Stingray (1964–1965): Season 1, Episode 13 - Tune of Danger - full transcript

Learning that a jazz group is to give a concert in the undersea city of Aphony, where Marina's father lives, Surface Agent X20 plants a bomb in the group's bass.

- [Announcer] Stand
by for action.


- We are about to
launch Stingray.

? Stingray, Stingray ?

Marineville, I am calling
battle stations.

Anything can happen in the
next half hour.


? Stingray, Stingray ?

? Stingray, Stingray ?

? Stingray ?

[dramatic orchestral music]

[birds chirping]

[upbeat jazz music]

[audience applauding]

- That was just great,
Lieutenant Gray.

- Real swinging music.

- Yeah, our part of the WASP may

not be so vital as yours, Troy,

but we try to keep up the
morale of the servicemen.

- That's an important thing,

The guys at the
foreign bases all

over the world must
sure welcome the group.

- Yeah, and look.

They're gonna play
another number.

[upbeat jazz music]

- I've invited the boys back
to my house after the concert.

- Great, Atlanta.

That concert was the end, boys.

Everybody was just
crazy about it.

- Aw, shucks, Troy.

You're only sayin' that
because it's true.

- Don't mind him, Troy.

Like Big Stygo is the
clown of the group.

- What did you think of it,

You liked it, huh?

[mellow jazz music]

- Marina's from one of
the underwater cities.

This kind of music
is new to her.

- Underwater cities, huh?

That's one territory
we've never played.

- Marina's father still
lives under the ocean.

- Yeah, he's kinda intellectual.

Guess your sorta music
wouldn't go down with him.

- I take it she's disagreeing
with you, Commander.

And she's right.

- Yeah, jazz is for all types.

Intellectuals swing with
the next at our concerts.

- Say, how about going down
there and givin' 'em a concert?

- Count me in on that.

- Say, why not?

It'd be a great
publicity gimmick.

- Yeah, that's a great idea,

- Yeah, and Aphony would
welcome you all.

I know he would.

- [Atlanta] Well, why don't
we make a party of it?

- Sure, there's room
onboard our band ship

for at least half a dozen
more passengers.

- Well, I don't know about that.

- Ah, come on, Father.

We'd only be gone a
couple of days.

- Well, I guess we
could arrange it.

- I'll have to take
a rain check.

I've gotta go to HQ tomorrow

to discuss the
aquanaut convention.

- [Sam] Yeah, you got a
flight booked at 0900 hours.

- And I'm flyin' to New
York at 5:00 a.m.

I've gotta arrange a
booking for the group.

- Well, I guess that just leaves

Phones, Marina, and myself then.

Have you got to
go tomorrow, Troy?

- Yeah, afraid so, but you
have a good time, honey.

- Well, I'm gonna say goodnight
to you charming people.

I wanna grab some sleep.

I have to be up at dawn.

- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

[door closes]

Ah, he's a nice guy,
your manager

- Yeah, he sure is.

Say, why don't we wake
up a new arrangement

for Marina's father?

- Yeah, that's a great idea.

- [Atlanta] Well, why
don't you start now?

You can use my piano.

- Okay, like let's get started.

We'll call it Louis Pacifica.

[upbeat piano music]

Guess it should have
a water theme.

[upbeat piano music]

Yeah, waves.

[upbeat piano music]

The ocean, water.

[gloomy piano music]

[dramatic jazz music]

- This is one concert that's
really gonna go with a bang.

[gloomy piano music]

- You guys sure have a ball

- Well, how do ya figure
the numba's shapin' up?

- Sounds great to me.

- What do you think, boys?

- Well, it's great.

We can rehearse it some on
our way to Pacifica tomorrow.

- I guess there's no point
in asking you, Stygo.

You can improvise on anything.

- Yeah, don't worry.

I'll be okay on the night.

- You know, Troy, to
get Stygo to rehearse,

we'd have to put a
bomb behind him.

[ominous orchestral music]
[crickets chirping]

- Titanica Agent
F-7-2-1 to X-2-0.

Come in, X-2-0.

F-7-2-1 calling X-2-0,
do you read me?

- Go ahead, F-7-2-1.

What have you to report?

- As was expected, an
opportunity has

presented itself to strike
a blow against the WASP.

- Quite so, I said it would

if you played a concert
at Marineville.

- Unfortunately, Troy
Tempest has a meeting at HQ.

He will escape the fate
of the others.

- That cannot be helped.

Tempest's turn will come later.

- Good night, Troy.

Have a good trip tomorrow.

- Yeah, you too.

[engine rumbling]

I'd better radio the airport
and confirm my flight tomorrow.

[radio buzzing]

What's wrong with this radio?

Say, someone's transmitting
close to my frequency.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Seems to be coming from
the guest quarters.

- What is the plan?

- I have fixed the radio
in the band ship

so that it operates for
only two hours.

And I have placed a
bomb in the double bass.

When the group starts to
play at Pacifica,

It will explode on the
touch of a certain string.

- And you say Atlanta, Phones,
and Marina will be there?

- Yep, they'll all die, along
with Aphony and the others.

- [X-2-0] It's a good plan.

You've done well, F-7-2-1.

- Thank you, X-2-0.

Closing down.

- So you're an agent.
[dramatic orchestral music]

You just forgot to mention

that you're one of
Titan's agents.

- So, what do you intend
to do about it?

- [Troy] What do you think?

Put you under arrest
for treason.

- I don't think so, Tempest.

[gas whooshing]

[suspenseful orchestral music]


[dramatic orchestral music]

[engine rumbling]

Here's my pass.

- But this is Captain
Tempest's car.

- Yeah, I know.

He let me borrow it.

You can check with him if you
wanna wake him up at his home.

- What's on the other seat?

- Well, I've just
kidnapped someone.

And I'm smuggling them out.

Don't tell anybody,
But I'm an enemy agent.

- [chuckles] Okay, sir,

[engine rumbling]

- It always pays to be honest,

Always tell the truth.

[engine rumbling]

[birds chirping]

[engine rumbling]

Oh, pity you can't
enjoy the trip,

Troy Tempest, beautiful scenery.

But you'll be out for a
couple hours.

Oh, here we are, the hideout.

[birds chirping]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- But it's not like Troy to
go off without saying goodbye.

- Yeah, from what Phones
tells me, Troy's car is gone.

- Yeah, and what's more,
he didn't even go back

to the apartment
after the party.

- But why?

Where could he have gone?

- Well, I can only guess
he decided to drive to HQ,

but I gotta admit, it
seems kinda strange.

- Yeah, but don't
start worrying.

Troy has a good reason for
most of the things he does.

- Well, maybe you're right.

Atlanta, we'd better get goin'.

The band ship is watin' for us.

- But I don't like leaving
without knowing

what's happened to him.

- There's sure to be a
simple explanation.

You get on down to
that band ship.

Enjoy yourselves.

Give my regards to your father,

[Troy groaning]

- Oh, I feel muzzy.

[mysterious orchestral music]

Say, what happened?

What is this place?
- Relax, Tempest.

You're tied up good.

You won't get away, and you're

a hundred miles from

- Now I remember.

You were transmitting a message.

You put a bomb in the
double bass.

- Correct.

As soon as big Stygo
starts the session

in Pacifica, boom.

- How did ya get me out
of Marineville?

- I just told them I'd
kidnapped Troy Tempest

and they let me
straight through.

[chuckles] Must a been
glad to get rid of you.

- And now what?

- Now, I'm gonna see
that you don't

live to tell the story.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- This is Commander
Shore speaking.

l want the security
checkpoint guard

in the tower in two minutes.

And tell Lieutenant Fisher
to get back here, too.

- Yes, sir.

- [Phones] Phones here,

Downbeat leavin'
Marineville now, sir.

- Okay, cleared to go.

[Downbeat whirring]
[water splashing]

- She's all yours, Stygo.

Watch out for the ocean door.

- Okay, Phones, hold
onto your hat.

I steer this tub worse
than I play my fiddle.

That's real bad.

- Good thing I know you boys
are all trained aquanauts

Or I'd be swimmin' to Pacifica.

Power from Downbeat,
approachin' ocean door.

- Okay, Phones, ocean door
opened, and bon voyage.

- You wanted me, sir?

- Where did Captain Tempest say

he was going when he
left Marineville?

- Captain Tempest, sir,
well, he never left, sir.

His car did with Lieutenant Gray

at the wheel, you know,
the band manager,

but the captain wasn't with him.

- He wasn't, huh?

And what was Gray
doing in his car?

- Well, he said he borrowed
it from Captain Tempest, sir.

- Now what would Lieutenant Gray

want with Captain Tempest's car?

- I realize, Tempest,
that Marineville

are gonna wonder where you are.

- [Troy] You can bet on it,

and you'll have to have a good
alibi to explain away my car.

- I don't think so.

Sure, when I drive back
to Marineville,

they'll question me, but
you lent me your car.

And without you, no one
can prove otherwise.

And Tempest, we will
be without you.

- And what masterful little
scheme have you got cooked up?

- This shack is in a forest,
and forests sometimes

catch fire, and this one
is gonna do just that.

- I see, no evidence, very neat.

But don't stop worrying about
me until you know I'm dead.

- I don't scare easy, Tempest.

So long, Cap'n, it's been
nice knowin' ya. [laughs]

[door slams]
[Lawrence cackles]

- I want Lawrence Gray found
and brought here, Lieutenant.

He was not on the dawn
New York flight.

- Right, sir, I've got an
all-points alert

out for Troy's car.

[birds chirping]

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[fire crackling]

[engine rumbling]

- It won't be long now.

Now for a nice, slow
drive back to Marineville.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

- [Atlanta] Have ya
found Troy yet, Father?

- Not yet, Atlanta, we're
still looking.

Don't worry, honey.
He'll be okay.

Enjoy the trip to Pacifica.

- [Atlanta]I'll try,
Father, but I'm worried.

[dramatic orchestral music]
[Downbeat whirring]

- Okay, like one more time.

[upbeat jazz music]

- I'll take over if you
want to join 'em, Stygo.

- Not me, Phones,
rehearsals bore me.

[dramatic jazz music]

[fire crackling]

[Downbeat whirring]

[fire crackling]

[Troy coughing]

[bell ringing]

- Fire, sir!

- Tracking station to tower,

forest fire 100 miles east
of Marineville.

Foresters request our help.

- Okay, Lieutenant, give
'em all the help you can,

but keep an emergency team here.

[dramatic jazz music]
[fire crackling]

[Troy coughing]

[Downbeat whirring]

- This is real cool.

[fire crackling]
[Troy coughing]

[Downbeat whirring]

[fire crackling]

[Troy coughing]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Good thing you sent those
fire tenders, Commander.

They saved my life.

Now, what about Gray?

- I've given orders for
him to be brought in.

Now, let's get going.

- Yeah, the Downbeat's got
four hours start on us.

We've gotta reach
them before Stygo

gets hold of that double bass.

Say, why don't we radio
and warn him?

- I've tried.

Their radio's out of commission.

Guess that was all part
of Gray's plan.

- Right, what are
we waitin' for?

Let's go.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[Stingray whirring]

[peaceful orchestral music]

We're traveling three times
the speed of Downbeat,

but that's still not
fast enough.

- We're doing our best, Troy.

[mellow jazz music]

- There's Pacifica.

Now, we flash our
lights three times

and they'll open the arlock.

Right, Marina?

- One, two, three.

[upbeat orchestral music]

[door whirring]

[Stingray whirring]
[dramatic orchestral music]

- They should be at
Pacifica by now,

and we're still an hour away.

- There's still one hope, Troy.

Aphony will probably
entertain 'em

before they start the concert.

[dramatic orchestral music]

- On behalf of your guests,

I would like to thank
you for your hospitality.

- [Phones] Yeah, the meal
was just great.

- So now, how 'bout some music?

Like, after all, that's
why us cats came.

- Yeah, okay, let's get started.

- Yeah, I'm rarin' to go.

That bass is gonna produce
the best sound you ever heard.

[upbeat orchestral music]
[Stingray whirring]

- Three minutes, Commander,
and we'll be there.

Hold on, Stygo, just a
few more minutes.

- [Atlanta] Okay, boys,
play away.

- Right, Stygo, Blues Pacifica.

You come in on the fourth
bar after the intro.

- I'll be there.

You'll hear me, boy.

["Blues Pacifica"]

- [Troy] Don't touch that bass!

[dramatic orchestral music]

Phones, give me a hand to
get that bass outta here.

- Hey, what goes on here?

- What are you doing here,

What's happening?
- Just keep calm.

This is a long story.

[dramatic orchestral music]

[Stingray whirring]

- Okay, Phones, this
is far enough.

[bass whirring]

[silly synth music]

[bass explodes]

[dramatic orchestral music]

- Well, this is the funniest
lookin' bass I have ever seen.

- Maybe so, Stygo, but in a way,

it's a fitting tribute to
Aphony that we should play

his number featurin' one of
his own unusual instruments.

Okay, boys, Blues Pacifica,
from the top.

["Blues Pacifica"]

[enchanting music]
Subtitles: Kilo

? Marina ?

? Aqua Marina ?

? What are these strange
enchantments ?

? That start whenever
you're near ?

? Marina ?

? Aqua Marina ?

? Why can't you
whisper the words ?

? That my heart is
longing to hear ?

? You're magic to me ?

? A beautiful mystery ?

? I'm certain to fall I know ?

? Because you enthrall me so ?

? Marina, Aqua Marina ?

? what don't you say ?

? that you'll always stay ?

? close to my heart ?