic music]
[bold, adventurous music]
Well Troy, so we got rid of
another six old ships today,
That's more than a
dozen in the last month.
- Yep, we just send 'em
to the bottom,
and parasitic end, as hermit
nomads convert them to homes.
- There, you see what
you've done Troy
by making me agree to
let that underwater race
have our old vessels, I've
lost my argument with Atlanta.
This place is just
gonna be packed
with old junk from now on.
- That reminds me.
- Well where's he going?
- Probably forgot the
lights in his car.
Yeah, he's a pretty
good guy, that Tempest.
Guess I'll forget the 7,300,000
and 80 bucks he owes me.
On his pay, it'd probably
take him about
500 years to settle anyway.
[door clicking shut]
- Ah, he's comin' back, now,
now maybe we can get on
with the game.
- I forgot to tell you, Atlanta,
I managed to rescue your
old candy box.
I found it in the Marineville
waste disposal center.
- Oh Troy, that's sweet of you.
- I'm sure Atlanta will
find a good use for it.
- Now father, remember
those old ships,
we found a use for them.
- Guess this box has
already got a use, Atlanta.
- What do you mean, Troy?
- Open it.
[light, happy music]
- A kitten, thank you Troy,
oh thank you, she's wonderful.
- He's for a wonderful girl.
- Well, that's stage
one, it won't be long now
before this place is turned
into the Marineville zoo.
- Come on Troy, let's
carry on with the game.
- Oh forget me Phones, I
guess my luck's run out.
- Well Phones, you know
what they say,
unlucky at cards, lucky in love.
I'll raise you one
million dollars.
- [Phones] One million dollars?
- [Shores] What's the matter
with you man, are you chicken?
[upbeat orchestral music]
["Aqua Marina"]
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪
♪ That start whenever
you're near ♪
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪
♪ That my heart is
longing to hear ♪
♪ You're magic to me,
a beautiful mystery ♪
♪ I'm certain to fall I know ♪
♪ Because you enthrall me so ♪
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why don't you say,
that you'll always stay ♪
♪ Close to my heart ♪
[bold orchestral music]
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- Stand by for action.
[dramatic music]
We are about to launch Stingray.
[dramatic music]
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
[dramatic music] is deprecated, please
implement REST API from
- Marineville, I am
calling Battle Stations.
Anything can happen in the
next half hour.
[bold, adventurous music]
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray, Stingray ♪
[dramatic music]
[water lapping]
- Okay Phones, that's it,
they'll blow up at 15 minute
intervals starting at
03:30 hours tomorrow.
- Great, I'll check
the automatic focusing,
we want 'em to arrive in
the right zone.
Boy, times sure change,
not so long ago
valuable man hours were spent on
breakin' up these old hulks.
- Yep, now we just send
'em out on remote
to the middle of the ocean.
- And blow 'em sky high.
- Right, now let's get
back to Stingray.
- Yeah, we mustn't
forget our date tonight.
[lively orchestral music]
- [Shore] Come on Atlanta,
we're waiting for you.
- Count me out tonight father,
I'm busy.
- Okay, okay, says she's busy.
- Sounds like it.
- Okay, it's your play.
- Raise you a hundred bucks.
- A hundred?
You must be on to a sure thing.
- And, I'll call your hundred,
and raise you another.
Atlanta, what in the world
are you searching for?
- I had a candy box here
the other day.
You haven't seen it,
have you father?
- Candy, never eat the stuff.
Come on Troy, you gonna
call or stack?
- Okay, I'll call and
raise you a thousand.
- A thousand, gee.
- Okay, I'll see you.
- Two pairs, kings and jacks.
- Full house, aces on eights.
- Sheesh.
- [Shore] Guess you lose.
[whimsical, spiraling music]
- [sighing] Guess I do.
- And make that 7,300,000 and
80 bucks you owe me, Troy.
- Father, are you sure you
haven't seen that candy box?
It had a picture of a
kitten on the cover.
- Oh, that old thing, yeah,
I put that in the waste
disposal unit.
- You did what, well
how could you?
You know I loved that box.
- How can you love an empty box?
Don't say it, it may have
a use someday.
- Well, it may.
- You know commander I
was just thinking,
what if we kept all
our old junk?
Like those three freighters
we sent out on remote today.
- Well I'm sure those
ships coulda been put
to some useful purpose.
- Well, it's too late now,
they're well on the way
to their grave yard.
[slow, somber orchestral music]
[water gurgling]
[loud buzzing]
- Ah, lieutenant, what's wrong?
- Sorry to disturb you
sir, but the three vessels
due for demolition,
they've sunk.
- Sunk, are you sure?
- Yes sir, I'm sure.
- Okay, I'll be right over.
Get Marina, I want
Stingray to investigate.
[tense music]
[bold, adventurous music]
- Tower, from Stingray,
What was the exact location
the ships went down at?
- Position north, northwest,
1,700, reference 27.
Proceed at full speed.
First vessel is gonna
blow up in 2 1/2 hours.
- Yes sir.
2 1/2 hours, eh, well,
we'll be there in about two.
- Dang, that leaves 30
minutes to find out
what's goin' on before
number one goes up.
[slow, somber music]
- What do you figure sunk
those ships, commander?
- If I knew that,
lieutenant, Stingray would be
still in her pen and
I'd be winning more cash
from Captain Tempest
at a card game,
even if it was only on paper.
[door clicking shut]
Atlanta, what are
you doing here?
- Well, I can't stay at home
while Troy's on a mission.
I'd rather be on duty.
- Okay, honey.
It sure is strange how
those vessels went down.
I guess we'll find out when
Stingray reaches the area.
- We're in the area,
Troy, north, northwest
1,700, reference 27.
Well, there's the seabed, Troy.
- Yeah, and there's no
sign of the ships.
We'll search the area.
[tense music]
Phones, look.
[suspenseful music]
- Drag marks, three of
'em, what could they be?
- There's only one way to
find out, let's follow 'em.
- Okay, skipper.
[tense music]
Troy, what's that ahead?
[mysterious music]
- They're old wrecks.
- Well who applied the lights,
- I don't know, must be
people inside.
- Could be.
What are we gonna do?
- Well, our mission is to
locate those three freighters,
so let's do that first.
[mysterious music]
There they are, ahead of us,
[dramatic, suspenseful music]
Get the underwater gear,
I'll report to Marineville.
Marineville from Stingray.
- [Atlanta] Stingray from
tower, go ahead, Troy.
- Atlanta we found
the freighters.
Phones and I are going
across to them.
- Okay Troy, but be careful.
- Yeah captain, the first
of those ships
is gonna explode in 20 minutes.
You gotta be outta the
area by then.
[mysterious music]
[curious music]
[tense music]
- [Troy] Okay Phones, let's
go abroad, watch your step.
[harp music]
[tense music]
- [Phones] It all looks okay,
- [Troy] Yeah, wait, look
at those valves.
[dramatic music]
The valves have been
opened, that explains it.
- [Phones] But who
could've done it?
- [Troy] I don't know,
Phones, but I figure
that whoever or whatever
is in those other ships
might've had somethin'
to do with it.
[tense music]
[dramatic music]
[tense music]
Well there's nothing we can
do, let's get out of here.
We'll take a look at those
other wrecks on the way back.
[tense music]
Gee Phones, what's going on?
[light harp music]
- [Phones] I guess we
found the guy
who opened those valves, Troy.
[tense music]
Do we make a fight of it, Troy?
- [Troy] What with,
he's got the drop on us.
- [Phones] He wants us
to go to the freighter.
- [Troy] Okay, let's not
keep the man waiting.
[tense music]
Say, they've sure worked fast.
- [Phones] Yeah, some
kinda air lock.
- [Troy] Guess he wants
us to go inside.
[tense music]
[adventurous music]
- Come in Stingray, are
you receiving me?
Stingray, do you read me?
No reply, what's that
thumping noise on the radio?
- Sounds like someone's
tapping Stingray's mic.
Atlanta, that must be it, it's
Marina, she must be alone.
- Well that's just great,
she can't tell us anything.
Guess I'll have to
try again later.
- But we haven't time Atlanta,
maybe we can make
Marina understand.
Yeah, we could work out
some kind of code for her.
Now let me take over.
Now I want you to listen
very carefully, Marina.
I'm gonna ask you
some questions.
If the answer's yes, tap once.
If it's no, tap twice,
you understand?
[tapping once]
- It works.
- That's great, Marina.
Now tell me, have
Troy and Phones
gone across to the freighters?
[tapping once]
Okay, is Stingray close to
the freighters?
[tapping once]
Can you see Troy or
Phones from there?
[tapping twice]
No huh, then they're
aboard one of the ships.
[tapping once]
[tense, suspenseful music]
- What do you want here,
- [Troy] Why did you sink
these vessels?
- You terrareans had no
further use for them.
And we, the hermit nomads
of the undersea races
need new homes.
- You mean those old wrecks
we saw are your homes?
- Correct, but now they
are rotting away,
and it is time for us to find
new vessels in which to live.
- Well you sure picked the
wrong ones this time, pal.
- These vessels are
due to explode,
and the first one goes
up in a few minutes.
- If that were true, you
would not risk your lives
and return to the ships.
- We had to find out
why they sank.
Now believe me, the
first ship goes up
in five minutes from
now, and for all I know,
it could be this one.
[dramatic music]
- Marina, this is
Commander Shore again.
Can you see Troy and Phones yet?
Are they coming back
to Stingray?
[tapping twice]
- But father, there's less
than three minutes to go.
- Yeah, and there's
nothing we can do.
Say, Marina indicated
that Stingray
was close to the freighters.
Marina, put Stingray
on automatic,
and it'll pull you clear
of those ships.
You'll be hit by the blast.
[tapping twice]
Do as I say, Marina,
switch to automatic.
There's only a few seconds left.
[tapping twice]
[mysterious music]
- You've gotta listen to us,
I tell you we're not bluffing.
There's not much time.
I don't know which one is
gonna go first, Phones,
but I sure hope it isn't ours.
- Yeah, it's kinda like
playing Russian Roulette.
- A good act, you know, I
could almost believe you.
[dramatic music]
- Guess we were lucky that time,
Now, do you believe us?
- I believe you, we must
get out of here.
- You bet, and we've got
less than 15 minutes.
This could be the
next one to go.
- Troy, the door into
the airlock.
- Oh, it's jammed, the
blast must've done it.
We're trapped.
[scary music]
- Marina, are you okay?
[tapping once]
Well, that's something.
Is there any sign of
Troy and Phones?
[tapping twice]
Well, the first ships
must've exploded.
There's not much hope, Atlanta.
- Oh father, while there's
time, there's hope.
They may be aboard one of
the other ships, still alive.
- Then why don't they get out?
[dramatic music]
- It's no good, Phones, we
can't shift it.
- And the second ship
goes up in three minutes.
- Let's hope our luck holds.
- [Shore] Time's running
out, Marina, you gotta
switch to automatic,
it'll get you outta there.
[tapping twice]
But Stingray could be wrecked.
There's no point in you
dying as well.
Switch on to automatic motion.
[tapping twice]
[deep suspenseful music]
- This is crazy, just
sitting here waiting to die.
- Not long to go now,
Troy, 10 seconds maybe.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
it's all my fault.
- [Shore] Come in Stingray,
Marina, are you okay?
Come in, Marina, are you okay,
[tapping once]
Troy and Phones, you
still can't see 'em?
[tapping twice]
- Guess we know how long
we've got now.
- Yeah, 10 minutes.
- Phones, the door, look.
The second blast
might've freed it.
- It's still jammed, but
it shifted all right.
- Quick Phones, get something
we can use as a leaver.
Hurry, we've only got
a few minutes.
[dramatic music]
- Marina, can you see
'em, are they coming out?
[tapping twice]
Are you clear of the last ship?
[tapping twice]
Then you're still in danger,
switch to automatic, Marina.
[tapping twice]
Darn it, Marina, what's
the matter with you?
Why don't you obey my orders?
- Father, Marina's doing
just what I'd do,
she's staying close to
the ship just in case
Troy and Phones get
clear at the last minute.
[bold, adventurous music]
- [Troy] Okay Phones, one
good, hard pull should open it.
I figure we've got around
90 seconds to get clear.
[bold, adventurous music]
- [Shore] Marina, can
you see them yet?
[tapping continuously]
- Father, they're still alive.
- They've got 20 seconds
to get Stingray clear.
[dramatic music]
[bold, adventurous music]
Well Troy, so we got rid of
another six old ships today,
That's more than a
dozen in the last month.
- Yep, we just send 'em
to the bottom,
and parasitic end, as hermit
nomads convert them to homes.
- There, you see what
you've done Troy
by making me agree to
let that underwater race
have our old vessels, I've
lost my argument with Atlanta.
This place is just
gonna be packed
with old junk from now on.
- That reminds me.
- Well where's he going?
- Probably forgot the
lights in his car.
Yeah, he's a pretty
good guy, that Tempest.
Guess I'll forget the 7,300,000
and 80 bucks he owes me.
On his pay, it'd probably
take him about
500 years to settle anyway.
[door clicking shut]
- Ah, he's comin' back, now,
now maybe we can get on
with the game.
- I forgot to tell you, Atlanta,
I managed to rescue your
old candy box.
I found it in the Marineville
waste disposal center.
- Oh Troy, that's sweet of you.
- I'm sure Atlanta will
find a good use for it.
- Now father, remember
those old ships,
we found a use for them.
- Guess this box has
already got a use, Atlanta.
- What do you mean, Troy?
- Open it.
[light, happy music]
- A kitten, thank you Troy,
oh thank you, she's wonderful.
- He's for a wonderful girl.
- Well, that's stage
one, it won't be long now
before this place is turned
into the Marineville zoo.
- Come on Troy, let's
carry on with the game.
- Oh forget me Phones, I
guess my luck's run out.
- Well Phones, you know
what they say,
unlucky at cards, lucky in love.
I'll raise you one
million dollars.
- [Phones] One million dollars?
- [Shores] What's the matter
with you man, are you chicken?
[upbeat orchestral music]
["Aqua Marina"]
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪
♪ That start whenever
you're near ♪
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪
♪ That my heart is
longing to hear ♪
♪ You're magic to me,
a beautiful mystery ♪
♪ I'm certain to fall I know ♪
♪ Because you enthrall me so ♪
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why don't you say,
that you'll always stay ♪
♪ Close to my heart ♪
[bold orchestral music]
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