Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 19 - Deep Heat - full transcript
After a robot probe inexplicably disappears, the Stingray crew is ordered to investigate.
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Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Stand by for action.
[explosion booms]
[dramatic orchestral music]
We are about to launch Stingray.
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
Support us and become VIP member
to remove all ads from
[lively drum music]
- Marineville, I am
calling battle stations.
Anything can happen in the
next half hour.
[tower explodes]
[planes roar]
[tower explodes]
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray, Stingray ♪
[volcano rumbling]
[volcano explodes]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[probe beeping]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[radar beeps]
- [Officer] Marineville
Tracking Station calling,
remote control
undersea survey probe
in position south-southwest,
2,000, reference four.
- Probe signal varying
at 55 and eight,
zero sonic megabars per minute.
- Hm, sub load, rough gold,
strata E G.
Yes, we'll be through
with this section soon.
- Yes, Commander, this sure is
a swell way to survey
the ocean floor.
- I know it, Lieutenant,
kind of like
the satellites that go
up to explore space.
- Yeah, no manpower actually
endangered, small team required
to note the probe's findings,
that's all.
- Yes, I know another
guy who likes the idea.
He doesn't have to do any work.
He can go out and enjoy himself.
[mellow jazz music]
- You know, this probe
has me worried, Phones.
- [Phones] In what way, Troy?
- Well, some bright guy
could get the idea
that all undersea
vessels should be
packed with unmanned
- Then you'd be out of a job.
- Yeah, that's what I mean.
- Gee, Troy, you don't think
it'll come to that, do you?
- Relax, Phones.
I was only kidding.
- All the same, just think.
Here we are, nice and
snug, while Seaprobe is
in that cold, old sea
doing all the work for us.
[probe beeping]
- [Sam] What's happening,
The signal's fading.
- The probe seems to have gone
beneath the ocean bed, sir.
- What do you mean,
beneath the ocean bed?
There are no fissures
or cracks in that area.
There's a submerged
extinct volcano there,
and the crater appears
to be enormous.
- Yeah, a magnum, the
biggest bottle
of champagne they've got.
[mellow jazz music]
I ordered it when we came in.
- Oh, gee, Troy, you sure
are living it up tonight.
- And why not?
We deserve it just this once,
I guess.
We don't often get the chance.
Ah, the cork's being pulled now.
Wait for it.
- The popping of the cork
always makes me jump.
[lively jazz music]
[communicator buzzes]
- Aw, heck, that's the tower.
Hold the champagne.
What's wrong, Commander?
- Plenty, the sea probe
that has been
mapping the sea bed
has disappeared.
I want you to report to
the tower immediately
so that I can fill you
in with all the details,
and I want Stingray to carry
out a full investigation.
[intense drum music]
- Stingray, you are clear to go.
[water splashing]
[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]
- Tower from Stingray, seaborne.
- Okay, Troy,
proceed to position
south-southwest, 2,000,
reference four.
Follow probe's course
and see what happens.
You'd better wear the
high-frequency tracking pack
in case you're pulled down to
the volcano like the probe.
- Yes, sir, that'll keep
us in signal contact
up to a depth of four
miles from the ocean bed.
- Four miles?
No extinct volcano can
be that deep.
- We've come up against
stranger things
than that beneath the sea.
- Acceleration rate six.
- Rate six.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]
- Stingray in area
reference four, sir.
- Okay, Atlanta, keep
a close track.
If anything is gonna happen,
be within the next few seconds.
[Stingray whirring]
- Crater dead ahead.
- This is where the
trouble started.
Stand by, Phones.
[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[peaceful orchestral music]
- Hey, we're going down.
We're being pulled down.
- Blow three and seven.
We've gotta keep her on
an even keel.
[pumps hissing]
[Stingray whirring]
Marineville from Stingray, we're
being pulled into the volcano.
- [Sam] Stingray from tower, I
didn't get your last message.
Please repeat last message.
- Start high-frequency
tracking pack, Phones.
Normal radio contact fading.
[pack beeping]
- The tracking pack's operating.
- Yeah, they're going
beneath the ocean bed.
It's happening again, Atlanta.
The Scifa signal is
our only contact
with Stingray from now on.
[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]
- 1,000 feet beneath
the ocean bed.
- Operate sounding echo.
I wanna know how deep
this crater is.
[Stingray whirring]
[sonar beeps]
- Sounding echo away, Troy.
[sonar beeps]
- Jumpin' catfish, I thought
we'd never get that echo.
- Two and a half miles, Troy.
That's the crater's depth.
- Now, we want to
find out what's
waiting for us at the bottom.
[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[instruments beeping]
- Tracking signal half strength.
- That's two miles
beneath the sea bed.
Thank heavens we know Stingray
can stand that water pressure.
[Stingray whirring]
- Less than 2,000 feet
to bottom, Troy.
- Nearly two and a half miles,
and they're still
increasing depth rate.
- Why doesn't Troy slow her up?
Blow tanks, Troy, now.
- Blow all tanks, now!
[tanks hissing]
- We're going faster.
- How much further?
- 200 feet.
- This is it.
We're slowing down.
- 20 feet to go.
[mysterious orchestral music]
- What is this place?
- I can't say, Troy.
It's difficult to see.
[dramatic orchestral music]
- Phones, look.
There's some kind of
door over there.
- [Turata] Attention,
Listen carefully.
You will swim out of your
craft towards the door.
It is an airlock.
- Where's that voice
coming from?
- It's all around us, Troy.
- [Turata] Approach the airlock.
- What do we do?
- My first thought is to
hightail it out of here.
- [Turata] Obey me, or it
will be disastrous for you.
- What does he mean?
- That, I guess.
[ominous orchestral music]
Like the man says, let's
make for that airlock.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[instruments beeping]
- The tracking signal's
been constant
for 15 minutes, Father.
- Yeah, registering depth of two
and one half miles
beneath the ocean.
- Well, what could
have happened?
Why doesn't the signal change?
[dramatic orchestral music]
[door whirs]
- [Turata] Enter the airlock,
[door whirs]
- Where do we go from here?
- Yeah, there's no other door.
- [Turata] Now,
operate the control.
- The man said,
"Operate the control."
This must be it.
[lift whirring]
- We're going down.
- Yeah, and what a pace.
[instruments beeping]
- Well, we can be pretty sure
they're still okay, Atlanta.
- Yes, Father, but they're
going deeper, and so swiftly.
It's almost as if
they're heading
for the center of the earth.
[lift whirring]
- How deep are we, Phones?
- I don't know.
We must be about four miles
beneath the ocean bed, Troy.
- Then we're on our own.
Marineville will have
lost all track of us.
[instruments beeps]
- It's gone, Father.
We've lost contact.
- Yeah, honey, they're beyond
the transmitter's range,
over four miles
beneath the sea bed.
[lift whirring]
- We're slowing up.
[dramatic orchestral music]
- Welcome to Voldana,
You have arrived just in time.
- Who are you?
What is this place?
- My name is Turata.
This is Fragil.
We are the sole survivors
of Centralius,
the mighty civilization
that has lived
under the earth for
thousands of years.
- Alas, this room is the only
part of our dynamic city left,
for a great disaster has struck.
- You mean every one
of your people is dead?
- Yes, Terranian, they perished
when the volcano became active.
I will explain.
As you see, our city was built
within the shaft of the
dormant volcano.
We were luckily in this room
when the eruption began.
- All the rest destroyed
by the lava, huh?
- [Fragil] Yes, we
managed to secure
and seal the protecting door.
- What happened then?
- The activity subsided,
and we were safe.
- Until now.
If you listen carefully,
you can hear the fury
of the volcano just
beyond these very walls.
[volcano rumbling]
- Soon, the volcano
will erupt again.
Then our last refuge
will be destroyed.
- That is why we used our
electronic suction apparatus
to draw in the first craft.
- I don't understand.
- Like you, we cannot
breathe in water.
We needed a craft to
reach the terrain.
- But, alas, the craft we
chose was full of instruments.
There was no room for us.
- So you drew Stingray down, eh?
- But why all the threats
with the missiles?
That wasn't very friendly.
- We were desperate.
We had to make certain you
would come down to rescue us.
- You only needed to ask.
[volcano roars]
Sounds like the volcano's
ready to blow.
We'd better get out of here.
- Yes, but how do we get to
your ship from the airlock?
- Stingray's hatch is open.
We can swim straight in, but
there's only one problem.
- Yeah, I thought of that, too.
We've only got two sets of
breathing gear.
- In that case, there
is no problem.
We will take the
breathing apparatus.
- You dirty rats.
- [Fragil] The guns, throw
them over here.
- But the volcano--
- Delay one more second
and you die now.
- He means it, Phones.
Maybe there's some other
way out of this mess.
Do as he says.
[guns clattering]
- Come, Fragil, we
must be leaving.
[volcano rumbling]
We would not want to
prolong your suffering.
We are humane people.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[gun fires]
[door explodes]
[shaft explodes]
- There's no way out, Troy,
and the lava's spreading.
[volcano rumbling]
What are we gonna do?
- There's only one hope, Marina.
[dramatic orchestral music]
- [Turata] What do we do now?
The hatch is closed.
We cannot get in.
- [Fragil] The Terrainians have
played a little trick on us.
Now, it is our turn.
We will get them up here to open
the hatch and then
dispose of them.
[fire crackling]
[volcano rumbling]
- We can't last much longer,
The whole place is
gonna collapse.
[shaft explodes]
- Be ready.
We must act swiftly if we
are to escape.
- The Terrainians will
give no trouble.
They are unarmed, remember,
and they are experienced enough
to manage without breathing
gear until we reach the hatch.
[lift whirring]
[volcano rumbling]
[fire crackling]
- Phones, the
elevator's coming down.
[lift whirring]
They must be returning.
- I do not see them.
Ah, they must have collapsed.
[rock thuds]
[Fragil groans]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[rock thuds]
- We're not finished yet,
but I guess you two are.
Get 'em into the elevator,
[volcano rumbling]
[fire crackling]
[shaft explodes]
- What are you going
to do with us?
- We're taking you back
to Marineville,
if we make it, and that's
more than you deserve.
- What are our chances, Troy?
- Well, it all depends
whether this elevator
moves faster than the lava,
and if the volcano
doesn't suddenly blow.
[volcano rumbling]
[earth rumbling]
[dramatic orchestral music]
Okay, Phones, hold your breath.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[volcano exploding]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]
[explosions booming]
It'll be touch and go.
The volcano's just about
ready to blow!
[Stingray whirring]
- Nearly there, Troy.
- When we hit the ocean,
dive to the sea bed.
We want to be out of
the line of fire
when the volcano blows.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]
[Stingray whirring]
[volcano exploding]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
- Tower to Stingray,
are you okay?
[Stingray whirring]
Come in, Stingray.
Troy, speak to me.
- Hang on, Phones.
We've gotta ride out
this tidal wave.
[Stingray whirring]
[Stingray crashes]
[Stingray whirring]
- Stingray from Tower,
are you okay?
[Stingray whining]
Answer me, Troy.
Come in, Stingray.
This is Atlanta.
Are you okay?
- [Troy] Tower from Stingray,
we're okay, Atlanta.
- Oh, Troy, you're safe.
You're safe.
- Yeah, we're safe,
and we've got
a couple of passengers, too.
Tell the Commander to
have the cooler ready.
These are real unpleasant guys.
Oh, and tell Luigi to have
the champagne standing by.
I guess we've earned it.
[mellow jazz music]
Well, folks, this is
where we came in.
[all laughing]
[smooth orchestral music]
♪ Marina ♪
♪ Aqua Marina ♪
♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪
♪ That start whenever
you're near ♪
♪ Marina ♪
♪ Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪
♪ That my heart is
longing to hear ♪
♪ You're magic to me ♪
♪ A beautiful mystery ♪
♪ I'm certain to fall, I know ♪
♪ Because you enthrall me so ♪
♪ Marina ♪
♪ Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why don't you say
that you'll ♪
♪ Always stay close
to my heart ♪
Do you want subtitles for any video?
-=[ ]=-
- Stand by for action.
[explosion booms]
[dramatic orchestral music]
We are about to launch Stingray.
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
Support us and become VIP member
to remove all ads from
[lively drum music]
- Marineville, I am
calling battle stations.
Anything can happen in the
next half hour.
[tower explodes]
[planes roar]
[tower explodes]
♪ Stingray, Stingray ♪
♪ Stingray, Stingray, Stingray ♪
[volcano rumbling]
[volcano explodes]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[probe beeping]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[radar beeps]
- [Officer] Marineville
Tracking Station calling,
remote control
undersea survey probe
in position south-southwest,
2,000, reference four.
- Probe signal varying
at 55 and eight,
zero sonic megabars per minute.
- Hm, sub load, rough gold,
strata E G.
Yes, we'll be through
with this section soon.
- Yes, Commander, this sure is
a swell way to survey
the ocean floor.
- I know it, Lieutenant,
kind of like
the satellites that go
up to explore space.
- Yeah, no manpower actually
endangered, small team required
to note the probe's findings,
that's all.
- Yes, I know another
guy who likes the idea.
He doesn't have to do any work.
He can go out and enjoy himself.
[mellow jazz music]
- You know, this probe
has me worried, Phones.
- [Phones] In what way, Troy?
- Well, some bright guy
could get the idea
that all undersea
vessels should be
packed with unmanned
- Then you'd be out of a job.
- Yeah, that's what I mean.
- Gee, Troy, you don't think
it'll come to that, do you?
- Relax, Phones.
I was only kidding.
- All the same, just think.
Here we are, nice and
snug, while Seaprobe is
in that cold, old sea
doing all the work for us.
[probe beeping]
- [Sam] What's happening,
The signal's fading.
- The probe seems to have gone
beneath the ocean bed, sir.
- What do you mean,
beneath the ocean bed?
There are no fissures
or cracks in that area.
There's a submerged
extinct volcano there,
and the crater appears
to be enormous.
- Yeah, a magnum, the
biggest bottle
of champagne they've got.
[mellow jazz music]
I ordered it when we came in.
- Oh, gee, Troy, you sure
are living it up tonight.
- And why not?
We deserve it just this once,
I guess.
We don't often get the chance.
Ah, the cork's being pulled now.
Wait for it.
- The popping of the cork
always makes me jump.
[lively jazz music]
[communicator buzzes]
- Aw, heck, that's the tower.
Hold the champagne.
What's wrong, Commander?
- Plenty, the sea probe
that has been
mapping the sea bed
has disappeared.
I want you to report to
the tower immediately
so that I can fill you
in with all the details,
and I want Stingray to carry
out a full investigation.
[intense drum music]
- Stingray, you are clear to go.
[water splashing]
[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]
- Tower from Stingray, seaborne.
- Okay, Troy,
proceed to position
south-southwest, 2,000,
reference four.
Follow probe's course
and see what happens.
You'd better wear the
high-frequency tracking pack
in case you're pulled down to
the volcano like the probe.
- Yes, sir, that'll keep
us in signal contact
up to a depth of four
miles from the ocean bed.
- Four miles?
No extinct volcano can
be that deep.
- We've come up against
stranger things
than that beneath the sea.
- Acceleration rate six.
- Rate six.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]
- Stingray in area
reference four, sir.
- Okay, Atlanta, keep
a close track.
If anything is gonna happen,
be within the next few seconds.
[Stingray whirring]
- Crater dead ahead.
- This is where the
trouble started.
Stand by, Phones.
[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[peaceful orchestral music]
- Hey, we're going down.
We're being pulled down.
- Blow three and seven.
We've gotta keep her on
an even keel.
[pumps hissing]
[Stingray whirring]
Marineville from Stingray, we're
being pulled into the volcano.
- [Sam] Stingray from tower, I
didn't get your last message.
Please repeat last message.
- Start high-frequency
tracking pack, Phones.
Normal radio contact fading.
[pack beeping]
- The tracking pack's operating.
- Yeah, they're going
beneath the ocean bed.
It's happening again, Atlanta.
The Scifa signal is
our only contact
with Stingray from now on.
[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]
- 1,000 feet beneath
the ocean bed.
- Operate sounding echo.
I wanna know how deep
this crater is.
[Stingray whirring]
[sonar beeps]
- Sounding echo away, Troy.
[sonar beeps]
- Jumpin' catfish, I thought
we'd never get that echo.
- Two and a half miles, Troy.
That's the crater's depth.
- Now, we want to
find out what's
waiting for us at the bottom.
[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[instruments beeping]
- Tracking signal half strength.
- That's two miles
beneath the sea bed.
Thank heavens we know Stingray
can stand that water pressure.
[Stingray whirring]
- Less than 2,000 feet
to bottom, Troy.
- Nearly two and a half miles,
and they're still
increasing depth rate.
- Why doesn't Troy slow her up?
Blow tanks, Troy, now.
- Blow all tanks, now!
[tanks hissing]
- We're going faster.
- How much further?
- 200 feet.
- This is it.
We're slowing down.
- 20 feet to go.
[mysterious orchestral music]
- What is this place?
- I can't say, Troy.
It's difficult to see.
[dramatic orchestral music]
- Phones, look.
There's some kind of
door over there.
- [Turata] Attention,
Listen carefully.
You will swim out of your
craft towards the door.
It is an airlock.
- Where's that voice
coming from?
- It's all around us, Troy.
- [Turata] Approach the airlock.
- What do we do?
- My first thought is to
hightail it out of here.
- [Turata] Obey me, or it
will be disastrous for you.
- What does he mean?
- That, I guess.
[ominous orchestral music]
Like the man says, let's
make for that airlock.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[dramatic orchestral music]
[instruments beeping]
- The tracking signal's
been constant
for 15 minutes, Father.
- Yeah, registering depth of two
and one half miles
beneath the ocean.
- Well, what could
have happened?
Why doesn't the signal change?
[dramatic orchestral music]
[door whirs]
- [Turata] Enter the airlock,
[door whirs]
- Where do we go from here?
- Yeah, there's no other door.
- [Turata] Now,
operate the control.
- The man said,
"Operate the control."
This must be it.
[lift whirring]
- We're going down.
- Yeah, and what a pace.
[instruments beeping]
- Well, we can be pretty sure
they're still okay, Atlanta.
- Yes, Father, but they're
going deeper, and so swiftly.
It's almost as if
they're heading
for the center of the earth.
[lift whirring]
- How deep are we, Phones?
- I don't know.
We must be about four miles
beneath the ocean bed, Troy.
- Then we're on our own.
Marineville will have
lost all track of us.
[instruments beeps]
- It's gone, Father.
We've lost contact.
- Yeah, honey, they're beyond
the transmitter's range,
over four miles
beneath the sea bed.
[lift whirring]
- We're slowing up.
[dramatic orchestral music]
- Welcome to Voldana,
You have arrived just in time.
- Who are you?
What is this place?
- My name is Turata.
This is Fragil.
We are the sole survivors
of Centralius,
the mighty civilization
that has lived
under the earth for
thousands of years.
- Alas, this room is the only
part of our dynamic city left,
for a great disaster has struck.
- You mean every one
of your people is dead?
- Yes, Terranian, they perished
when the volcano became active.
I will explain.
As you see, our city was built
within the shaft of the
dormant volcano.
We were luckily in this room
when the eruption began.
- All the rest destroyed
by the lava, huh?
- [Fragil] Yes, we
managed to secure
and seal the protecting door.
- What happened then?
- The activity subsided,
and we were safe.
- Until now.
If you listen carefully,
you can hear the fury
of the volcano just
beyond these very walls.
[volcano rumbling]
- Soon, the volcano
will erupt again.
Then our last refuge
will be destroyed.
- That is why we used our
electronic suction apparatus
to draw in the first craft.
- I don't understand.
- Like you, we cannot
breathe in water.
We needed a craft to
reach the terrain.
- But, alas, the craft we
chose was full of instruments.
There was no room for us.
- So you drew Stingray down, eh?
- But why all the threats
with the missiles?
That wasn't very friendly.
- We were desperate.
We had to make certain you
would come down to rescue us.
- You only needed to ask.
[volcano roars]
Sounds like the volcano's
ready to blow.
We'd better get out of here.
- Yes, but how do we get to
your ship from the airlock?
- Stingray's hatch is open.
We can swim straight in, but
there's only one problem.
- Yeah, I thought of that, too.
We've only got two sets of
breathing gear.
- In that case, there
is no problem.
We will take the
breathing apparatus.
- You dirty rats.
- [Fragil] The guns, throw
them over here.
- But the volcano--
- Delay one more second
and you die now.
- He means it, Phones.
Maybe there's some other
way out of this mess.
Do as he says.
[guns clattering]
- Come, Fragil, we
must be leaving.
[volcano rumbling]
We would not want to
prolong your suffering.
We are humane people.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[gun fires]
[door explodes]
[shaft explodes]
- There's no way out, Troy,
and the lava's spreading.
[volcano rumbling]
What are we gonna do?
- There's only one hope, Marina.
[dramatic orchestral music]
- [Turata] What do we do now?
The hatch is closed.
We cannot get in.
- [Fragil] The Terrainians have
played a little trick on us.
Now, it is our turn.
We will get them up here to open
the hatch and then
dispose of them.
[fire crackling]
[volcano rumbling]
- We can't last much longer,
The whole place is
gonna collapse.
[shaft explodes]
- Be ready.
We must act swiftly if we
are to escape.
- The Terrainians will
give no trouble.
They are unarmed, remember,
and they are experienced enough
to manage without breathing
gear until we reach the hatch.
[lift whirring]
[volcano rumbling]
[fire crackling]
- Phones, the
elevator's coming down.
[lift whirring]
They must be returning.
- I do not see them.
Ah, they must have collapsed.
[rock thuds]
[Fragil groans]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[rock thuds]
- We're not finished yet,
but I guess you two are.
Get 'em into the elevator,
[volcano rumbling]
[fire crackling]
[shaft explodes]
- What are you going
to do with us?
- We're taking you back
to Marineville,
if we make it, and that's
more than you deserve.
- What are our chances, Troy?
- Well, it all depends
whether this elevator
moves faster than the lava,
and if the volcano
doesn't suddenly blow.
[volcano rumbling]
[earth rumbling]
[dramatic orchestral music]
Okay, Phones, hold your breath.
[dramatic orchestral music]
[volcano exploding]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]
[explosions booming]
It'll be touch and go.
The volcano's just about
ready to blow!
[Stingray whirring]
- Nearly there, Troy.
- When we hit the ocean,
dive to the sea bed.
We want to be out of
the line of fire
when the volcano blows.
[suspenseful orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]
[Stingray whirring]
[volcano exploding]
[suspenseful orchestral music]
- Tower to Stingray,
are you okay?
[Stingray whirring]
Come in, Stingray.
Troy, speak to me.
- Hang on, Phones.
We've gotta ride out
this tidal wave.
[Stingray whirring]
[Stingray crashes]
[Stingray whirring]
- Stingray from Tower,
are you okay?
[Stingray whining]
Answer me, Troy.
Come in, Stingray.
This is Atlanta.
Are you okay?
- [Troy] Tower from Stingray,
we're okay, Atlanta.
- Oh, Troy, you're safe.
You're safe.
- Yeah, we're safe,
and we've got
a couple of passengers, too.
Tell the Commander to
have the cooler ready.
These are real unpleasant guys.
Oh, and tell Luigi to have
the champagne standing by.
I guess we've earned it.
[mellow jazz music]
Well, folks, this is
where we came in.
[all laughing]
[smooth orchestral music]
♪ Marina ♪
♪ Aqua Marina ♪
♪ What are these strange
enchantments ♪
♪ That start whenever
you're near ♪
♪ Marina ♪
♪ Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why can't you
whisper the words ♪
♪ That my heart is
longing to hear ♪
♪ You're magic to me ♪
♪ A beautiful mystery ♪
♪ I'm certain to fall, I know ♪
♪ Because you enthrall me so ♪
♪ Marina ♪
♪ Aqua Marina ♪
♪ Why don't you say
that you'll ♪
♪ Always stay close
to my heart ♪
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