Steven Universe (2013–…): Season 5, Episode 27 - Escapism - full transcript

Steven uses his psychic powers to find help.

- ♪ We ♪
- ♪ Are the Crystal ♪

- ♪ Gems ♪
- ♪ we'll always save the day ♪

♪ and if you think we can't ♪

♪ we'll always find a way ♪

- ♪ that's why the people ♪
- ♪ of this world ♪

♪ believe in...
Garnet ♪

- ♪ Amethyst ♪
- ♪ and Pearl ♪

♪ And Steven! ♪

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

- Steven, are you okay?
- Yeah...

Just had a really weird nightmare.

Pink's moving again!

Oh, hey.
Good morning.

It's something with four
legs and a lot of cushions on top.

The pebbles have been
working all night.

What do you think?

- It almost feels like home.
- Almost.

A ball? We haven't had
a ball in 6,000 years.

We haven't had Pink
in 6,000 years.

When White shows up,

we can tell her why we need
her help on Earth.

And this could also mark
the beginning of era three.

You're right.
It's brilliant.

Thank you, Yellow!
Thank you, Blue!

If White is gonna be there,
everything has to be perfect.

Pink, can you manage
this on your own?

Our pearls can help
you get started.

At your service, Pink Diamond.

Make sure you go over
all of our customs with Pink

since she has so much
trouble recalling her past

- here on Homeworld.
- Yes, my diamond.

Era three?

Steven, you're already
changing the world.

Come on, party pearls!

We are at your command,
Pink Diamond.

Just call me Steven.

Whatever you command,
Pink Diamond.

Balloons everywhere.
Confetti cannons, too.

Dibs on being
the confetti cannon.

Cannons are forbidden
inside palace walls.

These balloons you're referring to

are unprecedented and therefore
out of the question.

So, what is precedented
and therefore, in the question?

You are to sit
on your elevated throne

while the members of your court

indicate to you that they are present.

Yikes. That sounds pretty dry.

- Liquids are forbidden in the ballroom.
- All right.

From here, you can
accept or reject

the members of your court
at your leisure.

My diamond will do the same,

as will Blue Diamond.

And if we are so lucky,
all of us will enjoy

the impeccable judgement
of White Diamond.

So, when she gets here,
I'll just hop up there and talk to her?

Oh, stars, no!
I forgot how silly you can be.

- Everyone stays where they belong.
- Oh. So...

I-I'll just wait till I
get a chance to talk to her

- on the dance floor.
- Pink Diamond!

Your subjects will
do the dancing for you.

Why would a diamond want to dance?

- 'Cause dancing's fun.
- What is, "ffffun"?

You know, it's when you do
something you want to do,

just because it feels good.

I don't think we do that here.

Well, is there something
you really like to do?

Oh. Of course not.
My feelings are irrelevant.

- I like to draw.
- W-What?!

- Can I see some of your stuff?
- Um... here.

My diamond allows me to draw
during court proceedings.

They're nothing much.

Let me see that.

You can't share these.
They're highly confidential.

Not bad.

Try a different angle.

That's it.

You like being a model,

and you like being an artist.


Why aren't you getting ready?

I guess I am ready if all I have
to do is sit in a chair.

Are you really going to look like this?

- Even at the ball?
- I can't really help it.

You aren't thinking of inviting
your Earth friends, are you?

Why wouldn't I?


They can't come?

Aren't they my court or whatever?

Pink, quit fooling around!

White Diamond
is going to be there.

We have to present her
with our best possible selves,

just as our gems
have to present us

with their best possible selves.

A ball is a chance
to inspire everyone.

But my friends
are super inspiring.

They'll inspire White,

Together, we can make
a case for Earth.

Very well.

You can bring your pearl,
of course, and your pet.

- Uh, pet?
- I think she means me.

As for this faulty amethyst...

Oh, boy.
Here it comes.

...she'll need limb enhancers
to meet her height requirements.

The sapphire will need to enter

with the other sapphires,
of course,

and the ruby will need
to enter with the guard.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
A-Are you talking about Garnet?

Garnet? Does that call
herself a garnet?

What would you have her do?

Enter with the Demantoids?

The Hessonites?
The Pyropes?

Pink, I'm being very generous,
but you can't expect me to ...

- I won't go.
- Garnet.

At least the sapphire
in there has some sense.

Pink, are you going
to ring in the ball?

- What?
- Oh, I'll take care of it.

I'll take care of everything.
Come, Pearl.

- Garnet...
- I'll find you when it's over.

I thought we'd get
to do this together.


This is your chance
to talk to White.

She's not gonna listen to me,
but she might listen to Pink.

Then she'll listen
when I tell her about you.

Once I talk to White Diamond,

I'll change everything.
I promise.

Pink Diamond!

It's wonderful
to be in your presence.

Uh, thank you.

So radiant and sparkling.

Pink Diamond.

That's me,
your ding dang diamond.

So radiant and exquisite.

Steven, you're doing great.

White Diamond
will be very impressed.

- Well, she better be.
- Yo! My Diamond!

Is it okay if I say hi?

We're starting soon, but
if you're quick about it ...

- Thanks, Pearl.
- Steven.

- Huh?
- Your manners.

Oh. Right.

Amethyst, it is good to see you.

Good to see you, my diamond.

Sorry you have to wear
those limb enhancers.

Not sure how Peridot
put up with these things,

but I'm getting used to it.

Yo, check out this cool
party trick I taught myself.


Amethyst, come on.

I know.
This is a serious party.

Anyway, I'm gonna go mingle
with some, uh, quartzes.

Hi. How's it going?

I really hope
this works out, Connie.

Ruby and Sapphire are here.

When I told Garnet
I still wanted her to come,

I-I hope she didn't think
I meant I wanted her to split.

I'm sure she just wants

to support you
in any way she can.

Everyone, behold.

The daunting beauty and elegance
that is Yellow Diamond!

Not a bad turnout, Pink.

I appreciate
your attendance, Yellow.


Everyone, prepare yourselves

for the overpowering elegance
that is Blue Diamond.

You're doing great.
Thank you, Blue.


To those in attendance
of the era three ball...

...White Diamond...

has more important
things to attend to.

- What?!
- Therefore...

...I will be here
to observe in her place.

- Welcome to era three.
- Ugh!

I made everyone do this,
and it's so...miserable.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Steven...
- Don't you mean Pink Diamond?

Of course I don't.

Come on.
Do you want to dance?

- Yeah, but I'm not supposed to.
- It's your party.

- But White expects me ...
- She's not here.

Everybody's staring.

Since when
does that bother you?

I'm sorry, everyone.

Steven, we're gonna be okay.
I'm here.

Look at me. We'll get
through this together.


Yeah, that's it.

- Pink, what are you doing?
- I was just dancing.

Pink, this is
completely unacceptable.

Unfuse or I'll make you!

- You'll have to go through me.
- And me.


And me.

I knew it. I knew I
couldn't be the only one.


- Opal!
- Aah.


Pink, you've gone too far,
even for you.

- Stay in here and think about what you've done.
- No. Wait!

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.