Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 22 - Tom Thumb Tempest - full transcript
While waiting for the call to action in the Stand-By Lounge, Troy falls asleep.
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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Stand by for action!
[dramatic music]
We are about to launch Stingray!
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
Use the free code JOINNOW at
Marineville, I am calling
battle stations.
Anything can happen in the
next half hour.
[tense dramatic music]
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray ♪
[gentle music]
- Sure is quiet.
- You shouldn't have
said that Troy.
Whenever you say
things are quiet.
Something usually happens.
- [Shore] Commander
Shore speaking.
Stingray crews stand
by for launch stations.
- Yeah, I see what
you mean Phones.
- This is a full scale
emergency Captain.
It could be the most dangerous
mission of your career.
- That suits me.
What is the mission sir?
- [Shore] No questions
Tempest, just stand by.
- Okay sir.
Must be something big eh Phones?
- Yeah, if the Commander
says it will be dangerous,
then it sure will be.
- But why didn't he tell
us what it was about?
- Security I guess.
[suspenseful music]
- Too solid hours just waiting!
What goes on?
- Take it easy Troy,
just take it easy.
- Yeah, it's just that I
hate being cooped up in here
like one of those fish in
this aquarium.
- What do you mean Troy?
- Take that fish over there,
he could be happily swimming
along and then, bump!
He's gone slap into
a glass wall.
- Yeah, but they've
got no worries.
Plenty of food and
controlled water temperature.
Which reminds me, it's
kind of chilly.
I'll go fix the heating.
- Well hanging around
may be okay for a fish
but it sure doesn't suit me.
Tempest to tower.
How about it Commander?
Let's get moving.
Or at least tell us
what's going on.
- Captain Tempest, when
I'm ready to tell you
I'll do so and not before.
Now continue to stand by.
- [Tempest] Yes sir.
- What's got into that guy?
- Gee Phones it's hot in here.
What have you done to
the heating?
- Well I figure it's
just right now.
- I know you come from
the sunny south
but I'm telling you it's
too hot for me.
- You sure are on
edge today Troy.
Now relax, will you.
[dreamy music]
- [Shore] Commander Shore here.
Stringray crew stand
by for launch stations.
Stand by for launch stations.
Phones, Marina, this is it.
- Okay Troy.
[tense drumbeats]
- Stingray, you are clear to go.
[dramatic music]
- Tower from Stingray.
Sea borne, now will you tell
us what this is all about?
- Proceed to position north,
north-west, 1000 reference one.
- [Tempest] But we're
at that position now.
- Well done Tempest.
You will see a tunnel,
continue along it's length
and then await further
- But sir, why all the mystery?
What in thunder's going on?
- Captain Tempest, one
of these days
I'm going to cut you
down to size.
You've got your orders
just carry them out.
- Yes sir.
- Troy, I can see a light.
- Yeah, at the end
of the tunnel.
Tower, from Stingray, we're
through the tunnel Commander.
Now what?
- [Shore] I told you to
await further instructions.
Stop being the big man
Tempest, do as you're told.
- Why is it the Commander's
going out of his way
to make me look small?
What are you playing at Phones?
- I didn't do anything Troy.
Felt like we hit a rock.
- Yeah well, be careful eh.
- What is this Phones?
- Sorry Troy, but I
just don't get it.
- I can't see anything.
Say, wait a minute.
- Troy look.
- Yeah Phones, I'm looking
but I don't believe it.
- We must be seeing things.
- It's crazy.
- But it's there Troy,
it's crazy but it's there.
- Move her forward Phones, I
want to take a closer look.
Phones, we're hitting glass.
We must be hitting a
sheet of glass.
- Yeah, we must be in a,
no, no, it's too fantastic.
- I know Phones, but we are.
We're in an aquarium.
We're in an aquarium in
a giant room.
[dramatic music]
Phones send out an emergency
call to Marineville.
- Sorry Troy, no can do.
The lines dead.
- Right, stand by to surface.
We've got to find out
what's going on.
- Standing by to surface.
- Blow one.
Blow three, five and seven.
- Three, five and seven.
- Okay, let's take a look
around on the monocopters.
Look, a television Phones.
Let's switch it on, it
may tell us something.
- Gee Troy, it's massive.
- [Troy] Yeah.
- I can't Troy, it's too stiff.
- Okay, move back.
- The company has stated
that the new strike
is going to be the richest yet.
Wall Street reaction was
a wave of buying
and the index rose one point.
Now a news flash.
There still remains no
news of Stingray,
the famous aquanaut
patrol vessel.
Contact was lost 30 minutes ago.
In a statement from
Marineville, Commander Shore
said that the craft was
on a dangerous mission
and that there was little
hope of it's survival.
When asked the motive
of the mission,
Commander Shore said,
"No comment."
- Yeah I can believe that.
We've been given up for lost.
- Now stand by for Top Five.
But first a message for you.
- Move aside folks, this
is no time for commercials.
- Let's take a look
at the table.
[suspenseful music]
Leave the monocopters here,
we'll find out who this
table's set for.
- Now that's what I
call king-size.
- Phones, Marina, over here.
Take a look at this.
Yeah Marina, I seem to
remember that name too.
- The rocket emplacement on
Bowen Island, you remember.
Nucella was the guy
who captured us.
- That's it Phones, we just
escaped with our lives.
Let's see who else is invited.
- This gets worse Troy,
look at this one.
- Gadus!
You ought to
remember him Marina.
He kidnapped Admiral
Carson and Milly.
We had to go and rescue them.
- This seems to be some
kind of convention
for all the biggest underwater
enemies of Marineville.
- You're right, but what
I don't understand is
either they've
turned into giants
or we've turned into
miniature people.
- Troy, I hate to admit
this, but I'm scared.
- Keep calm Phones.
Let's move to the
head of the table
and see who's running this show.
- I guess we'd need a pile-driver
to crack these babies.
- I don't want to
worry you Phones.
But do you know who's
giving this party?
- Tell me the worst.
- Titan!
Guess you were right Phones,
some of our biggest
enemies are coming here.
- Yeah and they all must
have changed into giants.
I don't figure it.
- Come on, back to Stingray.
We've got to get out of here.
- [Phones] Troy look.
- [Troy] Hey, Stingray's
smaller than we are.
- Well, we were in
there a minute ago.
- Maybe, but one
thing's for sure,
we couldn't get inside her now.
- Hey, someone's coming.
[ominous music]
- Boy that was close.
- Yeah, but did you
see who it was?
One of Titan's guards and he
was three times as big as us.
- Yeah, and if we're found,
he'll stomp on us like
we were bugs.
What are we going to do?
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
I wonder why they're
having this dinner party.
- Well if Titan's involved
it will probably be
to plan an attack on
Say, what's that roll of
papers up by Titan's place?
Let's have a look, might
give us a clue.
Phones, stop clowning
and get up here.
- Clowning, he calls it.
Why that knife almost
cut me in half.
- Give me some help here Phones.
We've got to get these
documents unrolled.
- Okay Troy.
- Phones, these are
photostats of Marineville.
- If Titan gets hold of them,
he'll be able to bust
Marineville wide open.
- Yeah.
What's underneath?
- Let's see.
Step aside, I'll lift my foot.
- Yeah, it's all here.
Details of Marineville's
entire defense system.
- This is mighty serious Troy.
What are we gonna do?
- Good girl Marina!
We may be able to contact
Marineville by telephone.
Come on.
You'll have to give me
a hand Phones.
- Okay Troy.
Ready when you are.
- Get that pencil Phones,
it will help you to
dial the number.
- [Phones] Six, five, zero,
zero, zero.
[phone rings]
- [Shore] Commander Shore.
- Oh Commander.
We're in the craziest situation.
It's a giant room and the
Marineville defense plans
are here.
Seems that Titan and
a crowd of his buddies
are coming to a dinner party.
- [Shore] Alright, stop
the fooling Tempest,
I'm a busy man.
- Did you get that Troy?
- Yeah, very definitely.
- Commander sir, it's no joke.
There's an aquaphibian
here dressed like a butler
and everything is three
times as big as us.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
very funny Troy.
Now get off the line.
- But sir!
Stingray's in an aquarium.
You've got to help us.
Trace the call and get
us out of here.
Do you understand?
- Course I understand.
You're in a giant room
having dinner with Titan
with an aquaphibian as a butler
and Stingray's in an aquarium.
Have a good time.
Will you get that guy.
Giants, secret plans,
aquarium, what a joker.
- Yeah, he sure is.
- Hello Commander, hello.
- He's hung up Troy.
- Yeah.
I don't get it, that TV
announcement said we were lost.
Yet Commander Shore acts as
if we were practical jokers.
- I guess we're on our own Troy.
- Yeah, well we've got to
get those defense plans
away from here.
If Titan sees them,
Marineville's finished.
Come on.
[ominous music]
- Is the table laid Jeeves-sea?
What is the meaning of this?
The table is in a mess.
Do you realize that Titan
and his guests
will be here in 15
marine minutes.
Titan will have your
gills for garters.
Never have I known such a
crowd of useless creatures
as you aquaphibians.
Now get this table
cleared up at once.
What is the meaning of this?
Who told you to set
fish-knives and forks?
You thought!
It is hardly tactful to serve
fish on such an occasion.
Now make sure you do
it correctly this time,
or I'll throw you onto the land.
[suspenseful music]
- Boy, phew!
That was close.
- Yeah, now let's take
care of those plans.
- Where do we put them Troy?
We can't get back to Stingray.
- There's only one answer.
Destroy them.
- Oh, that'd take too long.
- Well let's burn them Phones.
We've got to work fast.
Titan will be here soon.
This brandy's gonna be our fuel.
Right Phones, the matches.
Put your foot on it
Phones, I'll tear one off.
Okay, now stand back.
Quick, the whole table's on
fire, make for the aquarium.
- Troy, we'll never
get in Stingray.
It's too small.
- We got out of Stingray,
we'll get back in there.
Come on.
[dramatic music]
Oh, we're back to normal size.
- Maybe, we're still in a
fish tank, not the ocean.
- Yeah, I'm trying to
figure a way out.
But there is no way out.
- Troy, the water's heating up.
- It's boiling Phones,
the aquarium's boiling.
Prepare the fire-sting
missiles Phones,
if we break the glass, the
water could put out the flames.
- Standing by with missiles.
- It's the only
chance we've got.
[breaking glass tinkling]
The fire, we've put it out.
Say, I'm in the stand by lounge.
There is no fire, no giants!
- It's okay Troy,
you're awake now.
Did you have a good sleep?
- A good sleep!
Gee, did I have a crazy dream.
Phones, the heating system,
turn it down,
it's like an oven in here.
- [Shore] Commander Shore here.
Okay Stingray crew.
Stand down, the
emergency is over.
- Boy am I glad of that sir,
I've just been on the most
dangerous mission of my career.
- What are you talking
about Tempest.
- [Tempest] Oh never mind sir,
guess you wouldn't understand.
By the way, sorry I was
so impatient earlier.
- That's alright Troy.
Glad to hear you're
back to normal.
- Yeah Commander, so am I.
So am I.
[dramatic music]
[dreamy music]
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina, ♪
♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪
♪ that start whenever
you're near? ♪
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪
♪ That my heart is
longing to hear? ♪
♪ You're magic to me,
a beautiful mystery ♪
♪ I'm certain to fall I know,
because you enthrall me so ♪
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why don't you say,
that you'll always stay ♪
♪ Close to my heart ♪
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- Stand by for action!
[dramatic music]
We are about to launch Stingray!
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
Use the free code JOINNOW at
Marineville, I am calling
battle stations.
Anything can happen in the
next half hour.
[tense dramatic music]
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray ♪
[gentle music]
- Sure is quiet.
- You shouldn't have
said that Troy.
Whenever you say
things are quiet.
Something usually happens.
- [Shore] Commander
Shore speaking.
Stingray crews stand
by for launch stations.
- Yeah, I see what
you mean Phones.
- This is a full scale
emergency Captain.
It could be the most dangerous
mission of your career.
- That suits me.
What is the mission sir?
- [Shore] No questions
Tempest, just stand by.
- Okay sir.
Must be something big eh Phones?
- Yeah, if the Commander
says it will be dangerous,
then it sure will be.
- But why didn't he tell
us what it was about?
- Security I guess.
[suspenseful music]
- Too solid hours just waiting!
What goes on?
- Take it easy Troy,
just take it easy.
- Yeah, it's just that I
hate being cooped up in here
like one of those fish in
this aquarium.
- What do you mean Troy?
- Take that fish over there,
he could be happily swimming
along and then, bump!
He's gone slap into
a glass wall.
- Yeah, but they've
got no worries.
Plenty of food and
controlled water temperature.
Which reminds me, it's
kind of chilly.
I'll go fix the heating.
- Well hanging around
may be okay for a fish
but it sure doesn't suit me.
Tempest to tower.
How about it Commander?
Let's get moving.
Or at least tell us
what's going on.
- Captain Tempest, when
I'm ready to tell you
I'll do so and not before.
Now continue to stand by.
- [Tempest] Yes sir.
- What's got into that guy?
- Gee Phones it's hot in here.
What have you done to
the heating?
- Well I figure it's
just right now.
- I know you come from
the sunny south
but I'm telling you it's
too hot for me.
- You sure are on
edge today Troy.
Now relax, will you.
[dreamy music]
- [Shore] Commander Shore here.
Stringray crew stand
by for launch stations.
Stand by for launch stations.
Phones, Marina, this is it.
- Okay Troy.
[tense drumbeats]
- Stingray, you are clear to go.
[dramatic music]
- Tower from Stingray.
Sea borne, now will you tell
us what this is all about?
- Proceed to position north,
north-west, 1000 reference one.
- [Tempest] But we're
at that position now.
- Well done Tempest.
You will see a tunnel,
continue along it's length
and then await further
- But sir, why all the mystery?
What in thunder's going on?
- Captain Tempest, one
of these days
I'm going to cut you
down to size.
You've got your orders
just carry them out.
- Yes sir.
- Troy, I can see a light.
- Yeah, at the end
of the tunnel.
Tower, from Stingray, we're
through the tunnel Commander.
Now what?
- [Shore] I told you to
await further instructions.
Stop being the big man
Tempest, do as you're told.
- Why is it the Commander's
going out of his way
to make me look small?
What are you playing at Phones?
- I didn't do anything Troy.
Felt like we hit a rock.
- Yeah well, be careful eh.
- What is this Phones?
- Sorry Troy, but I
just don't get it.
- I can't see anything.
Say, wait a minute.
- Troy look.
- Yeah Phones, I'm looking
but I don't believe it.
- We must be seeing things.
- It's crazy.
- But it's there Troy,
it's crazy but it's there.
- Move her forward Phones, I
want to take a closer look.
Phones, we're hitting glass.
We must be hitting a
sheet of glass.
- Yeah, we must be in a,
no, no, it's too fantastic.
- I know Phones, but we are.
We're in an aquarium.
We're in an aquarium in
a giant room.
[dramatic music]
Phones send out an emergency
call to Marineville.
- Sorry Troy, no can do.
The lines dead.
- Right, stand by to surface.
We've got to find out
what's going on.
- Standing by to surface.
- Blow one.
Blow three, five and seven.
- Three, five and seven.
- Okay, let's take a look
around on the monocopters.
Look, a television Phones.
Let's switch it on, it
may tell us something.
- Gee Troy, it's massive.
- [Troy] Yeah.
- I can't Troy, it's too stiff.
- Okay, move back.
- The company has stated
that the new strike
is going to be the richest yet.
Wall Street reaction was
a wave of buying
and the index rose one point.
Now a news flash.
There still remains no
news of Stingray,
the famous aquanaut
patrol vessel.
Contact was lost 30 minutes ago.
In a statement from
Marineville, Commander Shore
said that the craft was
on a dangerous mission
and that there was little
hope of it's survival.
When asked the motive
of the mission,
Commander Shore said,
"No comment."
- Yeah I can believe that.
We've been given up for lost.
- Now stand by for Top Five.
But first a message for you.
- Move aside folks, this
is no time for commercials.
- Let's take a look
at the table.
[suspenseful music]
Leave the monocopters here,
we'll find out who this
table's set for.
- Now that's what I
call king-size.
- Phones, Marina, over here.
Take a look at this.
Yeah Marina, I seem to
remember that name too.
- The rocket emplacement on
Bowen Island, you remember.
Nucella was the guy
who captured us.
- That's it Phones, we just
escaped with our lives.
Let's see who else is invited.
- This gets worse Troy,
look at this one.
- Gadus!
You ought to
remember him Marina.
He kidnapped Admiral
Carson and Milly.
We had to go and rescue them.
- This seems to be some
kind of convention
for all the biggest underwater
enemies of Marineville.
- You're right, but what
I don't understand is
either they've
turned into giants
or we've turned into
miniature people.
- Troy, I hate to admit
this, but I'm scared.
- Keep calm Phones.
Let's move to the
head of the table
and see who's running this show.
- I guess we'd need a pile-driver
to crack these babies.
- I don't want to
worry you Phones.
But do you know who's
giving this party?
- Tell me the worst.
- Titan!
Guess you were right Phones,
some of our biggest
enemies are coming here.
- Yeah and they all must
have changed into giants.
I don't figure it.
- Come on, back to Stingray.
We've got to get out of here.
- [Phones] Troy look.
- [Troy] Hey, Stingray's
smaller than we are.
- Well, we were in
there a minute ago.
- Maybe, but one
thing's for sure,
we couldn't get inside her now.
- Hey, someone's coming.
[ominous music]
- Boy that was close.
- Yeah, but did you
see who it was?
One of Titan's guards and he
was three times as big as us.
- Yeah, and if we're found,
he'll stomp on us like
we were bugs.
What are we going to do?
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
I wonder why they're
having this dinner party.
- Well if Titan's involved
it will probably be
to plan an attack on
Say, what's that roll of
papers up by Titan's place?
Let's have a look, might
give us a clue.
Phones, stop clowning
and get up here.
- Clowning, he calls it.
Why that knife almost
cut me in half.
- Give me some help here Phones.
We've got to get these
documents unrolled.
- Okay Troy.
- Phones, these are
photostats of Marineville.
- If Titan gets hold of them,
he'll be able to bust
Marineville wide open.
- Yeah.
What's underneath?
- Let's see.
Step aside, I'll lift my foot.
- Yeah, it's all here.
Details of Marineville's
entire defense system.
- This is mighty serious Troy.
What are we gonna do?
- Good girl Marina!
We may be able to contact
Marineville by telephone.
Come on.
You'll have to give me
a hand Phones.
- Okay Troy.
Ready when you are.
- Get that pencil Phones,
it will help you to
dial the number.
- [Phones] Six, five, zero,
zero, zero.
[phone rings]
- [Shore] Commander Shore.
- Oh Commander.
We're in the craziest situation.
It's a giant room and the
Marineville defense plans
are here.
Seems that Titan and
a crowd of his buddies
are coming to a dinner party.
- [Shore] Alright, stop
the fooling Tempest,
I'm a busy man.
- Did you get that Troy?
- Yeah, very definitely.
- Commander sir, it's no joke.
There's an aquaphibian
here dressed like a butler
and everything is three
times as big as us.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
very funny Troy.
Now get off the line.
- But sir!
Stingray's in an aquarium.
You've got to help us.
Trace the call and get
us out of here.
Do you understand?
- Course I understand.
You're in a giant room
having dinner with Titan
with an aquaphibian as a butler
and Stingray's in an aquarium.
Have a good time.
Will you get that guy.
Giants, secret plans,
aquarium, what a joker.
- Yeah, he sure is.
- Hello Commander, hello.
- He's hung up Troy.
- Yeah.
I don't get it, that TV
announcement said we were lost.
Yet Commander Shore acts as
if we were practical jokers.
- I guess we're on our own Troy.
- Yeah, well we've got to
get those defense plans
away from here.
If Titan sees them,
Marineville's finished.
Come on.
[ominous music]
- Is the table laid Jeeves-sea?
What is the meaning of this?
The table is in a mess.
Do you realize that Titan
and his guests
will be here in 15
marine minutes.
Titan will have your
gills for garters.
Never have I known such a
crowd of useless creatures
as you aquaphibians.
Now get this table
cleared up at once.
What is the meaning of this?
Who told you to set
fish-knives and forks?
You thought!
It is hardly tactful to serve
fish on such an occasion.
Now make sure you do
it correctly this time,
or I'll throw you onto the land.
[suspenseful music]
- Boy, phew!
That was close.
- Yeah, now let's take
care of those plans.
- Where do we put them Troy?
We can't get back to Stingray.
- There's only one answer.
Destroy them.
- Oh, that'd take too long.
- Well let's burn them Phones.
We've got to work fast.
Titan will be here soon.
This brandy's gonna be our fuel.
Right Phones, the matches.
Put your foot on it
Phones, I'll tear one off.
Okay, now stand back.
Quick, the whole table's on
fire, make for the aquarium.
- Troy, we'll never
get in Stingray.
It's too small.
- We got out of Stingray,
we'll get back in there.
Come on.
[dramatic music]
Oh, we're back to normal size.
- Maybe, we're still in a
fish tank, not the ocean.
- Yeah, I'm trying to
figure a way out.
But there is no way out.
- Troy, the water's heating up.
- It's boiling Phones,
the aquarium's boiling.
Prepare the fire-sting
missiles Phones,
if we break the glass, the
water could put out the flames.
- Standing by with missiles.
- It's the only
chance we've got.
[breaking glass tinkling]
The fire, we've put it out.
Say, I'm in the stand by lounge.
There is no fire, no giants!
- It's okay Troy,
you're awake now.
Did you have a good sleep?
- A good sleep!
Gee, did I have a crazy dream.
Phones, the heating system,
turn it down,
it's like an oven in here.
- [Shore] Commander Shore here.
Okay Stingray crew.
Stand down, the
emergency is over.
- Boy am I glad of that sir,
I've just been on the most
dangerous mission of my career.
- What are you talking
about Tempest.
- [Tempest] Oh never mind sir,
guess you wouldn't understand.
By the way, sorry I was
so impatient earlier.
- That's alright Troy.
Glad to hear you're
back to normal.
- Yeah Commander, so am I.
So am I.
[dramatic music]
[dreamy music]
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina, ♪
♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪
♪ that start whenever
you're near? ♪
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪
♪ That my heart is
longing to hear? ♪
♪ You're magic to me,
a beautiful mystery ♪
♪ I'm certain to fall I know,
because you enthrall me so ♪
♪ Marina, Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why don't you say,
that you'll always stay ♪
♪ Close to my heart ♪
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