Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 15 - Rescue from the Skies - full transcript

As part of his training to become an aquanaut, Lieutenant Fisher is given temporary command of Stingray and assigned target practice.

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We are about to launch Stingray.

? Stingray, Stingray ?

[fast-paced, intense music]

- Marineville, I am
calling battle stations.

Anything can happen in the
next half hour.


[fast-paced, intense music]


? Stingray, Stingray ?

? Stingray, Stingray, Stingray ?

Tower, from Stingray.
Tower, from Stingray.

- Stingray from tower,
proceed with routine report.

- All controls functioning.

Speed reading, rate six.

Our present position
south-southeast, 1900 reference 2.

Repeat, south-southeast,
1900 reference 2.

- Your report has been logged,

no further
instructions from tower.

- [Fisher] PWOR.

- I guess I was wrong,

I didn't think Lieutenant
Fisher was ready for command

but he's got Stingray's
routine like a dream.

- Tempest, I allowed you
to watch this mission

because your crew was involved.

But you did agree to keep quiet.

- Sorry, sir.

[jazzy music]

[slow music]

- Lieutenant, I'm
getting a sound there.

it's heading straight
for us and closing fast.

- A sounding?

Commander, this is...

- Captain, I explained
the position.

Remain silent or please leave.

- 1200 yards, 1100 yards,
lieutenant look!

[dramatic music]

- Mechanical fish,

prepare number one
and two stings.

- [Phones] Standing
by lieutenant.

- This will be the lieutenant's
first taste of action, Troy.

- Fire number one sting.

- There's a foul in the
circuit, it didn't fire.

- Stand by, number two.

- Will be too late.


- Hold on, I'm taking
invasive action .

[collision sounds]

- They've been hit.

- I'll take over, Atlanta.

- They must have got the
atomic reactor.

[puttering noises]

- Radioactivity levels rising,

get your suits on, both of you.

[dramatic music]

I can't hold it,
we're gonna crash.

[dramatic music]

- Fisher, listen to me.


We'll be losing radio
contact soon.

Stingray from tower.

- Tower from Stingray.

The reactor's gone, all
our equipment has failed.

Radioactivity level rising.

Phones, Marina, and
myself are unhurt.

- No go, lieutenant.

- I expect you heard that, sir.

We can't get out of
this without assistance.

- Fisher, I wouldn't be
able to get a rescue team

to you in time, you understand?

- [Fisher] Yes, sir.

- There's nothing we can do.

- Marina, Phones, I'm
sorry I let you both down.

I guess there's not a
chance left now.

[sad music]

- I was right, Fisher
wasn't ready.

- Shall I complete the log, sir?

- Put Stingray destroyed,
no survivors.

[sad music]

- Has the smoke been cleared
from the simulator, sergeant?

- All clear, sir.

- Okay, open it up.

[dramatic music]

[projector noises]

- [Commander] Okay you guys,
lets get this place cleared up.

- Looks as though I'll
never make an aquanaut, sir.

I failed that test completely.

- You didn't fail, lieutenant,
you passed.

- Passed, but we were destroyed.

The sting missile.

- The test went
exactly as planned.

Everything went against you,
you were doomed from the start.

But you didn't panic, you
gave clear, concise orders

right to what could've
been the end.

You passed, lieutenant,
with flying colors.

- Thank you, sir.

- Now, let's get to the
conference room.

[upbeat music]

- That's settled then,
lieutenant Fisher will

take the real Stingray
out to sea as captain

as the last step in his
training program.

Any questions?

- No, sir.
- We got it, commander.

- That'll be all, gentlemen.

Oh, could you spare a
minute Troy?

- Sure, sir.

- Nothing important but
I just wanted

a quiet word with you
on your own.

- Well, if it's about me
making a nuisance of myself

during the exercise sir,
I can explain.

The panic trick wasn't pulled
on me during my training

program so l didn't
know it was coming so...


- It's not that, Troy,
so shut up and sit down.

Just that it's a tough
course and well,

if you'd kind of adopt the
lieutenant, I'd appreciate it.

- Well I was gonna do
that anyway.

- There's another thing I
mustn't forget,

if Stingray's going out
to sea with an

inexperienced captain,
I better make sure the

security arrangements
are tightened up.

- What you got there, Joe?

- Oh it's the new Mark V-l
computer for the control tower.

- Another one?

They starting a
collection or something?

Okay, take it through.

[dramatic music]

- A new Mark V-I computer,

what game are those
supply guys playing?

They delivered one last week.

Get on a transport will you
Atlanta and ask them to move it.

- Yes, sir.

- Sorry about that, Troy.

You can see the kind of
problems you get in this job.

Now where were we?

- [Troy] You said the
lieutenants exercise

would be tomorrow morning.

- [Commander] Oh, yeah yeah.

[dramatic music]

I remember, we're gonna direct
him to the underwater missile

range and let him shoot
up some dummy targets.

- [Troy] Time to let him even
up the score, eh commander?

- You could say that.

Now I'll give you the full
briefing, Troy.

See if you think it's fair.

- Excuse me, sir.
- Yes, Atlanta?

- I've been on to transport,

they say they're clean
out of vehicles

and can't move the case
til tomorrow.

- You tell those jokers
that Commander Shore

said he wants it out of
here by tonight!

And that means tonight!

[dramatic music]

[relaxed music]

- Say, you seen
anything of Marina?

- No, why?

- Well, she invited me
around tonight

but I can't get any answer.

- Oh, isn't her door open?

- [Fisher] Well, yeah, it is.

- [Man] Well then, why not
go in and wait?

- Surprise, surprise!

- We thought you were gonna
ring that bell all night.

- Hey, what is this?

- Have a drink
- And something to eat.

It was Marina's idea.

She thought a get
together tonight

would calm your nerves
for tomorrow.

- Thanks Marina

I sure appreciate it.

But I'm not nervous.

With the crew I've got,
nothing could go wrong.

[Dramatic music]

- [Commander] Stingray will
leave Marineville at 0700 hours

and proceed to the
training ground

at west-northwest
1300 reference 8.

- [Troy] Sounds great,

- Like the Trojan horse,
my packing case

has penetrated the
enemies defense.

At last I shall be successful
and destroy Stingray.

[dramatic music]

- Sound launch stations.

- Yes, sir.

[fast paced music]

- Okay lieutenant, here
are your orders.

Proceed to the W.A.S.P
missile range

at west-northwest
1300 reference 8.

You will destroy the three
targets and return to base.

- Tower from Stingray, PWOR.


[dramatic music]

- When lieutenant Fisher
destroys this target,

he'll destroy Stingray as well.

These explosives will
see to that.


[light music]

- What's keeping them, they
should be there by now.

- Oh relax, Troy.

It's only an exercise.

[light music]

- We're approaching the
missile range, lieutenant.

- Thanks Phones.

I'll call control in a
couple of minutes.

[light music]

Right, this is it.

Tower from Stingray, we
are standing by

and await further instruction.

- Stingray from tower.

Message received and understood.

You can expect your three
targets any time from now.

Good luck.

- [Fisher] PWOR.

- Number one away.


- Got it, red 4-0.

- Red 4-0 it is.

- [Phones] Range 400 yards.

- Prepare number one sting.



- Direct hit!

- Good shooting, lieutenant.

- [Fisher] You ain't
seen nothing yet.

Keep them coming!

- He sounds pleased
with himself.

I'll increase number
two's speed,

that should give him
something to think about.


- And now for number three.


[dramatic music]

- Captain Tempest here,

- [Fisher] Go ahead , sir.

- Number three is usually
the fastest of the lot.

You stand a better chance
if you go in close.

- Thanks for the tip, Troy.

I'll go as near as I can.

[dramatic music]

- Just a few seconds more and
Stingray will be gone forever.

[dramatic music]

- Two degrees left left.

Two degrees left left.
Steady as she goes.

[dramatic music]

- Raise 250 yards.

- Prepare number three sting.

- Number three standing by.

Range now 200 yards.

Lieutenant, 150 yards.

- Fire!


[dramatic music]

Something is going on.
I can't reach them.

The explosion was out the proportion
to a Sting missile charge.

Keep trying, Atlanta.

And now to
finish them of.

And that is
emergency landing.

It's a failure
in power circuit.

We can't surface or even
open the hatches

without help form outside.

- [Atlanta] Stingray from tower.

- At least we can get
though to Marineville.

[dramatic music]

- Yeah, I get the picture.

By the way, what was your range
for the number three sting?

- [Fisher] 150 yards.

- Should've been okay.

- We'll find out what
went wrong later, Troy.

Right now let's concentrate
on getting them out.

[dramatic music]

- Hey, listen.

I think there's
somebody out there.

[dramatic music]

[ticking noises]

I can hear a mechanism
operating against the hull.

From the sound of it, somebody's
just given us a present.

A sticker bomb.

- A sticker bomb on the hull?

They could be blown sky
high anytime

it all depends on what delays
been put on the mechanism.

- Looks like the whole
things been rigged.

Guess our security wasn't as
tight as it should've been.

Get me the air sea rescue,

- Yes, sir.

- Air?

You mean rescue
from the sky, sir?

- You said it yourself, Troy.

They could go up anytime.

We haven't got a craft that
could make the sort of speed

that would even give
them a fighting chance.

An arrowhead jet
dropping a first class

swimmer is our only hope.

- Nice thinking, commander.

- Air sea rescue on the
line for you now, sir.

[dramatic music]

- If we got the surface,

we could maybe break open
a hatch or something.

- With this power failure,
the only way to

empty the ballast tanks
is by hand pump

and that'd take forever.

- I can't see them getting
help to us now.

Roll your sleeves up, we
gotta work fast.

- You heard what they said,

The arrowhead is a
one-seater aircraft.

It's built for speed.

- Yes, but...
- I feel the same way, Troy.

But we can't do a thing.

They haven't got a pilot who's
an expert swimmer as well.

No other plane can get
there in time.

- If you just let me say
something, commander.

Don't forget I am an
expert swimmer.

- But an arrowhead jet, Troy!

You couldn't fly that!

- Look, I did flying
in my training program.

I may not be an expert,
but give me a chance.

And those in Stingray.

- Prepare for immediate takeoff.

[jet sounds]

- That was the worst
takeoff I have ever seen.

But he made it.

- This is ridiculous.

- You can say that again.

[jet sounds]

[dramatic music]

- If Troy's gonna have
any chance at all,

he should be bailing out now.

[jet sounds]


[light music]

- We used the hand pump, sir.

And we're already off
the sea bed.

It gives us a chance
of being seen.

- Devils, that bomb could
explode at any time.

Just don't know and the
terrible thing

is I may have sent Troy
to his death.

[dramatic music]

- Marina, did you
hear something?


That must be Troy.

- He saved us, Phones.

Let's hope he can save himself.

[dramatic music]



- He did it!

- Marineville, here we come!

[jazzy music]

- Okay, okay, let's have
a bit of quiet please.

I think it's time we
drank a toast.

- Here here!

- To lieutenant Fisher,

the World Aquanauts Security
Patrol's newest aquanaut.

- Lieutenant Fisher!

- Thanks, thanks a lot
for everything.

Especially the guy who saved
the W.A.S.Ps newest aquanaut.

Good old Troy.


[upbeat music]

[enchanting music]
Subtitles: Kilo

? Marina ?

? Aqua Marina ?

? What are these strange
enchantments ?

? That start whenever
you're near ?

? Marina ?

? Aqua Marina ?

? Why can't you
whisper the words ?

? That my heart is
longing to hear ?

? You're magic to me ?

? A beautiful mystery ?

? I'm certain to fall I know ?

? Because you enthrall me so ?

? Marina, Aqua Marina ?

? what don't you say ?

? that you'll always stay ?

? close to my heart ?

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